GEORGE S. PATTON DIARIES Original Nov. 13, 1943-May 31, 1944 BOX 1 FOLDER 9 DIARY (VI) NOV. 13, 1943 I MAY 31, 1944 VI Diary of Lt. Gen. G S Patton Jr. Nov 13 43 to May 31 '44 Secret and Personal Expurgated Edition covers this period has been typed GSP Jr 359 (ready for action I think most of this trouble is due to the fact that Poletti plays politics instead of doing his work.) He should be gotten rid of. Walked two miles in 24m-68s 11-13-43 Gay, Cummings, Campi went to Italy by plane to pick up Gen Hodges. Gen. Clark (B) called he is not much excited over the riots. Alas some 600 Italian troops landed 11-14-43 Went to Church. There was to be a gala performance of the Opera at 1500 but Col Harkins got word that there was going to be a separatist demonstration and probably an attempt to get me involved either for or against the movement so I did not go. I used Gen Hodges arrival as an excuse. 360 Merrell Shephard Lt. Navy called Hodges and I had long talk we both feel that viewed at June value the situation in Italy is bad. Our men are tired and fed up they are so battle wise that they can appear to attack with out doing so and only advance when there is an amazing amount of artillery support. When divisions get like that their value except for defense is gone. I can't see why Ike has not asked for many more divisions I started asking for four more last December and have told him again and again ever since. With the stabalized fighting Clark is having we could blood half a dozen green divisions and have them in great shape for a real attack. Both Clark and Gruenther are jumpy Clark has fired several aides. I hope he or Gruenther or both break down. But I dont 361 want the job my self as now it is in a very sad state only six fresh divisions could restore it and then only provided that the British would fight. At the moment they show no intention of doing so. There is something very phony about all our British and American efforts. Our strategy seems to be based on votes not victories. It will be just as bad for us to have Russia win the war as to have Germany win. We must win by destroying both Germany and Japan and be ready to stop Russia. Hodges also noted the lack of zest for battle in our men just as I have we both think it due to too much security and lack of tallyho! at home it is sad. 11- 15 - 43 Saw a recent wire which said in part referring to Seventh Army. "The moment 362 of this unit (to U K) at present time is not deserved. It is to be retrained in the North African Theater until you are advised of final decision asto its employment." X X X "Providing additional Corps headquarters for your Theater will be decided upon when the final decision is made as to the disposition of the Hq. Seventh Army" If I had not been made a permanent Maj Gen this would look like curtains for me. But I know that I am necessary. 11-16-43 Col Muller, Col Franklin and I drove east of Terminy to visit 9 & 11 Evac hospitals the 11th was the one I had in the desert. They looked well there is quite a lot of contagious jaundice. Decorated some officers and men of 5th Armd. Art Group at 1400. I am quite disturbed about the food situation and about 363 the ability of AMGOT to handle it. Apparently the natives are getting less food than they did under the Facists and they are complaining also they realize that we have no force left with which to coerce them. As I take it they are comparing Democracy unfavorably to Facism. I think that there is plenty of grain in the hills but we are not using lron handed methods to secure it. I think that if one or two hoarders and black market men were hanged that there would be plenty of grain as it is there may be a revolt. 11-17-43 We got an order at 0130 to send four officers to Algeria to day. Great staff work. I have seldom passed a more miserable day. I have absolutely nothing to do and hours of 364 time in which to do it . From commanding 24000 men I now have less than 5000." Ah! what a fall is here my countrymen" well pretty soon I will hit bottom and then bounce. Had dinner with some Italians last night. Their talk especially against Polletti simply emphasizes what I have already felt about the critical situation which confronts us. 11 - 18 - 43 Called in all station chiefs the PM the MP etc and told them to get ready for combat with what troops we have but to do it in a way which would not excite attention. All officers and clerks to go armed. At 1000 I.B.S.-AMGOT etc are coming to see me. Situation is bad and may end with bloodshed I let the rest talk and said that I would concur 365 with any reasonable suggestions they had to make. But that except in an emergency I could do nothing. They asked me to wire A F H Q for 10000 tons of flour at once. I have done so. "This was the most unkindest cut of all" A.G. 370.5/221 C-O 13 Nov 43 removes 1st, 9th, 2d Armd and about every thing else from the 7th Army. Gen. N. B. Forrest had all his troops taken from him twice during Civil War. 11 - 19- 43 Nothing 11 -20 -43 Wrote A F H Q a letter on the food situation and inclosed letters from the Cardinal and his Secretary on the same subject. A M G O T has neither the capacity or the ability to administer a 366 Captured country the only answer is ruthless imposment of law by the death Penalty especially is this true among a race of bastards like the Sicilians. Also wrote Hughes with more length and candor Have a hunch that Ike is in the states? 11 - 21 -43 Went to church. It is a very nasty day raining and cold. 11 - 22 - 43 Codman brought me a statement picked up by our monitoring not that A F H Q had categorically denied that I had been reprimanded by Gen Eisenhower or that men had failed to obey me. Apparently Drew Peirson had said something in Washington. 11- 2 3 - 43 About 2230 I got a long 367 wire from Beadle Smith about correspondents raising hell and about his efforts to placate them also I was told to back up AFHQ and make no statement if I was visited by correspondents. Of course such messages are a bit disturbing but I feel that this one is 2/3 for the purpose of covering A.F.H.Q. 11-24-43 Got a second message at 2230 to night sounding quite serious "The affair may blow over" I am to make no quote statement but am to talk frankly. If the fate of a successful General and the only one who has been fully successful depends on the whim of a discredited writer like Pearson, we are in a hell of a fix. Of course I am worried but have great confidence that the Lord will see me 368 this one too. "Oh! thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt". I think it would be a good thing if the reporters come. It will be amusing to see how the papers and the people at home take it. Whether they will turn on me or defend me. One good Article would do a lot to make people think clearly. This is not the end of me. 11-25-43 Thanks Giving Day. I had nothing to be thankful for so I did not. Inspected Hq. Co. and Prov. Tank Co. men seemed contented and were warm and dry. Got letter from Beadle repeating that we are going to england but 369 under a new name. I fear that this is an attempt to make me take a new staff of favorite sons picked for me in U.K. I will have to find some way of circumventing such a move. Walked three miles in 42 minutes. 11-26-43 Gen Williams (Air C) came to see me about the possible arrival of dignitaries at Castlevetrano at the end of the Cairo conference. (I told him I could give him a band and a tank Co not much for an aledged Army.) [*omit for type*] (Sent Codman with the two female agents to Tunis he will pick them up Sunday. Milton Pervis (FBI) Lt Col. came to see me on a secret mission.) [*omit for type*] 370 11-27-43 [*omit for type*] (Wrote a letter to the Sec War explaining exactly what happened I make no excuses simply tell facts. Sent a Copy to Hughes asking his opinion on sending it. 11-28-43 Codman got back from Algiers to day with a very complete appreciation of my sad state. I seem to be the means by which McNarney is trying to hurt Ike so asto become C of S in the event that Gen Marshall leaves. Ike and Beadle are not at all interested in me but simply in saving their own face. I might act the same if the case was reversed but I doubt it. Our two agents got back from Tunis with out attracting any attention at least I hope so they are back 371 I am worried but realy more angry. My side is not being shown and my friends must think me a S O B nut. I guess there is nothing to do but read the bible and trust to destiny. 11 - 29 - 43 Gen Joyce came at lunch time he retires for age (64) tomorrow and has to take a physical looking fifty He thought my letter to Sec. fine. Had word from Hughes not to send it so concurred as he is on the ground and knows the scene better than I do and is a sincere friend. Had C P X 11-30-43 Inspected Port with Col Muller. Got some dupe on Black Market passed it on to Pervis Wrote some notes on my operations 372 I have done better than I realized. It would be a national calamity to have me as an Army Commander. 12- 1- 43 Gen Joyce whom I talked to on the Drew Pearson incident remarked "Gen tell them the exact truth in those words' I had been dealing with heros I came on two men who I thought were cowards naturally I was not too gentle with them!" Col. J. A. Dodge who wrote "Great Captains" etc dedicated his life of Hannibal thus: "To the American Soldier who, not bred to Arms, but nurtured by independence, has achieved the proudest rank among the veterans of history" This is a good quote to use some time. Air Marshall Park who commanded the fighters covering London during the Blitz came to spend the night he is a New Zelander 373 and a nice man. He later commanded the Air Defense of Malta. With reference to the Blitz Parks said that he had two rings of fighter air fields the first one near the coast and the second one nearer London. The Bosch bombed him completely off the coastal ring and had him groggy on his inner ring when they suddenly shifted and bombed London. Had they keep on one week more bombing his air fields he would have been grounded and London would have had no protection. In June 1943 at Malta his planes were the ones which were stopping the supplies getting to Rommell but he was so low in gas that had the Bosch concentrated on Malta he would have been grounded there and then supplies in ample quantities could 374 have reached Rommell. He believes that at that time Malta could have been taken by a combined Air and sea attack but that Rommell would not let the Germans do it - as he wanted all their effort in Lybia. With Malta out Rommell would have needed no Air in Lybia because he could have gotten extra Divs. And one extra div would have enabled him to take Cairo. There were at that time 40 German Divs available in France. On such small things do the destinies of empires depend. Park also said that had Conyingham allowed it he could have given me direct Air Support at Gala. Where as to get it through Conyingham took four hours if it arrived at all. I told him that with ten fresh divs in 375 in Italy I felt that with our Air and Naval supremacy we could drive the Germans out if we had LST's etc sufficient to lift a reinforced regiment. My plan would be to first blood the new divs in short actions with those now holding the line then to withdraw the tired divs and attack with the fresh ones. I wish I could do it. 12-2-43 Corp. M. MATASSA my barber who is a Sicilian by birth told me that the people tell him that we are dealing too gently with them, that they are all crooks and are used to and need an Iron hand and that in that respect Mussolini was much better than we are. The natives feel that the farmers have plenty of grain but 376 are holding it for high prices and that if a few hoarders were hanged there would be plenty of grain. They also feel that AMG is retaining too many of the old guard Fascists in power. I doubt this as any man of ability had to say he was a Fascist in order to get a job. It is possible that even my armor of self confidence has taken a few punctures as a result of different things. Just now I went to retreat Parade of the 1st Armd. Sig. Bn who have been with me since I took command of the 1st Armd Corps at Benning. They too have been ordered to Italy to join the 5th Army. Yet the 5th Army which is static has twice the signal troops we ever had. It almost looks like an attempt to strip the body before the spirit has flown. But one should 377 never indulge in self pity. Efforts are also being made to get Gen Gar. Davidson for "A special mission to Italy". He does not want to go and I want to keep him and have so radioed. It is folly to break up an efficient battle proven staff just for expediency. 12-3-4-43 Nothing. 12-5-43 Today my self - Polette - McSherry and some others are to get LLD in Political science at the University of Palermo at 1100 about 1030 Col. Koch came with the rumor that there was to be a student demonstration and possibly a riot. We got to the university just after the Cardinal there was a large very noisy crowd. In the hall where the show was to take 378 place the students in the back of the hall made a lot of noise those in the front urged those in rear not to make any noise and in doing it made just as much. The "Magnificent Rector" clasped his hands and the Cardinal looked worried. Every one made speeches which no one could hear due to the tumult. Codman said that he could not see a student who looked capable of being educated. Muso. must have been quite a man to get as far as he did with such scum. JCH Lee spent the night and gave me some hearsay dope on the Stalin, Churchill Roosevelt meeting. According to Lee Uncle Joe had the whip hand and used it. Once on a military question Churchill said "we can leave that to our 379 military advisors" Uncle Joe replied "Do you have to have Gen Brookes make up your mind for you." 12-6-43 Lee left at 0800. 12-7-43 Mr. McCloy and Gen Holmes arrived at 1000 they had intended to arrive at 0800 but at last moment the B-25 set up for them failed to arrive. Mr McCloy came to my office at 1730 and said he wanted to put me wise to what had gone on at the two conferences. When Churchill and the President first got to Cairo the Chinese were there and C & R committed them selves to an Amphibious operation in the Chinese theater. Then C & R had a near split (too bad it did not materialize) over the "Overlord" Plan. C said that instead of its being "Overlord" it was becoming "Master" he is still fooling around about 380 small attacks in the Agean sea particularly with a view to the capture of Rhodes. He is actuated in this by political considerations as he has been attacked at home by the opposition for losing the three islands. They also quarreled over the appointment of a supreme commander the British hedging on the amount of authority he was to have. Things were apparently pretty grim when they went to see Joe Stalin. Joe came into the conference and said: "There are only two things I want to know when are you going to attack France and when are you going to appoint a supreme commander." C began talking about the Agean operation this winter Joe said that is nothing this is the last round of a prize fight it is not the time to dance 381 around the ring but to go in and slug. I admit that your bombing has removed some enemy air but what I want taken off my neck is divisions not bombers. It is time for you to attack both in the north and also in the south of France I have whittled the enemy down to your size. C suggested that a committee be appointed to consider plans and make a report Joe said: "If we three cant decide who can I dont have to ask my generals to make up my mind for me. I have no time for discussions by juniors. I have to get back to Mosco and win a war and win it fast so I can reconstitute my country." To put on the attacks in northern and southern France landing boats will be necessary hence the Chinese operation will have to be canceled 382 and in addition landing boats and carriers will have to be withdrawn from the pacific. King was agreeable to this when Joe said that as soon as Germany was wiped up he would help with Japan as he had an old grudge to settle with her. It has been decided that Marshall will remain as Chief of Staff but will participate more actively in operations. That Ike will be supreme commander in UK and that when southern attack gets ashore that too will come under him. That Spaats will go to U.K. as chief of all Air Operations both in UK and Africa. C kicked on this and so did. Portal but Joe insisted. That Gen Wilson (B) will succeed Ike in Africa C picked Wilson over Alexander. I think that there is considerable discontent over lack 383 drive in Italy. I asked Mr Mc Cloy about my self. He said that he had never let friendship move him but that he felt that I had in my make up certain chemicals no other general had that I was a great fighter and an inspiring leader though probably not a Moltke and had to be used. That I was not to worry about what was said about me as that would hurt my efficiency. He also said that I looked and acted like a General and that no one else we had did. He asked Gen Marshall what was to become of me and M. had said he will have an Army. I should have a group of Armies but that will come. I think that my luck is in again in a few minutes I leave to see the President and 384 after that can tell more about it. 12-8-43 Mr McCloy left at 0715 on the way out to the field he said "Another thing about you is that you look like a general you have color personality and size men like to follow a man that they can respect." We got to Castlevetrano at 0930 the president was supposed to arrive at 1015 but due to motor trouble he did not get in until 1420. Gen Arnold got in at 1330 we had quite a talk. He substantiated all that Mr McCloy said about the conference and added that Joe ran the show saying to Mr. Churchill among other things "What is the matter with you English you used to be good soldiers now you don't fight at all are you afraid of the sight of blood." 