GEORGE S. PATTON DIARES Original May 21-July 2, 1943 BOX 1 FOLDER 7 DIARY (IV) MAY 21, 1943 I JULY 2, 1943 IV May 21-43 to July 2- 43 131 Had air alarm much shooting no enemy planes - waste of ammunition due to jitters. 5-22-43 Under the present arrangement for History. We have a pro British Straw man at the top (Ike) A British Chief Admiral Cunningham. Senior Vice Adm Ramsey. Teddy controls air with Spaats a strawman under him who Commands N A A F. Conynigham commands Tactical Air Force. Browning is Air Bourne advisor and trying to get Command of Para Troops. Montgomery has 8th Army 141 is Alexander and a poor last 7th Army (Patton) I cannot see how people at home don't see it. The U S is getting Gipped . All 7th Army supplies come either over Beaches or else through Cyracuse a B port and I am told to arrange with Monty asto amount. Only an Act of God or some 132 ? glorious accident can give us a run for our money. In a study of "Form" especially in the higher command we are licked. Churchill runs this war and at the moment he is not interested in Huskey. The thing I must do is to retain my SELF CONFIDENCE. I have greater ability than these other people and it comes from for lack of a better word what we must call Greatness of Soul based on a belief - an unshakable belief - in my destiny. The U S must win not as an allie but as a conqueror. If I can find my duty I can do it. I must. This is one of the hard days. 5-23-43 Sunday Gay, Codman and I went to the French Reform Church. The minister asked us to come early and introduced us to his wife. Both of them had 133 been weaned on Garlic and went home breakfasted on it I nearly choked especially as the lady sat beside me and sang with great fervor. Gen Cannon & Col Hickey our Air Ground support officer came to lunch and afterwards we went over the Air Plan in the office with Gay, Hammond, Maddox and Harkins. It is pretty bad. So far as I can see we will get no direct support I hope they can at least keep the Hun Air off us. If they fail in that there will be an awful lot of our dead in the water. We got some fine relief models of our sector from Cairo. I will write Tedder thanking him. 5-24-43 Met Alex and Richardson at Nouvion they were one hour late. Showed them map room 134 and transparent maps and models 2 then had G-2 & G-3 give their outline. Much impressed it seemed that most of what he saw and heard was new to Alex. 5-25-43 Took Alex etc to see all training installations including our 81 mm grapnell, pontoon bridges and sanding under crossing fire by a reinforced company at Ranger Beach. A couple of 81 m/m W.P. shells fell within 30 yards of us. Except for the failure to attack with fixed bayonets and slowness in crossing Beaches the show was fine. Later we saw the street fighting drill and Alex was realy impressed I think we have shown him that our men are well trained, in fact he seemed to imply that their alertness etc was better than the B. It is. Col Caffey 20th Engrs reported to Command Amphibious Engr Brig. 135 5-26-43 Alex left at 0800 Keyes and I saw him to Nouvion and then went to see Bradley. He has put Col. Arnold in Command of 20th engrs. A mistake. Paddy Flint came to lunch and told me his wrongs. I went swimming and found it good. Saw very pretty girl. Adm Hewitt came to spend the night he is very deaf due to an infected ear but did all the things we asked him to after a little patting on the back. All you have to do to get him is to tell him how great he is. Gaffey and Harmon also came to dinner I tried to sell them Flint but no success. Bradley and Gaffey got their D S M's to day I recommended them. 5-27-43 Had Guard of Honor for 136 admiral Hewitt and showed him maps. Two staff officers from Monty called I told them about 81 m/m grapnels and elevated Bangalores. Took Boster shots of Typhoid and typhus did not sleep well 5-28-43 Went to 83 Ord Bn to see experiment of putting a taller mine under a mock up of a jeep. We had 1/4 inch armor plate in bottom and put a goat on front seat. The mine blew the model to bits and hurled the armor about forty yards. Very little of the goat was left. It seems that armor plate is not the answer. Inspected troops. Found NCO drilling platoons while officers looked on. The purpose of close order drill is to give officers self confidence and men confidence in their 137 officers. I am always annoyed at the stupidity of our officers. Gave a couple of pep talks with good effect but none