CORRESPONDENCE Jan. 1952 INTERNATIONALE KONFRENZ ZUM SCHUTZE DER KINDER VOM 16.-22. APRIL 1952 CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE POUR LA DEFENSE DE L'ENFANCE DU 16 AU 22 AVRIL 1952 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR DEFENCE OF CHILDREN FROM 16-th TO 22-nd APRIL 1952 CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL POR LA DEFENSA DE LA INFANCIA DE 16-22 ABRIL 1952 [IN GREEK: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR DEFENCE OF CHILDREN FROM 16-th TO 22-nd APRIL 1952] WIEN FREYUNG 2 Vorbereitende Kommission Commission Préparatoire Preparative Committee Comisión Preparativa [In Greek: Preparative Committee] Wien, 2nd January 1952. Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, Phyllis Wheatley Branch YWCA Rhoad Island Ave & 9th St., NW. Washington, D.C. Dear Madam, We deem it a privilege to inform you that an International Conference for the Defence of Children is to be held in Vienna (Austria) from the 12th to the 16th of April 1952. Please find enclosed herewith the Appeal and the Program of this Conference, as well as a list of the personalities who form the International Sponsoring Committee. We should very much appreciate your endorsement of this great project by your support of the Conference. Looking forward to your kind participation, we remain very sincerely yours, For the Preparatory Commitee The Secretary: Fiorella Della Seta. Fiorella Della Seta INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN DEFENCE OF CHILDREN VIENNA April 1952 - 12th to 16th APPEAL OUR hearts are filled with profound anxiety in face of the threat which hangs over the lives and the future of our children. In many countries, the weakening of the children's health and the increasing death rate among children endanger the coming genera- tions. The children are suffering from the effects of war preparations. The budgets for health, for the construction of houses and for education are being cut, due to military expenditures. A great number of families cannot afford to provide sufficient food for their children's growth. In most of the colonial countries the lack of food has taken on famine proportions and large numbers of children are dying of hunger. Hundreds of thousands of Korean children have been exterminated during the bombing of civilians and have died from hunger and cold on the roads during the tragic exodus. We are filled with anxiety at the thought of what our children face should a similar fate be theirs. To save the children, the most previous wealth of mankind, we appeal to all men and women of good will, to all organizations which are interested in the problems of children, to participate in the International Conference in Defence of Children. This Conference will study what can be done in order to defend the right to life, to health and education of all children in the world. We call upon all those who are able to make a contribution to this noble cause to endorse our appeal and our programme. INTERNATIONAL SPONSORING COMMITTEE ALBANIA Mrs. VERA POJANI, President, Albanian Red Cross. ALGERIA Mr. TAYEB DJAIDIR, Pedagogue (Oran). ARGENTINA Dr. DARDO ALZOGARAY, Doctor of Hygiene. Mrs. DELIA TRAVADELLO, Professor of Literature. AUSTRALIA Dame MARY GILMORE, Poet, Order of the British Empire. Mrs. TUNNECLIFFE. Miss OLA COHN, Sculptress. Miss JEAN CAMPBELL, Writer. AUSTRIA Dr. JOSEPH DOBRETSBERGER, Professor, University, Gratz. Dr. LEOPOLDINE KURTZ-BEITEL, Psychologist. Dr. LAUSECKER, Chief Physician, St-Pölten Hospital. Dr. KARL LUNZER, Director, sanatorium for children (Krems). Mrs. LE ROKITANSKY, Writer. BELGIUM Mr. ALBERT GOVAERTS, Professor, Free University, Brussels. Dr. JADOT-DECROLY, Doctor of Medicine. Dr. SCHEINS-HENNEBERT, Doctor of Medicine. BULGARIA Dr. DIMITRI KATZAROV, Professor of Pedagogy, member, Academy of Sciences. CANADA Mrs. RAE LUCKOCK, Former member, Ontario Parliament. Miss ETHEL NEILSON, Pedagogue. CHILE Mrs. GABRIELA MISTRAL, Writer, Nobel Prize for Literature CHINA Mrs. SOONG CHING LING, President, China Popular Aid; President, Social Assistance of China. Mrs. LI THE CHUAN, minister of health. President, Chinese Red Cross. Mrs. KANG KE CHING, Director of the Children's Department of the Federation of Chinese Women. COLUMBIA Dr. ALVARO PEREZ VIVES, Jurist, Professor, University, Bogota. CUBA Dr. AUGUSTIN CASTELLANOS, Director of the Children's Hospital of Havana, member of the International Society of Pediatrics. Dr. A. PIEDAD MAZA, Professor of Pedagogy and of Psychology of adolescence. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Pr. JOSEF VANA, Dean, Faculty of Pedagogy, University, Praha. EGYPT Mrs. CESA NABAROUY, President, Feminist Union of Egypt FINLAND Mrs. SYLVI KEKKONEN. Pr. GORAN HJELMMAN, Professor of Anthropology. FRANCE Dr. HEUYER, Professor, Neuro-Psychiatry for Children, Medical Faculty of Paris. M. MONOD, Directeur général honoraire de l'Enseignement secon- daire. Mrs. EUGENIE COTTON, Maître de Recherches, National Centre of Scientific Research; Honorary Director, Teachers' Training School for Girls, Sevres; President, Women's International Democratic Federation Dr. H WALLON, Honorary Professor, College of France. Mrs. FRANÇOISE ROSAY, artist. Pr. EDMOND VERMEIL, Professor, Sorbonne. GERMANY Pr. JUSSUF IBRAHIM, Director, Children's Hospital, University Iena. Dr. EUGEN SALZER, President, Association for Protection of Children, Wurtemberg. Pr. HANNS SCHWARZ, Dean, Medical Faculty, Greifswald. Dr. PAUL SCHREYER, Parson, Bavaria. GREAT BRITAIN Reverend A. BRIAN BIRD Pr. LEWIS, Director of Education, University, Nottingham. Mrs. NAOMI MITCHISON, Writer. Miss MONICA WHATELY, Journalist. Dr. MAEVE MARWICK, Doctor of Medicine, member of the Society of Quakers. Mrs HELEN E. GAULT, Member, City Council, Glasgow. GUADELOUPE Mrs GERTY ARCHIMEDE, Lawyer, former Deputy. GUATEMALA Dr. CARLOS GONZALEZ ORELLANA, Under Secretary of Education. HOLLAND Dr. H.-J. JORDAN, Director, Montessori Lyceum, Utrecht. Mr. KEES BOEKE, Engineer, Director of the Community of Child- ren's Work, Bilthoven. HUNGARY Prof. JEZA PETENYI, Pediatrician, Professor, University, Budapest. ICELAND Mr. ARNFINNER JONSSON, Public School Director, Reykjavik; Member City Committee for Protection of Children. INDIA Dr. KHIROD CHOUDHURY, Pediatrician, Calcutta. Mr. MANSHANKER N. BHATT, Founder of Shishu Vihar; Director, Teacher's Training School, Suarastra. Mrs. D.R.D. WADIA, Bombay. Mr. NANAVANTI, Pedagogue, Director, Sarla Sarjan, Bombay. IRAN Mr. CHARIAT ZADE, Lawyer, Deputy: President, Iranian Asso- ciation for Protection of Children. SEYED ALI AKBAR BORGHEI, Religious leader, Ghom. Mr. B. SOBHI, Writer, Children's Books. General MOHAMED HOSSEIN MIRZA FIROUZ. ITALY Pr. RAFAELE CAPORALI. President, Senate Commission for Hygiene and Health; Member Supreme Council of Public Welfare; Under Secretary Public Education. Mr. MARIO VENDITTI, Lawyer, Writer; Former Under Secretary Public Education. Pr. NICOLA PERROTI, Former High Commissioner for Hygiene and Public Health, Professor of Psychology, University, Rome. Mrs. PAOLA LOMBROSO, Writer, Pedagogue. Dr. ARMANDO SAPORI, Professor of Economic History, University, Florence. KOREA Mr. LI THE DZUN. President, Association of Korean Writers. Mrs. KEM EN SOU, Vice-President, Union of Korean Women. LEBANON Mr. MOHAMED ALI BEYHUM, President, Moslem Orphanage, Bey- routh. Dr. ELIE BAAKLINI, President, Lebanese Red Cross; Chief Surgeon Holy Ghost Hospital, Beyrouth. Mrs. RAMZIEH NSOULI, President, Society for Protection of Maternity and Children, Charity Hospital, Beyrouth. MEXICO Dr. AUREA PROCEL, President, Association of Women Physicians of Mexico. NORWAY Mr. RAGNAR FORBECH, Dean, Cathedral of Oslo. Mrs. ANNA SETHNE, Pedagogue. NEW-ZEALAND Pr. H. WINSTONE SHOCLES, Professor, University, Canterbury. POLAND Mr. JULIAN TUWIM, Poet. ROUMANIA Dr. NATALIA SCURTU, Director, Protection of Mother and Child Department, Ministry of Health. SWEDEN Dr. ANDREA ANDREEN, Doctor of Medicine. Mrs. MARGERITA EMBRING, Psychologist. SWITZERLAND Miss BUTTS, Honorary Secretary, International Education Board. Mr. E METRAUX. Mr. ADOLPHE FERRIERE, Doctor in sociology. Mr. PIERRE BOVET, Honorary Professor, University Genova. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Pr. GOODWIN WASTON, Professor of Pedagogy, Columbia University, New-York. Dr. KATHERINE DOOD, Professor of Pediatrics, University, Cin- cinnati. Mrs. Octavia Hawkins, Negro Trade Union Leader, Chicago. Mrs. ELLA PERRY, Pedagogue, Chicago. Mrs HELLEN E. Mc. ALLISTER, President, League of University Women of the U.S.A., Kansas-City. Dr. MARY VAN KLEEK, Doctor of Social Sciences, Former Director Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Mr. GEORGE SPERANSKI, Member, Academy of Medical Sciences. Mrs. VALENTINE CHATSKAIA, Member, Academy of Pedagogies Sciences. Mr. SAMUEL MARCHAK, Writer of Children's Books. Mr. MICHAEL TCHIAURELLI, Film Director. Mrs. ALLA Tarasova, People's artist. WEST AFRICA Mr. MAMADOU TRAORE (Ray Autra), Poet, Pedagogue, (Niger) Mr. DIAGNE MODY, Pedagogue (Sénégal). PROGRAMME ALL over the world, doctors, scientists, educators, lawyers, parents and all those concerned with the future of children and at the ever-mounting danger which menaces their very lives, are raising their voices in protest against the deterioration in the living conditions of children in the majority of countries. The aims of the Conference will be to work in a friendly, objective and scientific manner; to exchange views, experiences, and achievements, and to examine data, in order to decide what can be done to solve the most urgent problems concerning children. The aims and objective of the Conference will be to discuss measures necessary: - to protect the life and health of children threatened by a new war; - to ensure the food, housing and medical care needed for their development; - to create opportunities for educational and professional training for every child; - to protect children from the pernicious influence of immoral literature, radio broadcast and films; to organise suitable recreation for them; - to combat juvenile delinquency and to solve the problem of re-educating maladjusted children; - to find ways and means of solving the problem of young vagrants and abandoned children especially in colonial and dependent countries; - to combat the exploitation of child labour and to seek to improve legislation for the protection of minors; - to bring up the children in a spirit of democracy and friendship between all peoples. Only the united efforts of those who have at heart the well-being of children will make it possible to guarantee to all young people a healthy, creative and active life in a world at peace. Preparatory Committee Of The International Conference In Defence Of Children Freyung 2, VIENNA 1 (Austria) I.C.C.--PARIS Greetings Pleasure Masters Minneapolis, U.S.A. 15 Y 778 HAPPY NEW YEAR Dear Mrs. Terrell, Thank you so much for the pretty black slip, which will be most useful, and your kind thought of me. You are so busy these days that we never see or hear from you, however, Phyllis and Mary tell me all about your good work and I do hope that success will continue through "1952." Sam joins me with every good wish to you for the New Year. Lovingly, Nena (Elbert) 1/3/52 (1-3-52) A wish that's brimming with frolic and fun And fortune and promise, too, To make this year a happy one - Especially for YOU! Rev. Kenneth Ripley Forbes Mrs. Charlotta Bass Rabbi Max Felshin January 6, 1952 Dear Friend: Every right-thinking and freedom-loving person in these United States is profoundly shocked and worried over recent events in Florida. While certain evils are by no means confined to the State of Florida, nevertheless this is where they have expressed themselves in the most shocking forms. Beginning with the shameful death sentence imposed on two Negro men for a rape they obviously did not commit (their conviction was reversed by the United States Supreme Court) - accompanied by a series of bombings in Miami directed against Negro, Jewish and Catholic people and organizations - followed by the brutal murder of Samuel Shepherd and severe wounding of Walter Lee Irvin by the Sheriff while delivering them to their new trial -- and finally culminating in the Christmas night bombing of the home of Harry T. Moore, State Coordinator of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, who was active in the campaign for the freedom of the Groveland Three and against the Miami bombings. The bombing of his home killed Harry T. Moore; and his wife Harriet Moore who died last Thursday as a result of the injuries she sustained. The signers of this letter and many millions of people feel that the Florida events show a pattern that must be stopped now or they will spread and endanger the Negro people, the Jewish people, trade union people everywhere. We believe they can be stopped now if people, of whatever color or political persuasion, unite now and do something about it. We are therefore issuing a call to all who can (find the way even if you can't) to join with us in attending the funeral of Mrs. Harriet Moore, in order to express our deep sympathy for her family and also our profound protest against this jimcrow terror. The funeral will be at the: St. James Baptist Church Mims, Florida Tuesday, January 8th, at 2 P.M. Will you please attend, and bring with you as many of your friends as possible. Though it is not necessary to do so, we would appreciate it if you would notify us that you are coming. Reach us at 23 West 26th St., New York City or phone Oregon 9-1657. If it is more convenient than going directly to Mims you can meet the delegation at 7 A.M. Tuesday morning at the Jacksonville Airport. Whether or not you are able to go to the funeral we would like to suggest that you, and your friends and organization communicate with President Harry S. Truman requesting that he use the power of the Federal Government under the Civil Rights Act to punish the bombers, free the Groveland Three and stop the terror. For friendship and unity, Rev. Kenneth Ripley Forbes Mrs. Charlotta Bass Rabbi Max Felshin Box 632 Raton, NM Jan 6 / 52. Mary Church Terrell Washington, D.C. My Dear Mrs. Terrell, You will probably not remember me, but you have been in my thoughts many times, and I have intended writing to you to ask if you would send me the book of which you spoke during our short conversation at the White House Conference last year: "Through a Colored Woman's Eyes." I have forgotten the name of the person who wrote it for you. You said at that time that it was out of print, but that you would try to get a copy for me. I am so very much interested in the colored people and in their philosophy toward the problem of all people living in peace and harmony together on this "God's Beautiful Earth." Surely there is a way, if we seek for it in honesty and truth. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am Sincerely Mrs. Bernice M Lackey DR. D. V. JEMISON President A.M. TOWNSEND, Executive Secretary Finance Commission, N.B.C. REV. U.J. ROBINSON Secretary NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, U.S.A., Incorporated NATIONAL BAPTIST SANITARIUM-BATH HOUSE 501 Malvern Avenue HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS C.H. WEBSTER, General Manager R.C. WOODS, Assistant Manager January 7, 1952. Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W.; Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: We are in receipt of your letter of December 30, 1951. This is to advise that your reservation for a single room, sometime during the second week in February has been confirmed. Of course, it will be necessary for us to know the exact date you are planning to arrive, and we are hoping that you will include this in your next letter to us. We are looking forward to your visit. Yours truly, C.H. Webster C.H. Webster General Manager CHW/1w HOWARD UNIVERSITY FACULTY WIVES CLUB January 8, 1952 Dear Mrs. Terrell: The 1951-1952 fund-raising project for the Howard University Faculty Wives Student Aid Fund will eb the sponsorship of the Howard University Players in the dra- matic production "Mamba's Daughters," March 11-15, 1952. The first evening of the performances will be a "first nighter," in gala style, with the Faculty Wives and their guests as patrons. It is hoped that the house will be sold out to the general public on the other nights. This effort merits the support of every member of the club, as there is great need for addition to our student aid fund. Will you kindly consent to serve on the Committee for this project? The initial meeting of the Committee will be held, Wednesday, January 16, at 8:00 P.M., at the 1201 Girard Street, N.W. If you are unable to attend the meeting but are willing to serve on one of the sub-committees, please call Dorothy Porter, ADams 8293; or Louella Stanton, TAylor 2326. Best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year. Very cordially yours, Dorothy Porter Dorothy Porter, Temporary Chairman Louella Stanton, Louella Stanton, President I am always happy and gratified to read or hear of your good deeds for humanity. All of the community should be grateful. May the New Year bring you many rich blessings! Lovingly yours, Daisy Washington, D.C. January 10, 1952 Dear Friend, I thank you for my "imperial chest" from a grand lady. It is so beautiful and useful, and I shall always treasure it. Green is the color I am trying to build up in my library. The pretty pottery vase you gave me a few years ago occupies a prominent place there. HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON 1, D.C. School of Religion Office of the Dean January 10, 1952 Dr. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Dr. Terrell: On behalf of the Washington Chapter of Lincoln University Alumni Association I am privileged to invite you to be one of the guests of honor at the Lincoln University Founders Day Dinner to be held at the Maria F. Baldwin Hall dining room, Howard University, at 8:00 P.M., Saturday, Feburary 16, 1952. The guest speaker will be Dr. Buell G. Gallagher of the U.S. Office of Education and the theme for the meeting will be "Education and the Social Good." Graduates and former students of Lincoln residing in the Washington area covet for themselves and for our other guests the honor of your presence with us on this occasion. Sincerely yours, Frank T. Wilson Frank T. Wilson, Co-Chairman Lincoln's Founders Day Dinner Committee rnm The Frontiers of Ameriac Washington chapter 1816 12th Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. OFFICE OF THE Program Chairman January 11, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street NW Washington, D C Dear Mrs. Terrell: Just a line to thank you for addressing the Frontiers Club last Tuesday, January 9th. From all reports the men enjoyed your remarks and I regret and apologize for being unable to be present. Sincerely yours, Laurence F. Hunt LAURENCE F. HUNT, Program Chairman LFH: f [*Encl $5 Answered A.S. 1/28/52*] Jan 12. 1952 Dear Mrs. Terrell - I want to help in your courageous "Gideon" tactics by the enclosed small check. I also want you to know that I wrote Mr. Dulcan of Hecht's months ago & have neither entered the store nor purchased anything since explaining to him why I was doing it. I firmly believe we will all be ashamed of our stupidity one of these days, but meantime we need to encourage one another. Sincerely yours, Mildred H. Campbell WASHINGTON FEDERATION OF CHURCHES 1751 N STREET, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON 6, D.C. Telephone DEcatur 3132 Rev. Frederick E. Reissig, D.D. Executive Secretary OFFICERS REV. CLARENCE W. CRANFORD, D.D. President REV. EDWARD L. R. ELSON, D.D. MR. F. DONALD PRESTON MRS. CLARENCE T. NELSON DR. FRANK M. SNOWDEN, JR Vice Presidents RALPH COMPION Recording Secretary GEORGE H. WARD Treasurer WALTER W. BRITT Assistant Treasurer STAFF General Department of Church Women MISS ETTA MAI RUSSELL Director Department of Christian Education MRS. JOSEPHINE H. KYLES Director Youth Director MISS E. GERTRUDE CAMPBELL Department of Institutional Ministry REV. DON C. SHAW Chaplain, Lorton Reformatory REV. MERREL D. BOOKER Chaplain, Freedmen's Hospital Department of Research and Church Planning JOHN HALKO, Director Department of Social Welfare Director MRS. L. MAYNARD CATCHINGS Associate Director Service Commission of the Churches JESSE E. AIKEN Director Department of Radio and Television STANLEY F. KNOCK, JR. Director January 13, 1952 Dear Friend of the Federation: You will be happy to know that Dr. Reissig, our Executive Secretary, is making good progress toward a recovery, and will probably be able to resume at least part of his duties by early spring. We wish to express his and our gratitude for the many expressions of sympathy and offers of help during his illness. Probably you have already learned that our annual fund raising campaign is in progress. It is only be- cause of your financial support that the work of the Federation of Churches can go forward. The enclosed folder is a thumb nail sketch of the Federation as it exists today. Also enclosed is a pledge card to be dropped in the collection plate at your church or mailed direct to the Federation. Bearing in mind the inevitable increase in all operating costs and the fact hat there are many new areas where we need to serve, will you give prayerful thought to your financial support to this your agency for Protestant Cooperation. May God richly bless you, your family, and your church during this year and those that follow. Sincerely yours, Clarence W. Cranford Clarence W. Cranford President Jess Aiken Jess Aiken Administrative Assistant WE ARE ALL ENRICHED BY PLANNING, WORKING AND WORSHIPPING TOGETHER ESTABLISHED 1892 MEMBERS A.B.C. AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN - WASHINGTON AFRO-AMERICAN - PHILADELPHIA AFRO-AMERICAN - NEW JERSEY AFRO-AMERICAN - RICHMOND AFRO-AMERICAN - NATIONAL AFRO-AMERICAN EXECUTIVE OFFICES - 628 N. EUTAW STREET BALTIMORE 1, MD January 14, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: Beginning this week, Mr. and Mrs. James Wood assume their duties as editors of the Washington AFRO-AMERICAN. I trust they can feel free to call on you at any time and that you will not hesitate to solicit their aid in any project of which they can be of service. Kindest regards. Very truly yours, B. M. Phillips B. M. Phillips Managing Editor bmp/w LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF D.C. 1829 M Street, N.W. Washington 6, D.C. REpublic 5778 January 14, 1952 Dear League Member: SELF GOVERNMENT AND THE PUBLIC CONSCIENCE is today a subject of primary concern to us all. On every side is evidence that the body politic is suffering. Confused by a fog of charges and counter-charges, facts and fiction, personalities and politics, the thoughtful citizen can be certain of only one thing: his is the final responsibility. But ...... how do we get the perspective to diagnose symptoms, real and fancied? What are the cures? With election year temperatures running high there is need for a thorough examination, for less heat and more light. Planned to probe beneath the surface, our 11th ANNUAL ALL DAY SCHOOL will be devoted to this subject. Three full sessions, morning, afternoon and evening, will be held on Tuesday, January 29, 1952, at the Shoreham Hotel. As indicated by the enclosed program, the examin- ing specialists will represent the press, educational institutions, special interest groups, the business community, a government agency and the Congress. $3.00 "season" tickets, good for admission to all sessions, and $1.50 single sessions tickets are now on sale. Your check, mailed to the League office with the enclosed order form, will bring tickets by return mail. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Each year we try to choose for our ALL DAY SCHOOL the subject calculated to produce facts and discussions of the greatest value to local citizens. This year's school is surely one you won't want to miss. You'll want to bring your friends. Get your tickets early! Cordially yours, Barbara M. Luther Mrs. Llloyd S. Luther President P.S. Mark the date on your calendar NOW: January 29. ELEVENTH ANNUAL ALL-DAY SCHOOL JANUARY 29, 1952 SELF-GOVERNMENT and the PUBLIC CONSCIENCE SHOREHAM HOTEL Morning Session 10:15-12:15 Afternoon Session 2:00-3:30 Evening Session 8:30-10:00 League of Women Voters of D.C. 1829 M Street, Northwest Washington 6, D.C. MORNING SESSION 10:15 - 12:15 Presiding: MRS. LLOYD S. LUTHER President, League of Women Voters of D.C. HISTORICAL VIEW LOUISE M. YOUNG, Author, "Understanding Politics" THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PRESS HAMILTON OWENS, Editor-in-Chief, Sun- papers, Baltimore THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS MORTIMER GRAVES, Administrative Secretar- ry, American Council of Learned Societies Questions and Discussion AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 - 3:30 Presiding: MRS. JOHN F. LATIMER Second Vice-President League of Women Voters of D.C. MODERATOR - KATHRYN H. STONE, former Vice-President of League of Women Voters of U.S. THE GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONNEL FRANCES PERKINS, Civil Service Commission- er THE RESPONSIBILITY OF SPECIAL-INTEREST GROUPS THOMAS B. KEEHN, Secretary, The Council for Social Action of the Congregational Church THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY SYBYL S. PATTERSON, Assistant Director, Industrial Relations Division, National Asso- ciation of Manufacturers Questions and Discussion EVENING SESSION 8:30 - 10:00 Presiding: MRS. LLOYD S. LUTHER Third Citation by the League of Women Voters of D.C. MODERATOR - LOUISE M. YOUNG THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES GUY M. GILLETTE, Senator (D), Iowa LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, Senator (R), Mass- achusetts Questions and Discussion PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY ALL-DAY SCHOOL - January 29, 1952 Morning Session $1.50 (tax incl.) Afternoon Session $1.50 " Evening Session $1.50 " Special price for combination tickets, 3 sessions, $3.00 (tax incl.) Tickets may be purchased through UNITS or SEND { This section and Admission price to: League of Women Voters of D.C. 1829 M Street, N.W. 6 Tickets will be sent by return mail. Name ........................................... Address ..................................... Check No. Tickets No. ...... Morning Session, Jan 29. [] $1.50 No. ...... Afternoon Session, " [] 1.50 No. ...... Evening Session, " [] 1.50 No. ...... Combination (all 3 sessions) [] 3.00 For further Information call League of Women Voters of D.C. REpublic 5778 [Ca. 1-15-52] Dear Miss Mollie - The scene in the U.S. Court of Appeals when the Thompson Restaurant case was being tried last week was one of the most impressive I have ever witnessed. Here is a small token of appreciation from Stuart and me to help in carrying forward the valiant fight you so courageously make for us all. Our love and prayers are with you always Blanche [Nelson] Washington, D.C. January 16, 1952 Dear Members and Bulletin Friends, Your Yuletide was made happier, I am sure by the beautiful Christmas bulletin which you received in December. That issue, volume II, number II marked the first anniversary of the publica- tion. In November, 1951 Mrs. Elsie B Smith, our journalist, pro- posed the issuance of a monthly news release for the Club. The acceptance of this suggestion gave birth to the bulletin, the official organ of the College Alumnae Club of Washington, D.C., and through the selfless service of Mrs. E. B. Smith and Mrs. B. K. Williams, our corresponding secretary, the news letter comes to you monthly. The bulletin has won the respect of all who have read it. It has received compliments too numerous to mention. It has conveyed to two hundred and fifty persons monthly the past, present, and future news of the Club and through its unique style and informa- tive contents, it has won many friends for the Club. It has stimulated the interest of inactive members and has been responsi- ble for several reinstatements. It has been a valuable source of information for our members who find it impossible to attend the meetings. The Christmas issue of the publication brought a surprise. Through the ingenuity of Mrs. Williams, the impressive and appro- priate cover was produced and the contents were made unusually attractive. It brought a merry Christmas to all who received it. The bulletin has accomplished great good for the Club, and it is with sincere appreciation that we pay tribute to it at the begin- ning of a new year. Our January meeting is an important one. A full attendance and punctuality are urged. There is much to be accomplished; there- fore we must follow the time schedule. The National Day Workshop is designed to acquaint you with the program of your National Association. The panelists are officers and members of the N.A.C.W. who are prepared to answer your ques- tion in the floor discussion, therefore all are invited to interrog- ate them. Since the executive session of the National Association of College Women will be held on the day of our February meeting would it not be appropriate to entertain the visitors on that occasion? The meeting of the executive committee of the Club will be held on Tuesday, January 22, 1952 