Frederick Law Olmsted Subject File Military Buildings Schuylkill Arsenal, PA and grounds 1875-77 & UndatedPhiladelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, May 19, 1875 Mr. Frederic Law Olmsted 209 West 46th St. New York Dear Sir Enclosed please find a rough draught of this Depot made arguably [agreeably?] to your request. That portion of the rear yard omitted you did not require I believe. Very respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt. & [?]Captain Rogers 19th May 75 28 May 1875 Captain J. F. Rogers Schuylkill Arsenal Dear Sir. This will be presented by my architectural assistant, Mr. Milhaim Misdell whom I commended to your favor. I have requested Mr. Misdell to make certain measurements. Will you kindly [supply allow a young man to] give him permission & facilities for doing so and, if convenient, supply a young man to help him with the tape. [and] Very respectfully yours [?][*To Capt J F Rodgers May 23 '75*] Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department Philadelphia, May 29th 1875 Mr. Frederic Law Olmsted New York Dr Sir Authority has been granted to expend five hundred Dollars ($500-) for new front gates at this Depot. I enclose a design which is considered suitable. The Gate only will be required (to be hung to the present brick piers) and can be obtained for three hundred & twenty five dollars ($325-) which would leave one hundred and seventy five dollars ($175-) for such ornamentation or alteration of the brick piers as you might deem proper. Please suggest what you think necessary in the matter, in order that it may harmonize with such ornamentation of the grounds as you have in contemplation. Very respectfully yours John F Rodgers Capt. & [?]Capt Rodgers May 29 - 75M. Gnl. M. C. Meigs; Q. M General. U. S. A. My dear General; The improvements which I shall propose on the grounds at Schuylkill Arsenal are [required] simple [if a simple character and will will the expense required for of carrying be inexpensive except for] and the chief expense [involved will be for] requested by [?] the renewal of the existing stone work (chiefly in curbs) which was never any good and is now [?] dilapidated with 70 years use. Concrete paving also would be [would also be] substituted with [?] for the present road [ground].[?] surface, [especially] on the entrance [road] way and in the central court, and flagging or concrete for plank in the rail way platform. [These are questions of construction which do not necessarily affect which it is not necessary the plan I am to propose that my plan should deal. The old build] The warehouse originally designed [the occupied by was erected I believe the residence arguably designed for] as the residence of the officer in charge and now occupied by Captn Rogers is a change [is a respectable and] substantial building of the last century [?][now] which yet lacks certain [household] conveniences and appliances [which are] now commonly thought indispensable for [a family] a household living in a civilized home. [city. Its accompaniments are such [? to quite unnecessary annoyances from which they strive to be free.] Captain Hull's house is much smaller [family less dwells on a much smaller meaner house,] and is cramped, ill arranged, [cramped, inconvenient] and approached, [cramped, inconvenient] and approached in a most [in an] awkward and embarrassing way. It was originally intended as quarters for a mechanic and was but poorly planned for the purpose.Whatever the exigencies of military service may require [of an officer] on the frontier I [do] can not think [this house] it should [can] be considered suitable [for an offi] for the family of an officer [in Phila] when stationed at Philadelphia.None of the inconveniences and deprivations which attach to a residence in these houses were pointed out to me by any one at the depot and the two officers most directly concerned were both slow to admit them and except as to the [approach] lack of any tolerable means of access to the smaller house indisposed to offer or entertain suggestions for their remedy. They obviously did not expect me to concern myself with them.I am sure however that [then] the defects to which I allude ought not be regarded as irremediable and permanent and as [their purpose] the simplest remedies for them would affect the question of approaches and other [implements of the grounds] use of the adjoining ground I must consider it within my commission unless you [now] otherwise distinctly instructed [me] to submit plans to you for some very modest improvements [of the depot in] of the character indicated.[*To Genl. Meigs 1st June 1875. About improvement of the grounds and urging modification of the plan of two bldgs.*] 7th June 1875. Capt. J.F. Rogers; U.S.A. Schuylkill Arsenal Dear Sir, Excuse me for not sooner replying to your inquiry about the gates. I am confident that gates of better design can be made for the price and propose to submit drawings for them. [?] without an act of Congress Please advise me if you can whether the Secy of War could without an act of Congress appropriate some old brass guns to be melted for bronze decorations, or could send [some old] a few condemned mortars or other iron artillery to be used in the improvement of the depot? [Is there][*Rogers June 7 '75*] are there precedents for such an appropriation and might I reasonably recommend an application for the purpose.To Capt J. F. Rodgers June 7 '75WASHINGTON CITY NO 12 39 VERMONT AVENUE N W JUNE 8 TH 1875 MY DEAR SIR I HAVE RECEIVED YOUR LETTER OF THE 5TH INST & HAVING MY SELF BEEN DETACHED ON SPECIAL SERVICE I HAVE TRANSFERRED IT FOR ACTION TO MY SUCCESSOR IN CHARGE OF THE OFFICE OF THE QUARTER MASTER GENERAL, COLONEL RUFUS INGALLS ACTING QUARTER MASTER GENERAL. THE SUGGESTIONS WHICH YOU MAKE SEEM TO BE JUDICIOUS BUT I CAN NOT SAY WHAT MAY BE THE VIEWS OF THE OFFICER NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORK; I GO ABROAD TO BE ABSENT FOR A YEAR & A HALF DURING WHICH TIME I AM FREE FROM ALL DUTY OR RESPONSIBITLITY FOR THE QR MR GEN'S OFFICE. WITH THE HIGHEST RESPECT & REGARD I AM YOURS [?] [?] Philadelphia U.S.A. MR FRED LAW OLMSTED NEW YORK[*Gnl. Meigs 8th June 75*] War Department, Quartermaster General's Office, Washington, D. C. June 15 1875 Mr. Fred Law Olmstead Landscape Architect 209 West 46th St. New York Sir, In reply to your letter of the 1st inst relative to the improvements of the grounds of the Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia Pa, you are hereby informed that the necessity for the improvement of the buildings is recognized, and you are requested to submit plans for the same with estimates of the cost on as economical as basis as practicable. Very respectfully Your Obedient Servant Rufus Ingalls Acting Quartermaster General Ret. Major General U. S. Army 867 - Q.M.G.O. - 1875[*Gnrl Ingalls 15th June 75*] Cap. John F. Rogers, Schuykill Arsenal. 18th June 1875. My Dear Captain Since I saw you I have read a letter from General Ingalls who recognizes the necessity for [this] improvement in the [buildings] forces quarters (which I suggested) at Schuykill Arsenal, and requests me "transmit plans for the same with estimates on as economical a basis as possible". Be so good as to examine the [enclosed di] following diagram and write me if there is any thing impracticable in the arrangement proposed by it. [Half the present not my] I shall [propose] recommend a new veranda for the front of your house. The rear veranda not very useful at present will then be [only?] less so.The diagram shows half of it enclosed and in this the following additional accommodations. 1st a vestibule which is a combination of the present hall; 2d a coat and washing room [9 x 5.6]; 3d a water closet; [4th] with convenient but indirect access respectively from the vestibule and the dining room. 4th a pantry and [rear passage] access from hall & kitchen stairs and opening into dining room. 5th a china closest [opening from] entered from the pantry. The water closet has outside ventilation and is cut off from all other rooms by a special lobby; The pantry & china closet & coat room are well lighted.To Capt Rogers 18th June 1875 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department Philadelphia, June 18th 1875 Mr. Fredric Law Olmsted New York [*Return to F.L.O.