385 Arnold also said that inspite of our Air efforts the German Air Force is getting bigger now has 8000 planes the three Alies have over 20000 planes but are not using them he thinks Air Marshall Portal is to blame. He feels that the Russians and US are much more of the same mind than the B's. He said that it had been necessary to tell the B's that unless they went on with us in the "Overlord" operation that we would take all but a token force out of England and concentrate on Japan and let England stew in her own juice. He has been at every conference and says that in every case after we have found the B's to agree to a policy we have no sooner gotten home than they have 386 practically repudiated the agreement and he thinks that unless Joe and the P use pressure that they will do it again. The President was most afilable to me so was Pa. Watson and Harry Hopkins. The latter took me aside and said "Don't let any thing that SOB Pearson said bother you." He also told Col Harkins that so far as he knew the incident was closed. Ike was very nice also and said that he felt sure I that would soon get orders to go to UK and command an Army. He asked me what to do with Jake Devers? The Group of Armies Staff which Bradley has been assembling was predicated on Gen Marshall's going to London now that Ike is going it may all have to be 387 changed. On the way to the Plane after refreshments the President said to me "Poor dear old Winney is getting pretty difficult but uncle Joe and I see Eye for Eye." The tide has turned I hope. Gen D. I. Sultan was at Palermo when we returned we had a nice time. 12-9-43 D. I. Sultan left at 1315 in our Plain. At supper got a wire from Alex. Congratulating me on being a C.B. 12-10-43 Wired thanks to Alex and Wired Gen Wilson at Cairo that I would arrive Sunday. Raining like hell. Mr Murphy came to see me and we had quite a talk he told me about De Gaul who he says was put in through 388 British duplicity and the native stupidity of Giraud. He feels that there is a verbal agreement between R and C to let C run Europe while we run the West. However he thinks that R is playing with the idea of keeping Dakar and may take part of Morocco. While at Terhan R stayed at the Russian legation and that made C very mad. Murphy thinks Germany will negotiate within two months. 12-11-43 All ready to start for Cairo at 0700 in the morning, weather permitting. Raining again. Last night Mr. Murphy, Gen Wickersham, Gen Larkin, Gen Stewart came to dinner and we had the first good movie I have seen called "China". 389 [*omit - type better*] 12-12-43 (Mr Mc Cloy left at 0715 and we started for Cairo right after wards. Flew over ocean as far as BENGAZI where we stopped 45 min for gas arrived at Cairo at dark time 8 1/2 hours.) The desert from Bengazi east is very much with out land marks but is quite rolling so that at 1500 yds in almost any place troops would be concealed. I cant see why the B's did not use captive baloons or observation ladders The surface is hard but breaks up with much travel however it is much easier going than around Indio. We flew right over the El Alamaine battle field and saw surprisingly little evidence of combat. I got quite a thrill when I saw the Pyramids 390 Our party consisted of, Codman, Cummings, Hammond, Franklin Harvey, Carter, Chambers, Birch & Van Buskirk) 12-13-43 Codman and I are staying at Gen Wilsons house quite a nasty little shack about twenty minutes out of town at a place called MAADI. A very complete program has been "Laid on" for us by Maj H. Chapman Walker A.D.C. We went shopping with Lady Ranforly who is Sec to Gen Wilson her husband was captured over a year ago. We had cocktails at Shephards Hotel. The Egyptian pesant is definitely lower than the Sicilian whom I had thought was the bottom. When the dam at Aswan was built it developed snails who are the host for the sort of hook worm. The native men and some of the 391 women get this. It gives them the belly ake and also reduces their sex varility so they smoke Hashis to pep them selves up. But the effect is brief and also it makes them suffer more pain from the worms it is a sort of vicious circle About 1200 people own all the land so that each pesant if he has any land does not own over 4/5 of an acre. The average pay is $50.00 a year and out of this they have to pay for the water they drink. I saw a man defecating in the "Fresh Water Canal" down stream a few yards women were washing clothes and a little lower several women drawing water. The sail boats have the same lines they had 4000 years ago but since 762 AD they have adopted the Arab latine sail instead of the 392 squair sail that they used previously. The strange thing is that they sail fast and well. They have huge rudders which also act out as a sort of center board. Visited Tank School 12-14-43 Took off for JERUSALEM at 0700 crossed the canal just south of lake TENIS Thence we followed the road to BEERSHEBA. We crossed the Wadi el ARISH near where the battle took place, it is a less formidable obstacle than I had gathered from the Books. Beersheba and the surrounding ground do not look too difficult I took a picture we also flew over HEBRON and BETHELEM where I also took picture. We flew just south of Jerusalem and landed at AQIR near the coast. From there we drove to the holy city a distance of 30 miles 393 Gen D. F. McConnell who commands the district gave us a very intelligent Priest who took us to see the sights we entered the city by the gate which Tancred stormed to take the city. The Church of the Holy Supplicer covers both the Tomb of Christ and the place where the cross stood. It is run by Catholics, Greeks and Copts. The TOMB is a small cave with a little chapel out side. The floor of the cave and the slab on which the body lay are both protected by marble slabs. The cave is very small. Most of the hill where the Cross stood has been cut away but there is an alter on the spot where the Cross was erected. Under the altar is a brass plate with a hole in it so one can stick his hand in and feel the 394 stone also there is a sliding plate which can be moved to show where the rocks were cracked, not far away is a cistern where the three crosses were found. They had a simple way of telling which was the proper one. They had a sick man touch each cross and naturally the one that cured him was the proper one. Simple if true. The priest believed it was. I bought a rosary for Mary Scalley in the Church and had it blessed at the Alter of the Cross. We also saw the Crusaders Chapel and the swords with which the Knights were accoladed. I think the sword is jenuine although the Pommel is smaller than usual. From here we followed the way of the Cross 395 backwards to the site of the roman fort where the trial [was] took place. We then drove to the Garden of G [*Gethsemane*] there are still olive trees and the Church of the Passion which is very pretty. I forgot to say that the door keeper at the Church of the Suppilcre is a Mohamidan. Also that four secret service men protected me while visiting all the Holy places - lack of faith? We then drove the Mount of Olives there is A Mosk on the spot where the lord took off and while we were there the Muzzen sounded off. The walls of the city are in fine shape and good eleventh century construction. Mohammed also took off for Heaven 396 mounted on a white horse from the Cathedral in the City. We flew back along the beach and passed right over Gaza. Here too the place did not look too formidable. 12-15-43 Her Ladyship arranged for an emenent scholar to show us the sights so we picked him up at the hotel and asked how to get to the Pyramids. He was shocked and grieved and assured us that he knew nothing about them but was a Mosque specialist. I firmly told him that I was not interested in Mosques and told him good by. We picked up a native guide at the Mena house and went to see the Pyramids. The guide knew less about them than I did but we had 397 an interesting time just the age of the things is thrilling. They were just a memory when Rameses II was Pharo. Besides Napoleon had been there. They are not as impressive and to my mind not so large as those at Mexico City. Height 490 Ft. Base about 700. I must look up the Mexican ones. Called on Mr Casey the British Minister and member of their War Council. Had lunch with Alexander Pen and six Sadi Arabian Princes. The latter spoke no known language and did not understand each other very well but were quite fine looking men who wore european clothes under their robes. They are just back from the U.S. apparently there is some sort of an oil deal on. After lunch visited a factory 398 where the B's make dummy Air Planes - Tanks - Guns and even landing craft the tanks run on truck bodies and the boats float. I was told with great pride that the dummies cost only 1/10 as much as an original. Personally I think it is money very much wasted but the people who make them are very enthusiastic. At 5:30 P made a talk on landing operations to about four hundred officers of the Hq. staff it was a good talk and they were quite enthusiastic. 12-16-43 Gen Beaumont Nesbitt took me to Shephards Hotel where I met the rest of the staff and we drove along the Suez road for 2 1/2 hours and finally got to the Combined Operations 399 Training Center which is on the shores of the Small Bitter Lake. I gave a talk. To the instructors and some 200 students including Lt Gen. R.M. Scobie who commands the only corps in Egypt. Inspite of the fact that I am sure the P - PM - and Uncle Joe agreed not to waste men in side shows in the Greek Islands these people are getting ready for just such a show. Their training stuff is about like ours but not so well done and they are making landings in still water I was not impressed although they were quite interested in my talk took notes and asked a lot of questions. Gen Scobie said he had never learned so much in forty five minutes in 400 his life. On the way back we had quite a dust storm Gen SIR HENRY MAITLAND-WILSON had returned, he is large rather fat and stupid but is probably a good soldier. I liked him and he is more impressive than either Alex or Montey. There is a very definate effort on the part of all the staff except Gen. W. to run Monty down and to try and get me to agree with them I did not commit my self 12-17-43 Gen Nesbitt and I met Gen Anders who commands the Polish 2d Corps and drove to the Polish Camp near FAQUS. which is on the eastern They had a guard of honor a very fine one then we had lunch and later inspected units At lunch Gen Anders gave me one of his 401 insignia of a Lt. Gen also the Corps Shoulder Patch a mermaid. I gave him a U.S. and a 7th Army shoulder Patch. He is much of a man has been hit eight times and was C of S of a Russian Div in W.W.I. The troops are the finest looking and best disciplined I have ever seen. They wear British Uniforms. Anders says that they hate the Germans and Russians equally. He says that the Russians murdered 1500 Polish officers in cold blood. Col. Cummings and I drove to Alexandria reaching there after dark the delta which we had to cross looks just like Indio but is wetter. 402 12-18-43 At 1000 Col Mosley of the B's called as representative of Vice Admiral SIR A. Willis C in C Levant and took me to the Yacht Club where some more Admirals met me. We got in a barge and inspected the harbor which is huge and not damaged at all. We landed and inspected the tank repair shop which is in a huge shed however the methods are archaic and they only work ten hours a day. There are practically no machines and it takes them 52 hours to strip and reassemble a tank. They even make gaskets by hand. Not the least notion of modern methods or mass Production and they are very proud of them selves. A very poor show yet flaunted in my face as a 403 model of efficiency. Truly a pathetic race. We were then taken to the Army and RAF joint operations room where we were supposed to marvel at their non- existent efficiency. Yet lots of Americans fall for it because the B's are so self confident. We drove back to Cairo over the desert road. They have signs saying not to halt except at convoy parking places also signs showing the distance to the nearest gas filling point these are ideas worth copying after a drive of 150 miles we reached Cairo. 12-19-43 Left at 0630 by plane for Carnach & Luxor. Maj Emory a noted Egyptologist came along as guide he has been in the country 22 years 404A. Note. Pages 404A-405A up to 410 came in before page 404 See note on that page. and was a member of the Carter expedition. He pointed out several other groups of pyramids also a buried city which he had just started to excavate when the war came. At Carnack air port we got some cars and drove a few miles to the city. Here we took a sail boat and crossed to the west Bank where we got some dilapidated Ford's and drove to the valley of the Kings. Emery showed me how they hunt for tombs. They cut galleries in the face of the hills and can tell if an excavation has occurred by the shape of the stone chips they find. They tell the age by the type of chip. The tombs are built like the houses of those buried in them. And the rooms 405 A are in general filled with the objects which would have been in them in life. The first Tomb we entered was that of King Tut. He was a young and not important King so the Tomb is relatively small. The big ones like that of Rameses II must have contained much more stuff. In Tuts burial chamber there is a huge stone coffin inside which is wooden SARCOPHAGUS covered with gold plate. Actually there were three such cofins the one we saw is number 2 and the body is in it. Number one which was of solid gold valued at 70000 £ used to hold the body but is now in the Cairo Museum as is also number three, the outer one, which is of painted wood. The Valley of the Kings looks like the box Canon 406 A at Indio but is much smaller it is supposed that there are still three undiscovered Royal Tombs in it. We then drove to Thebes about two miles and visited the Tomb of a Prime minister that was discovered by Maj Emory. It is of interest as it shows the methods of work one can see line drawings of the relief, then where they were chipped out in the rough and finally the finished relief. The work is very beautiful. This man started his tomb under the old Orthodox religion and half the carvings are of the old formal type. The other half was done after the reformed faith came in and the figures are much less stiff and more life like. One carving shows the rays of the sun god falling on the Pharo 407 A when the old faith got back the priests cut a line across the rays so that they would not fall on the apostate King - small potatoes? We then drove to the Palace and Temple of Rameses II it is quite a formidable structure with a moat cut in the solid rock. Also the walls are crenelated. While fighting in Syria he had met such walls and copied them. Near by is an artificial lake which he built for his Queen because she had been raised on the seashore and missed a large body of water it is several hundred acres in extent and was all hand work of course now it is dried up but one can still see the banks. Maj Emery says that in all building projects the Pharoes were careful not to take too many men because it interfered with the 408A cultivation of the land. Also they did not keep any one group too long because since they were not soldiers it was feared that they might develop revolutionary ideas if they associated too long. Times have changed very little. We ran that danger with the C.C.C. and will do it now unless we get all our troops into battle. We recrossed the river had lunch at an hotel and then visited first Luxor and then Carnack. These two temples are so huge and grand that it is not possible to describe them. Out side Carnack there is a Roman Forum of average size yet it is so dwarfed by the temple that it is hardly noticeable 409A 12-20-43 Left Cairo at 0630 and reached Palermo at 1430 A great deal of mail was waiting for me. Gen Gay is out of the hospital and looks fine and I am glad to have him back. Had a note from Hughes saying that the Gallop Poll was 77% for me 19% against and 4% not voting. 12-21-43 Read letters and wrote replies all day. I had 38 letters mostly from strangers backing me up and only six cussing me out. I am having copies made of all letters both good and bad. I dont read the bad ones as they simply make me angry to no purpose. Codman leaves for Alger in the morning to buy some Christmas food 410A and drink and to get the latest reaction. He will take Hughes a set of the letters to show him how the wind is blowing. We received a wire to day asking how many officers we need to send to Alger to plan an operation about the size of "Huskey." I replied 200 which is more than I have but I know they will cut me so I had best ask for plenty. I have a hunch that I will not go to the U.K. but will command an attack against the south coast of France probably under the command of Gen Sir H. M. Wilson. If they leave Hughes at Alger as deputy I will get on all right - I will any way 12-22 & 23-43 Nothing. 