GEORGE S. PATTON DIARIES Original Oct. 3, 1944-Feb. 5, 1945 BOX 1 FOLDER 11 DIARY (VIII) OCT. 3, 1944 I FEB. 5, 1945 Oct 3 - 44 to VIII 721 Feb 5 - 45 double that from the 35 Div. I saw two SIW or so I think I told them that if they were I could not despise them too much trust if I was mistaken I apologized another boy who had shot him self in the left arm was not an SIW I think I did a good job to day morale seemed high. [*Type*] (10-3-44 A Bn. of the 11 Inf 5 Div attacks Ft Briant S of Metz to day Weyland Harkins and I went up to have a look but could see nothing the attack was well planned and seems to be a success Mrs Rogers (Lowell) called she was full of venom and innuendo that I would not discuss things with her a most dangerous woman and dishonest.) [*Type*] 10-4-44 Drove to Luxembourg to visit Hq 83 div. All the extensive industrial plants in Luxembourg 722 wholly undamaged. There must it seems to me be some sort of international ownership. I should think that after the war these plants will be very profitable as they will have little competition. Gen J. Christmas called I told him we needed two co-axial MG in our tanks and more PW Ammunition. Gen Rumbough of Com Z spent the night he is Chief S of O and seems a nice old lady. 10-5-44 We are still having trouble with Fort Breant but will not be evicted as we have brought up an additional battalion from the 10 inft. Gen Eddy came up to talk to me about Gen McBride of the 80th he fools too much with battalions and has not he confidence of either his men or his officers. We may have to relieve him, the 26 Div is closing 723 in. The 3d Cav Col Polk sent me two fine ship models and suggested that I send one to the President - I will. The Germans are bombarding Conflans Hq XX Corps. A large number of our bombers are passing over. We can hear the bursts at Conflans quite plainly. [*Type too*] 10-6-44 Some more 280 m/m shells hit near Conflans it must be from a RR Gun probably naval as the fragmentation is bad. Things are going badly at Fort Driant we may have to abandon the attack as not worth the cost. I was too optimistic in letting them start it but I hate to crush initiative. 10-7-44 Gens Bradley and Marshall came at 1330. The staff was present and we went over the plans for Fort Driant and also those for the attack 724 by the XII Corps tomorrow. As usual GCM asked very incisive questions but we could answer them. He was more pleasant than usual He has to see Monty in the morning so will miss the battle. The plan is for the 80 Div to attack and take the hills to its front. To give it a fresh regiment we sent a RCT of the 26 Div to take over its northern sector. One Battalion of the 35 with its Tank Co will attack NW to clear the woods on its left while two CC's of the 6 AD attack north through the middle. It should be a good and not expensive operation. 10-8-44 I decided to fly to Nancy which was a mistake as the fog did not clear until 1015. We went to a fine OP and had a really good view of the attack which was going nicely. Four towns 725 were blazing brightly. In one there was a column of flame and smoke at least 4000 feet high. Alleged to be a Tyre factory, while we watched several hundred prisoners came in. I then visited Gen Paul of the 26 Div. He was adjt of the 27th Inf at Schofield Bks in 1924-25 He seems all right. I then drove to an OP in the 80th Div from which we could see their part of the battle. I noted a tendency in Gen McBride to be content with less than perfection and a reluctant to use all his troops. Eddy tolerates this. There was a hill held by a few Germans and no violent effort was being made to secure it before dark I ordered him to put in his reserve and take it - it fell. The whole tempo of our infantry attack is too slow. 10-9-44 Gen Bradley asked the 3 Army commanders and their G-4's and OO's to come to Verdun at 1130 First he explained that it 726 always been Monteys claim that the capture of the Ruhr was a two- army job under one commander and that therefore he Monty should have command of the U S 1st Army. Ike agreed with him only he said it should be two American Armies. To do this 9 Army goes north of 1st Army and takes over XIX Corps. 1st Army takes over VIII Corps and adds to it the 83d div. 1st & 9th Armies start the attack as soon as gas and ammo become available probably Oct 23. We then discussed the supply situation so asto iron out all points prior to the arrival of Beadle Smith. At the insistence of Brad and my self to Ike the other day. SHAFE will now supervise the allocation of supplies. Heretofore SOS had the say and advantaged them selves to the detriment of ground troops and air forces. Beadle was very assertive and as usual knew nothing. Bradley took him down quite 727 hard and he was better thereafter. I made the point that too much emphasis was put on tonnage and not enough on filling our requests. We also want ammunition issued in kind and not to be told that we can shoot so much for a period we should have a definate alotment and be able to make a saving. Hereafter amo will be listed in rounds per gun per day not in units of fire which means nothing. We think that 60 rnds per gun for 105 and about 40 for larger calibers would be a minimum. The fort driant show is going sour. We will have to pull out. Gen Marshall gets to Nancy tonight. 10-10-44 (Left for Nancy by Peep with Codman at 0615 reached there at 0800.) Eddy had a good itinerary laid out first we drove to CP 6 AD and met Grow, Wood and Paul 728 I had a chance to talk up a star for Cols Clark & Reed. Also to put in a word about getting two co-axial MG in all tanks. We then visited Hq 35 Div and the Corps fire direction center, Gen. Lentz. Next the 80 Div where the general decorated some soldiers. Gen Walker picked us up and we went to 5 Div and Hq XX Corps after lunch we visited 90 Div Gen McClane Gen Marshall wants to have McClane for a Corps commander as he feels that not only is McClane a good man but also he is a N.G. it will silence political criticism of the R.A. As I discovered McCLane I am quite pleased. Gen Walker left us here after we decorated some soldiers. GCM and I drove to Luxembourg to see the 83 Div here I said good by. I have never known GCM to be so nice and human. 10-11-44 Gen Bradley came down and I had Walker in to explain the 729 situation at Fort Driant I recommended to Brad that we pull out he concurred. The ammunition situation is very bad about 7 rnds per gun per day for 155 and not much better for 105 and it may get worse - probably will this will defer our attack till November. 10-12-44 ( Mr. Justice Byrnes is at Verdun and Brad wanted me to entertain him as he had expressed a desire to meet me.) As we were moving the CP to Nancy. I went to Verdun and asked Justice B. if he would like to go over my old battle fields. We drove via BLERCOURT and PAROIS to CLERMONT and saw the RR station where we detrained and where the train was hit with out awakening the men sleeping in a boxcar. We took the road north to NEUVILLY passing the little woods on the left where Bretts Bn day the 1st night 730 He moved in the morning and the 2d night it was shelled NEUVILLY was the place where I found our column stopped because the enemy harassing the Bridge. I used my stop watch and got his sequence and passed all the tanks over unhurt. We stopped to take a picture of VAUQUOIS Mountain. I would not have recognized it in 1918 it was bare now it is covered with trees. VARENNES has been spoiled by monuments but Stiller find the place he thought he had been hit. Beyond [CHER] Cheppy I could not find my way at all. Byrnes wanted to visit MONTFAUCON so we drove there on the return to Verdun where he said good by he seems a very intelligent and honest man. Stiller and I then drove to APREMONT via St. MIHIEL. At Apremont we turned north on the road to VIGNEULLES it was raining so hard that when we got to WOMVILLE we turned off 731 on the road to MONTSEC thence to RICHECOURT and on to ESSY. Thus going across the southern third of my attack on SEPT 12 1918. The country is greatly changed and hard to recognize. In the battle Bretts Bn reinforced by 28 reserve tanks jumped off west of RAMBUCOURT and moving west of the RUPT DE MAD RAU went to NONSARD. they had been concealed in the FAUX BOIS NAUGINSARD prior to the attack. Comptons Bn and the French Bn jumped off east and west of BEAUMONT on ESSY where they crossed the RUPT DE MAD RAU and moved via PAENNES on BENY and St BENOIT. I accompanied the right column as far as PANNES and then walked along our front line to Nonsard. Both columns were halted on this line due to lack of gas. 10-13-44 Mr. Gibson and a number of Red Cross luminaries called. 732 10-14-44 Drove to Toul and from there flew in a C 47 to a point west of where we were met by two L5's and flew to Hq 1st Army. Gens Ike, Brad Simpson, self, Gerow, Collins were there. The King arrived about noon we had a brief talk and he presented Bradley with the KCB there was no ceremony he just handed him the box. At lunch I sat next to Sir Allen Lascelles a member of the Kings household and we talked about hunting. After the King left Ike had all of us in and said that we must keep up the spirit of the offensive and not criticize Lee or the Com Z. both things are easy to say - not so easy to do. 10-15-44 Drove to the Hq of the 26 Div where in addition to Gen Paul Gens. Eddy and Wood met us we then drove to a hill where were assembled 733 The regimental Commander quite a lot of F O and an officer and non com from each company unit. I talked to them on lessons of combat, the offensive and fire and movement. On the way back stopped at a collecting station and talked to a Physschiatrist on war weary he was a nut him self. There were five badly wounded men one of whom I decorated. 10-16-44 Drove to Hq XX Corps and told McLane good by also met Twaddle and Van Fleet who relieves McLane in command of the 90th. After lunch addressed FO's and one officer [and] one NCO from each company in the newly arrived 95 Div. At Walkers Hq we saw a dud from the 280 mm instead of a rotating band it had metal strips in the form of a [?Helicoid] on the out side which must 734 fit into the grooves in the rifling. It rained during the whole trip but I did not get too wet. 10-17-44 Went over our plan for the next operation. We will attack first with the three infantry divs of the XII Corps and get a bridge head over the SEILLE river then thrust out with the 4 & 6 AD to secure the high ground E of Metz with one AD while the other surrounds the troops framed back by the hills. The Inf attack will start on D-2 or 3 on D the XX Corps crossing north of Thionville will head SE with one Armd & one Inf Div to meet the NE attack by the XII and so cut the roads out of Metz. There two AD's will thus head for the Siegfried line and if things go well for the 735 Rhine. The sooner we start the better as the enemy continues to dig and mine ahead of us. Ike and Devers came in after lunch and I showed them the plan. Of course the whole thing hinges on ammunition - apparently there is none. Ike left shortly, I told him that some one in his office had told the French to prevent our soldiers from using their whore houses, He had never heard of such an idea which is absurd and will result in a very sad situation. Devers stayed on and I sent for his son in law , Lt Col Graham Devers was full of him self as usual but is a charmer. Score sheet as of 17. U S est. German. actual K 5455 PW 100800 92468 W 27191 K 40300 11603 M 5492 W. 111 2000 T 38138 252300 104072 NB 18998 GT [58498] 57136 Rep. 58498 736 U S. German Lt T Ks 156 M III & IV 838 M '' 374 ' ' V &VI 445 Art 75+ 104 Art-75+ 1766 Vehicles 1634 Vehicles 5065 2268 8110 10 - 18 - 44 Gaffey, Stiller etc went to U K in C 47 which had to make the trip to have some more work done. Plan for the proposed attack is being typed. 10-19-44 Col Harkins took approved plan to Gen Bradley. I also gave him some added reasons to bring out in the course of the conversation. Called Bradley to ask that he talk to Harkins personally. Brig Gen Jenkins 6 AG and Col Guthrie 7 Army called to arrange of our R R through Toul and Nancy. There was no trouble about the boundry. I told them that for the present the showing of the R R was out. About 60 German planes were over Nancy but no 731 bombs were dropped. AA got three certain and three more probables. Fred Ayer spent night. 10-20-44 Drove to Neufchateau and Langres and Bourg to inspect rear areas and also to get a mental rest. Gen Patch came at 0945 by appointment. He wants to borrow one of our Treadway Bridges for his operation on Nov 1 I told him he could have it. Gen Spaatz spent the night. Fred Ayer also spent night. 10-21-44 Took Spaatz out to see P. Wood then we looked at three tanks working with the new track extensions which are very efficient. It was very muddy and Spaatz found out how the other half lives. I told him good by and went to visit the Regimental Command posts of the 101-104 & 328 regts of the 26 Div the 101 is putting on a limited attack in the morning. All units seemed in good 738 shape. I told them how important it is to come for the health of the men and explained how to make drying rooms. On the way back an high burst arrived about 300 yds away. Gens Millikin and Hawley came to dinner. I have had all the senior staff officers of the III Corps come up for a tour of duty with the Army staff. Gen Eddy came in with the details of his Corps plan for the attack. A few German planes went over about 0230. 10-22-44 Brig. Gen. B.O. Davis (Colored) called he is visiting negrow troops a nice looking old nigger. The French Prefect of this area called he had fewer troubles than I had feared. Coal is short, no mail and no RR transportation. Met the staff officers of III Corps. Bradley and Allen came for lunch. After lunch we 739 discussed my plan for future operations. My contention is that at the moment we do not have enough munitions to attack with all three armies there is enough to let one attack now; and the 3 Army can jump off on two days notice Brad is too damned conservative he wants to wait till we all can jump together by which time half our men will have flu. I argued all I could but the best I could persuade him to do was to say I could jump on the 11-5-44. Also he is keeping the 94 Div on the Loire guarding nothing. I wish he had a little daring. One V-1 came over about 1230 from the ninth. 