*] Dr Sir, With reference to those front gates for this Depot, I desire to call your attention to the fact that the appropriation ($500.00) for them is available from the present fiscal year appropriation and in order to get it work on this improvement should be commenced before the expiration of the year (June 30th) Can you arrange the matter so that a contract can be made for it before that time. Please advise me at your earliest convenience. Very respectfully John F. Rogers Capt. & M.S.K. U.S.A.[*Capt Rogers 18th, June/75*]Philadelphia Depot of the Q.M. Department. Philadelphia, June 13 1875 Mr Fred. Law Olmsted 209 West 46th St New York Dear Sir If you can make an estimate for the south gate as well as the north one (all coming within the $500), it will not be necessary to do any work on the former until you are ready. The work will be commenced in fact by whatever is done on the north gate. The appropriation being for both cannot very well be offered to one Yours very truly John F. Rogers Capt & M.[?] [N?]Capt Rodgers June 23.75SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL. PHILADELPHIA, June 28th 1875 Mr F. Law Olmsted, New York City. My dear Sir: I received the plan of gates today, and have written you, saying that it was acceptable, and requesting Mr. [Elli??] to make them as soon as possible. I was in Washington last week and saw the Acting Q. M. Genl (Genl Ingalls) who is desirous of improving this place. Will you please hurry forward your plansand estimates as rapidly as possible, so that work may be completed before cold weather sets in. I am anxious to know the superficial feet in roadways and walks, to decide as to the propriety of laying asphaltum. I will return by Express the plans as requested. Yours respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt [?][*From Capt. Rodgers June 28.*] Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, June 29' 187 Mr Fred Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir -- Your plans for gate have just arrived. Mr [Ellins?] bid is accepted ($500.00) Please instruct him to commence work at once -- Gate No 3 is the design selected -- have letters "Q. M. D." in left hand gate and "U.S.A." in right. Very truly yours John F. Rodgers Capt. & M.S.K. U.S.A.From & to Capt Rodgers June 30 - 7530th June 75 To Capin Rogers I have recd yours of 29th and have given Mgr. Ellins ofc their instructions accordingly. Very Respy FLO Lee 29 Charles Street N.Y. 2nd July 1875 My dear Mr Olmsted I have obtained estimates as far Brickwork and plastering is concerned from a Builder the carpenter work is I think a fair estimate Brickwork Brickwork the Prin. Gate -- 798.00 Gate Lodge & Plastering -- 362.00 Coping to wall in Brick laid in Portland cement -- 854.00 Officers Quarters at present occupied by Capt Hull and Carpenter Work 2500.00 Capn Hull quarter & plaster 1500.00 Alterations to Capt Rogers 1000.00 Painting and contingen 1000.00 $8014.00The price for stone coping I obtained from [Myers? Nyc?] and is cheaper than the Washington prices -Very much [hurried?] I am yours truly Thomas Wisedell I do not know how to thank you for your kindness & thoughtfulness which is very acceptable.[*Wisedell July 2 '75*] 6th July 1875 Captain J. F. Rogers. U.S.A. Dear Sir; The area of roadway proposed [to be grav] to be concreted (viz.from gate to corner of quadrangle, the railway platform another connecting road of the fore court) is 736 yards. The very best asphaltic pavement (neufchatel) would cost not far from $4. a yard - for the whole $3000. By single estimate the cost of carrying out of my plans would be little short of $25000. This includes the additional sewerage required but not the proposed new water closets for workmen, nor the suggested bronze fountain which I have not yet the data for including. $8000 is for improvement of officers quarters, wall & gateways. Yours respectfully[*To Capt Rodgers July 6. 75*] Philadelphia Pa July 10th 1875 To Mr Fred Law Olmsted, New York City. My dear Sir: I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of July 6th. I feel very anxious to see the estimates as soon as possible, for, as the Acting Q. M. General is not disposed at present, it is important that the plans shouldbe submitted to him at an early day. I notice your item of $8,000 for improvements of Officers' Quarters, and think that it will hardly meet the approbation of Genl Ingalls. Still he may be willing to expend that sum. When may I look for the Gates? With great respect Most truly yours J.F. Rodgers U.S.A.Capt Rodgers July 10. 75 N.Y. 13th. July 1875 Captain J.F. Rodgers. USA. Schuylkill Arsenal Phila. Dear Sir, [I have] On returning from Washington I have received your favor of 10th inst. While there I [called on the Q. M. Genl and showed the preliminary sketches [studies]] had the opportunity of showing my preliminary studies [designs of] to the Q.M. Genl. He was pleased with them in all respects and said that he would not object to an outlay of $25000 if found necessary to carry them out, though he had in some way been misled to [suppose that] understand that I thought that $15000 would be enough.& I will have the working plans proceeded with as soon as possible after the return of Mr Wisedell who is now away for a short holiday. I regret that a longer detention than I had anticipated prevented me from having the pleasure of calling on you as I passed. Shall I send the studies for the imprint [a] of the "quarters" for your inspection? [before proceeding with the printing] [It does] They do not vary from the rough diagrams that you have seen.To Capt Rodgers July 13_75 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, July 15th 1875 Mr Fred. Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir Your letter of the 13th inst is at hand. I am glad to learn that the Acting Q. M. General has approved the plans. You have not sent a [sketch] diagram of the proposed alteration of Capt. Hulls quarters. he would like to see it. It will not be necessary to send the studies for my quarters as the rough diagram was clearly understood and quite satisfactory Can you get the work underway so as to have it finished before the commencement of cool weather. We are anxious to have it so Yours very truly John F. Rodgers Capt & M.S.K. U.S.A.J.F. Rodgers July 15 1875Schuylkill Arsenal. Costs of William E. Davies. Surveyor. 1875 July 26. Accompanying Mr. Weidenmann and Mr. Olmsted Jr to Philadelphia and taking levels and measurements. 1 day. 10 00 Paid part of expenses. 1 63 .27 At working Office on map. 1 day 10 00 Oct 5. Commenced laying out work. giving grade stakes etc at Philadelphia. 1 day 10 00 .6 Continuing above. 1 day 10 00 Travelling and hotel expenses 16 51 .8 small diagram of arsenal 1/2 day 5 00 .12 Continuing laying out, making alterations etc at Arsenal. 1 day 10 00 .13 Continuing above. 1 day 10 00 Travelling and hotel expenses. 12 01 .16 Making alterations at Arsenal 1 day 10 00 Traveling and Hotel expenses 9 27 Nov 2. Laying out at Arsenal. 1 day 10 00 Travelling and hotel expenses 7 12 1876 July 6. Taking levels and measuring work at Arsenal. 1 day 10 00 Paid part of expenses 4 75 .7 At work in office on levels and measurements 1/2 day 5 00 $151 29 [17x8 = 136] July 26. This day was by the order of Mr. Olmsted. .27 This day was necessary to work out and plat the measurements and levels. Oct 5. This day and the following were taken at the .6 instigation of Mr. Radford, laying out tramway, oval giving grade stakes etc. .12 This day and the following were taken at the instigation .13 of Mr. Radford. Laying out tramway, oval etc in consequence of errors on the map. .16 This day was ordered by Mr. Weidenmann, giving grade stakes, laying out etc. Nov 2 This day was ordered by Mr. Weidenmann, laying out drains, giving grade stakes of mains 1876 drains, sewer etc. Jan. This day was ordered by Mr. Weidenmann, Taking levels, measuring up work etc F. L. Olmsted. 2 G. K. Radford. 4 1/2 J. Weidenmann 3 1/2 Days 10 Included in Mr Weidenmann’s bill at. 101.29Wm E. Davies. bill.Captain [Captn] J. F. Rodgers, US.A Schuylkill Arsenal. 