at 8:00 p.m., at the residence of the president. The business is urgent and important. Full attendance will be appreciated. Has your piggy bank gained in weight? This is the day to feed it another vitamin; a dime. Sincerely, Florence L. Toms Florence L. Toms, President COLLEGE ALUMNAE CLUB OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Monthly Bulletin Volume II, Number 4 January, 1952 President................Mrs. F.L. Toms Editor.............Mrs. E.B. Smith Corresponding Secretary......Mrs. B.K. Williams January Meeting Date: Saturday, January 26, 1952, at 8:00 P.M. Place: YWCA Annex, 1719 13th Street, N.W. Program: I. Business session 1. Report of Finance Committee--8:05 - 8:30 p.m. 2. Report of Human Relations Committee--8:30 - 8:40 p.m. 3. New Business--8:40 - 9:00 p.m. II. Initiation of new members--9:00 - 9:15 p.m. III. National Day Workshop--9:15 - 10:30 p.m. Theme: "Know Your National" (The program is dedicated to the National Officers) National Officers: Mrs. Inez Brewer--President Mr. Carrie Powell--Vice-President Mrs. Charlotte Gordon--Executive Secretary Mrs. Marion Scott--Corresponding Secretary Miss Portia Bullock--Recording Secretary Mrs. Jimmie Middleton--Treasurer Mrs. Rubye Watts--Journalist Miss Margaret Bugg--Circulation Secretary Dues Local assessments of seven dollars ($7.00) are past due. Only members whose dues are paid by January 31, 1952 will be eligible for voting for National officers for the ensuing year. Please send all checks, payable to the College Alumnae Club, Washington, D.C., to Mrs. Charlotte B. Gordon, Financial Secretary 1122 Girard Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Christmas Card Project The Christmas Card Committee expresses its sincere appreciation to all who supported the activity. The Committee will appreciate immediate returns on outstanding orders. Page 2 Receipts Dues for the year 1951-52 have been received from the following members since the last report: Miss Beatrice Catlett Miss A. Blondel Newsom Mrs. Gladys Edmonson Miss Leonora Randolph Mrs. Helena Hines Mrs. Norma Richardson Mrs. Jennie Shief Dr. V.A. Washington N.A.C.W. Executive Meeting The National Association of College Women will hold its mid- winter executive session on Saturday, February 23, 1952 at the office of the Executive Secretary, Mrs. Charlotte B. Gordon, 1122 Girard Street, N.W. Scholarship Gift Miss Martha Henson Initiation The following new members are urged to be present and on time at the initiation service: Mrs. Ellen Blue Mrs. Letitia Randall Mrs. Grace Dupree Mrs. Ruby Smith Mrs. Naomi Jackson Miss Lucy Taylor Christmas Toys The Club thanks the members who contributed to the toy project. The articles were donated to the children at Freedmen's Hospital. A Forward Look May the meaning of the New Year be deeper; its friendship stronger; and its hopes brighter as it comes to you in this 1952. [*Copy for Mrs. Terrell*] 6504 Ridgewood Ave. Chevy Chase 15, Md. January 16, 1952 C.B. Dulcan, General Manager The Hecht Co. 7th and F Streets, N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: I have just learned that the Hecht Co. has abandoned its Jim Crow practices at the basement lunch counter. If this be the fact, and I am sure it is, I should like most heartily to commend your action and to ask that you renew my charge-a-plate account. Your store had until last February long been the site of nearly all of my department store purchases. I expect it shall again regain its place in my affections. I trust that you and your associates recognize now that a store, no less than a citizen, is a part of the community that must practice what it preaches and operate with conscience and courtesy, no less than efficiency. But most of all that it depends absolutely on the good will and esteem of the other members of the community. May I add a suggestion to this note of congratulations? I urge you to give consideration to the employment of sales personnel without regard to race. I am certain you will find that your store's efficiency and service will improve greatly if you are willing to employ the best qualified people without regard to their skin color. If you have doubts, why not draw on the experience of the great New York stores, Macy's, Gimbels, B. Altman & Co., Saks, and many others, as well as that of stores in Minneapolis (see "How Minneapolis Beat the Bigots", Women's Home Companion, October 1951), Philadelphia and other cities throughout the country. You will undoubtedly be interested in the study made by Saenger and Gilber "Customer Reactions to the Integration of Negro Sales Personnel", Spring 1950, International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research which convincingly demonstrates that the fears of store management are misguided. If you need further proof look at your basement lunch counter. Why no objection to those who are behind that counter? In your own best interests give this some thought and a trial. Sincerely yours, S. Walter Shine [1-17-52] Western Union 1952 JAN 17 PM 6 35 LD. WUGO92 NL PD-WASHINGTON DC 17 = MRS MARY CHURCH TERRELL= :(DLR) 1615 S ST NW WASHDC= THE PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EXTENDS CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND THE COORDINATING COMMITTEE UPON THE VICTORY AT HECHT'S THAT HAS ENDED DISCRIMINATION AT ITS LUNCH COUNTER. WITH YOUR COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE WERE ABLE TO CARRY ON UNTIL VICTORY WAS ACHIEVED.= GERTRUDE EVANS EXECUTIVE SECRETARY=.. Me2477-930F St. N.W. ELLIOT B. MACRAE, President NICHOLAS WREDEN, Vice-President JOHN P. EDMONDSON, Vice-President JOHN J. HOLWELL, Secretary-Treasurer E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. PUBLISHERS SINCE 1852 300 FOURTH AVE., NEW YORK 10 N.Y. ORCHARD 4-5900 January 21, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street S W Washington, D. C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: Thank you so much for taking the time to write me such a long and warm letter about Lonnie Coleman's CLARA. I think your observations are very perceptive and to the point. To me the hopeful and fine part of the book was that a girl like Lilian, full of prejudices, pettinesses and frustrations, should come to feel in her growth the universal bond of humanity. Next time I see the author I will show him your letter; I know how much pleasure he will derive from it, especially since it comes from a person with your distinguished record. Now about your book, A COLORED WOMAN IN A WHITE WORLD. I am ashamed to say I never have read it. To be perfectly frank, ordinarily it is almost impossible to take a book that was published a decade ago, republish it and make it popular. However I never have seen a rule that doesn't have a few exceptions. Shall I go to the public library, or have you a copy which you can lend me, so we can read it and see what can be done. Thank you again for your spontaneous response. Sincerely yours, Nicholas Wreden Nicholas Wreden, Editor-in-Chief E. P. DUTTON & CO., INC. NW/cs CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF PUBLISHING Fairfax County Branch National Association for the Advancement of Colored People OFFICERS Rev. Milton Sheppard, President Rev. C. C. Wilson, Vice-President Charles A. Newman, Sr., Treasurer William A. West, Secretary Audrey Williams, Asst. Sec'y EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Rev. Roger Bush Capt. Leslie R. Coates Mrs. Frances J. Coates Rev. W. E. Costner James D. Dean Clayton W. Frye Mrs. Edith Hussey Mrs. Sadie E. Harris Mrs. Eliza Hawkins Dr. E. B. Henderson J. Sidney Holland Francis Honesty Mrs. Dorothy H. Hall John Martin L. C. Moore Charles A. Newman, Sr. Atty. James H. Raby Allan Saunders David H. Scull Rev. Milton Sheppard Clarence W. Smith Ollie W. Tinner Harrison R. Tinner William A. West Rev. C. C. Wilson Seth Williams Mrs. Audrey Williams COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Dr. E. B. Henderson, Executive Charles A. Newman, Sr., Finance Ollie W. Tinner, Publicity Rev. W. E. Costner, Education L. C. Moore, Membership Sadie E. Harris, Youth Council James H. Raby, Legal Redress and Legislation J. Sidney Holland, Labor and Industry Eliza Hawkins, Entertainment Allan J. Saunders, Recreation and Housing Rev. Roger Bush, Church Activity Dorothy H. Hall, Youth Council January23,1952. Dear Mrs. Terrell: May I congratulate you and your co-workers upon the brilliant feat of confounding the proponents of racial fascism and achieving success in the Hecht battle. I know how glad you were, for I remember how happy I was made when the AAU partially capitulated, and Mr. Uline let down the bars at his arena. Incidentally, the Council for Social Action of the Arlington Unitarian Church and their friends have prevailed on Hechts, Kanns and several other Arlington stores to take down signs-for colored-for white. Of course in Virginia the State laws must be defeated before some of the other discriminatory practices can be eliminated. Again, congratulations. Sincerely yours, EB Henderson P.S. Please commend Miss Stein and Mrs. Trigg for me. 307 W. Fairfax St. Falls Church, Va. P.S. 2 - I now have a grandson - James Francis Henderson born at Tuskegee Jan. 10, 1952 Howard University Washington 1, D.C. January 24, 1952 The Graduate School Office of the Dean Dr. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Dr. Terrell: In connection with our Conference on "The Courts and Racial Integration in Education," which is being held at Howard on April 16-18, 1952, we are developing a list of special consultants, resource persons and discussants- people who have some special knowledge in the field which the conference will cover, from whom we may feel free to seek advice and on whom we can rely to serve as a nucleus of critical thinking and expression. I am writing to inquire whether you would allow us to list your name in this capacity. You might be interested to know that we are developing a comprehensive list of questions on this topic that we hope will include every important issue which can be formulated. As soon as this list has been completed, I shall be happy to send you a copy, as well as a copy of the program. Hoping that you will serve us in the above capacity and thanking you for an early reply, I am Sincerely yours, Chas. H. Thompson Dean CHT:s Encl. Wilberforce University Founded in 1856 Wilberforce, Ohio Office of President January 24, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: Carnegie Library of Wilberforce University is engaged currently in a special project for the acquisition of books by and about the Negro. During the Spring Quarter 1952, we hope to have a special exhibit and symposium in connection therewith. You will later receive a formal invitation to attend this symposium. The purpose of the communication is to request from you complimentary autographed copies of all of your works which will constitute a part of this exhibit. Please send your gifts to: Mr. Casper LeRoy Jordan, Librarian Carnegie Library Wilberforce University Wilberforce, Ohio We hope that you will be generous enough to comply to this request. Yours sincerely, Charles L. Hill President CLH:lcr Jan.25, 1952 Mrs. Frank Campbell Nickels 3060 Sixteenth Street N.W. Washington 9, D. C. Dear Mrs. Nickels: Mrs. Terrell has asked me to convey to you her sincere appreciation and the appreciation of the Coordinating Committee for your kind letter and your contribution of $1 to help in our efforts to end segregation and discrimination in Washington restaurants. We know you must join with us in the feeling of jubilation for the victory at the Hecht Co, after so long and so difficult a battle. We are happy to count you among those who contributed in every way you could to the happy outcome of this effort. Thank you again for your support and we hope we may continue to count on you in our continuing work. Sincerely yours, Annie Stein JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK., CHAIRMAN CLYDE R. HOEY, N. C. HERBERT R. O'CONOR, MD. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, MINN. MIKE MONRONEY, OKLA. THOMAS R. UNDERWOOD, KY. BLAIR MOODY, MICH. JOSEPH R. MC CARTHY, WIS. KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE ANDREW F. SCHOEPPEL, KANS. HENRY C. DWORSHAK, IDAHO RICHARD M. NIXON, CALIF. WALTER L. REYNOLDS, CHIEF CLERK United States Senate COMMITTEE ON EXPENDITURES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS January 25, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street N.W. Washington, D. C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: It was kind of you to inform me of your recent successful efforts to eliminate segregation in Washington, D. C. You know of my strong efforts toward that same objective. I now wish you further success in your court trial. Best wishes. Sincerely, Hubert H. Humphrey THE JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. NATHAN W. SHOCK, Secretary SECTION ON GERONTOLOGY BALTIMORE CITY HOSPITALS BALTIMORE 24, MARYLAND January 25, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, NW. Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: On behalf of the membership committee, I should like to invite you to submit an application for membership in the Gerontological Society. The enclosed folder describes the aims, functions, and membership of the Society. I believe you will find membership professionally stimulating and personally satisfying. Annual dues are $10.00 ($10.50 in countries outside North and South America) and include a subscription to the Journal of Gerontology. I hope you will complete the enclosed application blank for membership in the Society and will return it to me with your check made payable to the Gerontological Society, Inc. Sincerely yours, N. W. Shock, Ph.D. Chairman, Membership Committee GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Membership Name: Date: Academic or Scientific Position Do not write in this space or Hospital Affiliation Received Address: Approved Disapproved Notified Dues received for the year 19 Treasurer notified Degrees (Institutions and Dates): Remarks Field of Interest: Publications relating to geronotology: ( ) is A check for $10 ( ) Is not enclosed, to cover membership dues for the year 19 Section of Society Signature of Applicant:__________________________ ( ) Medical Research Sponsors: N W Shock ( ) Biological Research ( ) General ______________________________________ Gerontological Society, Inc. The Gerontological Society was organized and incorporated in 1945 in order to promote the scientific study of aging and to afford a common meeting ground for gerontologists representing various scientific fields, as well as those responsible for the care