CORRESPONDENCE 6 - undated Friday 4/16 4 P Dear Mrs. Terrell We all want to testify against the Taft-[Hadsworth] Legal Status Bill tomorrow morning 9.30 Senate Office Bldg. Room 424 Mrs. Paul says you shall speak [early] right after [the] women lawyers- and not get too tired May Rhoads And [Elouth] Goode Michigan - 5711 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell The Grand United Order of Fisherman of Galilee of Eastern and Western Hemispheres Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of New York This society was founded during the year 1867, in the City of Baltimore, by Thomas I. Hall, Rebecca Scroggins and a few others. From a small beginning it has spread from Maryland to the Isthnus of Panama and parts of South America, covering the lower south such as South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, beginning east from Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Virginia, running west as far as Illinois, having as its headquarters New York City. In these States we carry a membership of more than ten thousand. Our actual assets is more than Fifty Thousand Dollars. We do not believe in endowment. We do not issue any policy. Our society is strictly a Secret, Fraternal, Charitable institution, assisting to care for its sick and bury its dead. We have only one tax to be assessed yearly, 10c per head against each member of the order, and this tax is for the upkeep and running expenses of the Grand Lodge and to pay the salaries of such Grand Lodge Officers that are elected annually by the delegates at each Grand Lodge session. We do not believe in burdening the Lodges unnecessarily. You do not have to send your moneys from home: you control your own funds; you regulate your own benefits. If the large corporations can handle your funds and regulate the benefits to suit their directors, why can't you do the same? No man should be allowed to tell you how you should spend your own money. The day has come when we as a Race must control our own destiny. Our children are finishing from schools of higher institutions day by day. Shall we make places for them, or shall we sit idly by and say let them come as we did? The cause for which the abolitioners agitated was given the black man - a man's chance, and he would make good. The blood spilt by more than three hundred thousand black men for freedom's cause, should not have been spilt in vain. Let us be good citizens, law abiding, but with all, let us learn to provide for ourselves. This society will be one of the agents to act as a friend in need. Its doctrines are based upon the Holy Bible, the book which has been reprented, but never changes. We solicit your membership. Joining fee Two Dollars; monthly dues 25c; Weekly Benefits $12.00, Death Benefits $150.00. OFFICERS THOS. W. TURNER, Grand Master, New York L.H. DAVENPORT, Dep'ty Gr. Master, Baltimore, Md. ALICE BONNER, Gr. Ass., Brooklyn, N.Y. EMMA H. LOCKERY, Gr. Sec'y, New York ADELAIDIE SADDLER, Gr. Recorder, Camden, N.J. HATTIE B. JOHNSON, Dept. Gr. Org., Philadelphia, Pa. GRACE W. HARVEY, Dept. Gr. Org., Chicago, Ill. NETTIE C. HOLLAND, Gr. Treas., New York NAOMI TAYLOR, Dept. Gr. Org., Kansas City, Mo. PRESIDENT, MISS ELIZABETH C. CARTER, New Bedford, Mass. RECORDING SECRETARY MRS. SUSIE I. AMOS, New Haven, Conn. CH. EXECUTIVE BOARD MISS REBERTA DUNBAR, Providence, R. I. TREASURER MRS. EVA BERNARD Cambridge, Mass. HONORARY PRESIDENTS, *MRS. MARY H. DICKERSON, Newport, R. I. *MRS. JOS. ST. PIERRE RUFFIN, Boston, Mass. MRS. ALICE WILEY SEAY, Brooklyn, N. Y. MRS. CICELY S. GUNNER, Hillburn, N. Y. MOTTO "FOR GOD AND HUMANITY." - Northeastern Federation of Women's Clubs Organized, Boston, Mass., June 1896. - Mr Dear Mrs. Terrell I am mailing you two tables which I said I would send to you - the money from these tables will be used by you on your half for the Desk I am pushing mine as I have no money at all and to that end I am working hard to cover the entire amount - Should you need more tickets call Mrs Welsh and she will supply you I have asked her to act as chairman of this affair - because it is well to have some one who knows the people to line up - I am also writing some of my Fed. Women I want to have enough to make a fine showing in our office - I am planning to leave to - morrow - Will return read to make purchase after our affair on the 30th So you may look for a trip downtown on the day following which will be May 1 St. Hope you are well and in good spirits - With love to all Your Devoted Friend Margie Griffen MOTTO: LET PEACE AND JUSTICE PREVAIL OVER ALL The National Legislative Council of Colored Women HEADQUARTERS: 13 C STREET, S. E. WASHINGTON, D. C. Mrs. M. MOSSEL GRIFFIN, President Congressional Chairman, Penn'a. Mrs. MARY E. BURRELL Vice-President, New Jersey Mrs. MARY CHURCH TERRELL Lobbyist, District of Columbia Mrs. MINNIE CRAVATT SIMPSON Executive Secretary, Massachusetts Mrs. MATTIE E. BELL Treasurer, Conn. Mrs. A. L. PINKNEY Publicity, Texas Mrs. IDA ATKINS Headquarters Director, Virginia Mrs. ELIZABETH C. CARTER Chairman Advisory Board Mass. My Dear Mrs Terrell I have been so worried trying to get the house in some kind of shape I hope you will be able to get your desk in by Monday as I would like for the women to see our floor in good shape - Have not called because I realized your time was well taken up and that you would do the best you could in the matter - The Womens Party is holding a special meeting on Sunday and on march 3rd Street meeting so I would like for you to be present Sunday the hour is 3. P.M March first at their headquarters - Now the enclosed cards please pass them out to your friends tell them or our meeting urge them to come - Want you to say something on Sat at the Headquarters as Chr. of National and Sunday at the church - Don't fail me because I have had lots of trouble bank closing on me and I have suffered other [looses] loses which has weakened me in spirit and I need my friends to at least to put the life and spirit in the thing Now do your best to make it a success I will be in the building all day Monday also Saturday afternoon & eve_So if you get your desk for Saturday I will be there to receive it. Several of my former workers are writing to find out what the program is for next year in a National way we must get to-gether that in my N.E. Program vs. Legislative chr. you will be in touch with our work_ So do come and see me call on all to help out in our meeting-- urge the women next week to come down on Saturday & Sunday-- Yours truly-- M. Mossell Griffin The Chicago Council of Negro Organizations [3262 SOUTH VERNON AVENUE] 4534 So. Woodlawn Ave CHICAGO [16] 15, ILLINOIS Victory 2-5627 629 IRENE McCOY GAINES Past-PRESIDENT THEODORE F. CRAWLEY 1ST VICE PRESIDENT MRS. PAULINE McKISSACK 2ND VICE PRESIDENT MRS. DULCENEA PENNIE 3RD VICE PRESIDENT MRS. BESSIE WILLIS SECRETARY MRS. MAMIE DILL FINANCIAL SECRETARY HORACIUS M. CAREY CORRESPONDING SEC'Y JOHN N. HARRIS TREASURER JAMES J. S. KEYS REPORTER Dearest Mrs. Terrell: Since writing you last I have moved into a new home and you can imagine how busy and engrossed I have been and still am with problems of packing, unpacking, decorators, plumbers and other items involved in settling the new residence! This has delayed my reply to your gracious letter of acceptance of the invitation of the Chicago Council to be our guest speaker in June. You can't imagine how delighted we all were and are to know that you can arrange to come to us. The women of the Chicago & Northern District Assn of Colored Women have already begun plans for your entertainment and comfort while here as a guest in their beautiful Club House. The annual dinner meeting of the Council will be held either on June 20th or the 27th Tentative plans are for the 20th at the Sherman Hotel I will let you know definitely within a few days. Hastily with love, Irene Rosalie & [Mrs.] Maurice S. Goodman Salute you, dear Mrs Terrell - and want to add our congratulations to the many others which have surely deluged you (over) Your long and purposeful life has taken on new lustre with this latest achievement! [We] feel victory would not have been won without your devotion and zeal God bless you and continue to spare you for years to come. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at