6th August 1875 My Dear Sir; I enclose a suggestion for a different [treatment?] of the central feature of the court. As a matter of satisfaction to the eye there is no doubt that the effect of this would be more agreeable than of the plan [that] which you have approved. My object in [this] [was] the latter was to retain essentially the advantage of foot transit from door to door of the offices & [ware] storehouses which you have [at present] with the present arrangement. The present [new] proposition may [this will] appear to offer much less convenience in thatrespect. but you will find that, in point of fact, the difference of time in crossing the ground by the paths as at first proposed and of going around as [under this] would [been] be necessary under this is [inc] hardly appreciable. The actual increased distance is nowhere more than two yards. Please tell me if you would be satisfied with the change?If you have occasion to pass through S. 6th St between Market + Chestnut Streets, I wish that you would examine and give me your impression of the condition of the pavement thus, called the "Imperishable Block" pavement. It is said to have been laid two years or more and from some experiments made with a single block and another advantages of foot hold never it grass I am [inspired?] [to think it should have comfort] [consideration?] to reqards its cleaning with some careJ. Weidermann. 6th Aug 1875 My Dear Sir; I enclose a cheque for Eighty Seven 87/100 dollars, which according to my reckoning of yesterday is due you, and which I understand squares our accounts to date. [Then] all work at Saratoga in which I am interested being assured to have been paid. If this is correct, please send me a [memorandum] an acknowledgment to that effect. MRogers 6 Aug.Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, August 7th 1875 Mr. Fred Law Olmsted, New York, Dear Sir: I am in receipt of yours of the 6th inst with plan for centre of court. I like it better than the first one -- but would like to have a more direct communication, if possible, between buildings No's 1 and 2, if possible. Can you hasten the plans so as to get the pavement in before frosty weather? -- the advertising and execution of contract will consume about 40 days. Plan returned herewith. Very respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt. & M. S. K. U. S. ArmyFrom Capt Rodgers, Aug 7-75[*[?]503 *] War Department, Quartermaster General's Office, Washington, D. C. August 24th 1875 Mr Fred Law Olmsted No. 209. West 46th Street, New York. Sir- The early transmittal to this Office of the plans and estimates for improving the grounds of the Schuylkill Arsenal at Philadelphia called for on the 6th of May, and June 15th last, is respectfully requested, in order that the work may be commenced without delay. Very Respectfully, Your obd't. Servant, Rufus Ingalls Act'g Quartermaster General U.S.A. 867. Qc.U.G.O. 1875 Cc: PH.1/1775 PHILA. DEPOT RECEIVED AUG 26 1875 Rufus Ingalls Q M G Aug 24BVT. MAJOR GENERAL STEWART VAN VLIET. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL U. S. ARMY. Philadelphia Depot Of the Quartermaster's Department. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER' GENERAL’S OFFICE. Philadelphia, August 26th 1875. Mr. Fred Law Olmsted, 209 West 46th St. New York Sir: -- I enclose herewith a letter from the Quartermaster General, which he has instructed me to forward to you. As the time for making improvements is short, it is hoped that your plans may be forwarded at an early day. Very respectfully, Your ob't servant, Stewart Van Vliet Asst. Q. M. General. Bt. Maj. Gen'l. U.S.A. 1775/1875.Stewart Van Vliet Aug 26-75To Captn Rogers. 29th Aug. 75 Dear Sir; I have just retnd from Canada. The plans with the exception of a few minor points are complete and I expect to [visit] present them to you in person in course of the present work. [One or two points to] I have so written General Ingalls and General Van Vliet. Yours respectfully.To Capt Rogers Aug 30-75 Aug 29th 1875 Genl Stewart Van Vleit Asst Quartermaster Genl, U.S.A. [Ast. Q. M. G. U.S.A.] Sir; On returning from Canada I have recvd your letter of 26th inst enclosing a communication from the Quartermaster General. The plans rfd. to will be completed tomorrow except for several for which information is needed and has been applied for, from the City Surveyor of Phila. I expect to visit Phila. and submit full plans & specifications for the work to you in the course of the present week. I have so advised the Quartermaster Gnl. very rspy, Your obt svt.To Genl. Van Vliet Aug 30, 75 20th September/75 Major [?] S. Van Vliet, [*To Van Vliet*] A. Q. M. Genl. U.S.A. Philadelphia, Pa, Sir; I have the honor to submit specifications and [?ght] of contract which I propose and recommend should be entered into with Mr J. Freidermann for the improvement of the grounds of Schuykill Arsenal. The [total] [sum] cost of the work under this contract is estimated at $15000 - which is $ 2000 within the sum heretofore named to you [?] the Asty QuarterMaster General. The plans + specifications for the individual work are nearly ready and you may expect to receive them [before] this [end of the] week. Your obt servt J.L.O.Van Vliet Sept 20-75 M. G. S. Van Vliet [*to Van Vleit*] 25th Sept 1875 A. Q. M. Genl. U.S.A. Phila. Pa. Sir; On the 20th I sent you specifications and draft of contract for improvement of the grounds of Schuylkill Arsenal Since when I have not heard from you. I send you by express today plans and specifications for the improvement of the building now occupied by Captain Hull and also for the gate lodge and wall. In these [an eff] it has been attempted to [carry out] sustain the general style and characterof the old buildings of the Arsenal [adding] but to extend it to a quarter degree of interest of a [quait] quaint and picturesque type in [details] such details as will admit of it. as the builders of the present day are seldom familiar with this class of work it will be [cersinsable?] that [the] your contractor should [must] be supplied with a number of full size detailed drawings which are in preparation and also [?] he should from time to time as the work proceeds receiveof the buildings [of] erected at the close of the last century [and to] but verbal instruction further [?]The Western Union Telegraph Company Phila 26 1875 1143 Received at 812 Sixth Avenue N. y. Dept 26 To F. L. Olmsted 209 W 46 St Plans have not been recd Contract has and been submitted To quartermaster Genl Stewart Van Vliet asst Qr Mr Genl 29 Pd Govt Rate Gus’ 10c. Of. Aus.$63c S. Van Vliet Sept 26-75BVT. MAJOR GENERAL STEWART VAN VLIET. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL U.S. ARMY. Philadelphia Depot Of the Quartermaster's Department. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. Philadelphia, September 27. 1875. Mr Fred Law Olmsted. Landscape Architect #209 W. 46 St. New York City. Sir:-- I beg to acknowledge the receipt to-day of plans and specifications for the improvement of the officer's quarters at the Schuylkill Arsenal, and also for the gateway, lodge and wall. They will be duly submitted to the Quartermaster General for his action, but before doing so I would be glad to have a statement of the probable cost of the improvements, to accompany the plans andspecifications. Be pleased to send me such a statement or estimate at your earliest convenience. Specifications and draft of contract for improving the grounds of Schuylkill Arsenal, at estimated cost of $15.000.00, have also been received and forwarded to the Quartermaster General. Very respectfully, Your obt servant Stewart Van Vliet Asst Q.M. General Bt Major Gen'l U.S.A 2068/1875S. Van Vliet Sept. 27-75 13.2 8.7 1/2 — 4.6 1/2 1 3.6 1/228th Sept 1875 M. Genl. Stewart Van Vleit Asst. Q. M. Genl. USA. Philadelphia - Sir; I am in receipt of your favor of yesterday. In answer to your request I beg to say that the [building] plans for improvement of gateways and [sent you for improvement of the] officers quarters of Schuylkill Arsenal have been presented to & verbally approved by the Quarter Master General [and I] together with preliminary estimates for the same. The specifications are preparedwith the design that the cost of the work shall not exceed the preliminary estimates; as follows: [For] For improvements of South Officers' Quarters [na] --------4000- For improvement of Gate, lodge &c. 2000 - For improvement of North Officers Quarters (specifications not yet submitted). 