10-23-44 Inspected all ordnance maint units in the vicinity of Nancy there is a tremendous number and the amount of supplies is impressive. Discipline good and enthusiasm high. Also had a look at some of the 26th Div 740 casualties. All were in fine spirits and wanted to know how the fight was going. 10-24-44 We sailed from Norfolk two years ago to day. Last night the Germans fired on Nancy with 280 mm RR guns. They seemed to be trying to get our house as they ranged near the barracks and then put the last three right around the house none of the 3 missing it by more than 30 yds. Our house is No 4 No 5 across the st was hit. One piece came into Stillers room and one went into the guest house and just missed Sgt Woods. After the 2 near one I dressed and on hearing the hollering of the French across the street I went out and helped pull out an old man a baby and an old lady. At [ten] 0900 to day Gen Walker came in with the XX Corps 741 plan Eddy and Millikin were also present. The plan is O.K. but to keep from alarming the Bosch we will have the III Corps move initially to ETAIN instead of BRIEY. At 1000 Col Muller had a surprise for me in the shape of a train or rather a car we inspected the RR as far as TOUL then went through the various Q.M. depots. 10-25-44 Gens Lee Sailer and Plank called on the question of supply. It was pointed out that the three critical shortages were gas 2 million gallons below allowance, ammunition none received for 3 days and B Rations none for 3 days. Suggested corrective measures were pointed out. I also showed Lee a copy of the telegram I had sent Ike on the failure to provide gas. This [?worried] him a great deal as he poses as the perfect supply man. Dined with the Prefect and Mayor. At my speech at Doe Nut dug out the men cheered for five minutes 742 10-26-44 Inspected all regmnts of the 95 Div. They seem all right but have so far sustained negligible casualties and taken no prisoners so I doubt that they are aggressive. Stressed care of men and the use of all weapons for short violent attacks also marching fire. I am not certain how good Gen Twaddle is. 10-27-44 Gen Truscott and his C of S spent the night he is going to have to get the 15th Army. His promotion has been well deserved and he has invariably done a good but never a brilliant job I am very proud of him. By some clever work on the part of an Engineer Lt. Col. we have the locations of the OP's used by the Germans when the 240 mm fires on Nancy. We have completed arrangements by which we hope to bag them the next time 743 they fire. I hope we kill them all. I never knew of people I cared for less. 10-28-44 Inspected a British type flame thrower it has to be transported in a tank and has only 125 yd range if a tank can get that close its gun is better. Called Gen Walker and told him to go ahead and take Maizières as I was fed up with waiting. Captain Butcher was in he says that some of the junior officers of this army say that Ike is the best general the British have and that I was halted to save Montys face. 10-29-44 Weyland, Harkins and I drove to Luxembourg to see Bernard I wanted to get the use of all or part of the 83 div to secure the crossing over the SAAR River at SAARBERG. This is Gays idea and is a good one the 83 will cross after the 10th Armored 744 north of THIONVILLE and secure the crossing which will be later used by the 10th. This will save time and also get a lot more men into action. Brad agreed. Tried to save a Fighter Bomber group for Weyland but had all the air goes to 1 & 9 Armies. Well all the more glory us when we go it alone. Got D day fixed we attack last. Lost out on over strength but have till 15th to arrest it by which time the enemy will have evened things up. On the way back inspected a part of the Maginot Line. The have little value unless you try to storm them. Called on 83 div and XX Corps to give them advanced information of new move. On the way home had a most sinister idea. Election is on Nov 4 and we are not going to be allowed to attack before that date. This is done by the simple 745 method of not letting supplies arrive. The idea is too fantastic. Gen Morris 10 AD has arrived. 10-30-44 Eddy and Walker came in to coordinate their attack at Ponte a Mousson. We also decided to retrieve the 95 with the 5 Div. The 95 has not shown enough drive. I inspected the AA defenses at Nancy which is a gloomy [?sport] although the men are very keen. 10-31-44 Gen Allen C of S 12 AG called to say we would have to send Clark to the 7AD this is a blow as he was the spark plug of all our attack across France. But he may get a promotion out of it. Had to relieve Bob Sears from command of an Inf regt he has done a fine job but simply cant keep it up at 60. He is as thin as a snake. 746 Carl Baehr and Sears and P Wood came to lunch. P is getting morose because he is not a Corps Commander I wrote Bradley requesting to replace Millikin who has never been in battle with Wood who is the best Div Commander I know. It is a blunder to send untried Corps Commanders to command veteran divisions. This is a good flying day. I hope that Ft. Driant gets smashed Vandenberg promised to do it for me. 11-1-44 All Corps Commanders are in for final check on plans. Yesterday I inspected a colored Tank Bn which is to be attached to 26 Div. They gave a very good impression but I have no confidence in the inherent fighting ability of the race. This waiting for the starting signal is very trying on the disposition. 747 11-2-44 Brad came in and explained next plan. 1 & 9 cant go before 10 he asked me when I could go I said 24 hours from when you say go. He said any time on or after 8 now when you get a forecast of one good day. I said O.K. but in any case I will jump on the 8 bombers or no he agreed. We talked it over with XII Corps and since it is 98% likely that bombers cant work before noon even on a good day we will jump off the morning after they bomb and if we can later get them before the 1 & 9 want them we will use them on direct targets. I feel forty years younger. I was slightly put out with Brad. He let The 9 A D take Hogue in place of Pyburn took Clarke from the 4 AD to the 7 AD and then sent me Pyburn. It is not worth 748 making an issue of. Also he tied a string on one CT of the 83 div. due I think to the timid talk of Middleton. Score Sheet for Nov 2. US German Actual. German Est. K 5676 K 11738 [103000] 82250 W 28051 PW 102450 103000 M 5382 W - 116200 T 39109 T 115738 261450 NB 23218 GT 62327 Rep 63771 TKS L 156 TKS M III&IV 834 " M 374 " M V&VI 445 Guns 75+ 108 Guns 75+ 1771 Vehicles 1657 Vehicles 5082 T 2295 8132 11-3-44 Mrs McCormic N.Y. Times sent here by PRO Shafe came to dinner last night. Took her along this morning when I made speeches to 26-35-80 Divis. seems quite a bright woman husband is a stick. All arrangements for attack are buttoned up. Asked for extra rifle Cos to guard bridges got none 749 11-4-44 Made speeches to all Divs in XX Corps that is 5-10AD- 95 & 90 also Hq XX Corps it was a long nasty drive in the rain. All the men seem to be in good shape. Of course the 95 is still a problem especially Twaddle. Had a message from Brad to state my opinion of Sylvester as commander he wanted a similar statement from Walker. Find that 4 & 6 AD's feel hurt that I did not talk to them will do so Monday. I did not include them at first as there is nothing about war I can tell them. 11-5-44 Had a bad case of short breath this morning my usual reaction to an impending fight or match. Went to church. Devers was waiting to see me when I returned he seemed most cooperative and said he would push the XV Corps along on our right. Had Deitrich and her Troop 750 for lunch later they gave us a show it was very low comedy almost an insult to human intelligence. Everett Hughes arrived and is staying for a few days he has been ill with an infected leg. He brought Col. Hank Reed back from the hospital with him. I sent a copy of our attack order to Gens Patch and Haislip. 11-6-44 We were to have 300 heavies on the Metz forts today but the weather was bad it is supposed to be better tomorrow. It is useless to put any confidence in the air at this time of year. Made talks to both the 4 & 6 AD. Told them I could tell them nothing about war or valor. In talking to the 4 I said in your case I could quote the Bible the first shall be last and the fourth shall be first. Presented colors to a new engr bn. I said when a unit gets its 751 colors it gets the symbol of its immortal soul. I will brief the correspondents at 1630. Had steno notes taken of what I told the correspondents I asked the BBC one to announce on the 8th that the 3d Army was attacking to get high ground on which to spend the winter. 11-7-44 Two years ago to day we were on the Augusta and it was blowing hard then about 1600 it stopped. It is now two thirty and raining hard. I hope that too stops. I know of nothing more to do except read the Bible the damned clock seems to have stopped. I am sure we will have a great success. At 1900 Gens Eddy and Grow came to the house to beg me to call off the attack due to the bad weather that is heavy rains and swollen rivers. I told them the attack would go on. I am sure 752 On Nov 7 1942 there was a storm but it stopped at 1600. All day the 9 of July there was a storm but it cleared at dark. I know that the Lord will help us again. Either He will give us good weather or the bad weather will hurt the Germans more than it does us. His will be done. 11-8-44 I woke up at 0300 and it was raining like hell. I actually got nervous and got up and read Rommell's book "Infantry Attacks" it was most helpful as he described all the rains they had in Sept 1914. I went to sleep at 0345. At 0515 the artillery preparation woke me the rain had stopped and the stars were out. The discharge of over 400 guns sounded like the slamming of doors in an empty house, very many doors all slamming at once. All the 753 eastern sky glowed and trembled from their flashes . I thought how the enemy must feel knowing that at last the attack they dread has come. I remembered that I had always demanded the impossible. "Had dared extreme occasion and never one betrayed. How I had never taken council of my fears and I thanked God for his goodness to me. At 0745 Brad called up to see if we were attacking. I had not told him for fear he would call off the attack. He seemed pleased that I had attacked with out any air support. Then Ike came on the line and said "I expect a lot of you carry the ball all the way." I wonder if he ever made a decision to take risks when his best men advised caution? I doubt if he ever has. Codman Stiller and I drove to the OP of the XII Corps but there was so 754 artificial smoke covering our bridges that not much could be seen. At about 1000 our fighter bombers appeared in force and attacked all the known enemy CP's. The day was the best we have had in two months. I visited the CPs of the 80, 35, and 26 Divs also saw Gen Wood we are doing better than we expected. Thanks God! Eddy called after supper to say that every thing was on its objective except the 35 div which is a little behind schedule. It started to rain at 1700. 11-9-44 We drove to the OP of the 2 inf of the 5 Div which crossed this morning. The flooded condition of the river is very bad. It is said to be the biggest flood in the history of the Moselle Valley. Many Trucks, air planes and one hospital platoon are in 755 the water or marooned. I will send the I.G. to find out why the officers concerned did not get their stuff on high ground. Our curse is the inefficiency and lack of sense of responsibility on the part of company goods officers. While we were at the OP with Gen Irwin and Col. Roffe some 2000 planes of the 8th Air force came over and bombed the Metz forts and other targets in our front it was quite a sight. We saw first lots of smoke corkscrews in the air and thought that they were German AA rockets actually they were our markers. The roar of the bombs was very audible. All the bridges over the Moselle south of Nancy except the one at Ponte a Mousson are out. The Seille increased in width from 200 to 500 feet while we were bridging it. We got stuck in the water at the Pont A M bridge when we 756 crossed enroute to the XX Corps. Saw CC B of the 10 AD near Mars La Tour enroute to cross back of the 90 div. They looked well. Five battalions of the 90th are over and they were their support bridges in place, hope to complete Tread way bridge for the armor by dawn. The 6th A D is having trouble crossing the Seille the 4 AD is moving up and has started fighting. We will have over 2000 PW by night. Gens Spaatz, Doolittle, Curtis Col F. Allen,Professor Hopper spent the night we had a most interesting evening. I think that all the bombers we had to day were really an expression of friendship to me from Spaatz and Doolittle Personality plays a tremendous part in war. Spaatz feels that the infantry is given very undue importance in war. Americans are machines 757 all arms using groups like air, armor, ordinance, Engrs etc are super all front men are poor to arrange. We both feel that this national characteristic should be developed in the next war. Same chart as of 2400 7 Nov 24. Before the Battle US actual German Estimated K 5734 K 11776 42500 W 28273 W ---- 117000 M 5421 PW 102680 103000 T 39428 T 114456 262500 N.B. 24386 GT 63814 Rep 64655 TKS L 157 TKS III&IV 834 " M 374 V&VI 445 guns 75+ 109 guns 75+ 1773 Vehicles 1663 Vehicles 5083 2303 8135 A A Air Planes #1 320 #2 149 469 758 11-10-44 The river has gone down a little and we have the bridge at Pont a Mousson in again also one in 90 Div. CCB 4 AD is going well east of Chat. Salins. 6 AD is moving N E and has apparently trapped an enemy column between it and the 5 Div. Things are very satisfactory. Gen Haislip was in and says that he can assure us that nothing can hit our right flank until we get further N.E. We will shoot the two spies tomorrow P.M. The bag to date almost 3000 P.W. Called 12 AG to report situation 11-11-44 Visited XII Corps 26 Div. 6 AD and 80 Div we got well up to the front and saw two dead Germans. The flood is abating. I think we made a killing to day. Visited wounded in Nancy all were in fine spirits. 