404 Note due to being somewhat upset by the D.P. incident I numbered the pages from 404A to 410A wrong and wrote on the odd numbered sides first so had to rewrite and re number. This comes in after 410A, and then reads O.K. 12-24-43 Went to the 7th Army officers party at the Hotel it was very nice with a tree and presents and a movi. Later Codman and I went to mid night service at the Episcopal Church there was a huge crowd. We talked over the incident until nearly 0300. He has been of great help and has also been most reassuring. He flew to Alger to get the latest dope getting back this afternoon. 404 Jimmy Doolittle called to see me this P.M. He says that Ike is going to U.K. with Tedder as his deputy. Spaats also goes but is surrounded by B's H. Maitland - Wilson gets AFHQ at Alger. I command a mixed pack to attack from --------. But it will be about 9 Divs. I hope we get the Naval lift - necessary I fear that Wilson will divert some of it to that crazy Greek attack on Rhodes to save the PM's face. Stalin may and I hope will balk at that. I will certainly be glad to fight again and the place is the one which we have been studying for six weeks. But it was not a guess it is the only possible place and I knew it as soon as I looked at the map. I hope the war does not abort until 405 I have a chance to put on another show in Europe so asto be the inevitable choice for Japan. 12-25-43 I got a great many presents and some lovely letters. We had the Navy the Senior British officer Col Poolletti and the heads of all the staff sections for [lunch] Dinner at one. Before that I inspected all that is left of the 7th Army and they were all glad to see me. My men are crazy about me and that is what makes me most angry with Drew Pearson. I will live to see him die. As a matter of fact the ability to survive this has had a good effect on America and on me. My destiny 406 is sure and I am a fool and a coward ever to have doubted it. I don't any more. Some people are needed to do things and they have to be tempered by adversity as well as thrilled by success. I have had both. Now for some more success. 12-26-43 Codman and I went to Church but most of the others over slept. I had a very fine letter from Mr. Stimson. He answered the letter I sent him by Mr McCloy. I would have sent it sooner but Ike was opposed to it. 12-27-43 I woke in the night amazed at the size of the training job which confronts me. I dreamed first that there were 407 endless miles of beach with soldiers training on them. I wish I had just one - just one veteran division and one US Armored div. Apparently I will have 5 French Inf Divs, 2 French Armored Divs and 2 US Inf Divs, In three Corps I wish I could go to Africa and get to work there is a lot to do The French will have to be wholy retrained especially their Armor. I will try to get I. D. White on a loan. I also need some infantry officers I may be able to get wounded ones Possibly Middleton or Terry Allen. Well we will have quite a lot of time and if Hughes Stays he and I can get what we need. I wish to God Ike would leave and 408 take Beadel Smith with him. They cramp my style. Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. Campanole left for Wash to day on a loan he will be with the President for some weeks. He is a loyal and lovable man 12-28-43 Sent Harkins to Alger to find out what is going to happen. Campy left with him enroute to US to accompany the President on a Good Will Trip. 12-31-43 Another year ended I hope I do bigger and better fighting in 1944. Harkins got back yesterday I can't make head or tail of the mess. The 7th Army Staff is going to Alger to Plan "Anvil" but Hughes writes that I wont command Anvil he thinks I am 409 going to U.K. I hope not. I would hate to play too far down in the team also if I do go to england as it seems to be set up it means I go alone to pick up a new staff I prefer my present one to any I have seen. They have stuck by me and I propose to stick by them. Harkins thinks that Italy is over and that we will get at least one Corps from there if so they must be pulled out and rested for at least six weeks. There is no use worrying or guessing. Soon we will know Destiny will keep on floating me down the stream of fate. Adm. Davidson is back and dined with us last night. Col Paulletti brought in an advisory committee for Civil Government on which were a lot of Russians lead by Mr. VYCHINSKI who 410 is the man who got all the confessions from accused Russians in the Trials. He is a benign looking little man with near sighted eyes but very clever. I had a Russian who is a Corporal in G-2 explain the Russian situation on the Big Map to them it made quite a hit. 1-1-44 Received an "Eyes only" radio from Natousa Saying that I will be relieved from Command of the 7th Army to day. And report to Alger for further information. That 7th Army Staff will plan "Anvil" and that when he thinks he should quit Italy Clark will notify AFHQ and be assigned to command the 7th Army. That no transfers between the staff of the 5 & 7 Armies will be made with out higher authority. That 411 The 5 Army will have only 88-85-34 & 1st Armd Divs The 3-45-36 coming to 7th Army for veteran spear head. The training center will be moved to Italy. I feel terribly not so much for my self as for my staff who have stuck with me all the time in good weather and bad. I suppose that I am going to England but if they use me simply for training and not for command I will resign. It is, I think, unpardonable to keep a man of my rank and attainments waiting. It is just one more thing to remember when the time comes to pay my debts. A Hell of a Happy New Year. 412 1-2-44 Flew to Alger after Church arriving 1330. Hughes met me and was very nice. He knows nothing about this Anvil plan than I do and agrees with me that it is totally unreasonable and crazy. 1-3-44 Went to see Carey Crane assistant G-3 but was careful to ask no questions about myself or who conceived this plan. On the face of it the thing looks like an attempt to Save Clark from the onus of his utter failure in Italy. Probably it was decided to let me relieve him while he got the new job then some one decided to make Lucas the goat. Called on Hewitt to say good by he is on his way home for a short visit. He was most outspoken in his regret that he and I were to do Anvil together. Saw a copy of a letter by 413 a British General in which he said "We don't need to worry being commanded by an American. Ike is only a political general and cannot command as he has never had any experience." I wired Air V. Marshall Park asking if I could accept his invitation to visit Malta he replied yes and we fly up tomorrow. I can't see how any normally intelligent person could inspire this fool change of staffs. It is unfair and insulting to me but is heart breaking for the staff of 7th Army. Who have been utterly loyal and now find that their efforts get them no where it is damnable. I hope I find out who did it and then get to a position so that I can realy hurt him. I have contemplated asking to be relieved but will stick it least 414 for the present. B gave me "The Duke" a life of Wellington and he too had many adversities. Fate. 1-4-44 Left Alger at 1000 Flew to Tabessa on the way passed over a rather large Roman ruin with a temple and Theater that is not even listed on the map. Took a picture. All the dump areas at Tabessa are cleaned up. (Picture). Hunted for and found another Roman ruin N of Tabessa - Fariana road I saw it in the distance once in March. Took a picture of Fariana It was quite thrilling to fly over Gasfa and El Guetar hundreds of memories surged up and all were of success. Had I gone up in a plane I feel that I might have evaded some errors. Certainly had the Division comdes 415 done so they would have. I took several pictures of Jebel Burda the plateau we shelled with P.W. etc. (The gum tree road looks quite different from the air than it does on the map. It was never as much of an obstacle as I thought. El Guetar was a great school for me but at the moment I don't seem able to practice my knowledge.) a far less dangerous Arrived Malta at 1500 Park met me and showed me all around the air fields. His men are the best disciplined and smartest air men I have ever seen and I told him so. At 1830 we went to the SAN. LORENZO Palace built in 1620 by the then Grand Master. Lord F.M. Gorth lives here and Codman Stiller and I are staying here 416 as Park is going to Cario and his house is packed. Lord Gorth is most charming and quite a man he has a V.C. three DSO's and a 70 foot yawl. Played Pool after dinner no running water or heat in Palace. 1-5-44 Capt ADC took us to see the sights. The forts are artillery proof stone structures not quite Vauban but pretty good and very well built. The library was most interesting I saw a codex of 1420 being the story of St Anthony from birth to death he was continually be set with women or rather devils in the shape of women. They all have horns sort of turned in with their head dresses There was one very interesting picture in this set which showed an 417 an Armorers Shop with suits of armor hanging up for sale. These suits were both mail and plate and ranged from late 1100 to 1400 showing clearly that there must have been a trade in second hand Armor so that one is wrong in thinking of Armor as of distinct dates. Every Knight had to have 16 crosses of nobility before he could join all these are preserved and are a great genealogical record. Some of the illuminated M.S. are beautiful. Even after printing came in the capitals were painted in by hand. The knights had to vow Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. They only kept the last vow they were not Priests. Dock yard was most interesting and shows that air bombing is important to destroy a harbor 418. 1-6-44 Left Malta at 0900. Park came to see me off. Island is very densely populated some 2000 to the acre it is full of walls and houses and churches and is utterly not self supporting. Reached Palermo at 1030 all the mountains are covered with snow. I called all the Chiefs of Sections in at 1330 and had Gay read the order relieving me from the 7th Army. I told them not to worry but to be as loyal to Clark as they have been to me. I thanked them for their loyalty and then choked up and quit. Well if the 3d Cav was baptized in blood and fire and came out steel I have been rolled in the mud and have come out with my faith and a sense of humor. 419 1-7-44 Made out recommendations for the promotion of Gay to M.G. Cummings, Muller, Nixon and Franklin to be BGs Also had two copies made of recommendations for DSM for officers of 7th Army which had been turned down I am taking all these to Italy tomorrow and am going to ask both Clark and Lucas to do what they can to get them approved. It is the most and the least I can do for men who have been utterly loyal to me. 1-8-44 Landed at Napoli at 1000. Lt. Col. Southerland Clark's ADC met me with two cars and two motor cycles. We drove to CASERTA where Clark has his Hq. The rear echelon occupies the Bourbon Palace a huge building 420 of 2400 rooms which with its grounds served as the model for VERSAILLES. The advanced C.P. where Clark advertises that he lives with his troops is some 4000 yards further north but still in the palace grounds. He and Grunther have caravans there and a large wooden hut. This dangerous position is some three hours fast driving from the front lines. Both Grunther and Clark were most condescending and treated me like an undertaker treats the family of the deceased. It was rather hard to take especially as I am certain that they pulled the wires which got me removed from Anvil but I had to be nice as I wanted my men promoted and decorated. I then drove with Codman to see Keyes 421 whose C.P. is well up Keyes met me on the road and we went to see the right side of his front. I slept in a Caravan for the first time and think them very comfortable. 1-9-44 Keyes, Codman, Lowman and I drove up to see Honk Allen's attack we climbed a high hill and inspite of my practice at Palermo I was quite out of breath so were the rest. Honk had his OP in a house, the only one on the hill this is a mistake as houses, especially isolated ones, draw fire. Honk is doing pretty well but is too far back. He has taken his objective but the British on his left failed as usual to take theirs and are trying to blame Allen saying that fire from his 422 hill got them in flank This is not true. They failed because they only sent in a battalion where a regiment was needed. In the P.M. we visited Ryder at the Hq 34 Div. He still has his bumb C of S whom I told him to get rid of in Tunisia. He seemed full of reasons why things could not be done. We then drove down to an Artillery OP and climed up to have a look on the way down one of our batteries close by started to fire so I stopped to take a picture. We then started down again and a salvo of four shells struck. Two in the road where we would have been but for the picture and two on top of the hill where we had done the observing. It was a nice volley as they all arrived together and well 423 grouped. None was more than 30 feet from where we were yet no one was hit. Codman had some fragments hit his helmet and a piece of a [ricochet] a shell nose struck with in a few inches of my foot but was evidently a ricochet as it did not bury. At the foot of the hill was a cave full of ammunition and sleeping men. A fragment set this off and I never saw men move so fast one fat fellow turned two summersaults getting out and lit running. However a lieutenant and several men came back at once to see that no wounded were in the cave, that was good. None had been hit. I gave Keyes my fleece lined over shoes as it is very cold. (We spent the night at VI Corps Hq which is 424 south of Caserta. Lucas was fine. He does not expect to get the 5th Army when Clark leaves, thinks some home town boy from Washington will get it. I hope he is wrong.) 1-10-44 Told Clark good by. He says that due to the efforts of the P.M. more emphasis is being placed on SHINGLE to such an extent that ANVIL may not have the troops or the boats to come off. If this is so it may produce trouble with Stalin as Anvil was definitely promised him. Clark and the B. Navy between them have changed the date on Shingle three times it is set too soon now. No rehearsal. The left corner of Clark's mouth is slightly drawn down as if he had been slightly 425 paralyzed. He is quite jumpy so is Grunther. Drove to see 3rd Div Truscott was as usual and we had a long talk on river crossings. He has done one. They are like landings. Also talked on rifle fire and heavy weapons he has no changes to offer on what I have written. Sent for Francis Gravis and saw him just a child. Could not locate Jim Totten he is supposed to be in Sicily looking for me. Reached Palermo at 1600 no news no Totten. 1-11-12-13-44 Nothing 1-14-44 Gay had a letter from Col Harkins which is quite discouraging. Clark has sent Gen Caffey 426 to Algers to represent him with Planning of Anvil. Caffey is no good so Clark must think the show is off. Also we are already pressed for time on the requisitions. I wish this thing would clear up. x 1-15-44 Gay, The Doc, Murnaine, Stiller & Lt. Busey left at 0800 for TROINA by car. Gays and my car both broke down so we rode in a Command Car and a Weapons Carrier. It was quite cold at 3900 ft. The town is much less hurt than one would expect and only 240 civilians were killed. Count Rogers Castle is now part of the Church but is clearly Norman and I saw some pieces of what I think are roman brick in the cellar. The priest knew 427 something of the history but not much. I had hoped to get to Enna before dark to see the castle there which is supposed to be built on a Roman Basilica but it was dark. No news of what will happen to me. [*Type here*] [*omit*] Gay made one profound remark. He said why did Bradley storm it we had it cut off. Of course to use the road east we had to have the town but could have probably have taken it just as easily and quickly by surrounding it.) On the way to Troina we stopped off to look at the Chateau at CERAMI there is little left of it but the town is worth seeing as it is by all odds the most filthy place I have yet been in. It is amazing how the animals can live with such dirty people not how the 428 people can live with dirty animals.) 1-16-44 Gen. Joyce and two aides came at 1600 and stayed all night he is apparently on the way out (but gave no sign of being bitter.) 1-17-44 Saw Gen Joyce off in the morning. Came to office and am either coming down with some disease or else have Cathar very badly. I simply don't feel like doing a thing so am going home. I do wish something would eventuate about my self. 1-18-44 Feel allright this morning. Sgt. Meeks told me after breakfast that he had heard on the radio last night that Gen. Bradley had been made commander of the ground troops in England. I suppose that this 429 means that he will command the American Army Group. I had thought that possibly I might get this command. It is another disappointment but so far in my life all the disappointments I have had have finally worked out to my advantage although at the time it is hard to see how they will. If I am Predestined as I feel that I am this too will eventually be to my advantage. Bradley is a man of great mediocrity. At Benning he failed to get discipline. At Gafsa when it looked as if the Germans might turn our right flank on April 5-6 he suggested that we withdraw Corps Hq. to Feriana. I refused to move. In Sicily when the 45th Div approached CEFALU he halted them for fear of a possible German landing east of TERMINI. I had to order him to move 430 and told him I would be responsible for his rear that timidity lost us one day. He tried to stop the landing operation (no 2) east of Cape D'ORLANDO because he thought it was dangerous. I told him I would take the blame if it failed and that he could have the credit if it was a success. Finally on the night of August 16-17 he asked me to call off the landing east of MILAZZO for fear our troops might shoot at each other. He also failed to get word to all units of the II Corps of the second Para Troop landing. However he wears glasses talks profoundly and is a shooting companion of the C of S. Also a loyal man. I suppose that all that has happened is calculated to get my morale so that I will say 'oh what 431 the Hell stick it up your ass I'll go home" But I won't I still believe. 