2000- _______ [The Quarter Master General My understanding (based on the verbal advice of the Q.M.G.) is that you are to use][I have understood [that] that you would use these estimates by submitting the specifications & plans to contractors for proposals, [before] without] I advise that you immediately test these estimates by submitting the plans & specifications to contractors for actual proposals, having understood the Quarter Master General that [they meet his expectation.] he expected you to do so. If they should require explanation please telegraph me & I will immediately send on Mr. [Wisedell the architect who proposed them.] them.] Wisedell, my architectual assistant. Very respectfully Your Obedient Servant.Genl Van Vliet. Sept 28 Blank No. 1. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The rules of this Company require that all messages received for transmission, shall be written on the message blanks of the Company, under and subject to the conditions printed thereon, which conditions have been agreed to by the sender of the following message. 53 William Orton, Pres't, Geo. H. Mumford, Sec'y, New York 125 Dated Phila Oct 5 1875. Received at 812 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. To Fred Law Olmsted 209 W 46 St. Ny. Send Mr. Wisedell here at once to explain Specification Answer Stewart Van Vliet Asst. Q. M. Genl. 26 Paid Govt. rate mo THIS TELEGRAM HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE IN 812 Sixth Avenue, cor. 46th Street. Always Open. Where any reply should be sent. Direct Wires.Van Vliet Oct 5 BVT. MAJOR GENERAL STEWART VAN VLIET. Assistant Quartermaster General U.S. Army. Philadelphia Depot Of the Quartermaster's Department. Assistant Quartermaster General's Office Philadelphia, October 6th 1875 Fred Law Olmsted Esq 209 W. 46th St. New York Sir. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of plans and specifications for additions to officers quarters (North) at Schuylkill Arsenal, transmitted by you. Very respectfully, Your obt servant, Stewart Van Vliet Asst Q.M.General Bt. Major Genl U.S.A.Van Vliet Oct 6. 75 Memorandum Oct 20. 1875 Improvement Schuylkill Arsenal Certificate No 1. J. Weidenman entitled to 940 on acct for materials + labor furnished __________ [?] 41 1/2 cubic yds. masonry in retaining wall. and grounds @ $10_ 415 1500 cu yds grading + removing mat. @ 35 cts per cu yd. 525 total 940New - Cert. No. 1. Blank. No. 1. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY The rules of this Company require that all messages received for transmission, shall be written on the message blanks of the Company, under and subject to the conditions printed thereon, which conditions have been agreed to by the sender of the following message. 49 WILLIAM ORTON, Pres't, } New York. A.R. BREWER, Sec'y Dated: Phila Pa 21 1875 1159 Received at 812 Sixth Avenue, N.Y. Oct 21 To Fred Law Olmsted 209 W46 St. Return Certificate signed deduction will be made at this office Weidenmann 10 Pd [Moui?] THIS TELEGRAM HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE IN 812 Sixth Avenue, cor. 46th Street. ALWAYS OPEN. WHERE ANY REPLY SHOULD BE SENT. Direct Wires.Blank No.1 THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The rules of this company require that all messages received for transmission shall be written on the message blank of the company under and subject to conditions printed thereon, which conditions have been agreed to by the sender the following message. 59 WILLIAM ORTON, pres't } New York. A.R BREWER, Sec'y Dated Phila Pa 22 1875 1249 Received at. 812 Sixth Avenue, N.Y Oct 22 To Fred. Law Olmsted Landscape Architect 209 W 46 Capt. Rodgers wishes Wisedell and Radford here tomorrow Weidenmann 8 Pd [hour?] This telegram has just been received at the Office in 812 Sixth Avenue, cor. 46th Street. Always Open. WHERE ANY REPLY SHOULD BE SENT. Direct Wires.δδδδδδδδPhiladelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, Oct 30 1875 F. Law Olmsted Esq New York Sir You are respectfully informed that the Tiles for the coping of the front wall at this depot are very much needed. Yours Respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt. & WSK. US ArmyRogers Oct 30 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, October 30th 1875 Mr. Fred. Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir How are the front gates to be hung. Will it be necessary to put eyes in the piers. The contractors are at work on them now and this information is needed as early as possible. Please send on plans and instructions at your earliest convenience in order that the work may proceed Very respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt & M.S.K. USA The detailed plans and specifications for fire place at gate lodge (written for the 27th inst to Mr. Wisedell) have not yet comeRodgers Oct 30 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, November 15th 1875 Mr. Fred Law Olmested New York Dear Sir The item of 400ft (linear) of Driveway (extra) *1377.00 is made payable, under the department ruling, from the appropriation for Army Transportation - hence it became necessary to strike it from certificate No 3. which you signed, and make a separate one covering it. The necessary certificate is enclosed herewith, in duplicate, which I will thank you to sign and return at your earliest convenience. Very respectfully yours John F. Rodgers Capt. & M.S.K. U.S.A.Rogers Nov 15Bvt. Brig. General U.S. Army. U.S. Quartermaster's Office, 1139 Girard Street. Philadelphia, November 22nd 1875 F.L. Olmestead, Esq New York Sir, I respectfully request to be informed, with the least possible delay, as to whether or not an agreement, verbal or otherwise has actually been concluded with Mr. R. Ellin, of New York, for the erection of new front gates at the Philadelphia Depot of the Quartermasters Department, and if so, the date of such agreement, and also whether the work is, or is not, expected to be paid for from the fund ($30,000) allotted by the Quartermaster General in his letter of August 24th 1875 for the improvement of the buildings and grounds at the Schuylkill Arsenal, Very respectfully, Your obed. servant, J.J. Dana Major + Quartermast, In charge of Clothing Depot Philadelphia.J.J. Dana 22 Nov 1875 G.K. Radford Civil Engineer, No. 110 Broadway New York Dec 21 1875 Dear Olmsted. I have your further instructions and will bear them in mind. I calculate to give Wednesday, Thursday & Friday there. Weidenmanns Certificate will probably reach you today or tomorrow. If so please sign it, and return direct to Capt Rodgers with a note explaining the absence of my signature and stating that practically they already have it on the certificate of measurement which forms the basis of [the] your certificate This is to save loss of time in W’s getting his money. F.L. Olmsted to G.K. RadfordRadford 21 Dec '75 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, Dec. 22d 1875 Fred Law Olmsted Esq. 209 W. 46th St. N. Y. My dear sir Inclosed please find certificates for the Arsenal Improvements up to last week I am anxious to pay certain bills due now and wish you to give this your convenient attention. -- Work progressing fairly I hope to finish all I can do this fall in course of a week provided the wheather holds out. I am sorry to state that as far my account goes with the certificates I am behind and if I don't lose I am certain not to get my own time paid. Still I do not blame anybody but myself I am very Respectfully Y J. WeidenmannWeidenmann 22 Dec. 1875 Improvement of the Philadelphia Depot of the Q.M. Dept. Philadelphia Pa December 22nd 1875. Certificate No 10 I hereby certify that Jacob Weidenmann is entitled to a payment of Seven Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars and Sixty six cents ($764.66) on account of materials furnished and work performed upon the above Improvement agreeably to his contract with Col Stuart Van Vliet, Asst Q. M. Genl. U.S.A dated Oct 4th 1875. viz. (Transportation of the Army.) [*Cancelled*] Balance on account of extra Tramway 323.00 Excavations for same 346.00 663 [Super?]