NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Puerto Rico Suffrage Assocs. Liga Feminea Puertorriqueña San Juan, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P. R. Febrero 10 de 1920. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, 404 Riverside Drive, New York. Dear Mrs. Catt: I have such pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of the very kind invitation you were good enough to extend to me thru Mrs. Gaztambide to send representatives of our Women's Suffrage League to the National Convention to be held in Madrid on the days comprised between the second and eighth of May next. Mrs. Gaztambide is very desirous that Miss Sola and the writer should appear at the said convention in representation of the Portorican League, which, needless to say, would be a source of much pleasure and gratification to us both The rather limited amount of time and other circumstances, however, make it somewhat doubtful as to whether our ardent wishes in this regard will be capable of realization. Nevertheless, should we be unable to attend we will make it a point to delegate someone to represent us. Thanking you most cordially for remembering your humble colleagues in the Grand Cause in Porto Rico, I am, Sincerely yours, Milagros Benet de Mewton President, Portorican Women's Suffrage League. August the Twenty-First, Nineteen Twenty-Two. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, President, International Alliance of Pan American Union, New York City. Dear Mrs. Catt: It was a source of deep regret to me to be obliged to leave New York without seeing you and personally bidding you adieu, especially after being made the recipient of so many favors and courtesies, which will ever live in my memory, at your hands and the hands of the League of Women Voters. I called at your office to say good-bye and there enjoyed some very happy moments with your Secretary, Mrs. Hay [*Hyde*], who called my attention to the meeting of the Committee of the Pan American Union to be held in the month of July. Unfortunately, however, it was utterly impossible for me to defer my departure until after that date, much as I would have liked to be present. I have just seen a press notice of your election as President of the Pan American Union of Woman, and I am sure you will now concur that I was not wrong when I so interpreted the wish of the majority of the Latin Americans and said "You must be our President, Mrs. Catt," and you with your characteristic modesty and generosity answered, "Do not anticipate too much, Mrs. Mewton" or words to that effect. Please accept my warmest congratulations, Mrs. Catt, at this proof of the high and well-deserved esteem in which you are held by my Latin-American colleagues and allow me to give expression to my own satisfaction at the realization of my own hopes and expectation. I am ready to begin work in Porto Rico just as soon as I receive your instructions and the By-Laws. I have not yet received any notification from Miss Elena Torres of Mexico, who is the Vice-President of this District. With expression of my high admiration and adherence, believe me, very sincerely your friend, Milagres Benet de Mewton. MBM/he. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at