1-19-44 Nothing 1-20-44 Capt Carey of the Navy came to call he says that "Shingle" is pretty dubious as the beaches are bad and largely unknown and that in the event that the LST's can't land they are to be landed LCVP's. This is always difficult and if a coastal battery at one end of the beach is not taken out by the Rangers it will be nearly impossible. At a rehearsal some nights ago 40 Ducks were lost. I think that the British 1st Div is using the Ducks. If the thing is a success Clark will take the Credit if it fails Lucas will get the blame. 432 1-21-44 Col Codman located Madame Markoni who is head of the Museum in Palermo and she took us to HIMERA. The Temple is on the flat at the base of the Hill just west of the River. After the Capture by Hamilkan in 405 B.C. it was utterly destroyed by him as it was in my opinion the site of the sacrifice of the elder Hannibal. I think that the greeks erected it on that site. If this idea is current Himera (Town) was on the western of the two cusps of the hill.) 1-22-44 Gay, Codman, Madame Marconi, Col Odom, Stiller and Murnane and I flew to Castlevetrano where we met the cars and drove to SELONiOUS which is now called SELiNUNTE. Until yesterday I had always thought 433 that this place was SCiACCA but I was wrong. On the hill west of the town there are three temples completely wrecked by an earthquake the northern one that of Appollo is the largest in sicily and must have been very magnificent but it was never finished and only a few of the columns are fluted. We then visited the town where there are several smaller but older temples the wall of the town to the north where it was most vulnerable is most interesting. (There is a double wall the inner one having flanking towers on each side of the gate. In front of the outer wall is a ditch and on the near side of the ditch a hollow way with openings leading into the ditch for the counter attack of those who got into the ditch.) 434 beyond the ditch and connected to the main wall by a double walled passage is a semi circular cut work which in its turn is defended by a mote moat? with a draw bridge.) In my opinion this is a more complicated form of defense than was known in 350 BC I have a hunch that it smells of Norman influence and was erected much later however the stone work seems to be Greek. (I confess I am a little confused.) (Coming back we flew over Moyta and ERICE) When I got home I had a telegram as follows.) To: CG 7th Army, for Patton 22 Jan 44 George S Patton Jr. Lt. Gen 02605 US Army, Orders issued relieving you from assignment and duty this Theater and assigning you to duty in U.K. Request you proceed Natousa Algiers for orders CG Natousa)". Looking at it in respect to the chain of events 435 this sounds logical. But on the other hand why have they been so slow about it and why have they taken all of my staff. It makes it most difficult for my people and for me. I wired Devers who is I think is in Italy asking him if he wants me to await him here or what. Radio says VI Corps landing at mouth of Tyber is a success. 1-23-44 Went to Church and spent the rest of the day doing up my desk and doing the other things incident to packing. 1-24-44 Took off at 1030 with Col Cummings, Lt Col Codman and self for Algeria. Met by Col Harkins. Went to Hughes office who knew nothing but that Devers had heard I was 436 at Palermo and had wired W.D. for orders for me. When they came they simply told me to proceed to U.K. 1-25-44 Left Algeria at 1200 in a C-54 with 250 pounds of extra luggage and one female secretary belonging to Ike. Arrived Marrakech at 1600 and went to Taylor Villa which is run by Air Corps for Visiting strangers. There are no charges which I think is a mistake as it wastes good money and people are not appreciative of what they get free. Brigadier Dumphie B's who was wounded with me in Tunisia was there and had no Silver Star! asked him where his was and he said he had never gotten one so Codman gave him his and we pinned it on. Left for Preswick in a commercial G-54 at 2400. Told Planning staff 7th Army good by with sincere regret. 437 1-26-44 Arrived Prestwick at 0945 after a perfect trip save for the last hour when there was no visibility. Col Henry AC met us and was most obliging I shaved and we had a good breakfast. Left Preswick at 1100 in a C-47. Pea soup all the way: could not land at the point we meant to. Gen J C H Lee and Butch met me. Lee put Codman and me up at his flat. Called on Ike at office and found I am to command 3d Army. All novices and in support of Bradleys 1st Army not such a good job but better than nothing. Ike asked me to dinner Kay, Butch, British ADC and a WAC Capt present. Ike very nasty and show offish - he always is when Kay is present - 438. criticized Lee for his flamboyance which he - Ike - would give a million to possess. Well I have an Army and it is up to me. "God show the right." 27th Start from zero 1-27-44 Had a talk with Lee and his C of S showing the set up. Went to see Beadel Smith who looked well and was in rare form - SOB - Then Bradley came and was very nice and modest. I also called on Tedder who seemed genuinely glad to see me. After lunch went to see Bradleys plans which I consider bad; the landings are so close that an attack against one affects the whole thing. As it is now set up Bradley with the 1st Army of 6 Inf and two Armored Divs lands on a 2 Div front the B's to his left, east land on a 3 div front. 439 After B has gotten the Port of - the 3d Army comes ashore at the port we take Normandie and Britany then counter march and come up on the right of the 1st Army While all this is going on two other US Armies land. A hell of a lot of things can happen before that time. Got Beadel to approve a list of 15 7th Army officers for transfer here. Both Ike and Beadel strongly advised me to get rid of Gay, I am not doing it. Bradley and Beadel rate Truscott, Middleton, Gillem ahead of Keyes I don't see why. Well I am off to a bad start but am on my way. In addition to general "Overlord" Plan. There is a plan called Rankin A & B & C to be put into effect should the Bosch cave. I feel that there should be still another plan to be put in effect in case 440 Bradley and the 1st Brit. Army get a bloody nose. I feel that we should then land at the narrowest place by day under all the air we can get & simply blow a hole we may well have to do this. [1-28-44] Got on Lee's special train "Alive" at 1600. Col Heriz-Smith Chief B liaison officer with SOS, and Col. Vaughn U.S.C.O. W.B.S. Train too fine. Dined and drank. [*Type better omit*] 1-28-44 Arrived at GOUROCK at 0700 Met by Col. CROTHERS C.O. 26th District SOS. Inspected QM and Air Force Depots and Gen Hospital #50. We started after lunch to board the Ile de France but weather too rough. Lt Gen Sir William Thomson and Maj Gen Sir Eric Girdwood Air Commander Hawes and Admiral Hill came to Tea After dinner Boarded 441 boarded Queen Mary to welcome advance party 3d Army under Col. Molly Williams. Gen Thompson asked me to make a talk to all officers which I did first telling them that I was not to be mentioned. Took Williams and his party of 13, O 26 EM on train and left for KNUTSFORD.) 1-29-44 Col Jacobs met us and took us to Hq. 3d Army at PEOVER Hall and TOFT HALL Camp. Was not too pleased with proposed arrangement of Hq. at Toft Hall so decided to move advanced echelon to Peover Hall. Work done by SOS was excellent and remarkably quick. In PM visited board of Ship Canal Co at Manchester and met Mr. R. D. Brown the manager and members of his staff. Visit seemed futile to me. 442 Went to Red Cross Club in Manchester which is run by Miss Hendrickson, Mr. Cassidy and Lady Oliver Leese wife of the C.G. 8th Army. Later they all came to dinner on train. also Mr & Mrs Brown all seemed very nice. The Station Master who is one of the two in England who wears a silk hat called to have a drink. Lee puts on a good show but I feel that he is too ostentatious. Train left for CHELTENHAM during night. [*omit type better*] 1-30-44 (Went to Field Hq SOS and Gen Weaver Dept. C.G. SOS give us the set up. Went to Church. Talked to Col Laymon head of Replacement units for the SOS.) Drove to LITTLE COMPTON MANOR for Lunch with Maj Fruity and Lady 443 Alexander Metcalf. He was the Duke of Windsors ADC and she is the youngest Courzon. Her sister married Oswald Moseley just released from jail. Miss Moseley came to lunch big fine looking girl with tragic face. On way home drove through Cotts wolds and inspected PW Enclosure No 1 near BLOCKLEY also the Ord Depot at ASHCHURCH which is most impressive and is run by a Col. Richmond ex NCO Cav. Dinner for SOS staff where I made a speech, and again warned that I was incognito. 1-31-44 SOS weekly staff conference. I made speech which was good and alive. Warned I was a myth. Reached London at 1530 went to see Beadle Smith. 444 We were both charming. Had dinner with him and Miss Weston his girl. I let him do all the talking and played him up. Washed mouth later. [P Wood's Div (4th Armd) is fine and in good shape] x 2-1-44 Left by car at 0800 to visit 4th Armd Div Gen. P. Wood near Badminton lovely drive. Passed huge Dolmen supposed to have been "Thrown up by Merlin" he must have been very ill as it covers 16 acres and is several hundred feet high. P was delighted to see me we inspected troops all afternoon and found them in fine shape except 46th Med Bn Lt Col. Mailliord which was dirty. P is a good leader. He wants to get the 988 Treadway Bridge Co which used 445 to belong to his Engr. Bn. He should also have mine detectors. Senior officers came to dinner. 2-2-44 Talked to all officers of the Div. Inspected remaining units. Div is Superior. In PM. called on Mr. Fred Darling who trains the Kings horses. He and I agreed on need of length from point of hip to point of buttock so are true friends. Looked at Druid ruins. Went to a play in London by the Lunts "There Shall Be no more Night" after play we met them. Miss Hall and Gen Donivan called about 2100. 2-3-44 Had long talk with Bradley and met J. L. (Joe) Collins Wilkies younger brother 446 Called on Gen Spaatz and told him he and I might have to pull the chestnuts out of the fire if the attack of 1st Armies bitches. We are of one mind on going shortest water route and blasting a hole. He is fed up with the B's and said: "We have paid a hell of a price for the Supreme Command" We have. We both feel that instead of "Overlord" we should have shot the works in Italy and Toulon. Bought two pairs of boots at Faulkners one short one long. Also a Coat and pair of trousers at Weatherills. Went to a farce "While the Sun Shines". Then to dinner with Marian Hall, Lady Cavendish Col Castles etc. Air raid came on but 447 no one was disturbed it lasted all night. 2-4-44 Drove to Knutsford via Banbury, Chelsea Brimingham Stratford. At latter place we had lunch at William and Mary Hotel. B and I stopped here in room named "Two Gentlemen from Verona in 1910 almost 34 years but seems shorter. 2-5-44 Wired to expedite arrival of rest of 3d Army Staff. Asked for Koch. To keep Hodges from being reduced I have to be attached to 3d Army till he is made a Lt Gen now he is only a Lt Gen by virtue of commanding the 3d Army. We got a Badminton sit and Col Williams and I played a game 448 John Peel used to own this house. Monteys ADC phoned last night asking me to see him at 1000 on Feb 11. I will go to Ireland on Monday to see 15 Corps. 2-6-44 Went to the Peover Chapel this morning and was put in the Master of the Hall's place right next to me was a very fine efigy of a recumbent knight and his lady the armor seemed late 1300. There are two other such tombs in the chapel. Called on Maj & Mrs. Lester Warren who are the parents of Gen Leese wife they have a huge place with a brick wall entirely around it seemed quite real. Rote up some notes for future exortations to units. The more I see 449 of this fool thing of swapping staffs the more I: "Thank what ever Gods there be for my unconquerable soul." 2-7-44 (Drove to Hq. WBS, SOS where they had a guard of honor and give me a guard to the Air Port where I boarded a De Havelan Rapid made 1920 it was a biplane with two motors and a woolen fabric body top speed 100 MPH. At 1000 we had heavy head wind and reached Hq. XV Corps at LURGAN at 1200. In PM inspected 2d Inf. Div at ARMAGH in company with Col Allen Corps. G-3. Big Martin commands in the absence of Gen Robinson who is at Front in Italy. Martin talked too much Div is in excellent shape so far as one can tell - by a hasty glance.) It is Then drove to the MOURNE Mt. Area to inspect 5th Div. Gen Erwen 450 he used to command artillery in 9th Div. I got him promoted. This Div has been in Iceland too long but will come out.) On returning to Hq. was told to call Ike on phone. He wanted me to come and see him about Hughes whome he feels is getting [?] by Jake. Ike may want me to take Hughes in the 3d Army. I will do any thing for Hughes. Tried to do a little missionary work with Col LOVATT C of S 2-8-44 Allen, Menare and I drove to OMAGH Area to see 8th Div Gen McMahon who is at front. It struck me as a good Division. I gave a talk to all senior officers, first warning them that I was a secret. Later I talked briefly to various units. HAISLIP back, he was a little on the patronizing side but I don't think it was intentional. Talked to remaining senior 451 officers and generals of the Corps. Warned I was a myth. 2-9-44 Haislip, Allen and I inspected 6th Cav Mec. at TANDRAGEE Area they made a very fine impression. Corps Engrs seemed good. Made talks Flew back in very bad weather. Hap, Cummins Odom are here will see them in London in the morning. Feel like I had a disease. 2-10-44 Left PEOVER at 0800 reached London at 1245. Had lunch and went to see Tailor. Hap, Cummins, Odom, Murnane all came to house at 1500 I was delighted to see them. Koch, Hammond, Harkins and Muller will arrive about 26 unless something happens. We all went to a Musical Comedy which was very poor then had supper 452 afterwards. 2-11-44 Brad and I went to Monteys Hq at 1000. De Gungan C of S and Gen who commands British 2d Army Gen Q. Staff, Monty Bradley and My self. Monty - who is an actor - but not a fool - made the wise dicision to cut out the rocket boats and the [gulters?] tanks. He also outlined the general plan of Campaign. In some things I think him too optimistic in others too cautious. One Div followed by rest of one Corps 3d Army goes in with Bradley. Possibly the two Armored divs via same route. These will start in on D+10 (?) rest of 3d Army D+25. It is not a very critical job for me but things can develop almost any way at any time. One can make his own job in Sicily I was destined to 453 cover the rear of the 8th Army but I did not. "Little John told me that it was Brigadier SUGDEN who said, "Patton is such a thruster that soon he will have Monty surrounded." Called on Ike at his house as he had asked me to. He said that he was rather reluctant to bring up the question but what did I think about taking Hughes on as C of S as Devers had declared H. surplus Ike said that he was not making the suggestion due to lack of confidence in Gay. I said that I would take H. and felt sure that Gay would understand - I had already guessed this move and had spoken to Gay - It will not be too easy on any of us but I doubt if it lasts. Gen. Kenner had us in for a drink. He brought me two letters one from B Jr & R-E 454 x 2-12-44 Went to see Bradley in the morning to get a joint note we were writing on the question of one extra Col per Div to replace casualties. Haislip and Erwin suggested it in Ireland and I got Brad to come in and Ike said if Brad and I would write a note he would put it over. Later Saw Ike in his office and asked him for Gar Davidson he sent a wire for him to GCM I hope it does not make Jake Devers mad and cause him to hold up Harkins and the rest of my staff. Ike says that Devers is .22 calaber and I rather concur but some others are not over .32 Cal them selves. Ike said of me to me "You are fundimentally honest on the larger issues but are too fanatical in 455 your friendships." It is a good thing some one is. Drove to Peover in four and a half hours. The bridge head south of Rome is apt to be lost. Monty told us that on the 10th we had already evacuated 4000 Vehicles. If we lose that beach it will be bad but so much sloath or timidity were shown at the start that the thing was doomed. Only 8 miles in 12 days. I would have been in Rome. I hope I don't have to go back and straighten things out. 2-13-44 Gay, Codman, Cummins, Murnaine, Odom and self went to Church at Peover Chapel. Codman and I went to lunch with the LESTER-WARRENS at a most beautiful house and picture gallery in 456 Knutsford (Knutes Ford) Gen Sir William Bromley-Davenport the Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire and his wife were present The L-W's are a run out noble family but must have been hot numbers at one time. There is a great deal of talk about gas from the B's and also from some of our own people. In my opinion the Germans will not use it. As an offensive weapon to win a war gas is O.K. but as a means of defering the loosing of a war its use is foolish. February 14 1944 Lt. Gen SCHRiVER commanding the W Defense District called at 1000 we had a MP guard of honor the band a borrowed one from the 360th Gen Service Engr Regt played the ruffles but not the flourishes Walked for forty minutes and played badminton for 45 more. The Manwaring 457 family took care of the Over Peover Chapel for 800 years and there is only a little paper sign to show for it. I think that the Efigies are not good asto Armor. 