759 At 1710 Bradley called and after asking in a casual way how we were doing said "I am not at all pleased with the way Walker is planning to use the 83 Div. He is not following my orders. I think we had best not use the 83 at all especially in view of the change in timing." I said that I felt sure he was misinformed about Walker's plans but he persisted so finally I said "If you are personally going to command the 83 it had best not be used." He then told me to phone Walker his decision and that he would phone Hodges. This was done. I imagine that this is one of the few times in the history of war when one tenth of an attacking generals command was removed after the battle had been joined. I suppose that Hodges and Middleton have been working on Brad for a week and this 760 added to his own natural and frequently demonstrated timidity made him make a fool of him self. I hope history records his moral cowardice. The heads of all the staff sections gave me a birthday party at Col Koch's house we had "Armored Diesels Field Expedient type" very good. 11-12-44 Went to church where I heard the worst service yet sent for the Chief Chaplain to have the offender removed. Bradley called on phone to say he and Gen Bonesteel will visit me in the morning. Inspected 35 Evac to see wounded their spirit is most stimulating. The 90 and 10 AD are still held up by the flood the 90 sustained a severe attack by about one German division but after a hard fight repelled it. The XII Corps is making 761 steady but not spectacular gaines. The weather is awful and we are getting lots of trench foot. I directed that all shoes be dubbined before issue and that if humanly possible men get one dry pair of socks daily. I must get the XII Corps in column of divs so as to give one div at least a chance to rest, sleep, get hot food and dry out. Supplies are satisfactory except for 240m/m how and 8" guns. Ike called to see how I was doing and also to tell me that Gen Silvester said I had a personal animus against him. As a matter of fact I saved him from being released by Walker on two occasions. 11-13-44 7 Army attacked this morning. Gen Bradley came at 1015 with Bonesteel. We drove to Hq. XII Corps and 762 26 Div Hq and also to Chat Salines Hq of the 4th Armd Div. The weather was horrible and B got a good idea of the flood conditions. He told me the build up contemplated we will get the inf of the 75 Div around Dec 1 the whole Div by Dec 15. We also get the 11 Armd now in U.K. He also plans to use the 15 Army to take over the area from the Moselle to the Rhine and so relieve 3d Army and the left of 1st of the trouble of covering so much territory. Visited wounded in P.M. all in fine spirits. 11-14-44 Eddy wanted to by pass Falkenburg but I told him not to as it is easier to defeat Germans there than later on the SAARE or the West Wall. Took my RR car and went to Briey where I met Gen Walker we 763 went to the 95 Div they are doing something but lack or seem to lack vigor since Nov 8 they have lost 80 K and 482 W this is too low or low for the effort they are supposed to make I told Gen Twaddle that. We then drove to THIONVILLE where the largest Bailey Bridge in the world was put up by Engrs it was built under fire and they had heavy losses some shelling was going on at the time. From there we drove to CATTENOM and crossed on a tread way bridge under a smoke screen to see the 90 Div. This div made an epic landing and is in great shape. The 10 Armd started crossing at Malliring and Thiaucourt at 1600. I hope things [?unroll] in the morning. I never saw so many dead Germans as I did when VanFleet took us out to KERLING and 764 showed us where the counter attack on Nov 11 was stopped. I will write up the 90th at some length in typed diary. 11-15-44 Ike came at noon in the PM we visited XII Corps and the 26 and 35 Divs. He seemed well pleased and got copiously pictured in the mud. We talked till 2:30 AM and I think I put over my ideas on decorations and staff promotions. The 4th Armd got set back a little but other wise the fight is going slowly but steadily all the present known reserves have been sent in apart us. I hope that the 7 Army does better than it has to date also that the 1st & 9th attack. Eddy is regrouping and will pull out the 6 Armd to be ready to exploit. 765 score sheet US Aug 1 G. Actual G Est K 6778 K 12053 48000 W 35296 PW 109829 111000 M 7770 W --- 131000 49844 121879 290000 N.B. 29857 79701 Rep. 74928 TKS L. 182 TKS IV&III 857 " M. 410 " V&VI 454 Guns 75+ 114 1836 Vehicles 1815 5127 2521 8274 11-16-44 Ike and I visited QM, Ord and Hospitals he left at 1315 well pleased I think he said we had got farther than he thought possible. In PM Gen Lee called and we put the heat on him about trench feet. I heard that the Germans use Tetinus serum so I am trying it - it may work. Walker called to know what to do when Metz surrenders. I hope it does. 11-17-44 Visited XII Corps and saw Gen Grow 6 AD so I did not have to hunt him up but went to 80 Div at FALKENBERG McBride seemed fed up with Grow. Got back in time to be at lunch with Walter LIPMAN he is quite a person with good eyes too far apart. Eddies allowance of shells for tomorrow was 9000 so I told him to use 20000 if we win the war now we will not need the shells later. 11-18-44 We had a great day for the Air. The XIX Tac. flew from 0800 till dark attacking many columns. After dark they sent out their night fighters on numerous missions and attacked some fifty convoys of from 12 to 25 vehicles with fair results. The XX Corps made good 767 progress both the 90 & 95 moved forward long distances and had practically made contact with the 5 div by dark. The 10 AD was on the northern part of its objective by dark. CCB of the 10 is within a few miles of the SAAR near MERZIG. We hear that elements of [the] a German Armored div are assembling at the latter place and have asked for four groups of medium bombers to attack it in the morning. If the weather holds good we may get to go through the Siegfried line soon. I did not go to the front today as I think every thing is going OK. Walker called me late to say that he was not satisfied with the progress of the 5 div. I will go there tomorrow. 11-19-44 At 0845 Eddy called me to say he was having trouble with Gen Wood and wanted to see me. He came in 768 at 0930. Wood did not drive hard yesterday and was almost insubordinate. I wrote him a letter which I sent by Gaffey telling him plainly that if things did not improve I would have to relieve him. I hate to do this as he is one of my best friends but war is war. Drove to fort VERNEY Hq 5 div. Walker was there the 10 inf of that div made a night attack and cut the last escape rout out of Metz. While I was there it made physical contact with elements of the 90th coming from the north. Both the 5th and 90 are fighting in the streets of the town. We have almost half the forts and are containing the rest. A column of Germans in all types of vehicles is stalled on the road and under fire from a company of tanks at 200 yds. I heard some instances of Germans kicking and even shooting our wounded 765 The air attack on Merzig was a success CCB of the 10 AD is over the border there. Walker will leave the 5th to clean up Metz and attack to the east N. of Merzig, he is showing plenty of drive. We took the bridge leading to the island west of Metz by keeping air bursts on it so it could not be blown and sending tanks across. Called Bradley to say that while it had not surrendered Metz was ours. Am getting a cold. P. apologized to Eddy and all seems well? 11-20-44 Weather has closed down so that we have no air. French have broken through at BELFORT. 7 Army is going ahead well. At noon got a report that enemy infront of the 26 Div are pulling out in a northerly direction. Metz is 2/3 cleared 770 of enemy. Sent Maddox to XX Corps to see about turning Metz with 5 Div over to III Corps. Also sent Gaffey and Koch to XX to arrange for one attack to go due east as well as the overground attack N.E. 11-21-44 We may get some air today but not much. Germans are flooding country infront of 26 Div. Gaffey wants me to send 80 Div east from Falkenburg to cover the gap between XII & XX but I prefer a narrow front of attack. Sent Gaffey up to discuss it with Eddy. Only one small pocket still holding out in Metz. I wish things would move faster. The 7 Army and the French are stealing the show. Visited two hospitals - casualties rather light lately. Wrote personal letter to Corps and Divs on Trench foot. 771 The impetus of our attack is slacking due to fatigue of men. I have arranged to get at least one inft Div out of action for a rest. Weather cleared a little in PM so we had some air. 11-22-44 Weather still bad so no air. 26 Div had some useless losses due to impetuous ignorance. Gen. Bonesteel hatchet man for Bradley came and I think will be of very real value. Gaffey Maddox and I went over Corps Plans for a continuation of the offensive. In XX 10 AD and one CT 90 Div will try SAARBURG and MERZIG Rest of 90 & 95 will attack east in the vicinity of SAARLAUTERN 5 Div less 1 CT in Metz will follow which ever assault wins a hole. In XII Corps 80 & 6 AD will attack in the vicinity of SAARGEMOUND one CT 35 will accompany 6 AD. 26 and rest of 35 hold and refit. 4 AD attack south of SAARALBEN. 772 I doubt if the 10 Armd's northern thrust works due to slowness imposed by ground conditions when I planned it the ground was dry and we hoped for a blitz. However it will serve to atenuate the German forces a river crossing or a landing should be on a wide front and hope for a break some where to date we have succeeded every where but it is not necessary. I rather think that the attack of 80 & 6 A D has the best chance. Luck would put the 4 over. [Nov 11] SCORE SHeet U S Nov 8 Oper. Ger act est k 7433 1699 RW. 122533 123110 w 39095 10822 B 12774k 53300 M 7709 2288 W ---- 145600 T 54237 14809 135307 322000 NB 34488 10102 Nov 8 to 22 Est are- GT 88728 24911 PW 19853 201000 R 84734 20079 B 998 K 10800 20851 W 28600 59500 773 Material US Nov 8 to 22 German Nov 8-22 TKS L 193 36 III+IV 877 43 " M 456 82 V+VI 468 23 G75+ 115 6 2073 300 Vehicles 1973 310 5334 251 2737 434 8752 617 11-23-44 Had a guard of honor for Eddy and a second for Walker to celebrate their respective captures of Nancy and Metz. We then went over with them and with Milliken present the plans for the continuation of the operation by the two Corps. Had a nice Thanksgiving lunch Gen. Girauw called and told me that our plan was very good as based on his knowledge of the ground he at one time Commanded Metz. Elements of the Panza div were identified on the line between the XII & IV Corps about where the 4AD now is. The situation asto ammunition is not good but we will fight all out till we run out. Ike wired congratulations 774 on the capture of Metz but did not mention the XX Corps though I asked him to. Gen Girow says I am the liberator of France. Had G-3 prepare a study for using all or part of the XV Corps in the zone of the XII Corps. I will try to sell the idea to Bonesteel and get him to sell it to Bradley. If this is allowed it will let me an outflank the Saar river line rapidly and cheaply. 11-24-44 Bonesteel and I were just leaving to inspect the 6th Armd and XX Corps when I got a phone call that Ike was to pass through Nancy and would like to see me. Bony went on by him self. Bradley was with Ike so I had them stop by the office and showed them my plan for using the XV Corps. Ike seemed to like it but Bradley said we could do the same thing by shifting the boundary of the 6 Army Group 775 north into the zone of the XII I objected as the zone of the Third Army is a natural approach and should be kept in tact for one Army. After they left I visited XII Corps but it was too late to see 6 AD distances are terrible and it is dark by 515PM I will send my private car to Thionville then drive up visiting the 95, 5, 90 and 10 Armd and return in the car after dark. 11-25-44 The 95 Div has done well and has high morale. I thought their plan over timid and said so on the way up three shells probably 88 or 105 fell near the road we were on. I don't believe they were firing at me just map firing at the road. The 5 Div was in Metz and it was pleasant to drive into a town which has not been captured for 1301 years. I told Gen Irwin that his division was 776 not as good as it had been and he should improve it. When I got to Hq XX at Thionville I found that Gen Girow was there and got pulled into a couple of formations in his honor. The 10 Ad is very self confident and while not moving fast is progressing so I decided to let them keep on towards Saarbourg for a little longer. The 90 Div is doing very well and is well up to strength. I told all div commanders that I am going to send up some green replacement captains who would be used as lieutenants under veteran captains until they learned the ropes. I also told them to push battle field promotions. When I got home I found that the G-3's of the 6 Army Group and 7 Army had been up with a proposed boundary which would pinch out the 3d Army Gaffey made them take 777 the one we had proposed in our study the other day. Evidently Devers talked Ike out of letting me have the XV Corps. Well it can't be helped but I hate it and from a military standpoint it is stupid. I called Bradley and protested but got no where. His thesis is that all 4 American Armies should consist of 12 Divs. An Army should be as large or small as it is able to use I have a long front and need lots of soldiers. The 1 & 9 are on narrow fronts and need more. Bradley is with out inspiration and all for equality he may also be jealous. "What can't be cured must be indured." 