GEORGE S. PATTON DIARIES Original Sept. 24, 1942-Mar. 5, 1943 BOX 1 FOLDER 5 Available on microfilm Shelf No. 20, 613 Diary (II) Sept 24, 1942 I Mar 5, 1943 G.S.P, Jr. II G S Patton Jr. Maj. Gen. Sept 24 '42 to Mar 5 -- 43 Return to H.Q. I Armored Corps A.P.O. 758, Sept. 24 '42 The plan has finally settled and I feel very calm and contented, It still can be a very desperate centure if the enemy does every thing he should and we make a few mistakes I have a sure feeling we will win. 9-25-42 Gen Clark came in this morning. Inside has taken a lot of my planes and all Paratroops Vice Adm. Wilson and some other Navy were here for a Conference. They show some leaning to direct attack on CB. Gen Keys reported. 9/28/42 (As far as I am concerned Gen Clark has explained nothing he seems to me more preoccupied with bettering his own future than in winning the war he seems to me slightly ill at ease.) Yesterday some alternative plans of very dubious value were decided on. Our Navy is certainly very pessimistic asto the possibility of effecting a landing at Casa. I feel that inspite of all we will succeed there. Gen Keys reported Saturday and his firm character and level head have been very comforting to me. 9/30/42 Went to Norfolk to see Adm. H. and to clear up a tempist in a teapot about SOS & Navy in the landing. every thing calmed down. Had talk with Ad. Ingersol and found that we will get their assault boats. Sent Keyes, Cannon & Black to arrange sequence of Air Support and details of loading P40's. I fear that at the last minute there will be quite a mess at the docks. B. left for Boston to make speech. 10/1/42 Wrote draft of Field Order for attack. Gen. Wedemeyer thought it good so I got him to make some suggestions. He seems very partial to me and is clever Gen. D. I. Sultan came and we lied to him about his bogus plan. I hated to do it. Saw Parks about promotions in Staff. and suggested that no more be announced till battle has started. 10/2/42 Talked to Wedenmeyer who suggested that I should be a Lt. Gen. I told him I did not think it well to suggest it at this time. Gen Fredendall came and I gave him my plan for attack at Oran. I am glad he has a job as I feel he has been badly used. N.B. Later he told me that the plan was wholy his - it was not but he had forgotten this was after the landing. Memories are short. 10/6/42 Spent night on USS Augusta 8" Cruiser At about 10:30 P we had an alert which turned out to be a drill but no one knew it at the time. As I had no duty to do I stayed in bed and read. Got up at 0400 and left ship at 0500 to see landing B. Gen. Henry and Capt Jenson were on the beach. The timing of the landing by the Navy was -(very bad over) - 40 min late to start with but all we can hope is that they do better next time. Gen. Marshall sent for me to ask about Harmon I said Harmon was all right the future will show but I think he is. P.S. He sure was O.K. Got off letter and copy [*?*] of orders 2 letters of instruct to Ike. 10/7/42 Gen Arnold came to see me and ask how he could help. He seemed pleased with the plans as I showed them to him. Gen Hull had a war with the Navy over their attempt to issue orders to me. Had long talk with Truman Smith and Black later with Culbert. All think that if Spain comes axis France will go to us. Culbert feels that F. navy will attack D-1 or else beat it. He thinks that my plan of shelling Cb. will work. Played squash with Godfrey. 10-9-42 Word from Ike that we will not get para troops due to lack of training of Transport Planes. Anderson is in and worried for fear Capt Emmet, Navy will not get assault waves in on schedule I am worried too. Going to see Hewett about it tomorrow. No decision yet on light draft craft for L. They are vital. Culbert & wife came to dinner - not much impressed. Relieved Capt. Galloway as Aid. Told him he had ability but had never put out over 80% 10/13/42 Adm. Hewett proposed changing to day attack. Talked it over with Adm. Cooke but could not get nothing defenate out of him. Keys and I talked to F. M. Sir J. Dill for almost an hour Rewrote par in speech to which Mr. Stimson objected. 10/15/42 Went to Norfolk with Gross & Hull to inspect loadings Flew down and Drove back due to weather. While things were not perfect they were satisfactory Another time the total of each type of ammunition should be sent to Port piled by type and calaber and the T.Q.M's should then draw for their ships. This would be simple and avoid useless markings. Code names for ships is waste of time I was more than ever impressed with Gross & Hull. Am a just a little worried about ability of Truscott. it may be nerves. P.S. It was nerves. he made good. 10/17/42 I had arranged with Adms Cooke & Hewitt to use one of two mine planters to cary aviation gas and munition to Port L. Those were the only ships of sufficiently shallow draft I could get. Late in evening of 16th I got 500 tons of munitions and 400 tons 100 octane gas with which to land vessel This morning received dispatch from Adm Ingersoll. That he would not permit use of those ships for any purpose other than mine laying. I went to see Adm. Cooke & Adm Wilson. Cooke was for me Wilson would do nothing. I got Gross to get me a merchant ship. Adm. Hall (a good fighting man) has been appointed C of S to Hewett this is fine Had dinner with Hall & LeBreton and wives. Ike also refused any Para Troops and said I could not have the 5 light draft 150 foot lighters I asked for. In general it has been a bad day. 10/18/42 No bad breaks today Pilot from Port L. arrived and paints less gloomy picture than most. Had letter from George. full of sentiment and emotion. Yesterday had staff meeting on civil govt. If I do all the things set out there will be no war. Heard Clark was going in a sub. Hope for best. Went to party for Keys called to pay respects to Sec. Met Gen Marshall, F. M. Dill and a Brit Lt. Gen. interesting but felt out of place. 10/19/42 Called heads of all component of force into office 1145 and warned them not to disclose in any way hour of [exparture] departure. Gen Henry came in and read over orders etc. 10/21/42 - Saw Gen. Marshall for 45 min at 0815. He was very friendly and helpful. He gave me the inside on the Clark-Fredendall switch. Apparently Clark made a big impression on the P. M. (Two of a kind) He told me to influence Hewitt but not to scare him. I mentioned Adm. Hall as a fine influence for us and The Gen. immediately asked "How old is he" I said as he was in the Class of 1913 he was probably 53 or 54 His comment was "My how old we all are." (M. lacks imagination but has a wonderful mind. [*)-*] Called on Gen. Pershing [*(-*] He did not recognize me until I spoke then his mind seemed quite clear. He looks very old. [*)-*] It is probably the last time I shall see him but he may out live me. I said that when he took me to Mexico in 1916 he gave me my start. he replied "I can always pick a fighting man and God knows there are few of them. I am happy they are sending you to the front at once. I like generals so bold that they are dangerous. I hope they give you a free hand." He recalled my killing the Mexicans and when I told him I was taking the same pistol he said "I hope you kill some Germans with it." He also said that he hoped I got a chance to kill some one with my sword whip. [*X*] He said that at the start of the war he was hurt because no one consulted him but was now resigned to sit on the side lines with his feet hanging over. He almost cried. It is pathetic how little he knows of the war. [*X*] When I left I kissed his hand and asked for his blessing. He squeezed my hand and said "Good by George, God bless and keep you and give you victory." I put on my hat and saluted when I left and he returned it like he used to and 25 years seemed to drop from him. He said that when he started WWI he was just my age. A truly great soldier. Adm. Hewitt and I reported to the President at 0200 He greeted us with come in skipper and old cavalryman and give me the good news. He brought up a request from the P.M. for an exchange of four of our destroyers for four British this would be fatal at this late date as each vessel has a very definite gun fire support mission and the Brit could not take it over. The P. said "H. fix up a counter proposal X I never say no but we can stall till it is too late." X X He then gave H a lot of advice about how moore a ship to keep it head to wind by a stern anchor. He had done it with a yacht once. I had fixed up the meetings with the hope that he would put some heat on H. about the necessity of landing. as nothing came of it, I said "The Admiral and I feel that we must get ashore regardless of cost as the fate of the war hinges on our success." He said certainly you must and that was that. X (A great politician is not of necessity a great military leader. X Handy and Hull came to say good by and we had a long talk They are fine men and should have commands. Saw [Swiles?] about keeping B. informed. Wrote paper for B on care of the horses. 10/22/42 Called on Sec War & Mr McCloy. Summerville Handy Adm. Cooke all very nice. Left W.D. at 1115. Packed tin suitcase. Had lunch B went with me to Air Port Gen. Stratemeyer asked her to ride to Norfolk we saw many of the ships. Keys and I inspected loading 3rd Div. All very orderly I asked a QM Capt how things were going he said "I don't know but my trucks are getting on all right" that is the answer if every one does his part these seemingly impossible tasks get done. When I think of the greatness of my job and realize that I am what I am I am amased but on reflection who is as good as I am. I know of no one. All of us are relieved that the strain is over and the staff and all the men I have seen are cheerful and full of confidence. Keys, Cannon, and I are at the hotel the rest are on the ship. I feel that we have all done our full duty and will succeed. One Transport went bad and we are using another which will have to catch up. It will. The damned S.S. Contesa has not showed up. 10/23/42 Today [Comdr.] Capt. Emmet talked for three hours and said nothing, He is a fool. I talked blood & guts for five minutes and got an ovation.) Came aboard the Augusta at 0245. I have captains cabin very nice with a double bed. People who put double beds in boats are not seamen or she dont roll. Saw part of 2d Armd landing men and officers in fine spirit. Wrote B, Keith & Kay and Ester & Edith Scott. (Called B on phone from ship.) Now that it is up to the Navy we all are relaxed. Adm. Hall impresses me more all the while Saw Stiller. George Meeks is much impressed and says he is setting an example to the sailors. This is my last night in America: "It may be for years and it may be for ever." God Grant that I do my full duty to my men and my self. 10/24/42 Augusta left pier at 0810 The sortee was remarkable for its ordered and apparently [effortless?] efficiency. We moved in Col through the mine fields and out a swept and buoyed channel to Norfolk Canyon where we joined line of columns (5 columns). There were two cruisers in front out of sight then a circle of destroyers then the Augusta leading the column. Before leaving I sent out a wire to all Troops "The C.G. compliments all men and officers on their magnificent confidence coupled with the navy victory is sure" All elements will not unite till the 26. Then we will have over 100 vessels. I regret that B was not at the Chamberlain to see us pass. I thought we would clear in dark but it was too difficult. (Adm. Hewitt impresses me better. Adm Hall is great.) 10/25/42 General quarters went at 6:30 it is also called man Battle Stations. I got up exercised and took a bath as I guessed it was a drill. Went to Flag Bridge for a while and then had breakfast. The mess is super I have to watch eating too much. Went to Church with Keys, Gay & Lambert. It is less than two weeks now if all goes well. It was very calm but overcast the 40 odd boats looked fine The Admiral had a sort of drill by flag signal and whistle. We had a staff conference this afternoon mostly on signal communication. It seems to be blowing up but this is a very steady ship. Where ever I go in the ship a marine orderly follows me I feel like a prisoner. I inspected the radar to day and also saw an AA sight on a 20mm. 10/26/42 Until sunset we had a 22 knot S x W wind now it is flat but the moon is so bright that the Admiral has just started zig zag (I like him better all the time.) I keep feeling that I should be doing something but there is nothing to do. So warm I have put on my light trousers and shirt. We have abandon ship drill every day. 10-27-42 To day is Navy Day. Keys wrote a letter fo me to sign to Hewitt. It pleased him and he published both letters with my consent. Keys is a grand man- never forgets. This afternoon I could see 40 ships tomorrow we pick up the carriers The wind is NW--Bad for swells. 10-28-42 Wed. Now the whole convoy is assembled about 100 ships. We can only see about 40 but it is quite a sight the Sea Train is right astern of us and far to the rear are four carriers. It was supposed to be rough to day but is not A depth charge went off about [0800] 2000 but it was probably a mistake. I have been telling every on a simplified directive of war. Use steam roller strategy that is make up your mind on a course and direction of action and stick to it. But in tactics do not steam roller attack weakness. Hold them by the nose and kick them in the ass. Having nothing to do more of my people are beginning to worry. I could my self but wont It is hard to realise that in ten days I will be up to my neck in work at [them] the moment I have nothing at all to do. There is the best mess on this ship I have ever seen. So far have read part of Koran, finished "Three Harbors" and The Raft" The Sun is my Undoing" is pretty sticky. 