-feet. Cobblestone paving. part new stone @ 7¢ /[super?]ft. 46.41 197 lin feet setting blue stone curb @ 25¢ /lin ft. 49.35 764.66 Fred Law Olmsted. Landscape Architect In charge of ImprovementsImprovement of the Philadelphia Depot of the Q.M. Dept. Philadelphia Pa December 22nd 1875. Cerficate No. 10. I hereby certify that Jacob Weidenmann is entitled to a payment of Seven Hundred and Sixty four Dollars & Sixty six cents ($764.66) in account of Materials furnished and work performed upon the above Improvement agreeably [to his contract] with Col Stewart Van Vliet Ass't Q.M. General U.S.A. dated Oct. 4th 1875. viz. Cancelled (Transportation of the Army.) Balance on account of extra Tramway 323.00 Excavation for same 346.00 663 [Super?]-feet Cobblestone paving, part new stone @7¢ pr [super?] feet 46.41 197 Lin feet setting blue stone curb. @ 25¢ per lin foot 49.25. 764.66 Fred Law Olmsted Landscape Architect In charge of ImprovementsCapt. J. F. Rodgers U.S.A. 23rd Dec /75 Dear Sir; I have just arrived at midnight from Albany and found a note from Mr. Radford stating that he would be obliged to leave for Canada before the arrival of the accompanying accounts of Mr. Weidemann's work but that you had [the] [Radford’s] his (Radford's) certificate of the measurements on whence they are based. Also a note enclosed with the statements from Mr. Weidemann stating that he is anxious to have this certified and sent to you as soon as practicable. I loose no time [in doing so] in meeting his wishes but must request you to have them compared with the certificate of measurements and if any discrepancy is discovered to [return them to me] do me the favor to return them. Respectfully yours.Rodgers 23 Dec. 1875 Philadelphia Depot of the Q.M. Department. Philadelphia, December 31st 1875 Mr. Fred Law Olmsted New York, Dear Sir The wood contract undoubtedly shipped with the certificate #10 It should have read verbal agreement. It is returned herewith cancelled, and need one (in duplicate) prepared for your signature is also enclosed which please sign and return at your earliest convenience Very respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt & M.S.K. U.S.A.Rodgers Dec 31 1875 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department Philadelphia, January 12th 1876 Mr. Fred Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir The Department is about to erect a new flag staff at the depot. Is there any objection to changing the location and erecting it in the center of the plat between the front wall and rear of building No 1.? Very respectfully, J.J. Dana Major Quartermaster In charge Clo. DepotJ.J. Dana 12 Jan '76 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department Philadelphia, January 12th 1876 Mr. Fred Law Olmsted New York Dr Sir The last account in favor of Mr. Wiedenmann based on Certificate No 10. has been disallowed in the item for excavation ($346.00) under General Van Vliet's understanding of the agreement. which was, to pay $2200.00 for the work (extension of the rail road track). I quote Gen V. V's endorsement of the 11th inst for your information - "When I ordered the railroad "track extended I agreed to give so much per running foot "All amounting to $2200.00. Nothing was said about paving "+c had I supposed the above sum covered everything. I do "not understand how a track could be laid without excavation. "I consider that the above sum covers all the expense of laying "the track, but that the paving is a fair extra charge" I have therefore prepared a new Certificate #10 for your signature excluding the item disallowed- and return the former one cancelled Very respectfully John F Rodgers Capt & M.S.K. U.S.A.Capt Rogers 12 Jan 1876 G. K. Radford Civil Engineer, No. 110 Broadway New York. Jan 14 1876 Dear Olmsted, I have been 'hors de combat' with a bad cold and only ventured out today just to see if there were any callers I have your Mr. Weidenmann’s returned certificate, but I don't think that I shall be in N. York tomorrow, but hope to be Monday when I will call + explain the [file?]. [Your?] [?]. Geo K. Radford F. L. Olmsted E.G.K. Radford Jany 14 - 1876 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department Philadelphia, January 15th 1876 Mr. Fred Law Olmsted New York Dr Sir The gates ordered from Mr Ellin last June have just arrived, but are without pintles to set in the pier. Will you please request Mr Ellin to send the necessary articles to complete the outfit. I presume your order contemplated the gates complete. I am anxious to have the gate hung as early as practicable and get rid of the present unsightly barricade at the [wall?] gateway, made necessary by the cutting down of the ground, and will therefore feel obliged if you will give this matter your early attention Very respectfully &c J.J. Dana Major & Quartermaster Bvt Brig General U.S.A.Maj J.J. Dana. 15 Jan 1876 Improvements of Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadel. [Memo?] as to Mr. Weidenmann's Contract for track. The original intuition was to take up and relay on new grade, the then existing track from Gray's Ferry Road to Store House No [2] 3. with siding switches, etc. but on account of expense this extension was deferred and Contract made for first length only at $657 being at the rate of $3.50 per linear foot. Later on the extension was decided on and a verbal contract was made between Gen Van Vliet and Mr. Weidenmann for $2200. The length of the extension measured as single track being 675 feet this would be at the rate of $3.25 per line foot. 1o: the specification calls for the grading of the first length to be performed by filling up the existing tracks with materials from the proposed excavations elsewhere. 2o. It says "Provide and lay complete upon the bed previously specified to be prepared, extending from Gray's Ferry road to porte cuchère of Store House No 2. a single railroad track as indicated on the place constructed as follows: Lay, etc., etc," The above price of $3.50 per foot did not therefore include any grading, but it is to be supposed that Genl Van Vliet where accepting the offer of $2200 understood it to include everything necessary and on the otherhand it is not reasonable to suppose that Mr. Weidenmann with the above specification in his mind omitted to calculate for grading. Here the difficulty occurs and the question reduces itself to one of individual understanding of intention. Such being the case the fair way to put it seems to be "What is the track fairly worth to the United States." As the first length without grading was allowed to be worth $3.50 per foot the extension cannot be considered overcharged at $3.25 per foot also without grading and therefore the grading may be allowed as an extra making the total cost $3.76 per foot. George Kent Radford C. E. Jan 17 1876.17th January 1876. Major J.J. Dana; US.A. Phila. Depot. Q. M. D. Dear Sir, On returning to the city I find your forms of 12th +13th and reply at once. I should find it undesirable to place the flag staff on the lawn but will give the question further consideration in proposing a plan for the further improvement of the court yard, which has hither too been deferred, in order to know what funds would remain available for the purpose. If the flag staff has not been ordered, I shouldTo Major J.J. Dana. 17th January 1876 be glad to make some suggestions with regard to it. As to [in regard] the gates, my impression is that the pintles were regarded as a part of the construction of the gateways and the drawings for them Mr. Ellin has since sent to your office. [in and] I will inquire & probably invite you further on Wednesday when I will also give you my news of the question of the excavation for the railway. I enclose the reduced certificate.To Maj J.J. Dana 17 Jan '76 VI Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department Philadelphia, January 20th 1876 Mr. Fred Law Olmsted New York Dr Sir Referring to your desire (expressed in your letter of the 17th inst) to make some suggestions