NAWSA SUBJECT FILE Pinkham Memorial Fund Dec 11th Boca Grande Florida [168 Beacon Street] My dear Mrs Stantial I have just had one "reminder" from you in regard to the Pinkham Memorial Fund- There seems to be some misunderstanding in regard to this matter & on my return north will ask you to come & see us. Sincerely yours Lo.L. Fes[????] COPY RADCLIFFE COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS Office of the Secretary 26th May, 1937. My dear Miss Pinkham: I taken pleasure in telling you that you passed the recent examinations in Sociology and that you are recommended for the degree magna cum laude. You are excused from the final examination in Sociology 7 C. Sincerely yours, (signed) Harriet D. Buckingham Secretary of Radcliffe College 3 Joy Street, Boston, February 10, 1931. To the Members of the Wenona Osborne Pinkham Memorial Fund Committee: Mrs. J. Malcolm Forbes, the temporary treasurer of the Wenona Osborne Pinkham Memorial Fund, finds it impossible to continue as our permanent Treasurer. A few of the members of the committee, meeting informally, thought it might be possible to combine the offices of Secretary and Treasurer, and have asked Mrs. Stantial if she would be willing to serve in this joint capacity. Since the election of a Treasurer is the only business to come before a meeting of the Committee, I am hoping that you will be willing to vote on this proposition by mail. Mrs. Forbes is planning to go to Florida on Monday, February 16th and would like to transfer all accounts to the permanent Treasurer before that time. Will you therefore sign the attached blank and return it to me at once? Sincerely yours, Mrs. Katherine Koran, Chairman. From - I am in favor of combining the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. I am in favor of asking Mrs. Stantial to accept the office of Secretary-Treasurer of the Memorial Fund. I nominate for the office of Secretary-Treasurer - OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS IN REPLYING REFER TO IT:MEG TREASURY DEPARTMENT INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE BOSTON, MASS. April 14, 1939. Mrs. Guy W. Stantial 21 Ashmont Street Melrose Massachusetts. Re: Tax Liability Dear Madam: Reference is made to your letter dated April 4, 1939, wherein you state that a fund has been established for the purpose of educating a young woman in memory of her mother. The fund is controlled by a committee and administered by five trustees and the treasurer, and is not operated as a corporation. Under the circumstances you request information as to the deductibility of contributions made thereto in the individual income tax returns of the contributors. Please be advised in order to obtain exemption from Federal income taxation it is essential that the enclosed affidavit be executed in all details, signed and sworn to by the treasurer of the organization, and filed in this office at once. The articles of organization, or other documents under which the committee was organized and is operated, and a copy of the latest financial statement should accompany the affidavit. When the necessary information has been received the matter will be referred to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C. for consideration. Kindly attach the enclosed carbon copy of this letter to your reply making reference to IT:MEG. Respectfully Thomas B Hassett MEG:HD Thomas B. Hassett Enclosures Acting Collector. April 14, 1939. IT:MEG Mrs. Guy W. Stantial 21 Ashmont Street Melrose Massachusetts. Re: Tax Liability Dear Madam: Reference is made to your letter dated April 4, 1939, wherein you state that a fund has been established for the purpose of educating a young woman in memory of her mother. The fund is controlled by a committee and administered by five trustees and the treasurer, and is not operated as a corporation. Under the circumstances you request information as to the deductibility of contributions made thereto in the individual income tax returns of the contributors. Please be advised in order to obtain exemption from Federal income taxation it is essential that the enclosed affidavit be executed in all details, signed and sworn to by the treasurer of the organization, and filed in this office at once. The articles of organization, or other documents under which the committee was organized and is operated, and a copy of the latest financial statement should accompany the affidavit. When the necessary information has been received the matter will be referred to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C. for consideration. Kindly attach the enclosed carbon copy of this letter to your reply making reference to IT:MEG. Respectfully MEG:HD Thomas B. Hassett Enclosures Acting Collector. AFFIDAVIT OF PROOF OF EXEMPTION FROM INCOME TAX (For Religious, Charitable, Scientific - and) (Educational organizations, clubs, et cetera) I (Name of Official signing) (Official Title) of the (Name of Organization) of (Address of Organization) being first duly sworn, hereby depose and say that the said was not organized for profit, but was organized and is conducted for the following purposes, as shown by its charter, or Articles of Organization, Constitution and By-Laws, copies of which are attached hereto: that the income of such organization is derived from the following sources: that the income of such organization is expended for the following purposes: that of the income is credited to surplus (state amount credited, if any) and no portion of the income inures, or may inure, to the benefit of any private individual or stockholder. The said hereby formally claims exemption under the provisions of the Revenue Act of 19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said has by its (Officer's Title) signed and delivered this affidavit day of A D 19 Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 19 (Official Title) (Title of Officer taking oath) #308-A-I At-the-Stonewall, Chilmark, Mass. August 1, 1932 Dear Mrs. FearingB I am enclosing a reminder of your pledge to the Pinkham Fund, and a copy of the report showing the present status of the fund. I wrote you last summer about it and neverhad a reply, but I read soon after my letter had gone that you were in Europe. I do so hope that you will want to fulfill your pledge at this time or let me know when I can expect it. We are going to try to increase the fund to the original goal, though we may not have to go that far. Louisa has had a scholarship at the Country Day School, so that we have had no tuition expense thus far and her father has paid her other expenses. Mrs. Henry D. Sleeper very kindly had Louisa at her camp in Vermont and is willing to have her in future summers even after she has passed the age of the girls there, possibly in the position of Counsellor. That has made the arrangements for her summers quite simple. If there is anything I can tell you about the fund, the trustees, etc. please do not hesitate to ask me. The money is invested in [?] 