NAWSA Subject File Missouri Suffrage Assocs. [*file*] MRS. GEORGE GELLHORN 4366 McPHERSON AVENUE ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI [*make cards*] [*file*] [*Letters sent Oct 18*] Missouri Suffragists Who Would Remember Miss Blackwell and Feel a Grateful Appreciation for All Her Life Has Meant to Women Mrs. A. S. Rauh, Upper Ladue Road, St. Louis County, Mo. Mrs. Ernest W. Stix, 6470 Forsythe Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. *Mrs. John Morrison-Fuller, Senate Apartments, St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. David N. O'Neil, Cos Cob, Greenwich, Conn. *Mrs. [Lowella] Luella St. Clair Moss, Columbia, Mo. Mrs. Emil[io]y Newell Blair, 1516 33rd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. *Mrs. A. Ross Hill, 800 W. 52nd St., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Mary Ames Cushman, 6353 Ellenwood Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Miss Ella Victoria Dobbs, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. *Miss Louise Warren Johnson, 2002 Lovers Lane, St. Joseph, Mo. *I suggest that you ask each of the women whose names I have starred (*) to raise $100.00 (One Hundred Dollars) for the fund. Each of these will think of other persons who could contribute. Mrs. Blair and Mrs. O'Neil no longer live in St. Louis, but if the have not already been reached and asked to subscribe, I feel sure they will want to. We invite you to join The South Side League Our aim is to educate men and women to think and talk along the lines that bear directly or indirectly on the vote of woman. We are particularly interested in the home and industrial conditions; in the problems that affect the welfare of the child, and in an equality in civic and economic conditions. We need the endorsement of every thinking man and woman in Kansas City. We want your moral support and personal help. Meetings are held semi-monthly, and will be announced in due time. Mrs. Mrs. Luella StClair Moss , Columbia , Missouri , was, on the other hand, an ardent worker for the suffrage and the first woman in Missouri to run for U.S. Congress. She would be intensely interested but could not give a larger amount personally. However she is President Emeritus of Christian College here, which has many wealthy students on its roll of Alumnae as well as now attending. Mrs. Moss might be induced to start a collection among these young college women on the plea of what they owe to the efforts of the older women who made the fight for the privileges they now enjoy. An appeal to her well known ability to raise sums of this sort--she is directly responsible for a large endowment fund for Christian College--might bring response. She is not as active as formerly but, not by any means, unable to [?] this over. MEMBERS (con't) SOUTH SIDE EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE. McGerr, Mrs Jos., 33 Est 33rd St. Miller, Miss Eleanore, New England Nat'l. Bank. Olmstead, Mrs E.B. , 2841 Harrison St. O’Neal, Mrs Chester, 1222A Olive St. Osborne, Miss Helen L., 716 W. 10th St. Page, Miss Christine, 2844 Tracy St. Perry, Miss Ella Chace, 2910 Troost Ave. Pope, Mrs H.G., 2135 Kernes Blvd. Prevost , Mrs S.B., 1907 Linwood Blvd. Reed, Mrs Homer, 76th &. Main St. Reichel, Mrs Geo.P., 927 W. 34th St. Rosenberger, Mrs Jules C., 3615 Penn St. Rush, Mrs W.I., 3435 Coleman Road. Smeltzer, Mrs D.E., 108 W. Armour Blvd. Smith,Dr.Avis, 1018 Rialto Bldg. Smith Mrs Martha, 2505 E.10th St. Swofford,Mrs Ralph P., 3414 Coleman Rd. We invite you to join The South Side League Our aim is to educate men and women to think and talk along the lines that bear directly or indirectly on the vote of woman. We are particularly interested in the home and industrial conditions; in the problems that affect the welfare of the child, and in an equality in civic and economic conditions. We need the endorsement of every thinking man and woman in Kansas City. We want your moral support and personal help. Meetings are held semi-monthly, and will be an- nounced in due time. Mrs. MEMBERS OF [*Kansas City*] [*59*] SOUTH SIDE EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE. [*Mo-*] Austin, Mrs. Jas. A., 2700 Forest Ave. Adams, Mrs. Fred C., 3422 Coleman Road. Alexander, Mrs. E.T., 2511 Linwood Blvd. Alexander, Mrs. Susan T., Hawthorn-R.D. E.6- Independence Mo. Barton, Mrs. Dante, 1326 Lake Ave. Bass, Mrs. Henry R., 910 W. 33rd. St. Baxter, Miss Katharine, 1837 Pendleton Ave. Burkhardt, Mrs. E.A., 2543 Broadway. Connelly, Mrs. A.H., 104 Hunter Ave. Craig, Mrs. A.S., 3030 Tracy Ave. Criley, Miss Katharine, Coates House. Criley, Miss Martha, Coates House. Cutter, Mrs. E.T., The Netherlands, 15th. & Broadway Dow, Mrs. Hermann F., 216-18 Studio Bldg. Farnsworth, Mrs. A.G., 3205 Central St. Faxon, Mrs. Henry D., 72nd. & Brooklyn. Faxon, Miss Sarah, 72nd. & Brooklyn. Fritschy, Mrs. W.A., 3531 Wyandotte St. Govier, Mrs. Geo. S., 3304 Karnes Blvd. Graniss, Mrs. Elizabeth, 3414 Coleman Road. Guild, Mrs June Purcell, 313 Scarritt Arcade. Gatebel, Mrs. R.L., 3435 Holmes St. German, Mrs Eve O., 3645 Wyandotte St. Haggard, Mrs. Elizabeth S., The Elsmere. Harvey, Miss Lida E., 4013 Holly St. Hoad, Mrs. Alice P., 1215 Benton Blvd. Hurd, Mrs. O.S., 3130 Olive St. Jones, Mrs. Herbert V., 3627 Walnut St. Julian, Mrs. H.S., 3621 Penn St. Kanoky, Mrs. P.J., Fairland Heights, R.F.D.6. Independence, Mo. Keizer, Mrs. Dell, 3237 Central St. Kellogg, Miss Clara E., 1837 Pendleton Ave. Kitchen, Mrs. John H., 3001 Karnes Blvd. Lichtenwalter, Miss E.g., Studio Bldg. Lyman, Mrs Cora, 2505 E. 10th St. Tenant,Mrs Margaret W., 33 E 53rd St. Timaness.Mrs E., 3118 Kannes Blvd. Troutman,Mrs Nelle F., 9th.