FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED SUBJECT FILE Parks New York, N. Y. Central Park Zoo N.D.[nvbers] - Printings & Coati. heat. [otters] Policot dpt - temp. 10 conpts 1 with water Tropical room for deer - 3 sp.1 " " sheep, lwats, gazelle &c Nop. - Porcupines 6 compts 1250 1000 2250 Tropical Department - Small monkeys w. 1 common apartmt at least 50 x 10 x [20 high] - with a hospital 20 x 10 and say 6 separate each 5 x 10 Large monkeys 3 apparts ea 15 x 5 hiz B. 1 hospital - [Hyen] [Jackals 1 ap] C Hyenas [2] 1 appt - 20 x 50 2 10 x 5 each Parad. &c. 1 appartment 10 x 50 D 12 " 10 x 4 Lions. 1 appt - 50 x 25 high 4 12 x 25Tigers. 1 apt - 50 x 25 F 4 " 10 x 25 ----------------------------------------------------- [ocelot 1 appt. 25 x 12] [ [2]3. 8 x - ] ----------------------------------------------------- ocelot (+ small cats) 36 x 12 - 1 appt 4 x 12 - 9 do ----------------------------------------------------- Brit. Raccoons &c [25] 1 appt 25 x 15 6 " 4 - 15 ----------------------------------------------------- Bears Large ? - 1 ap 50 x 10. ? non hybernating. 6 " 8 x 10 ----------------------------------------------------- Bears Small 1 " 25 x 10 4 6 x 10 ----------------------------------------------------- Camels winter gr. [2 doll?] 6 pair 3 appts 25 x 10 with a large camel general ----------------------------------------------------- [Giraffe - 1 25 x 10 high-.] [with a camel-] Giraffe 50 x 15 and a summer court ----------------------------------------------------- Jaguars &c [0] 2 appts. 50 x 20 10 " 5 x 20 ----------------------------------------------------- [Martens &c] [Muntyrach?] &c (Small deer) 1-50 x 10 6 - 8 x 5 ----------------------------------------------------- Huauacos &c 1 ap. - 50 x 15 5 ap 10 x 8 ----------------------------------------------------- [Deer Elas] Sheep [gyler?] 1 ap - 25 - 10 4 - 6 - 10 ----------------------------------------------------- Elands etc 1 - 50 x 20 12 8 x 10 ----------------------------------------------------- [Tapirs] Quaggas - 50 x 25 [12] 12 ap. 4 x 20 - ----------------------------------------------------- [*Ger*]A 50 x 10 = 500 20 x 10 = 200 10 x 5 x 6 =300 ------------------------ 7 1000 ------- B 15 x 5 = 75 x 3 =225 20 x 10 = 200 10 x 5 = 50 x 6 = 300 ------ 725 -------------------------------- C 50 x 20 = [1000] 1000 10 x 5 50 x 2 = 100 -------- 1100 -------------------------------------------- D 50 x 10 = 500 10 x 4 = 40 x 4 160 ----- 660 -------------------------------------------- E 50 x 25 = 1250 = 1250 25 x 10 250[0] x 4 = 1000[0] -------- [1125] 2250 ---------------------------------------------------- F 50 x 25 = 1150 25 x 10 250 x 4 = 1000 -------- 2150 ------------------------------------ am 7785 ---------Vaux & Withers, Architects No. 110 Broadway, New-YorkHyray burrow g(?) 25 * 10 Sloth te 1 appt - 25 * 10 burruy + tree 2 12 * 4 Coyku mrtn ml (lecaver) 25 * 5 with tank. Aginti 2 - 25 * 10 burrow 12 (various) Jerboas 1 appt 12 * 6 Opposums IC 1 appt 50 * 12 15 various Karyuious 1 appt . 50 * 12 3 " Bnts. I 1 appt - foxes tree 25 * 10 tree 1 vampires 12 * 10 6 " " " ?Rhinoceros - 2 appts 50 * 25 ------------------------------------------------------------- Hippopot. 50 * 25 [half] special tank minli ------------------------------------------------------------- Tapir 30 * 20 do do -------------------------------------------------------------[*Record without acomponent Jan. 27th O.V.*] General indication of the Nature of the Accomodations & proportionate Room required by the different Groups of Animals -- We may divide the collection for convenience under these Heads = I. Mammals -- II. Birds -- III. Reptiles -- IV. Amphibious Mammals, Fishes & Invertebrates -- I. Mammals. 