1/2 % Savings Banks, and spread about in sums of $2000 or less. Cordially yours, Treasurer. (Mrs. Guy W. Stantial) (Home address: 16 Thorndike St. Reading, Mass.) after September 10th Apr 25 statement +1932 [Audre - 1457.95 mel. 2025 2325 5807.95 Annual pledge due $670 16 Thorndike St., Reading, Mass., June 8, 1933. Dear Mrs. Fearing Three years ago the Pinkham Memorial Fund was organized with a temporary Treasurer. With the election of permanent officers, the trustees now desire to establish February 1st as the beginning of the fiscal year for the purpose of operating the Fund. Up to the present time notices have been sent out during the summer reminding you of your pledge, but the Treasurer realizes that this has meant the loss to the Fund of some five months' interest. Enclosed is a bill for the amounts due on your pledge for 1931, 1932, and 1933. Will you please designate on the back of this slip the date you prefer to be reminded of your pledge in the future? This is Louisa's last year in High School, - at the Beaver County Day School. She has made a brilliant record, so much so that the School gave her a scholarship to assure her continuation there. Louisa was elected this year to the editorship of the school magazine,- the honor most coveted by the students. Last summer she went, as usual, to Mrs. Mary Sleeper's Camp in Vermont. Her summer of camp life, as long as she wishes to attend, is Mrs. Sleeper's contribution to the Memorial Fund. Louisa plans to enter Radcliffe College next fall next fall. When the Fund was first established the Trustee decided that to keep it fluid and also free from market fluctuations, it should be deposited in Savings Banks rather than invested in securities. Therefore we are glad to report that it has been unaffected by the depression. Cash on hand in Savings Banks, at 4-1/2% interest on February 1, 1933 was $6528.81. Pledges payable during the next four years amount to $1, 137. Cordially yours, Edna L Stantial (Mrs. Guy W.) Treasurer Trustees: Miss Florence H Luscomb, Chairman Mrs. Robert L DeNormandie Miss Zara duPont MASSACHUSETTS LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 31 MT. VERNON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. MRS. MARY TENNEY HEALY, PRESIDENT MISS ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, HONORARY PRESIDENT TELEPHONE HAYMARKET 1106 MEMORIAL AND ANNIVERSARY PLAN COMMITTEE Mrs. Benjamin F. Pitman, Chairman Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, Acting Chairman Mrs. Frederick P. Bagley, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Guy W. Stantial, Treasurer Mrs. Henry Randolph Brigham Mrs. Harry S. Griffin Mrs. Mary Tenney Healy JURY ON SELECTION OF NAMES Mrs. Charles M. Baker Mrs. Ida Porter Boyer Mrs. Francis Peabody Magoun Miss Heloise Meyer ADVISORY COMMITTEE Miss Mary Ware Allen Mrs. Oakes Ames Dr. Fannie Fern Andrews Miss Jean Bascom Mrs. Horace L. Bearse Miss Alice Stone Blackwell Mrs. H. Addington Bruce Mrs. Sewall Cabot Mrs. Howard J. Chidley Mrs. Bancroft G. Davis Miss Katherine Fay Mrs. George R. Fearing Mrs. J. Malcolm Forbes Mrs. Margaret Hatfield Miss Eleanor Hinkley Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs Mrs. Lewis Jerome Johnson Mrs. J. M. Lasell Mrs. Charles Masury Mrs. Samuel Eliot Morison Mrs. George C. Morton Mrs. Lucian Newhall Mrs. George Howard Parker Mrs. Daniel B. Ruggles Mrs. Henry E. Russell Mrs. Robert G. Shaw Mrs. Edmund A. Whitman The National League of Women Voters has established this year, in celebration of its Tenth Anniversary, a National Roll of Honor on which are to be permanently recorded the names of as many as possible of the leaders whose work for political equality and equal educational opportunities has brought to the women of this country a new day of partnership in its public life. In connection with this permanent Roll of Honor, a Memorial Fund is now being raised. The principal of this Fund is to be held intact as a permanent Memorial and the income is to be used to carry forward the work of the National League of Women Voters. The states have all had a part in this undertaking. Massachusetts pledged $5000 in memory of Lucy Stone, Alice Stone Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, Mary A. Livermore and Maud Wood Park. Of this sum $1500 remains to be paid. Miss Blackwell has consented, as her contribution, to autograph numbered copies of the biography of her mother, Lucy Stone, which has just been published, the profit to benefit the fund. A minimum price of $10.00 each will be asked for the first 150 copies. Because you are one of those who has always been interested in helping to bring to women wider opportunities for service in public life, and because you were associated in the early days with those pioneers, we are giving you this opportunity to contribute to the Fund. Lucy Stone and the others, though living in Massachusetts, were women whose work was of national significance. Sincerely yours, [(Alice W. Dellorea andie*] (Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie) Acting Chairman Memorial Committee copy Please send copies of "Lucy Stone - Pioneer of Woman's Rights", autographed by Alice Stone Blackwell. I enclose my contribution of $ for the Memorial Fund of the National League of Women Voters. Name Address September 28, 1933. A meeting of the Pinkham Memorial Fund General Committee was held at the Colonial Lunch Room at one o'clock of September 28, 1933. Present: Miss Luscomb, Mrs. Koren, presiding, mrs. DeNormandie, Mrs. Stantial, Mrs. Coe, Mrs. Evans, Miss Nichols, Miss DuPont The Treasurer's report shoed the cash balance on hand $7195.92 in four Savings Banks. No expenditures have been made to date. Miss Luscomb reported that she had talked with Mr. Pinkham and had asked for a budget for Louisa's college year but that he had not given her any definite figures. They had paid out about $298 for the registration fee, first quarterly tuition, board and incidental college expenses. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that tuition, room and board and other college bills be paid our of the Fund. VOTED: that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow when advisable to save interest on the fund. VOTED: that Mrs. DeNormandie's name he added to those authorized to o. k. expense vouchers. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the expenses necessary for this administration of the Fund. VOTED: that the trustees be instructed to prepare a budget or budgets covering the past and future expenses and submit them to the General Committee for approval. The following report of the Secretary-Treasurer was given: "Reminders of pledges due have been sent out twice yearly and up to the present time only two pledges for arrears are outstanding. Two pledges have been definitely cancelled and two more are doubtful. The Treasurer found it necessary to transfer $1000 from the Andover Savings Bank when that institution dropped form its 5% dividend rate, and up to the time of the nationwide bank closing in March all funds were invested in 5% banks. The State now allows only 3 1/2% on all invested money but 3 of the banks in which we have out money will undoubtedly raise the rate as soon as the restrictions are lifted. "The Treasurer believes a third person should be added to the subcommittee now functioning under Article 3 of the committee set up since it is hardly ethical for a Treasurer to o. k. her own payments. A small petty cash acct. should be set up also to allay the payment of postage and whatever other incidental expenses necessary to the management of the fund. A report was sent out early this spring to all who had made pledges to the Fund giving a complete statement of the capital and income as of Feb. 1st and also a report on Louisa's activities at Beaver. Two cancellations came in response to this and two other contributors have withheld their pledges on the grounds we have sufficient money or that Louisa needs no further aid from outsiders. Meeting adjourned at 2:40 P.M. Edna L. Stantial, Secretary 35 Oxford St. Worschester Feb. 15 '38 Dear Mrs. Stantial: That was an exceedingly interesting letter you wrote to me a week or so ago. I could hardly believe so many years had passed since Louisa Pinkham entered Radcliffe and her graduation with such high honors was a thing all friends of Mrs. Wenona Pinkham must be very proud of. I shall hope to hear more about her activities in Washington and W. Virginia. I wonder if the Federal Prison at Occoquan was included in her study; that would interest me as I spent a week or more there in 1917 together with other Woman's Party members who picketed for Suffrage. I should be very glad to contribute some books to the Library at Chilmark in memory of our dear friend Wenona Pinkham if you find, in looking them over when you can come to Worcester, books suitable for such a library. I shall be very glad to have you come in the spring and talk the whole matter over. I hope the Lucy Stone play will be presented in Worcester as it is sure to be very interesting. I remember attending a suffrage meeting at Lucy Stone's old home in West Brookfield - and Maud Wood Park's play is sure to be very well worth while. Yours very sincerely Camille G. Whitcomb PROFILE HOUSE - MARBLEHEAD NECK - MASSACHUSETTS My dear Mrs. Stantial, Would you please tell me what Mrs. Pinkham's daughter is now doing and also the status of the Funds at present? Louisa must be quite grown up by now and a little news of her would be very interesting to some of us who have been contributing. Thanking you for the reminder and any news you many send along - Very sincerely, Eleanor H. Allen (Mrs. F. G.) 21 Ashmont Steet, Melrose, Mass., January 24th Dear Mrs. Fearing: We have just has our annual meeting to consider the Pinkham Memorial Fund policies for the four years of Louisa's college career. The committee studied the accounts now on deposits in the various Savings Banks, with the estimated amounts due from the pledged received in 1930 and 1931. The accounts filed with an approved by the Court by Louisa's guardian since her mother's death were carefully checked and analyzed with the idea of arriving at the expenses which would legitimately come under the provisions of the fund "for the education and maintenance of Louisa" during her pre-college days. A tentative budget has now been decided upon as follows: For tuition $400; board and room at college $550; books, compulsory fees, supplies, dues and subscriptions, and personal allowance to included clothing and all other incidentals, $350; making a total budget of $1300 per year for four years. With this total, and even estimating the income from the invested funds for the next three years, it will not be possible to re-imburse Louisa's estate for the full amount used from the insurance and other money left by her mother. I am hoping very much that all pledges due since the organization of the fund will be paid, and the the fund may be supplemented possibly by Louisa's securing a scholarship of some kind during her college years. Enclosed in a memorandum of the amount due on your pledge, and I should very much appreciate hearing from you concerning it. I shall be glad, as I have written you heretofore, to give you any further details you may wish to have, either by letter or through a personal interview. Cordially yours, Secretary-Treasurer Pinkham Fund. Mrs. George R. Fearing Rose House Fox Hill Westwood Massachusetts 1934 Monday Sept 24 Dear Mrs. Stantial I am delighted to send the enclosed cheque for the Pinkham Fund & hope to see you soon Sincerely Yours L & L Fearing Pinkham Memorial Fund. (Adopted October 19[??]) 