2-15-44 Gave a talk to all the officers and men of 3d Army now in this vicinity. Notes for talk as follows: Discipline - smart - Best. Letters - Censorship WHY Fight - Honor - joy of battle Mental Attitude - eager, fierce - fear P.W. - search don't trust, Dig or Die - hit dirt, shoot Surrender - Mines - AA & Air Repeat Best.- Congratulations. Think this is a good sequence all men paid close attention time 25 min. 2-16-44 At 0130 Codman had a phone from Butch for me to 458 report to Ike at once Codman said we would start at once as it would take 4 1/2 hours. Butch then said to report prior to 1200. We took off by car at 0600 and arrived at 20 Grosvenor Sq. at 1045. When I went in Ike said "I'm afraid you will have to eat crow for a little while." I said "What have I done?" He replied "You may have to take command of the beach head in Italy and straighten things out." I replied that "It was not eating crow but a great compliment." He then gave me a radio from Alex to the Combined C of S's in which Alex said, in effect, no drive in VI Corps. British had sustained most of the losses (I doubt this) "if you can't send me a thruster like George Patton I recommend putting a British officer in 459 command. I have already sent a B. MG to Hq VI Corps to spur them on a little." Ike said he would never consent to letting the B's have the command but that he would loan me for a month as the only fighting general in the army. They have sent a wire offering me. Alex, Wilson, Devers and Clark will consider it. I told Ike that I wanted to go but must be backed by him as other wise I would be made a goat. He said he would back me and would report the whole thing to GCM by special messenger. I suppose I am the only person in the world who would be elated at a chance to comit personal and official suicide. But I am tickled to death and will make it go. 460 2-17-44 Went to Middlesex Hospital at 0945 to have a spot on my lip treated with X Ray While there Lt Col Lee phoned to say that Ike said I could return to Knutsford. Nothing more. He did not even think it worth while to tell me what had happened. Gaffey reported at 1245 ready to go as C of S of the expedition. I was also going to take I. D. White as G-3 and Williams as Artillery Officer. I could not take Gay as he has to stay and keep the 3d Army in shape. Gay came down to see me off and warn me to get rid of the 5d Army staff for fear that they would cut my throat. He was working on the assumption that I was to relieve Clark. We were all very sorry that the show was called off it 461 would have been very risky but much honor could have been gained. No man can live for ever. Gen Wedemeyer came in at 1400 to see me. He told me that Truscott was to relieve Lucas in the beach head. He also told me that when he was in India he got some clippings about D.P. and me and had written a letter to GCM praising me. He sent me a copy of the letter. He said that on his own initiative Adm. Mountbaten also wrote GCM to the same effect. 2-18-44 Went to see Bradley at 0900 and told him we should be prepared to land the 3d Army at Calais if the 1st Army and the British get boxed up as was highly possible 462 The thought had never occurred to him but he thought well of it, and said that if it came off he would trade an amphibiously trained Div from the 1st Army with one of mine not so trained. I feel that there is much merit in the plan as it would disperse German reserves and give room for maneuver. At the moment there are 52 German Divs in Holland Belgium and France forty of which can oppose us. I hope the strength of the opposition does not bluff us out at the last minute. I still feel that the B's do not have their heart in it. I had a long talk with Butcher yesterday in which he told me that Post War divergence of aimes was already causing friction between 463 us and the B's which was also coloring Military operations. Alex is certainly trying to suggest that the failure in Italy is due to us. Called on Ike to say good by he was very cavalier and told me of a General who had captured a pacific Island in a "nearly Perfect" maneuver (he did not have to fight until after he had gotten ashore). Ike is going to get him for a Corps Commander. I told him that we had also done pretty well in landings. This made him mad. He has an unfortunate habit of under rating all Americans who come under him. I wish to [god] God he was more of a soldier and less of a politician. Called on Beadle Smith to bone bootlick. 464 Also on Gen Hull. We had a long talk he agrees with me that both Clark and Montey are timid He told me that GCM said "I wish Patton was commanding at the Beach Head." Also he said that Middleton and an unnamed Col. (Probably ropes) told him that I captured Sicily inspite of Monty and that while I had driven them further than they thought men could endure they would love to fight under me any time. Hull is going to Italy to find out why Rome was not taken. There was quite a big raid later we could hear the Planes and also the machine guns. 2-19-44 Left for Peover at 0904 having stopped to tell Gen Lee good by 465 about five or six blocks from Grosvenor Sq. we came on several blocks in which all the glass had been smashed last night we also saw some houses on side streets that were flat. It was snowing when we started then we had heavy fog. Went to dinner with Mr & Mrs Frank Stockdale at Alderly Edge Cheshire. There is not much left of him he lost an ear, most of an arm and a shoulder and lung in the last war. She is realy pretty and nice. We have been struck with how few pretty women or girls there are in England. 2-20-44 Called on Mr R. D. Brown Chief Engineer Manchester Ship Canal. He is not much. 466 2-21-44 Worked on a Letter of Instructions #1 for Corps, Divs & Separate Unit Commanders. 2-22-44 The Red Cross had a grand opening of a Red Cross Officer's Club in Manchester The Lord Mayor of Manchester and several other Mayors were present all with their chains of office on. Also there was an American who knew the Merrills. Lord Derby was there he is very old and drooly with a collar far too big for him but he is quite a personality just the same. Lady Leese seemed to be running the show and introduced me to every one from Lord Derby to the cook. 2-23-44 Lt. Gen. ECA SCHREIBER in charge of the Western Defense Command asked Gay, 467 Codman and my self to lunch. We were met by a motorcycle escort and had a guard of honor some of the men had more than two months service but were very soldierly and well set up better than Our troops under similar conditions. Col Brewster of the Amphibious training command came to dinner. He commanded "E" Battery at Myer. He gives me the impression that there is a lot of useless fear of Pil boxes, mines and wire. The officers doing the training have never been in a landing yet we have many available in Africa who have. The trouble is theater jealousy Devers refused to let any of his officers go as observers to Sicily and never secured any experienced officers from there. 468 We suffer very much from lack of command. No one is running the show. Certainly Africa and UK should be under one commander so he could exert pressure where and as he chose. Ike has no conception of physical command as he has never exercised it. 2-24-44 Played golf for the first time in over forty years. Did very badly but it is an easy and fairly amusing means of getting exercise. 2-25-44 Capt Murnane got me two golf sticks and some balls and I practiced in Pasture did better as he coached me. Codman who had not had one in his hand since he was eight hit some good balls. Fear I am bitten by the golf bug. 469 2-26-44 Bradley called up to ask if I would come to London on Tuesday to discuss what could be done to the new type Armored Div to improve it with out realy reorganizing it. Gen Walker and all Armored Division Commanders will be present. When we were in Tunisia last year Gen McCreery then C of S to Alex was loud in his ideas that the US Armored div be cut down to more nearly the British model. Gen Ward and some of the 1st Armored also favored this. Ike sent Gen Harmon up to investigate and make a report. Harmon and I talked it over and we agreed that the original Div was O.K. but should have another infantry battalion and more reconnaissance. I wrote Gen McNair to the same effect and also 470 wrote Jake Devers. Apparently no one paid any attention to us but changed to a modified British model. I don't think that the difference is too great but it is a curious added evidence of the mania to trust any one but Americans. Some weeks ago when I was talking to Spaatz he remarked "We are paying too high a price for Supreme Command." We are especially when we don't exercise it and are just pawns. I fear that after we get landed in France we will be boxed in a beach head due to timidity and lack of drive that is latent in Monty. I hope I am wrong. 2-27-44 Had the Parson for lunch then lunched with the Leicester-Warren's at Tabley house. Lord Edgerton of Totten was there he is 471 a portly deaf little man part of whose property we are using. Also Maj Becke Chief Constable and his wife were there. They are all real people. Cols Koch and Hammond arrived from Africa and were delighted to be here. Mr Frank Stockdale told me that he had never met such loyal and enthusiastic supporters as my staff. He knows most of them. [*omit type better*] 2-28-44 (Called Bradley to suggest that he have a chart of the two types of Armored Divs handy for comparison tomorrow.) 2-29-44 Left Peover at 0800 very cold and a heavy mist so that for the first two hours there was not over 100 yds visibility. Got to meeting 472 at 1335 five minutes late found Brad, Ike, Watson (3) Gaffey (2), Wood (4) Oliver (5) and Grow (6) also Walker (20 Corps) all present. (After a brief discussion it was decided to leave the 2 & 3 divs as now organized and to correct the organization of the other divs as follows, Add to Signal section by utilizing 15% overhead. To increase organic transport by 10 2 1/2 ton trucks wiht trailers and 10 peeps. That the proposed new table for Artillery Hq solved problem, when put into effect. 4. To add one QM Service Co. platoon to Each Div from those allotted to Army.(19) That the shortage in trucks can be met temporary attachment of Truck Bns. Gen Ike also said that so far as possible AA & AT units attached would stay attached. He further suggested that Regiments be given names of dead 472 soldiers. Gen. Courtney Hodges was also present. He seemed quite depressed. Called on Hughes his job is to act as personal representative of the C in C In other words his eyes. The day Hughes went in to report he met Brig Gen McClure press relations failure coming out. Ike told him that McClure had expressed the opinion that I should not command an army due to my reputation and that Hughes was to investigate. Devers certainly treated Everett in a nasty way he is a very small caliber man though he has been decent to me in releasing members of old 7th Army. As I was walking home there was an air alert but nothing much happened. 3-1-44 Called on Mrs Horace 473 Hutchinson who is quite a character and a good sport.) Her husband was Amateur Golf Champion of England around 1890. sister-in-law of my Went to Middle Sex Hospital about my lip. Prof. Wyndham says it is coming along fine he has treated three British generals for the same thing. I waited 1 1/4 hours to see Ike but he was busy so made time with Kay to good effect. Took Elizabeth P. and Everett to lunch at Claridges then we went dog hunting and got one to be sent up on approval. Then took Everett to the Hospital as he has the Flu. Called on Ike. He told me that while he would not order me to replace Gay he certainly wanted me to do so as he felt that Gay did not have the personality of back ground to represent me at other Hq or to take over 474 should I get hit. Keyes has always felt the same way. Of course I owe my assigned selection for Torch to Ike though I have paived my way since. I will try to get Gaffey of course if something should happen to make Keyes available I would take him like a shot. Ike and I dined alone and had a very pleasant time. He is drinking too much but is terribly lonely. I realy feel sorry for him I think that in his heart he knows he is not realy commanding any thing. 3-2-44 Waited till 1100 to get dog but he did not come. While waiting I visited Hughes who said he felt I should comply with Ike's views on a C of S. I also went 475 to see Beadle Smith to keep things greased I saw Lee who is making a fool of him self on the Nigger question. Called on 1st Army Group to butter up Leven Allen. After all the ass kissing I have to do no wonder I have a soar lip. Ike told me he had not decided which of us three Hodges, Bradley or me should Command 1st Army Group. Brad will. His version of the McClure Incident was quite different from what he told Hughes. He told me he kicked McClure out for being a fool. Beadle offered him to me as C of S. Oh! God! 3-3-44 Drove back to Peover leaving London at 1130. I feel very badly over this damned Chief of Staff 476 I must do it in a way not to hurt Gay's feelings for I truly consider him the best Chief of Staff in Europe or Italy or Africa. The only two I can think of are Gaffey or Middleton. 3-4-44 Nothing. 3-5-44 Church. Lunch at Stockdales had a movie in the evening. Dog arrived, Punch. 3-6-44 Went for a walk with Punch and got lost must have walked six miles did a little running too feel fine. Talked over with Cummins what to do about Gay he advised telling him so I did it was most distasteful. I would retain more self respect if I resigned but I am not quite that big hearted 477 Gay was fine could not have been better. I told him the exact truth that Ike ordered me to do it. Leaving for London in the morning to see movie of new equipment. People there don't realize what a long trip it is. 3-7-44 Went to lecture on new equipment by an Ord. Col. He began by telling Ike, Brad my self etc that we wasted ammunition and know nothing of tactics. All of us were very much bored. Middleton and Doolittle were there. MIddleton and I went to see Hughes at the 16th Station Hospital on Hartley St. Mrs Presmall was there I asked her to dinner. Took Middleton home and went to 22 Mount St. Gaffey was there as I had wired him to 478 meet me and discuss the question of complying with Ike's order to get a more senior C of S than Gay. The two men I had in mind were Middleton and Gaffey. Since Middleton was sent over by GCM to Command a Corps he is out. Gaffey said that while he did not wish to give up the 2d Armd Div he felt that since he owed me so much he would do it. If I can get Bradley to turn him loose, and I think I can that will be a good solution as Gay and he are friends. Elizabeth and I went to supper at Claridges it was expensive and bad except for the wine. 3-8-44 Middleton and I called on Bradley first I arranged about Gaffey and we are going to ask Ike to cable for New Garden, Leonard, Prichard or Brooks in that 479 order to replace Gaffey. Middleton will take the 8th Corps and I will get all the Corps troops etc assigned to the 3d Army instead of having them attached to the 8th Corps as is now the case. I can then assign them to the 20-15-or 8th Corps as is appropriate when the 90th 79th and 80th Divs arrive they will go to the 8th Corps and when the 4 or 12 Corps arrives what ever one it may be we will use it to take over new troops as they arrive. Also I got the 5th & 6th Armored Divs assigned to the 3d Army and eventually by us to the 20th Corps. I arranged to call on Ike and Beadel to get all this approved. I then went to see Lee and he informed me that he had phoned Beadel recommending Middleton as my C of S on the alleged grounds that 480 since Gen. Marshall had great confidence in M. it would strengthen my position. I told him that I was quite able to take care of my self and that for the future I hoped he would not medal. He is either a congenital doer of good deeds or has some ulterior motive I fancy the latter. I hurried back to see Brad and asked him to come with me to see Ike I also saw Middleton who said he prefered to command a corps. We went out to Wide Wing to see Ike.) As we entered his office he was talking on the phone and said: "Now listen Arthur (Tedder) I am tired of dealing with a lot of premadonas by God you tell that bunch that if they can't get together and stop quarreling like children I will tell the Prime Minister to get some one else to 481 run his damned war - I'll quit." This is as near as I can remember. He talked for some time longer and repeated that he would "Ask to be relieved and sent home" unless Tedder could get the British and American Air and the two navies to agree. I was quite impressed as he showed more assurance than I have ever seen him display. But he should have had the warring factions in and jumped them him self and not left it to Tedder (his deputy). (All the things we wanted were approved including a 15% over strength for 3d Army and I stopped by to tell Lee to get out the orders.) However it is always depressing to me to see how completely Ike is under the influence of the B's. He even prefers steel to rubber tracks on tanks because Montey does!!! 482 As my car was getting a new pump I drove down to CHISLEDON with Gaffey to visit the 5th Armd Div Gen Oliver, Gen Walker commanding 20 Corps was also also there as was Jean Regnier who had on (a heavy looking experimental field jacket which I told him never to wear again.) I gave them a few thoughts and then we inspected the Artillery which was distinctly bad in that it was distinctly not good. We ate supper there. 