10-29-42 Nothing happened except that during the night our rudder jammed and we were nearly run down I did not hear about this till morning 10-30-42 To day we oiled and had to proceed at 8 knots. The tanker came along side and made fast it was quite interesting. Both admirals were on edge due to our slow speed. [omitted from typescript] Had wire that Ike was going to Washington. Then one that Gero was coming with us and that Mass was to be deputy c in c this puts Clark out of a job. So I fear the [*X*] worst but "Allah is just, Allah is merciful." About 30 min ago 2130 we had a definite submarine contact to starboard and made an emergency turn to port. We have heard no depth charges so I am going to read. [*X*] Some one possibly in this fleet is sending a radio. It may be due to innocent practice or it may be a spy. Horst is suspect. [*X*] Adm. H acceded to Truscott's request to visit two ships in his force. H. has certainly been fine. We ran slow till 1600 to finish oiling. I finished Koran-a good book and interesting. We had no spray on deck all day. It begins to look like we will get ashore with out a fight- [omitted] (I am sorry the troops need blooding [*X*] also it would be better for future prospects. 11-2-42 Gen. Lambert, Stiller, Jenson Sgt. Meeks and I did some shooting at the Fan Tale after lunch. I like the M1. carbine very much. This is a perfectly lovely day with no sea little wind and a bright sun. There was so little wind this morning that the carriers could not launch their planes so the cruisers had to catapult their planes. it was most interesting I got some picture of the recoveries. 11-3-42 Every once in a while the tremendous responsibility of this job lands on me like a ton of brick. But mostly I am not in the least worried I cant decide logically if I am a man of destiny or a lucky fool. But I think I am destined - five more days will show. I realy do very little and have done very little about this show. Perhaps I am lazy. I feel that my claim to greatness hangs on an ability to lead and inspire. Perhaps when Napoleon said "Je m'engage et puis je vois." he was right. It is the only thing I can do in this case as I see it. [*omitted couldn't read it*] I have no personal fear of death or failure. This may sound like generally junk or prophesy in a week. We had a C.P.X. this morning which was very dull. I can't see how people can be so dull and lacking in imagination. [omitted] (Compared to them I am a genius ([*X*] I think I am. 11-4-42 Things were so bad last night that they are bound to get better. Subs were all around us at least four apparently pursuing us with radar. There was a high north wind and it was very rough. All the conditions needed for high surf at Casa. Had radios that Gero and Mass are on the fence. That Murphy wants to delay till they (The French) make up their minds. As if 100000 men at sea can wait. [omitted from transcription] (It looks from the radios as if Clark has told them D & H. The fool!! (I have always been opposed to talking with the French also it is reported that if we attack the Spanish will move to the Sibou River line. This may interfere with Truscott at P. Layote. On the other hand it may bring the French in on our side. If the Spanish move to the Sibou it probably means they are in with the Axis and that closes the straight and we must repeat must take Casa. Some thing good is bound to happen. Track of Augusta to 1942 Lat. Long. Oct. 25 38-17"N 69-11'N 26 39-38 62-58 27 39-44 57-15 28 39-54 51-07 29 38-01 45-31 30 35-08 41-10 31 34-27 36-25 Nov. 1 32-12 32-10 2 27-59 28-57 3 28-26 24-24 4 31-34 21-55 5 33-28 18-22 6 34-19 13-21 7 34-30 10-05 11-5-42 Last might was very rough almost a storm. This morning it is still very rough with a forty mile wind. The admiral had hoped to refuel but it is too rough. This P.M. we did suceed in refueling some destroyers. Things are bound to get better as they could not get worse. I have done some extra praying. I hope that what ever comes up I shall be able to do my full duty. If I can do that I have nothing more to ask. Fate will determine what success I shall attain. We had a CPX to day and got benefit from it. The Navy is quite anxious to fight. The younger of them want to close in to fire. I hope they do. 11-6-42 Things are looking up it is calmer the wind has fallen to about 20 miles and is N.E. which is O.K. The forecast is for possible landing conditions. The intercepts indicate that the French will fight. On the other hand they have taken ships, subs and 400 soldiers out of Casa for Dekar. Last night a Portuguese ship was sighted and ordered south she complied. There are enemy subs all around but not close. We have slowed to 8 knots to fuel - not so good but necessary. We have lots of air up. Weather moderating A British Catalina plane made contact with us It was too cloudy to get a good fix. 11-7-42 This morning it is very quiet and smooth. Almost too good to be true. Thank God. I hope he stays on our side. The Safi convoy quit us at 0600. The Layate one will pull out at 1500 or in half an hour. Fortunately I found a detective story the Cairo Garter Murders by Van Wick Mason. I have just finished it and will start to worry, or should I feel utterly confident. Our Raider picked up 3 sqns of Planes on Azimuth of Jib and at that range I hope they are not the bosches. In 15 hours I should be ashore. I will not write any more in this while at sea. At 2120 Radar reports land barely 1540-56000 yds Went to bed dressed and slept from 10:30. This was hard to do. 11-8-42 Woke up at 0200. Dressed and went on deck. Fadala light and lights at Casa burning also lights on shore. Sea dead calm no swell-God is with us. H was at 0400 delayed first 30 then 45 min by Emmet. Loud speaker on deck told all the talk by the Destroyers. They would say "All my chickens are hear am holding them" There were 4 destroyers anchored about 6000 yds from shore the Transports were anchored at 18000 (too far I think) [Lighthouse went] They had different colored lights to show right left and center of line of departure. Lighthouse went dark at 0300. We had a sub on the surface which guided the destroyers in. At Safi we had radio "Batter up" (enemy firings) at [0530] 0445. At 0530 a search light showed apparently vertical at Fedala then it turned on the search at once destroyers opened fire with tracers they looked like red fire flies the light went out in about ten minutes. At same time a French corvet showed up from the north she was escorting 3 French ships when she refused to halt the destroyers opened fire and shot off mast and killed her captain I think she sank the three merchant ships beat it and beached them selves to north. Augusta opened on batres at Cape Fedala at 0715 having fired first and were short by 500 yds. Truscott radioed "Play ball" (am fighting at 0713. 6 enemy destroyers came out of Casa at 0715 two were on fire. Mass BB had been shelling from Bart for about 30 min. All ships in range opened on them and they went back. I was going ashore at 0800 and boat was an davits swung out with all our things in her including my white pistols I sent orderly to get them and at that moment 0800. A light Crusser and two ship destroyers came out of Casa tearing up the coast close to mine to try and get our transports. At once Augusta speeded up to 20 knots and opened fire the first blast from the rear turret blew the landing boat to hell and we lost all our things except my Pistols. At about 8:20 every landing attacked transports and Augusta went to protect there was a hell of a racket. No damage was done. Then we went back into the fight with the French ships about 0830 and fired hard for about three hours. Ranges ran from 18000 to 27000 yds. They breached us after using pink and green dies on shells I was on main deck just back of No 2 turret leaning on the rail when one hit so close that it splashed water all over me. When I was on the bridge later one hit closer but I was too high to get wet. It was hazy and enemy used smoke well I could just see them and make out our splashes. We had the Mass, the Brooklyn the Augusta and some others all firing and going like hell in zig zags and curves to keep away from the subs. Four were said to be around but I saw more. The Ludlow a destroyer was hit and set on fire but put it out. The Brooklyn was hit Her 43 gun turrets (6") fired like lightning much faster than our 8". Although we fired at times two salvos (nine guns at a time) each minute you have to put cotton in your ears. Some of the people got white but it did not seem very dangerous to me-sort of impersonal. The French went back about 1130. The Mass kept on shelling them in harbor with her 16" guns. We had lunch - naval war is nice and comfortable. Harmon took Safi at 0515 but we did not get the message till noon it was a complete surprise He captured a Bn of the foreign legion three tanks and a lot of guns. Admiral Hall-Gay-Johnson Ely, Jenson, Stiller, George and I went ashore at 1242 hit the beach at 1320 got very wet in the surf. There was still quite a fight going on but I had no bullets. 1340 there was a French Col with Anderson to meet me who suggested I send to Casa to demand a surrender He said that the army did not want to fight I met Gay & Wilbur the admiral refused to see them the army Gen said he could do nothing as Michelier was senior. His staff on the side gave us all the dope and even suggested that Casa could be taken easier from the rear. Anderson had met weak resistance mostly from the seacoast guns and AA guns manned by the Navy. One Bn of Black inf. fought some but quit by daylight. The navy men fought well and we got about 100 of them including the Major who was very bitter he's dieing - hole in lung. Anderson had both rivers and high ground to east by noon the last battery on the Port was captured by French mortar fire at about 1430. Anderson is good but lacks drive however he did well. Captured 8 of German Armistice Commission. Ratte stole their car for me. They only heard of the landing at 0600. So it was a complete surprise. I inspected the town and port and all the French soldiers except the marines saluted and grinned we put on mixed MP half American half French with a 1st Lt Chasseurs a cheval Moroccan as assistant P.M. Spent night at Hotel Mirama very nice but it had been hit several times so there was no water or lights and only cheese and fish and champagne Col. Wilbur did a very noble thing. He volunteered in Washington to go to Casa. He landed in first wave and drove to Casa in the dark with a white flag. He was shot at several times but at Casa the French accepted his flag and protected him. The Admiral refused to see him but the General did but as later said that while he did not want to fight he had to. Later Wilbur lead a platoon of tanks to take a battery. God was very good to me to day. P.S. Wilbur got B.G. & M.H. 11-9-42 I got out of hotel before dawn and went to see Anderson who was in bed- (he should have been up.) [omitted] The beach was a mess and the officers were doing nothing. We had tried since the previous day to have the lighters use the harbor but Emmet never told them to as a result they were beached half the time and even when they got off it took half an hour. I cursed and at last got a launch off to catch the boats and show them into the harbor. Had Anderson showed proper push this would have been done earlier. Just as I got the launch out a boat tossed end for end and drowned 16 men. We only found three they were a nasty blue color I was sorry. I got one of them. The French bombed the beach and later straffed it. One soldier who was pushing a boat got scared and ran onto the beach and assumed the Fetal position (prenatal) and jibbered I kicked him in the ass with all my might and he jumped right up and went to work Some way to raise morale as a whole the men were poor the officers worse no drive. it is very sad I saw an Lt let his men hesitate to jump into the water. I gave him hell I hit another man who was too lazy to push a boat. We also kicked a lot of Arabs. Some of the air bombs got some of our wounded. Things were going so slow that I came back to see the Admiral. He asked the doctor to give me a drink as I had had no food I needed it Got back to Ship at 1310. Sent Keys and all staff ashore at 1500. Truscott has Layate but not the Air Port. Had a tank fight with 15 Renaults Semmes must have had a good time. The Derrick on the Sea Train broke so there will be a delay. I may attack Casa with the 3d Inf Div only. and with a naval bombardment and the air. [Truscott] Harmon has a small air port I am sending one sqn of P40's to him at dawn. Going to bed. Again God Has been good. 11-10-42 Today has been bad could get no news from either Truscott or Harmon except that Truscott wanted help. I had none to give Anderson closed in on Casa and one Bn of the 7th Inf broke badly under shell fire. Keys who was in the spot as usual stopped them I decided to attack Casa any way with only the 3d Div and Nelsons Armored Bn. It took some doing as we were outnumbered but I felt we should hold the initiative. [also] An important Frog came and suggested that I write the Sultan I did. Doubt if it does any good. At 2200 Adm Hall came in to arrange Naval support he brought fine news The Air Port at Layate was taken and 42 P40's were on it. Harmon had defeated an enemy column destroying 19 trucks and six tanks. He is marching on Casa. All this shows that we should push in. "God favors the bold, Victory is to the audacious." 