11-26-44 Gen Bradley came by at 1000 with a final arrangement for the use of the 7 Army. The XV Corps gets a north boundary in our area on the line: LORENTZES-RAHLING 778 HOULING-WALTHALBEN- KAISERSLAUTERN-BOBENHEIM This is about the boundary I would have used had I kept the XV Corps. The VI Corps turns NE along the Rhine. We will see how it comes out. 11-27-44 Averill Harriman ambassador to Russia and Lt Col Galt ADC to Ike arrived at 1010. Ike had called to ask me to see that H saw the worst flood conditions. So I took him to the 4 AD and we crossed the SAAR the ground was as bad as could be we then visited the 26 Div and on the way back went over a tank battlefield at one point one of our MIV had destroyed five German MV. Harriman said that Stalin paid the 3 Army the highest compliment of which he is capable when he said in the presence of his C of S that the Red Army could not have done what the 3d Army did. 779 He says that Stalin is a strong ruthless revolutionary and a very potential threat to future world conditions. He says that the discipline of the Red Army is the most rigid in the world and that the officer cast is a sort of new nobility. I think he had a very pleasant time. 11-28-44 Col McDonald who has been PM 3 Army leaves to take over the 4 Cav. He has done a very fine job and I hate to lose him. Will write a personal letter to Hodges about him. Gens Brerton and Ridgeway called to get a job for the air Borne troops. Beadle Smith and Truscott and a lot of industrial magnates are coming. Stuart Cramer was one of the magnates and brought a pair of suspenders and a letter from B. Truscott is to return to 780 Italy to command the 5 Army now that Clark commands all the Forces in Italy. Walker can attack Merzig any time after tomorrow morning. He would like an air attack which may be available next few days I told him he could wait till Friday and then attack any how he feels most optimistic. [?Beadle] said that the 1st & 9th Armies were about stalled and if we got a break through we would get the support - about time. 11-29-44 Large numbers of people kept bothering me so I could not get off to visit units until 1100. Drove first to 80 Div they are very cocky and doing well. Next saw 6 AD in a very much "liberated" town, then the 35 and finally XII Corps ,where I went over plans to get 26 across the Saar west of the 4 A D to open 781 crossings over the river from the east, and eventually get the 35 across north of Sarr union and probably follow it with the 6 AD Between Chateau Salines and St. Avold we crossed four new and one old Anti Tank ditches. The amount of dirt moved to construct these Chinese Walls in reverse is appalling and to no purpose. The Maginot Line is not too impressive. In fact part of the 80 Div got through it with out knowing it. The shortage of replacements 9000 for this Army and no more in sight is very bad. I can't see why Ike let us be caught so short with both men and ammunition both of which are after all necessary to fight a war. Gen CULEN commanding the 87 Div came to dinner he has an inherited face 782 11-30-44 Had G's and Weyland in to look at current situation. If mediums can bomb visually they will do so to morrow if they cant they will bomb on "Obo" either Sat or Sunday depending on which day they can take off. In any case the 90 & 95 will attack on Sunday bombing or not. It is a serious but not desperate operation I called Allen to try and get at least one regt of the 87 at once to talk over Metz so I can get the 5th Div usable for a break through. Sent the 6 Cav group to cover right flank of X X Corps. At 1800 Gaffey told me that Gen Weyland felt that the medium bombers should attack to morrow by OBO as if we waited we might not again get flyable weather 783 XX Corps could well use one more day to get ready but I dicided to shoot the works and so ordered. 12-1-44 Gov. Lehman dined with us last night and seems quite a man. This morning I sent he and Codman up to visit P Wood and see how nasty the weather and mud realy are. The eight groups of Bombers were over the targets at 1100 but due to radio failure only half of them could release their bombs. This is too bad. Also the 95 div is having a lot of trouble getting to the river. I will try and get the bombers again for tomorrow. Perhaps our luck is still in and a second bombing may turn the trick. P Wood got a counter attack by 13 tanks but the situation is in hand. The other night two Cos 784 of Germans in a V with two tanks at the center made a night attack the whole was lead by a cow with a red lanthorn above her head lead by a soldier our artillery got them. 12-2-44 Drove to 20 Corps and visited Hq of 95 while we were there 10 groups of Mediums flew over to bomb Saarlauthern Some women in uniform sniped some of the 95 yesterday and were killed. Next I visited the 90 and went up to the CP 359 inf Lt Col Ball. I told him I wanted to visit an OP so he guided me. We got out of the Peep in a woods and started walking down the road Ball me Codman and Stiller. About half way down the hill Ball showed me a Pill Box covering the road at some 250 yds. I felt very 785 conspicious but fortunately nothing happened. The OP was a house and soon after we got there a TOT hit some 75 yds to the left. I was glad to leave but feel that the Germans are not in Merzig else I would be dead. Visited 10 AD which seems in good shape. 12-3-44 P Wood came to say good by. I got Ike to send him home on a 60 Day D.S. I doubt if he was realy sorry to go. Eddy came in. Our situation asto replacements is bad 11000 short in the Army of 3 AD and 6 inf Div that means that the rifle cos are at about 55% strength and no replacements in sight. Raining. Damn the weather. Sent Gen Gaffey to take command of the 4 AD he is a most able soldier 786 He has been my C of S three times 1st in the Desert, 2d in Tunisia and 3d in 3d Army. He has already commanded a CC and an AD in action with outstanding ability. When I was thought of to take over the Anzio Beach head I had planned to take him along. He is a great Pinch hitter I hope to get him a corps. 12-4-44 Visited XV Corps and 7 Army their supply and replacement system is much better than in the 12 AG due I think to letting the Army deal direct with Com Z. 12 AG trys to administer too much. 12-5-44 The 4AD made an advance of 7 miles Gen Earnest lead the attack. The 90 Div will cross the Saar north of Saarlautern to night. The 95 was made a second crossing further to the south. Both divs are getting very heavy 787 artillery fire but the casualties are not too heavy. Madame la Morchelle Lavote 83 years old came to dinner and is most interesting she leaves for Africa in the morning but has arranged for Codman and I to visit her house. 12-6-44 The following Congressmen came at 1030. Merritt, Ny. Costello Cal. Brooks, La: Kilday, Tex: Davis, Tenn. Sheridan Pa. Winstead, Miss: Thomas, NJ: Elston, Ohio: Luce, Conn. a bitch of [?parts]; Harness, Ind: Shafer, Mich: Farrington, T.H. Pagon, P.R. They were a below average lot, hunting trouble. WAC Lt Col sect to GCM was also along. We had them to lunch but gave them nothing to drink and only served issue food. Later sent them via Chat. Salines to Metz where Milliken took them in charge. At 6.45 PM I heard that Merritt and Luce had 788 pulled the lanyads on two of our guns firing at a Fort. I remembered a similar incident in the last war so called up the PRO only to find that an account of this folly had been passed by the Chafe censor and sent out at 5:40 PM I am very angry. After they left we visited the Layate house which is most interesting and has naturally a very complete collection of Arab and Berber things. Gens, Spaatz, Doolittle and Vandenburg spent the night and we arranged for a future heavy air attack on KAISERSLAUTERN. We plan on a two or three days show weather permitting. They visit Devers tomorrow to arrange details with him. At the briefing at 1930 I fell on a stairway in the dark and hurt my coxix. 789 12-7-44 Stayed in all day due to my back. Col. Maddox reports slow house to house fighting in front of the 90 and 95 but that the losses are not bad although there is very heavy artillery fire. When our planes can fly the enemy don't fire. At my request Gen Patch is relieving the 4 AD with part of the 12 AD XV Corps he is most cooperative. Black market says we will get an Air Attack on our south flank - but it is too rainy. I forgot to state at the time but Gen Devers was here on the 5th to learn my plans he promised complete coop, and so far seems to have given it. I am not sure that as the lesser of two evils it might not be better to be in his Army Group. He interferes less and is not so timid as Bradley. It would perhaps be a mercy if the latter were "Gathered" fine man but not great. 790 12-8-44 We have been attacking now for one month and have liberated 873 towns and 1600 square miles PW 30136. Buried 2158 estimate in addition an aggregate of 88900. 137 tanks, 400 guns and 301 other vehicles We have lost 23235 men in battle and 18641 sick = 41876 Replacements recieved 30177 151 tanks, 7 guns and 441 vehicles US Score Since 1 Aug K 9108 Est. PW. 132816 Est PW 133500 W 45344 B 13934 K 57600 M 8211 W --- W 160300 B.T. 62663 BT 146750 351400 N.B.C. 43027 N.B. We include our own GT 105690 sick but not the German. TKS.L. 196 933 " M 495 483 +Guns75 116 2173 Vehicles 2104 5384 2911 8973 For 130 days of fighting we have averaged a loss from all causes of 812 daily. German army 2701-not bad. 791 On Nov 8 our Total casualties amounted to 63814 on Dec 8 they were 105690 or we have had 40% of our total casualties to date in the last month. 12-9-44 Things are going well but not rapidly. 26 Div gained 5 K to day and has high ground needed. One CT 87 went up starting relief of 26 which will assemble at Metz. All 4 AD's out resting so is 80. Driant fell yesterday at 1545 Bradley called and seems to think that at long last weight of attack may be given me. He also asked me to talk to press on the method of air ground support used in this army in order to defeat other methods being pushed from other theaters. We are to be quoted. Weyland and I talked and had Sgt. R. take down our ranks in case of a miss quote. One can't be too careful some day I too will be timid. 792 12-10-44 Gens Patch, Saville Weyland and 3 Army staff all met to discuss a three day air Blitz on ZWEIBRUCKEN. Spaatz and Doolittle suggested it when last here. All previous bomb [targets] carpets have been for one day so we feel that these days will catch enemy off base. As part of 15 Corps is tactically connected with the attack we had to coordinate with Patch we are in agreement and will make a final decision on the 13 when we can know if we can get a similar blitz on front of VI Corps. Went to Church. Got my watches from PATEK, PHILIPPE 4 for 8900.00 Lt. Col. Prince Aly Kahn secured them for me. 12-11-44 Nothing. Had Army Chaplain offer prayer for dry weather I will publish it to command with X mas greeting added 793 12-12-44 Stiller and I visited XII Corps. Drove first to 4 AD and saw both combat commands and looked at messes the food was good and every man was sheltered in some sort of a building. Maintenance was good they are only 10 MTKs short. Next Hq 26 and 87 combined one CT 87 is in action and apparently doing well. I talked to almost 30 officers of the Div - usual advice. Next we visited the 35 Div which is doing well but is pretty tired in the big attack they will occupy high ground covering our left. Decided to put the 6 AD and 26 in III Corps at least for the present. If enemy attacks VIII Corps 1st Army I can use III Corps to help. If Walker gets jumped from his left after he breaks through he can left face and III Corps can carry out the attack NE in his axis I talked this over with Eddy and he agrees. We will move the CP to St. Avold on the 19th. 12-13-44 Had arranged to visit 7 Army an Air show but Patch phoned he would not be there and is sending his G-3 home to represent him. 8 Air force Gen Vandenberg 9 Air force. A RAF man and Gen Saville from 6 Army Group Weyland and I went over the final plan for blitz. Target date as Dec 19 with 10 days available. If XII Corps gets through by 22 and VI Corps has not broken through we can move the Blitz to their front. I doubt if they break through they are going fast now but have not hit the Siegfried line. One of the Bns of the 87 Div broke badly yesterday as is usual with green troops 795 The 90 & 95 Divs XX Corps are having a hard time at Saarlautern that is going slow but casualties are light. 80 Div and 5 Divs are full and we have about 4000 men gleaned by a 5% cut of Army and Corps troops training at Metz this will fill 26 Div and leave some over for 90 or 95. If Com Z would do as well we would have more replacements. 12-14-44 Codman Stiller and I left at 0815 and drove to Hq 95 Div then into Saarlautern. Most of the houses I saw are really forts. I crossed the bridge with Codman and went into an OP there was quite a lot of firing but nothing hit very near us. Accompanied by Walker we drove to Hq 90 Div. They are having a hell of a time because of no bridge till to day and it only 796 supplies two regts the northern regiment is still supplied by assault boat and one in the open with a resulting large amount of trench foot The rifle strength is very low poor devils. But they are killing large numbers of Germans. Drove to Thionville and saw Capt Wadsworth I had him sent in to see me so I could write his father. Drove to Luxembourg to see Brad. Apparently Montey (SOB) with the help of the P.M. will get the 9 Army. Montey is bitterly opposed to the operations of both Patch and my self. He still wants all available forces massed on the north and wants to command them. He told Ike and Brad that when he commanded the war it was a success but since it has stimied. What a fool! It is still decided that if the Rhine can only be reached in one place 797 that place must be on the front of the 1st Army. My attack will still go on with my present short means but if it fails to break through after the Blitz I will have to go on the defensive till more troops arrive. And in the mean time I may loose some divisions. It is up to me to make a break through. I feel that I will God helping. It has rained less since my prayer. I may get three new infantry regiments. I asked Brad for one of the airborne divs but won't get it. Got home at 0115. While I was with the 90 went to the river and saw a house belonging to von Pappen decorated a Lt Col of Engrs a concentration landed one block away. I had Eddy come in and spend the night of the 13-14 he was tired and nervous 798 12-15-44 Gen Kenner called he suggests that we use the infantry regts of the new divs for the replacements and later refill them with returned wounded and new replacements and men from the Com Z if we can get them pried loose. This is a good idea as it would fill our veteran divs with good men who would learn battle wisdom quickly by