3-9-44 (Inspected units near Hq. uniforms bad, dirty and no attempt to have all men dressed alike men negligent about military quarters and kitchens not too clean. At 1000 I made a 35 min speech to all the officers and seemed to get a good response. Tupper Cole 483 Commands one Combat Command as a Colonel his unit was the best I have seen in this div. I get the impression that the division would probably fight diligently but not brilliantly as it lacks finish - class - polish in a word a realy good leader.) Left at 1400 to visit the 6th Armored Div at MORETON-ON-MARSH Gen R. Grow commanding Addressed all the officers at 1600 there was a band Colors and evident pre arrangement wholy lacking with the 5th) Inspected troops till dark then had dinner with Div Staff and Lord and Lady DuLVERTON who is WiLLS the British Tobacco King. Gen Grow was utterly bemused by being with a LORD and frequently addressed him just that way. The effect titles have on even the most rugged Americans 484 is disgusting. 3-10-44 Inspected rest of 6th A.D. and found it in superior shape I will have Gen. Walker inspect it and take Gen. Oliver with him to note as painlessly as possible the differences. Reached Peover about 1750 and found that Willey had been run over by a C & R Car and the skin taken off his front leg. He feels very sorry for him self but is not realy hurt at all. 3-11-44 Col Solbert and Capt Wallace (son VP) want to sell me a scheme for evaluating morale by questioning enlisted men. I told them that it smelled strongly of the Russian Political Commissar's whom Stalin had to remove to have an army. It is absurd. 485 3-12-44 Codman and I went to lunch with the Leicester-Warrens at 1330 we invited all to come to movies. Mrs Bromley- Davenport Jr. an American from Phila and Mrs Beck and another woman come. The movie was Md. Cure and very good. 3-13-44 Had lunch at Manchester Midlands Hotel with a Sir Eugene Ramsden and Mr. Stockdale, Gen Le Roy Collins was also there I think he is off his nut. He sticks his head down and rotates his chin and his eyes are funny. Codman and Muller were with me. 3-14-44 (Sent Gay, Harkins, Maddox and Muller to London to get straightened out on planning with the 1st Army Group. This latter outfit are not clever they plan 486 too minutely on some things and not definately enough on others.) For example they tell us what to do after 1st Army has captured ST. NAZAIR & NANTES if they do and then say that if they do we are to take the BRITTANY PENINSULA I think that if Nantes falls the Peninsula falls too it is cut off. I have just read the 1st Army Group (FUSAG) plan again. It says that the object of OVERLORD is to: "Secure a lodgement on the continent from which further offensive operation can be developed." The words "further offensive operation" indicate a halt on a phone line this is clearly wrong. We must land and keep going. 3-15-44 Erected flagpole in front of Peover Hall. Gen Palmer C of Art at ETO spent night. Stupid and opinionated. 487 Told me that Condor was still a Lt. Col. I asked him to get him promoted.) x 3-16-44 In going over some papers with a view to writing a new letter of instruction on tactics I found the following "5 Aug 1943" "Memo: To: Corps, Div and Separate Brigade Commanders." "It has come to my attention that a very small number of soldiers are going to the hospital on the pretext that they are nervously incapable of combat. Such men are cowards, and bring discredit on the Army and disgrace to their comrades whom they heartlessly leave to endure dangers of battle which they them selves use the hospital as a means of escaping." 488 "You will take measures to see that such cases are not sent to the hospital, but are dealt with in their units." "Those who are not willing to fight will be tried by Court Martial for Cowardice in the face of the enemy." "GS Patton Jr." Lt. Gen US Army Comd." This order was gotten out immediately after the first instedent at a time when no reports on it existed it exactly expresses my feelings then and now. The bronze plate which I had put in the English church at Palermo reads thus. "To the Glory of God In memory of the heroic Americans of the Seventh Army and the supporting units of the Navy and Air 489 Force who gave their lives for victory in the Sicilian Campaign, July 10 - August 17, 1943" "From their General" 3-17-44 (Drove to London with Col Codman to attend a reception given by Ike at Claridges. All the high British and Americans were there except F.M. Brooke C of S and Montey I think Montey cant bare to be seen unless he is top dog.) Sir Andrew Cunningham took special trouble to look me up. Also Air Marshall Conyingham and a lot of others. Doolittle was there and we had a nice talk. All the Military Elements of the Governments in exile were there too. The pleasure was not worth the long drive but one had to go. 490 3-18-44 Saw Bradley, Hodges, Joe Collins and Corlett. The two latter told me a lot about fighting Japs. They consider them vicious but not skillful fighters. [*type*] (Their methods of using tanks against pill boxes will not work when A.T. guns are present.) 3-19-44 (Campanole, Stiller and I went to lunch with Sir Eugene Ramsden at a place some 45 miles from here we drove through Manchester and then over the Moores every few miles we would come on quite a large city hidden in a valley. Leeds is so situated.) 3-20-44 Worked hard most of day on Letter of Instruction # 2. covering Tactics. Gaffey and Gay arrived 491 About 1900 I was glad to see [Gaffey] both of them. 3-21-44 Had in all the staff of 7th Army and Col Williams 3d Army and told them that 3d Army staff was carefully selected and of long experience and that we were not to jump at the conclusion that all we did was right and all they did wrong. Both have good methods and must evolve a better method embodying the methods of both staffs. 3-22-44 Nothing [*Type*] (3-23-44 Staff and Enlisted Hq. 3d Army started arriving at 2045 and finished at 0430 All were met and put away. Col. Cummings did a good job. Papers announced that Gen Patch is Commanding 7 Army. Said I had one too.) 492 3-24-44 Gen Davis former C of S of 3d Army whom I asked not to have sent to UK came any how. Either ETO failed to send the wire or it was not delivered by the A.G. At 1000 we had all officers and men form infront of Peover and I gave them a talk then. Men marched off and I talked to all officers. Finally we had chiefs of sections and assistant in office. The talks went over in good shape. 3-25-44 We got a very amusing "Report on the Italian Campaign." Signed by Barr, Devers C of S but written, I think, by Clark or Grunther. It spent most of the opening pages saying how much higher the mountains in Italy were 493 How much bigger and meaner the Germans in Italy were and how much heavier Clarkes losses have been. Finally to prove their superiority they said that while we won a campaign in 38 days they had not won theirs yet. It was stupid and in bad taste. The Leicester-Warren dance was a great success and we all had a fine time. Sunday I am going to inspect the Royal Naval College, Eaton, Chester have lunch there and then fly to London so asto be on hand to be C B's Monday noon. x 3-26-44 Captain B.H. Warner, R.N. Commandant of the Royal Naval College, Eaton, Chester asked me three weeks ago to come down today and 494 inspect the college. Capt Stiller and I arrived at 1000 I saw the Colors taken over by the guard. They use a special march at half time it is very impressive one of the color bearers had a fever of 102 but refused to go sick until he had had the honor of carrying the colors. I inspected the guard then 48 Rens who do the clerical work then the different Companies of the Cadets they range in age from 14 to nearly 18. [*Type*](Eaton hall is the home of the Duke of Westminister who is one of the richest men in england. It is indecentlally large. The grounds are pretty before the war he employed 120 gardners.) [*Type*] (Flew to London arriving 1700, called up Hughes and found Lucas was with him so went to their place. As a result of my talk with Lucas I think that 495 He was timid at the Beach Head He said he did not feel justified in expending a Corps. Well hed did not expend it because he did not try. Had he taken the high ground he might have been cut off but again he might not with out the high ground the landing was useless. Our losses probably in excess of 18000 have been useless. Both Alex and Clark were present on shore on D day and said nothing. They should have put the heat on had it seemed necessary.) 3-27-44 [*Type*] (Went to Wide Wing (Ikes Hq) at 1050. Found that I was not expected to lunch in fact with the exception of McClure with the exception of McCluer the Publicity man none of the officers to be decorated were asked. Lunch was for the benefit of the British 496 I had lunch with Butcher Kay, Briggs and several other Wacs. At 1400 there was a two Company guard American and British. F.M. Sir Allen Brooke CIGS Represented the King and pinned on the ribbons. Eddy and I got CB's Holmes and McCluer OBE's and the other there lesser things.) Sir Andrew Cunningham was there and very nice as usual. Brooke said "Don't wince Patton I shant kiss you." He also said that I had earned the decoration more than any other American. He probably said the same thing to each one. He is of the clerical type. Ike said "I wish the Americans could be a smart as the British. I also chatted with Phillips Political Advisor to Ike. Mr P. was terribly worried about how to prevent 497 Fraternization between Germans and Americans during the first seven months of our occupation. I think he crosses bridges before he reaches them). I learned from Lucas that in the initial landing the British as usual failed to land until evening. 14 hours late. 3-28-44 At noon Gen W B Smith phoned me about my letter to Gen Lee about 15% overstrength for 3d Army. He stated that Gen Bradley and Gen Allen were excited because I was trying to rob them. He said that I should have come to him after Ike told me in the presence of Bradley on Mar 8 that the 3d Army could also have 15% over just as the 1st Army. He said Ike often makes mistakes unless "I see to it." I told him that I had carried out the exact instructions I had received from the C in C 498 I also stated that during 15 days between Mar 8 & Mar 23 when Lee phoned me and asked that I resubmit the directive in writing nothing had been done. Beadle said that when I knew Lee better I would be surprised that he got around to it in two weeks. We are most unfortunate to have Lee who is a star gazer and Pro English, and Beadle who yearns for safe power. 3-29-44 Gen Hughes, who came back with me on the 27, and I waited all day for the weather to clear so we could fly to Ireland it did not clear. 3-30-44 At the moment 0900 it looks as if we could get off soon. Took off at 1330 and landed at 1440. Gen Haislip met us and we 499 drove to the Hq. 5 Div. Commanded by Gen Irwin who was Artillery officer of 9th Div in Tunisia and whom I got promoted. Brig Gen Alan Warnock is No 2 and Brig Gen Vandevere is artillery he was artillery instructor at Riley when I was there in '38. The whole Div was arranged in Mass and looked superior I have never seen a better turn out. And having done it many times in all grades from Major to Major General I know the amount of care and effort put into it. The junior officers must be good. My talk was a little too long. But I praised them for their two years in Iceland of which they are proud and on which no one has commended them. We then saw an attack against a fortified position using all types of live ammunition 500 it was very well done. They will fight. 3-31-44 Made a talk to the 8th Div Gen McMahon, Gen Walker no 2 and Gen Pickering my old Chief of staff Artillery. The Div was massed and looked as well or better than the 5th it was a most inspiring sight. After lunch they put on a battalion reinforced in an attack on a hostily occupied position. It was the best thing of its sort I have ever seen. They used marching fire and two men were hit one in the fleshy part of the right shoulder. The other in the calf of the leg. Nothing serious. (The man hit in the shoulder kept on and even threw grenades it showed a very fine spirit. The Lt. Col commanding is a R.O. named 501 Jones who is a famous foot ball coach in the south - a natural leader. I asked that the soldier be given the "Soldiers medal") This Div will fight. 4-1-44 Talked to the 2d Div Gen Robertson, B.G. Martin (the artist) Artillery Hayes M.H. Later we saw an attack by a battalion supported by the entire Div Artillery. The Parade was as good as the other two or nearly so but the problem was poor in concept though well executed in technique. M.G. and mortars too far back, no marching fire and infantry advancing by rushes when there was no point to it. I was rather too severe in my criticism to Robertson but told the men how good they were. It is a good division 502 Called on Lt Gen Cunningham who commands in Ireland. He is brother to Sir Andrew but not so impressive. 4-2-44 Hoped to fly back to day but no visibility. Hughes and I had long talk with Haislip and did a lot of good I am quite impressed with him. Took a long walk. 4-3-44 Still weather bound. Inspected Corps Ordnance and Signal units all excellent to superior. Took boat at Belfast at 2000 very quiet trip. 4-4-44 Landed at 0600 near Black Pool. Reached Peover at 0900 by car, Gaffey tells me that a W.D. inspector is in London in connection with the killing of prisoners in [#] Sicily. I tried two 503 men a Captain and a Sgt for it and they pleaded at the trial that I had ordered them to do it. When I addressed the 45 Div in Africa just before we sailed for Sicily I got pretty bloody trying to get an untried division to the sticking point. Among other things I said if the enemy keeps shooting at you till you are right on top of him you can't stop shooting when he tries to surrender if he wants to surrender he must do it in time or come to you with his hands up. If he snipes you from the rear you must kill him if you can. I just heard an amusing incident. Some one overheard a heated discussion between Wedemeyer and Ike about me. Finally Wedemeyer said "Hell get onto your self Ike. You didn't make him! He made you." 504 4-5-44 Codman Odom and I left for London via Hq. VIII Corps I wanted to talk to Middleton about the shootings and also about my two addresses to the 45th Div as he was present at both in his capacity of the then Div Commander. His memory was the same as mine on what I had said. [*Type*] (We reached London at 1530 and called up Gen Ollie Haines the I.G. and asked him to come over. Lt. Col Williams an I.G. from Washington was with him.) They asked me the regular questions about being willing to testify and notified me of my rights. Capt Compton Co A 180 inf and Sgt West Co C 180 were the two men who did the murdering on July 14 43 near Butera Air field Compton rounded up 32 505 snipers five of whom were in civilian clothes in hole or in part and had them shot with out trial. The ones in civilian clothes could have been legaly the rest not. Sgt. West was conducting 36 men to the rear and just halted them on the road and killed them. I think he was crazy. At the trials the defense councils said that on my speech to the Div on June 27(?) I had said that if the enemy resisted until we got to with in 200 yds they had forfeited their right to live. What I said as near as I can remember was "In a close fight when you get within 100 or 200 yds of the enemy and he shows signs of wishing to surrender don't cease firing and go in to get him but keep on shooting until he comes to you with his 506 hands up." Concirning snipers I said "when you are sniped especially from the rear the snipers must be destroyed." Of course in neither case did I contemplate murder of men who had surrendered. The fact that Johnny Waters is a prisoner would aside from any thing else have made me the last one to do a thing for which they could retaliate on him. Codman and I took Wedemeyer to dinner and had a very pleasant talk with him later. 4-6-44 Hughes came in at 0800 to see if he could do any thing to help me. We decided to write Surles an accurate account of the murders so that if DP got hold of it we could get the truth out at once 507 I went to see Bradley but he was busy. Saw Wedemeyer again in P.M. Went to theater with Hughes and Elizabeth. 