11-11-42. Lambert woke me at 0420 to say that Comdt. Le Bel from Rabat was here and that the French at Rabat and Layate had ceased firing. Staff wanted me to call off attack but I would not -- it was too late and besides it is bad to change plans. Anderson wanted to attack at dawn but I chose 0730 so as to give him a chance to form up by day light. I also wanted Admiral Hewitt to be ready to call off his air and gun fire on my signal cease firing. Actually the French quit at 6:40. So had we attacked at 06:00 as planned many needless lives would have been lost. Again the hand of God. I said I would take Casa by the D+3 and I did. A nice birthday Present. Keys gave me a letter from B. at 4:30. Gen. Nogues and Admiral Michlier came to discuss terms at 1400. I had a guard of honor. No use kicking a man when he is down I had written a set of terms along the lines Ike had sent me. They were so differnt from those used in Algeria that I decided to have a Gentlemans agreement untill I find out what Ike had done. The French don't want to fight I felt that most of the time they bombed the ocean rather than the beach. Harmon did a fine thing his last tank got off at 1730 yesterday and he marched at 1800 getting to Mazagan (90 miles) by this morning here he had a fight at the bridge aided by the Navy also refueled from two destroyers and marched on. The cease firing stopped him. We are in Casa and have the harbor and air port. One of our transports is reported as sunk in the Fadela bay. The God of Fair beginnings Has prospered here my hand - - - - - I dared extreme occasion and never one betrayed To God be the Praise. 11-12-42 Got up early went to docks nothing was going right. Some soldiers gave me some coffee. Six French Trucks ready to help were standing idle because no one took hold. Found a Lt and got him to work with the trucks. Harmon came up and gave me his story he has done well. Anderson also came in to report. Chief of Civil Staff for Gen. Nogues came in and tried to get me committed on politics. Just after supper four transports were torpedoed in harbor it was realy terrible to see them burn one burned from around 8:00 to 11:30. She was full of ammunition and air bombs also 400000 pounds of frozen beef. Scout car with my things was last vehicle to get off. God still for me. Keys & Kenner took care of burned crews about 250 badly hurt. French Surgeon Gen got hurt in auto accident - died. Got several messages that Adm. Bevin of Ike's staff wanted to see me told him to come today at last adm. Hewitt phoned asking me to come. I got there about 11-13-42 0115 and a bunch from Ikes staff tried to put me on the spot for not disarming the french. I assumed the offensive showing them that to disarm or discredit the French meant an Arab war which would immobilize at least 60000 men as a starter all agreed with me at last. Got only three hours sleep today we moved to Casa. Office 3 floor shell building. Former managers office very handsome he gave me some roses. We had over 2000 Navy ashore from sunk boats clothed all but hope to get clothes back as we have no reserves. Our men gave blankets to wounded and slept cold. Called on Admiral and Gen they had guards of honor. so did I when they called back. The honor regt of Morroccan inf. had a goat as mascot with the band. When we first landed in England in 1917, the Welsh Fusalliers had their goat. Wonder if this is a significant circumstance. Very tired doing to bed. We changed to Morroccan time at Mn tonight an hour faster than G. Clark was made a Lt. Gen.? We came into Casa at 1530. The citizens were quiet but certainly not moved. The Guard of honor one Co Inf and Pl tks was poor No music. The day I left the Augusta for keeps Nov 12, all the crew cheered I was told it was spontaneous and had never been done before. 11-14-42 Nothing of importance happened except that Gen Gruenther and Doolittle from Ike flew in and gave me the news (My terms were the proper ones but Ike has a poor set up.) Darlan heads civil side French N. Africa [*Giraud*] Gireau has the military and Nogues is governor of Morocco. (The first and last are crooks.) Nogues is right now trying to stir up trouble.) I sent Black and Wilbur to see him [*Nogues*] and tell him that if he doesn't come accross it will be too bad. Heard John Waters got mentioned in orders. 11-15-42 Black & Wilbur had great oral success with Nogues he has issued a proclamation stabilizing the Franc at 75 to 1$ I had to tell him that if he did not do it I would - it worked. Gen Ike sent me a letter to Nogues in fairly strong terms (but with a par in it telling Nogues to report to him if I failed to play ball. Probably a political move but a mistake. As I see it an American can do no wrong.) Sent Nogues a letter recapitulating what he had agreed to with Black. 11-16-42 Went to Rabat to call on Nogues and Sultan. 2d Armored div had an escort at edge of town to take me to Residency I felt it would just rub it in on the French so dismissed it. At Residency there was a Sqn of Spais and a company of Goums with two sets of field music including a brass umbrella with bells around the edge. Much tooting and saluting. At the palace they turned out about 400 Nubians. Red fezes Red bolero jackets, Red bloomers white spats. red moroccan leather equipment. The officers, white men wore French model uniforms of red cloth. The green flag of the Prophet made of velvet with Arabic letters in the middle and gold fringe with the lance braided in gold was held by a huge Nigger with a white turban. They had a band with horns drums and symbols also the brass umbrella. After saluting this guard we entered an inner court full of white robed men in Biblical dress. Here the Grand Vizar in white with enormous gold filled teeth met us and we went up three flights of stairs to see the Sultan. The throne room is long and narrow with magnificent red rugs. On the left in stocking feet were the Pashas on the right a line of Louis XV chairs. One bows from the hips on entering again in the middle of the room and again at the dais. The sultan a handsome frail young man rose and shook hands. We sat down and he made a little speech of welcome then I made a speech laying down the Law with due respect. It pleased the French and Keys thought it was good. Lunch at the Residency a truly beautiful moorish house with lovely gardens. There were several fine moorish forts on the road also a number of burned trucks and armored cars gotten by our air. A deputation from Gen Clark arrived with a letter for the Sultan from the President it was patently not apropo. So I took the liberty of holding it I will see Ike at Gib tomorrow. Also a Capt from Sero's staff reported to me to test out sentiment I told him he must first see Gero. I intend to play straight even if the French don't. Called the Admiral and gave him a letter of thanks. He thinks we got a sub in our new mine field. 11-17-42 Flew to Gib in 1h-15m -2s very low about 150 feet over water we had four P-40's for escort. I went in a B-25 at 210 M.P.H. A very pretty trip we circled the rock once. Ike lives in a cave in middle of rock - in great danger. His C of S, G-2 & G-4 are British, so are many of his words. I was disappointed in him he talked of trivial things. We wasted a lot of time at lunch with the Governor of the Rock an old fart in shorts with shinny red legs. Ike backed me up about letter to Sultan. He wants me to send 2 Cos of medium tanks to Gen Anderson (Brit) to fight the Bosches - I am arranging it. He was nice but not enthusiastic over our war - I must see to it that I make much of my Gens. He asked me if Clark was a Jew I said at least 1/4 probably 1/2. On P40 could not get its wheels down so made a belly landing. One more ruined plane. On the way back the Spanish at Tangiers shot at my left escort plane and possibly at me but their aim was bad. 11-18-42 I have forgotten to put down that when I left the Augusta to come ashore all the crew lined the side of the ship and cheered. I was later told that this was spontaneous and seldom if ever accorded to a non naval person. I flew to rabat to accompany Nogues to the leve of the Sultan on the 15th Anniversary of his accession to the throne. We were escorted from the Residency to the Palace by a Sqn. of Cavalry on white arab stallions. Men had white caps - blue hoods - white turbans and red blouses with black frogs. At the palace there a whole regiment of similarly dressed cavalry exceptionally well mounted. One Sqn. had lances. In side the ceremony was similar to the one I had already attended except that the Crown Prince was present a (rather unattractive) boy of perhaps 14. Nogues read a long prepared speech which was repeated in Arabic although the Sultan a graduate of Oxford speaks both French and English fluently. When the Sultan had replied I felt that the US should be heard so with out asking any ones permission I stepped into the middle of the room and made a very respectful but pointed speech which was well received by both the Arabs & French. In fact the Sultan said that the fact of my being present and having spoken would have a profound effect on the entire Moslem world. I then flew to Layate and saw Truscott, Semmes, and de Roan and went over the scene of the fighting. They had a real contest loosing 7 officers and 76 men killed and about 250 wounded. Semmes ingaged the French tanks at 100 yds and routed them his own tank was hit 10 times by 3) m/m but was not penetrated. He personally got 4 French tanks. The naval supporting fire put on by air spot was fine At the old fort it was necessary to breach the wall with 105 mm fire at 200 yds and then assault with the grenade and bayonet. 2d Lt. S.W. SPRINDIS 60th Inf held the light house against a French Bn with a platoon he used a rocket gun from different parts and fooled the F. into thinking he had a battery of 75's I promoted him to 1st Lt. I said "Lt what is your rank"? he replied "2d Lt sir" I said "You are a liar sir you are now a 1st Lt". Admiral Hewitt and I had dinner with Mr Culbert and a lot of French Civilians one woman a Bourbon Princess was quite pretty. They were all mad with Nogues because when Bethair held him prisoner for 2 hours he had a good excuse to quit and failed to use it. I think he did not believe we had the force we actually had. The President's press conference in which he practically repudiated Ike and Darlan had a bad effect. I told Nogues it was only a trial baloon and not to worry. People should not try to settle things by radio. [*Typed to here*] 11-19-42 Wrote a long report to Ike and was just about to send it when I received a wire he was on the way here. Keys & I just got to the Air Port in time. He was interested but had no definite plans and said that the situation in Spain was still uncertain. He said he had today recommended Fredendal and me for three stars. This looks as if Clark who has never commanded a battalion will get the fifth Army. However the Lord has helped me a lot and I think he will let me fulfill my destiny. Gen Wilson is leaving for U S to night on Augusta. All of D+7 convoy is in and the port is crowded I hope the Natze don't come over it would be a good target and we have no night fighters. French C.G. Cosa Called at 1500. 11-20-42 Keys and I saw Adm Hewitt off this morning at 0800. My cut is still infected so I did not walk much. Sent word to Nogues to stop unfavorable broadcasts by Radio Morrocan and to make Press come across. His C of S called this PM. They need arms and want to have us train some specialists - I think I will. Had lunch with Capt Douglas on his flag ship of D15 convoy. Took pictures of Harbor. Read press report intercepts. Apparently the W T F was not in the War. I feel a little hurt. We are having our first Band Concert in front of the HQ. Much clapping by the French also by U.S. sailors. Played Marsailles & Star Spangled Banner. 11-21-42 Sent in M.H. - DSM - DSC & OM citations to C in C this morning. Keys presented Sultan with Presidents telegram. Told French Navy to man their CAC and AA batteries. Adm Hewitt made Vice Adm. Col. Guillaume officer in charge of Native Affairs under Nogues called at 1500 and talked for 1 1/2 hrs. He is worried over the Jews because he fears that egged on by their race in US they will try to take a lead here and that when they do the Arabs will murder them. I told him that he and the Sultan would have to handle the affair as we could not touch it. I also got some information about Spain and how to distribute our tea, sugar, etc. Went to supper with Culbert about 50 people 1/2 & 1/2 Fr. and US Madame. HARDION, wife of Sec of State for Nogues, told me why the Fr. fought us. She said that they were so ashamed of 1940 that they could not live with them selves, and their wives would not live with them unless they fought but now that we had killed a couple of thousand of them that things were O.K. She got so excited she cried. 