regarding the Flag Staff to be erected at the Depot, you are respectfully informed that the staff has been ordered prior to the receipt of your letter. Very respectfully, Your obt. servant, J.J. Dana Major & Quartermaster Br Brig General U.S.A.J.J. Dana Jan 20 '76 G.K. Radford Civil Engineer, No. 110 Broadway New York. Jan 24th 1876 Dear Olmsted, I have yours respecting Weidenmann’s aid. I was at Philadelphia on Saturday measuring up the work, and took the opportunity to show the memo to Capt Rodgers who approved of it. I enclose therewith proposed service Yours, Geo K. Radford F. L. Olmsted EsqRadford 24 Jan 1876 25 Jan 1876 Capt J.F. Rogers U.S.A. Dear Sir Your communication of 12 Jan was duly rec'd informing me that Genl VanVleit had disallowed the item for excavation for extension of R.R. Track in Mr Weidenmanns Account and of his reasons for doing so. I now enclose an explanatory memorandum from Mr. Radford which seems to me clear as to the facts in the case and just in it's conclusion[s] Very Respectfully Fred. Law Olmsted[any other will be more desirably chosen for it than one in which [the] would be naturally assured by stone or wood or any other material in its place.] Philadelphia Depot of the Q.M. Department Philadelphia, February 29 1876 Mr Fred. Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir Enclosed for your signature and return please find Certificates #11, 12 &13, in duplicate, covering work done by Jacob Weidenmann. These are based upon last certificate of Mr Radford, excluding two items which are suspended for the present, viz: "Balance on account of removing and rebuilding platform scales. 173.00" "Connection across Grays Ferry Road 100.00" Very respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt & M.S.K. U.S. A.Rodgers Feb 29. 1876 Office of J. WEIDENMANN, Landscape ARCHITECT, Author of “Beautifying Country Homes.”. 110 Broadway, New York, March 7th 1876 Fred Law Olmsted Esq. 209 W 46th Street My dear sir Not knowing how to get the money for the last certificate for the arsenal improvements which has been sent to the Quartermasters office last January by Mr Radford I wish you would do me the favor and inquire about the delay as I am almost daily asked for pay by some of the subcontractors and oblige Yours very respectfully J. WeidenmannWeidenmann March 7 1876 Philadelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department Philadelphia June 8th 1876 Mr. Fred. Law Olmsted 209 West 46’ St. New York Dr Sir Enclosed please find, for your signature and return, certificate #17, in duplicate, covering balance of Mr. Weidenmann’s contract for improvements. These certificates differ with amount of $46.91 (items "sodding oval" and "paving to entrance") from Mr. Radford’s certificate— which reduction was made with Mr Weidenmann’s consent to balance appropriation amount. Very respectfully John F Rodgers Capt & M.S.K. U.S.A.Rodgers June 8209. W. 46. New York The United States Quarter Master General's Deparment To Fred. Law Olmsted Landscape Architect. Dr 1875 & 1876 Rec'd April 24th. 1872 For professional services in Preparing preliminary studies for the Improvement of grounds and Quarters of Schuylkill arsenal, Philadelphia and submitting same Preparing working plans, & specifications, and drawing and settling Contract between United States and Jacob Weidenmann. Setting out and superintending the execution of the works under the same. Measuring up and giving partial and final certificates for payments under same Preparing working plans & specifications of Entrance gateway, lodge, gates & additions to and improvements of officers quarters, wholly & partially supervising of carrying out of same For services of [self, and] assistants, Travelling expenses &c. 5 per cent. on 18,000 - expended on Improvements of grounds. " " " " " " 3326 [1066.30] expended on Naming &c " " " 11949 [418.23 1/2] " " Barracks & Quarters " " " 33275 [1484.51/100] $1663.75F.L.O.'s BILL. Schuylkill Arsenal Bill of Work. This includes payments afterwards made to Radford Wisedell Weidenmann F.L.O. rec'd 500 There is no [lite] material in this subject of value. Attached letter find hints of scope of work. Copy Measurement of work performed by Jacob Weidenmann under his Contract for the Improvements of Schuylkill Arsenal, and omitted in final Certificate 280 ft [?] straight bluestone edging. @52cts = $145.60 Transplanting large tree $12.00 $ 157.60 George Kent Radford CE July 1, 1876. Statement of claim of Jacob Weidenmann for work performed at Schuylkill Arsenal. 130 ft [?] Bluestone curb, furnished and laid down adjoining Railroad track and Store House No 3, and on No 3 opposite Engine House, and on West end Store House No 2, and Railroad track. @ 50cts $65.00 Certified as to price but with no knowledge as to fact or quantity Geo. K . Radford CE July 1, 1876 If correct, this is apportioned as "Transportation"G.K Radford, Civil Engineer, No. 110 Broadway, New York. Augt 3 1876 Dear Olmsted, I have seen Weidenmann as to his account. He is willing to let it stand thus. You make the change to the US. as you think proper: Deduct from that the $316.14 of the enclosed acct, which are actual outlays & charges, and deduct the amount you paid me for travelling expenses. $93.15 and Wisedells acct. Also $120 for the [mill?]-tiles. Then take what you consider a fair proportion for yourself and Weidenman and I will share the balance, be it nothing or something.I have certified to Improvement & other accts. to the amount of $22,678 to which must be added the amount spent on gates & wall. and alternatives to stones. These amounts you had better get from Genl. Dana. As the work really included Superintendance ([with] through myself and Weidenmann's clerk) you should charge accordingly Yours very truly Geo Kent Radford F.L. Olmsted Esq. Office of J. WEIDENMANN, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, Author of "Beautifying Country Homes." 110 Broadway, NEW-YORK, Aug. 4th 1876 Fred Law Olmsted Esq My dear Sir Mr Radford informs me that you wish to have him settle with me my accounts against you and that I should charge only my cash outlays for preparing Plans and working drawings for the Schuykill Arsenal as the Government pays you only $1000. Commission for the Improvements from which you have to pay expenses. I presume it is so and cheerfully submit my accounts to Mr. R. Perhaps you wish to know my office expenses for the Hopkins Estate in Baltimore for which I paid $77.50 $1.50 for expressage and telegrams and $5. for the Niagara Square in Buffalo. You know how business has been for the last year or two and as there is no better prospect for the next season I take the liberty to ask whether I could not take the Drainage and planting as proposed by your Plans for the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane by Contract and prepare estimates of Cost. I get a handsome Commission on tiles and plants and could finish the work late November. Will you please inquire about this and if practicable let me estimate on it. I am yours very truly Weidenmann[*Radford's & Weidenmann's acct. Aug 3, 1876.*] Office of J. WEIDENMANN, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, Author of "Beautifying Country Homes." 110 Broadway, NEW-YORK, 187 Memoranda. U.S. Schuylkill Arsenal. Acct. with Fred Law Olmsted. 1875. July 6. Prof visit 25. --. Expenses paid John Olmsted and W.E. Davies and myself 18.50. Express paid for Plan in frame and Telegram 1.30. Aug 9 Prof visit on acct of proposed alteration of Plan 25. --. Expenses 9.55. Survey bill of W.E. Davies 10 days 50. __. His expenses (Hotel & traveling) 54.49. Cash paid for Office Expenses to prepare two complete set of Plans. Drainage. Curbstone, blue stone edging. Planting Map and detail construction Plans with 14 tracings 26 1/2 day 132.50. $316.14 My personal attendance Specifly 100. Laying out Drainage Granite Curb. blue stone edging Roads and Walks Planting and Grading 400. 