& Locust St. Waddell,Mrs J.A.L., 2708 Forest Ave. Wilson,Dr.Dora Green, 3042 Troost Ave. Young,Miss Harriet 3801 Warwick Blvd. [*St. Louis, Missouri.*] [*copied*] Mrs. Lizzie Anderson, 2815 N. 14th. St. Mrs. Mabel Anderson Arnold, 404 Benoist Bldg. Mrs. Robert Atkinson, Buckingham, Hotel. Mrs. Henry Aude, 6056 Washington Ave. Mrs. Robt. McC. Adams, Claiborn Pl, Webster Groves. Mrs. E. V. S. Ames, 5057 Westminster Pl. Mr. Eugene Angert, 918 3rd. Nat. Bank. Bldg. Mr. Chas. W. Arpe, 6709 Michigan Ave. Mrs. Chas. J. Anderson, 321 N. Grand Ave. Mrs. Nathaniel Allison, 4917 Berlin Ave. Miss Sara T. Avery McMillan Hall. Mrs. H. P. Sawyer Achorn, Annisouer Mass. Mr. Louis Alt, City Hall. Mrs. Francis H. B. Ayers, 5881 Plymouth Ave. Mrs. B. L. Alford, 950 Bolt Av. Mrs. Robt. F. Amyx, 1943 N. 11th. St. Mrs. Florence Alleson, 5034 Washington Ave. Miss Isabelle Andrews, 4550 Washington Ave. Miss Zoe Akins, 8 & Olive St. [*add rest*] *[of list*] [*when*] [*Mrs. Mullen returns it*] [*19*] [Miss Beatrice Benson, ] 6211 Delmar Av. Mr. Geo. Blackman, 1232 S. Kingshighway. Mrs. Margaret Borberg, 3974 Delmar Ave. [Mrs. E. Bender, 2738 Accomac St.] Mrs. Walter Birge, 13 Hortense Pl. Miss Grace Bernham, 5956 Plymouth Av. Mrs. Elise J. Blattner, 2914a Arkansas Av. Miss Helen Beattie, 5608a Delmar Av. Miss E. E. Brown, 1454 S. Grand Ave. Mrs. Irvin Betterman, 4204 W. Pine St. Mrs. Geo. H. Braun, 3616 Castleman Ave. Miss Minnie Braun, 3616 Castleman Ave. Miss Mary T. Brennan, 1431 Union Bl. Roger N. Baldwin, Civic League. J. W. Beckmann, 2517a N. 12th. St. E. Burchart, 1522 Locust St. Mrs. Frank Blelock, 5397 Waterman Av. Mr. Rudolph Buerman, Grand & Russell Av. Miss Agnes Berry, 438 N. 6th. St. E. St. Louis. Mrs. Julius R. Bersch, 5903 Washington Av. Mr. Aug. Berning, 4238 DeSota Av. Mrs. A. Brown, 5835 Etzel Av. Mr. Eric Bernays, Crunden Martin Wooden Ware Co. Mrs. T. A. Belle, 5232 Vernon Ave. Mrs. W. G. Boyd, Chesterfield Apt. Miss Isabelle Brow[ntree]nlee, 4917 McPherson Ave. Mrs. Alvin Bauman, 4264 West Pine Blvd. Mrs. William Bagnell, 12 Westmoreland Place. Miss Margaret Barnes, 3754 Westminster Place. Miss Miriam Benoist, 4362 Berlin Ave. Mrs. A. E. Boomhower, 1209a Walton Ave. Mrs. W. J. Barber, 4767 Westminster Place. [*30*] Miss Alice Martin, Beethoven Con. Dr. Elinor Moore, Victoria Bldg. Miss Clara McCluney, 4427 Westminster Pl. Mrs. S. V. Messmer, 2845 Lemp Av. Miss Harriet Morehead, 2925 Milton Av. Mrs. A. S. Morrison, 4540 Lindell Ave. Miss Louisa Meyer, 2524 Semple Ave. Miss Marguerite Martyn, Post-Dispatch. Miss Katherine McDonald, 5259 Maple Ave. Mrs. Louis M. McCall, 4323 Maryland Av. Miss Margaret McKinley, 5896 Delmar Ave. Mrs. W. E. McCourt, 118 Bodley Rd. Kirkwood, Mo. Miss Mary McCulloch, 5889 Cates Ave. Miss Mary McWilliams, Mrs. Elias Michael, 4383 Westminster Pl. J. P. McDonough, 2232 Plover Av. Miss Maggie Meara, 2834 Dickson St. Mrs. Arthur Mooney, 11 Parkland Pl. Mrs. Thos. H. McKittrick, 4949 Berlin Av. Miss Margaret McKittrick, " " " Mrs. Hugh McKittrick, 4943 " " Miss Cornelia Maury, 5815 Pennsylvania Av. Mmde. Marie Pernet McCarty, Berlin Hotel. Miss Gertrude Mathisson, 5310 N. 2nd. St. Miss Mary Mack, 5539 Rage Ave. Mrs. J. A. Mueck, 3608 N. 22nd. St. Mrs. R. C. Miller, 2845 Russell Av. Miss Dorothea Marsh, 4438 McPherson Av. Miss Gertrude Murphey, 3821 Shenandoah Av. Miss Mary Maguire, 3694 W. Pine St. Mrs. J. G. Miller, 32 Portland Pl. Miss May McNichol, 3940 Labadie Av. Miss Mildred McFadden, 2811 Locust St. Mrs. E. B. Meissner, Buckingham Hotel. Miss B. McEnnis, 5886 Etzel Av. Mrs. Oscar Marx, 4255 McPherson Av. Miss Lucile Meyer, 4378 Lindell Av. Dr. Lawrence W. Mrazek, 3235 S. Grand Av. Wm. S. Mitchell, 428 Custom House. Miss Mathilda Michaud, 4939 Reber Place. Judge Julius T. Meunch, 710 Times Bldg. Miss M. Murphey, 3206 Palm St. Miss Blanch L. Morgan, 4246 Westminster Pl. Dr. T. A. Martin, Metropolitan Bldg. Miss Pearl McCoy, 6110 Washington Ave. Miss Anna Miller, 5953 Highland Ave. Miss May McElroy, 4019 W. Belle Pl. Mr. Stratford L. Morton, 3rd. Floor Chemical Bldg. Mr. Herbert M. Morgan, American Trust Co. Miss Zella E. Macdonald, 3413 Oak Hill Av. Miss Lizzie McMaster, 4019 W. Belle Pl. Mr. Geo. B. Mangold, 4002 Lexington Av. Miss Mary E. Mills, 3109 S. Grand Ave. Claude L. Mathews, 4261 McPherson Av. Miss Roberta McCulloch, 4469 Westminster Pl. Miss Ethlinda Matson, 6156 Berlin Ave. Miss Penna Matson 6156 Berlin Ave. Mrs. Mary Mabel, 4027 West Belle Pl. Miss Emilie Maguire, 7245 Moller Av. Mrs. Pauline Stix Milius, 5143 Westminster Pl. Miss Alice F. Muench, 3117 Longfellow Bl. Mrs. C. Cameron Meacham, 1147 Blackstone Av. Mrs. Ben Meyer, 4155 Kennerley Av. Miss Catherine McNeil, 5843 Bartmer Ave. Miss Ida B. McLagan, Musical Arts Bldg. Miss Nellye Mayer, 4569 Laclede Miss Mary O. McGinnis, 3739 Windsor Pl. Mrs. Miller, C/O Industrial School. Mrs. H. C. Mabley, 3013 Hawthorne Bl. Miss Eugene B. Mittenberger, Ferguson, Mo. Miss Lura A. Mills, 1012 East Park Place, Miss Elizabeth C. Mitchell, 1202 Temple Place. Miss Alma Moll, 6039 Waterman Ave. Miss Catherine McN[u]eill, 3969 Evans Ave. [*3*] Mr. Saunders Norvell, 509 Olive St. Miss Mary Elizabeth Nicholson, 4612 Washington Ave. Miss Lucy Norvell, 9 Kingsbury Pl. Miss Florence Noland, Mrs. Alex Niedringhaus, 2 Portland Place. Mrs. F. G. Niedringhaus, 4532 Lindell Av. Miss Grace D. Niggeman, 5140 Delmar Av. Mrs. Bozena Norden, 9 Shaw Pl. Mrs. Anna Taylor Netterfield, 509 Times Bldg. Mrs. Theo. W. Niedringhaus, 1820 Warren St. Miss Clair Norden 9 Shaw Pl. Mrs. A. Neuville, 3500 Victor St. Miss Christine M. Nohl, 3610 a Wyoming St. Mrs. M. Noster, 2521 N. Grand Av. Mrs. Jno. Nickerson, 501 Clara Ave. [*15*] Mrs. David O'Neil, 6300 Forsythe Ave. Mr. " " " " " Miss Jessie O'Neil, 4470 