11-22-42 We have been here two weeks today. In a way it seems years or again only minutes. Keys & I went to Mass this morning. I at least, had reason to take a little time off to thank God. There were quite a lot of widows made by us in the Church. They cried a good deal but did not glare at us. It seems strange to hear the Lord referred to as "Le Bonne Dieu lui meme." Nothing happened. I inspected camps, the docks and the air field. Gave Air Officers Hell for not saluting. Men fairly clean and in good spirits. Met the first drunk soldier so far, but he was really drunk. Two sober soldiers were taking him home. He wanted to hit me but was too drunk. Got a box of things from B. 11-23-42 Went to Mass for Dead. Very long much dumb show, chanting, and most impressive. Then we went to the cemetery and put flowers on a tablet. Former Governor George Earl now Lt. Comdr U S N, came to lunch. I hope I did not talk too much to him. Talked to Gen. Cannon about spreading our planes more so as to avoid losses when we are bombed. Col. Conklin has ulcer of the stomach and will have to be sent home. Working out plans to regroup troops in such a way that they can move out. 11-24-42 Flew to Oran in the nose of a B-25. Followed road all the way. It is very winding and has many easily destroyed bridges and two or three tunnels on the R.R. It can only be regarded as a hazardous line of supply. After passing TAZA there is a startling change in the nature of the country from fine rich farming and orchard land to desert hills It is reminiscent of coming through the San Gorgonio Pass headed east. However, the hills are much lower, not over 2000 feet. The type of dwelling also changes and becomes French. Oran is a purely French town. Very few native costumes are visible. The Air Field nearest Oran was the poorest aranged and disciplined place I have ever seen. Fredendall is very gloomy. He fears that he and I will hold the bag while our troops in small bunches are shipped to the British. I fear that the B. have again pulled our leg and will end up with the strongest half this was not the initial plan. I seem to be the only one beating my wings against the cage of inaction. The others simply say how much better off we are than the people at home. I don't want to be better off I want to be Top Dog and only battle can give me that. B sent me a lot of stars but I fear that I shall have no occasion to put them on. On the other hand, from time to time the thought comes to me that I have a mission and that so long as I do my full duty nothing can stop me. But the waiting is hard. Perhaps I am being made perfect through suffering, for I do suffer when I can't move. Had Press in this morning and told them No Quotes. I had already told them that. I am pretty low today. Wrote a Thanks Giving order in my best style. 11-26-42 Inspected elemts of 7th & 15th Inf marching N. on Rabat. 15 was marching beautifully, 7 was too much spread out. Gave three men of 7th hell for riding a truck. Later found that one was wounded and had been decorated and one had done a fine job in the fighting so I went back and gave them a ride in my car. A drunken or dazed soldier got disrespectful to me. I pointed my whip at his hand and told him to take it out of his pocket. He said I had hit him and wanted to fight me. Lt Stiller quieted him. We moved to Villa Mass. It is the most ostentatiously magnificent house I have ever seen. My suite had five rooms, but I kept only the bedroom and bath. Went to Thanks Giving dinner with American Consul. Ate too much. 11-27-42 Was quite sick all day with the stomach ache. But had to go to a large dinner given me by M. Poussier Chief of Civil Affairs. Adm. Michelier and the Pasha of Marrakech were present. I sat next to the Pasha whose French being almost as bad as mine understood me very well. He is 68 has 20 wives and is supposed to sleep with each one at least once a week - he is very thin. Also he is a great Hunter and is going to have a Sanglier Hunt for me. I sent him home by airplane and gave him a ride in a tank. He came here especially to meet me. 11-28-42 I stayed in the house till three and took some pills of a very powerful sort given me by Dr. Kenner. I feel much better and lighter. Nogues and his staff called at 4:00 P and talked for 1 1/2 hours saying nothing. I replied in kind. I should have been a diplomat. 11-29-42 Went to English church. It is very small but was crowded with soldiers and officers. I saw the first good looking woman I have met in Morocco. Don't know who she was. Lt. Col. Tank came and we talked about the harbor. He thinks the Navy is loafing - perhaps they are. He has unloaded 400 Tons a day in a poor harbor. That equals or exceeds peace time rate. 11-30-42 My foot is about well so I spent two hours on the docks telling the men how well they had done. They have been super human. However there are tons of Gas and Bombs on the dock. If the Nazis hit it there will be no harbor We hope to clear the docks tonight. Inspected all dumps and store houses at Casa. Considering the rain and lack of time, they are in fine shape. Used my new Jeep with flags it makes a better impression on the men than does a closed car. Gen Clark called me at 1500 and asked me to fly to Algiers. I leave at 0900 in the morning. I hope it means fighting. I hate this organizing and Keys can do it better than I can. I am a fighter. News of the Coconut Grove fire in Boston scared me quite a lot. I see how B. feels when a battle is on. 12-1-1942 Self, Harkins & Jenson left Casa by air for Algiers. Made it in 3 h 17 m arriving 1223 P. Saw Clark Grunther and Ike. Ike is sick, has a cold but is low too - lacks decision. Wired U.K. to see if it would be O.K. for me to send a couple of Cos. north of Cibou R. Had supper with Ike, Clark and Davis the A.G. At 9:30 P Ike had phone from Gibr. and said, "Well Wayne you get the 5th Army". I had expected this but it was a shock. I sat and half an hour and left. It means that I simply have a Corps. "The best laid plans of mice and men." I felt so awful that I could not sleep for a while but I shall pass them yet. 12-2-42 When I woke this morning the sun was shining - it hardly seemed possible - such is the resilience of youth? Now it looks as if the Spanish would jump us which is fine and may fix everything. Going to lunch with Darlan Ike etc. at 1300. Went to call on Gen. Rider who is in old German consulate. They had more trouble landing than we did. Gen. Porter took me to where Eddy Doyle (old 5th Cav) was killed. He was a very brave man and died well ahead of his men. Flying back which I did on the receipt of probably eroneous information of a German landing in Spanish Morrocco, we hedge hopped a lot one hundred miles and stampeded Arabs, donkeys, sheep and camels and had a lot of fun we were about seventy five feet above the ground. I decided that my disappointment was but an additional act of God to temper me so I feel fine. 12-3-42 Woke up feeling much younger Spent some three hours on docks talking to men. Am to give the first decoration of this war to a Corporal of the 7th Inf. who drove Col Wilbur to Casablanca. I had already given him the S.S. 12-4-42 Drove to Rabat and C.P. 2d Armd Div. Passed 7 + 15 inf 41 F. A. Bat all marching very well. I complimented the men and officers. The 2d Armd Div has a wonderful camp and is perfect, as usual. Sent one Lt Tank Co & 1 armd Inf Pl. to SK. el Arab and rest of Armd Inf Co to Dj ben Hallal. Stopped to see Anderson at Fadala. I issued orders that no vehicle get within 50 yds of any other vehicle. Had a chill but got over it. 12-5-42 Inspected docks. A Col. in command of the port came to see me and started by asking me to recomd him for a B. G. He then talked for 15 min telling me how good he was and how Col. Muller was interfering with him. I think he is crazy. Keys and I paid a dinner call on M. Poussier. 12-6-42 M. Poussier took me hunting Sanglier. Left house at 06:30 drove 115 kil to SIDI SBAA which is a forest rangers station. There were 250 natives to act as beaters half of them mounted. Owing to the fact that the Autos were visible the first drive netted one Pig and one Jackall. The second beat was in a valley. I got two pigs and a jackall and shot above my self. I had a very fine over & under 12 gauge belonging to M. Poussier. You use an expanding slug in the first barrel and buck shot in the second. The slug is very effective and has a range of 100 yds. I killed one running Pig at 90 yds with a brain shot. The French thought I did it on purpose of course I just shot at the pig. I got the second pig also running at 50 yards with a head shot also using a slug. The jackall I killed with bucksot the same way. The Arabs are very picturesque and make a hell of a noise. Their horses are nimble fast but badly broken. After the hunt we had a Moroccan feast at about 230 P. A whole sheep for each six people, then a whole chicken and then Barley stew. This last is hard to eat. In all Arab feasts you can only use three fingers of the right hand. I got some pictures and movies as it was raining these may not come out. When we got home we gave the French hot Rum. 12-7-42 Inspected camps of local troops. They are in good shape. Discipline and dress, improving. 12-8-42 We have been here one month to day. Went to Rabat to have lunch with Bisson, Governor of Dakar. Nogues and Michelier were there and were most demonstrative of friendship. Had talk with Grand Vizier and Protocol. They wanted me to know the political situation they are scared to death of a few rising under American help. I told them to manage it and not to let the thing come to a head. The G. V. is a smart old Arab of 92 who said that his 1/4 hour talk with me had marked the happiest momts of his life. I told him I felt the same way. Mrs. Nogues is a very clever woman she probably furnishes the brains for Nogues who is a clever crook only moved by self interest but he knows I am his best interest for the moment so that is that. Am going to Tunis in morning to get a close up of the fighting some thing is going wrong there. We are losing too many tanks. Hope John is O.K. 12-9-42 Started for Algiers at 0900 No plane ready. Finally started at 1100 in Transport. At Ouidja clouds shut down we climbed and reached sea at Nemours flew up the coast at about 200 feet When we got to Algiers [Algira] at 1530 we were fired on 18 rounds by AA shell three first were near enough to shake the plane and one piece hit wing. Just before we arrived, three Italian torpedo planes came in low and got one ship so gunners were nervous. Had dinner with Ike. Gen Morgan was also there. Talked of S.M. He is to take Tangiers. Leave for front in morning in S.C. 12-10-42 Left Algiers 0840 arrived Constantine 1930. It was the most curving, hilly and sloppy road I ever traversed. In places it is like the road we used to take over the mountains in the desert. Constantine was built by Romans. 12-11-42 Left Constantine at 0730 road worse and more mountains very sloppy in places. Stopped at AIN SEYMOUR to see Gen Anderson 1st Brit Army. Then at SOAK EL KHEMIS to see Lt. Gen. ALFREY, Commanding 5th Brit Corps. Neither in, but Alfrey came to BEJA to see me after supper. Oliver had disaster yesterday every where. Col. McGinnis got cold feet took long road and lost nearly all tanks and half- tracks. 12-12-42 Went to front through BAJA, then along 20 miles of open road strewn with wrecks of vehicles dived bombed by Natzis. Several large craters near road at MENLIS EL BAB the Bosches were shelling lightly Met John Waters on road while looking for Hq. 1st Guards Big One Bn Coldstream, one of Grenadier. The B.G. was badly scared. Had long talk with John who has done well took his picture. He has bullet hole in coat. Inspected front line found M4 tanks from 2d Div being used on front line like AT guns. is not able to be held with present garrison. Heard Ike wanted me back so started at 4:30 Spent night at 12-13-42 Started at 0545 reached Algiers 1900, Ike and Clark were in conference as to what to do. Neither had been to the front so showed great lack of decision. They are on way out I think. Have no knowledge of men of war. Too damned slick especially W. 12-14-42 Left Algiers at 1515 via Transport. Decided to fly to Casa. This was a mistake as we could not arrive before 1945. About 20 minutes out struck a vicious storm of wind and rain no visibility. Dropped flares but could not locate field. Decided to circle until gas ran out and then try a belly landing if we could see the ground or failing that to jump. At 2030 saw field through hole in clouds and dived in, made perfect landing. I think this was the most dangerous experience I have had this war. Again God saved me for something? 12-15-42 Worked in office. Awful weather, rain and a few flakes of snow. Kenner & Wilbur were promoted while I was away. Am delighted. Chief of farmers union called at 1500 to thank me for 152000 gals of gas I issued for farming. At 1600 young Poussier took Keyes and I to a rug shop where I bought Xmas presents for B and girls. 