NAWSA Subject File Dudley, Helena S. Memorial meeting for Helena Dudley Denison House. Nov. 20, 1932. Gray haired woman said we all loved her, & we gather as a family. Now let my love embrace the world of all humanity (boy who grew up in [?] of DH) a make my soul the foam lifting prow of some [?] ship [?] yrs field[?] see of old college settlement ask Geraldine Gordon lived a good part of time in HD - Wellesly girl spent Xmas holiday here - spirit of joy + beauty - old Norse tree of life - + Miss D stood by tree + told how it grew from a pagan tree to a xmas tree - + told what world might be - something of her nobility, simplicity - Gren personal knowledge of facts as they affected people - she suffered in people - a compassionate person - Phila to Boston - Directed sewing room where 300 women were employed in very hard 1893 winter 3 Question lst came to me not How do others live? but Why is there another 1/2? Emily Bolch, classmate in lst class at Bryn Mawr - dis respectfully called "Dudalis" -- and go her room & lie on her bed while she worked, & strength flowed into me - had hardly any near relatives very lonely person. "You dont know what the sky is "You have not seen....Colo mo & stars quite dif - - Johnstown flood - lived in Mrs Ellen Richards & Prof. Richards while at [Filbr] like Florence Kelly had power of wholly impersonal indignation - labour struggle more tense & bitter today- Homestead strike - Pullman strikes-- Debs in prison grt stirring up waters & awakening of social [conscuius] conpunction - Mary Kinney had come in contact 5 Lord famous sermon by Phillips Brooks- woman in whom [social] religion meant social vision & activity - [Pea] Peace - charter member (1915) of Fellowship of Rec & [stoo] stood four square, pioneering for peace - on her last journey went abroad in visit of peace, smitten in Gerseing & died in home of the [lieg?] steadfast concentration of purpose - never wavered, never became a "tired redleaf" but carried on to very end, Giving her life a clear witness for truth abt war & peace. If your 7 flowers on table, & bowl of fruits wh she liked very much - she smiled & repeated the names - - she was beautiful, her brow en noble - sometimes a rose in her hand & she seemed to contemplate it - Italian melodies outside, & she followed the rhythms [to] w her hands - later, withdrew fr world- perfectly serene & sans pain - Nurses & Drs & all were impressed w her character - one nurse sd "that lady is one who has lived very near the Lord." - Mr Shamnon, Syrian attorney fr neighborhood = incarnation of [Rindruss?], real lover of humanity - married her godchild Helena 8 Syraian people around here often call - Miss the Am angel. Lillian Wald in hospital Mary Suskouth[?] Her religion & social work never got separated into compartments Dr Jane Robbins wonderful she cd go every day to trial of Sacco & Vanzetti Mr Hudson, present had worker of Dewson Houses Someone had given us 2 fellowships in honor of HD letters read "a cosmic melancholy" J Addams - HD was a beloved member of pioneer group her sweet & tranquil wisdom" are going to have a light house at all, time for it to shine as in adulation - beauty of holiness & wide spreading & far reaching - had chance to talk to her in her last illness, in Geneva = whole face transfig in joy & surprise I want to pass onto you that look of grt gladness I am sure it was meant also for you Dora Williams - Hospital on a hill far fr city & among trees & a garden & beautiful large room w large windows & balcony - beautiful w Jane Addams - organized here Federal labor org No 5515 - women & unskilled got much neglected by the skilled, & we lost such cases as Lawrence strike - Miss D orgd labor conferences at St Stephens church, wh was a left wing ch employers & workers met together there, in friendly atmosphere - - grew more & more interested in Internat Relations - went to Germany w Anne Worthington school celebration where all the audience began to sob w children so much ache. Devoted member of WTP & Freedom & left it $1000. Also Fellowship of Reconciliation - a genius for feeling - a courageous & undaunted & deeply based effort to improve intolerable condt John Nevin Sayre, Fellowship of Rec - "The spirit of man is the candle of the 2 General social life - door swing open easily & all - found friends & kitchen [?] in cooking classes Cause music & poetry [Ilceireste] Italians & [Dradedict?] - arts & crafts of foreign born Faith [Hudenpaft] Guild wh has meant so much to many women - Ramsay [Noe?] & a most honored guest, CB - brought a new liberation to all who knew her here & her name is blessed here - this led to int in pol prisoners - felt settlement terribly inadequate in grt need of world, but she did what she cd. She will be remembered not especially as an executive as for what she did in coms. but as the compassionate friend. Miss Jane McCready for Fed of Settlements (Ellis Memorial) - let em share the rich experiences of her mind & heart - Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at