1. The purpose of this fund is to provide for the education and maintenance of Louisa Catherine Pinkham during her school and college years. 2. The general management of the fund shall be under the supervision of the Wenona Osborne Pinkham Fund Committee which shall consist of the original sponsors of the fund and shall have authority at any time to add to its members. The Committee shall appoint a Chairman, Secretary-Treasure] to serve without term. It shall meet at the call of the Chairman or upon the request of five members of the Committee or of the Trustees. Five members shall constitute a quorum. 3. The Committee shall place the permanent fund either in savings banks or with a responsible Trust Company and also shall determine on the disposal of any surplus of the fund and the conclusion of the eduction of Louisa Pinkham. All payments from the capital shall be approved by the Chairman and Treasurer. Annual subscriptions or pledges shall be handled by the Treasurer. 4. The Committee shall appoint a committee of three to be know as the Trustees, one of whom shall be designated by the Committee to serve as Chairman. The Trustees shall serve without term but any temporary vacancy caused by absence, illness or other disability or any permanent vacancy caused by resignation or death shall be filled by the Committee. 5. The Trustees shall have full authority, in accordance with their best judgment, to expend for the benefit of Louisa Pinkham's education and support all annual incomes received either as pledges or as interest on capital and may expend such additional amounts as may be approved by the Committee. 6. The Trustees shall make annual reports to the Committee or more frequent reports upon request. General Committee: [*/*] Mrs. John Koren, Chairman, 3 Joy St. Boston. [*/*] Mrs. Guy W. Stantial, Secretary-Treas. 16 Thorndike Street, Reading [*/*] Miss Alice Stone Stone Blackwell, Dorchester Mrs. Glendower Evans, Brookline *Mrs. Robert L. Da Normandie, Lincoln *Miss Zara DuPont, Cambridge * Miss Florence H. Luscomb, Allston Miss Marian Nichols, Boston Mrs. Martha Helen Elliott, Boston Mrs. Richard D. Coe, West Newton Mrs. Esther N. Andrews, Brookline Mrs. J. Malcolm Forbes, Milton *Trustees WENONA OSBORNE PINKHAM MEMORIAL FUND COMMITTEE General Committee [*-*] Mrs. Katherine Koren, Chairman, 3 Joy St. Boston [*-*] Miss Marion C. Nichols, 55 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston Mrs. Guy Stantial, 16 Thorndike St. Reading [*-*] Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Monadnock St .Dorchester [*-*] Mrs. Martha Helen Elliott, [4 Chestnut St. Boston] [*6 Sentry Hill Place*] [*-*] Mrs. Glendower Evans, 7 Wellington Terrace, Brookline [*-*] Mrs. Evelyn Peverley Coe, 32 Llewellyn Rd. West Newton [*-*] Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, Lincoln [*-*] Miss Zara [D][*d]uPont, 32 Shepard St. Cambridge [*-*] Mrs. Esther N. Andrews, 68 Parkman St. Brookline [*-*] Mrs. J. Malcom Forbes, 280 Adams St. Milton [*-*] Miss Florence H. Luscomb, [14 Ashford St. Allston] [*10 Melvin Ave Brookline*] TRUSTEES OFFUND: Miss Florence H. Luscomb, Chairman Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie Miss Zara [D][*d]uPont Sub-committee to investigate proper methods of investing funds, and best available interest rates in banks, etc. Mrs. Richard D. Coe the Secretary Mrs. Julius Andrews the Chairman of the Fund Committee Minutes, Tuesday, September 23, 1930. A meeting of the Wenona Osborne Pinkham Fund Committee was held at the Colonial Tea Room on Tuesday, September 23, at 1 P. M. Present: Miss Florence Luscomb, acting as temporary chairman, Mrs. Koren, Miss Marion C. Nichols, Miss Zara DuPont, Mrs. Evelyn Peverley Coe, Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, Mrs. Guy Stantial, Mrs. Esther N. Andrews. (Mrs. Stantial and Mrs. DeNormandie as guests. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Elliott were unable to attend). A statement (attached) concerning the purpose and the management of the Fund was presented article by article, [and adopted] VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Koren, that Miss Luscomb, Mrs. DeNormandie and Miss DuPont be appointed as Trustees of the Fund. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that Mrs. John Koren be appointed Chairman of the Fund Committee. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Koren, that Miss Luscomb be appointed Chairman of the Trustees. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Andrews, that Mrs. J. Malcom Forbes, the temporary Treasurer, be appointed Treasurer. VOTED: that Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, Miss Alice Stone Blackwelll, Mrs. J. Malcolm Forbes and Mrs. Edna L. Stantial, be asked to join the Committee. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Coe, that Mrs. Stantial be appointed Secretary. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Coe, that Mrs. Andrews, the Secretary, and the Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. Koren, be appointed as a sub-committee to investigate proper methods of investing the funds and the best available interest rates in banks, trust companies, etc. The statement of the purpose and management of the fund as drafted by a temporary sub committee was then read and considered article by article. VOTED: to amend Section 2 by adding at the end this sentence: "Five members shall constitute a quorum. VOTED: to amend section 4, second sentence by substituting the words "The Trustees" in place of the word "It", so that the amended sentence would read, "The Trustees shall serve without term, etc." Meeting adjourned at 2:40 P. M. [*Edna Lamprey Stantial*] Edna Lamprey Stantial, Secretary. After the formal adjournment, Mrs. Stantial was asked to present the matter to the Executive Board of the League of Women Voters, to ask for authority to turn over to the Trustees the money on deposit in the League account; also to ask the Executive Board to provide a method of appointing the League's member on the committee of Trustees, it having been informally decided that one of the trustees should be nominated by a committee of the League. Mass. League of Women Voters votein regard to funds collected for Pinkham fund. At the request of Mrs. Guy Stantial, Secetary of the Wenona Osborne Pinkham Fund, the Massachusetts League of Women Voters at its Executive Board meeting on Thursday, October 2, 1930, heard the statement read of the purpose and management of the fund as prepared by the original sponsors, and the following motions were adopted: VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Stantial, that the fund of approximately $1275. raised by a group in the Massachusetts League of Women Voters, now on deposit at the Andover Savings Bank under the name, Wenona Osborne Pinkham Memorial Fund, be transferred to the Trustees of the Fund, to be administered in accordance with the plan drawn up and approved by the committee of sponsors. VOTED: On motion of Mrs. Stantial, that the Massachusetts League of Women Voters appoint the following Advisory Committee to whom shall be referred all matters relating tothe League's share in the joint fund, including future nominations in the Board of Trustees: Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, Lincoln, Mass. Mrs. Mary Livermore Barrows, West Emerson St. Melrose Mrs. Charles I. Quirk, 88 Mt. Pleasant Ave. Roxbury Mrs. Willard Dana Woodbury, 90 Gardner St. Allston Mrs. Guy W. Stantial, 16 Thorndike St. Reading Mass. The second vote was taken after it was reported that the General Fund Committee had decided, informally without vote, that one of the three trustees of the Fund should be a representative of the group in the League of Women Voters which had raised a portion of the fund. WENONA OSBORNE PINKHAM FUND 1. The purpose of this fund is to provide for the education and maintenance of Louise Pinkham during her school and college years. 2. The general management of the fund shall be under the supervision of the Wenona Osborne Pinkham Fund Committee which shall consist of the original sponsors of the fund and shall have authority at any time to add to its members. The Committee shall appoint a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary to serve without term. It shall meet at the call of the Chairman or upon the request of five members of the Committee or of the Trustees. Five members shall constitute a quorum. 3. The Committee shall place the permanent fund either in savings banks or with a responsible trust company and also[*|*]shall determine on the disposal of any surplus of the fund at the conclusion of the education of Louisa Pinkham. All payments from the capital shall be approved by the Chairman and Treasurer. Annual subscriptions or pledges shall be handled by the Treasurer. 4. The Committee shall appoint a committee of three to be known as the Trustees, one of whom shall be designated by the Committee to serve as Chairman. The Trustees shall serve without term but any temporary vacancy caused by absence, illness or other disability or any permanent vacancy caused by resignation or death shall be filled by the Committee. 5. The Trustees shall have full authority, in accordance with their best judgment, to expend for the benefit of Louisa Pinkham's education and support all annual incomesreceived either as pledges or as interest on capital and may expand such additional amounts as may be approved by the Committee. 6. The Trustees shall make annual reports to the Committee or more frequent reports upon request. Adopted Tuesday, September 23, 1939. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS 400 Investment Building Washington, D. C. May 25, 1937. Dear Miss Pinkham: During a conference with the staff of the Bureau of Prisons yesterday it developed that the Bureau would be a most profitable place for a woman intern. Would you, with your training in sociology, be at all interested in serving an internship with the Bureau? The plan would be somewhat as follows: You would begin as early as possible, in June perhaps, and spend several months in the field so as to learn the actual institutional problems. The Federal Industrial Institution for Women at Alderson, West Virginia, was mentioned as a very good place to gain this experience. Incidentally, your Civil Service appointment would be as Institution Intern and you would have furnished travel and maintenance at the institution, room, board and laundry, or the equivalent of $540 a year. At the end of your field experience you would be assigned to Washington. This would probably be sometime in December. In this way you would still have a full semester of academic work and several months of the round tables ahead of you. How does it sound? Would you be interested at all in serving your internship in the Bureau of Prisons? Let me advise you that it is one of the best managed units in the Federal Government and that in my opinion the combination of the field experience and the central office experience would be a most valuable training in institutional and general management. Let me add immediately, however, that there is nothing mandatory about this suggestion. It is simply an excellent opportunity which presents itself at this time. If you would rather serve your internship in some other agency of the government, do not hesitate to turn this opportunity down. I feel, however, that you should give it most serious consideration. It is an unusually good opportunity. However, in any case, first you would have to be interviewed here. Mr. Bennett the director, wishes to see you before any definite commitments are made. So please write me immediately, (1) whether you are at all interested in the proposed internship in the Bureau of Prisons, or would prefer to wait until September for placement in some other agency, and (2) whether and when you will