12-16-42 Inspected docks. Phosphate dock in fine shape. Command dock not so good but effort is being made to clear it up. 12-17-42 Inspected all Field and AA artillery camps and positions in Casa area. Left at 1215 via B-25 for Oudja to report to Clark. Arrived 1415. Ike much excited by rumors that Nogues is doing me. These rumors come from unfounded stories from OWI and OSS agents trying to make character. It makes me mad to be subjected to criticism based on nothing. Clark says that there will be a push on the 24th. I feel that this is most unwise as unless things have changed at front there is not enough force on our side to make a go of it. Nous Verrons? Oliver is in trouble over his mad march - he should be. I would have relieved him. 12-18-42 Went to a tea drinking with Pasha of Casa at 1045. Quite a crowd. Cakes and mint tea. One cake was nice the other said to be made with camel cheese, was, I think, camel dung. They had an Arab Orchestra that played numerous medieval stringed instruments and sang in falsetto voices. Some of the music sounded to me like Christmas Carols. Mr. Russel, Am. Consul called with Brit consul then I had Mr King a vice consul in he is queer but well posted Then Mr. Childs, Charge from Tangier and Col Eddy called to arrange for my visit with Gen Orgaz. Childs is an utter fool. And dangerous as he repeats rumors as facts. Beedle Smith phoned for me to take over Radio Morocco. I did. 12-19-42 Went to Rabat on the invitation [for] of the Sultan to attend the celebration of "The Fete of Mutton. I had an escort of a company of scout cars and a guard of honor of a company of tanks and a battery of 105 mm S.P. I took Nogues with me in a Recon. Car. the show of power had a good effect. I called on the Sultan who insisted on talking to me for quite a while. I also saw two new Caids installed. Later we saw the ceremony of Homage (described in typed account) and finally a sort of Fiesta. There were some really beautiful examples of Arab horses. Gen. Eddy reported in the evening with some letters and clippings for me I read them until 0115. 12-20-42 Held a joint American- French parade at Rabat. Our troops made a fine impression although they do not march as well as the French, they give an impression of more power. Our armor was especially impressive. The French had a number of new Renault tanks which they had kept hidden while the Germans were here. I am convinced of the loyalty of the French and only wish others in high places would be less impressed by half baked rumors from irresponsible persons. I am getting more and more convinced that fine staff officers are not necessarily good commanders. I went over and talked to the Grand Vizier and other leading Arabs, they seemed much pleased. Driving back after the ceremony I had a real ovation from both the French and Arabs they cheered and applauded and waved their hats, even a veiled lady waved at me which is contrary to the rules I hope Allah did not see her. Poussier got me a very nice over & under 12 gauge. Am going to a Diffa with the Pasha of Casa at noon. Muller has asked to go back to the States. I guess he feels I have no future - I hope I fool him. Some times I get awfully discouraged. I must lack something or all these lesser men would not pass me. But the race is not over - not by several years. 12-21-42 Went to a Diffa with Pasha of Casa. Pigeon pie - sheep Turkey - Honey stew - chicken Kush Kush. Tea - coffee - cakes a regular gorge. 12-22-42 Had all the Gen. Officers for lunch. Later told them what I had learned of German methods at the front then talked to them about their duties in training junior officers in battle leadership and the need of a fighting spirit. Decorated Harmon & Truscott with DSM, Semmes with his third D.S.C. also 2 lts, one corp & 2 pvts with D.S.C. & Col De Rohan with S.S. I had recommended him for D.S.C but was turned down. Pasha of Safi called to try to get me committed on a free Arab state in Morocco, to include S.M. after the war. I sweet talked him but said nothing. Kenner went to Allied Force H.Q. I was sorry to lose him but it was to his interest to go. 12-23-42 Inspected docks which are in really fine shape. Flew to Marrakech was met by Gens. Nogues, Martin and large staff. There was a regiment of native inf and a band the Pasha was also present. Drove through crowded streets to Residence which is in an Arab place 1000 years old The view from the roof is fine. The city of 200000 is wholly native. A Plat of Foreign Legion met me at the palace. White caps. Red epaulets with green tops. Fine looking soldiers one boy on guard at door is the handsomest man I ever saw. Went to lunch with Gen Martin in a palace garden dating from 700. The palace was destroyed by a reform movement 100 years ago and a new house was built for the C.G. Rest of palace is now a mosque. Walked through market with an escort of native police. The Grand Vizier to the Sultan (a negro) and one of the Pasha's sons. Markets have wonderful smells and the streets they occupy are roofed over with reeds. The booths are about ten by five feet and very dark. But the work done in them is fine. The head men of each guild met us and were introduced. We went to a college dating from 700 and met the faculty. Had a Diffa with the Pasha in his palace which is new about (40 years old) and both huge and handsome. After a ten course meal we had dancing men and women. The men do a sort of polka the women all very much dressed do a sort of bad hula accompanied by a man with a simple string fiddle. The Pasha gave me three really museum piece Arab muskets. A heathen tried to put me to bed but I got rid of him. Mrs. Nogues warned me Bosches may come tonight. 12-24-42 At 4:30 P G-3 Allied HQ. called up and said that "Something very serious has happened at Algiers alert your command, it has nothing to do with 'Backbone'." I said "Has it anything to do with our friends." He replied "Yes perhaps" I called in Williams for AA. Harmon & Gaffey also phoned Anderson. Put on extra guards at gas and ammunition dumps notified Hall. It is now 1900. At 2000 had phone call that Darlan had been shot. Gen Gaffey had already guessed it. Went to dinner with Mr. Russell and left early. Had an air alert at 0130 but nothing came of it. 12-25-42 Inspected harbor; went to church gave candy to a little half French girl and boy. Inspected all camps of 2nd Armd. Men were very glad to see me. Gen McGee & Gen Reybold came to inspect. Staying at house. 12-26-42 Inspected all new units of 3 & 9 divs and 91st Recon. Bn. Sent for several colonels of Station Troops and gave them hell. Also complimented Col 175 Engrs. Gens. Reybold & McGee much impressed with local set up. 12-27-42 Woke up with terrible sore throat. Went shooting saw nothing came home & went to bed. 12-28-42 Stayed in bed all day. 12-29-42 Got up at 1130 came to office Saw Brit. Brigadier about SYMBOL. Lunched at Michellier's Went to bed. Got letter. 12-30-42 Nothing. Talked to Consul Mayer & Culbert about Childs. Nothing plus. 12-31-42 I was waked at 0350 by bomb explosions and immediately got on the roof. The AA was really lovely to watch. I sent Jenson and Gaffey to town to report progress also called Loyaltey, Fadala & Rabat they were not attacked. Twice four motored ships came right across the house at about 2000 feet and though completely silhouetted by AA paid no attention one was hit I think. The raid kept up until after 0600 three bombs hitting about 1/2 mile north of us near an AA Battery. One cut the RR at the harbor some hit in the Medeana and killed 70 Arabs [*92 FINAL SCORE*] and wounded eleven. Eleven soldiers were also wounded but not seriously many of these were hit by fragments of AA. I inspected the men and found that they took it very calmly. Nothing of importance was hit. One of our transports is aground on the reef by the EL HANK lighthouse, I think she will be a total loss. We may also loose the crew. In a way the Air Raid is a help as GHQ has been taking away our planes and AA and this will I hope stop it. Gen Nogues came by appointment at 0900 to tell me what had happened at Algiers. Darlan was killed by a Du Gallist and Giraut, Nogues and two others were also to be murdered. The 14 men in the plot had been suspected by Darlan and arrested but Ike had them released. 13 of them are arrested again. Du Galle wrote Gireau that he would come in provided he succeeded Darlan and that Gireau could have the Army. Gireau told him he did not have time to talk nonsense. The Count of Paris also went to Algiers hoping to be selected but got nothing. Nogues thinks that the British cannot attack before March or April I fear he is right. Ike is taking 147 HT's and S.P. 75's also more A.A. the raid may save the latter. It hailed a little today and is quite cold. 1-1-43 Nothing. 1-2-43 Inspected bombed area of Arab town. Wrote letters to Sultan and Pasha expressing regret. Gave Pasha 100000 F for families of dead (85 to date). Pasha called to thank me and will publish my letter to him in Arab Papers also in French. The killing of the Arabs has made them more than ever on our side. Some of the incendiary bombs dropped by the Germans had been sabotaged so they would not go off. Nogues much excited over my visit to Orgaz. I will see him tomorrow and calm him down. 1-3-43 Went shooting in rain but had no sport. Nogues called to urge me not to make visit Orgues. I went to see him and told him that I would make visit but it was up to him to prevent bad results. He was afraid and so was Sultan that Arabs might get worried about some Spanish-American coup. I suggested that we take a couple of French officers with me. He said Col. Guillaum and his C of S Col. G. is in charge of native affairs. Stayed in Residency for night. 1-4-43 Met Gen Orgues at border at 1205. He looked so much like Mrs. [Shorbe?] (my Aunt) that I almost kissed him. We had a very plent talk and a nice laugh. The Spanish infantry in the Guard of Honor at Larache were the best looking and the best drilled troops I have ever seen. Thier weapons were out of date. In passing in review they use a left shoulder and swing the right hand as high as the face. The Field Music and Band both execute an exagerated eyes right while playing which is very effective. Gave Orgues my dagger whip I think he would not do more than put up a "combat d'honor". 1-5-43 Spent the night with Anderson at Rabat. Left at 0800 to pick up Harmon and goto Mecknes to look up a camp site for the 2d Armd. We found two suitable places and then went to VOLUBILIS. This was a Roman City founded in 42 BC and was the Capital of the Roman Province of West Africa which was triangle included [in] by Tangiers - Volubilis and Salle. Salle by the way was called originally Salle de Colonia. The ruins are very impressive and the part so far excavated (about 1/4) are quite well preserved. Near by is the Arab town of MOULAY IDRISS named or rather renamed after the first Arab conqueror. It was of interest to note what these two towns tipify. The Roman a monument to a great people who rose became great, became too rich and fell. The other a town which has not changed for better or worse in 2000 years. Harmon and I could not but think that we the modern equivalent of a Legate were walking the very streets where our predecessors had walked in shining brass 2000 years ago. The next battle in Tunisia will be on the field of Zama. 1-6-43 Gen. Devers, Brook, etc. arrived at 1145 We showed them the troops and port here then flew to Rabat and inspected the 3 & 2 Divs. Then flew over Port Lyautey to see the battle field there where the tank tracks are still visible and then back to Casa. Jake - who has at last heard a gun go off in anger talked in a big way till 1201 the 7th. He now has become a great strategical expert. But he believes every thing he is told until some one tells him different. Gunther here. Warned unit commanders about discipline. 1-7-43 Jake spent morning at office talking mostly to me and some to the staff. We had a large lunch for him with the Glaoui, Pasha of Casa, Nogues, Michellier, Martin etc. Nogues had Martin bring me a saber and a very old dagger. I gave Glaoui a carbine with: "To the Pasha of Marrakech from his friend Gen Patton" on a silver plate on the side. Jake left at 1400 for U.K. 1-8-43 Everett Hughes arrived this P.M. I took him all around and he was most interested and complimentary. We had a long talk about the glamour boys. He fears that the senior partner is on his way out due to the knife work of the other concerning whom he has the same ideas as I have. According to Everett the GS at Hq. is purely theoretical and never inspects anything. the British are incompetent the French mad and no one commands anything. Devers had same idea. Wilson is nuts. 1-9-43 Geoff and I inspected the Anpha area in connection with SYMBOL. Everything was O.K. except that no arrangement had been made to take the French in. Gruenther is agreed with us that it should be done but says that The P & the P.M. both consider this as a conquered country - which it is not. The French have been told nothing and when they find out as they will, it is going to take a Hell of a lot of talk to restore their confidence it is too bad and so terribly foolish. The Brit. are pulling hell out of our leg and no one knows it. I believe they want to discredit the French with the Arabs so that after this war they can "acquire" French West & North Africa. The tragedy to me is that we will let them do it. 1-10-43 (Sunday) Went to Communion very high by an Army Chaplain. Gen Clark arrived at noon. I met him and had guard of honor In late P.M. I took him on inspection of all local troops and installations. He was not in the least interested. His whole mind is on Clark. We went to the house and for one hour he spent his time cutting Ike's throat. And Ike poor fool sent him here. Of course Clark came so that if, as is most likely the new attack fails he can crawl out from under and land it on Fredendall. Kenner & Snyder came and are at house. Kenner and I talked till 1:00 am. He too feels that Ike is not commanding and that Clark is an S.O.B. It is most discouraging. 