CORRESPONDENCE [Aug. 1950] NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO DEFEAT THE MUNDT BILL 920 - 20th Street, Northwest, Washington 6, D. C. Telepone: DIstrict 1391 OFFICERS Rev. Jerry J. O'Connell, Chairman Bruce Waybur, Treasurer Sponsors Rabbi Michael Alper Hon. Thurman Arnold Stringfellow Barr Elmer Benson Scott Buchanan Angus Cameron Prof. A.J. Carlson Prof. Zechariah Chafee, Jr. Rabbi J.X. Cohen Earl B. Dickerson Clifford J. Durr Prof. Thomas I. Emerson Rev. Stephen H. Fritchman Percy Greene Prof. Fowler Harper Donald Henderson Charles Houston Francis Fisher Kane Robert W. Kenny Paul J. Kern Prof. Curtis MacDougall Prof. F.O. Matthiessen Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn Arthur Miller Prof. Stuart Mudd Grant Oakes Father Clarence Parker Prof. WIlliam G. Rice O. John Rogge Prof. Frederick Schuman Prof. Karl Shapiro Prof. Harlow Shapley I.F. Stone Mary Church Terrell Louis Untermeyer Mark Van Doren Mary Van Kleeck (partial listing) August 3, 1950 Dear, Mrs. Terrell: There is imminent danger that the Mundt-Nixon bill, or legislation closely patterned on it, will be up for a vote in the House and Senate within the Next few days. To meet this situation the Committee is calling an emergency conference this coming Wednesday, August 9th from 10:30 to 6:00 P.M. at the Burlington Hotel, 1200 Vermont Avenue, N.W. You are cordially invited and urged to attend this conference as an honored guest and active participant in this all-important effort to defeat this harmful legislation. Your sponsorship of this Committee has been heartening and your presence and participation at the Conference will inspire delegates from many states to put forth their best efforts in the last days and weeks of the session. In the event that circumstances may make it impossible for you to attend, we would appreciate a message from you. With sincerest best wishes, Jerry J. O'Connell Jerry J. O'Connell, Chairman P.S. Because of the emergency, please excuse the form of this letter. [A temporary co-ordinating center to defeat the Mundt Bill in any form. []75 Washington D.C. July 31 9:30 PM 1950 [THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS] Highland Beach Mrs. Mary Church Terrell M. D [1615 S Street , N. W. Washington 9., D. C. MOVED as of August 1, 1950 from 1129 Vermont Ave., N.W. to (second floor) Washington 5, D. C. 1829 M. St., N.W. Washington 6, D. C. same telephone, REpublic 5778 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF D. C. [8-3-50] WESTERN UNION 1950 AUG 3 PM 3 16 .WZ075 LONG PD=WASHINGTON DC 3 NFT= MARY CHURCH TERRELL= 1615 S ST NORTHWEST IMMINENT DANGER OF P=SSAGE OF MUNDT FERGUSON BILL IN NEXT TEN DAYS IMPELS OUR COMMITTEE TO CALL EMERGENCY CONFERENCE ON REPRESENTATIVE DELEGATES FROM ALL SECTIONS OF COUNTRY TO PRESS OPPOSITION TO ITS ENACTMENT CORDIALLY URGENTLY INVITE YOU TO ADDRESS CONFERENCE WASHINGTON AUGUST NINTH WILL PHONE YOU TOMORROW FOR YOUR DECISION IN THIS CRITICAL SITUATION PLEASE MAKE UTMOST EFFORT TO ACCEPT. JERRY J OCONNELL CHAIRMAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO DEFEAT THE MUNDT BILL 902 20 ST NORTHWEST= [THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICES] [8-3-50] WESTERN UNION [1950]AUG 3 PM 12 22 =MRS MARY CHURCH TERRELL, NATL ASSN OF COLORED WOMEN= 1615 S ST NORTHWEST= HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE IGNORING YOUR REQUEST TO TESTIFY. IS REPORTING OUT FRIDAY MUNDT NIXON BILL. SUGGEST YOU IMMEDIATELY WIRE CHAIRMAN JOHN S WOOD HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON PROTESTING DENIAL OF HEARING REQUESTING TIME TO APPEAR AND NOTIFYING PRESS OF YOU ACTION. PLEASE ADVISE US ACTION TAKEN= JERRY OCONNELL CHAIRMAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO DEFEAT MUNDT BILL 902 20TH ST NORTHWEST [THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICES] Government of the District of Columbia Office of the Corporation Counsel District Building Washington 4, D. C. August 4, 1950 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. My dear Mrs. Terrell: I shall be forever