of the lesser generals do it. On May 16 wrote Hughes for an Air plane. Favorably indorsed to Spaats on May 21 no plane to date. On May 16 phoned Natusa (Hughes) that I needed 450 men with at least a years training to implement no 4 Ranger Bn. Asked that these men come from 36th Div. On 22 was informed I had the authority on 27 the authority came saying that if a further search of replacement centers failed to produce the 450 the residue could come from 36 Div. Eleven days waisted and no men in mean time Col Derby Rangers scraped the bottom of the barrell and secured the 450 but with only 13 weeks training. Our trouble is that those 138 in authority at A F H Q don't know the facts of battle. To them a man is a man - utter rank. Inspite of the fact that Ike and Wayne have both cursed the other to me there is still some sort of an unholy alliance between them. I should not worry as I seem to be doing nicely but I do worry. I am a fool those two cannot upset destiny. Besides I owe each of them quite a lot but of course don't know to what extent they have under cut me? The next show must be a success or a funeral. 5-29-43 Had a heavy reaction from shots felt very sick and almost fainted after lunch but no one knew it. Had Adms, Hewitt Hall, Connolly Gens Bradley and Nivins for dinner-a regular love feast I was full of aspirin and whiskey and got on O.K. 139 I spent the morning with Gaffey on the water watching 105 S P fire from landing craft the results were very satisfying. One short hit quite close to us. Previously we had fired with M 4 Tanks and stabilizers the results were even better. One large Marlin Sword fish surfaced several times near us I guess he was shell shocked there were many dead fish like sardines floating about. 5-30-43 Went to a chaplains service in the opera house with Gay. The pit holds about 100 people and there are two galleries with boxes it is a regular Doll house. The sermon on Faith was thirty minutes of bunk. At noon the band played Lest Old Acquaintance, Dixie Yanky Doodle and other pieces ending at noon with a minutes silence 140 followed by Some Hymn that had the same tune as God Save the King. Wrote a Memorial Day Order not too good. 5- 31- 43 Went to Oran with Col Muller to see our war echelon we were met with a motor cycle escort Lt Col. Clarkson has done a realy good job fixing things up the arrangements and the neatness of the men left nothing to be desired. On the way back we stopped at Hq 1st Amp Engr Brig and saw Col Caffey late of the *20th Engrs. I relieved Gen Wolf and put Caffey in charge as he has much more force Then I had lunch with Gen O'Daniel of the Invasion Training Center. On the way home I stopped to see the Navy build a pontoon Bridge from a L . S. T. to the beach it took them 129 min but when it was completed it was quite effective 141 and can float four M4 Tanks at the same time. It could not be constructed under fire of that I am sure. While at Oran I called on Gen Larkin of the S O S and also on Gen A. Wilson the latter was out. His place was a mess. 6 - 1 - 43 Went out on an L C T with Gaffey to look at Firing. Sent Codman & Stiller to observe Navy fire conducted by Army Shore Parties at beach B. Ike called up late to say that "My American Boss will visit you in the morning at Nouvion at 9:30" I asked him when did Mamie arrive. "Man cannot serve two masters." "My American Boss"??? About 23.00 Gen Grunther called to tell me that Gen Marshall would be at Nouvion at 0930 and that Gen Clark invited me 142 to be present. I told him that I was to be there officially on Ike's order. During the PM Bradley, Terry Allen and I were talking over Huskey and guessing at the chances of at least one of us getting it. I doubt if it will be me. 6-2-43 Called Bradley early and told him to meet me at Nouvion at 0930 to see Gen M. Neither Ike nor Clark had mentioned Brad Keyes left for Alger by plane to settle some points about shipping and the number of Air Corps we will have to transport. At the moment they are asking for a lift of more than 500 vehicles. At the same time the Navy says they will need 4 L S T 's to lay mines. I told Keys to say that if we had to give up so many ships we could not land and then 143 there would be no need for either Air or mines. I think it is an unanswerable Argument. If this show was run by one man instead of being guided by three with a straw lay figure at the top. Gen Marshall accompanied by Gens Hardy and Ball and Lt