1-11-43 Went to Lyautey to inspect 9th Div. Was most favorably impressed with Eddy and his men. Also with Lt. Col. Smith who has done a swell job with the ammunition and gas dumps. The spectacle of an Army Commander and his C of S acting as strikers to Symbol is both amusing and hard on the digestion. 1-12-43 We had a display of all types of weapons and transportation for the Sultan. Col Williams arranged it and did a swell job. We called for the Sultan at his Casa. Palace and drove to the field with a light tank company for escort. There I had the Sultan get in my armored car he insisted that I sit beside him. This is the first time that a Sultan has ever let any foreigner ride with him. I explained things in French and when I got to the laundry truck I could not remember the word in French. The Sultan saw my trouble and said in English: "You mean laundry" it was quite amusing. We then inspected the air field and he was very much interested especially in a Fortress which had been in 15 attacks and shot down 6 Huns. Next we inspected the harbor and Adm. Hall took us on the Destroyer Wainwright. The Grand Vizier who is 92 could not climb all the ladders so I stayed with him and got him a chair. We are very thick. We took the Sultan back to his palace. At least 50000 people crowded the streets to cheer him. Since Clark had not had time to come to the [lunch] show. The Sultan could not ask him to lunch. When C. heard this he was childlishly provoked. Kenner Snyder Keyes and I were really shocked at his attitude. At noon I was told that C. was going to put American troops at El Hank port to see that guns there manned by French did not fire on Anpha. I went to see him and argued him out of the idea. I had to state that if it were done I would request to be relieved. It would have been the crowning insult to the French and would have given the Natzis a wonderful propaganda weapon and roused the Arabs. We put a Battery of 6-105 to cover El Hank. I gave them smoke and H.E. and an ostensible mission of firing at subs. # Had all local commanders in for a second time for talk on discipline. Inspected Guard Bn at Anpha. 1-13-43 We lunched with S.M. at 1330. First Nogues and I went to the audience room and I began by talking to his Majesty through the Protocol after a few words S.M. cut out the Protocol and we talked direct in French. Dejeuner was French and lasted three hours during which I talked French incessantly to either S.M. or the Prince. The latter told me that when he is Sultan I am to be his Grand Vizier and we will go everywhere in a Tank. After lunch we went to a large Pavilion made of Fresco tile and carved wood with bronze railings and had coffee. Then we walked through a double line of Black Guard at Present Arms to the Pavilion of Joy which is white marble. Inside there are modern offices and an Arabic room of gray marble and stucco. Here we had a [usual?] orchestra and ten different sorts of cakes and candies. These were on silver trays with silver conical covers - all made in England. There was also mint tea. At the end of this S.M. decorated me with the Grand Cross. Keyes, Wilbur, Snyder & Wilson with Grand Officer and Gay & Connard with Companion. 1-14-43 Told Gar. Davidson to get a bridge over SEBOU River at Layautye so we can use 2nd Armd Div on West Push. Asked to send officers to Eighth Army to study removal of mines. Asked for "Y" information on Natzi long range bombers, also for radar information from Gibraltar. Clark lift with Aide. 1-14-43 [Ike came with Card and Butcher I took them to Anpha.] Called on G C M and asked him to dinner. Inspected Anpha Hotel and Guard Bn. F.D.R. arrived by plane met only by Secret Service. GCM came to dinner. Never asked a question and talked steadily about S. Pacific. At dinner he got message to dine same night with A.1 so left at 8:10. 1-15-43 Ike and Butcher arrived at 11:30. I took them to Anpha and met Admiral King who when off duty is most affable. GCM asked me to have himself, King, Sir John Dill and Mountbatten to dinner. All came but Marshall. I also had Summervelle & Wedemeyer. We had a most interesting time and Lord Louis stayed late talking combined operations. He is charming but not impressive. I think he got more from us than we got from him. I took him to hotel and Ike asked me to take him back to house and he and I talked till 0130. He and Wayne are at outs and he thinks his throat is about to be cut. Ike was his old self and listened. I told him he had to go [?] to front. He feels that he can't due to politics said he had suggested to GCM that I be made deputy C.G. AFHQ and run war while he runs Politics. Keyes will get Corps. I doubt if it comes off and am not sure I want job. 1-16-43 Ike pinned second D.C.M me at plane and repeated ideas on my being D.P.C.G. Keyes & I inspected A1's plane. Called on GCM who told me to see A.1. about Nogues and Sultan. Called at 1400 and saw Hopkins & A.1. and two sons for one and one half hours. A.1. most affable and interested we got on fine. Taking Nogues to see him at noon tomorrow. Sir Dudley Pound & Gen Lord Brooke GCM and aid Lt Col McCarthy came to dinner. I walked home with Gens and we got lost due to a new fence. Gerow is coming too. Brooke is nothing but a clerk. Pound slept most of time. The more I see of the so called great the less they impress me - I am better. 1-17-43 Went to church. Nogues arrived 1135. Wilbur and I took him to see A1 and we all talked for about 1 1/4 hours then went to see B1. B1 took Nogues off by him self later called us in B1 speaks the worst French I have ever heard his eyes run he is not at all impressive. N. said he would much rather play with US as B1 wanted the whole world run his way. Clark had Gireau at house for lunch with Nogues et all. I hate lunch. Gireau is an old type Gaul with blue eyes and limited brains. Adm. Cunningham is to stay with me. Clark will be there tonight- I am fed up. Clark, Ed. Hull and Gailey came to dinner. 1-18-43 We had special lunch for Gen. Marshall & Gen Gireau, Clark Keyes, Wilbur and I. It was most interesting and I think did produce good results. GCM was very well pleased and said so. I saw Clark off at Plane. At 1600 went to Anpha to see Guard Mount. I was walking when Elliot R. called me to ride in car (jeep) with A1. Many pictures were taken. A.1. was very affable. When I took him home P.M. holed me and I told him I would get him for dinner. Two Scotland Yard men asked if they could guard house-they did. For dinner we had P.M. Hopkins, GCM, Adm Cunningham, Cmdr Thompson (A.D.C. to PM). GCM made me talk to P.M. we got on well. He strikes me as cunning rather than brilliant but with great tenacity and an absolute [c?t?t] he is easily flattered - all of them are. Hopkins is very clever and intuitive - like a Pilot Fish for a shark. He did not drink excessively and smoked my last three good cigars. The putting of me so obviously with him (PM) may have some meaning? Hopkins asked me how I would like to be an Ambassador. I said I would resign if I got such a job. H. said I had shown such ability in that they needed me. I still said I would resign and go fishing rather than take such a job. About 1500 Sgt. Hopkins Harry's son reported. Sent him to see his Pa. 1-19-43 Saw GCM at 0800 he was very complimentary about lunch and also about appearance of command. Took Hopkins & Elliott R. shopping. F.D.R. Adm Cooke, Gens Wedemeyer & Hull Captain McCray (Naval Aid) Self Keyes, Wilbur & Gay had dinner at our house very informal. They stayed till 11:30 P. Then FDR talked to me in car while P.M. waited for about 30 min. He realy appeared as a great Statesman. 1-20-43 F.D.R. wanted to visit harbor but Secret Service would not let him. They are a bunch of cheape detectives always smelling of drink. Saw Hull Wedemeyer and Sir John Dill at Hotel at breakfast. A new plan is being concockted chief idea seems to get a new staff - there are too many now. Mountbatten, Capt Churchill and a Brigadier came to lunch. In the morning Lord Louis decorated one of our men who had been on August raid. GCM, Andrews, Clark for dinner. Andrews will command in UK. GCM gave monologue for two hours --Clark very quiet. 1-21-43 Rode to Layautey with Mr. Hopkins. He is extremely intelligent and very well informed. To my surprise he is quite warlike and is in favor of discipline. When we saw all wounded & decorated men he called my attention to the similarity of the set of the mouth. I had known this for years but was surprised that he did. Harry, Clark, F.D.R. and I had lunch alfresco. Then we drove to see 9th Div 60th Combat Team, then to the Casba and cemetery. The Pilot fish noted to me that nearly all the men killed were Anglo Saxon. Clark left and had me ride back with FDR Clark is trying to be nice but it makes my flesh creep to be with him. Coming back we talked history and armor about which he knows a lot. He says that in Georgia (Russia) there are Crusaders Castles intact and that hundreds of suits of armor exist. Then he got onto politics. He said that the only two men who could succeed him if he died were Hopkins and the V.P. and neither of them had any personality. He also discussed the PM to his disadvantage. Says India is lost and that Germany & Japan must be destroyed. He is worried about the American Legion after the war and should be. We passed the 2d Armd & 3 Divs then watched the 60th C.T. [and] Millions of pictures were taken and none for the glory of the troops all for the glory of F.D.R. and for Clark when he could get a chance. It was very disgusting. Must remember to get Chief Flat Foot Riley when time comes also F.B.I. needs to be slapped down. The Country and Army are in a hell of a fix and nothing is being done about it. People speak of Germany & Japan as defeated and we have never even attacked them with more than a division. Our troops put up a really fine appearance. I have never seen so many troops so well turned out or looking so fit. Will write letter of congratulation to each unit. Gen. Marshall-Averell Harriman Mr. Murphy & Mr. Culbert came to dinner. 1-22-43 Sir John Dill, Wedemeyer, Hull and McCarthy came to lunch. Harmon and Eddy also there with Keyes, Wilbur, Gay and me. President decorated Wilbur with M.H. at 1230 in garden of his house. Keyes, Harmon and I inspected Command Ship Buloli at 1530. Interesting but too complicated. At 1915 Wilbur and I called for Nogues and took him to Grand Vizier's house at Anpha where we met the Sultan, Prince Imperial and Grand Vizier and Protocol. Wilbur took S.M. G.V. and Protocol to see President at 1940. SM had especially asked to see him before Churchill arrived. Crown Prince, Nogues and I arrived at 2000. Churchill was there in a very bad temper. At dinner there were as follows: President, Sultan, Protocol, Patton, Crown Prince ,Elliott R. Nogues, Hopkins, Murphy, Grand Vizier, Churchill. No wine only orange juice and water. Churchill was very rude the President was great talking volubly in bad French and really doing his stuff. After dinner we had pictures and more talk. S.M. gave P a beautiful gold sheathed dagger in an inlaid box. P. gave S.M. his signed picture in a silver frame. Wilbur came in about 2200 and soon we left. I rode with SM & G.V. to house of latter on way S.M. said truly your P is a very great man and a true friend of myself and of my people he shines by comparison with the other one (P.M.). Later he said "This has been the happiest day of my life and one I shall always remember. I shall be very worried until I hear that the P. is safely home". Nogues was delighted that the P.M. was such a boore. [*boor?*] I went to bed. 1-23-43 This morning in my capacity as a Grand Cross I decorated Admiral King & Gen Marshall with Grand Crosses and Admiral McIntyre and Capt McCray with Grand Officer it seems that there must be a sort of apostolic succession so I was it. I talked to Gen Marshall about the Legion of Merit. He told me to see Hopkins about it. I did. Hopkins is quite a man and very understanding. I think he will get the P. to remove the stipulation that the P. must approve all Legion of Merit awards certainly in so far as the Army is concerned. This will be a great thing as at present we have no means of rewarding merit except with D.S.M. which only applies to great responsibility, not to the good work of juniors. Hopkins is quite a man the Roosevelt boy who is in the Navy came in drunk and slapped an Admiral on the back and said how are you you old SOB Hopkins saw it and told the Admiral to send the young R. to his ship in arrest and confine him there. After lunch Gen M. Arnold and I visited the battlefield of Fadala and inspected the camp of the 175th Engrs and also the air warning set up. Later they came to dinner. The G.V. asked me to get him an interview with Mr. Hopkins provided that the British did not know about the points discussed i.e. Future of F & S Morocco - Jews, trade, immediate help. Wilbur saw De Gaul and found him not helpful he wants to be the Political boss and let Gireau command the troops. 