grateful to you for your interest and efforts in connection with my recent candidacy for appointment as Municipal Court Judge. Although I was unsuccessful in obtaining that appointment, I am sustained by the knowledge that you and so many other individuals and organizations felt that I merited appointment to that high office. Sincerely yours, Hunbert B Pair HUBERT B. PAIR, Assistant Corporation Counsel, D. C. 1020 19th St. N. W. Washington 6 D. C. August 4, '50 Dear Mollie, Here I am [?] and waiting for you- Will you be coming home for [*the school opening? You really should be here next Monday night Aug. 11, for the first Branch meeting-AAUW- I came down from Vermont (flew) on*] Aug. 23, sooner than I had intended because Helen had a friend there with whom I could travel- I am not allowed to go alone! I was glad to come to get warm, in which I have succeeded - Vermont is fine if you don't mind freezing - I prefer Washington - Hoping to hear your familiar voice over the telephone - With love-N- NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO DEFEAT THE MUNDT BILL 902 - 20th Street, Northwest, Washington 6, D. C. Telephone: DIstrict 1391 OFFICERS Hon. Jerry J. O'Connell, Chairman Bruce Waybur, Treasurer SPONSORS Rabbi Michael Alper Hon. Thurman Arnold Stringfellow Barr Elmer Benson Scott Buchanon Angus Cameron Prof. A. J. Carlson Prof. Zechariah Chafee, Jr. Rabbi J. X. Cohen Earl B. Dickerson Clifford J. Durr Prof. Thomas I. Emerson Rev. Stephen H. Fritchman Percy Greene Prof. Fowler Harper Donald Henderson Charles Houston Francis Fisher Kane Robert W. Kenny Paul J. Kern Prof. Curtis MacDougall Prof. F. O. Matthiessen Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn Arthur Miller Prof. Stuart Mudd Grant Oakes Father Clarence Parker Prof. William G. Rice O. John Rogge Prof. Frederick Schuman Prof. Karl Shapiro Prof. Harlow Shapley I. F. Stone Mary Church Terrell Mouis Untermeyer Mark Van Doren Mary Van Kleeck (partial listing) Emergency Conference on Mundt Bill - Washington, D. C., August 9, 1950 Dear Friend: The hysteria aroused by the news from Korea has created a tremendous danger that the Congress will enact the infamous Mundt-Nixon bill. The Administration and the Democratic policy committee are in process of revising the Internal Security Bill (S. 595), to which they intend to add certain sections of the Mundt bill. Senators Mundt, Ferguson, Eastland and Johnson will attempt to add the Mundt-Nixon bill by amendment to the new War Powers legislation. Chairman Wood of the Un-American Activities Committee has announced that the Mundt- Nixon bill will be voted out of committee this week and will be reported to the House for action next week. Clearly, the whole situation is building toward a showdown on the Mundt-Nixon bill. Administration opposition to such legislation has weakened and Senators and Congressmen who opposed the Bill two months ago have become hesitant and evasive. It has therefore become absolutely imperative that all opponents of the Mundt bill or any revised form of it, should now mobilize the utmost protest, both in their communities and in the national Capital. There will, accordingly, be a Conference under the auspices of this committee at the Burlington Hotel, 1120 Vermont Avenue, N.W., here in Washington, on August 9 from 10:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. The program will consist of (1) A briefing on the Congressional situation (2) The proper method of discussing the bill with Senators and Congressmen (3) Delegations from each state to visit their Senators (appointments will be made if advance notice of personnel and time is received) and (4) Delegation reports and proposals for additional community work. There will be a registration charge of $2 per delegate to defray expenses of the conference. This is the final emergency action called for this year. The month of August will decide the issue. Please assemble the largest delegation you can, with emphasis on organizational representatives and community leaders. We can and will win this fight to maintain