Westminster pl. Mrs. Howard L. O'Fallon, 4500 Berlin Av. Mrs. Archer O'Reilly, 6369 Berlin Av. Miss Laura Obert, 6142 Etzel Av. Samuel O'Neil, 301 N. 2nd. St/ Mr. H. H. Oberschelp, 3502 Palm St. Frank Obear, 5348 Cabanne Av. Davidson " " " " Miss Margaret Obear, 5348 Cabanne Av. Mrs. H. H. Oberschelp, 3502 Palm St. Miss Lee Overton[l], 5209 Page Av. Mrs. E. Oppenheimer, 4055 W. Pine St. Mrs. W. R. Orthwein, 5537 Waterman Av. Mrs. J. F. O'Shea, 1106 Rutger St. Mrs. Kate Richard O'Hare, 3955 Castleman Ave. [*17*] Mrs. Charlotte Perks, 5059 Cabanne Av. Miss Fanny E. Perkins, Washington U. Art School. Mrs. L. L. Prince, 3846 Lindell Av. Miss Mildred " " " " Mrs. Harry M. Pierce, 2721 N. Grand Ave. Miss May Patterson, 3739 Windsor Pl. Mrs. O. H. Peckham, 4382 Westminster Pl. Miss Rena Pettit, 5216 Cabanne Av. Mrs. S. J. Pettit, " " " Miss Letticia Parker, Mrs. Mott Porter, 20 N. Kingshighway. Mrs. F. D. Porcher, 1493 Stewart Pl. Miss Anna Potter, Ironton, Mo. Mrs. A. K. Parsons, 4052 Washington Av. Mrs. Albert T. Perkins, 470 Lake Ave. Mrs. Wm. C. Penn, Buckingham Hotel. Miss Lillie R. Park, 5866 Julian Ave. Miss Willamina Parrish, 5607 Cabanne Av. Mrs. W. G. Pettus, 4367 Westminster pl. Mrs. Vion Papin, 412 Union Av. Mr. Thos. E. Price Jr. I11 Chamber of Commerce. Miss Amelia F. Pfeifer, Ferguson, Mo. R. F. D.32. J. C. Pollard, 301 N. 2nd. St. Mrs. E. W. Pattison, 4254 Olive St. Miss Clara Pelot, 5412 Florissant Av. Mrs. Geo. Phol, 4548a McMillan Av. Miss Elas " " " " Mrs. L. Peterson, 4346 Morgan St. Mrs. Lemon Parker, 3413 Oak Hill Ave. Wm. Booth Papin, 4925 Berlin Av. Miss Mary Perry, Buckingham Hotel. Miss Laura " " " Miss Annie C. Pulliam, Buckingham Hotel. Miss Emma C. Puschner, 3211 Iowa Av. Mrs. Claude Pintard, 4933 McPherson Ave. Miss Marie " " " " Mrs. Anna Plank, 3859 Hartford St. Miss Katherine Price, 5614 Vermont Ave. Mrs. E. George Payne, 3650 Shaw Ave. Mrs. O. Plache, 3153 Alfred Ave. [*40*] Miss Nelle A. Quick, 614 Mermod-Jaccard Bldg. Miss F. Quinn, 5912 Waterman Ave. [*2*] Miss Cecelia Razovsky, 1026 N. 14th. St. Mrs. F. W? Richardson, 5737 Cates Av. Miss Elizabeth Hadley Richardson, 5737 Cates Ave. Miss Bertha Rombauer, 4311 W. Pine St. Miss Sophie " " " " " Miss Charlotte Rumbold, 5903 Von Verson Ave. Mrs. Lee Rosebrough, 423 Papin St., Webster Groves. Miss Caroline Rumbold, 5903 Von Verson Ave. Mr & Mrs. R. E. Rombauer, 4311 W. Pine St. Mrs. Aaron Rauh, 4726 McPherson Av. Mrs. Frederick S. Roth, 4712 Westminster Pl. Mrs. Sophie Remnitz, 2111 Nebraska Ave. Miss Sophie Roever, 3628 St. Louis Av. Mrs. E. C. Runge, 3739 Windsor Pl. Miss Leone Robinson, 4339 Morgan St. Miss Fanny D. Robb, 1109 Walton Av. Miss Mary Rossman, 2365 Klemm Av. Miss Kate E. Rossman 3rd. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Mrs. Ellen F. Richards, 4464 Maryland Ave. Mrs. E. S. Ruppin, Usona Hotel. Mrs. R. C. Rombauer, 2630 Accomac St. Wm. Marion Reedy, Syndicate Trust Bldg. Miss Kate F. Robertson, 4033 Washington Ave. Miss Rebecca Rifkin, 1918 Carr St. Miss Ethel M. Riddle, 3737 Delmar Ave. Miss Alma Robb, 3654 Humphrey St. Mrs. Geo. Richter, 3538 Humphrey St. Miss Sara Robinson, 1415 N. 13th. St/ Mrs. Fred W. Russe, 4349 Maryland Ave. Mrs. Carrie Rice, Clemens Apt. Clemens & Goodfellow. Mrs. M. E. Rawlings, [5138 Minerva Av.] 4139 Westminster Place. Mrs. E. L. Rozier, 3714 W. Pine St. Mrs. Wallace Renard, 5530 Delmar Ave. Miss Constance Richter, 3811 Shenandoah Av. Mrs. W. P. Robinson, 3804 Greer Av. Miss Katie Rapp, 727 Shenandoah Av. Mrs. Eva Ray, 2249a S. Grand Av. A. J. Rice, West End Hotel. Miss Zinka Robinson, 2808 Arsenal St. Miss Malka Razovsky, 1026 N. 14th. St. Mrs. J. R. Rice, 3939 Ashland Av. Mrs. A. E. Rossman, 2365 Klemm Av. Dr. Rose Minnie Rose, 5606a Easton Av. Dr. Frances R. Ritchie, 3649 Victor St. Chas. B. Ritchie, 1743 Waverley Pl. Mrs. L. C. Reilly, 4425 Forest Park Bl. Mrs. Josie H. Robi, 4926 McPherson Av. Miss Fanny Ross, 3832 Westminster Pl. Miss Julia Rumsey, 4346 Westminster Pl. Miss Marie Rufenacht, 15 Lennox Pl. Miss May Reber [*4339 [?ogan] St.*] Mrs. Sarah Rector Miss Cecelia Robinson, Society of Applied Arts, 3612 Washington Av. Mrs. Laura W. Reed, 3539 [Juinata] Juniata St. Mrs. Carrie P. Rice, 5646 Waterman Av. Mrs. E. C. Rowse, Webster Park, Mo. Miss Charlotte Rhodes, 2351 Lafayette Av. [*57*] Miss Adele Schmitz, 5385 Waterman Av. Mrs. Isadore Schwarz, 5070 Kensington Av. Dr. Caroline Skinner, Metropolitan Bldg. Miss Mary Sherrer, 4245 Flad Ave. Miss Penelope P. Sturgeon, 4309 W. Pine St. Miss Daisy Sturgeon, 4309 W. Pine St. Mrs. Harry Stegall, 4931 McPherson Av. Mrs. James Edgar Swift, McMillan Hall. Miss Elizabeth Stuyesant, 5455 Maple Ave. Miss Agnes Schulenberg, 3213 Russell Av. Mrs. Lena Sigel,1804 S. Compton Av/ Melville Sawyer, Annsicuam, Mass. Miss Mary Janet Schultz, 5003 Waterman Ave. Mr. Luther Ely Smith, 1718 Pierce Bldg. Mr. Horace Swope, 4466 Westminster Pl. Mrs. Christ Stocke, 2919 Milton Av. Mrs. Schmidt, Clayton, Mo. Chas. Stix, Grand Leader. Misses Clara & Jennie Skrainka, 4333 Maryland Av. Miss Elizabeth S. Schuyler, 6115 Berlin Av. Mrs. R. L. Sanford, 5143 Waterman Ave. Miss Florence Sullivan, 1408 Clara Av. Miss Margaret " " " " Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Stevens, 4448 Olive St. Miss Julia W. Scullins, 5218 S. Broadway. Mr. Ernest W. Stix, 5112 Waterman Av. Mrs. Joseph Solari, 5986 Julian Ave. Mrs. Bob Smith, 5338 Bartmer Av. Miss Virginia Stevenson, 456 N. Newstead Av. Mrs. W. S. Stuyvesant, 5455 Maple Av. Miss Margaret Slater, 4228 Page Av. Miss E. E. Souther, 5118 Westminster Pl. Mrs. Stanley Stoner, Penn & Wydown Av. Miss Carrie Seever, 3422 Utah St. Mrs. Ernest Stix, 5112 Waterman Av. Mr. & Mrs. Luther Ely Smith, 5321 Waterman