Col. McCarthy arrived at 1015 we took them to Hq and showed them the maps and relief maps and gave a general outline of the operation then we had lunch and spent the afternoon looking at various phases of training. Clark left at Gen M's suggestion right after lunch. In Clark's presence I told Gen M how helpful Clark had been. I am getting tactful as hell and in this case it is true. I think that if you treat a skunk nicely he will not piss on you - as often. Gen M was well pleased with the street fighting and with the 81 mm 144 mortar firing the grapnel We met Gen Stillwell and Gen Roosevelt on the road and they accompanied us to the attack on the pillbox . Gen M asked to have Gens Harmon and Eddy to dinner He was much interested in their experiences and I think quite impressed with Gen Harmon. I talked up Keyes to him but when I tried to do something for Col Lambert he got mad However I have never yet let one of my people down. Shortely before we left the U. S. Gen. M sent for me and said that he had a hunch Harmon was no good and suggested that I leave him. I said that if he ordered me to leave Harmon I would but not otherwise. He said on your head be it. To night he said "Patton I was wrong about Harmon 145 and you were right will he make a Corps Commander" I said yes. Few men in high places will admit a mistake. Gen M went a way up with me. I have never seen Gen M more cheerful or in better health. 6 - 3 - 43 Gen M & Keyes left at 0800 to visit the 18th Inf where the Gen made a fine talk to the men. Hardy and Bull left at 0900 to catch plane. Bradley and I left at 10:30 from Nouvion in a plane Clark sent for us and flew to Oujda for a review and battalion drop by the 82 Div Gen Ridgeway. We had to circle the field for 30 minutes waiting for the Parashoot planes to get off. The Div passed in review and looked very 146 fine, but even they dont strut enough. Gen Orgas Gen Nogues were guests of honor. We then drove to a near by field and a whole Bn dropped it was an impressive and most reassuring sight. If they do half as well at Huskey they will be very formidable. We then saw a March Past by French troops and had lunch. I left lunch early to make a talk to all the officers of the 82d I think it was a good talk but they could have been more responsive. 6-4-43 Went to see a Bangalor fired from an 81 m/m it did very well and makes a huge explosion. Had some pictures taken Went for a swim and ran on the beach. Captain Loeman had a movie at the house for us. 147 6-5-43 Hubener, Cannon and a couple of British Air Officers came and we argued for hours asto what air ground forces we should take in the assault echelon. If we took all the air wants we should have no soldiers left with which to assault the beach. If we dont take some air ground troops the fields can't be repaired. Also the Navy has suddenly pulled our 4 LST's to lay mines. I suppose we will also have losses before we start and during the trip. On the other hand I think that we will get some local surprise at least asto the strength of our attack as the Bosch don't know about the Ducks and with out ducks we could not land such a big force. Bradley Terry Allen Hall etc came over for me to settle some arguments. Terry wanted the Para 148 troops to land on his left instead of his right. They can't due to terrain. Next he wanted to open fire at 2300 D-1. No. Then he wanted some SP guns. No. He is a fool and thinks that the 1st Div is the only unit in the show. We settled every thing except the 4 LCT's. We also got a Tabor of Goumes. Nogues went out at the instance of Du Gaule. I am sorry as Nogues always played straight with me they may wish he was back before long. There are a lot of starry eyed State Dept boys busting to raise the living standard of Arabs who should be all killed off who are also against Nogues. No State Dept people should be permitted in a Theater of War. Nor at the peace treaty. 149 6-6-43 Inspected a Bangalor fired from an 81 m/m it has good range but needs an "All Way" fuse so that no matter how it lights it will explode Went for a swim and ran on the beach. Gen John Lucas who has replaced Bull as deputy to Ike came to dinner and stayed all night. 