be able to come to Washington to interview the staff of the Bureau of Prisons. Dr. Davenport joins me in sending personal greetings. Sincerely yours, (signed) Henry Reining, Jr. Educational Director. Chairman: Frederick M. Davenport Board of Trustees: Louis Brownlow, President John Dickinson Eugene Meyer Edward R. Murrow Henry L. Stimson December 18, 1933. Meeting of the Pinkham Memorial Fund Committee held at the Colonial Lunch Room, 99 Mt. Vernon St. Boston on Monday, December 18th at 1 P.M. Mrs. Koren presiding. Others present: Miss Luscomb, Mrs. Elliott, Miss duPont, Miss Nichols, Mrs. DeNormandie, Mrs. Stantial. The [following] attached report of the Treasurer was read, and copies placed in the hands of those present. Miss Luscomb read copies of the returns made by Mr. Pinkham to the Court as guardian for Louisa and submitted the items approved by the Trustees as legitimate expenditures for the "education and maintenance of Louisa". The items totaled as follows: February 1930-31 $1010.54 " 1931-32 1111.36 " 1932-33 1171.21 " 33-Sept. 33 916.63 Total $4203.74 After an extensive discussion and a careful analysis of the figures, it was VOTED: on motion of Miss Luscomb: that we reserve $1300 per year for four years, for Louisa's college expenses and maintenance, pro-rated according to the fulfillment of pledges, and that the Committee re-imburse so far as possible the expenses of the past three years. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. DeNormandie, that the fiscal year for the operation of the Pinkham Memorial Fund begin September 1st. Miss Luscomb reported a conference of the Trustees and Louisa for the consideration of a tentative budget for the four college years. The est te left by Wenona Pinkham, approximating $4300, had all been used during the period of Louisa's attendance at Bower Country Day School. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that the following budget be approved by the Committee: College Board and Room $550. Tuition 400. Books 25. Allowance, $25. per month 300. Athletic supplies 15. Dues and subscriptions 10. Total $1300.00 VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that the Committee accepts the budget of $1300 and authorizes an appropriation of $950 for tuition and room and board, and the balance of the $1300 for personal expenses. Treasurer's report of Pinkham Memorial Fund December 18. 1933. Cash on hand, December 15, 1933 Malden savings Bank 468.82 Melrose Savings Bank 3843.15 Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank 1866.54 Andover Savings Bank 525.86 Total cash on hand 6704.37 Unpaid pledges for 1933 ($10. and $25.) 35.00 Withdrawals for expenses, September 1933 to December: Refund to Louisa Pinkham for college bills 218.33 Refund to H. W. Pinkham for loan to Louisa 66.22 Petty cash account set up. 15. October allowance to Louisa 25. November allowance 25. College tuition, quarterly bill due Nov. 20. 100. " board, quarterly bill due Nov. 20. 83.25 Check tax .02 Total expenses 532.82 General information about Pinkham Memorial Fund: Transfer to Treas. from League of Women Voters account 1314.53 General fund transferred to Edna L. Stantial by Rose D. Forbes, temporary treasurer 2729. Additional capital payments made in Feb. 1931 50. Pledges (7 year period) recd. up to Feb. 1931 3375. Total estimated fund as of Feb. 1931 7468.53 Interest earned February 1931 to Dec. 1933 584.16 Melrose Savings 217.95 Charlestown 5ยข Sav. 233.06 Malden Savings 3.82 Andover Savings 129.33 Total 8052.69 Less pledges cancelled 620. Estimated total of fund as of Dec. 15, 1933 7432.69 PINKHAM MEMORIAL FUND MINUTES, Monday, December 18, 1933. A meeting of the Pinkham Memorial Fund General Committee was held at the Colonial Lunch Room, 99 Mount Vernon Street, Boston on Monday, December 18th 1933 at 1. P. M. Present: Mrs. Koren, presiding; Miss Luscomb, Miss duPont, Mrs. DeNormandie, Miss Nicholas, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Stantial. The attached report of the Treasurer was read, and copies placed in the hands of those present. Miss Luscomb reported a conference of the Trustees (Miss Luscomb, Chairman, Miss duPont, and Mrs. DeNormandie) with Louisa, for the consideration of a tentative budget for the four college years. The estate left by Wenona Pinkham, approximating $4300, had all be used to advance the expenses of Louisa's attendance at Beaver. After an extensive discussion and a careful analysis of the figures as presented, it was VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that the Committee accepts the budget of $1300 and authorizes the appropriation of $950 for tuition and room and board, and the balance for personal expenses. The figures as submitted were as follows: [*5200.*] College Board and Room $550. Tution 400. Books 25. Allowance, $25. per month 300. Athletic supplies 15. Dues and subscriptions 10. Total $1300 Miss Luscomb then read copies of the returns made by Mr. Pinkham to the Court as guardian for Louisa and submitted the items approved by the Trustees as legitimate expenditures for the "education and maintenance of Louisa": February 1930 - Feb. 1931 $1010.54 February 1931 - " 1932 1111.36 February 1932-33 1171.21 February 1933 - Sept. 1933 916.63 Total $4209.74 VOTED: on motion of Miss Luscomb: that we reserve $1300 per year for four years, for Louisa's college expenses and maintenance, pro-rated according to the fulfillment of pledges, and that the Committee re-imburse so far as possible the expenses of the past three years. page 2. Pinkham Memorial Fund minutes, Dec. 18, 1933. VOTED; on motion of Mrs. DeNormandie: that the fiscal year for the operation of the fund begin September 1st. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Edna L. Stantial, Treasurer December 18, 1933. Meeting of the Pinkham Memorial Fund Committee held at the Colonial Lunch Room, 99 Mt. Vernon St. Bost on on Monday, December 18th at 1 P. M. Mrs. Kor en presiding. Others present: Miss Luscomb, Mrs. Elliott, Miss duPont, Miss Nichols, Mrs. DeNormandie, Mrs. Stantial. The attached report of the Treasurer was read, and copies placed in the hands of those present. Mis s Luscomb read copies of the returns made by Mr. Pinkham to the Court as guardian for Louisa submitted the items approved by the Trustees as legitimate expenditures for the "education and maintenance of Louisa". The items totalled as follows: February 1930-31 $1010.54 '' 1931-32 1111.36 '' 1932-33 1171.21 '' 33-Sept. 33 916.63 Total $4209. 