FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED SUBJECT FILE Parks New York, N. Y. (Esp. Central Park) 1861 May Central Park, 1st May, 1861. Frederick Law Olmsted Esq Sir, Although I am nearly 61 years old, I am, I think, as strong as I was when only 40. But being subject to very frequent attacks of two serious diseases, (one being of the heart) I cannot prudently join the Engineer Corps now being formed; but, will most cheerfully contribute, occasionally, towards the expense of supporting the company; & should such not be required for the Engineer Corps, I will assist any other company formed by the Park force, I am, Sir, Respectfully, &c. Haden Patrick Smith P.S. I have a son, in Washington City, a volunteer in The Cumbria Guards, Pa. with Captain John Linton H.P.S.May 1. /1861. H.P. Smith to F.L.O -- As [???ing] Eng? Corps --- 2d. May. 1861. -- F. L. Olmsted Esq. Arch in Chief & Supt -- Dr Sir -- The man R. Kane who was injured at the same time with Mr Bennett was not seriously injured and is at work today. -- Mr Bennett leaves six children the youngest two years of age the eldest but twenty one --. Respy M A Kellogg"Mr. Alex Bennett met with a serious accident this morning at Bridge no. 13. also at the same time & place Patk. Kane (Laborer) but not seriously"May 2. 1861.. M. A. Kellogg to F. L. O. Bennetts accident. at Br. 13. -- May 26th 1861 Will you kindly inform Mr Keeler whether you can give him employment on the Park. I really hove you can do so as I am very anxious about it. Y try Hwd. C. Fields F Law Olmsted Esq Mr. Fields for Keeler -- May 2 1861 Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane, MANHATTANVILLE, New-York, May 6 1861 My dear Sir The bearer John Gallagher is the man of whom I recently spoke to you as having been formerly in our employ, & whose [family] parents live on our premises. He has always been of correct habits and while in our service was disposed to do his best. I am somewhat ashamed at his lack of patriotism in seeking other service than a military one, but he thinks he has less gratification for war than for peace. I am Respectfully [?] Mrs D. J. Brown Fredk. Law Olmsted Esq Central Park.May 6, 1861, D. Brown— apply for or[?] for John Gallagher C. P. May 9th. F. L Olmsted Esq Sir According to your instruction I waited on Mr. Green this morning. He gave me such a short interview I had merely time to say that you considered, I am entitled to be paid as per return of Pay roll he then said "I should see Mr. Olmsted" and turned away Very respectfully your obedient servt Wm. B. SwanMay 9. / 61 W. B. Swan -- Draughtsman to F.L.O. as to Pay --My dear Sir, The Bearer James Tobin who has been employed for some time past at the Central Park, is an applicant for a situation with the C.P. Police.--He has been warmly recommended to me and I beg to introduce him to your favorable notice if there should be a vacancy in our Policeforce & that you consider him in every way a desirable & competent person for the post, which he solicits.__ Yours, very truly, [August Mulaney?] 4th {Midday?] 9:1860 Central Park Guide. The Womans Gate. The Hunters Gate. The Mariners Gate. The Gate of all Saints. The Boys Gate. 8 Av. 66 St. 72 St. Central Park, formerly 85 St. 86 St. 96 St. 97 St. 100 St. 8 Av. Manhattan Square. The Strangers Gate. TRANSVERSE ROAD 7 Av. 7 Av. Croton Reservoir The Warriors Gate. 59 ST. 110 ST. 6 Av. 6 Av. The Farmers Gate. 5 Av. 5 Av. The Pioneers Gate. The Childrens Gate. The Miners Gate. The Engineers Gate. The Girls Gate. 65 St. 72 St. 79 St. 85 St. 90 St. 96 St. 97 St. 102 St. Hamilton Square The Woodmans Gate.New York. May 10th 1861. To the Commissioners of the Central Park N.Y. Gentlemen, I have a fine specimen of the American Aloe or Century Plant 28 years of age. also 6 smaller specimens ranging from 1 year to 10 of the same species, which I wish to dispose of. The largest plant can be seen at the Office of the Agriculturist 41. Park Row. and the lot can be had for $30.00 These plants are hardy having been grown in the open air, and are in a fine healthy condition I Am Gentlemen Yours Respectfully Charles Drake. 59. Duane St N.Y.Chas. Drake. proposing to sell Century Plants. Rec'd in Board May 16/61. Ref'd to A in C & Supt. Geo. M Van Nort. Clerk [*Chas Drake*]Central Park May 14 1861 Mr Colyer Sir I suspended Burchell for neglect of duty I hat him cleaning a walk on Saterday forenoon If he had done so thorouly I had to put men to do it over again if he is not continualy [wa?ec] is very indolent dose not earn 25 cents per day - the other I [dupented?] for inefficiency they are not capable of doing a half days work they here discharged from other gangs last fall I have orders from my general foremen not to have any bat 1st class men as I am responsible for the work they do Yours very Respty James Anne foremanMay 1861 Anne respecting BurchellMay 14, 1861 Fred. Law. Olmsted Esq. Architect-in-Chief & Supt. Sir I hope you will excuse my troubling you a second time, but since my last, my pay has been reduced from $1 to 70 cents pr day. I would most respectfully state, that I have now been employed upon the park nearly three years, and since the resignation of Mr. Slattery have occupied his place as clerk in the Discipline