our democratic institutions if each of us make the necessary efforts. Sincerely and fraternally, Jerry J O'Connell Jerry J. O'Connell, Chairman A temporary co-ordinating center to defeat the Mundt Bill in any form. 1752 17th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. August 9, 1950 Dear Mrs. Terrell: Your invitation was mailed July 21st and I have indicated that you are accepting. The enclosed program gives you time and places. There is an additional social function which I would like you to attend as my guest. This will be a buffet supper meeting at the Wardman Park Hotel at 7:15 Sunday evening, August 13th, 1950. This will be a meeting in connection with the section on "Religious Programs and Services" and I think the group ought to know you and you know them. This affair does not appear on the program enclosed because it is one of the "unofficial" supper parties. If you have any questions about the program Enclosed, please call me at EXecutive 6300, extension 4493. You oldsters will probably be interviewed by THE NEW YORK TIMES and some of the other press people. I shall expect to see you then at the Shoreham Sunday morning. I shall be there from 9:00 a.m. on. If I do not hear from you I will assume that you would like to attend the Sunday buffet supper with me and will make the reservation. Cordially yours, [*Signature*] (Mrs.) Anna Arnold Hedgeman Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Highland Beach Annapolis Arundel County, Maryland National Committee to Free the Ingram Family National Office Hotel Theresa 124th STREET and 7th AVENUE Room 10 NEW YORK 27, N. Y. Provisional Officers: Chariman MARY CHURCH TERRELL National Vice Chairman ADA B. JACKSON National Executive Secretary THERESE L. ROBINSON National Administrative Secretary MAUDE WHITE KATZ National Treasurer HALOIS MOORHEAD Partial List of Sponsors Atlanta, Georgia Mrs. W. A. Scott Mrs. John Wesley Dobbs Winston-Salem, N. C. Mrs. Velma Hopkins Miss Moranda Smith Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Bettye L. Alleyne Mrs. Dorothy Lymas Temple Texas Mrs. F. M. Meredith Mrs. C. J Fisher New York, New York Mrs. Estelle M. Osborne Mrs. Shirley Graham Dr. Gene Weltfish Mrs. Yolanda Wilkerson Mrs. Elinor Gimbel Miss Esther Letz Miss Florence Murray Detroit, Michigan Miss Erma Henderson Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Charlotta Bass Memphis, Tennessee Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracy Vicksburg, Mississippi Mrs. G. H. Jefferson Enfield, Connecticut Mrs. Eslanda Goode Roberson Augusta, Georgia Mrs. E. V. Wallace Washington, D. C. Miss Sally Peek Dean George A. Parker Lexington, Kentucky Mrs. Lucy Harth Smith August 18, 1950 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street N.W. Washington, D.C. My dear Mrs. Terrell: It was not possible for me to attend the convention in Atlantic City because of lack of funds. I have read the newspaper reports, and from all indications I believe it was a very fruitful convention. At the present time we are staying at Hotel Theresa rent free until Labor Day. I am sure all of the business with the exception of the conference will be finished by then. We were late sending out the newsletters also because we had no funds. We mailed the newsletter out yesterday, the 17th. As matters shape up now, I do not see the possibility of having a special call for a conference on Sunday, September 10th. I can only see the possibility of mailing a mimeographed letter as a reminder of the conference that has already been mentioned in the newsletter. An accountant is working on the financial report which will be ready by the time of the conference. Sincerely yours, [Signature] Maud White Katz, National Administrative Secretary MWK:fs Labor donated Enc. 1 Greensboro Aug 22 Mary Church Terrell Highland Beach Anne Arundel, MD Dear M, Shall see you soon I hope. I fly to Washington tomorrow for 2 months. Your letter received. Love M National Committee to Free The Ingram Family National Office Hotel Theresa 125th STREET and 7th AVENUE ROOM 108 NEW