6-7-43 Lucas and Keyes and I went over Huskey then Lucas and I went to inspect training. Saw elements of 18th Inf and 39th Engrs also a Bn of 16th Inf in an attack supported by Air and Artillery. The two air planes which participated forgot to get fuses for their bombs so could not drop them. Our Air Force is the poorest set of people we have and is wholy uninterested in 150 ground support. A number of French officers were present at the demonstration and I had a good chance to practice my French in explaining things to them. I got Lucas well indoctrinated in what we need and told him to say it was his idea not mine. He was particularly impressed with the necessity of having the 9th div immediately available for reinforcement. No one can say at this stage in what order the build up units for our operation are necessary all we can do is to have a list of them and call for what we need first just as a carpenter has a tool box and uses the tools he needs to do a job. Yet Rooks and other theoretical soldiers think we can plan just which unit should come at which time - Fools 151 Lucas too feels that Ike is just a Saff officer not a soldier - too bad. When L. came over Gen M said to him "the situation at AFHQ is not satisfactory or I should say it is very dangerous" My self Bradley or Keyes could do the job, personally I don't want it. [*end here*] 6-8-43 Seven months ago we landed. Much has happened who shall say what will be the situation seven months hence? "Ah! who shall break "The guards that wait "Before the awful face Of fate." For some reason I am if possible too confident yet at times I fear I am not doing all I should A feeling of being a chip in a river of destiny pervades me but while it is good for my self confidence it is bad for 152 for my activity yet realy I cant see any thing I can do except be mentally and physically alert. I had Bradley over to talk to Lucas, not in my presence. Also Col Koch showed him our plans. He is our only hope and not too good a one. 6-9-43 Keyes and I went out to see two scorpions and and an exploring truck work A 55 galn Drum of concrete hit a mine, on the explorer, and was completely desapated The scorpions worked very well and got every mine. Then we tried some bangalors in submerged wire with good results. One put inch a four inch stove pipe did the best. Pady Flint was on hand and when a mine went off I hit him on the head and he thought 153 it was from the mine. Last night I asked Ike to wire and find out if Keyes Gay Truscott and Palton had passed the final exams he was very nice about it. I am going to see Ike tomorrow on my way to see Truscott. Keyes advises that I just appear happy and ask for nothing it should have a good effect on Ike who is run to death. I hope poor George did stick it out. 6-10-43 Arrived at Alger via a B-25 Gen. Cannon loaned me. Went to see Ike and told him that I wanted nothing and had no complaint. I could see that he had something on his mind. Pretty soon he said, "I have got to give you Hell about Lambert" Then he told me that 154 Lambert had written a letter some time between Nov 42 and Feb 43 in which he had said his Nov letter had been censored but not to worry as "His good friend George Patton had protected him and said 'Oh! nuts forget it.' Ike said that Gen Marshall was in a rage and felt that I was not up holding discipline. Ike told Gen M that he would investigate it. And wanted me to tell him if I had ever made such a remark. I told him that I had not that "nuts" is about the only expletive I did not use, and that more over I had caused Col Gay to reprimand Lambert and that I had personally cussed him out. Ike then told me to write Lambert a letter telling him that he had misquoted me etc. I talked to Hughes about it and he thinks that 155 Ike was doing a little face saving at my expense I agree as I had a letter from Butcher at the time Gen M was supposed to be so angry with me in which Butch said Gen M had "Been greatly impressed with what I was doing" We Ike Butch and I had lunch and dinner with Kay and a girl of Butchs Kay also came to Breakfast? Ike is getting foolish and bothering about things such as who is to be head nurse far below his dignity. [Crossed at Tunis bay] I saw Hewitt who is in a haze as usual also Gen Whitley from when I got 1223 replacements for the 3d Div from the 34th Div they are the same men the third sent the 34th last Feb. Also saw Hubner every thing at 141 seems O.K. Saw Rooks about 156 - A-3 of Staatz calling on 82d for shooes with out authority. Rooks said we would get them back. 6-11-43 Arrived at Tunis at 1030 there were three fields and we landed at the two wrong ones first. Flew in a Cub to Truscotts Hq. and inspected some of his troops I also saw three M-6 Bosch tanks and a number of other vehicles which they had destroyed. War is terribly wasteful. Truscott is very satisfactory and gets things done. 6-12-43 Visited Bizerte and saw some 81 m/m firing Ryder came to lunch. We flew back in two hours and 45 min I brought Lt Col Henriques with me. Had a lot of mail on my return. 