Correspondence M - undated Norma Murray Virginia State College, Eldrich, Virginia Dear Mrs. Terrell, I doubt of my name means much to you who has come in contact with so many names. Perhaps should I mention Highland Beach, the "Civic [?] and my mother, "Mrs. Ethel Murray, you will remember me as one of children whom you have known since childhood. I am about to improve upon our friendship and the fact that we are sisters of the same sororiety in asking you to aid the Alpha Eta Chapter of the Delta Sigma I Leta Soroiety in a project. We would like to present you, a representative of our soroiety, as speaker to the Virginia State student body at some date just before the Christmas holidays. We feel that it will be a great honor to have you as our guest. Would you kindly inform me at an early date if you will be able to make the trip, the most convenient date for you and just what our experience will be? Thanking you in advance for your consideration, I am J.B.O. hl. Fraternally Yours, Norma Murray. Alpha Eta Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sor. Virginia State College Ettrick, Virginia Dear Mrs. Terrell: I know you think that my negligence in answering your letter is unexcusable. I realize you are a very busy woman and appreciate very much your kind response to my letter. My delay is due to the fact that several things around here became mixed up as things sometimes do. Due to the fact that we have changed from the quarter system to the semester system our probation period was held up, immediately following this come the mid-term exams. Now we are in the midst of the Xmas programs. some definite thing to plan for. Hoping we haven't put you to any inconvenience, and if so humbly begging your pardon for an unavoidable delay, I am, T. B. O. [] Norma Murray 2 We have been trying since the receipt of your letter to obtain a date which would be convenient to both parties. So far we have not been successful. Rather than take a chance on a tentative date we have asked for any date the second or third week after Xmas. I feel this will give both parties sufficient time. Would this be more convenient to you. I sincerely hope so as it will be lots more convenient to us. If this arrangement is all right with you will you please suggest some dates for the second or third week in January so we will have Mary L. Meriwether Birthday Fund 1863 - 1953 Have a Heart for Children Hon. George e. C. Hays, Chairman Mr. Leonard Hays, Board Chairman Mrs. Vivian Turner, Co-Chairman Mrs. Grace Hughes, Treasures Mr. William Porter, Secretary Dear Friend: It's kind friends like you who respond to need, and manage even in these difficult days, to help in time of appeal. The only child care institution in the District of Columbia managed and controlled by Negroes, for Negro children, is the Mary L. Meriwether Home for Children, located at 733 Euclid Street, N.W., and it is again appealing to you to help it meet the needs fo the community in providing care for these deserving children. As an old friend, the enclosed brochure will show the efforts of the Home to improve its services since its last appeal; as a new friend the brochure will give a partial picture of what the institution has done and is attempting to do to provide well-rounded care for the children under its supervision. This is our public drive for funds in celebration of 90 years of service of the Home to the Community. The Board of Directors invites you to participate in this celebration in a two-fold manner. First, by hour generous contribution, and secondly, by interesting ten or more friends who will contribute and attend the celebration activities on the 22nd day of February, 1953, at Howard University Chapel from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., and Open House at the Meriwether Home, 733 Euclid Street, N.W., from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. All checks should be made payable to Grace Hughes, Treasurer, Mary L. Meriwether Birthday Fund. Thank you for your cooperation and contribution. Very truly yours, Belle S. Pride 1746 S Street N.W. room. Hoping to see you there. Truly yours [??iller] Dear Mrs. Terrell I tried to get you over the telephone this morning but was not successful, so am sending this line to say the Tag Day Meeting will take place tomorrow morning "Friday" at Columbia Hospital 10-30: In the Board of Directors Who's Who in America Established 1899 by Albert Nelson Marquis Published Biennially Cable address Marquis Chicago The A. N. Marquis Company not incorporated Publishers 919 North Michigan Avenue Chicago Dear Madam: The enclosed personal sketch has been prepared from the data which you so kindly submitted some time ago. It is sent for revision before insertion in the 1942-1943 edition of WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA. Kindly scrutinize the sketch carefully correcting errors, and bringing the record down to date by adding later important occurrences, if any. The new enlarged edition will be published as early in 1942 as possible. It will be the twenty-second biennial issue of this standard