48 days - all 813.14 Mount Royal acct 42.50 Chataqua Point acct. 108.75. $954.39. Received on acct. 400 $554.39.MAJOR J. J. DANA QUARTERMASTER, Bvt. Brig. General U.S. Army. U. S. Quartermaster's Office, 1139 GIRARD STREET. Philadelphia, August 7th 1876 Fredk. Law Olmstead, Esq. 209 West 46th Street. New York Sir, In reply to your note of the 5th instant, you are respectfully informed that, after payment of outstanding liabilities, there will be a balance on hand of $477.05 pertaining to the allotment of $12000. for improvement of buildings, &c at Schuylkill Arsenal. -- This does not embrace the cost of the gates -- Very respectfully, Your obed. servant, J. J. Dana Major & Quartermaster. In charge of Clothing Depot, Philadelphia.J.J. Dana 7 May? '76681 Lexington Avenue N.Y. 30th August 1876 F.L. OLMSTED ESQRE TO THOMAS WISEDELL JR IMPROVEMENTS Q. M. DPT PHILADELPHIA ARSENAL 1875. June 1st To preparing the Following, drawings, Visits expenses &c. at Philadelphia measuring Houses, Gates &c 15.00 expenses 8.50 Study for Wooden Gates, Estimates Working drawings and Real size of same with iron grilles 33 hrs @89cts. 29.37 Plan of Grounds Fine drawing on cardboard 25.00 Study for Captn Halls Quarters. 20.00 - do Captn Rogers Quarters 20.00 - do Entrance Gate & Lodge 20.00 Workings Plans 1/4 Scale shewing details Captn Halls Quarters & Specification-Copy for Contractor. Working details Captn Rogers House & Specification with copy for Contractor, Working details 1/2 Inch Scale of Entrance Gate and Lodge Specification and Copy for Contractor 19 days 41 hrs overtime or 184 hrs @ 89 cts 153.76 Oct. 4 Postage .54 6 At Philadelphia 10.00 expenses 8.60 7 Altering drawings Captn Rogers House & Postage 7.30 30 At Philadelphia 10.00 Nov. 1 Remodeling Veranda Captn Halls House expenses 8.70 and preparing detailed estimate of work 25 hrs @ 89cts 22.25 10 Remodeling Veranda Captn Rogers House obtaining estimate &c 20 hrs @89cts 17.80 Real size detail of Veranda Captn Roger 7.00 1876 Aug 12th At Philadelphia 10.00 expenses 7.20 Papers as per Act 5.50 Total $406.52Plan of Grounds Fine drawing on cardboard 25.00 Study for Captn Halls Quarters. 20.00 - do Captn Rogers Quarters 20.00 - do Entrance Gate & Lodge 20.00 Working Plans 1/4 Scale shewing details Captn Halls Quarters & Specification-Copy for Contractor Working details Captn Rogers House & Specification with copy for Contractor, Working details 1/2 Inch Scale of Entrance Gate and Lodge Specification and Copy for Contractor 19 days 4 hrs overtime or 184 hrs @ 89 cts 153.76 Oct. 4 Postage .54 6 At Philadelphia 10.00 expenses 8.60 7 Altering drawings Captn Rogers House & Postage 7.30 30 At Philadelphia 10.00 Nov. 1 Remodeling Veranda Captn Halls House expenses 8.70 and preparing detailed estimate of work 25 hrs @ 89cts 22.25 10 Remodeling Veranda Captn Rogers House obtaining estimate &c 20 hrs @89cts 17.80 Real size detail of Veranda Captn Roger 7.00 1876 Aug 12th At Philadelphia 10.00 expenses 7.20 Papers as per Act 5.50 Total $406.52 Arsenal AccountPhiladelphia Depot of the Q. M. Department. Philadelphia, September 5th 1876 Mr. Fred Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir Will you please sign and return the enclosed certificates (two), in duplicate, covering bills for excavation and laying of pipe $346.00 and $ 84.96 respectively - presented by Mr J. Weidenmann. Very respectfully John F. Rodgers Capt + [?]Rodgers 5 Sept 1876 14th Sept 1876 Capt J. F. Rodgers, U.S.A. Phila. Depot Q.M.D. Dear Sir, I herewith return [?] you with my signature the certificates [received?] with your favor of 5th. inst. my respectfully.Rodgers 14 Sept. 1876 Office of J. WEIDENMANN, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, Author of "Beautifying Country Homes." 110 Broadway, NEW-YORK, Nov. 29th 1876. Fred Law Olmsted. My dear sir Enclosed please find bill for the Dept. of P. P. as requested. -- I have written to Gen. Dana asking for the balance due me on Barracks and Quarters, ($396.93) and hope that when you call at the Arsenal, this matter will be straightened without any delay. Has the Baltimore man ever answered your letter? I remain Yours truly J. Weidenmann P. S. Noticing an error in the Arsenal acct I have to take it home and mail it to morrow. J.W.J WeidenmannQuartermaster's Office. Philadelphia, December 16th 1876 Mr J. Weidenmann. 110. Broadway. New York Sir, I enclose herewith a statement showing the numbers and amounts of Certificates for improvement of Schuylkill Arsenal, as claimed by you, and the numbers and amounts of Certificates on file in this office and the payments made thereon, in reply to your letter of the 15th instant. The items of $145.60 and $65. which you claim as still due you are believed to be for blue stone edging, and the sum of $12 for transplanting a tree. -- All this work was properly embraced in your contract, payments under which for all work specified by its terms was not to exceed $15.000, and for any work not covered by or stipulated for in that agreement not exceeding $3000, making a total sum to be paid from appropriation for "Incidental Expenses", $18000. Payment on what purported to be a final estimate, and a certificate of Mr. Olmsted, dated June 8th. 1876. for all work theretofore unsettled for was made to you on June 14th. and payment of the ten per cent theretofore retained was made July 14th 1876. These claims, made subsequent to these payments, have been heretofore, and are now, disallowed, the full sum stipulated in your contract for work of the character of that in question having been paid to you. Yours Respectfully, J.J. Dana Major & Governor. Bot Brig. General. U.S. Army.Weidenmann. About his contract with Q.M.D.G. K. Radford Civil Engineer, No. 110 Broadway New York. Jany 18 1877 Fred. Law. Olmsted Esqr Dear Sir, In the final certificate given by me, for work performed by Mr J. Weidenmann, under his contract with the United States Quartermaster's Department, for the Improvement of Schuylkill Arsenal, an error was made in stating the amount of Bluestone edging, and also in the omission of an item for the removal of a tree. When these matters were brought to my notice by Mr. Weidenmann, I communicated (July 1/76) with Genl. Dana, informing him of the facts, and forwarding a supplementary certificate for the omitted items amounting to $157.60/100. Mr. Weidenmann also claimed a further sum of $65 for Bluestone Curb, for which I forwarded a certificate as to price, but disclaiming knowledge as to fact or quantity. Genl. Dana, disallows payment of these items, on the ground, that "the full sum stipulated in your contract for work of the character of that in questionhaving been paid to you", that is, that the $15.000 for contract, and $3.000 for extras on same, making $18000 in all, is exhausted. I make this communication to you, with the view that the subject - may be properly brought to the notice of the Quartermaster's Department, and that, as the work was performed, and the United States have the benefit thereof, payment may be made to the Contractor. I enclose copies of the Certificates referred to, I remain dear Sir very truly George Kent Radford C.L. General J. J. Dana; Quartermasters Department, U.S.A. Philadelphia -- Dear Sir, I have examined with some care the claims of Mr J. J Weidenmann for work done at [Schuyl] Schuylkill Arsenal, which you have disallowed on the grounds that they were not presented until after the "final certificate" and are in excess of the sum to which under the terms of [the] contract his entire compensation for work at the Arsenal was to be limited. I understand that the work referred to was actually [at] done as a necessary but if that ordered, that it may desirable that it should be done, that the government has the benefit of it and that the prices charged for it are just and reasonable.I understand further that Mr. Radford (acting for me) accidentally omitted to include the item in question in his certified account at the proper time; that [he may not] neither he nor Mr Weidemann [was] was aware of the omission when the "final certificate" was made up, and that the limit fixed by the contract for the cost of the work was passed inadvertently. [Assuming that I have fully understood the facts and not doubting that you have performed your [?] official duty in the premises it nevertheless appears to me that as the matter stands Mr Weidenmann suffers an injustice] If I am in error as to the facts will you kindly [share] advise me where. If I am not [I think you will], while I do not doubt that you have strictly performed your official duty in the premises, I think that you will recognize that Mr Weidenmann suffers an injustice and will do me the favor to [advise] [what I can ? indicate] [?] state if there is anything I can do to aid in its remedy.