Av. Mrs. Sidney L. Schwab, 5859 Clemens Av. Misses Frieda & Amy Scherpe, 4262 Shenandoah Av. Miss Martha Steward, 1245 Blackstone Av. Miss Mary Scudder, 75 Vandeventer Pl. Mrs. F. W. Shipley, Clayton, Mo. Mrs. Mason C. Smith, Buckingham Hotel. Mrs. Sara Spraggon, 218 Mermod-Jaccard Bldg. Miss Mary Doan Spalding, 3739 Windsor Pl. Miss Isabelle Skinker, 6464 Ellenwood Av. Mrs. A. W. Schulenberg, 3213 Russell Av. Mrs. Ada. C. Shattinger, 2924 S. Grand Av. Mrs. Walter L. Schmitz, 3817a Russell Av. Mrs. Geo. B Spear, 5121 Washington Av. Miss Helen Schwaner, 2361 Klemm Av. Mrs. Gustav von Schlegel McMillan Hall. Miss Mary Scott, 825 Lake Av. Miss Bertha Skinker, 6464 Ellenwood Av. Mrs. Eugene T. Senseny, 322 N. Newstead Av. Miss May Shannon, 2808 Lafayette Av. Miss Marie Stracke, 2924 S. Grand Av. Miss Mary Angela Smith, 5202 Vernon Av. Mrs. Chas. Stox, 26 Portland Pl. Miss Edna Schwaner, 2361 Klemm Av. Miss E. A. Stark, 2365 Klemm Av. Thos. K. Skinker, 6464 Ellenwood Av. Dr. Lleweller Sale, Humbolt Bldg. Leon J. Schwa, 5106 Washington Ag. Wm. Stix, 4642 Lindell Av. Mrs. Thos. K. Skinker, 6464 Ellenwood Av. Miss Louise B. Stickney, 320 N. Newstead Av. Mr. Percy Stone, 307 Pierce Bldg. Mrs. Rachael Schwab, 5106 Washington Av. Mrs. W. P. Shelton, 4111 Cleveland Av. Mrs. Matilda A. Scherok, 4561 McPherson Av. Mrs. C. N. Stevens, 5526 Cabana Ave. Dr. Kate C. Spain, 5706 Etzel Av. Elea Carmain Smith, 3110 Bell Av. Clara Somerville, 3759 Westminster Pl. Mr. W. C. Strickland, 4201 N. 11th. St. Mr. Mort, Schuyler, 5115 Berlin Av. Mrs. Dr. Henry Schwarz, 4397 Westminster Pl. Mrs. Meier Swope, 4466 Westminster Pl. Mrs. Harry Sprague, Kirkwood, Mo. 545 S. Clay Cove Mrs. Albert Stix, 4378 Lindell Blvd. Dr. Philip Skrainka, Metropolitan Bldg. Miss Margaret South, 3643 Humphrey St. Miss Elizabeth A. Sweets, 1411 Locust St. Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Stern, 4606 Westminster Place. Mrs. Theo. Schrieber, 3439 Arsenal St. Mrs. B. F. Swigart, 3320 S. Grand Av. Mrs. Edmund Sears, 4 N.Kingshighway. Miss Agnes C. Sullivan, 4569 Evans Av. Miss Antoinette Taylor, Bartold, St/ Louis, Mo. Miss Charlotte Taussig, 3501 Lafayette Av. Miss Caroline Thumel, 218 Wainwright Bldg. Mrs. F. J. Taussig, 4462 Maryland Ave. Miss Emma Taussig, Buckingham Hotel. Mrs. Seneca V. Taylor, 4420 Washington Av. Mrs. Anna Trask Thompson, Buckingham Hotel. Ford W. Thompson, 510 Laclede Bldg. Mrs. H. Taussig, Buckingham Hotel. Mrs. Jno. R. Folwer, " " " Mrs. C. H. Tucker, 4247 Washington Av. Mrs. A. E. Taussig, 4301 Washington Av. Mrs. Amos M. Thayer, 4921 Maryland Av. Mrs. Henry S. Turner, 4069 Berlin Av. Mrs. Ford Thompson, 5561 Wassermann Av. Mrs. Gustavus Tuckerman, 5915 Pennsylvania Av. Rev. Geo. Fernold Taylor, 2601 N. 11th. St. Mrs. Sara B. Turner, 1215 Mont Clair Av. Mrs. A. Toeppen, 1813 Lami. Mrs. Eliza A. Thompson, 4931 Laclede Av. Miss Mary S. Taylor, 4504 Laclede Av. Mrs. R. L. Taylor, 4206 Delmar Av. Mrs. Sherry G. B. Thompson, 3830 Greer Av. Mr. Gustavus Tuckerman, City Club. Mrs. Clavin V. Torrence, 950 Belt Av. Mrs. Minnie Thompson, 1426a Rowan Av. Mrs. K. K. Tully, Buckingham Hotel. Dr. Fred J. Taussig, Metropolitan Bldg. Mrs. Garfield Taussig, 721 Goodfellow Av. Miss D. Trodway, 3738 Westminster Pl. Mrs. F. W. Tarrant, 4021 W. Belle Pl. Mrs. Virginia Threadgill, 4439 Page Av. Mrs. Jno. Thompson, Buckingham Hotel. Mrs. Mary Collison Taylor, 2601 N. 11th. R. B. Tillman, 301 N. 2nd. St. Mrs. J. P. Tirrill, 5291 Washington Ave. Mrs. H. H. Tittmann, 5022 Westminster Place. Mr. & Mrs. Roland C. Usher, 5737 Cates Av. Geo. E. Vogel, 4518a Labadie Av. Wm. M. Valentine, Yeatman High School. Mrs. E. J. Vert, 2745 Bacon St. Mrs. J. B. Van Vleck, 6042 McPherson Av. [*4*] [*copied*] Mrs. Jno. W. Day, 320 N. Newstead Av. Miss Rosalie Dunn, 5226 Fairmount Ave. Mrs. K. Davis, 1032 Morrison Ave. Mrs. Geo. Dock, 4 N. Kingshighway. Miss Grace Dodge, 5402 Bartmer Ave. Mrs. J. D. Dana, 4483 Laclede Ave. Miss Lydia D'Oench, 4914 B. Broadway. Miss Elizabeth D'Oench, " " " Mrs. Geo. F. Durant, [9 Shaw Place.] 126 E. Monroe Ave., Kirkwood, MO. Miss Helen Dorrill, 1374 Temple Place. Miss Minnie Davis, 5906a Clemens Ave. Mrs. Mary A. Dierkes, 5233 Fairmount Av. Miss M. Genieve Devo, 1236 N. Kingshigway Mrs. N. M. DeLaughter, 6800 Michigan Av. Miss Frances O. Davis, 3651 Humphrey St. Mrs. Grace S/ deLauzainghain, 5227 Cabanne Ave. Miss Sara Duke, Buckingham Hotel. Mr. & Mrs. Thos. I. Dix, 5570 Etzel Ave. Mrs. Sara E. Dillon, 3867 Page Av. Mrs. Walter L. Douglas, 4305 Delmar Av. Mrs. Lydia M. Dayton, 4578 Laclede Av. Miss Helen Day, Buckingham Hotel. Miss Zoe Dobson, Buckingham Hotel. Mrs. H. D'Arov, 5884 Bartmer Av. Mr. John D'Arov, Delmar Av. Miss A. M. Donnerberg, 5173 Vernon Ave. Mrs. J. A. Dickson, 5883 Julian Ave. Mr. John R. Dunn, 4958 McPherson Av. Mrs. Katherine G. Dalton, 5309 Cabanne Av Miss Nellie Devlin, 5549 Berlin Av. Mrs. L. A. Dammert, 3800 Lafayette Av. Mr. Chas. F. Doering, 1400 Olive St. Mrs. Joseph Dickson, 4346 Westminster Pl. Miss E. M. Dutton, 2643 Russell Av. Miss Emily L. Derrickson, 6060 Horton Place. Mrs. Arthur P. DeCamp, 940 Maple Place. Mrs. Max A. Dommler, 2261a Nebraska Ave. Mrs. J. D. Dana, 4483 Laclede Ave. Mrs. J. J. Dirks, 1400 Walton Av. Mrs. Carrie Effbaugh Crystal City, Mo. Mrs. Leontine V. Ehrhardt, 5945 Plymouth Ave. Miss Anne Evans, 4017 Delmar Ave. Miss Russell Edwards, Public Library. Mrs. Arthur Ellicock, 1330 Clara Ave. Mrs. Lou R. Esse, 1832 O'Fallon St. Mrs. Martin Egan, 4577a Page Av. Miss Helene Enscore, 5220 Delmar Av. Mrs. Ernest Edwards, 5884 Clemens Ave. F. B. Eisman, 1000 Washington Av. Mrs. W. B. Edgar, 5126 Waterman Av. Miss Katherine Ellison, 5060 Ridge Av. Miss Mary Evans, 4479 Berlin Ave. Claude