YORK 27, N.Y. Provisional Officers: Chairman MARY CHURCH TERRELL National Vice Chairman ADA B. JACKSON National Executive Secretary THERESE L. ROBINSON National Administrative Secretary MAUDE WHITE KATZ National Treasurer HALOIS MOOREHEAD Partial List of Sponsors Atlanta, Georgia MRS. W.A. SCOTT MRS. JOHN WESLEY DOBBS Winston Salem, N.C. MRS. VELMA HOPKINS MISS MORANDA SMITH Philadelphia, Pa. MRS. BETTYE L. ALLEYNE MRS. DOROTHY LYMAS Temple Texas MRS. F.M. MEREDITH MRS. C.J. FISHER New York, New York MRS. ESTELLE M. OSBORNE MRS. SHIRLEY GRAHAM DR. GENE WELTFISH MRS. YOLANDA WILKERSON MRS. ELINOR GIMBEL MISS ESTHER LETZ MISS FLORENCE MURRAY Detroit, Michigan MISS ERMA HENDERSON Los Angeles, Calif. MRS. CHARLOTTA BASS Memphis, Tennessee MRS. ROSA BROWN BRACY Vicksburg, Mississippi MRS. G.H. JEFFERSON Enfield, Connecticut MRS. ESLANDA GOODE ROBESON Augusta, Georgia MRS. E.V. WALLACE Washington, D.C. MISS SALLY PEEK DEAN GEORGE A. PARKER Lexington, Kentucky MRS. LUCY HARTH SMITH August 23, 1950 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Highland Beach Anne Arundil County, Maryland Dear Mrs. Terrell: I am also sorry that I could not attend the Women's Convention in Atlantic City, Which I am sure would have been quite educational as well as a great pleasure. As you probably know, it is quite difficulty to work without funds. For that reason often plans made cannot be fulfilled. As to the question of who should be invited to the conference besides those individuals who in the past 18 months have expressed an interest in the work by collecting signatures on petitions or writing to the committee for information, I think anyone interested in the freedom of Mrs. Ingram and her two sons should be welcomed. The newsletter which announced the conference was sent out to more than 450 persons whose name we have here on the list. When I was in Washington, we agreed that because it is a one day conference we could not expect people to come from all parts of the United States to attend it, and we agreed that we would send out a call to the people on our list from the Eastern sea-board, which would mean Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Connecticut, and New England. Since we do not have money to have invitations printed, I suggest that the invitations to the conference be typed or mimeographed on a plain postal card and mailed to about 100 persons in the places mentioned above. My secretary has been working for the last three weeks without pay as a contribution to the work of the organization. You referred to a list of those who should attend the conference. That list will come from the partial list of sponsors that we have on our brochure as well as to the names from our file.- I do not have the clerical help to make out such a list to send to you. Notices will also be sent to the press. Hoping to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Maude White Katz F S 191 Clinton Street Brooklyn 2, New York August 25, 1950 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. My dear Mrs. Terrell: With Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune's permission I am writing the story of her life for young people. This will be the third in a series of biographies with race tolerance as the over-all theme. My first, "Albert Einstein," was published in 1949, and on October 4 "Mahatma Gandhi" will be released. I am told that you have known Mrs. Bethune for fifty years and have been associated with her in her fine work. Would you, therefore, be willing to grant me an interview and tell me what you can about her? Would Sunday, September 17, be convenient for you to see me? I shall be in Washington that weekend to see Mrs. Denniston, Dr. Logan, Dr. Ferebee and others, and it would be a great privilege to talk to you, too. Since no definitive book about Mrs. Bethune has as yet been written, I must gather all of my material fresh, and so I shall be grateful for any help you may care to give me. Very sincerely yours, Catherine Owens Peare (Miss) Catherine Owens Peare 1103 Trenton Place S.E. Washington, 