157 6-13-43. Sunday Went to church and heard a most incoherent sermon. I have the trots. Nothing doing. 6-14-43 Gens Bradley, Keyes and my self drove to the Airfield at Oran where we met Gen Clark at 1100 A Brit Plane with four motors arrived bringing the King of England and Sir James Briggs the Sec of State for War. A battalion of the 9th Div was the Guard of Honor We after the salute and God Save the King we got in Autos for a drive around the area. I rode with Sir James We had troops from various units mostly mine drawn up along the road. They looked fine Sir J. said "Gen Alix tells me that your troops will be the best soldiers in the world" I said "The American troops are now the best soldiers in the 158 world and they will continue to improve." He hemmed a little and said "That is what I mean" after that he was quite friendly. Sir J. is not at all like a britisher more like an American and has a sense of humor. He drives very badly. Relative to making a staff work he said "Don't keep dogs and bark your self." Apparently Sir Stafford Crips is very high hat. One day the P.M. saw Sir S. walking down the street and said to Sir J. "There but for the grace of God walks God." Sir J. said that our troops learned quicker by experience than do the British and that all our equipment is far better. He was very curious to learn of our new models and I was very ignorant about them. S.M. is just a grade above a moron. Poor little fellow. Called Hughes to tell him 159 about the Dairreah in this force he was surprised how little we had, least in Africa. 6-[15]16-43 Keyes, Wedemeyer and I left Nouvian at 1500 in the new C-61 Plane the Air Corps has assigned this force. It is a high wing monoplane with 165 HP Warner motor cruises at 100 and stalls at 60. It is too big for local flights to small fields and too slow for long flights. We flew to SIDI-BEL-ABBES which is the Hq of the French foreign legion here Eddy met us and we visited the legion museum. It is a most thrilling and inspiring place. The schrine of a great tradition it is too bad we don't do similar things to perpetuate the heroic exploits of our units it would do much to 160 increase their fighting value. After the inspection we went back to the Air Field where Eddy and I got into two Cubs "Aronica" and flew to his camp in the hills some forty miles further west. On the way we passed over a German PW camp but were too high to see much. I drove around the camp and was most favorably impressed with discipline and training. The 9th Div has arrived. After supper I addressed all the officers. I told them that I had come to tell them how to fight but that after seeing them I knew I had nothing to tell them - they knew it. I then stressed shooting and killing and the fact that Americans are the pick of the more adventurous peoples of all races. Finally I said that in 1776 & 1812 we had competed with the British and due to the help 161 French had won. That since 1812 we had competed with the British in [?rowing], shooting, running, riding and Polo and had always had the better of it. Soon we would enter with our Allies the Brit in the grandest friendly compitition ever staged a competition to see who would first [?t] the enemy - Don't sell America short. 6-[16]17-43 Flew back to Mostaganem arriving at 0945 at 1240 Keyes Wedemeyer and I went to Port au Poul to have lunch with Ike who is inspecting and has just come up from 5th Army. After lunch we inspected troops along road to Mos. starting with a guard of honor of 82d Recon. Bn. we also saw a platoon attack and street fighting. I took Ike to our Map Room and had 162 Koch and Maddox go over G-2 & G-3 angles with him. I then introduced staff he was interested and made a few remarks but utterly missed hitting a spark. We then drove on to Nouvian passing more troops on the way. At Nouvian Bradley & Middleton paid their respects. I gave Ike my picture he had already given me his. Clark was along but seemed gloomy. 