4-7-44 [*Type*] (Gaffey, Maddox, Muller and I went to the "Briefing of the 1st US and 2d British Armies at St. Pauls school at 0855 Monty talked two hours then Air Marshall Sir [Leigh] T. Leigh-Mallory and Adm Sir B Ramsey there was much better mutual understanding then in the one we had at Algers last July but) the navy was still quite gloomy and had lots of reasons why the thing would fail. After lunch Bradley Geroe and Collins gave 1st Army Plans and the British 2 British army plans. The B's were much too prolix and vague at the same time. We did well 508 The PM made the last talk and the best he said remember that this is an invasion not the creation of a fortified beach head. During his talk I was the only Army he refered to by name calling it Pattons army. As a matter of fact I am the only one who has commanded an army except him self. Had dinner with Ike, Mr McCloy, McNarney Bradley, Beadel and me. McNarney jumped on Ike about the mis handling of replacements in Africa which is correct and they are doing a worse job here. I can't get any one to realize that even with out fighting a unit is always about 8% below strength due to sickness etc and that a unit fifteen percent low in man power is at least 30% low 509 [in efficiency] in efficiency. That is because none of our top flight generals have ever fought. As usual Brad said nothing. He does all the getting along and does it to his own advantage. I expect I take chances because at heart the army is not my living besides I am a soldier - a simple soldier. Referring to the I.G. incident Ike said "you talk too much." I said if you order me not to I will stop other wise I will continue to influence men the only way I know" he said go ahead but watch your self. All of them but me are scared to death. 4-8-44 Drove back by way of Henley and Turville Park where papa and mama lived one summer 510 We had quite a time finding it. First we got to Turville Grange where an old lady named D'Hotpal (?) said she was sure they had never lived there as she had lived there 30 years and the Dear Queen Alexandrine had visited her there during the last dreadful war. Turville Park is now taken over by the ministry of works and used as a storage place for things from the British Museum. I was glad to have seen it as the family liked it so much. 4-9-44 Easter: went to church. 4-10-44 Nothing 4-11-44 Nothing 511 4-12-44 Gen Greer of the 79 Div called. He was Col of the 18 Inf. In Tunisia and did very well I had him made. We had him to lunch and had a very pleasant talk. 4-13-44 Gen Macon of the 83rd Div called. He commanded the 7th Inf when we landed in Morocco and did well I had him made. Gen. Middleton came to see me and we had a talk on the use of separate Tank Bns in support of Inf. I used many of his ideas in the memo I am writing on that subject. Gen Hines Chief of AA 3d Army came to lunch After lunch I had Gen Earnest in to talk on the use of Tank Destroyers he is to draw up a memo of them similar 512 to the one I wrote on Tanks. We also had a staff meeting to discuss the new Directive for the employment of the 3d Army. It is pretty general and means that when we get to France we will fight. I have a feeling - probably unfounded - that either Monty or Bradley are not too anxious for me to have a command. If they knew what little respect I have for the fighting ability of either of them they would be even less anxious for me to show them up. 4-14-44 Played golf alone with a half wit caddy and did worse than usual also ran a little and walked about a mile I am in good shape and wish the whistle would blow. Col Paige who used to be in the Artillery 513 of the 9th Div and should have had a star is here. Eddy said he was unhappy in the 9th under Ikes classmate Rowell who got the star so I got him transferred to the 5th Armored Div. The Artillery officer they had was no good. 4-15-44 Not a damned thing I can do. All the staff is working and we are doing all right. I inspected the Engrs Art G-3 and G-2 offices. This staff does not work with the same intensity as that of the 7th Army but it will learn. I inspected the Army Forward Echelon Messes and had Gay Eat lunch at the officers. Stiller will eat supper at the E.M's mess A Lt. was picked up for entering a factory over a fence. He was probably drunk. 514 I talked to Col MacDonald the Provost M. about him He will be tried. 4-16-44 (Lunch with the Leicester-Warrens they used to be de-Warrens as I saw this on an inscription in the Chapel. Called on Col Goldsmith who wrote a lot of good books I gather that he is a better writer than a horseman.) 4-17-44 (Had a staff meeting at 1100 to tell staff that they were lax and did not follow things through. I told them that I was not going to cut off any heads but just me that they frustrated.) Col Cutler M.C. was here for breakfast he has a very good idea put the slightly wounded in a hospital by them selves and the badly 515 wounded in another. Then the doctors in the slightly wounded hospital will be interested to get their men back quickly If a man gets back to his old outfit it will reassure the others and they will not worry about wounds. Floyd Scowden came to lunch and was quite keen to hear about uniforms shoes etc.) 4-18-44 Mr McCloy & Gens McNarney and Lee arrived in their special Train at Knutsford at 0745 we had breakfast and drove here in jeeps showed them the map giving location of 3d Army and then took them to a statemt by the Staff on our part of the assault plan. The whole show took 55 min and was well done.) (I mentioned and so did Middleton that the 516 in the set up there is a British Corps under 1st U S Army set to enter paris.) I also said to them in private that I hoped the 1st U S Army Group would be functioning so that American troops would not enter paris under an Englishman. Mr McCloy asked me what I thought of Montey. I said first that I preferred not to answer and then on being pressed I said I thought Montey was too cautious and would not take calculated risks. They both urged me to say nothing that would get me criticized as it was possible that some one would put a resolution in congress to have me returned. I told them that my methods had produced men who would fight and that I would be untrue to my self If I failed to use them 517 regardless of what happened to me. McNarney said that the thing was to keep out of trouble so that I could lead the men. McCloy said that he would see that I commanded an Army in France inspite of Hell. [*Type*] (Gen Waterhouse an Englishman is coming to lunch. Gen W told me a good story attributed to Moltke. "Officers have four attributes Intelligence - Stupidity Energy - Lazyness An Energetic & intelligent man makes a good staff officer An intelligent Lazy man makes a commander A stupid lazy man can be used but God deliver me from an energetic fool.) 4-19-44 Nothing 518 4-20-44 Left at 0800 to give a talk to the 90th Div, MacKelvie - Devine Williams at BRIDGENORTH all the officers and senior non coms were present. After I finished Gen Middleton the Corps Commander gave a fine talk using football as a vehicle of expression. When the troops were dismissed we assembled all Colonels and Battalion Commanders and had an informal talk. I was very favorably impressed with the appearance and discipline and size of the division. After lunch we drove to the Hq XX Corps at MARLBOROUGH I talked at some length to the Corps staff. Walker tries hard but is fat and short two qualities which I always distrust. 4-21-44 In morning we inspected A Corps Artillery CPX 519 it was very bookish and showed lack of imagination. The problem was in the downs and there were as far as the eye could see three lines of trees - natural enemy artillery targets. [*Type*] (The close defense MGs were right in the position and so unable to keep fire from reaching it.) Before lunch we looked at a racing stable where some Astor horses were training. I thought that from the conformation standpoint they were a poor lot. After lunch spoke to the officers [of] and senior Non Coms of the 28th Div Gen Lloyd Brown, Buchanan & Perry at CHISLENDON Walker told me that they were pretty ratty but I thought them very good. Talked to Regimental and Battalion commanders at some length especially on use of assault fire 520 [*Type*] (Walker and I then drove to Chippenham to see Gen JS Wood 4th Armored div. and explain to him an illustrative exercise I want put on to show use of a tank [?Pra] Pl. in close support of infantry. P. was pretty well cracked up as a result of a Peep rolling over him.) 4-22-44 Left P's Hq at 0600 and got to CASTLE MARTIN at the SW end of Wailes at 1100. C.C.B. under Col George Reed of the 6th Armd Div is there having firing and doing well. Gen Grow was also there. Inspected all types of firing. the Bazooka was bad as they were firing at long ranges 150 yds and getting misses. The tactical dispositions were bad but the use of weapons good they did however take too long in ingaging 521 surprise A.T. 4-23-44 Left at 0800 and got to Peover at 1330 drive along west coast of Wailes was very pretty. The Burrous family came to dinner and a very bad movie. 4-24-44 We gave the CG's and staffs of VIII & XV Corps a two hour briefing on the assault plan it was very well done. Decorated Haislip with Oak leaf cluster on his DSM for work in Desert. Yet Muller & Gay who ran a good war can't get the DSM. 4-25-44 Gen Billy Wyche and two staff officers came to lunch and were briefed on plan. Gaffey, Gay, Maddox and I went over possible use of 3d Army and I drew 522 up a draft memo on it. We fear that Montey will steal our 28th Div to use against. Havre and then we will have no Amphibious Div to get us ashore. It is too bad that no one in FUSAG has ever been to war they are not realists. At 1800 Nick, Stiller and a British ensign who is Nicks land ladies nephew went to Knutsford to see the opening of a British Welcome club. I had been asked to open it but declined as I don't want to be too prominent. There were several speeches to about fifty people mostly women and I was asked to say a few words which I did. 4-26-44 Today we had Doc Cook of the XII Corps and Walker of the XX with 523 staffs to lunch and then gave them the long Briefing on the operation. Our staff did a realy swell job and I was proud of them. Just before lunch the public relations people from Ikes called up to know what I had said in my talk yesterday. They got Hap on the line and told him to ask me what I had said about British and Americans ruling the world. I told him that I said since it was the evident destiny of England and America and of course the Russians to rule the world the better we knew each other it would be. Hap told me that some papers said I mentioned the russians and some did not. Since it seems to have been a bad thing to do I will copy from the program the names 524 of the principle people present. Hon. Mrs Constantine Smith Chairman of the Committee opened the show and introduced Miss Foster Jeffery O.B.E. Regional Administrator of W.V.S. Miss Jeffery made a speech pronounced the club open and then asked me to say something. I did. As far as I knew no correspondents were present and not more than 50 or 60 people mostly women. In any case I was realy trying to be careful. Mr. F. Johnson, Chairman of the Knutsford Urban District Council made a speech thanking Miss Jeffery and me. Then Col T. Blatherwick DSO, C.B. made a speech. Next Mr A. Armstrong U. S. Consul for Manchester and finally Mr G. Mould of the Ministry of 525 information. I thanked every one and went home. When Mrs Constantine Smith introduced me she said "Gen Patton is not here officially" which was naturally an added reason for me to think that no mention would be made of my presence or remarks in the press. 4-27-44 [*Type*] (Col Ganoe came to see me at 0900. He is Historian for the Theater and is putting a team of 9 officers with each Army. Our head man is Professor of Military history at the University of Chicago Bill Ganoe told me an interesting thing Hooker commanded the Union Army at Chancellorsville his plan was fine and to a point well executed. After he got over the river he got a letter from the President in 526 which Mr Lincoln said that he had given Hooker command under protest and that he him self had no confidence in Hooker. Hooker promptly assumed a defensive position.) So far as I am concerned every effort is made to show lack of confidence in my judgment and at the same time in every case of stress great confidence in my fighting. None of those at Ikes Hq ever go to bat for juniors and in any argument between British and Americans invariably favor the British. Benedict Arnold is a piker compared with them and that includes Lee as well as Ike and Beadle. Beadle called up at 1030 and said that he was giving me a verbal order from Ike that I am never to talk in public with out first submitting 527 what I am going to say to Ike and Beadel for censor ship. There by displaying great confidence in an Army Commander - If I have not been relieved - Beadle also said that due to my "unfortunate" remarks the permanint promotion of him self and me might never come off. How sad? In consonance with this order I am unable to talk to either the 79 - 80 - 83 - or 7th Armored Divs. A restriction that will surely cost lives yet if I break it I will get relieved and that would mean defeat and a still larger loss. "God show the right" and damn all reporters and gutless men. The first group of the Civil affairs section came to see me and we had a talk. Gaspar Bacon was one of them. 528 [*Type*] 4-28-44 (Gen Le Clark who commands the French Armored Div attached to the 3d Army came to call we had a guard of honor. He is the man who marched to Tunisia all the way from central Africa.) He looks just like an American and I think speaks better english than he admits. 4-29-44 [*Type*] (A company of our MP's a band and a group of nurses took part in the Alderley Edge Salute the Soldier Movement. I went and looked on from a side street.) Later Col Goldschmidt and I went to look at some horses they did not impress me much. Apparently he and Col. McFadden are mortal enemies. 4-30-44 Sunday Went to Church 529 while I was there Beadle called up and told me to report to Ike at Ikes office at either 1100 or 1500 tomorrow. It can be any thing from a reprimand to a reduction or a new plan of campaign. These constant pickings are a little hard on the nerves but great training. I feel that if I get reduced and sent home it might be quite important as I would get into politics as an honest and straight spoken man and would either be a great success or a dismal failure. Gaffey was told by Hughes that on the 28th when H. went to see him he was just writing a cable to GCM saying that he Ike had no further need of protecting me and would not resist my being recalled. 530 When H. showed him my statement on the Knutsford speech incident he said oh Hell and tore the Cable up. I do know from Mrs P that H. is still worried about me - so am I. 5-1-44 Inspite of possible execution this AM I slept well and trust my destiny God has never let me or the country down yet. Reported to Ike at 1100. He was most cordial and asked me to sit down so I felt a little reassured. He said "George you have gotten your self into a very serious fix" I said "Before you go any further I want to say that your job is more important than mine so if in trying to save me you are hurting your self throw me out." He said "I have now got all that the Army can give me it is not a question of hurting me 531 but of hurting your self and depriving me of a fighting Army Commander." He went on to say that GCM had wired him that my repeated mistakes have shaken the confidence of the country in the War Dept. GCM even harked back to the Kent Lambert in Nov 1942 - certainly a forgiving S.O.B. Ike said he had recommended that if I were to be relieved and sent home I be not reduced to a Colonel as the relief would be sufficient punishment and that he felt that situations might well arise where it would be necessary to put me in command of an army. I told Ike that I was perfectly willing to fall out on a permanent promotion so as not to hold the others back. Ike said that GCM had told him that 532 my crime had destroyed all chance of my perminent promotions as the opposition said that even if I was the best tactician and strategist in the army my demonstrated lack of judgment made me unfit to command. He said that he had wired GCM on Sunday washing his hands of me (he did not use those words but that is what he meant). I told him that if I was reduced to a Colonel I demanded the right to command one of the assault regiments. That this was not a favor but a right. He said no because he felt that he would surely need me to command an Army. I said I am not threatening but I want to tell you that this attack is badly planned and on too narrow a front 204.895.215 533 and may well result in an Anzio especially if I am not there. He replied "Don't I know it but what can I do?" that is a hell of a remark for a supreme commander. The fact is that the plan which he has approved drawn by a group of British in 1943 Montey changed it only by getting 5 instead of three divisions into the assault. But the front is too short there should be three separate attacks on at least a 90 mile front I have said this for nearly a year. Ike said he had written me a "savage" letter but wanted me to know that his hand is being forced from U.S. He talked to the P.M. about the incident and Churchill told him that He could see nothing 534 to it as Patton had simply told the truth. Ike then went on to excuse GCM on the ground that it was an election year etc. It is sad and shocking to think that victory and the lives of thousands of men are pawns to the "fear of they" and the writings of a group of unprincipled reporters and weak kneed congressmen but so it is. When I came out I don't think that any one could tell that I had just been killed. I have lost lots of compititions in a sporting way but I never did better. I feel like death. But I am not out yet if they will let me fight I will if not I will resign so as to be able to talk and then I will tell 535 the truth and possibly do my country more good. All the way home, five hours I recited poetry to my self. If you can make one heap Of all your winnings And risk them on one game Of pitch and toss And lose and start again At your beginning And never breathe a word About your loss. I dared extreme occasion And never one betrayed. My final thought on the matter is that I am destined to achieve some great thing what I do not know. But this last incident was so trivial in its nature yet so terrible in its effect that it is not the result of an accident but the work of God. His will be done. [*2.04.895.215*] 536 Gen Lutes of the U. S. SOS was here when I got back after supper we gave him a Briefing and entertained him I hope to get some equipment as a result. 