1-24-43 At 1230 I took Gen Nogues & Admiral Michelier to call on A1. We were kept waiting some time by a press conference. When we went in Mr. McCloud Brit Minister to Algiers hung around the door till Capt McCrae pushed him out. A1 started to talk about De Gaul and was very frank when B1 came in with out being asked and hung around started to leave and then came back the whole thing was so patent a fear on the part of the Brit to leave the French and Americans alone together that it was laughable. The two French saw and commented on it. I hope A1 did too. The French stayed for lunch and Gen Gireau came after lunch to call on me and say goodby. I fear he is too much a soldier to run his job as dictator - at least he wants to fight. We went to a tea at M. Poussier's. Most of the Arabs were there. I met the new Brit Council to Rabat who began to tell me how to win a war so I disagreed with him to draw him out but he just got mad. He is a typical S.D. fool. 1-25-43 Adm. King, Cooke ,Hall came to dinner and I had a chance to tell How good Hall was which is true. 1-26-43 Had a letter from Everett Hughes enclosing one Gen Wilbur had given him to read. Wilson criticized every thing I or my staff had done in a very stupid manner. I returned the letter to him telling him to go ahead and sent it to Gen. Lutes and that I was inclosing a copy [letter] of the letter I had written him (Wilson) to Lutz. Wilson is a back biting fool with an inferiority complex who will not last long. Drove to Safi to inspect port and troops. Both in excellent shape. But what a place to have attacked only luck and the Lord working together made it possible to take it. Had the French retired to the walled city we hardly have landed. Gens Marshall, Hull, Galey and McCarthy came to dinner they leave for US at 0800 in morning. We had a monologue it is most unfortunate that weather prevented GCM from seeing the troops he now will think they are as good as mine which is not so. Especially he should have seen the Air Ports which are terrible. All he did was to make excuses for the lack of discipline of the Air Force. There is no excuse - those I have are disciplined. As Everett Hughes says "This is still a General Staff war, not a soldier's war." Now GCM will fly the Atlantic with devers and swallow all his mis information. I wish some one would listen to me. I have something which makes people reluctant to question me, perhaps I always have an answer based on truth and not bootlick? 1-27-43 Saw GCM off at 0820. Read this diary up to Nov 7 it is quite interesting. My order to go to Alger was canceled. Went to a Difa by Sultans brother given in my honor. There were 17 courses then we drank tea and then they took us to a room in a sort of roofed over court where there was a table covered with flowers candy cakes & nuts there were 52 plates of this and 33 quart or larger flasks of Orange juice flavored with rosewater - Almond milk and Prune juice, none of which was more than touched the host has eleven sons and six daughters and is a very fine looking and generous man. At last I have learned not to eat too much. 1-28-43. On reaching the office I found that the 9th Div is to start east on Feb 1st instead of March 1st as formerly ordered I think some G.S. child just made a mistake of one month. As there were a lot of points to be settled I flew to Oudja in my B-25 we made it in 1 hour and 20 min it was lovely flying and very clear Wayne had just gotten in from seeing Dwight. He was too friendly and I feared a stab in the back at any moment but none came. He told me the damdest thing I have ever heard. The Tunisia attack will start . It will be made by a group of armies ie 1st & 8th British. Alexander will [comd] command. Anderson will have the 1st which will consist of the 5th Brit Corps the 2d U.S. Corps 1st Armd & 1st Inf. and a French Corps the French Corps will have one French Div or possibly two and the U.S. 34th div. The 8th Brit Army under Montgomery will be as is. Shades of J J Pershing we have sold our birthright and the mess of potage is in my opinion the title of Supreme Allied Commander to GCM. I am shocked and distressed. The next operation Amphibious half American and half British may also be commanded by Brit though Wayne is trying to get hold of it it would be safe physically and if successful would give him great credit. Apparently I am to command the U. S. forces 2d Armd 3 Div - 45 Div. My luck will have to be pretty good and the Lord on the job to put it over. One is inclined to think that fighting ability is at a discount. However I think that I was fortunate in not being made deputy C in C to Ike. I guess destiny is still on the job. God but I wish I could realy command and lead as well as just fight. The set up is so absurd that I doubt if it ever comes off. There are 67000 Bosches in Tunisia now with Rommel yet to come in. I don't think they can evict that many men by May 1st as hopefully planned. I truly think that the whole set up is the result of clever politics by the Brit. and selfish ambition on our part. Perhaps a minor roll if successful in a probable defeat might be best. "Hope defered maketh the heart sick." Ike will be a sort of War Department. The Air set up is even worse. I hear Jimmy Doolittle has been fired he is coming to see me now. 1-29-43 Jimmy stayed all night and told us all about Tokio. He has been fired. He is a fine personal leader but lacked the experience for the command of an Air Force. Also Ike & friends not only told him what to do but how to do it. We flew to Rabat at 0830 picked up Nogues & Lascrouw and went to see 2d Armd. Gaffey's Combat Command passed in review and was fine. We had a nice lunch alfresco and then saw the 41st Inf put on an attack. The Spanish attache was present at my request and was certainly impressed it may prevent a fight; though God knows we need one soon. Sgt Mims got drunk and ran over a Frenchman. He will have to take his medicine. 1-30-43 Keys Wilbur and I went to Rabat for an audience with S.M. I had an M-1 rifle with a plate of silver on it "To this R.H. the Crown Prince of Morocco from his friend Gen Patton." Keys & I gave SM a new 16 mm movie projector and Wilbur gave the C.P. a trench knife and a bomb fragment. The first thing that S.M. asked me was had the President gotten back safely. He was very friendly. Gen & Mrs Nogues came to dinner at our house very informally and we had a very nice evening. 1-31-43 Went to church. Gay and I took Mrs Emmit some tea sugar & milk. I went home at five and M. Boisson sent his scy. with a note and a saddle for me. He and I get on fine he is quite a man. 2-1-43 Went to Marrakesh by plane to visit Pasha. Called on Gen Martin then went to Pasha's palace. He has two guest houses and a sort of extra house for tea. The houses are truly magnificent the one I lived in took ten years to build. We had a Difa which was the most splendid I have ever seen Gen Martin said in all his years here he had never seen such a party. The usual food but better cooked the tea cups were museum pieces in blue and gold. After dinner we had dancing women very sedate and lots of clothes. The Arab idea of hospitality is profusion. Mama must have been part Arab. 2-2-43 Left Palace at 0700 in a Rolls Roice to drive into mountains The Pasha said we would have a light breakfast. It took five men to serve mine Tea, coffee, Butter three sorts of preserves cakes, candy. Later I found the five eating what was left which was plenty for them and then some. We drove through about 100 miles of desert and mountains the Pasha fought there as a young man and was most interesting. At the meet there was a tent with more food also horses and mules. I drew a fine gray stallion about 15-2 weighing 1100 pounds. He had on a French field saddle & bridle made by A. Jannin of Saumur; the exact duplicate of the one I bought in 1912. We rode through the mountains for about an hour; the Pasha on a fine black mule with a huge red silk saddle and two men on foot to lead it. These men and about thirty others kept up with the horses with ease though we were moving out at a good hound trot. The Pasha gave me a fine stand next to him. Then the beat commenced. There were 1000 beaters. Soon the jackals and foxes came up I missed three snap shots in the brush. Then a boar came between me & Gen Wilbur who was on my left. Wilbur broke his leg but failed to stop him. Then one came right at the Pasha who was using a rifle. He drilled it but failed to stop it and there was a general fusilade to the rear why no one was hit I dont know. The Pasha finally killed it. Just then the largest and blackest boar I have seen broke cover some 20 yards to my front and came straight at me with a nasty expression on his face. I put a solid slug in his right eye at about three yards and he fell dead so that the blood from his mouth wet my feet. It was quite exciting. But I was not perturbed till afterwards. I never am at the time. Of course I did not aim at his eye I shot at the whole hog it was, I think fortunate I killed him instantly of course I had a second barrell of buck shot but he would probably have cut me up. We had a second drive but no pig came my way. I killed a jackall. On the way home we stopped at a small Cosba and the local Chief gave us a diffa All the inhabitants sang and danced during the whole meal which lasted an hour only as I had to get back by dark. I have always wanted to talk to a bandit on his native heath and to have a thrill shooting. This day I had both. 2-3-43 Clark called me to meet him at Oudja and go with him to Alger we got there at noon Ike talked in glittering generalities and then said as nearly as I can remember "George you are my oldest friend but if you or any one else criticizes the British By God I will reduce him to his permanent grade and send him home. The reason that I have not promoted you is that I want to promote three of you and one of the others (Fredendall) is reported to have talked against the British, if he has by God I'll bust him. In any case you will get promoted in less than a month." Later I asked Clark if I had been accused. Clark said no and that Ike had talked to him the same way. Clark thinks George told Ike to do it to all of us. "Cromwell beware ambition by it the angels fell." 2-4-43 I had all heads of Staff sections in at 1000 and told them that in order for the Allies to work together harmoniously there must be no criticism of Russians, British, French or any others. Gen. Gaffey was in and I sent similar instructions by him to Harmon. I will see Anderson & Eddy in morning. [Jastet?] Just notified Wilbur. Sending troops to Marrakesh to look out for B-1. Am to accompany Clark on a trip of unknown destination probably on Sunday. 2-5-43 Kay the WAC who drove D. in U.K. is now in Alger driving him. I see no use in women drivers - simply as drivers - at the front as they have to have a soldier guard with them. My mysterious trip has been delayed for a few days. I flew to Layautey to tell the 9th Div good by. Anderson was there too so I gave both of them instructions on no criticism of Allies. Nixon showed me the mock up of the head cover for the scout car I had devised. Told 9th Div good by. Warned 3rd Div about criticism. Got a secret letter from D. in which he advises me to be more circumspect and less flip in my conversation on military matters. He means well and I certainly have thus far failed to sell my self in a big way to my seniors. 2-6-43 Wrote a reply to D. but will sleep on it. Inspected double pack assembly and was very much impressed. Keys flew to Gib. We had a second call to prepare for the P.M. at Marrakesh but it was called off. All I have to do is sit and fret about the future - in the past I have always done well. Allied Force Hq. was changed to NATOUSA with D. in command. My hunch is that this means Marshall will be announced as Allied C in C. Arnold will be C of S. Devers Deputy C of S. McNarney will get an air command. We shall see. 2-7-43 Went on hunt with M. Poussier did not fire a shot but had a very nice lunch in the woods. If the French ate less they could hunt more. 2-8-43 Had the cathar all day because I have nothing to do and don't seem to be getting any where. Little B's rug arrived and is very pretty. Saw M. Boisson off to Dakar and gave him the carbine Gen Campbell had made for me. 2-8-43 Inspected Corps Troops they have improved. Atlantic Base seems to be getting too exigent I will get facts but give them more rope. Inspected a Battery with a case of Spinal meningitis Sent Chief Surgeon to investigate. Sent Jenson to Alger with letter for D. Jeoff went along for the trip. 2-10-43 Had Adm. Hall to dinner last night he is going away to command Amphibious Force for some new operation. He said that if he did he hoped that I would command it and him both at sea and ashore. Flew to Rabat and had lunch with Harmon we inspected an AA mount he had devised by use of turrett ring off a truck. We drove to Meknis [*?*] stopping on way to inspect a large winery. It reminded me of San Gabriel Winery but is smaller. The French press the grapes the way we do for the good wine and then press the hulls for Vin Ordanir. Saw a stable - a ruin - for 5000 horses in old Palace at Meknis. The wives and mistresses of former Sultan live in the palace. Also went to the Moroccan West Point in an old palace and inspected a remount station. Drove to AZROU and spent night in a very nice hotel it is a sort of winter resort we saw a trout hatchery and had dinner with local French commander a major. 