room, having entire charge under Mr. [ ? ] directions of all the Books pertaining to that department of the work. I was appointed originally as Office Messenger at $1 per day, bug have never been called upon to perform the actual duties of that position having always had the duties of a clerk. I would most respectfully in view of these circumstances, request that you will kindly take into consideration the practicality of giving me an increase in my salary. Most Respectfully Your Obedt. Servt. Henry W. KeoghMay 14th/61. H. Keogh to F. L. O. -- OUR COMPROMISE. Central Park May 15/61 Sir At a Special Meeting Convened by order of M. A. Kellogg Commandant and held in the Chapel at Mt. St. Vincent on Tuesday May 14th You were duly Elected by acclamation an Honorary Member of the Central Park Home Guard Yours REspectfully [?] Hemmingham Secy M. A. Kellogg Prest May 15/61. Elected as Honorary Member of C.P. Home Guard -- M. A. Kellogg CommandantYorkville May 16th /61 Fredk. L. Olmsted Esq Dr Sir/ I herewith tender you a box in my Post office for your use (No 36) With Respt W. Pense P.M.Tender of Box in P.O. at Yorkville MiscellaneousCentral Park May 17th/61 F. L. Olmsted. Esq Sir Compelled by circumstances, to accept the pay, for the month of April, dictated by Mr. Green, I yesterday, received from Mr. Miller the amount, less the 7 days you were kind enough to grant me leave for. As you were pleased to state that you considered that I was entitled to the pay, I feel it my duty to notify you of the result at present. I cannot afford to loose the money I think rightfully due me, and accepted the portion received uner protest. very respectfully your obedient servt, Wm. B. SwanSwan as to pay May 17/61 Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, Office---Bank of Commerce Building, 31 Nassau Street. New York, May 18th 1861 Sir. At a regular meeting of this Board held on the 16th inst. the enclosed communication of Chas. Drake proposing to dispose of several specimens of the American Aloe or Century Plant was referred to you Very truly &c Geo. M Van Nort. Clerk Fred. Law Olmsted Esq A in C & Supt CPVan Nort May 18/61 New York May 18th 1861. Mr. Olmstead. Dear Sir! Not being able to pay you my respects personally at present, I tak the liberty to trouble you with these few lines. The bearer, Georg Shweitzer, has served in the late Hungarian War, against Austria, in which he has been wounded, he is now seven years in this country and a citizen of the United States, being since last fall out of employment, I recommend him as an honest and trustworthy man, and I would respectfully beg, if there is [there is] any possibility to find employment for him, as he is willing to work to his best ability. respectfully your obedient [Wratis Lawson?] Captain 7th Rgmt. N. Y. S. V.May 18. /61. Captn. Wratis law recommendg Geo. Schweitzer.Central Park May 18 1861 F.L. Olmsted Esq A in Chf & Supt Dr Sir The 5th Ave Main burst this AM opposite the Arsenal, flooding a portion of the ground between the Annex & 5th Avenue the water was kept out of the Building by being turned into the Sewer on the Park ground no serious damage to the Park Resp B. F. CraneMay 18./61. B. F. Crane informing of Break in Croton Main -- opposite Arsenal. Office of Property Clerk, CENTRAL PARK. New-York, May 20th 1861 F. L. Olmsted Esq Archt in Chief & Supt Dr Sir, The bearer Paul McDonald is an applicant for a position on the Central Park Police. As he is so well known to you, I presume it is not necessary for me to reccommend him, but as he dont like to speak in his own behalf I have concluded to write a few lines for him. I most cheerfully say that during the long time he has been connected with my Department I have found him to be a Sober, honest and perfectly reliable man. Always ready and willing to discharge any duty committed to him be it late or Early. I have also found him to be very consciencious, and careful, always looking out for the interest of the Park -- I believe he would make a good officer. He has been strongly reccommended to the Commissioners, but I have reccommended him to see you personally as your judgement would undoubtedly settle the question. I hope you may be able to appoint him. Very Respectfully Yours, B. F. CraneMay 20./61. B. F. Crane -- recommending Paul McDonald.Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, Office -- Bank of Commerce Building, 3I Nassau Street. New York, May 21st I86I Sir- The bearer W. J. Wilson is an applicant for appointment as a Park-Keeper. His appointment is desired by a friend and is recommended as an honest, noble & industrious person. I trust you may be able to give him a position. Very truly yours &c. Geo. M Van Nort. Clerk Bd Fred Law Olmsted Esq. A in C & Supt C.PMay 21st /61. Van Nort to F.L.O. for apptmt of W.J. WilsonHon. H. N. Sherwood Member of Assembly John H. White Esqr Attorney & Counsellor at Law [Gilsey?] Building cor Broadway & Courtland StBoard of Commissioners of the Central Park, Office---Bank of Commerce Building, 31 Nassau Street. New York, May 21st 1861 Sir. The bearer Hugh Fox is the person of whom Mr Green spoke to you this morning for appointment on the Park Keepers force. Very truly yours Geo. M Van Nort Fred Law Olmsted Esq A in C & Supt CP.May 21. /1861. Van Nort as to Hugh Fox for apptmt on Park Keepers force. 