74 After an extensive discussion and a careful analysis of the figures, it was VOTED: on motion of Miss Luscomb: that we reserve $1300 per year for four years, for Louisa's college expenses and maintenance, pro-rated according to the fulfillment of pledges, and that the Committee re-imburses go far as possible the expenses of the past three years. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. DeNormandie, that the fiscal year for the operation of the Pinkham Memorial Fund begin September 1st. Miss Luscomb reported a conference of the Trustees and Louisa for the consideration of a tentative budget for the four college years. The estate left by Wenona Pinkham, approximating $4300, had all been used during the period of Louisa's attendance at Bewer Country Day School. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that the following budget be approved by the Committee: College Board and Room $550. Tuition 400. Books 25. Allowance, $25. per month 300. Athletic supplies 15. Dues and subscriptions 10. Total $1300.00 VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that the Committee accepts the budget of $1300 and authorizes an appropriation of $950 for tuition and room and board, and the balance of the $1300 for personal expenses. Pinkham Memorial Fund April25, 1931. Cap. Pledges Pd. on Int. Pl. Transferred from League of Women Voters 1314.53 125. General Fund Capital from Mrs. Forbes 2729 3300 515. 72.85 Paid since February 1,1931.(Nichols) 25. E.N. Andrews 25. 75. 5. 11.45 -------------------------------------- Totals, April 25, 1931. 4093.53 3500. 520. 84.30 4093.53 3500. 520. 84.30 ---------- Cash 4697/83 Pledges 3500. -------------- 8197.83 8197.83 On deposit as follows: Andover Savings Bank 1344.53 Melrose Savings Bank 2025. Charles town 5c Savings 1000. Blue Hill Trust Co. balance 328.30 ------------- 4697.83 March 25th [*1932*] * Meeting of the Pinkham Memorial Fund Committee held at the Colonial Tea Room at 1 P. M. Present, Miss Luscomb, presiding, Mrs. Coe, Mrs. Stantial, Miss Nichols. Miss Luscomb read a statement which Mr. Pinkham had filed as guardian for Louisa for the fiscal year 1930-1931. Louisa's Capital Account is $4349.07. Her expenses for the year were $1081.70. There was discussion of the various items on the schedule and the question was raised as to the time our committee's responsibility started. Miss Luscomb stated that Louisa's uncle George Osborn was willing to have her with him. He is Professor at Leland Stanford but is to be on sabbatical year in the south next year. The question was raised as to whether Louisa would get what we deemed proper schooling in the southern state referred to. It was the sense of the meeting that Louisa would receive much benefit from the home life with her uncle, and that public school might also be of great help. Mrs. Stantial gave a rough estimate of the amount of money in the fund from pledges and the League of Women Voters account. Approximately $7000. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols: That the Secretary-Treasurer prepare a brief statement presenting the organization of the committee, its personnel, and a report of its working; a financial statement and the details of the accounting of the fund; and that the Committee on the supervision of the fund prepare a brief statement about Louisa. Meeting adjourned at 2:30. Respectfully submitted, [*?Edna S Stantial*] Secretary * No quorum Meeting, March 25, 1931. Meeting of the Pinkham Memorial Fund held at the Colonial Tea Room at 1 P.M. Present, Miss Luscomb, presiding, Mrs. Coe, Mrs. Stantial, Miss Nichols. Miss Luscomb read a statement which Mr. Pinkham had filed as guardian for Louisa for the fiscal year 1930-1931. Louisa's Capital Account is $4349.07. Her expenses for the year were $1081.70. There was discussion of the various items on the schedule and the question was raised as to the time our committee's responsibility started. Miss Luscomb stated that Louisa's uncle, George Osborn, was willing to have her with him. He is Professor at Leland Stanford but is to be on sabbatical year in the south next year. The question was raised as to whether Louisa would get what we deemed proper schooling in the southern state referred to. It was the sense of the meeting that Louisa would receive much benefit from the home life with her uncle, and that public school might also be of great help. Mrs. Stantial gave a rough estimate of the amount of money in the fund from pledges and the League of Women Voters account. Approximately $7000. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols: That the Secretary-Treasurer prepare a brief statement presenting the organization of the committee, its personnel, and a report of its working; a financial statement and the details of the accounting of the fund; and that the Committee on the supervision of the fund prepare a brief statement about Louisa. Meeting adjourned at 2:30. Respectfully submitted, Secretary. Reported that througha mail vote, Mrs. Stantial had been elected as Treasurer and the offices of Secretary and Treasurer combined. Mrs. Forbes did not wish to become permanent Treasurer. Minutes of Pinkham Memorial Committee Meeting held at Colonial Tea Room on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1930 at 1 P. M. Present Miss Luscomb, Mrs. Koren, Miss Nichols,Miss DuPont, Mrs. Coe, Mrs. DeNormandie, Mrs. Stantial, Mrs.Andrews. (Mrs. Stantial and Mrs. DeNormandie as guests.) Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Evans were unable to attend. A statement (attached) concerning the purpose and the management of the Fund was presented article by article. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Koren, that Miss Luscomb, Mrs. DeNormandie and Miss DuPont be appointed at the Trustees of the Fund. VOTED: on motion of Miss Nichols, that Mrs. John Koren be appointed Chairman of the Fund Committee. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Koren, that Miss Luscomb be appointed Chairman of the Trustees. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Andrews, that Mrs. J. Malcolm Forbes, the temporary Treasurer, be appointed Treasurer. VOTED: that Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Mrs. J. Malcolm Forbes and Mrs. Edna L. Stantial be asked to join the committee. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Coe, that Mrs. Stantial be appointed Secretary. VOTED: on motion of Mrs. Coe, that Mrs. Andrews, the Secretary, Mrs. Stantial, and the Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. Koren be appointed a s a sub-committee to investigate proper methods of investing the funds and the best available interest rates in banks, trust companies, etc. The statement of the purpose and management of the fund as drafted by a temporary subcommittee was then read and considered article by article. VOTED: to amend Section 2 by adding at the end of this sentence: "Five members shall constitute a quorum. VOTED: to amend Section4, second sentence by substituting the words "The Trustees" in place of the word "it" so that the amended sentence would read, "The Trustees shall serve without term, etc." Meeting adjourned at 2:40 P.M. (signed) Edha L. Stantial Secretary After the formal adjournment, Mrs. Stantial was asked to present the matter to the Executive Board of the League of Women Voters, to ask for authority to turn over to the Trustees the money on deposit in the League account; also to ask the Executive Board to provide a method of appealing the League's member on the committee of Trustees (now Mrs. DeNormandie), it having been informally decided that oe of the trustees should be nominated by a committee of the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Arthur G. Rotch, First Vice-President Mrs. Robert E. Stebbins, Second Vice-President Mrs. Roland M. Baker, Third Vice-President Mrs. Willard D. Woodbury, Fourth Vice-President Mrs. Charles Peabody, Fifth Vice-President Mrs. Guy W. Stantial, Treasurer Mrs. Edward Scott O'Keefe, Secretary DIRECTORS AT LARGE Mrs. William Scott Keith Mrs. William E. Towne Mrs. Milton J. Rosenau Mrs. Robert C. Sweetser Mrs. Carroll L. Chase Mrs. Edward E. Wise COUNTY DIRECTORS Miss Clara J. Hallett, Barnstable Mrs. C. F. Garniss, Plymouth Mrs. Jessie C. Dunbar, Norfolk Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie, Suffolk Mrs. Frank S. Elliott, Middlesex Mrs. G. Milton Friese, Essex Mrs. Philip H. Duprey, Worcester Mrs. Robert E. Stebbins, Hampden Miss Miriam B. Clark, Hampshire Mrs. Elwyn L. Taber, Franklin Mrs. Richard A. Ruether, Berkshire Mrs. True Worthy White, Secretary of Political Education Mrs. Louis C. Hunter, Field Secretary 25 MASSACHUSETTS LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 31 MT. VERNON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. MRS. MARY TENNEY HEALY, PRESIDENT MISS ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, HONORARY PRESIDENT TELEPHONE HA MARKET 1106 January 10, 1930. Dear Friend: As you undoubtedly know, we have suffered an irreparable loss, both personally and in our civic life, in the death of Mrs. Wenona Osborne Pinkham on January 8th. You, as one who was associated with her in her glorious life of service, do not need any words to tell you the character and abilities we mourn today. Mrs. Pinkham left one child, a daughter fourteen years old, whom she idolized. Some of us have felt that the best expression we could give of the love and sorrow that fill our hearts would be a fund for the upbringing and education of this daughter. We have felt that Mrs. Pinkham would rather have our tribute to her take this expression than that of elaborate flowers at her funeral. If you share this feeling you may send your contribution to Mrs. Guy W. Stantial, Treasurer of the Massachusetts League of Women Voters, 31 Mount Vernon Street, Boston. We will send a moderate gift of flowers to the service. The whole spirit of this fund is that no one should contribute from a sense of duty but that it should be the loving outpouring of our hearts. Nor should anyone feel constrained to give dollars whose circumstances would warrant only pennies. The least gift will be as treasured as the greatest where all are the tribute of our hearts to the beautiful life which blessed our own. Sincerely yours, Alice W. DeNormandie (Mrs. R. L.) Mary A. Livermore Barrows (Mrs. M.D.) Edna L. Stantial (Mrs. G. W.) Hilda Hedstrom Quirk (Mrs. C. I.) Emily M. Woodbury (Mrs. W. D.) [*V. Y.*] Wenona Osborne Pinkham RARE INDEED is a life as fruitful in ways that benefit the world as that of Wenona Osborne Pinkham whose end, in the midst of its fullest activity, has brought a profound sense of grief to the community and an almost shattering loss to the causes for which she labored. To her many friends and co-workers comes the spontaneous impulse to give concrete recognition of her devoted service to civic and social ends and of her helpfulness in every human need. Those who have watched the illumination of Mrs. Pinkham's countenance at the sight or thought of her only child or who have shared in her deep concern for her daughter's future feel that the most fitting memorial is a fund to ensure ample provision for Louisa's education through her school and college years. Such a memorial seems the natural fulfillment of a trust left to us by her mother. The privilege of sharing in the establishment of this memorial fund is offered to all whose lives have been enriched by the inspiration of Mrs. Pinkham's wonderful personality. [*X*] ESTHER M. ANDREWS ALICE STONE BLACKWELL FRANCES G. CURTIS ELIZABETH GLENDOWER EVANS [*X*] MARGARET PERKINS HERRICK JESSIE DONALDSON HODDER JOSEPH LEE [*X*] FLORENCE H. LUSCOMB HERBERT C. PARSONS Temporary Treasurer MRS. J. MALCOLM FORBES, [*X*] 280 Adams Street, Milton, Mass. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at