[and if so, I trust there is some money open for it's repair If I am in error as to the facts will you kindly [not] inform me and if I am not [will you] be good enough to [?] advise me] J.J. Dana. 19 Jan 77 Advising facts in regard to omission of items in Weidenmann's bill. G.K. Radford, Civil Engineer, No. [110] 71 Broadway, New York. April 26 1877 Dear Olmsted, I have yours with mem of expenditing - Schuylkill Arsenal Acct. I see no other plans than for you to send in the Acct. & US. as made out. and take all the proceeds. This is what O proposed the other day. except that I underestimated Wisedell's & Weidenmann's acct., and calculated there might be a balance to divide between Weidenmann & myself after allowing you $500. This you unquestionably are entitledto. Yours very truly Geo Kent Radford F.L. Olmsted Esq. 209 W 46 St. New York 10th May 1877 The United States Quartermaster General's Department To Fredk Law Olmsted Landscape Architect, Dr. For professional services in Preparing preliminary studies for the improvement of Grounds & Quarters of [Schuy] Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia; Preparing working plans and specifications, and drawing and settling contract between the United States and Jacob Weidenmann; Setting out and superintending the execution of the works, and measing up and giving partial andfinal certificates for payments made the same; Preparing working plans & specifications of Entrance Gateway Lodge, Gates, &c., additions to and improvements of Officers Quarters, wholly and partially supervising the carrying out of the same; For sundry services of assistants, traveling expenses, &c.; Expended in Improvement of Grounds 18000 Expended on Tramway &c. 3.326 Expended on Barracks, Quarters, &c. 11.949 5 percent. on 33.275. $1663.7512 May 1877 Dear Sir; I beg leave to enclose my account for professional services at Schuylkill Arsenal. If approved will you do me the favor to forward it to the Quartermaster General's Office. I am dear Sir; Very respectfully yours Fredk Law Olmsted Maj. J.J. Dana, U.S.A. Quartermaster's Office, PhilaMaj. J.J. Dana 12 May, 1877. Enclosing bill for service U.S. Quartermaster's Office, 1139 GIRARD STREET Philadelphia, May 25th 1877 Mr Fred. Law Olmsted, Landscape Architect, 110, Broadway New York Sir, I have this day been advised that your account, amounting to $1663.75 for services in connection with improvement of grounds and quarters of Schuykill Arsenal has been referred to the Third Auditor of the Treasury by the Quartermaster General, with recommendation for settlement. Very respectfully, Your obed. servant, J.J. Dana Major & [qrmstr. ?] Bvt. Brig. General, U.S. Army.Maj J.J. Dana 25 May 1877$321.24 due Mr W. on certificates duly rendered. 145.60 for work done which Radford failed to certify. 77 -- for stone & work which may be claimed to have been included in demands liquidated. The total payments to Mr W. amt to $22.181.77Widenmann 1. On the face of documents balance due W. of 170.33 (paymts short of amt of certificates) 2. There was a clerical error in Radfords certificate of 145.66 3 Also an omission of tree work 12- 4 Resetting curb, extra work not certified by Radford (thin stone) 65- 392.33 (1) Dana denies this- [(2)] 2,3,4 beyond amt authorizedWidenmann Schuykill Arsenal Wisedell's bill 406.53 Radfords travelling Weidenmann's bill 90- Surveying 101.29 Draughting 132.50 Travelling 38.80 Laying out work 17.50 290.09 290.09 786.62 Wiedenmanns 478.66 Wisedell 406.53 Radford 278.56 Husted 500- 1663.75 1663.75 786.62 877.13 500 2)377.13 To be sent to Radford 188.56 188.56 90 273.56[Major Genl R] General Rufus Ingalls Actg Q.Master Genl. U.S.A. Sir; [I have just returned from Canada and received] I have just received on my return from Canada, your letter of - 26th through Genl Van Vliet. The plans referred to will be completed tomorrow except [in on pr respect to the] for the required sewerages with regard to which I find information necessary [which] for which application has been made to the City Engineer of Phila. I expect to visit [Phila] the Arsenal Grounds and after review of the plans & specifications by the local officers present them to [present the plans & specifications to] you within a week from this date. Very rpfy. Your obt Sevt. To Genl Ingalls Aug 30 Genl. Genl J. J. Dana; Dear Sir, Will you please [[?]] let me know the amount which has spent on the gates, walls and alterations of buildings in the recent improvements at Scuylkill Arsenal. JJ Dana 18.50 1.30 25— 955 50 54.24 132.50 —— 291.14 25 —— 316.14 93.15 120.— —— 529.29 Captain J. F. Rogers, U.S.A. Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia. Dear Sir; I have received your form of 19th inst, with tracing of plan of Arsenal Grounds. Thank you. Very respectfullyCaptain J. F. Rogers U.S.A. In charge of Phila. Depot of the Q.M. Dep. [*To J.F. Rodgers*] Captn. J. F. Rogers, U.S.A., Schuylkill Arsenal. Dear SIr; [The time was so short that] I found that if I sent the plans for the gates to you as soon as they were completed and you should then be unable to get a [?] [for if contract?] for them within the limit of the appropriation, [there] it would be impossible to revise them and [try] tryagain before the expiration of the fiscal year. I therefore submitted them to the best man for the work in New York and as he [declined to undertake them at it at $500 made such] assured me that he [could not] would lose money by taking them at $500 I had such slight modification [as] made as was necessary for the purpose and obtained the offer which I enclose. [I hope] It is possible that you may be able to do better in Philada. Working drawings will be furnished the contractor. In these the design for the carved work [will notably be somewhat simpler than that now is indicated.] will vary in detail from that on the drawing sent but not as to increase the cost. If perfectly practicable [without loss of economy] I should prefer the work to be done [here] by Mr Ellin, for convenience of [close] superintendence, and because I could make sure of [the] [excellent] adequate workmanship.To Cpn RogersPrinted by P. S. Duval & Son, Phila. Manufactured of wrought iron lap-welded tubes WOOD & PEROT PHILADELPHIA. No. 359Manufactured of wrought iron lap-welded tubes WOOD & PEROT PHILADELPHIA. No. 359 A. Easton Litho. 407 Walnut St Philadelphia Schuylkill ARSENALCOPY FROM THE OFFICE OF OLMSTED BROTHERS 8th February, 1895 Dear Rick: I have yours of 18th ultimo. M I am surprised that Mr. Beadle is not familiar with the disease of the American Plane. It began to be common when I was a boy and I well remember my father and mother mourning over it. I have rarely seen a healthy American Plane since. I do not believe there is one now alive. Since your letter came I have called on Prof. Sargent and he fully confirms all I have send about it. But instead of advising an importation of Oriental Planes for Biltmore Streets, he would prefer oaks. Ask Mr. Beadle to guide you in making up a list of oaks in the nursery that (after taking all that can be desired for the Arboretum) would be suitable and available for Biltmore Streets. This means that could have straight trunks ten feet high and well-balanced heads (could have or could soon be made to acquire). I should like at least one street of Willow oaks. I still think that the "London" Plane (orientalis?) would give the most satisfactory results but as matters stand doubt the expediency of using it. But I postpone discussion until we meet. Ask Mr. Beadle to be then prepared to tell us just what is available at Biltmore and we will write to Meehan who has made a specialty of oaks for street planting. Of course we can plant different trees in different streets. I should like to find a good lot of Wahoo Elms of which I picked up two or three for the Capitol ground but I find offered in no nursery. Your affec't father