27 Washington Place. May 22. 1861. My dear Sir. The bearer of this note, Mr Bennet, is very desirous of employment, he would like a place as park keeper. If owing to any increase of the force, or vacancy caused by any of the present police having volunteered, you require new men. I think a perusal of the accompanying testimonials will show that you cannot appoint a better man than Mr Bennet. Respectfully yours. Joseph B. Curtis Fred. Law. Olmsted Esq Arch-in-chief and Supt.May 22./61. Curtis -- /Arch: Esqr recommending Bennet -- the following men from Fore. Fanning's gang, were [heeling?] in trees, on Saturday May 11the from 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. and on Sunday May 12th " 4 A.M. to 9 A.M. May 11 May 12 Hours Hours [*Trees from [Newark] Connt Jas. Maloy 4 5 reached the Park about G.W. Snow 4 5 6 oclock - about J. Joice 4 5 400 in number*] H. Deitz 4 5 Ed. Hart 4 5 And. Kwiatkowski: 4 5 Aug. Gansholz 4 5 Jacob Bush 4 5 Aug. Golden 4 none Frank S. Pollard Asst. Fore. Ignaz A Pilat The above Time was made pr order of Mr Pilate C.D. Clark Gen. Fore. [*The above time is by far too much for the object to be answered & I do not approve its payment A.H.G. Cpr*]Green disapprovg Gardener's workUnion Defence Committee, of the Citizens of New-York, Office, No. 30 Pine Street, New York, 25 May 1861. To Frd Law Olmsted Esq or to any of the Gate Keepers of the future Park You will permit the "Young Armenia Zouaves" to parade in the Central Park on Saturday the 25th of May - Yours truly R.M. Blatchford Prest: Board Commissioners of Central ParkBlatchford May /61New York May 28. 1861. Dear Sir, The Bearer Patrick Clark, wishes to be employed in the Central Park; - he has worked there as stone rubber for Mr. James Glass on the Terrace; but I am not otherwise informed about him; - if yo can employ him I shall be glad to see him find work - Very truly Yours August Belmont F.L. Olmsted EsqMay 28 /61 A. Belmont - applying for employmt. for Patr. Clark [a] late of Glass' gang.Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, Office - Bank of Commerce Building, 31 Nassau Street. New York, May 30th 1861 Sir, Mr Belmont informs me that you have the original communication made by you to the Board on the 29th March last having reference to the estimates of the cost of and as to the past and future conduct of the work. Mr Belmont has left the revised copy with me. I told him I must have the original as it is the only official document - he said I must get it from you. You will have the goodness to transmit the original to me at your earliest convenience and oblige Yours very truly Geo. M. Van Nort Clerk B.C.C.P. Fred. Law Olmsted Esq A in C & Supt C.P.May 30 /61. Van Nort for origl. communication to Board Mar 29. /61 Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, Office, Bank of Commerce Buildings, New-York, May 30 1861 Sir I write to suggest that I do not think the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park will sanction the employment of any men, on any part of the Park, the plan of which has not been submitted and settled by the Board. I mention this with especial reference to the employment of men in improving the grounds about the offices at Mt. St. Vincent. It seems to me that the employment of a gang of able bodied men in pulling weeds on the Park, is not at this time a wise appropriation of labor. I observe a contemplated alteration of the path at the right of the road entering the circle. This ground has already the appearance of being finished and I should doubt the wisdom of again disturbing it. Very respectfully yours And. H. Green Comptroller C.P. F.L. Olmsted Esq A in C & Supt C.P.A. H Green May 30/61Central Park May 1861 To Fred Law Olmsted Esqr. Architect in Chief & Superintendant Central Park Sir. We the undersigned Assistant foremen employed on the Central Park, Respectfully represent, that, the small wages we receive is not sufficient to provide for ourselves and families, the common necessaries of life. That we give our entire time to the service of the Park and only receive wages for the actual time engaged at work, frequently losing from two to. three days in the week in consequence of wet weather. or the ground not being in a sufficiently dry state for work. and we also respectfully remark, that, the days so lost cannot be made good by work off the Park. and we would further remark that it costs us more for clothing to appear on the work than an ordinary laborer We therefore earnestly request that you will represent our case to the consideration of the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park and induce them -- if possible -- to allow us constant wages. and we shall be truly grateful Relying on the justice of our claim for your favorable consideration We are, Sir, Respectfully, Your obedient Servants. Michl. McLachlan William Hogan Stephen Diamond Michl O Shaugnessey Daniel Miller George Byrne Dan Regan Robert [Bleggins?] Cornelius Hagan [Joseph] Edward Fay Edward McHugh James O'Reilly William Brittain Charles A. Wolfe Allan McKenzie Pat Philips J. B. Curran Francis Binnen John Allen.Appln of Asst. Foremen for Incr. of Pay. May 1861