L. Evster, 2931 Sullivan Ave. Mrs. Sophie Schwab Ehrenfest, 4333 McPherson Ave. Mrs. Wm. Ehlers, 5874 Clemens Ave. Miss Maud Eoff, 423 Lake Av. Mrs. A. C. Evcleshvmer, 5929 Julian Av. Miss L. I. Espenshied, 3500 Washington Av. Mrs. Jno. D. Edwards Jr., 3616 Russell Ave. Miss Mary Edwards, R. R. 30 Baden Station. Mrs. E. Eppelsheimer, 1915 Hebert St. Miss Helene M. Evers, 1861 N. Market St. [*20*] Mrs. Thos. E. Ferguson, 756 N. Euclid Av. Miss Amelia Fruchte, 4411 Washington Ave. Mrs. Morrison-Fuller, Washington Hotel. Miss Bernice Morrison-Fuller, Washington Hotel. Miss Cornelia Fisher, 3322a Magnolia Ave. Mrs. Franklin Ferris, 5828 Cabanne Av. Mrs. Wm. C. Fordyce, 19 Washington Terrace. Mrs. Philip B. Fluke, 306 N. Newstead Ave. Mr. E. S. Fish, 953 Hamilton Ave. Miss Susie Fish, 953 Hamilton Ave. Mrs. E. A. Faust, 6 Lennox Pl. Mrs. W. C. Fletcher, 3937 Ashland Av. Mr. E. Russell Field, 5539 Page Av. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Fullerton, 6036 Washington Av. A. E. Fuhlage, 301 N. 2nd. St. Mr. Sanders Foster, Buckingham. Mr. L. C. Flynn, Petosi, Mo. Miss Pauline Fritsch, 3420 Halliday St. Dr. E. Frank, 4201 Olive St. Mr. E. B. Filsinger, 10th. & Washington Ave. Mrs. Cec. D. Fisher, Lucerne Apt. Taylor & McP. Mrs. Abraham Friedman, 4904 Berlin Ave. Mrs. David R. Francis, Maryland & Newstead Ave. Mrs. Jno. T. Field, 5057 Cates Av. Miss Irma L. Filsinger, 3134 Lafayette Av. Mr. P. H. Felker, 6949 Mitchell Av. Mrs. Henry Ferris, 5943 Cates Av. Mrs. Harry J. Friedman, 4241 W. Pine St. Miss Edith Fey, Clayton, Mo. Miss Ethel Farrer, Mrs. Valerie A. Flynn, Buckingham Hotel. Mrs. C. E. Fitzgerland, Westminster Apt. Miss Marie Fishell, 2651 Russell Ave. Mrs. H. W. Faber, 2133 S. Jefferson Ave. Mrs. Edmund Faber, Athlone Ave. [*35*] Miss Marie Garesche', McMillan Hall. Miss Amelia Garesche', 3451 Pine St. Mrs. Geo. Gellhorn, 4366 McPherson Av. Mrs. Roger Generally, 4216 McPherson Ave. Miss Evelyn Grace Gilfillan, 3511 West Belle Ave. Mrs. L. M. Guggenheim, 5656 Waterman Ave. Mrs. G. A. Guibor, 918 Clarendon Av. Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Greene, 5842 Bartmer Av. Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Grossman, 4137 Magnolia Av. Mrs. B. B. Graham, 5145 Lindell Av. Miss Ida Goodall, 2643 Russell Ave. Mrs. Thos. Galt, 5030 Kensington Av. Miss M. Louise Garasche, 3544 Pine St. Mrs. C. A. Gilmore, Albany, Mo. Mrs. Lewis Gustafson, 5866 Julian Ave. Miss Adele Carrels, 1830 Lafayette Ave. Miss Mary Gunn, 5095 Kensington Av. Dr. W. W. Graves, 5136 Morgan St. Miss Sara W. Gibson, 712 Selma Av., Webster Groves. Mrs. John Leigh Green, 5514 Clemens Av. Miss Florence Grant, McMillan Hall. J. L. Green, 5514 Clemens Av. Miss Viola Goeke, 2305 N. 15th. St. Miss Caroline Gaylor, 2927 Henrietta St. Mrs. L. W. Gerling, 3726a Connecticut St. Dr. Jno. Green Jr, Metropolitan Bldg. Mrs. Jno. A. Gillespie, 5614 Waterman Ave. Mr. Jno. L. Garvie, 605 Pierce Bldg. Mrs. Leonora Goldstein, 4060 Washington Av. Miss Carrie Griffith, 5089 Cabanne Av. Mrs. C. M. Goodman, Buckingham Hotel. Miss Lulu Gordon, 6028 Kingsbury Pl. Miss Margaret Glen, 4837 Branconier Pl. Miss Mabel Gray, 5896 Delmar Av. Mrs. William Evans Guy, 10 Portland Place. Mrs. F. W. Guithard, 6235 Simpson Av. Miss Alice Gladfelter, 3615 Lafayette Av. Miss Caroline Gaylor, 2917 Henrietta St. Mrs. R. D. Garry, 1317a Marcus Av. Mrs. Orville Groves, 4132 Cleveland Ave. Mrs. R. D. Geary, 1317 Marcus Av. Mrs. A. M. Guthrie, 2650 Ann Av. [*Letter Sub - card made ?BM*] [*42] Miss Ethel R. Hull, 3739 Windsor Pl. Mrs. Jno. A. Haskell, 320 Union Bl. Mrs. D. F. Houston, 6500 Forsythe Bl. Miss Alma Holm, 3145 Hawthorn Bl. Miss Olive Ruby Hammond, 6041 Waterman Av. Misses Emma J. & Hilda E. Heimenz, 3520 Magnolia Av. Miss Elizabeth Hoch, 5025 Fairmount Av. Miss Ruth Hickman, Columbia School, Garrison & St. L. Av. Miss Virginia Haywood, 5028 Kensington Av. Misses F. & E. " " " " Miss Alice Herthel, 3841 Flora Bl. Miss Alice Hanley, University City, Mo. Miss Grace A. Holmes, 5539 Page Av. Misses Tess & Edna Haas, 4260 W. Pine St. Mr. E. A. Hartman, 301 N. 2nd. St. Mr. Isaac A. Hedges, 712 Spruce St. Mr. Robert Hempel, 2203 Howard St. Miss A. E. Herminghaus, 3133 Portis Av. Mrs. Geo. L. Horton, 3635 Washington Ave. Mrs. Lelia C. Hattersley, 758 Clara Ave. Miss Effie Hickman, 2023 Sidney St. Mrs. W. A. Hardaway, 4527 Maryland Ave. Miss May C. Hughes, 5912 Cote Brilliant Ave. Mr. Frank Hamsher, Smith Academy. Mrs. Lon Hocker, 5610 Von Verson Av. Miss Mary J. Hunter, 4029 Washington Av. Miss L. Hopkins, Buckingham Hotel. Mrs. R. B. Higbee, 525 Clara Ave. Mr. Chas. M. Harvey, 3825 Westminster Pl. Mrs. Geo. Hrash, 5125 Morgan St. Miss Lillian Heltzell, 5325 Bartmer Ave. Miss Jennie Hildenbrandt, 3503 Pestalozzi St. Dr. Blanch Hopkins, 1055 Hamilton Ave. Miss Rena Huber, 3868 Russell Av. Miss Isabelle Hunter, 4029 Washington Av. Mrs. W. C. Harlan, 1172a N. Kingshighway. Mr. Geo. H. Hall Jr., 5531 Clemens Av. Miss R. Hesse, 4503 Washington Av. Miss Hayes, 14 Washington Terrace. Mrs. Frank P. Hayes, 14 Washington Terrace. Mrs. Edward B. Hull, 4371 Maryland Av. Miss Celia Harris, Sabula, Mo. Miss Harriet Hulio, 509 N. Newstead Ave. Mrs. R. P. Hannenkamp, 4367 Washington Ave. Mrs. Atlanta Hecker, 3415 Osage Av. Miss Ida Heltzell, 5325 Bartmer Ave. Miss Cate L. Hackstaff, 3672 Russell Av. Ewing Hill Jr., 34d. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Misses Ruth & Grace Herron, 4464 Cook Av. Dr. Elizabeth Hempel, 5412 Florissant Av. Mrs. Joseph Holliday, 4 N. Kingshighway. Miss Cora V. Heltzell, 5325 Bartmer Av. Mrs. Ewing Hill Jr., 4474 Westminster Pl. Mrs. C. I. Hedges, 3739 Windsor Pl. Miss Auguste Harkourt, McMillan Hall. Mrs. Kate M. Howard, 33 Vandeventer Pl. Mr. E. A. Hildenbrandt, 615 Chestnut St. Mrs. Fanny E. Hughey, Musical Arts Bldg. Mrs. Cora Jones Heltzell, 505 O Terry Ave. Mrs. F. A. Hendrick, 6228 Washington Av. Miss Annie Holman, 5413 Bartmer Ave. Miss Helen Healey, 3118 Allen Ave. Mrs. F. W. Humes, 5783 McPherson Ave. Mrs. Wm. Heinz, 3835 Conncecticut Ave. Mr. Otto Heller Washington U. Miss Nellie Holman, 5413 Bartmer Av. Mrs. Harwitz, 4725a Vernon Ave. [*68*] Miss Jolin B. Hogan, 3829 Page Ave. Mrs. Hattie Heller, 4635 Maryland Ave. Miss Cate L. Hackstaff, 4155 Lindall Bl. Mrs. Anthony F. Ittner, 2353 Compton Av. Mrs. Henry Ittleson, 4750 Westminster Place. Mrs. F. H. Ingalls, 5250 Westminster Pl. Mr. A. E. Insley, 463 N. Whittier St. Miss Jennie M. A. Jones, 4500 Cook Av. Mrs. Geo. S. Johns, 4548 Forest Park Blvd. Mrs. Oscar Johnson, Portland Pl. Miss Clara F. Jones, 5551 Von Verson Av. Mrs. A. M. Johnson, 3804 Greer Av. Mrs. J. Johanses, 2856 Henrietta St. Mrs. R. McE. Jones, 6 Westmoreland Pl. Mr. Paul Janis, 5611 Bartmer Av. Mrs. P. A. Janis, 6235 Simpson Av. Mrs. Chas. P. Johnson, 4300 Washington Ave. Mr. Horace D. Johns, 4548 Forest Park Bl. Mrs. A. J. Jamieson, 6820 Scanlan Ave. Mrs. J. A. Jackson, 1517 Benton St. Mrs. N. Jacobson, 4392 Laclede Av. Mme. Julie Janet Kauffman, Smith Academy. Miss Mary E. Kennedy, 1125 Bayard Ave. Mrs. Mattie Belle Kettering, 1125 Bayard Av. Miss Emilie Keintz, 4028a Kennerley Av. Mrs. D. W. Knefler, 1024 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Mrs. J. P. Kershaw, 1016 N. Compton Av. Mrs. E. R. Kroeger, Webster. Mrs. Frank Kauffman, Beery Rd. Kirkwood, Mo. Miss Marguerite Kauffman, Oxford Apt. Miss Eva Kohn, 5122 Westminster Pl. Miss Julia Krug, Public Library, 1623 Missouri Av. Miss Lucile Ketchum, 2612 S. Grand Av. Mrs. E. M. Kellor, 5250 Westminster Place. Miss Auguste Ketterer, 1934 Arsenal St. Mrs. Richard Kring, 2732 S. 13th. St. Miss Clara Kohn, 5122 Westminster Pl. Miss Clara Koenig, 2708 S. 13th. St. Wm. E. Eindorf, 1946 Hebert St. Mrs. C/C. Karst, 5748 McPherson Av. Miss Margaret Kennedy, 4947 Maryland Av. Mrs. Ida Koetzli, 3962 Juniata St. Mrs. J. L. Kreiger, 4200 Maryland Av. Mr. Wm. J. Kennedy, 212 N. 4th. St. Mrs. Adele S. Zoninski, 3733 W. Pine St. Mrs. E. L. Kruse, 1726 Mississippi Av. Miss Kellcher, Barry Corset Co. Miss Selma Krumrich, Yeatman High School. Mr. George G. Korn, 2025 Chippawa St. Mr. E. R. Kroeger, Webster Park, Mo. Miss Louise Kroeger, Webster Park. Mrs. E. M. Keller, 5671 Clemens Ave. Mrs. E. Krug, 3317 Eads Ave. Miss Julia B. Kroegen, Musical Arts Bldg. Mrs. E. C. Klipstien, 6244 Washington Ave. Mrs. Marcella Keys, 5711 Clemens Av. Mrs. Louis LaBeaume, 5340 Waterman Ave. [+*] Mr. and Mrs. Jno. L. Lowes, McMillan Hall. Miss Emilie Lischer, Mascouta Ill. Miss Marian Lewis, 4239 Washinggton Ave. Miss Jennie R. Lippman, Mary Institute. Mrs. J. W. Lewis, 484 Lake Av. Miss Elizabeth Levy, 4019 Morgan St. Mrs. Marie E. Lame, 3513 E. Taylor Av. Mrs. J. M. Long, 5774 McPherson Ave. Dr. Bransford Lewis, Centruy Bldg. [*+*] Mrs. Kate Ledergerber, 2711 Shanandoah Av. Mrs. Fanny L. Lachmund, 3935 Castleman Ave. Miss Alice " " " Miss Emma Letzig, 1126 Rutger St. Mrs. M. J. Lowenstein, Buckingham Annex. [*+*] Mrs. E. B. Long, 3649a Humphrey St. Mrs. Teresa E. [Lumaga] [*Lumaghi +*] Mrs. Mabel C. Lewis, Yale Av. University City. Miss Adelaide Lynch, 6037 Berlin Av. Miss Margaret Little, Lucerne Apt. [*+*] J. Hal Lynch, Dolph Bldg. Mrs. Grayce Druitt Latus, Box 155 University City. Mrs. E. E. LaBenume, 4710 Westminster Pl. [*+*] Mrs. E. M. D. Landenberger, 3739 Windsor Pl. Mr. E. M. Lewis, 500 Culver Way. Mrs. Laura Lang, 1921 S. Compton Av. Mrs. Oliver Ledford, 4035 Fladd Av. Mr. and Mrs. O. Leonard, 901 Carr St. Miss Lyda Long, 4245 Mary land Ave. Mrs. Geo. L. Levis, 4431 McPherson Ave. [*+*] Miss Elizabeth Longman, 4346 Evans Ave. Miss May Laxar, 5318 Bartmer Av. Mrs. Breckenridge Long, 5376 Waterman Av. [*+*] Miss May C. Loovy, 5049 Lansdown Av. Mr. Harry C. Ladd, 412 Olive St. [*+*] Mrs. R. J. Lowther, 2721 St. Vincent Av. Mr. Wm. W. LaBeaume, Merchants Exchange Bldg. [*+*] Miss Mary Lionberger, 37 Westmoreland Place. [*+*] Miss Annie W. Long, 5569 Delmar Ave. [*39*] [*Miss Briggs*] [*860*] [*St. Louis Missouri*] Miss Anne R. Wanev, Soldan High School. [*+*] Mrs. C. L. Werth, 4021 W. Belle Pl. Mrs. A. P. Whittmore, Webster Groves, Mo. [*+*] Mrs. Tyrill Williams 4 N. Zingshighway. [*+*] Miss Jane Winn, Globe-Democrat. Mrs. E. W. Woodcock, 3115 N. 11th St. Mrs. Chas. H. Wyman, Webster Groves, Mo. [*+*] Mr. Percy Werner, 720 Rialto Bldg. [*+*] Mrs. Nina R. Warner, 5621 Michigan Ave. [*+*] Ms. Wm. Alerman Ward, 5966 Ridge Av. Mrs. Edward Wyman, Hamilton Hotel. [*+*] Mrs. Courtney West, Buckingham Hotel. [*+*] Miss Carrie Ware, 1803 Ohio Av. Miss Jennie Williamson, 1729 Mississippi Av. Miss Lillie " " " Miss Wilma Wislicki, 3739 Windsor Pl. Miss Anna Wall, 326 N. Euclid Av. Miss Edith C. Wright, 4530 McPherson Av. [*+*] Ms. L. H. Walkenhurst, 5087 Ridge Av. Miss Lulu Whistnent, 1333a Hamilton Av. [Mrs. L. M. Wallenhurst.] Mrs. A. D. Welton, 5656 Cabanne Av. Mrs. F. S. Wiley, 3649 Humphrey St. Miss Wenona Wagner, 5059 Cabanne Av. Ms. M. Lillian Winfield, 5561 Delmar Av. Miss Edna Wanglin, 1843 Kennett Pl. Miss Zula Wagner, Public Library. Miss Louise Weber, 3942 Greer Av. Mrs. A. F. Wallace, 4063 Westminster Pl. [*+*] Mrs. Thos. H. West, Jr. [*+*] Mrs. Hy. Weber, 6249 Washington Av. Miss Hattie Wanglin, 1843 Kennett Pl. Mrsw. E. D. Whitlock, 5218 Waterman Av. [*+*] Mrs. M. F. Watts, 5740 Cabanne Av. [*+*] Mrs. Edward Witland, 4249a Athline Av. R. L. Wood, Springfield, MO. Mrs. M. . Walters, 3820a N. Grand Av. Mrs. Louise Wertheimer, Hanley Rd. Clayton Mo. [*+*] Louis Worecek, 