14 Frederick Law Olmsted Subject File Parks New York, N.Y. (Esp. Central Park) 1860 Sept.--Oct.Dr Sir I send 10 of the Bound and 10 of the unbound reports. The London swans have arrived. Eleven in number.-- They will not be put in the water at once. I gave Mr Orell the boat builder to you. I am very glad to learn you had so good a night. Yours truly A H Green Sept 10 70 F L Olmsted EsqA H Green. in re. the London Swans Sept. 10 1860 Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, OFFICE, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDINGS, New-York Oct. 2d. 1860 Sir. I have not recd. the usual Police Returns for several days. I wish to have them sent to me here daily And. H. Gren Cmpt. CP Capt Renwill C.P. PoliceA.H. Green Oct. 2. 1860. Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, OFFICE, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDINGS, New York Oct 13 1860 Dr Sir Will you look over the accompanying advertisement of the Boats & see whether you can suggest any improvements I send the original specifications for Boats which please return when you have finished with it Your [e?] And.H.Green C C.P F.L. Olmsted Esq A in C C.PA.H. Green in re Boat advertisements Oct 13 1860 Yorkville le 14 octobre 1860. Monsieur Olmsted, Mr. Couzzoli avec qui vous avez conversé longuement hier, est devenu mon bon camarade, étant le seul avec qui je puisse converser dans ma langue. Nous parlons souvent de vous ensemble. Je n'avais pas l'avantage de vous connaître pesonnellement; c'est lui qui m'a fait remarquer votre présence auprès de l'arbre du prince au moment où nous étions tous près de vous. Ma paupière s'est humecteé d'une larme d'attendrissement à la vue de l'homme honorable, l'homme -- savant, l'ame de ce grand mouvement qui réalise la merveille qui s'appellera le Central Park, à qui tant de personne doivent de la reconnaissance (moi particulièrement) -- Frappé d'un si grand malheur! Recevez, Monsieur, l'expression de mes regrets les plus sincère et de mes voeux pour un parfait rétablissement. Je vous remercie d'avoir changé mon emploi de l'année dernière en une position plus douce et plus avantageuse. Je me trouve très- bien dans la compagnie des jardiniers où ma santé se soutient à n'avoir pas manqué un jour de travailler depuis près de cinq mois, et où, chose precieuse pour mon caractère, j'ai pour collègues on gens polis, et pour chefs du hommes aussi recommandables qui Mr Pilate, Pollas et Fischer. J'ai l'honneur d'être, Monsieur, votre très-respectueux et obéissant serviteur, [Cheuvenor?], bachelier et-lettres de l'université de France, ancien professeur. [?heareno??] Oct.14.1860 Mr. Olmsted Superintendent of the Central Park New YorkBoard of Commissioners of the Central Park, OFFICE, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDINGS New=York, Octo. 19 1860 D. Sir. I have an offer of Elms, maple hard & soft. Birch. Cedar. Hemlock- also walnut oaks [chets] chestnuts. fir balsam to be bought from Westchester Co. planted & guaranteed. Please let me know what of them will be wanted & how many of each. Also of the Elms on the Island how many will be wanted. Yours And. H. Green C CP F. L. Olmsted Esq A in C CP19th April 1876 To the President I have the honor to [submit] transmit herewith a report from the Supt Engineer of the results of a preliminary examination of the Drainage of the Central Park There are three different systems to be considered under this head; [1st] The first is that called the superficial drainage by which [water is collected and returned carried from the surface chiefly by gutter first by gutters and carried by gutters and led from which the water passes through gratings into silt basins where a the heavier parts of the]A.H.Green. Enclosing list of trees in nursery of Mr Pitman Oct. 19. 1860Arsenal C. Park Oct 25th 1860 Fred Law Olmsted Esq. Archt in Chief & Supt Dear Sir I send up this A.M. such of the articles embraced in your Requisition as I have. The white & Buff envelopes are being printed & have not been sent up yet - I send 2. reams note headed (all Mr. S ordered) 1. ream legal cap 1. Fools cap Some brown wrapping paper 1. Bottle red ink The other articles I will send as soon as recd Resp. B. F. CraneOct. 