20, D. C. August 27, 1950 Dear Mrs. Terrell: We had a pretty good meeting on Thursday, August 24th of the special committee set up at the last meeting to arrange about the delegation to the President. Present were Mrs. Kyles, Mrs. Watson (NACW) Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Mr. Rein, Mr. Fisher (Cafeteria workers) Mr. Thomas (Hodcarriers Union) Mr. Page (I don't know his union) and myself. We discussed mainly who to try to reach to come on this delegation. I reported your suggestion last month that some use be put to the personal relations you have established with the Attorney General. Everyone agreed that, if you are willing, that would certainly be the best way to sound out whether the President will see our group or not. It was suggested that if you thought it appropriate, you send the Atty-General a personal note, saying that you would appreciate an opportunity to bring a group of leading church people and educators to speak to the President about the segregation situation in Washington. Perhaps you might even indicate that an appointment sometime in September would be desirable. It certainly seems like a reasonable way to proceed. If the Atty General does not want to arrange such a meeting, we can always write directly to the President later. Do you think it would be appropriate for you to do that now? Then, whether we have an appointment or not, we thought the next step would be to send out a letter from the Committee signed by the officers, to the list of persons whom we wish to participate. I will send you a draft of that letter as soon as it is ready for your corrections and changes. Here is the tentative list of those to be invited—will you please add to this list and cross off the ones you think would not represent us well? Mrs. Terrell Bishop O'Boyle Mme Pandit Ralph Bunche Mrs. Harper Sibley United Council of Churchwomen Mrs. Grace Tilley—Methodist women Walter White NAACP Mrs. Kyles Rev. Jernagin Mrs. Orris G. Robinson, Women's Intl League for Peace Bishop Dun Oliver Palmer Dr. Frederick Libby Dr. Paul Douglass Amer. U or some other white educator -2- Just how we get these fine people to agree to go we have yet to figure out. At last we are going away for a few days. We are leaving tomorrow and will be back right after Labor Day..a much postponed and brief vacation, but very welcome. We are going to Arthur's mothers place in upstate New York. The address is %Charles Stein RFD #1, Mamakating Park Wurtsboro, N.Y. I hope this time you are getting a real rest at the Bay. You certainly had an active summer after a very busy winter. I am filled with unbounded admiration for you, dear Mrs. Terrell, and working with you has been one of the great joys of my life. I will never stop drawing inspiration and courage from your indomitable spirit. There, I never intended to say anything like that-but you know I feel that way from the bottom of my heart. I'll call you when I get back. Devotedly, Annie Aug 27, 50 Greetings from ancient and modern Rome! We have enjoyed France Switzerland, a bit of Germany and Austria I was delegate at Zurich to International Federation of University Women 30th yr conference Aug 5-12 Kind regards to Phyllis Fred and Mollie Hundly. Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W. Washington 9, D.C. U.S.A. Rome—Il Colosso MUNICIPAL FREEDOM GIVES NATIONAL STRENGTH SOMERVILLE FOUNDED 1842 ESTABLISHED A CITY 1872. CHARLES J. WILLWERTH GENERAL AGENT JOHN J. GRIFFIN SUPERVISOR City of Somerville Bureau of Old Age Assistance Board of Public Welfare City Hall Somerville 43, Massachusetts Telephone SOmerset 6=6600 ALICE I. McNAMARA EDWARD L. CONDON EDWARD L. HAGAN August 29, 1950. Dear Friend:— Your prominent participation in the recent National Conference on Aging leads us to believe that you may be able to help us in our efforts to assemble a representative library of publications on the aging and aged. We would especially appreciate complimentary copies of any studies, pamphlets, periodicals, or articles which either you or your agency may have available