6-18-43 We got up at 0145 to see a landing by Gaffney's outfit. The weather was fine with a full moon. The Navy was 45 min late but hit the beach exactly. They fired a smoke screne bangalors and grapnels The 18th Inf landed first and it was a great pleasure to see the drive and soldierly deportment it was utterly different 163 from Fadela. The shore parties were also superior and one platoon of tanks got ashore before dawn. I was delighted with the whole thing. 6-19-43 I owe Sgt. W.G. Meeks pay from Oct 1942 to May 1943 both dates inclusive to the amount of $364.00 plus $13.33 which he spent for me plus $400.00 which he loaned me and which I deposited in my name. Total Debt of $777.33. This is to be paid him in the event of my death. The 2d Regiment of TIRAILLEURS ALGERIENS confered honorary membership in the regiment and the FOURRAGERE DE LA LEGION D'HONNEUR ON me. And on Gens Bradley and Gaffney & Maj R.N. Janson discussed the last three at my reg unit. At 4:45 P.M. a company of the regiment came to do it 164 we had a rehearsal of our meeting at Alger. I spoke 6 min Col Koch 4, Col Maddox 3 Col Muller 8, Col Hammond 3. I started to write my order of the day for "D". Gen Wedemeyer drew up some notes for me to spring on the RAF to try and get adequate air support. Went out to shoot my weapons. 6-20-43 Sunday. Went to church with Gay we had a new preacher at my insistence who was good. He preached on the willingness to accept responsibility even to your own hurt. That ability is what we need and what D lacks. But I do feel that I don't. I pray daily to do my duty, retain my self confidence and accomplish my destiny. No one can live under the awful responsibility I have with out 165 Divine help. Frequently I feel that I don't rate it. Left Nouvian at 1500 in a T-47 with Keyes, Harkins, Muller, Koch, Hammond, Maddox & Tank to attend a "High level conference at Alger tomorrow P.M. Saw Adm Hewitt who told me with apparent satisfaction that two LST had been sunk by a "U" boat. These belonged to Truscott's force. I hope he can mange with out them. Tried to see Air Vice Marshall Wiglesworth to clarify our utterly nebulous air support situation. He was out but I will see him at 1100 tomorrow Called on Hughes. Went to Alex's camp for the night. No one was there but a Lt Col. assured me that my "Tent was well laid on" I felt like asking him by whom? Alex came in a while and we adjourned to the mess which is a large tent on a concrete base - built doubtless with our money - where one 166 drinks, one eats at another place near by. I met a little Lt Col who started out by saying that "I must loath him as he was a horrible poltroon" he seemed quite nice. Dinner was at 1000 I sat on Alex right. I laid on my own bed which had no mattress. 6-21-43 My batman woke me at 645 with some tea and brought my shaving water I had breakfast with Conyngham at 0730 and drove to the Ecole Normal which is the office of 141 with Alex at 0845. Saw my people Hubner and Keyes. Had a look at the theater where the conference was to start at 1330. Went to see Wigglesworth in company with Keyes at 1100 I asked air cover for the three landing rehearsals of the 1st - (23-24) 45th (24-25) and 3d (25-26). He promised it. I tried to get a fixed altitude 167 say 8000 feet above which our AA would not ingage enemy He was very casual about this but promised to "have a go at it" I asked for fighter cover for 82d Div Air Drop and for a few planes to shoot out search lights to help them land he said he would get it I told him that I would like that statement in writing Finally I gave him a map showing places we wanted bombed before D- 13 spots in order of importance. Also four places for D he said He would do his best - I doubt it. Saw Ike and told him I was sure that Gen Browning the Air Borne advisor to Alix would try to keep me from getting the rest of the 82d Div. Ike said he would mention this in his opening remarks, he forgot to do it but told me to do it in my remarks, I had already planned to do so but made it stronger. I still feel sure we will get 168 Double crossed. Lunched with Hughes, Keyes and Larkin. The conference consisted of all the top flight. Adms Cunningham and Ramsey Gen Alexander, the C of S 8th Army Monty had to entertain the King so could not be there Tedder, Conyngham, Wigglesworth Bemish, Spaatz and me with a small - not very small staff for each. The show started by Alex saying why Monty was not there. Then Ike talked about ten minutes rather badly I thought. He acted as an associate not a commander. A Brit naval Captain gave the general naval plan which is