association. And the new divs would also [?boast] a [?legion] of battle wise men. I called Brad and urged it but he was very apathetic he sees Ike tomorrow so I flew Kenner to Paris to push the Project with Ike. I fear that it is such a simple solution that it will not be adopted. Still no rain. 799 12-16-44 Visited Gen Eddy. He was in a very depressed and nervous state. The 87 Div is not doing well and one Colonel had to be relieved on account of failure to supress trench foot. Personally the situation looks good but I fear we cannot be ready for the blitz before the 22 of Dec. I hope we don't lose it due to this. I think it may be a good idea to put the III Corps in in about the zone of the 35 Div to exploit any success that div may get. I also ordered the 6AD to make a straight attack tomorrow to hold enemy in its front. Visited Haislip to see how he was getting on he is stalled and not very energetic. Drove home to address a bit of news paper people on Air-Ground operations. I may put Eddy on leave for a few days I would do so but fear the cure might be worse than the disease if I did I would put Gaffey in temporary command of the Corps. C of S 12 AG called to have 800 10 AD attached to VIII Corps to help repulse a rather strong German attack. I called Bradley to point out that the 3rd Army had paid a lot of blood for the hoped for break through at Saarlauteen and when it came we needed the 10 A.D. I also said that in my opinion to move the 10 was to play into the German hands. He admitted my logic but took council of his fears and ordered the 10th to move I wish he were less timid. He also turned down my idea about replacements. I took 5% more out of Corps and Army troops to make infantry. Gen LINDEN second in command of the 42nd Div reported. It is not well trained. What a bunch of fools we have at home. The crutial part of the war and after three years no trained men? 12-17-44 The German attack is on a wide front and many 801 elements of different divs have been located but no large units. Last night there were large road and rail movements into my area. It may be a feint on the front of the VIII Corps and an attack on us. If so we will stop it as we are well placed. The 5 is relieving the 95 and the 80 is going in. The only place they could hurt would be against Col Polk's force. I told the XX Corps to reconnoiter Ger positions and routes in his area. Had Milliken down an plan for III Corps. He will not be adept but also he will be fresh and ambitious. As an after thought I told Eddy to move the 4 AD into action so no one can steal it. I still feel that if we put on a blitz an break through as we will it will halt the German attack. Had the V & VIII Corps been more aggressive the Germans could not have prepared this attack one must never sit. 802 12-18-44 Bradley called at 1030 and asked me to bring G 2-3-4 and self to Luxemborg for a conference. When we arrived he said I fear that you wont like what we are going to do but I fear that it is necessary. He then showed that the German penetration is worse than I had thought. He asked me what I could do I told him that I would halt the 4 AD and concentrate it near LONGEWAY starting to night and that I would start the 80 in the morning on Luxemborg. I also said I would alert the 26 to move in 24 hours if necessary. He seemed satisfied. Drove home in the dark which I hate. 12-19-44 Had staff meeting at 0800 in which I explained change of plan and made rough map of new operation. bring Milliken 803 and Millikin in any two of these directions I made a code so I could call Gay. Left for Verdun to see Ike, Brad, Devers, Tedder at 1045. Ike had Shaf. G-2 give picture and then said he wanted me to get to Luxemborg and take Cmd of the battle and make a strong counter attack with at least six Divs (these dont exist except on paper) He said he prepared to take the defensive from Saarlautern south and asked Devers how much he could take over Devers made a long speech on strictly selfish lines. Bradley said little I kept still except that I said we needed replacements and repeated my suggestion that the basic privates of the the three new infantry divs be used for replacements. Ike said "No! I wont admit we are that near beaten." I said we will be if we don't get more. I am to have VIII - III - XII - XX Corps with 101 - 28 - 26 - 5 - 4 - 80 - 90 - 95 & 35 inf 804 and 4 - 6 - 9 - 10 A.D. 6 AG takes over the old XX - XII Corps bndry at Saarlautern and I give them 87 & 42 Divs we fall back of the Saar. Ike said when can you attack I said on Dec 22 with 3 divs 4 AD, 26 -80 Inf. Tedder urged me to get rid of XX Corps but I want it for a rest area. Ike said the me: " Every time I get a new star I get attacked" I said and I pull you out. Drove to XX Corps and told Walker new set up. Spent night with him. Felix was there too. 12-20-44 [*Dec 20*] Drove to Lux. arriving at 0900. Bradley had halted 80 Div at Lux and ingaged one CC of 4 with out letting me know but I said nothing. While I was there Ike called and he and Brad had a long talk. He told Brad he was putting Montey in operational control of 1 & IX Armies. I don't know why except that in this way he may be able to 805 induce Monty to put in some British troops. He certainly can't or wont command M. Drove to Arlon saw Milliken Middleton, Gaffey and Paul the VII Corps is fighting very well but is being destroyed. I told it to give ground and blow bridges so I can hit the enemy in flank. The CC of the 4 AD had not been ingaged so I with drew it. Visited 4 Div also 80 and 9 AD I saw Morris too. Troops are very badly scrambled. I sent Leonard of 9 AD to VIII Corps to take over two CC of his Div and one of 10AD Told Morris to take one CC of 9 and two of his. Ordered up all available TD SP and Tank Bns. Sent for Eddy and his Corps Hq and Artillery. Sent 35 to Metz to fill up. Also ordered 90 & 95 filled also 4 Div. Told 9 & 10 AD to canabalize in order to fill thier infantry riflemen Set up now is as follows 806 VIII Corps Middleton 101 - 28 - 9AD III Corps. Milliken 26 - 80 - 4AD XII Corps Eddy 4 - 5 & 10 AD XX Corps Walker 90 - 95 - 6AD The 35 will go either to XII or VIII according to circumstances I also got up ammunition and Hospitals and Bridges. I had no one but a good telephone and a fine staff at Nancy. 10 Inf 5 div got in. A most wonderful move for the whole Army. Attack at 0400 Dec 22 12-21-44 Ike and Bull are getting gittery about my attacking too soon and too weak. I have all I can get. If I wait I will loose surprise. by 23 & 24 I can get Eddy off with 5 inf and 10 AD. Brad and his staff [force?] going on. VII Corps 1 Army could attack on 23 if they were pushed. Enemy may try to spoil my attack by coming in from ECHTERNACH. against 4 Div. Had all staffs except VII in for conference as usual 807 on the verge of an attack they were full of doubts. I seem always to be the ray of sun shine and by God I always am. We can and will win. God helping. At 1700 4 Div is reported a violent attack which I doubt but took measures. I wish it were this time tomorrow night. When we attacks it is the enemy who has to worry. Give us the Victory Lord! 12-22-44 The III jumped off at 0600 and is making fair progress. On the left 4AD struck many craters blown by the Com Z engrs prior to our arrival but are making reasonable progress. The 26 in the center are doing well against delaying actions. The 80 on the right is doing the worst as they had to attack a defended river line - they are across and should do better to night the attack will continue during the dark. BASTOGNE is still holding out we we will resupply by 808 Air using path finder method. It snowed till 1200 as that no air could get up. I am satisfied but not happy with the results to day it is always hard to get an attack rolling I doubt if the enemy can make any serious reaction for another 36 hours I hope that by that time we will be rolling. The men are in good spirits and full of confidence. The 10 inf 5 div XII Corps attacked NE on ECNTERNACH to drive the enemy east of the river. They jumped off at 1200 and ran into a German attack of 2 inf Bns results so far not known. I talked to eight men of the 28 and CC A of [10] 9 AD who had walked in since 19 Dec FROM WINSELER right through the German salient they saw only seven Germans. I think that there is less weight than some think to the German attack. At 1700 learned that due to icing conditions the air 809 supply wont work to night if as is possible. Dager with his CC of 4 AD gets through it will not be necessary Milken will inform me if this happens so that air effort can be called off. I will not attack with XII Corps until I have driven enemy east of river. I may replace 4 Div. very tired and 1600 men short with 90 and exchange 10 AD for 6 AD when latter is released. 10 AD and 4 to XX. others to XII. Or I may be able to get get 11 AD to relieve 6 AD and keep 10 AD. We have 108 Bns of Corps and div artillery supporting this attack = [1029] 1296 guns 105 or over. I don't see how the Bosch can take it. Our average advance for the day is better than 7 miles and we continue the attack all night. The situation at BASTOGNE is grave I will try to get Dager there to night. 12-23-44 We have not done as well 810 today as I had hoped but we have advanced from 2 to 5 miles and beaten the enemy where ever we have met him. Due to road blocks, crates and enemy counter attacks Dager has not yet reached Bastogne but they were re-supplied from the air. Also the 101 repulsed a strong counter attack from the N.W. From captured orders it seems that the enemy intended to push W beyond Arlon and then turn and attack Lux from the W. This gives one to think about my left rear however I think that by pushing hard to the N.E. we will force him to dance to our fiddeling. But I will call Middleton to see if he can lend a hand if needed. XII Corps attacks with limited objective NE to drive Germans E of SAUR rest of attack by III continues XX will make a moderate attack in the direction of Saarburg. XIX Tac 811 & 9 Bommer Commandd got bridge there to day if any enemy are in the pocket they will be very well scared. Weather fine we had 7 group of Fighter Bombers, 11 Groups of mediums, one Div of 8 Air Force and some RAF helping us. I hope they got results. 12-24-44 This has been a very bad Christmas eve. All along our line we have received violent counter attacks one of which forced CC B of 4 AD back some miles with the loss of ten tanks. This was probably my fault because I have been insisting on day and night attacks. That was all right at first when we had the enemy surprised but is an error against defended positions. It takes a long time to learn war. The 101 AB got more supplies and ammunition by air to day. They have not been attacked as 812 yet today (1640) enemy probably fear our air. He will probably attack to night? The XII Corps using one CC 10 AD and all 5 div and part of 4 made a limited attack at 1100 to secure the line of the SAUER River from DIEKIRCH to ECHTERNOCH except at the last named town the attack is going well. Prisoners state they have had no food for three days. 5 German Para called on Radio to say they could not hold with out help. I notified all command of this happy state. In XX Corps all is quiet and very low grade troops appose Polk (Poles with ulcers) I think that the German GS is running this show and have staked all on one offensive to restore to them the initiative. They are far behind schedule and I believe beaten if this is true the whole Army may surrender. On the other hand in 1940 they attacked as at present 813 then came over at SAARBRUCKEN on Thionville they may repeat but with what? Score sheet as of mid night Dec 21 which terminates the Saar operation is as follows. US Since AUG 1 K 10264 W 49703 M 9149 ------------ T 69116 NB 49844 ------------ GT 118960 Rep 102844 Since Nov 8 [K] 4530 [W] 21430 [M] 3728 ------------ [T] 29688 [NB] 25458 ------------ [GT] 55146 [Rep] 38189 Germ. actual Aug 1 PW 139799 Buried 14942 W ---- ------------ [T] 184721 Est PW 140000 K 63800 W 180200 ------------ [T] 384000 Nov 8 [PW] 37099 [Buried] 3166 [T] 40265 [PW] 37100 [K] 21300 [W] 63200 ------------ [T] 191600 Material US Aug 1 TKL. 198 " M 507 Guns 75+ 116 Veh 2177 ------------ [T] 2998 Nov 8 [TKL.] 41 ["M] 133 [Gun 75+] 7 [Veh] 514 ------------ [T] 695 German Aug 1 [TKL.] 946 ["M] 483 [Gun 75+] 2216 [Veh] 5431 ------------ [T] 9078 Nov 8 [TKL.] 112 ["M] 40 [Gun 75+] 443 [Veh] 348 ------------ [T] 943 12-25-44 A clear cold Christmas lovely weather for killing Germans which seems a bit queer seeing whose birthday it is. Last night Codman and 814 I went to the candle light communion at the episcopal Church here. It was very nice we sat in the former Keyser Wilhiem II's box. I left early this morning to try to visit all the divisions in contact. I saw both CC B Dager and CC A Earnest, Gaffey Hq26 Paul, 80 McBride 5 Eirwin all were very cheerful. I am not because we are not gaining fast enough. 5 Inf Div has done best and forced enemy back almost to Saar river. 80 not much 26 is progressing 4 AD is fighting hard but making slow progress all I feel are doing thier best I will exchange 6 AD and 10 AD to night and bring 35 Div to Arlon in morning. 101 was not supplied by air today because ships could not take off from U.K. We had a quiet dinner at Bradleys mess. While I was with CC A of 4 AD two planes straffed and bombed but did no damage. 815 After supper Brad and I had a talk. Montey says that the 1st Army can't attack for three months and that the only attack can be made by me. That I am too weak and hence we should fall back to the Saar-Voge line or even to the Moselle to gain more divisions I feel that this is disgusting and might remove the valor of our Army and the confidence of our people. If ordered to fall back I think I will ask to be relieved. 