25 1860 B.F. CraneBoard of Commissioners of the Central Park, OFFICE, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDINGS. New York, Octo 26 1860 If Mr. Dodworth has a copy of the program for to-morrow's concert please hand it to the bearer. I refer to the one printed if it was printed for last Saturday. AH Green Botsford 193 Prince St. 400 [Brown?] 422 " [*note to Dodworth by AH Green Oct. 26, 1860*] Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, OFFICE, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDINGS, New York, Oct. 26, 1860 Dear Sir The enclosed was recd from Mr. Dodworth. What it is about I don't know except that you were under some apprehension that the programme would not be printed. If you have the programme or if it can be got on the Park and you think best to have it printed if it is not already done send to Mr. Miller to have it printed forthwith. The printing of the programme always seemed unnecessary to me but as it has been begun perhaps it had better to thro. the season. Yours resy AH Green CCP F L Olmsted [?] C-CPA. H. Green in re printing programms Oct. 26. 1860H. B. DODWORTH's MUSIC STORE & BAND OFFICE NO. 6 ASTOR PLACE. New York, Oct. 26, 1860 Mr. Green Dear Sir I am desired to send the programme for Saturday, by Mr. Olmsted. It is my purpose to perform the programme printed for last Saturday and which was not performed - surprising that they are all ready for distribution. Yours very truly, H. B. DodworthHB Dodworth Oct. 26 1860BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CENTRAL PARK. OFFICE, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDINGS, New York, October 26th 18[5]60 Sir Yours of 25th inst is received. I do not think favorably of the excursion of the Park Keepers, nor of the organization of the "Renwick Guard." It draws off the force from the Park which cannot be permitted. It will not elevate the force in the public estimation, and is objectionable on their own account as well as on account of the Park. I regret to interfere with any innocent recreation of the Keepers but cannot see that it is consistent with their duty or mine that the excursion should be permitted to go on. Yours resp'y And.H.Green Comptroller of the Park Fred Law Olmsted Esq. Architect in Chief & Supt Central Park.A.H. Green Park Keeping Excursion Oct. 26 1860. SULLIVAN, RANDOLPH & BUDD, Successors to WILSON G. HUNT & CO. Nos. 30 to 36 Park Place, New York, Oct. 29th 1860 NAHUM SULLIVAN. JOHN F. HALSTED. PETER F. RANDOLPH. WILLIAM V. BROKAW. WILLIAM A. RUDD. JOHN H. CLARK. To the Hon. Commissioners of the Central Park. Dear Sirs. We take the liberty of sending you enclosed two samples of goods well adapted for the winter dress of the Police of the Central Park. We have noticed that the mixture now used is not Indigo and that the Coats soon fade. These are pure Indigo dye made for the Academy at West Point and calculated for [?] Service - The price is $3.00 per yard. 54 inches wide. They will prove the cheapest article that can be had for the service required. Very Respectfully Yours, Sullivan Randolph & Budd P.S. We supply the Metropolitan Police with Blue Cloths for Coats & overcoats & pantsCom. of Sullivan, Randolph & Budd with samples of goods for winter use of park-keepers. Rec'd in Board Nov 1/60. Ref'd to A in C & Supt C.P. Geo. M VanNort. Clerk. [two hand drawings][*Arsenel*] Oct 29th 1860 A.J. Dallas Eq Dr Sir Yours of of this date is recd I ordered Coal to be sent to the offices sometime since — you may use the hard Coal left by the Sisters, & Mr. Kellogg can detail a team to take up soft Coal from this place Respy [?] Crain P.COct. 29. 1860 B. F. CraneMr. Dallas I don't know why the envelopes are so long Coming up. I have found a stray bunch I send you the others must be up to day Oct 31 B. F CraneOct, 31. 1860 B.F. Crane