terribly complicated but well thought out. Then Hewitt was called on ahead of time and so had no map for half his talk he just gurgled and rambled. Ramsey gave the British 169 Naval Plan with charts and spoke well. However unless he is under stating things they are going to have a hell of a time getting the Canadians and the Div from Cairo ashore as neither unit will see its landing craft till the day they get out to fight I should be very worried in their position. Tedder went to sleep about this time and staid so for the duration. We all noted it. Conyingham came on for the Air and talked and talked and made no definite statement. He was followed by Air Commodore Beamish a great athlete who looks it in a gross way. He talked for 45 minutes at the rate of five words and ten ahs per minute. Tea for 30 min. We came on just after ten and so got all our maps up. We stole the show by 170 using the War College method at Keyes suggestion. I opened with a short 6 min talk on what we prepared to do and how. Koch gave the enemy situation and terrain, Maddox our plans in brief detail, Muller the supply plan with a good chart and Hammond the signal plan. Total time 22 min 30 sec. Even Ike was pleased and for a change said so. After that one British fellow after another talked long and badly some read their remarks but they had neither beauty exactitude or finish. Only in one thing did we all agree we all stated that the air was not helping the ground. I had dinner with Hughes - June 22 1943 At 0930 Commanders and staffs went to hear the very secret G-2 estimate by the British. The man who gave it knew a lot 171 but succeeded in keeping it to him self he had a pointer which he tried to climb and he was a mess. Then their "Q" man Gen Miller gave a long talk on the principles of supply this was of academic interest only. Then we all asked questions about what the Air would do and gradually forced them to promise quite a lot. Here it was that Ike missed being great he could have faced the issue but sat mute. We flew back leaving at 1500. So ended a very momentous conference. Had it taken place six weeks earlier it would have saved much misunderstanding and made a better attack. 6-23-43 Gens Alex, Richardson and Browning came at 1100. Gaffey and I met them we had all 172 available elements of the "Cool" force lined up along the road. Gen Alex dismounted in each case and walked the line talking to all men with decorations. Had lunch with Gaffney. Pady Flint put on his usual show and Alex did not quite know how to take it. Band played Armored Force March. Drove to Oran and went on board the Ancon to see Middleton and Adm Kirk we then inspected one combat loader and later took a launch and inspected all ships in convoy. Driving back to Air Port Alex said that it was foolish to consider British and Americans as one people as we were each foreigners to the other. I said that it was so and the sooner every one recognized it the better. I told him that my boisterous method of command would not 173 work with British no matter how successful with Americans while his cold method would never work with Americans. He agreed. I found out that he has an exceptionally small head that may explain things. Stiller and I flew back with him to Alger. He flew the plane part of the way. I had supper with Hughes and lay down on his sofa till 1230. 6-24-43 At 1230 Hughes and I went to the shore to see a landing by the 1st Div. (The Navy was 50 min late and hit the wrong beach (4 mile miss) the men did very well indeed.) Terry Allen is in a poor mental state he can only find fault he knows nothing of the problem Roosevelt ran the landing and did very well. He would be a good 174 Div Commander if one could find the right sort of a second in command. R. is weak on discipline and training but a fine battle leader - there are all too few. Bradley was also present. He my self and Lucas flew back. To be ready to witness the landing of the 45 Div tomorrow. 6-25-43 Got up at 0300 to see 45th Div land. One RCT, the 180 was three hours late due to naval error one ship of RTC 149 landed six miles out of place. [*Type 2*] The troops did very well and were the most uniformly turned out group I have seen [*3*] The Navy is our weak spot. If Adm. Kirk does not react properly I will have to take a hand, but since we work on the 175 fool system of cooperation I can'd do much. Seduction is better. Keyes and Wedemeyer left for Tunis to see 3d Div land. I hope the Bosches dont attack the landing. I have asked Air Navy to look out and all our AA will be ready. Lucas is spending the night. 