12-26-44 Today has been rather trying as inspite of all our efforts we have failed to make a contact with the defenders of Bastogne On the right the enemy infront of the 5 div is clearly on the run. Last night we got a battalion of them with proximity fuses and counted over 700 dead. Today whole companies of them are attempting to swim the Sauer river under direct fire which is hardly a healthy 816 pastime. I had the CC A 9 AD pull out and report to the 4 AD to give it added power also sent the remanents of a regt of the 28 div from north of Luxembrg to VIII Corps. The 35 comes into line between CC A 4 AD and the 26 and will push north on the 27 this should be a help. At 1400 Gaffey called to say that if I authorized the risk he thought that CC R 4 AD Col Blanchard could break through to Bastogne I told him to try it. At 1645 they had made contact. It was a daring thing and well done. Of course they may be cut off but I doubt it. Two thirds of 6 AD have closed. The speed of our movements is amazing even to me it must constanly surprise the Germans. I think I made a mistake bringing the 6 AD up so soon it might better have been sent to the left. I can still do it. 817 The corridore on the right is rather narrow for armor Why in hell the SHAFE thinkers hold the 11 AD 17 AB and 87 inf at Reimes is beyond me they should be attacking. The German has shot his wad prisoners have had no food for from three to five days. Last night during an air attack about 100 German prisoners rushed the guards and were killed. So far we have taken almost 5000 prisoners and killed more. 12-27-44 Bradley left at 1000 to see Ike and Montey, Smith is on our side and if Ike will put Brad back command of 1st & 9th Armies we will bag the whole German Army. I wish Ike was more of a gambler. Montey is a tired little fart. War requires the taking of risks he wont take them. Of course Bradly made a bad mistake in being passive on the front of the VIII Corps. I would like at least to put the 11 AD and 17 AB on a switch line along the 818 SEMOIS river that would cover my left rear and be just as good as the Meuse line which covers only Paris. Pink Bull had the nerve to call me up and say that Ike was very anxious that I put every effort on securing Bastogne - what the hell does he think I have been doing for the last week? Went to Arlon to see Milliken and Middleton. III will keep operational control of all VIII troops in Bastogne until situation clears. We will attack with one AD reinforced to to take HOOFFALIZE not later than the 30th and attack NE on St. VITH with one AD and 2 inf divs on the 31. VII will take over 101 and 9 AD and remnants to cover left flank. If I could only get three more divisions I could win this war now. 819 12-28-44 During night and after talking with Brad I am going to plan a attack over the SAURE on BONN crossing near ECHNERNACH. Gen Anderson of 8 Air Force is here and we are planning a combined operation. I will precede it with an attack on Saarbourg by the XX Corps so to, if possible pull troops in that direction. The above operation will be very profitable if we can get the troops released by IKE IF IF! damn the word. Things in the III are going well but not fast. Sent Grow with Harkins to Bastogne to arrange for next move I would like to get the 6 AD in under darkness so as to attack by surprise. PW to mid night last night 5800 820 12-29-44 Bradley decorated me with my second oak leaf cluster for the DSM at 1000. Very nice citation. I had a head cold so stayed in all afternoon. The 11 AB and 87 Div will be closed SW of Bastogne by 2400 and will attack in the direction of HOOFFALIZE in the morning possibly assisted by 101 which is up to strength. We have to send one CC of the 9 AD to Rhimes as a mobile Schafe reserve but will have one CC 9 one CC 10 and all 4 AD SW of Bastogne as a left flank and rear guard. The 6 AD closes W. of Arlon to night and will attack on the 31 in the direction of St VITH. Situation infront of XII & XX Coprs seems static. BM said there would be a bombing attack on Bastogne around 0400 Dec 30 it did not eventuate. Also rumors of an attack on same town from Hoo-- 821 in morning. 12-30-44 The 11 AD and 87 Inf jumped off west of Bastogne as per plan. And ran right into the flank of a large German counter attack by 130 Panza and a P.G. div (6?). This stopped the Germans and probably corrected a bad situation. Every one urged me to postpone the attack till today but I held to my plan than though I did not know the German attack was coming. Some people call it luck some jeneous. I call it determination. The 35 and 26 got attacked at dawn by 1st SS and 167 we had an inkling it was coming and were set The 35 lost one village and a little ground but retook it when the 4 AD came to its help the enemy lost 55 tanks. Prisoners report they had not had warm meal in 5 days. Many of them will never eat 822 again. We killed four Germans in one of our Peeps. Two were dressed as officers and two as men in our uniforms. A sentinel -reinforced I think- saw 17 other Germans in us uniforms he killed 15 and reported that the other two died suddenly. I drove to Bastogne and had to pass about 1000 m from the Germans but they were not firing. The town is well "Liberated". I decorated Brig Gen A.C. McAuliffe commander of the 101 AB and Lt Col S.A. CHAPPUIS with the D.S.C. the latter commands the 502 AB inf. They were delighted and wanted me to drive slowly so the soldiers could see me. On the 25 the Germans sent in a white flag demanding that the 101 surrender McAuliffe replied: "Nuts" an historic answer. 822 12-31-44 This has been a very long day the Gerrmans launched one heavy counter attack on the 26 took a little ground but were driven back on the 35 front they made several small attacks this PM and lost. They may launch a heavy attack on the 35 to night or in the morning. However the 6 AD got off and moved 4K on the road to St. VITH this may pull the teeth of the attack It has snowed and frozen all day. Some of our heavies dropped about 100 bombs near 4 inf CP and some of our planes (I think) got two trucks N of Thionville. Spaatz, Doolittle and Vandenberg were in to see how we can stop the rumor that the Germans are flying our P-47. To morrow no P 47 will fly in the area of XII or XX Corps. 823 1-1-45 Visited III Corps 35 & 26 every thing was satisfactory but slow. There were rather heavy air attacks on us both by the Germans and by our own planes. Gen Eddy was chased into a ditch by 3 P47. Also our AA hit the planes in which Spaatz and Doolittle were flying 6 AD did well inspite of snow and icy roads. 11 AD fought well but stupidly and lost too many tanks At mid night 31-1 all guns fired rapidly on enemy for 20 minutes with good results. 17 AB started moving in to replace 28 which is going to Rehmes. All my troops are just where they should be so if we loose it will be due to better fighting on part of enemy and he has not got it. Talked to correspondents and stressed need of killing rumor that 824 Germans are flying our planes. I also told them of the speed of our moves 1-2-45 All four Corps Commanders were in before lunch and every one now understands the whole plan. The 17 AB will attack through the 11 AD in the morning. 6 AD made good gaines but 35 & 26 moved very slowly against heavy resistance XV Corps 7 Army got a heavy attack but all units identified are those we chased sixty miles between Nov 8 and Dec 20. The enemy may make one more effort on Bastogne from N to night or he may try our left flank I rather fancy the former. The 4 AD is well set to stop any thing that can happen. The VII Corps with 2 & 3 AD and 83 & 84 inf attacks Hoopha in morning I see no reason to change any thing. "God show the right" 825 Score as of 2400 1-2-45 US German Aug1 Dec 22 Aug 1 Actual Dec 22 K 11520 1381 PW 147604 7825 W 56706 7298 Burid 15533 591 M 11694 2545 163137 8416 T 79920 11224 Estimate NB 55675 6732 PW 148300 8300 135595 17956 K 77000 13200 Rep 120785 17397 W 214600 34400 Short 14810 439900 55900 Materiel TKSL 223 25 991 45 " M 597 90 523 38 Guns 75+ 139 23 2290 74 Veh 2546 369 5592 161 3505 507 9396 318 Enemy Planes shot down by A.A. Since Aug 1 505 Since Dec 22 163 1-3-45 The enemy did not attack last night as anticipated. 6 AD made some 2 miles SE 26 & 35 divs made slight advances against serious opposition. 87 Div gaind a little on its left 11 AD repelled an enemy tank attack on its left center 826 Due to transportation difficulties the 17th AB did not attack at noon as planned but will attack in morning in conjunction with 101. The new Shafe directive returns 1 Army to 12 Army Group as soon as contact between 381 Armies is made near Hoopha. When this occurs both Armies drive NE via St. VITH. 6 Army Group is trying to steal XX Corps. Montey wants to be deputy Ground Commander of all troops in Europe. If this occurs I will ask to be relieved. 1-4-45 I want to attack North from Diekirgh but Brad is all for putting new Divs into the Bastogne fight - it is like throwing good money after bad. In this weather on the defensive the Germans can hold well enough so that we can never trap them there we 827 should hit at the base of the triangle. Visited III & VIII Corps also 11 AD where I met Jake Williams who is C of S the Div is very green and took unnecessary losses to no effect. Also murdered 50 odd German med. I hope we can conceal this. The 17 AB got a very bloody nose and report huge losses 40% of course this is bunk 8 or 10 % is what all one ever gets in a fight unless the men surrender. Gen Miley did not impress me he did not know what the situation was and instead of being on the spot finding out was at Hq 101 AB. I also visited that unit Bastogne was being shelled when I drove in. The flashes of the shells and of our guns on the snow was pretty but I could have forgone the beauty. 828 It took took two hours to drive home from Bastogne in the dark and it was very cold. We can still loose this war. However the Germans are colder, hungrier and weaker than we are but they fight better 1-5-45 After talking with Brad we concluded that the German pocket SE of Bastogne must be eliminated before we can attack Hospha or send the XII Corps due north. To clear out this pocket a fresh and good division is needed. My plan if I can get the 94 is to send it to XX Corps to relieve 90 which will go to III Corps and attack through 26 next to replace 94 with 26 and send 94 to XII Corps to make the attack. It is a sort of grand right and left but is the fastest way I know of cleaning out the pocket. Unfortunately Chafe has 829 held out one RCT of 94 to support 28 till the regt missing from 28 gets back. Visited 4 -5 and 80 Divs. The 80 is putting on an attack on its left to get some high ground this will take pressure off 26 and also remove the Germans and prevent his getting set. At 1730 we got a clearance on 2/3 of 94. Gen Maloney spent the night. To day has been rather bad day no gains and some losses. Am having Milliken, Van Fleet Col Williams (Art) Col Brown (Air) in tomorrow to concoct plan for use of 90. Walker is a fine soldier he never kicked on loosing 90. 1-6-45 We got the plan for the attack by the 90 settled. I will pass through the 26 and attack NW along the ridge road One CT of 26 will attack on each side and we will relieve right CT of 35 and 830 attack N. the relieved CT of 35 will help 6 AD attack S.E. We will support the attack with almost 1000 guns, some will fire in prolongation of axis and some at right angles to it so we will get dispersion in depth both ways (my idea) we will smoke the ridge NE of the river to blind enemy guns there. One CT and the guns and armor of 90 close in rear of 26 to night we are using a deception unit to keep up radio traffic in old location of 90. I rather think that instead of giving XII Corps 94 I will give it 26 or 35 which ever gets out first and use 4 & 5 and part of 80 for the attack N. [*guns*] Only 3 small counter attacks to day all repulsed I fear enemy is getting away. I used the whip on both Milliken and Middleton to day they are too cautious. I know thier men are tired but so are the Germans. 831 1-7-45 Last night was quiet almost too quiet. The attack by the left regt 80 div was a success at low cost 60 casualties apparently it caught the Germans making a relief there was no counter attack we got five tanks and lost 2. 101 sent a patrol into FEYS NW of Bastogne and thence for 1500 yards in all directions and failed to get contact. I told Middleton to push out till he bumped. Eddy is worried about the possibility of an attack south from DIEKIRCH? it could be. Brad also fears it. I took one CO Toed TD off Prisoner escort and turned them over to XII also had a G-3 from 4 and 10 AD report to study possible use in case of attack. Had Army engrs inspect road blocks and mines in that vacinity If they try it we will stop them. Lunched at Bradleys with McNutt and man power board. McNutt is 832 a pompous fool he began to tell me that he knew all about war I told him he knew nothing compared to me or the other generals whose men were getting killed due to his failure to supply soldiers. I doubt if he loves me. Its mutual. Score Sheet 2400 6 Jan. US Aug 1 K 12188 W59610 M12710 --------- T 84508 NB 58434 -------- GT 142942 Rep 123658 Dec 22 2049 10202 3561 ------ 15812 9491 ------ 25303 20270 German Aug 1 Est PW 149088 B 16206 ------- 165294 est PW 149500 K 80400 W 223800 ----- 453700 Dec 22 9309 1264 ------ 10573 9500 16600 43600 ------ 69700 US Materiel Aug 1 TKL 235 "M 653 G 139 V 2674 -------- 3701 Dec 22 37 146 23 497 ------ 703 German Aug 1 1028 543 2334 5659 ------ 9564 Dec 22 82 58 118 228 ----- 486 AA 516 174 833 1-8-45 At 0945 Gen Brad asked me if I could attack Hoopha to day with 101 and 4 AD I said I could but felt it a mistake as all plans are set for a general attack in morning he agreed. Drove out to see III Corps 4 AD and 90. Met Gaffey on road so took him to III Corps I told him that he attacks in morning and told Milliken same thing. 4 AD has been searching for M. neither made any complaint 90 Div was well closed up on way I passed the last Bn moving in by truck they all waved and cheered at me they are in fine morale inspite of near Blizzard Conditions. We attach in mor with 87 - 17 - 101 -4 AD all XIII Corps and 6 AD - 35 - 90 - 26 all III Corps eight divs in all. It should work. 80 Div XII Corps repulsed a heavy counter attack of 3 Bns and 8 tanks 834 near DAHL which they took yesterday we lost 9 K & 50 W enemy lost at least 300 K and five tanks. 