biographical reference book. Like the 21 previous editions the new volume will be a veritable storehouse of information, invaluable to every person who aims to keep abreast of the times. Early return of the sketch will be appreciated. Please do not fail to return it even though corrections and additions may be unnecessary, as we cannot proceed with the printing until every sketch is accounted for. Awaiting the courtesy of an early response, we remain Sincerely yours, The A. N. Marquis Co. Note -- We should be pleased to receive your advance order for one or more copies of the new edition. These advance orders greatly aid us in determining the size of the edition to be published. The price is $9.00 if paid in advance of publication, or $10.00 if paid after publication. Who's Who in America Established 1899 by Albert Nelson Marquis Published Biennially Cable address Marquis Chicago The A. N. Marquis Company not incorporated Publishers 919 North Michigan Avenue Chicago Dear Madam Enclosed herewith is printer's proof of your personal sketch which is to appear in the new edition of WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA. The type form containing the sketch is scheduled to go to press on the deadline date stamped on the proof sheet. Please check the sketch carefully, word by word, to make sure that no typographical or other errors have been made. Also please make any essential additions or changes. Whether or not alterations of any kind be made, it is imperative that the proof-sheet be in our possession not later than the deadline date indicated on proof sheet. That you may have this last opportunity to procure a copy of this new edition at the pre-publication price for paid-in-advance subscriptions, just remit the amount of $9.00 per copy. If you prefer to be billed for the volume after publication, simply fill in and return the order form. Sincerely yours, A. N. Marquis Editor P.S. The new edition of WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA (1942-1943) will come from the press in January. It will be the 22nd biennial edition of this standard reference work, the previous issue having been published about two years ago. Science of Living International 50, Queen's Road, Bayswater, London, W. 2. England Telephone: Bayswater 3304 Dearly Beloved Friend: Just 'cause you haven't heard from me is no sign I haven't thought of you in the year and a half I have been in England and on the Continent-- but each time I mentally took up the little red book containing your name and address, the Inner Prompter would say: "You must confine yourself to the Peace Work of the world just now, and to the Awakening of Mankind in these lands to which I have brought you. The right moment will come when you can again see those you love back home." So I, having learned the value of following the Divine Master's words as He speaks through the heart, could and would do nothing else but obey Him. Life, since I left America, has been an unfolding Glory -- so many delightful surprises, such as trips to Rome, Italy -- Paris, France -- Geneva, Switzerland -- Germany -- many places in England. Best of all has been the making of so many new and precious friends to whom I can introduce you when you start your journeys around the world in the Cause of World Peace, and World Unity -- and World Progress. The beginning of the Science of Living, International, in London, and its phenomenal growth since -- the lessons going out all over the world carrying rays of Divine Light -- the recent taking of a long lease on beautiful new and larger quarters -- all has made this year and a half abroad a worth-while adventure. But most marvelous of all has been the opportunity to prove our Divine Master's promise: "Before ye call I will answer" -- for He has provided the means from day to day for the great work that has been done through His Inner Instruction. The entire trip was made in Divine Faith, and in Divine Love for every human being, of every race and in every country. 2. So much to tell you when I see you again. Surely a great gathering will be called together so that I may share with many my new-found Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven. And now the crowning joy -- my being privileged to bring a group of men and women of the New Age ... Peace Pilgrims, one newspaper called them ... to wonderful Los Angeles to be bathed in its golden light while they attend the Armistice Week Round Table Educational Peace Conference sponsored by the United Mothers of the World. Looking forward to seeing you soon ... a letter or a phone call to Friendship House, 741 Irola Street, Los Angeles, California (Federal 1556) will bring you information of gatherings that are being arranged to welcome the Peace Pilgrims from abroad. Blessings! PEACE Elaine Moeller (Handwritten) Arriving in Washington at 1:25 Penna Tues Oct, 2 - to spend three hours in Wash - Could you be at the train to come to White House with us? A chance to see each other a moment again! to you that you were mistaken if only one had been allowed sufficient time to just drawn a few long