2-11-43 Drove about 75 K into mountains going to 7000 feet it was quite cold with some snow. At a little Goum station we were met by a Company (Goum) who marched 25 miles to salute me. They marched back same day. We went fishing each man had two Arabs one baited the hook and the other carried a huge basket for the expected fish in 2 1/2 hours I did not get a strike. I had a rod that could easily have held a tarpon. We then had a Difa in a regular Arab black goat hair tent. There were magnificent rugs on floor the tent was very large and all hand made. There are six sticks of different lengths along each side and two long poles and a curved ridge in middle. I was told that the whole thing could be carried by three mules or camels. I doubt it. Food was plentiful but bad. I got some pictures movies and stills. We drove back through a cedar forest of huge trees perhaps 12 feet thick and 100 tall. We had to stop to inspect a Tabor (Bn) of Goms. Three Cos. of inf and a troop of Cavalry. They had marched ten miles to be reviewed. As I had to get back to Casa for 7:00 P dinner with Council & Mrs Brooks. I had a Cub Plane at AZROU to fly me to Meknis. We just barely missed crashing on take off. At M. I transfered to my B-25 and got home at 6:15. I [just] found that Lt. Gen. McFarland, Governor of Gib. was there so I could not go to the Brooks. The Lt. Gen. is a fine gentleman but a fool he writes limericks of a vulgar sort and insists on reciting them. 2-12-43 JCH Lee and the QM Gen. called this morning I took Lee all around. Ike got four stars. Grunther got his second Harmon A.C. got three. Happy day. 2-13-43 Flew to Oudja with Lee. Lunch with Grunther. Saw Clark after lunch he is quite ill with ptomane. Flew [at] to Alger had a talk with Beadle Smith. Had dinner with Sir A. Cunningham and Gen Paget. 2-14-43 Left Algiers at 8:30 in B-17 for Tripoli. On way they fired guns to see if they worked and we all got badly scared. Just before we got in we saw a German Ju 109 and thought we were in for a fight heard later that it was a captured one being flown by the British. Took us an hour to find Air Port. Met by British Captain and taken to hotel MEHARI near mouth of harbor. Attended lecture by Brig SIR BRIAN ROBERTSON D.A. & QMG. 8th Army son of F.M. Robertson of WWI. Talked on supply of 8th Army. I sat in front with Gen Paget. Met the following Brass Hats from U.K.: GEN SIR B. PAGET, Lt GENS SWAYNE, GAMMEL, TEMPLER, MORLAN, CRERAR, MAJ GENS. BULLEN-SMITH, GODWIN-AUSTEN 10th CORPS. Lt GEN HORROCKS who spent WWI in German Prison Camp. Nice fellow. MAJ GEN BRIGGS whom I liked a lot he commands ARMD Div. 13th Corps Lt. GEN DEMPSEY 30th Corps Lt. GEN.SIR O. W. LEESE he looked like a fool wore plus fours and a little coat of his own design but was and is a very able soldier. Lt GEN. SIR. B. FREYBERG. He started life as dentist in N.Z. got the VC at Gallipoli and in two wars has been wounded 18 times quite a man rather fat but with a fine mouth. GEN. SIR. B. MONTGOMERY, commander of 8th Army. He is small, very alert wonderfully conceited and the best soldier - or so it seems - I have met this war. My friend Gen Briggs says he is the best soldier and the most disagreeable man he knows. I also met Gen. ALEXANDER. He is very quiet and not impressive looking. The British say that Montgomery commands and Alexander supplies this may be so. Except for Montgomery, Freyberg, Briggs and Robertson I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Most of them are the same non committal clerical type as our generals. I am about the junior and possibly the oldest, certainly the oldest looking general here. 2-15-43 In morning Gen Montgomery gave a general talk on the campaign it was very well done. After lunch Gen Freyberg and members of his [Corps] Div talked on a long end run by the N.Z. div. We had an Air Alert but nothing happened. 2-16-43 In morning Maj. Gen. WIMBERLEY S1 (HD) described the action of a Div supported by a Tank Bn in attack against an enemy vanguard. In PM 8th Armd Brig gave a sand Table demonstration of an Armd Rgt in an attack against a defended position in open country. Their method of approach was OK but they did not use infantry to attack AT guns and their artillery was so far back that it took two hours to get in. On way to dinner I talked it over with Gen Briggs who felt as I did. He asked me to talk to Lt Gen. HORROCKS, his Corps C.G. on it which I did. I met Gen Alexander and told him that I expected to be under him in a certain operation he replied "Yes unless the Bosches put troops in there in which case it is off". This may prove to be an historic remark. 2-17-43 Visited Air Ground Hq. 8th Army seemed complicated but it had apparently worked during battle. Went to the air field and saw Briefing of air crews & bomb loading. Had lunch with 30 Corps. I sat with Gens Paget & Montgomery After lunch saw very impressive demonstration of enemy mines and of our means of locating and removing them then saw several very well done demonstrations by 51 Div. Including use of scorpions and mine detectors. I was very much impressed with the power and capability of mines and of our need to develop means to meet this danger. 2-18-43 Left Tripoli in B-17 at 8:30 Arrived Alger in bad weather at 12:00 due to change of time this was 1100. Lunched with Ike Had long talk with Rooks and Brig. STUDGEN on new operation. I will have very important job in what seems to me a desperate operation especially as at least two of my divisions will not have had battle experience. Shores are mined and wired. If Germans are present it will not work. But I shall do my best. Studgen asked me what I thought of it I said "I have always been lucky and I am going to need all I have". He agreed most heartily but I suppose "nothing ventured nothing gained". What I fail to see is what real value we will achieve if we do win? Lady Beaty - daughter in law of the Admiral - Kay and another girl came to supper Paget came in earlier than expected and found them. This irked Ike but I lied like a gentleman. Ike and Paget talked for a long time. Ike certainly makes a fine impression when he talks I was proud of him. I think I could do better in the same job. But I seem to lack something which makes the top politicians trust Ike. Terrible thunder storm during night. 2-19-43 Too wet and foggy to start so I talked with Adms Hall and Kirk on operation. Hall was fine and I felt better but we all realize it is a damned poor bet. Still it is an honor to be trusted with the American part of the plan. I feel I will win. I feel more and more that I have a mission then I loose my confidence but get it back. The real need for a man will be after the peace in U.S. I could do something there but must first demonstrate great combat leadership and have the troops with me. Left at 330 in very bad visibility. Flew over ocean till we passed Mosners then went inland up a valley we nearly hit several mountains and I was scared till I thought of my destiny that calmed me I will not be killed in a crash. Landed O.K. in about a foot of water. Spent night with Clark. He is most polite I think he wants to hook up with me. Heard Harmon had been ordered to take over 1st Armored Div and that I will get Ward for 2d Armd Div. 2-20-43 Took off at 1130 in very bad weather. It cleared and was fine after we past Fiz Stopped at Layautey to let Adm Kirk catch his sea plane. Stopped at Rabat to tell Harmon good by. He has a very bad job taking over a beaten and scattered division in face of the enemy. We had a farewell dinner The Poussier's Dareys, Brooks Russells, Brit Consul Gen Rand the Pasha of Casa and the Coed nine [teen] 19 in all. 2-21-43. Sunday Too wet to go to church. 2-22-43 Anderson came to say good by and spent night. Col Williams who had been present at battles of 15-16-17 gave us an account of the fighting. Apparently John's Bn was destroyed. I have no news of him. Our 3 Bns of Corps Artillery one from the desert are to leave us also our two tank destroyer Bns and possibly the 3d Div. Not much left. The late winter and early spring seem my bad seasons last year I was in command of nothing at this time. We will also loose 20th Engrs. Tea at Russells. 2-23-43 Met Clark at Sale. Saw Sultan Clark got Grand Cross of Morocco. Lunch with Nogues. Inspected native part of Rabat. Long talk with W. he feels that D. is sold out to Brit. and that they talked him into not putting in the 5th Army and an American sector. He also feels that Alexander talked D into not attacking Gabez on Jan 20 as planned. So that this could be a British victory. W may well be right. If so it is too terrible for words some heads will fall if the show aborts as it may well do. 2-24-43 Clark left at 2:30 I went to movie in [Philadelphea?] called "Road to Morocco" utterly crazy but I liked it as it was the first movie I had seen since October. 2-25-43 Moved to Rabat have a fair house. 2-26-43 Witnessed American-French demonstration of an attack Made short speech in French. Reconnoitered some roads north. If I can keep two Divs I think I can take T. The Bosch should suck us east and then close the straights. 2-27-43 Inspected 2d Armd Div. They still are playing at war. Guns not dug in vehicles crowded. I raised hell. Dined with Poussier. 2-28-43 Went to church at Army service. Went for a ride with Wilbur. My horse is too light for me. I can now chin my self three times two days ago I could only do it once. We went to the movies. 3-1-43 Inspected training in 3d Div. Not good. Men advanced by rushes when they were not under fire. Talked on target designation. Wore helmet & pistol so as to impress men with the need of being properly equipped. Phoned Grunther about getting Truscott soon. Saw Muller about supplies for either contemplated operation. 3-2-43 Gen Harmon just came in and told me John Waters was missing in action at SIDI BOU-ZID since Feb 16. His battalion was cut off by a German attack of 80 tanks which came in from the N.E. and destroyed 36 of the 40 US tanks holding Sidi. John [was] told his Bn and the infantry with it to cut their way out. He stayed on the hill with 150 men to cover the retreat. Later Fredendall radioed him to surrender as he could not be rescued. This was a mistake but I hope John complied. According to Harmon F is a physical and moral coward. Harmon did well. He commanded what was left of the 1st Armd Div the 6th Brit Armd Div and a combat team from 1st & 34 US divs and the Artillery of the 9th and drove the Germans from the pass of He said it was due to what I had told him on a fishing trip about clearing a pass by capturing the heights. That is what he did with his infantry. F. never went to the front at all and tried to make Harmon the goat. Harmon won the battle. I called Ike and he has wired B. I also wrote both B's and Fred about John. I fear John is dead. 3-3-43 Went on a duck hunt with a Mr. Carleton on a 10000 acre farm NW of P. Layautey shot last night and this morning. Ducks very wild flew too high also I shot badly. Carleton was loose in Chicago lived in LARACHE 20 years. Speaks Spanish French and Arabic fluently English with an accent. He will be useful if we go north. He says Arabs have no loyalty morality or honesty and are utterly lazy. He was very interesting Have located two more Roman ruins on the Sebou. Went for a trip in the Amphibious Peep and had a good time. We got stuck and eight arabs were pulling on a rope with no results. Lt Stiller and a Sgt. pulled it out. This shows value of Arab labor. At dinner at Carletons three languages were going at once. A Frenchman and an American were talking to each other in Arabic. I was talking French and Stiller was talking english. Received notification from Ike that B. had received wire about John, no further news on John. In sum Carletons opinion of the Planes Arab - he says that the Hill ones are less base - is that the Arab lacks, honesty, loyalty, decency, affection, self respect, morality and ambition. He is a devoted father and is generous - quite a man? 3-4-43 Inspected replacements for 3d Div. By and large they are fine. Some runts and some too old. They have no discipline and know next to nothing about camp sanitation or how to take care of them selves. Gen Nogues loaned me his horse "Joyeuse" a good big T.B. Wilbur and I had a nice ride. When I got back at 4:40 Ike had phoned for me to be ready to leave tomorrow for extended field service and to pack tonight. I phoned Beadle Smith Ikes C of S and asked what it was about he said I may relieve Fredendall. Well it is taking over rather a mess but I will make a go of it. I think I will have more trouble with the British than with the Bosches. "God favors the brave, "Victory is to the audacious". 3-5-43 Am leaving in a few minutes for Alger. Hope for the best. This terminates this volume Gen Keys will see that it gets to you. It is too frank to be shown any one but may some day be of historical value. GS Patton Jr. B. G. Ralph Huebner " Troy Middleton Col. R. F. Perry Letters to Answer C P Summerall The Citadel, Charleston Gen De Witt, S.F. B&P No. 3814 1/2 2-02-237.70 t16 2-97-237.70 2-93-210.10 2-92-210.1 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at