87 & 17 AB got chopped up badly yesterday due in part to Middletons reluctance to use the 11 AD. He is still worried about his left - too much so. At supper Middleton called to say that the 87 & 17 AB could not attack tomorrow and that 101 & 4 AD should if possible wait till 10th I told him that every thing attacks on 9 (tomorrow) Gaffey called recording same delay and got same answer. Then Eddy called crying about the 4 AD being admitted as he had hoped to get it as a reserve if he is [?attackerd]. I told him he could still get the 10 AD he said that it would take 9 hours for them to get up so I said than he surely would have to hold at least 9 hours that quited him, Again I earned my Pay. 835 We continued to get rumors of a German concentration at Saarbrucken. The chief reason I believe it is that if I were the Germans that is what I would do there is a good road not from St. Avold to Thionville and Metz. It would be a great feather in their cap if they recaptured Metz. I have told Gen Walker XX Corps to prepare all roads for demolition. I also secured the rest of the 94 div which will close at Thionville at 1400 tomorrow. 1-9-45 The attack of the 90 Div jumped off at 1000 but met initially heavy artillery and rocket fire and took losses Van Fleet had two officers killed right beside him. His right made 2K and his left about 3K. The 6 AD 35 & 26 attacking in conjunction with him made only slight progress The 101 backed by CC B 4 AD moved out as far as 836 Noville but west of it. The 101 and the 4 AD will continue the attack in the morning to try to get Hoopha. The rest of the VIII Corps made little progress and sustained some counter attacks with a little armor. I visited the 90 in the PM and found them quite content. The rumors about Saarbrucken continue. I can't see how the Germans have the troops to do it unless they pull out all the armor in the pocket this they may have done. 1-10-45 At 1030 [?Brad] called to say that Ike had ordered him to get an Armored Div out of action and pull it back as a counter to the Saarbrucken threat. This will mean the suspension of our attack on Hoopha. I said I was willing to gamble inspite of the fact that some PW's have said that the attack was coming about the 15th, also some 837 PW taken last night by the XII Corps say they are to attack on the 12th. This would be a natural diversion if the others attacks come off. Brad said that it was an order from Ike and had to be done. So I asked him to go with me to Arlon and to talk to Middleton and Millikin. When we got there it was evident that the 4 AD is the only one that can be pulled. I phoned to halt the attack of the 101 and 4 AD. I will asemble 4 AD SE of Lux, where it can move in any direction. The 101 and 6 AD will link up and hold what they have. Hugh will get out tonight and assemble near Lux in the morning. No written orders were issued. Middleton and Millikin and I drove to Bastogne where we met Taylor Grow and Gaffey and arranged details. I then visited 35 Div and explained situation. The 35-90- 26 will continue their attack 838 To day they all made fair progress and a column of enemy SP guns etc were caught by our artillery and air moving NE out of bridge SE of Bastogne. It looks like a pull out. Our luck is still in if they do pull I can take Hoopha with what is left and if there is no enemy attack at Saarbrucken I can at once attack N with the XII Corps. I also persuaded Brad to have the 9 AD the 28 and all elements of 8 AD now available moved up to the Moselle. There is a new rumor of an enemy concentration at Trier. It is possible but there can't be two. In any case the 4 AD is not where it can intervene in either attack. This is the second time I had to stop a successful attack due to the Germans having more nerve than we have - not me the others. The ability of American 839 troops to maneuver if properly lead is wonderful. We lost about 300 tons of ammo. in a train wreck hard luck. It was very cold driving to day and I may have frozen my face a little. 1-11-45 The 90-35-26 and 6 AD all made good progress and are taking a lot of prisoners. The end is in sight. Drove to Thionville to see Walker on future activity in his area. I took a map which I had G-2 make for me last night showing the road nets and possible bases from which the enemy can attack. The enemy can attack over the Saar above Saartautern but I doubt it there is little room to maneuver and the road net is bad He can attack at Saartautern but to do so will have to fight through the part of the town west of the 840 river and build a bridge as we have the one there mined. My choice for him is Saarbrucken he has a bridge head with five or seven permnt bridges. There is a good road net to Thionville, Metz and Nancy, and is is an historic avenue. If we hold St. Arvold he will be slowed or stopped whither he attacks W or S. Walker realizes this we will also slow crossing over the Nied River to canalize him. However I would prefer to attack at once and take his bridgehead. This could be done now. Bradley thinks we had best wait? We have 94-95-10 Ad-4 AD Part of 9 AD and after 13 8 AD available let him come and we will defend by attacking. As soon as I can get a Div pinched out from the west Eddy will attack N. End of Bastogne affair. 1-12-45 B's birthday. The VIII & III Corps attack tomorrow 841 to take Hoopha and should get it as there is not much in the way that will tidy up that job and next to the crossing of France it is the biggest one we have done. I hope we get the credit. Sent Gay to VIII & III to check their plans and also to see about getting the CC of the 10 AD out as well as the 87 and 35, also some guns belonging to XII. Sending elements of 8 AD reached Pont a Mousson at 1400 Gen Devine called I told him to see Gaffey for tactics and Walker for possible routes of attack. 9 AD crosses Moselle at Thionville and Metz. 10 AD is at Metz and the 4 AD south of Lux so we are set. An extra inf div would be nice. Bradley discussed future plans with me. He wants to attack E with 1st Army on Kolon while I hold and maintain pressure. It has the advantage of attacking where we have already 842 breached the Sig. Line. However for the moment he wants us to continue our attacks on Hoopha and St. Vith. 1-13-45 Visited VIII & III Corps Commanders at Hq of the 101 AB thier plan for the attack on Hoopha is good and progressing steadily but not fast. I also saw Grow at his Hq. There is a distinct difference in mental attitude now all feel that the enemy is licked and they are sure of them selves. Until to day I was the only one sure of victory. The fighting to day has been bitter but it is just where one would expect it that is N & NE of Bastogne they must hold there but we will get them. Arranged to get out two RCT's of 87 tomorrow will put them near Lux to be used to replace 4 when XII attacks. Eddy raided east of 843 river last night and found area of reported enemy concentration deserted. All quiet in front of XX. Wrote Editor Stars and Stripes protesting against his paper as subversive of discipline it is a scurrilous sheet. Sent copy of my letter to Gen Lee. 1-14-45 Gens. Somerville, Campbell Lee and Plank were here they wanted my personal opinion on various types of equipment. I stressed over shoes or shoe packs and pointed out that replacements are arriving with out over shoes. The VIII Corps has done very well and is in NORVILLE The 87 Div is pinched out except one RCT. The III Corps has met stern resistance but has done well except on the left of the 6 AD where progress has been poor. Two RCT's of 844 35 are out the other is with 6 AD. 26 is still fighting hard along WILTZ River. XII the 80 took a town but lost its colonel which is a pity he was very good. XX Corps the 94 took a town in a bn attack realy set up as a training ensure the 95 tank more city blocks in Saarlautern. Not a bad day. Went to funeral of Capt KLEMETTI Hq to 3 Army he was hit with a [?fragment] Friday night. 1-15-45 Ordered XII Corps to put on its attack north from Diekirch on the 18. Assigned 4 AD and 87 to it giving five Divs. Bradley goes to see Ike in Paris. VIII Corps attack is going well III Corps which is up against a strong position is killing many Germans cheaply but gaining little ground especially on the left of 6 A.D. Holbrook in the 11 AD also is not showing sufficient 845 drive. I may have to relieve both him and the Div CG Gen Kilburn, other CC of 12 under Col Yale is in Noville 1-16-45 At 0905 41 Cav Sqn 11 AD made contact with the 41 inf 2 AD in Houffalies. This restores Bradley to the command of 1st Army and terminates the [?snapping] of the German offensive now we will drive them back. Bradley returned bring Hughes, Devers is to liquidate the COLMAR pocket and then take up a Defensive to include present XX Corps front. We have to loan him 10 AD and three Bns of Artillery - which he will try to steal-. I would rather fight Germans than resist the inroads of Devers and Montey. 1-17-45 Hughes, Codman and I visited Millikin and Middleton at Arlon 846 I had already congratulated them by phone but repeated it in person. We then visited the 6 AD, 90 and 26 I decorated Van Fleet and three other men of 90. They were very heavily attacked by tanks while I was there but we repulsed them and destroyed 24 tanks. They were from 1 SS P.D. I told all three Divs as well as the Corps Commanders that they could rest and regroup and be prepared to resume the attack vigorously on the 21. Gen Keen C of S 1st Army had been asking Middleton to attack N.E. at once. Keen is prone to over step the bounds of propriety. Had dinner with all wing and group commanders XIX Tac. 1-18-45 Russian offensive seems to have started. I hope they release John. VIII & III Corps are resting and getting the 101 AB out for a rest 847 These two corps will resume the attack on Axis Bastogne-St Vith on the 21. The XII Corps attacked this morning in the Diekirch area jumping off at 0330 with out artillery preparation they got complete surprise. Apparently the Germans were all in the villages. Eddy and I visited the 4 & 5 divs the 4 seemed a little apathetic but after Eddy talked to Gen Blakely it did well The 5 is in fine spirit I visited OP with Col Bell and Gen Irwin it gave a good look at the German position some 600 yards below the men had on snow suits some captured some we had had made. On returning there were a few bullets in the woods but nothing serious. Shafe called told us we had to send a div to 6 AG also a TD unit and an AA we selected the 101 as we will probably loose it 848 anyhow. Gen Walker XX called up and asked if he could make a serious attack with the 94 and one CC of 8 I said yes. Now is the time to attack and keep it up. By delaying the attack of VIII & III till 21 I may get some of the units in their front moved against [VI] XII Corps. This is all right as the XII has less distance to go and is fresher. Hughes and Codman drove to paris no flying. He seems to be stated for C of S ETO under Lear I hope he gets it. He told me that Ike had said to Him, "George is a great soldier I must get Marshall to do something for him before the war is over" Ha! 1-19-45 Had all the Corps commanders to lunch to coordinate continuing of the attack and charge in rear 849 boundaries. Also Gaffey no one could see when to use 4 AD VIII & III standing fast. XII advancing steadily but slowly deterred by weather more than enemy. Sleet, slush and snow but not so cold. 94 of XX caught a cub bare by the tale but are pushing on. Unable to move either 101 or 76 due to icy roads. At 1200 sun came out and we got some air up. 1-20-45 Weather bad snow sleet and wind a few planes up around 1200 Enemy may be withdrawing in front of VIII & III Corps both of whom have advanced two K. against little opposition XII Corps has advanced 7 K since jump off on 18 fighting all the way. XX Corps has two CC of 94 fighting [*triangle*] against 11 Panza. 95 repelled an attack of 400 at Saarlautern. 850 Gen Schmidt of 76 Div reported one RCT names in to XIII area to day. 101 A B started to 6 A G. Same Sheet 2400 18 Jan. Aug 1 US Dec 22 Aug 1 G(Est) Dec 22 K 13721 3582 PW 156801 17022 W 66556 17148 Buried 16979 2037 M 13704 4555 173780 19059 T 93981 25285 est NB 66313 17370 PW 157400 17400 GT [138640] 160294 42655 K 88400 24600 Rep 138640 35252 W 244700 64500 21654(-) 490500 106500 Materiel TKL 270 72 1243 297 TKM 765 258 101 216 G75+ 142 26 2485 269 Veh 3151 974 2596 537 4328 1330 10398 1320 1-21-45 Attack of XII Corps doing well with 5 on Southern part of its final objective. Caught enemy vehicular concentration at Bridge near ViANDEN with heavy artillery concentrations and good 851 good effort. Drove via Bastogne to village SE of HOUFFALIZE Hq 17 AB then to CC A 11 AD at BOUREY to give each a slap on the back they have finally found them selves and have done well. I was on the point of relieving both Miley (17) and Kelborne (11). One should not act too fast. Noted an incident of Command inefficiency. Several Ord. trailers each with some 40 men were unable to get up a hill due to icy road. Not an officer told the men to get off and push till Stiller and I got there. Then the trucks moved fast. Inspite of my advocacy of Gaffey for a Corps, B has selected Van Fleet. We selected Earnest as the best available BG to succeed him in comd of the 90. To night Ike directs that Gen Rooks be put in temporary command of it. I took pictures of several 852 dead Germans. They were frozen in queer attitudes. and were the color of weak claret I did not have my color camera with me. Devers is howling for more troops. Although he said to start with that he could take the Colmar salient with one extra div. We may loose the 8 Armd Div. 1-22-45 VIII & III advancing against only small arms fire VIII practically pinched out. XII on final objective 5 div 80 progressing easily n of Wiltz river. I told Eddy to keep driving north and to use some or all 4 AD to cover his right flank. XX still fighting in Moselle, Saar triangle but think enemy is pulling. I called B. at 1030 and urged that all armies attack irrespective of fatigue or losses. At 1530 BM mentioned heavy attack by 2 Panzer 853 to stop Eddy and said that it had not gotten under way due to Artillery and Air attack. At same time Gen Weyland phoned that there was a large concentration of vehicles N of Diekirch moving N, NE and S which he was attacking with everything he had and had also asked for some mediums. No attack of any significance developed. 