and treatment of the aged. The Society includes in its membership: physicians, physiologists, psychologists, anatomists, biochemists, sociologists, botanists, psychiatrists, pharmacologists, geneticists, zoologists, endocrinologists, etc. Meeting of the Society are planned to afford opportunity for the exchange of ideas between research workers in various scientific fields who are interested in the study of aging. The official publication of the Society is the JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY, edited by Dr. J. Ebsen Kirk, School of Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. The Journal publishes articles on aging from all scientific fields. It also reviews pertinent topics in the field of aging and lists current articles and book on gerontology published elsewhere. The first volume of the Journal was published in 1946 and may be found in most university and medical school libraries. Membership in the Society may be applied for by anyone who is doing research on aging or who is engaged in some other aspect of gerontology. Application blanks may be obtained from the Secretary of the Society or from any of the individuals of the membership committee. Membership dues at $10 a year ($10.50 a year outside of North and South America) and include a subscription to the JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY. A check for this amount should be submitted with each application. Gerontological Society, Inc. The officers of the Gerontological Society for the year 1952 are: Ernest W. Burgess President E. Vincent Cowdry President-elect J. Esben Kirk Treasurer J. Esben Kirk Editor Nathan W. Shock Secretary The Council consists of the officers together with the following who represent the three section of the Society: Medical Research: To serve through: Ephram Shorr 1952 Robert L. Bortz 1953 Robert A. Moore 1954 Biological Research: George E. Wakerlin 1952 Warren Andrew 1953 Albert I. Lansing 1954 Social Science: Ollie Randall 1952 Oscar J. Kaplan 1953 Clark Tibbitts 1954 Past Presidents of the Society: William Deb. MacNider 1945 Roy G. Hoskins 1946 Lawrence K. Frank 1947 Joseph C. Aub 1948 Clive M. McCay 1949 C.J. Van Slyke 1950 Robert A. Moore 1951 The American Humanist Association Yellow Springs, Ohio President Lloyd Morain Vice Presidents Rudolf Dreikurs Harold R. Rafton Secretary Oswell G. Treadway Treasurer and Executive Director Edwin H. Wilson Assistant Treasurer Fritz Treuer Directors Malcolm H. Bissell G.A. Fink Ruby D. Garrett William D. Hammond Edna Hansen Randall S. Hilton Vashti McCollum Lewis McGee Curtis W. Reese Maurice B. Visscher Field Representatives Ruth T. Abbott Thomas L. Clarke Wesley J. Dudgeon Roy F. Everett Warren Allen Smith Irving A. Zaret THE HUMANIST Editor Edwin H. Wilson Managing Editor Robert Kelso Associate Editors Archie J. Bahm Read Bain George R. Geiger Rubin Gotesky James L. Jarrett, Jr. Harold A. Larrabee Keith McGary Francis Myers Jud R. Scholtz Philip Schug Alfred Stiernotte E.C. Vanderlaan Consulting and Contributing Editors: Van Meter Ames Rudolf Dreikurs Robert A. Harper Homer A. Jack Harold Scott Maurice B. Visscher Gerald Wendt Poetry Editor LeGarde S. Doughty Editorial Assistants James Grasso Warren Allen Smith Sherman D. Wakefield Frank M. Walling Circulation Manager David McEldowney January 25, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, Chairman Coordinating Committee for the Enforcement of the D.C. Anti-Discrimination Law 1103 Trenton Place, S.E. Washington 20, D.C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: A friend of mine recently sent me some of your literature regarding your work in the Thompson Restaurant case and the "stay out of Hechts until all are served" campaign. I am interested in your work. If you can send me some additional background material and results- especially regarding Hechts- I may be able to use it in my column "Of Human Rights" in the forthcoming 1952 #1 of our bi-monthly magazine, The Humanist. Please hurry if you are willing to cooperate. Accept my best wishes for the success of your work. Sincerely, Robert Kelso Robert Kelso Managing Editor Encls: [*Answered As 1/28/52*] Mrs. Nena R. Elbert 928 French Street Wilmington, Delaware 26 January 1952 Dear Mrs. Terrell. Just a note to thank you for your nice newsy one. I feel sure that you are going to win your case for you seldom lose. I see that the Delaware Catholic Interracial Council is taking up the restaurant question here. I am enclosing a copy of their news letter re thereto. Your Dr. Mordecai Johnson spoke here at our YMCA on Friday night. 'Twas a most emotional address - lauding the Catholics and giving protestants the very old devil. He said that in D.C. protestantism alone stands out for Jesus Christ and White Supremacy. Now, Mrs. T., I always call you while in D.C. and you are either out or going out - however, I'll never give up and maybe we will meet soon and catch up on our back talk. Mrs. Allen was here in the fall and spoke of you often. Sam and I were married 9 years last Wednesday, so we went to New York to celebrate, had a very full day, saw the Oliviers in in Cleopatra, both Shaw and Shakespeare, to much for one day - just about ruined me. Sam wishes to be remembered to you and trusts that you are in good health and we both extend every good wish to you. Love, as always Nena TRUTH AND DEED CATHOLIC INTERRACIAL COUNCIL OF DELAWARE Wilmington, Delaware P.O. Box 341 Mary Elizabeth Power, President Vol. 111, No. 1 January 1952 "...respect the human person no matter what his social position; acknowledge the solidarity of all peoples in forming the human family...created by the loving omnipotence of God; and (society must) place the common good above personal gain, the service of each for all." Pope Pius XII, July 1947 (principles of social reform) "BUT NEGROES WOULD RUIN MY BUSINESS!" Restaurant and hotel owners are among the first to offer this frightened, often outraged reply when approached on the matter of making their public services and accommodations available with discrimination on grounds of color. Such an explanation is based primarily on the fear of financial loss. This, however, has been proven unsound by some local theatres and a few restaurant managers. This group of businessmen and women dropped the color barrier for customers and discovered their previous fears of "ruined business" were groundless. Such an excuse is actually economically unsound in view of the potential consumer source which is being ignored. Negroes of the nation have an estimated $7,000,000 annual purchasing power. In Wilmington, nearly two out of every 11 citizens are Negro and represent a consumers' unit which grows in size and wealth but which is virtually untapped. This expanding reservoir, an important force in the city's future healthy development, is being ignored by those who place a false community "face" before common sense economics. It is doubly ironic, that in Wilmington Negroes are served at "private" parties and dinners in hotels and restaurants while only yards away, public dining rooms and cafeterias under the same management are closed to them. The food and the service are identical, yet location evidently determines the difference between "guest" or "customer". Need we call attention to the probably color of the cook? How does a Negro parent explain to his