2806 Salena St. Miss Nan Woodward, 5218 S. Broadway. [*+*] Mr. C. L. Werth, 4021 W. Belle Pl. Miss Josie K. Wanglin, 1843 Kennett Pl. Mrs. Mary Polk Winn, Buckingham Hotel. [*+*] Mrs. Eliza O. Wooldridge, Boonville, Mo. Mrs. Lambert Walther, 3512 Palm St. Miss Alice Willis, 3723 Delmar Av. Mr. J. H. White, 3871 Westminster Pl. [*+*] Mrs. May L. Woods, Mt. Vernon, Mo. Ms. W. W. Wilson, 5271 Waterman Av. [*+*] Mrs. Ella H. Ware, 1707 Marcus Av. [*-*] Mrs. J. Weinbach, 4304 Laclede Av. Miss Alice Goddard Waldo, McMillan Hall. Mrs. E. F. H. Wenneker, 6221 Simpson Av. Miss Bessie Woodson, 1127 Central Nat. Bk. Bldg. Mrs. J. W. Wallace, 4449 Forest Park Bl. [+*] Mrs. J. T. Wallace, 501 Clara Av. [*56*] Mrs. Edwin S. Williams, 917 Belt Av. [*+*] MRS. FLORENCE WYMAN RICHARDSON who was the first President of the Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis, as it is now organized. The Association founded in 1869 ceased its meetings in 1886, and until Mrs. Richardson formed the new League ten years ago, there was no formal suffrage organization. Mrs. Richardson is of an old St. Louis family. She has been a leader of advanced movements and believes in the new progressive ideas of the world. CONSTITUTION The Woman's Political Equality League OF Kansas City, Missouri OFFICERS MRS. H.B. LEAVENS. --- President MRS. CHAS L. PASSMORE, Vice-President MRS. FRED C. ADAMS --- Treasurer MRS. WILLARD I. RUSH, Recording Sec'y MRS. A. STILL. CRAIG, Corresponding Sec'y CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES Ways and Means, MRS. JULES ROSENBERGER Extension, -- MRS. RALPH P. SWOFFORD Program, ----- MRS. H.S. JULIAN Press, ---- MRS. RALPH HOFFMAN House, ---- MRS. HENRY R. BASS Literature, - MRS. CAROLINE L. TRUMAN Page Two CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I. NAME The amended name of the South Side League shall be THE WOMAN"S POLITICAL EQUITY LEAGUE of Kansas City. ARTICLE II OBJECT The object of this League shall be to promote and establish political equality for women in Missouri ARTICLE III. ORGANIZATION This League shall have Ward organization; each Ward electing its own chairman. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Any man or woman in sympathy with the object of this League may become a member upon payment of dues. ARTICLE V. DUES SECTION 1. The annual dues shall be fifty cents (50c). SEC. 2. The fiscal year to extend from January the first until December the thirty-first. Page Three ARTICLE VI OFFICERS SEC 1. The officers of this League shall be President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. SEC 2. The duties of the above named officers shall be the duties usually pertaining to such offices, except that the Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board. ART. VII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS SEC. 1. Annual election of officers shall take place at the first regular meeting of the League in January. The officers elected shall serve for one year from the date of election or until their successors are elected. SEC. 2. Nominations for officers shall be by written ballot, and the three names receiving the largest number of votes shall become the nominees. These nominees shall be voted upon by written ballot, and the person receiving the majority vote shall be declared elected. Should there be no majority, the Page Four one receiving the lowest number shall be dropped and another written ballot shall be taken, and the one receiving the majority shall then be declared elected. SEC. 3. Any member shall be qualified to vote at annual elections, if he or she has been a member of this League for two months. Any member shall be qualified to vote at the annual elections if he or she has paid his or her dues for the past fiscal year. ARTICLE VIII. BOARDS SEC. 1. The officers of the League shall have power to appoint standing committees, the chairman of which, together with the officers, shall constitute the Executive Board. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by the Board. SEC 2. The Advisory Board shall consist of the officers of the League, chairmen of standing committees, and chairmen of Wards. Page Five ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEES There shall be standing committees on Extension, Press, Ways and Means, House. Program and Lit- erature, each committee consisting of three members. Any special committee is to be authorized and appointed by the Executive Board. ARTICLE X. MEETINGS Sec. 1. The Annual Meeting is to take place on the second Wednes- day in January. Sec. 2. The Regular Meetings to be held on the second Wednesday of each month, at half past two. Sec. 3. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the Presi- dent. or by request of any two members. Sec. 4. Special Meetings may be called by the President, or at the request of any nine members of the League. Sec. 5. The Advisory Board shall meet at the call of the President, or of two members of the Executive Board, Page Six ARTICLE XI. QUORUMS Sec. 1. Nine members shall con- stitute a quorum at any Regular Meeting of the League for the transaction of business. Sec. 2. Five members shall con- stitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Board Sec. 3. Five members shall con- stitute a quorum at any meeting of the Advisory Board. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amend- ed at any Regular Meeting of the League, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided all members have been duly notified in writing mailed to their last known address at least two weeks before the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be act- ed upon, Longan's Parliamentary Rules shall govern in all places not cov- ered by the Constitution. Page Seven THE NEW YORK HERALD. VOTES FOR WOMEN Conditions of the Suffrage Letter Contest ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IS OFFERED FOR THE BEST LETTER IN FAVOR OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE AND $100 FOR THE BEST LETTER AGAINST WOMAN SUFFRAGE. All letters must be original, written by women and not more than three hundred words long All women are eligible to the competition. Letters will be selected from the previous week's contributions and published each Sunday during the competition. The letters must be signed and the address of the writer written legibly below the signature. No letter signed with a nom de plume will be considered. The competition will close February 1, at six o'clock in the afternoon. All contributions must be in the Herald office before that hour. The letters should be written legibly, if not typed, and on only one side of the paper. All letters should be addressed to the Herald Woman Suffrage Competition, New York Herald, Herald square, New York city This competition is open to all women without charge or consideration of any kind. It is not necessary to be a subscriber to the Herald in order to compete. $100.00 YES $100.00 NO Order next Sunday's Herald from your news dealer IV. Smith, Miss Getrude 1512 W. 14th St. Stirlith, Mrs. Elizabeth B. 2219 Washington St. Stock, Mrs. Margaret C. 607 Delaware Ave Stubbs, Mrs. J. Bacon 827 Tatnall St. Stubbs, Mrs. Henry J. 1204 Delaware Ave. Smith, J. Frank N.E. Cor. 4th & Poplar Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. John F. 606 King St. Thompson, Dr. Hannah M. 900 Adams St. deVou, Mrs. Anna Y. [*We take the Journal*] 1311 Delaware Ave. deVou, Miss Mary R. [*We take the Journal*] " " " Vernon, Mrs. W. Scott 800 West St. Wainwright, Mrs. John No. 3 W. 7th St. Warner, Mrs. Alfred D. Grant Ave. Warner, Mrs. Charles 2007 Grant Ave. Wilson, Miss Sarah T 813 Franklin St. Worrell, Miss Emma 1407 Rodney St. Washburn, Dr. Louise D. 816 West St. Washburn, Miss Marion " " " Wallace, Miss Marguerite 1022 W. 10th St. Wilson, Miss Ethel M. 2406 Del. Ave. Finkelstein, Mrs. 900 W. 2nd St. Hinckley, Rev. & Mrs. Frederic A. 10th & Madison Taylor, Mrs. Morris 1214 W. 10th St. [Spaid, Mrs. Arthur R.] [505 W. 21st St.] NATIONAL OFFICERS DR. ANNA HOWARD SHAW Honorary President MRS. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT President MRS. STANLEY McCORMICK - First Vice-President MISS MARY GARRETT HAY -Second Vice-President MRS. GUILFORD DUDLEY -Third Vice-President MRS. RAYMOND BROWN - -Fourth Vice-President MRS. HELEN GARDENER - Fifth Vice-President MRS. HENRY WADE ROGERS - - Treasurer MRS. FRANK J. SHULER - Corresponding Secretary MRS. HALSEY W. WILSON - Recording Secretary STATE OFFICERS MRS. WALTER McNAB MILLER - - - Chairman MRS. DAVID O’NEIL - - First Chairman MRS. HUGH C. WARD - - - Second Chairman MRS. WM. D. STEELE - - - Third Chairman MRS. WM. R. HAIGHT - Corresponding Secretary MRS. ELMER A. McKAY - - Recording Secretary MRS. FRED J. TAUSSIG - - - - Treasurer CITY OFFICERS MRS. GEORGE GELLHORN - - - President MISS MARY LIONBERGER - First Vice-President MRS. ROBERT McKITTRICK JONES - Second V.-Pres. MRS. DAVID O’NEIL - - Third Vice President MRS. FREDERIC BLAINE CLARKE - Executive Sec’y MRS. J. ALEX GOODWIN - Corresponding Secretary MRS. FRED L. ENGLISH - - - - Treasurer MRS. W. C. FORDYCE - - - - - Auditor Teachers’ Division MISS T. C. GECKS - - Honorary Chairman MISS ANNIE WAYNEY .... Chairman BUSINESS WOMEN’S EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE MRS. HUGH E. MOORE......................President MISS CLARA HOUSUM......................Secretary CONVENTION COMMITTEES Chairman of Local Arrangements from the National Board MISS MARY GARRETT HAY Chairman of Program Committee from the National Board MRS. STANLEY MeCORMICK Chairman of Local Arrangements MRS. GEORGE GELLHORN Secretary to Chairman MISS IRENE LOEB STATES AND CITY RELATIONS Chairman, MRS Walter McNAB MILLER Vice-Chairman, MRS. FREDERICK D. GARDNER MRS. B. F. BUSH MRS. GEO. A. STILL MRS. NELLIE BURGER MRS. J. W. McKNIGHT MRS. S. F. O’FALLON BUREAU OF INFORMATION (Union Station) MRS. WM. R. HAIGHT HEADQUARTERS (Statler Hotel) MRS. A. E. RETON INFORMATION (Statler) MRS. JOHN S. PAYNE SEATING OF DELEGATES MRS. D. O. IVES REGISTRATION, CREDENTIALS AND ELECTIONS MRS. JOHN P. HIGGINS PAGES MRS. JOHN BOOGHER MRS. WALTER FISCHEL MISS MARY LIONBERGER USHERS MRS. SCOTT PORTER HOSPITALITY MRS. J. D. DANA MRS. LESLIE THOMPSON MRS. PHILIP B. FOUKE MRS. N. A. McMILLAN MRS. DAVID O’NEIL MRS. E. W. STIX MRS. ROBT. McK. JONES MRS. MORRISON FULLER MRS. A. BRUEGGEMAN BANQUET MRS. DAVID THOMPSON ODEON MEETINGS MRS. FRED. J. TAUSSIG MRS. HENRY LODGE MRS. E. W. PATTISON MRS. ROBT. ATKINSON MRS. FRED ENGLISH MRS. HARRY JANUARY MRS. HUGH E. MOORE MRS. EUGENE T. SENSENEY PRESS MRS. F. B. CLARKE PUBLICITY MRS. E. M. GROSSMAN CHURCHES MRS. CLAY JORDAN STREET SPEAKING MRS. FRED ENGLISH ORGANIZATION MEETINGS MRS. FANNIE BONNER PRICE BADGES MRS. A. RAUH MRS. J. ALEX GOODWIN PROGRAM MRS. A. RAUH DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE MRS. B. F. BURCH COMMITTEE FOR “WOMAN CITIZEN” MISS LETTITIA PARKER COMMITTEE FOR NATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE PUBLISHING CO. MRS. A. BUSCHMAN POST OFFICE MRS. FRANK P. HAYS 44 The Fiftieth Annual Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association ST. LOUIS :::::: MARCH 24 to 29 [* ? *] Headquarters: STATLER HOTEL MASS MEETINGS ODEON - - March 27 and 28, 8 p. m. For information call Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis Olive 5493; Headquarters: 755 Century Bldg. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at