1-23-45 The progress of all the units this Army was very satisfactory except that the 94 lost nearly 400 men missing in action. Gen Walker is investigating. Inspite of strong remonstrances from B and my self Chafe. Ordered the 35 div to 7 Army one RCT is still with III so will not go. It is too bad that the highest level of command has no personal knowledge of war. VI Corps of 7 Army had to withdraw several miles due to enemy pressure 854 The elimination of the Colmar pocket seems to be a fiasco. I hope I don't get sent down to straighten it out. We changed the Corps boundaries of VIII - III - XII Corps with a view to orienting our attack more to the east. Gay, Maddox and I called on B to see how this change fitted in with future plans and found that they were exactly in line. Two corps 1st Army will attack Siegfried Line north of VIII Corps and we will do the same thing to the south with one strong corps under Middleton. III & XII & XX will hold defensively and as VIII advances will move up on its right. If this plan fails B will have to give Montey 12 divs and all of 1 & 3 armies will be on defensive while he messes things up. We must succeed. The plan is a good one. B is also trying to get Montey to take over 9 Army just so that we can send 4 divs to clean up 855 the Colmar pocket and then put the 6 AG on the defensive. 4 div just stopped a counter attack from its rt front. 5 div has hit Panzer Lehr. 1-24-45 The operations of the 3 Army are progressing but not brilliantly one cannot achieve [?daslling] maneuvers in such weather. Middleton spent night and I explained to him the details of his new operation. His corps will be built up by exchanging 76 for 87 90 from III for 17 AB from VIII 26 from III to replace 95 from XX and 4 inf div from XII to VIII 11 AB will stay in VIII We will try to make the attack continuous with a two div front with a second pair just back and the armor on the right rear. Gen Weyland was present and is arranging for 856 maximum air support. Hodges and his G-3 came and Gay Maddox and I all met with R's staff to arrange Army Boundary 3d Army gets ST. VITH- STADTKYLL road incl and there NE as circumstances at time dictate. Just as every thing was arranged and Hodges said he could attack Sunday Gen Whitley called B and wanted to take several divs and a corps Hq to help Devers. Bradley told him that if this were done we would be giving up a sure thing for a side show. It occurs to me that this patent attempt to prevent the attack of the 1st & 3d Armies is a British effort to give Montey the leading roll If our attack fails after a good try we will have to give Montey troops and the Americans simply sit on the defensive 851 while U S blood aids British prestige. At the moment 5 British divisions are out of contact and Montey says the earliest he can attack is Feb 8. B. was very firm and even angry. Why isnt Ike a man? We will attack and win inspite of Ike and Montey. Decorated Middleton with oak leaf cluster to DSM and Eddy with DSM. 1-25-45 Codman, Stiller and I visited Hq of the 4-5 & 80 Divs also had a look at DIEKIRCH-ETTELBRUCK and Wiltz all have been very thoroughly liberated. In this weather the breaking of the glass in the windows always results in the destruction of the water system by freezing so that none of the larger houses are habitable. Last night the temperature at Wiltz fell to 7% below zero F. I fear that we will 852 have a lot of frost bites. All units of the VIII - III and XII Corps except the left regiment of 80 div. XII Corps are on their final objectives east of the Diekirch - St. Vith road. Two RCT's of the 76 and 87 have changed places. The 4 will start to move from XII to VIII in morning being replaced by elements of the 80. The attack by the [VIII] XII was exceptionally well planned and executed at a low cost. The 5 div captured members of five enemy divs in a small bunch of prisoners while the 6 AD is said to have gotten representatives of 15 divs in 150 prisoners this would seem to indicate complete disorganization. 6 AG sustained heavy attack today. 1-26-45 The 90 will be assembled in VIII sector by dark and the 87 will be closed there also at least two RCT's 4 should be in VIII 853 tomorrow. By Sunday 28th the greater part of 95 should be relieved by 26 and be assembled in VIII. All this inspite of heavy local snows and intense cold. Leavenworth would go crazy trying to work such a problem but the staff of the 3 Army takes it in its stride. B leaves for his new CP today I called to say good by at 1100. He is a good officer but utterly lacks "it". Too bad. New CP is Namours. 1-27-45 Codman, Stiller and I left at 0930 and drove via Arlon to the Hq. VIII Corps at Bastogne. Gen Middleton showed me his plan of attack which I approved. Initially he will attack with the 87 on left and 90 on right followed respectively by 95 and 4. After a certain advance 90 will form a 854 defensive flank and the 4 will pass through and do the same regard. The 95 will pass through the 87 when latter tires and will continue the attack along the axis , 11 AD will close on 90 to be available for exploitation. The schedule of arrival of the units is on time. There was an incipient traffic jam at Bastogne which I had Middleton correct. Visited 11 AD and gave a pat on the back I think they are made. Visited III Corps at Martelange and told them to be prepared to widen base of salient behind the 90. Eddy came in when I got home he is full of offensive ardor and wants to get going. I think that his suggest of attacking through the Sig Line Ne to join with 4 div is sound and told him to get working on it. Called 12 AG to get roads running w from Houffalize 855 in the First Army zone. Asked for two and got one. 1-28-45 A very slow day except that 5 div XII Corps had one rather hard fight driving the enemy from its front. All the transfers of units to VIII are on schedule inspite of intense cold and a heavy snow storm. The situation asto truck maintenance is bad and is excentuated by the great amount of movement of troops Between Dec 19 and Jan 16 we moved 17 divs an average distance of over 100 miles back. Now we are moving eight divisions. Glassy roads take a heavy toll also fatigue and cold tend to make the drivers skimp their work of oiling and greasing. 1-29-45 Visited hospitals and found wounded in good 855 A 1-28-45 Have terminated the removal of the salient. On Jan 29 we started to drive to the Sig. Line The operation terminated lasted from Dec. 22 to Jan 28 both incl Same Sheet for this period US German Official Est. K 4639 PW 22608 PW 22500 W 21277 Buried 2724 K 31800 M 4925 25332 W 87000 T 30841 141300 NB 23305 54146 Rep 55054 Tks L 72 318 " M 264 225 G75+ 28 293 Veh 1008 771 1372 1607 856 spirits and well cared for. Had Gen Eddy in to discuss future offensive operations of his corps N from Echternact it will be in inadequate strength but should work. VIII Corps got off on time one Bn of 4 is over Ouer River 90 will cross to night 87 is closing up on bank. I have a strong feeling that the Germans may well fall back to the Rhine if we can maintain pressure. Told Walker XX to come up and talk over with Eddy taking over [his] part of his proposed attack if and when 7 Army relieves him. Called B. to urge that Walker be relieved as soon as possible. B. thinks that Colmar may be closed out by Feb 7. We lost the 35 to the 9 Army. I protested on sentimental reasons as that is one of the oldest divs in this Army but the Brains knowing nothing of the 857 facts of war don't understand sentiment. Of course I swap divs in Corps which is bad but at times like this is unavoidable. Gens Lee & Plank and Col came at five PM to check up on supplies. As a matter of fact we are better off to day than at any time since the end of August. I will visit VIII Corps in morning. 1-30-45 Drove to Bastogne and with Middleton on to St. VITH. This town is the most destroyed of any town I have seen this war. Initially VIII by passed it with roads over the frozen ground with good results but if a thaw comes we will have to use old roads and to this end are clearing the rubble out of St Vith. A thaw will reveal a number of mines laid under the snow 858 at the moment the spiders on these are frozen so they wont work but a thaw will make them active. On road between Bastogne and St. Vith saw more dead tanks than I have ever before encountered they were about equally divided between us and the enemy. 1-31-45 My eyes were very swollen as a result of the snow of yesterday. Nothing of interest happened VIII advanced several miles hindered by bad roads and a thaw. Germans made two strong patrols one against 76 where they got nothing and one against Col Reed's were where they took five PW using an old fashioned box barrage. 2-1-45 Gen Eddy came in at 0930 to show his plan for an attack with his existing 859 means to take BITBURG all that will be necessary is for III to take over a little more on its south and XX to take over a little on its north. Eddy wanted to attack on the 6 but I said he had to go on the 4 He said I never gave him time to get ready I told him that had I ever given a Corps Commander the time he asked for we would still be on the Seine. I then called C of S 12 AG to see if I could get 9 AD and an infantry div. in exchange for the 17 AB. Allen was optimistic and said he would communicate with B and call back. He called back to say that I was to commit nothing and would get orders later Hell and Damn It is another case of giving up a going attack in order to start one that has no promise of success except to exalt Monty who has never won a battle since he left Africa and only won 860 El Alemaine there. I won Mareth for him. Drove to Thionville to lunch with XX then to 94 div. I told Gen Maloney that his div was the worst in the Army in the ratio of N.B. casualties and that if conditions did not improve he would be one him self. I was intentionally rough. Then I talked to the FO's and representatives from each Co. usual talk except that I told them they had lost more men as Prisoners than all the other troops I had commanded combined and that they must wipe out the disgrace. When I got back B called to justify my worst fears we leave the 95 to the 9 Army and the move the night of the assault to the N. I was quite outspoken in my objections. B says that it is not Ike's order but that of the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Dam a political war. However the mistakes of the 861 high comd have thus far turned to my personal advantage and glory here's hoping! 2-2-45 Self at 0830 with Harkins and Codman to drive to Hq 1st Army at SPAR via Bastogne and Houffalize. The latter town is completely removed I have not seen the like this war. "Oh little town of HOUFFALIZE How still we see thee lie Above thy step and battered streets The Airplanes sail by. Yet in thy dark streets shineth Not any God damed light The hopes and fears of all thy years Were blown to Hell last night" Spar is a watering place and Hodges office is the one occupied by Hindenburg when he told the Emperor that the war was lost. Hodges Bradley Simpson and I with a few staff officers met in what may be another momentous mistake. B said that after seeing GCM in southern France he had 862 been ordered to attack with Montey and the 9 American Army attached on or about Feb 10 with a view to the rapid securing of a wide crossing over the Rhine soon so that we could get rapidly into Germany if the break up comes. I feel that our present attack which is moving has a better chance of getting to the Rhine first than a new attack which will not even start till Feb 10 if then and also has the misfortune of being lead by Montey. We the 1st & 3 will continue our present attack till the 10 then if it is costing too much in men and munitions we and also the 6 AG will go on the defensive. A foolish and ignoble way to end a war. Every American division should be attacking right now. We were all very gloomy Especially as 1 & 3 each lose a division and some guns and got nothing in return while Shaf takes several division for a theater 863 reserve - reserve against what? To cheer my self I ordered two over & under 16 gauge shot guns one for my self and one for Fred. 12000 Belgium Francs each. 2-3-45 Had all four Corps Commanders in this morning to discuss how best to continue our attack. We can either send a division from the XII to replace the 95 which was taken from the VIII to go to 9 Army or we can attack with XII to take Bitburg. Owing to the road situation the second plan can be put into effect first so I decided to do it and hope to get off by the sixth. This plan is only tenable on the assumption that the German on my front has no offensive capacity. I believe this to be the case. I tried to get an extra Armored div to give XX Corps in order to clear up the Moselle-Saar triangle but as usual less vigorous action is favored by 12 AG they simply cant 864 take a chance. The plan to have the war end if it does with the 6 AG and the 3 Army on the defensive is the height of folly from both a military and a political angle. Bradley thinks that one of the factors inducing GCM to attack in the north is his desire to get some work out of the 14 British and Canadian divisions which have done nothing for months. It is a mistake Monty is so slow and timid that he will find a German build up in front of him and will stall. I feel that if B knew is was starting a new attack with the XII Corps he might stop it so I shall not tell him. Van Fleet and Grow came to dinner. Grow says that contrary to my opinion air bursts in pine forests are not dangerous as the trees absorb the fragments. Van Fleet asked me to get him back in the 3 army Le Clerc also sent an officer asking me to get 865 him back. Is it bootlick or admiration? 2-4-45 The Bn of yesterday and today show that the Germans are fully informed of Monteys offensive and are moving troops to stop it. Visited the hospitals and found three cases of SIW. Told C of S to get out an order that all men who wound them selves in hands or feet be tried for SIW and for negligence for this latter count they can get six months they should get life the yellow dogs. Stiller is simply too dumb to live he never does a single thing quite right. Went to Church. 2-5-45 I am trying to keep the impending Bitburg offensive secret so that the powers that be will not order it stopped. B telephoned and asked if I could meet Ike and him at Bastogne. I suppose Ike Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at