child that they cannot sit at a mid-Wilmington soda fountain so the youngster can have a drink on a hot afternoon? What type of distorted mental outlook on his American brothers does a child unwillingly and painfully acquire, and then pass along to his children? The Catholic Church declares each act of discrimination immoral, for it denies the charity due another human by virtue of his divine creation; it destroys the divinely ordained unity of all men under one Father; and it mocks our democratic justice. Many businessmen rely on the Delaware statute which gives them the privilege of refusing admission to patrons they wish to classify as "undesirable". The Catholic Interracial Council believes such a practice not only violates the moral and democratic principles cited above but is also bad business. The Council further believes Wilmington can be strengthened in its moral fibre, its economic foundations and its democratic principles if each restaurant and hotel owner will, in good faith, reexamine its outmoded beliefs and admit customers on a basis of human, not color, "desirability." (Comments on an portion of "Truth and Deed" are invited. There is no charge for receiving monthly issues and requests should be addressed to the Council post office box.) 1908 Savannah Pl. S. E. WASHINGTON D.C. 27 1952 JAN 2? 4 - AM THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S St. N. W. City Barrister's Wives Meeting Time: Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1852 8:30 P. M. Place: 1849 Vernon St. N.W. Please be prepared to make returns on your tickets if possible. M. B. Pair, Pres. E. E. Brown, Cor. Sec. Shiloh Baptist Church NINTH AND P STREETS, N. W. Washington 1, D. C. EARL L. HARRISON, B. TH., D. D., PASTOR Residence: 1337 Kearny Street, N.E. RESIDENCE PHONE: LA. 6-4729 CHURCH: ADAMS 6667 STUDY: DUPONT 2046 JOHN S. BRANOM Chairman, Deacon Board DR. THEO R. GEORGE Chairman, Trustee Board C. J. GIVENS Chairman, Finance Committee WILLIAM BAYLOR Pres., Usher Board A. H. SMITH Supt., Sunday School FRANK S. REID, JR. Church Clerk FEDERICK G. SAMPSON JOHN COOPER, JR. MCKINLEY J. HAMILTON EUGENE TILLMAN Assistants to the Pastor MRS. BEULAH J. MURPHY Church Secretary W. AUSTIN WILLIAMSON B. T. U. Director MISS SARAH R. WHETTS Pres., General Missionary Society 28 January 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: The Annual Negro History Week Celebration at Shiloh will be held February 8, 1952. As is the usual custom, we are planning to have a dinner. Captain Louis R. Mehlinger will be out guest speaker. We would be greatly honored if you can plan to be with us also. Kindly let us know if you can be present, by contacting Mrs. Beulah J. Murphy, the church secretary. The dinner will start at 8:30 P.M. Sincerely yours, Lonise M. Fisher Lonise M. Fisher, Chairman Negro History Week Celebration The Nation TWENTY VESEY STREET NEW YORK 7, N.Y. January 29, 1952 Miss Mary Church Terrell 1103 Trenton Place S.E. Washington 20, D.C. Dear Miss Terrell: I wish to thank you very much for the material which your committee has been sending us. The victory at Hecht's is certainly an important one waging in Washington. I think that we might have an item about the work of your committee in The Nation at some future date. I hope you will have many more victories to tell us about in the future. Most sincerely, Charles R Allen Jr. Charles R. Allen, Jr. us. So this is a fan letter. I hope I shall see you again one day. In the meantime my love and every good wish for you and all that you espouse. Success, of course is assured. Fondly Yours, Eva M. King Buena Vista Box 97 Mitchellville Md RfW Jan 29. 52 My dear Mrs. Terrell, Each of the many times I see you gallantly carrying the torch for us, I am moved to take my pen in hand, and say again as I said at our last meeting at dinner with Mrs. Hunt. "You are still beautiful. Are you not?" I think that women are still happiest when they are beautiful and loved, and so I put my tribute to you that way. I think I said too at our last meeting that when I was, as a girl, on my first visit to Washington, and you were first from college and in the full bloom of youth that I used to speak of your golden complexion and enjoy your beauty. I would say that it is the privilege and duty of the do-nots among us to cheer on and honor and love those who do, and to be very sure that this we do when those who spend themselves are still with JANUARY 1952 OFFICIAL 1-30-52 Charge to the account of HONORABLE ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, JR. WESTERN UNION Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Chairman, Coordinating Committee for the Enforcement of Anti- Discrimination Laws 1103 Trenton Place, S.E. Washington, D.C. HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WELL DESERVED VICTORY AT HECHT'S. REPRESENTATIVE ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, JR. Washington Committee to Defend The Bill of Rights Post Office Box 711 Silver Spring, Md January 30, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street NW Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: On behalf of our Committee I have the honor of sending you herewith a complimentary ticket to the performance of the "The School for Scandal" next Wednesday February 6th at Arena Stage. I understand that some members of our Committee and other friends have arranged to have dinner with you and take you to the theatre, and my wife and I expect to join that group. In anticipation of a pleasant evening, Sincerely yours, Marcus I Goldman Forest Grove, Ore., Jan. 31 - 1952. My Dear Mrs. Terrell, I was so pleased to read about that celebration for your 88th birthday. Your friends are indeed glad to honor you for all you have done of service in your day and night. It is also an honor to our Alma Mater, Oberlin College in the great success of one of her celebrated graduates. With best wishes, Sincerely yours Alice A. Cole (1909). The Cardinal is one of Oberlin's beautiful birds, so I am sending you my verses in his praise. To the Oberlin Cardinal by Alice H Cole. A burst of song from the treetop, A joyous sweet refrain A flash of crimson feather comes back again and again. This warbling joyful measure The call of springtime's dreams In royal crimson vesture The cardinal's beauty gleams. In memory I hear him singing His song of radiant bliss; O feathered poet of beauty Your message I never would miss. Springtime M. Shipman WORLD EVENTS 125 FIFTH ST. N.E. WASHINGTON 2, D.C. THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS REVALUED 2¢ P.O. DEPT. WASHINGTON, D.C. 18 Jan. 31 1- PM 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S St. N.W. D.C. CLIMAXING A 3-MONTH SPEAKING TOUR ACROSS CANADA, DOWN THE PACIFIC COAST, AND ACROSS THE U.S.A., SCOTT NEARING Will give 3 lectures at Lincoln Temple, 11th. & R Sts., N. W. Fri., Feb. 8, 8:30 P.M. -- "The Awakening of Asia." Sat., Feb. 9, 2:30 P.M. -- "Does the American Way Lead to Peace?" Sat., Feb. 9, 8:00 P.M. -- "The Struggle for Peace in The U.S.A." Note: The Lectures will start at the time designated. ADMISSION FREE------COLLECTION We ask your help in telling others about these lectures. This may be Dr. Nearing's last visit to Washington for some time to come. WORLD EVENTS COMMITTEE LIncoln 3-4946 125 Fifth St., N.E. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at