1st Temperate A. Grazing & Moderately Safe -- They may be divided into 1st Temperate & 2nd Tropical. They may be divided into : A. Grazing & Moderately Safe - B. Flesh eating & requiring Special Constraint. Some of the principle members of this Group are the Bisons, Deer, Sheep, Antelopes, Goats, &tc, &tc. They are generally preserved in small paddocks, each species by itself with a proper hut, & all these paddocks might be made to open on a common pasture ground of some extent provided with shade trees & running water. Rockwork must be provided for the Antelopes & Goats. B. Flesh- eating & requiring Special Constraint. Some of the principle members of this Group, are the Cats, Bears, Raccoons, Squirrels, Hares, Porcupines, Beavers, Wol[f]ves, Dogs, Foxes, &tc. &tc. The family of Cats while requiring special restraint should be allowed roomy apartments that they may exhibit the peculiarity of their species, viz=Leaping. All the small Carnivora should have the use of trees = they are generally kept in a series of adjacent cages. The Bears may be preserved together in a very large pit with trees. The Polar Bears require special accomodations with rocks & a pool of water. The Beavers require special accomodations near a Swamp. 2nd Tropical. They may be divided into : A. Grazing & Moderately Safe. B. Flesh-eating & requiring Special Constraint. A. Grazing & Moderately Safe. Some of the principle members of this Group are the Giraffes, Camels, Llamas, Antelopes, Deer, Hippopotami, Peccaries, Zebras, Tapirs, Rhinoceros, Elephants, Buffaloes, &tc. &tc. They will require artificial warmth during our winter. The Giraffes, Camels, Llamas & Elephants can be exercised by their keepers on the walks of the Gardens thereby saving the necessity of very roomy accomodations. The Hippopotami, Tapirs, Rhinoceros & Elephants require pools of water in their enclosures. B. Flesh- eating & requiring Special Constraint. Some of the principle members of this Group are the Monkeys, the Cats, Hyenas, Coatimondi, &tc. &tc. Experience has shown that the greatest attraction in a Zoological Garden is the Monkey house : hence there should be extensive accomodations for the spectators, both in Winter & Summer. [They] Monkeys require the greatest care, & abundance of room for exercise, hence every attention must be paid to the laws of[grounds, that it may be prudent, before painting, as we shall afterwards to certain conditions by which the manner of carrying out the purpose may be more controlled than is obvious to cursory observation,] into its landscape many forms of regulation which undeniably passes beautiful qualities and which, if unhindered might be expected to flourish. Many such would, in my opinion, be quite as undesirable as the amounts of stained glass, cut stone, plaster, paint and fountains that your Board is causing to be removed. [from]. They [are] should be undesirable, as all gardening work of the style [must] with which they are associated [is undesirable] would be, because, although naturalBirds of Prey should have enormous Aviaries in order that their flight & swoops may be observed = rock work, trees, & streams or pools would add to their convenience & the general effect. In winter of course artificial warmth will be required for the tropical birds -- III. Reptiles. They are generally preserved in one house called the "Reptile House". The Turtles, Frogs & Lizards must have water accomodations. The Snakes are preserved in Glass rooms. Some Reptiles in Summer can be kept out of doors, such as the Alligators, &tc. As a general rule Reptiles require considerable heat, [&] moisture & [not] shade. IV. Amphibious Mammals, Fish, & Invertebrates. They must be preserved together in one house called the "Aquaria House", in suitable tanks. Great skill is required in the construction of this house, in order that the heat, light, & water facilities may be suitably modified. N.B. For a pretty thorough catalogue of the vertebrate Animals