for distribution. In the absence of the literature itself, reference lists will be welcome. Because of your own deep interest in the subject, we are taking the liberty of enclosing a circular bibliography on old age. It has been favorably received by the leading authorities in the field. Grateful for your cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, John J. Griffin Supervisor of Old Age Assistance JJG/MD YOU WILL WANT THIS------ COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON OLD AGE. CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GERIATRICS AND THE CARE OF THE AGED" By John J. Griffin Supervisor of Old Age Assistance, Somerville, Massachusetts. Containing almost 1200 Titles, this Bibliography has been favorably reviewed by GERIATRICS and other leading professional periodicals. Printed in large clear type. Excellent format. An indispensable reference work, this carefully Classified Bibliography has been especially designed to serve as a rich sourcebook for: Pension Officials, Doctors, Social Workers, Health Officers, Nurses, Students, Research Scholars, Schools of Social Work, Sociologists and Psychologists, Medical College, and Public Libraries, Retirement Planners, Labor Officials, Economists, Insurance Actuaries, Public Assistance Administrators, and Legislators. Prominent among the subject readings are: THE AGED: Housing; Sheltered Care; Industry, Employment, Labor; Pensions and Retirement plans; Social Economic and Historical Aspects; Social Security, Social Assistance, and Community Planning; Recreation; General and Popular Reading. GERIATRICS AND NURSING CARE: Texts of Special Relevance; General Essays; Alimentary System in General; Gerondontology; Circulatory System, Metabolism; Diabetes; Diet and Nutrition; Psychiatry and Psychology; The Senses; The Skin; Surgery and Anaesthesia; Genito-Urinary System; Miscellaneous Specialized Studies. NEW LOW PRICE: $1.50 Postpaid; If Prepaid: $1.25; 20% Discount on 5 or more copies 33 1/3% Discount on 25 or more copies ORDER NOW! John J. Griffin 57 School Street Somerville 43, Mass. Please send ____ copies of your "Classified Bibliography on Geriatrics and the Care of the Aged." Check enclosed ____. Bill me ____. Signed ____ REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE GUY GEORGE GABRIELSON, CHAIRMAN [?] 10 1337 Connecticut Avenue Washington 6, D. C. Hudson 6600 613 F Street, N. W. WASHINGTON 4, D. C. PERRY W. HOWARD MEMBER FOR MISSISSIPPI August 30, 1950 Dear Republican Friend: As one of our outstanding and loyal Republican Leaders in the Nation to be held in Washington, D. C. on the 29th and 30th of September, 1950, opening at 11:00 A. M. at Carver Hall, 211 Elm Street, N. W. The object of this Conference is purely and solely for the purpose of taking stock as to our status in the Party and what service we can render in the winning of a Republican Congress in the Fall election. Chairman Gabrielson has worked out a great program of activities and is doing a real job. We are not surprised at this, however, when we consider his background os State activities in New Jersey. The purpose of this Conference is not to effect or perfect a permanent organization or a permanent committee, but merely for a two (2) day Conference. It is not called under the influence of any faction or click or clan or organization. To the contrary, it is called without regard to any so-called previous factions or segments. We want our most active and loyal men and women in the Party here—not serving the selfish ends of any individual or group. In other words, let us united intelligently behind the National Campaign Program. We are sure that you love the Party well enough, and that you are interested in VICTORY sufficiently, to spare the little item of expense in coming here. We need to invade the Capital more often. We earnestly request that you advise us at once whether or not you will be present. Yours for VICTORY in November, Perry W. Howard Perry W. Howard Republican National Committeeman Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at