breaths. Immediately upon my return to Wash, I called at your home and was so disappointed to find you away, as I told you before we are not to fall out about a whist party. I left a photo of 278 Harvard Street Cambridge Mass My dear friend I have often wondered if you really did entertain a different feeling toward me now than you did before the beginning of March? I hope not, life is too short my dear and friends too scarce. I would have proved mine for you Lula will take it to you I suppose, if the poor girl is not too worried over her own troubles. And [?] this is a favor I'm going to exact of you. You heelped Lula to get her present position wont you help her to keep it? Not that exactly, but her work has been discontinued, on account of same [] better opportunities in public schools, dropping her work does not mean dropping the teacher, but Pres. T. I [] has some one else of his race in view, so does not favor keeping Lula - I visited all the Trustees and all favor her retention. One excuse T. gives is - that she is not a college graduate Well then are others out there [] [] teachers college who are not and haven't had as much training as L. She is a Normal Grad - 8 yrs exp in teaching and 6 years summer courses in History and Mathematics holds certificates from Harvard. Sound think this is sufficient for the Academy. My I depend upon you to help on this matter? [Cobb] could give you full particulars? Well Im see Pres [] With best wishes always sincerest regards Thanks in Advance Mattie A. McAdoo The Mayflower Washington D.C. Tuesday Morning Dear Mrs. Terrell Thank you so much for your letter and enclosure. I shall communicate with you again very soon and you may be able to tell me some things I wan to learn about. I am leaving at once for home and the day is far from pleasant. I shall long remember my fortunate meeting with you and friend yesterday and feel it was an act of God bringing us together. Olive McCoy Grove City, Pa 4 by the insertion of same I knew nothing of the question of time element of events. The teacher, with your permission who was asked by Miss Williams to supply the words, in looking up information to develop them, brought up the time element and called it to the attention of Mr. Wilkinson [know] who in turn wrote you. It has not been discussed at the meetings and Mrs. Williams has worked very hard and gone ahead with your permission [has] and 111 East 49th St new York City Room 586 Waldorf-Astoria sent while I was Adviser for the Women of the Eastern Division Mrs. Robert G. McGuire 1822 Ninth Street N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Mrs. Terrell: Have just returned from a meeting of the heads of departments which are developing your pageant, which I called to have a report on the progress of same at which time Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Hampton, Mr. Johnson, Mr. McDonald, Miss Turner, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Wilkinson, Major Johnson and myself were present. Found your letter awaiting me. Everything is going along beautifully with 3 expressed myself according when I was told of it having been brought up. To my mind, it is the life and events of unusual moment in the life of Phyllis Wheatley which you were depicting. I realize many plays deviate from the forks from which they are taken, for dramatic effect. However, when I asked your permission to supply words for parts which would be made more attraction 2. all departments working hard and enthusiasm running high. this production is a huge undertaking, let me tell you. The spirit of cooperation is beautiful and all wrinkles, which are bound to arise are being worked out most satisfactorily. I am very happy as a result of today's meeting, and if you knew the details, I know you would be greatly pleased also. As to the cronological correctness of the production I quite agree with you and excitement with you. Must be very thrilling attending. The Pageant is certainly a fitting ending for activities in N.Y. Please excuse haste and penmanship as I, above all things, am a terrible penmen. However if you understand what I am trying to say I shall be satisfied. Hoping to hear form you soon, I am Yours Sincerely Jennie McGuire Mrs. Robert G. McGuire 1822 Ninth Street N. W. Washington, D. C. 5 has everything beautifully in shape for production. I regret so much that you are not here, Mrs. Terrell, for the points mentioned in your letter were realized by those who had to do with the change. Everything else being as you would desire it, I do hope any minor change in words will meet your approval. The music is assembled, the costumes are in the at which time Mrs. Forrest will be present and criticise the same. Mrs. Williams is a most efficient and diligent worker [and] as are the others. Dont worry, I am trying to do all I can to take your place and do as you would desire as vice-chairman. Sincerely hoped your candidate will come in way over the top. Should enjoy being there in the 5. making, the scenery is being prepared, the dances are being rehearsed, the placards, tickets, and announcements