of the N. American Continent, as well as the foreign representatives of those genera of Quadrupeds found on the N. Am. Continent, see my papers in the forthcoming Report of the Centr - Park Commissioners. I am at present unable to give much information as to the amount of space allowed each animal in The European Gardens.The following are some of the principle items to be considered in the Construction of a Zoological Garden -- (a) Durability of the Enclosures, both as regards the proper confinement of the Animals & the Attacks of the Weather. (b) A proper amount of Space for Exercise. (c) Conveniences for Exhibition, both as regards the open nature of the enclosure & suitable accomodations for the Spectators. (d) Protection of the Animals from the Weather. (e) Means of producing artificial warmth & Cold. (f) Ventilation. (g) Supply of Water. (h) Drainage. (i) Cleanliness. (j) Conveniences for Feeding. (k.) Conveniences for Shifting the Animals. (l.) Suitable accomodations for the Keepers, Gardeners, Labourers, Artizans, Police, &tc. (m) Suitable offices, Libraries, Dissecting Rooms, &tc. (n) The Public Lecture & Exhibition Hall. (o) Hospitals. (p) Special accomodations for breeding purposes. (q) General Beauty & "Scientific Fitness" of the tout-d'ensemble both as regards Landscape & Architectural effect, as well as the suggestive & appropriate Location and Nature of the Home of each Species. (r.) Proper accomodations for the public convenience.From Zoological Gardens_Central Park_ Data on FoosEstimation propertonali space This Table gives the Mammalia ex[ih]ibited by the Zoological Society of London in 1862 - We may suppose the diagram to be 400 ft. square. [*tmp 1 cm*] [*temp 15 cmp*] [*hvp.*] Small Monkeys. 50 x 100 15 Species Exercise Enclosure Sheep. Goats. Elands. Nylghau. for the Cat Family. Antelopes. Gazelles. Gnus. Yaks. Zebras. 100. x 100. 100.x100. [*cape buf.*] 100. x. 100. 20 Species. [*12 compts*] 8 Species. [*3 cim*] 3 Species. [*t*]. 1 Species. Large Monkeys. [*[Sk] Jackals. 25 x 50 25 x 50 [*temp*] 3 Species. [*temp*] 4 Species. Wolves. Foxes. 25 x 50 25 x 50. [*t*] 2 Species Paradoxures [*5 cm*] Hyenas. Suricate. Ichneumons. 25 x 50 - Genets. Civet-Cats [*t*] 25 x 50 - 11 Species. [*trdp 10 cmps*] [*twp.*] [*12*] Jaquars, Mexican Jaquars. Peccaries, Babirufsas, Hippopotamus. Tapirs. Leopards. African Leopards. River Hogs, Wild Boars. 50 x 50. 50 x 50. [*4 cinp*] [* 4 cump*] Cheetahs. Clouded Tigers. Masked Pigs. Wart Hogs. 1 Species. 1 Species. [*t*] Lions - [*2*] [*t*] Tigers - Pumas. Servals - 50 x 50 - 50 x 50 100 x100. 100. X 100. Quaggas. Zebras. [*2*]. 1 Species. 1 Species. (being for each species: 8 Species. Wild Asses - 25 x 50.) 50 X 100. 8 Species - 5 Species. [*t*] [*temp*] Binturongs. [*3 Cwpt*] Ocelots. Seals. Coati. Raccoons. 25 x 25. 25 x 25 25 x 50. 1 Species. 1 Species. 3 Species [*4 Cmpts.*] [*1 small.*] [Polscats.] Martens, [*trop*] [*2 cmpts*] [*trop*] Sloth [*trop*] Musquash. [*11*] Porcupines. [*ts*] Grisons. Otters. Muntjac Rhinoceros. Hyrax. Armadillo. Beavers. Coypus [*tr*] Agoriti. Cavys. Badgers. Ratels. Musk Deer. 50 X 50. 25 X 25. [*10C*] 25 X 25 Mice. Capybaras. Gluttons - 50 X 50. [*2*] 1 Species. 1 Species. 3 Species. 50 X 50. Acouchys [*tr.12*] [*200*] 4 Species. 50 X 50. 11 Species. Bears - 50 X 50 - 2 Species. 100 x 100 8 Species. 8 Species. Huanacos. Alpacar. Elephants [*2 cmpt*] Jerboas. Hares. Rabbits. Llamas. [*1 Tmp*] 50 X 10. 25 X 25 25 X 75. [*50*] 50 X 100. [*2*] 1 Species 1 Species 3 Species Opossums. Dasyures. Bats. Kangaroos. Thylacinus. Phalangirs, [*15 twp*] 25 X 25 25 X 25 Wombats. Wallabys. [*1 temp*] 1 Species 3 Species. 25 X 50. 15 Species. Camers. 50 X 100 - [*[mi] temp.*] Exercise Enclosure [*trop*] 2 Species. Deer. for the Rununants - [*3 comp*] 100. X. 100. 100 X 200. 14 Species. Giraffes. 50 X 100. 1 Species.