5-2-44 Felt very much like a Thanksgiving turkey all day waiting for the ax to fall but no news. I did not feel like working but luckily had little to do. 5-3-44 Went to the Station hospital 164 to have my teeth cleaned it is a very good hospital the best I have seen in any theater at the request of Lt. Col. Clune the C.O. I made an informal inspection. When I got back Gay handed me an Eisenhower to Patton telegram, which said in effect, Since the WD has placed the decision 537 of relieving you on me I have decided to keep you. My letter on this subject will be put in the official file (cover plan) go ahead and train your army. I felt much better and wrote Ike thanking him. He called up in person and was very nice. Some times I am very fond of him this is one of the times. When I read the wire I called to Gay "the war is over" which I always s ay when I mean that trouble is over. Capt Murnane heard me and thought I meant that the war was over for me. So when Hugh, Gay, Codman Stiller and I all took a drink to celebrate he thought we were very calous. Gen McClane who used to be in the 45 Div called. He was at Salerno and also at Anzio He said that at Salerno 538 Clark got badly scared although the counter attack was nothing to what we had a Gela, and he was there too. As a result of this scare the battle cry of the Anzio landing was "No more Salernos" and they were timid. He said that for the first day and most of the second the high ground could have been had for the walk. Later the Bosch built up fast. [*Type*] (I heard that this build up was made by using the motorized reconnaissance units from all the available units and later bringing in the inf. McClane said this was possible but that they certainly got identifications of the following German Divs. Herman Goering, 3rd Armored 1st Panza. 71-64-114-26-715 Inf Div and one SS Div.) McClane is a Nat. Guard 539 officer of great courage and efficiency I asked for him as a reserve Div commander but Bradley got first chance. Brig Gen (Big) Jack Thompson came to [?did] dinner. Gaffey, Gay, Thompson and I went to the Bells of Peover Inn to celebrate. 7th Armored has been delayed two weeks. 5-4-44 I felt all tense so took pills and a bromide with no effect so far. Gaffey and Maddox went to London to get our final plan approved. 5-5-44 Wrote a paper on the use of Armored Divs. Major Gen Moore Chief Engr Natousa came to call. It is a very cold rainy day. But I have completely gotten back in the swing of things. Thank God. 540 5-6-44 Col Miller A.C. the Army Air officer has arranged a number of flights of Air Planes of all sorts over our troops so they can get some idea of how they will look. They fly in a specified order so the troops can pick them out as they have the lists. I went out in a Mosquito in one of these demonstrations and was up for nearly two hours the troops were very attentive and I think we did some good. I had never flown at 300 MPH before and the effects of gravity and centrifugal force are quite interesting. 5-7-44 Sunday Gay and I went calling in P.M. 5-8-44 Left in AM to talk to Officers of XII Corps and then to see P Wood about the tank and Infantry attack 541 on Apr 15 I wrote paper on the tactical use of a separate tank Bn in an attack with infantry. Showing when inf leads and when tanks lead and how they support each other. We first went to see the sand table demonstration which was allong the lines I had prescribed with a few changes in verbiage and a shortening of the attack order. We will go and see a rehearsal in the morning. 5-9-44 Left house at 0800 and got to downs in time all arrangements well made. In first rehearsal Inf advanced by rushes when defiladed and failed to use weapons. I called officers together and explained errors them. Had lunch. In second rehearsal I accompanied Gen Dager in a half track with a 542 radio. The support and reserves were so far back as to be wholy useless the tanks did better but the officers and Non Coms of Infantry just went along as members of the chorus and gave no orders it was very sad. When the tanks jumped off from the second objective the infantry were slow following. The occupation of the position was poor and the emplacement of AT guns awful. I again assembled the officers and gave them hell I hope they improve. A majority of the general officers of the Army came to dinner including the Frenchman Le Clair after dinner I read them a draft of a paper on the tactical use of Armored Divs etc and tried to get reactions with out much success. Hardly any officer ever projects 543 what he does in training into battle. That is why they do so badly. 5-10-44 We had all the Regimental and Battalion commanders of Inf and the separate tank Bn commanders of the Army assembled. The demonstration was a great success except that this time the reserve Co was too close I was delighted and feel that I have at last illustrated the use of marching fire and of tanks and Inf. As the result of an invitation from Ike to a lunch on Friday the 12th I came to London. It strikes me as a sad reflection on our state of preparation for war that I had to personally conduct and drive the rehearsals. But so it is. 542A List of officers present at Dinner Wood, 4th Armd Div Wyche, 79 Div Walker, XX Corps Patton MacMahon 8th Div Lloyd Brown 28th Div LeClerc 2d French Armd Div Tailor Bg. 6th Armd Div Grow 6th Armd Div Irwin 5th Div Oliver 5th Armored Div Regnier Bg. 5th Armd Div Gay Thompson 7th Armd Div Macon 83 Div Col Allen G-3 XV Corps Holly Armored Force Earnest T.D. Slack Art O. XX Corps 544 5-11-44 (Hughes and I drove to Cheltingham to see Col Walter Leyman about replacements. I think that at last I made them see that owing to sickness and accident a unit is never 100% of strength and that therefore it starts short and is never built up. We should always have at least 15% over strength in order to have 100% on the firing line because the sick lame and lazy of any unit always run around 8 to 10% and always will that would leave 5 to 7% extra to fill first days casualties and so bridge the gap to the arrival of the 1st replacements.) Of course it is a scandel that we have so few replacements and so many SOS troops 545 Every campaign I know of has failed due to lack of replacements. (Had the Duke of York in 1793 gotten replacements in Belgium the French republican Armies might well have been stopped and 18 years of British defeats made unnecessary.) 5-12-44 [*Type*](Ike had a lunch at the Officers Club at Wide Wing to commemorate the African Campaign. As many as possible both British and American were there. Tedder, Conyingham, Doolittle Spaats, Hughes, Gaffey, Patton, Hubner, Eddy, Smith, thirty two in all. Ike made an excellent speech he said "We are gathered here to commemorate our success in Africa. On looking around however I just calculated that if each one of you had fired a MG for half an hour 546 you would have used all together 350000 rounds against the enemy so perhaps we did not make the best use of our resources. But seriously this is hardly a time to stress passed victories too strongly so I ask that we all stand and drink a silent toast to our fellow soldiers who will never leave Africa." I suggested that it was not my ambition to be the object of such a Toast too soon. We, Gaffey and I went to see Beadle about the constant demands being made on us by ETOUSA for men and their failure to get us equipment. He is a most insuferable ass and after talking very loud and using the interphone a lot gave no discussion. Ike asked me to come in for a chat which I did) No lecture at all!!! Hughes and I went for a walk and visited a saddle shop on Oxford St 547 Also Purdys gun shop. Here we met the Purdy brothers who ran an office more like a club than any thing else. We saw Beadles shot-gun which they are giving him he in exchange has presented the son of the one of them with an electric train value $20.00? and two US Army Carbines. Which he had no right to present. The shot gun is probably priced at $2000.00. It is the cheapest swindle either of us had ever seen. 5-13-44 Read and loafed in PM Codman and I went to Marian Halls for Tea [where] and met a Col Johnson who is interested in PW's we had Marian Hall and James Hazen Hydes daughter in law to dinner. Later we called on the Lunts with Sandy Patch. They are interesting but colorless sort of human phonograph records. 548 5-14-44 Col and Mrs Enriques took Codman and me to lunch at the Cavalry club. Church at St. Pauls. Later we went out and had dinner with Gen Doolittle. 5-15-44 [*Type*] (All the senior commanders and their Chiefs of Staff assembled at St. Pauls School for the final briefing for the attack The King, PM, Field Marshall Smuts were also present. Ike lead off with a brief statement. Adm Ramsey told how hard it was going to be from a naval stand point I felt that he over stressed the difficulty. Most of the talks were by the British and as usual with them were rambling. Bradley and Spaats made short and good presentations. The King said a few colorless words and left before lunch. At lunch Mr. Churchill was very nice to me and 549 asked if I remembered him. After lunch there were more talks. Adm Kirk made a weak stilted one and the Corresponding British admiral made a fine fighting talk. Smuts talked a lot but repeated him self and was not impressive. Finally the PM made a realy great fighting speech it was worth all that preceded it. He took a crack at over stressing civil government. And said that his views would hurt the feelings of his dear friend Gen. Du Gaul. Returned to Peover. 5-16-44 Made a talk to the officers and Senior Non Coms of the 79th Div and also to Staff of VIII Corps Middleton made a good talk as usual. 5-17-44 550 5-17-44 Made a talk to the officers and Senior Non Coms also I addressed 3 Army School of Administration. As in all my talks I stress [?stern] fighting and killing. In addition to the $870 odd I already owe Sgt Meeks I owe him as of May 1 an additional $347.75. 5-18-44 Beadle Smith called me on the phone to say that some one had told Ike that the Discipline and Espirit of the 5th Armored Div was bad owing to their being on house keeping duty in the marshaling area. Damn these people who listen to rumors and double damn those who spread them, in this case I think it was Kenner he talks too much. Middleton and Maddox are going South to talk with the Navy 551 about the Belle Isle operation and will look into it. I marked on my map to day the places I think I will have to fight. I did it before Sicily and was correct. The only worry I have about this show is how I am going to get the Army across and assembled on the other side for the fighting I have no worries. 5-19-44 For over a month we have been trying to get a new command Post nearer the imbarkation area we had it all set [*Type*] (and then some one Beadel I think told us to stay put.) People who lack both inspiration and experience are a menace in war. If this show does not go as planned and I think it won't they will need me at once 552 and here I am too far away. 5-20-44 Middleton and Maddox got back and tell me that the 5th A.D. is O.K. 5-21-44 Nothing 5-22-44 (Gen Steve Henry Dr Bowles and Mr Rowe came to see me mostly to talk I think but) it may have done some good as they all work for the Sec War. Also the rest of the Civil Affairs Section came to report in. I specked the map for quite a while and can almost draw it from memory now. Maj Gen C.P. Beckett and Maj. Caesar of the Western Command AA called. He had the AA at Malta and lost only 8% of his men in seven months of attack. 553 I just heard the full story of Beedle Smith at Messina. After Keyes, Gay and I took of to enter the town, Smith and LEMNITZER arrived and decided to follow me "if it was quite safe" Murnane took them when they got to the top of the pass Smith asked if we were under fire and was told it could happen just then one of our Batteries of 155 guns let go firing at Italy Smith thought it was enemy shells arriving and jumped from the car into the ditch in one leap. And refused to leave it even when Lemnitzer and Murnane told him it was quite safe. When I got back he was still pale gray and shaking. 5-23-44 Nothing 554 5-24-43 At the invitation of Col Busch Army QM I gave a talk to all corps and Division Q.M's. I stressed that their duty to see that the troops were supplied and that in doing it I expected and demanded that when the need arose they would perform the impossible. Gen Oliver flew up to see me about the reports by Gen Smith (GDHS) that the 5th Armored was low in morale and discipline. Oliver has done a good job and is better than I thought he would be. When Gen Barton moved into an area - recently abandoned by one of his own Battalions - it was duty and as Olivers men came at the same time they had not cleared it. Barton may have kicked or Kenner may have talked too much 555 with out knowledge - he often does. One of the allegations was that there were a lot of AWOL in April there were 40 of whom 39 came back. As of today there is only one AWOL. The Civil Affairs Section had a house warming which we attended. 5-25-44 Just read in the Daily Mail that the Senate Military Affairs Committee had tabled my promotion. I hope they let the others through If I get no more out of this war but a perminant Major General I will be a failure. Gen Hawley Chief Surgeon SOS came in and we had a good talk I think he is O.K. 5-26-44 Gen Badde of the 35th Div reported in to day 556 we also had the chief nurses of the 1st Army and the WBS for lunch they are Majors. I am leaving in the morning to see the air control system and the briefing of a Bomber raid. Flew on L-5 to day. 5-27-44 Flew to Northolt Air Field and motored to Uxbridge which is the Tactical Air Force C.P. Saw Conyingham and was shown how the system worked. There was quite a lot of eye wash the control room was sixty feet underground. We then flew to a place in East Anglia to visit the 354 Fighter Group P.51's and saw them get in from a mission. Brig Gen WEYLAND, U.S. who commands the 19 Air Support which works with this Army asked me to talk to both the officers and men and to stress team work 557 We then drove to a Wing Hq. commanded by Col Hovey and looked at a lot of installations. Then to the Field used by the 303 Fighter Group P 47's they had failed to get a bridge at ROEUN this morning so went back I saw the orders issued by the use of a map and enlarged Photo thrown on the screne of the target area. The Col (just that minute promoted) who was to lead the attack did the "Briefing" it was well done the faces of the men were tense but not too much so they have flown some 18 missions and had losses Fifty two planes took off by pairs in some 7 1/2 min it was very well done. Weyland had me speak to all the different groups we saw the soldiers all seemed to have cameras and all kept taking pictures of me. We flew back to 558 Peover. I feel sure that as a result of to day we have added greatly to the entent between the ground and air Forces. 5-28-44 [*Type*] (Gaffey took Kenner and my self to dinner at the Bells of Peover we had a very pleasant evening Col. Bagby A.C. on the staff of 21 Army Group came by He seemed to be a sort of salesman for "Swordhilt" but as he had no credentials Gaffey and Gay whom he saw did not bite.) 5-29-44 Spoke to all Corps & Army troops in this vicinity at end of speech had all F.O's present them selves and gave them a special talk. I emphasized that it was the military duty of the Med Corps to get men back to the front and that serious sick and wounded 559 should be separated from light cases. wounded ones not only to keep up manpower but to reassure the others. [*Type*] (We had Gen Walker (XX), Haislip (XV) Cook (XII) Middleton (VIII) Gen Weyland 19 Air Support and the Corps C's of S Collier, Menoher, Canine, Searcy Gaffey, Gay and I were present. The dinner was quite informal and later we talked for a long time I was simply trying to get them will indoctrinated. The only thing I said was that "in case of doubt march to the sound of the guns. Every one of the five generals is a Southerner.) 5-30-44 [*Type*] Gen Charlie Simpson and his C of S Gen Moore came at 12/30 we had a guard of honor. After supper we give them a briefing as Maddox was absent I did the G-3 part I was anxious to do this as I had been told that Simpson leaves too much Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at