6-26-43 Worked on and completed order for D Day. Started to think about speech to officers of 45 Div tomorrow. Lucas was very insistent that I take no chances I only take necessary and calculated risks and would be worth nothing if I failed to do so. 6-27-43 Had my teeth cleaned and looked over by Capt E. E. Shepard D.C. one filling to be put in 176 Wrote draft of talk to 45 Div. Went to communion by Rev Jones very high church but I like it. Speech was good I had to make two and did not repeat my self the second was wholy extemporaneous and the better of the two. Col Nick Campanole reported I attached him to G-2. 6-28-43 Cleaned up desk and signed many papers Remitted complaint and DD of man who shot his friend by accident. I too have made mistakes with guns. Gen Strong sent me a MINOX Camera. Cleaned up all mail. We move to Monrovia Hewitts Flag Ship in the morning. Col George Smythe sent to command 47th Inf. Packed - received three 177 packages from B. Tomorrow we start on the first lap of the next journey. I feel very confident especially as I saw some pictures of the beach taken recently and it looks better than I had hoped. "Man proposes but God disposes". 6-29-43 Wedemeyer - Codman and I left Mostaganem at 0900 after I had my clothes tried on two pair of trousers, one shirt and a combat coat made from tropical wirsted I got the Navy to bring me. The trip up along the coast road is realy lovely I took some colored pictures also took some with my new Minox but fear that I over exposed. Reported to Ike about [8] 1700 he was full of praise for the 3d Div but never mentioned the fact that I made it what it is. I fear I was un- 178 tactful. Spent the night with Gen Hughes and as always with him, I told Wedemeyer on the way up that Hughes was C of S material or theater commander. I want neither job. Wedemeyer is an idealist he talked to me about who will run things after the war and proposed me. I declined, being a liar, but it is much too soon to make plans to be of effect after the war one must end as the beloved victorious leader many men must die before I am that. And to be that I must take chances above and beyond the call of duty. And luck may not hold! ! 6-30-43 Saw Hewitt. Kept out of Ikes way but gave his aid my phone on the Monrovia 261-Freedom. Visited the 1st Div Gibbs the G-3 had a chip on his shoulder but got over it. Had lunch with them. 179 Terry and Teddy were off decorating 26th Inf. Spent PM at Hughes house reading came on board at 1700 much piping etc. Have very nice room with bath, room is about 14 x 12 and has a bed with lee boards that looks like a large cabin, a desk and a clothes closet. No out side light as ports are black out but two ventilators my name is painted on the door and I have two mess boys to serve me Keyes eats with me. He and I sat on the Flag Bridge till dark looking at all sorts of ships. Subs, destroyers, Hospital ships etc going in and out. We have 24 25m/m AA guns on deck also one or two three inch. Why the Bosch don't bomb this place is a mystery to me as the ships are five and six deep. There are five ships out side us 180 7-1-43 Did nothing all day till three o' clock when Gay proposed that we go swimming. [*He Harkins &*] I Went to Terrys villa [*to undress*] it was very rough and dirty. Teddy R & Terry went in with us. Lots of 1st Div men were in and all saluted, the 1st Div is back on its feet so is Terry. Teddy never went off. He told me he had many letters asking him to run for president. He is a problem but I think should have the 1st Div when Allen goes. He will need a strong No. 2 as he is weak on discipline but a brave and fairly good fighter. He bootlicks me to beat Hell. These people who write plays about "ten days to live" make a mountain out of a mole hill I have perhaps no more and never think about it. Kismet! Well I don't 181 like the whine of the bullet any more than I ever did but they attract me just the same. Having dinner with Hughes - Lucas and Farmin at 1930. 7-2-43 Went to a movie of my self in Tunisia I do not photograph well or I think I look better than I do probably the latter Dictated a typed version of this diary to include July 1. That copy and this will be kept by Gen Hughes who will mail them to B if I pass on. GSP Jr. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at