are at the printers, advertisements are to run in our papers for two weeks, the final checking on the program will be done tomorrow and sent immediately to Printing and general publicity is being taken care of. The rehearsals are being arranged for next week. Dec 16th Dear friend Leaving in half hr for Boston. Did not realize that you were the head of the scheme you presented to me -- am recommending [] shall return from B Via N. Y. will call at 1 Madison Avenue and trust to find you there - end of wk. With love [Mattie?] McAdoo Katrina McCormick February 22nd Dear Mrs. Terrell, A long time ago---maybe ten years ago--- I met you here in Washington. I think it was through my mother, Ruth Hanna McCormick. I remeber with pleasure going to call on you at your house. The other day, I was cleaning out a large box of old letters and came upon one from you written April 30, 1931. I had never opened it. It somehow got into that old box unopened. And so here is the answer years late. A lot of water has certainly gone under the dam[n] since then. At that time, I was a young Republican, but as I grew older and formed more definite political beliefs, I became a New Dealer, and have been pretty much of one ever since. I am living in Washington now as my husband is working here at the moment, and I would love to call on you again. May I come? I am enclosing a copy of the magazine, which has been my main interest for the past few hears. I hope you will enjoy it, and that you will give me some criticism. Very sincerely, Katrina McCormick 2122 Mass Ave N. W. Rear North 2068 [*[ca 1920 or 21]*] Thomaston, Maine Dear Friend; I beg that you please pardon the liberty of which I take in addressing you through letter. In my letter, I wish to lay before you, my real circumstances, and ask if you will do whatever you can, or may be able to do. I am a colored man, age thirty-four years, a prisoner at the, "Maine State Prison," have served five years of a sentence of, maximum twenty years, minimum ten years. I was sentenced for the crime of second degree murder, "manslaughter," and for which crime I am not guilty. Before stateing nature of request of you, I will endevor to give you full information on the subject, and nature of the offense. On the night of September 29th 1915, Joseph Jackson, and myself, broke and entered the store of, "Edward's & Walker Co.," Portland, Maine, this act was not premeditated, nor did I have any knowledge of the place being protected through the presence of a watchman, anything, or 2 any living soul, nor did I know of my companion being armed with a deadly weapon, or that he intended or would commit any offense harsher than that of breaking-entering and larceny, I was unarmed. On entering the store, and reaching the second floor of the building, we came upon the watchman, the watchmans presence caused me much supprise, we both made a dash hopeing to escape pursued by the watchman. Finding escape impossible, I hid amoung some boxes, but was found by the watchman, and was a captive at the time the watchman was shot down, there was about three reports, fired in rapid succession. I had not the time in which to act in trying to prevent the takeing of the life of the watchman. I from that moment became of victim of placed circumstances. The court records will prove my statements to be correct. I know that when one stop and reflect upon the real intentions, and the circumstances under which I was placed through the act of another, there will be no doubt left what-so-ever as to the fact, that under such circumstances could I be held responsible for the death of the watchman. I had no 3 knowledge of my companion being armed with a deadly weapon, nor of there being a living soul within the building at the time of breaking and entering, nor did I have a opportunity of saveing the life of the watchman at the hands of my companion, under these circumstances I was given a sentence of not less than ten years and not more than twenty years, the charge being manslaughter. I wish to call your attention to the fact, that twenty years is the maximum penalty for manslaughter, and that my sentence is out of reason under any law of reason. For I did not have any knowledge that the crime would be committed, nor did I aid or sanction the deed, I was only connected with the offense through being present. I have spent much time at study, have completed some correspondence courses in the study of optics, I made beaded articles and secured the study mentioned from the proceeds of the sales of such work. I have done everything possible to fit myself for a higher life, "honor and service." I feel that my accomplishments have been great, and that I am deserveing of being given another chance. I have been a prisoner for more than five years. I believe 4 that the ends of justice have been met in my case. I have renpented for the past, and am willing to do my best to become useful and a service to society. I wish to ask, if after you have read my account, and should feel that I am deserveing of being given a opportunity of going out to make a trial of rebuilding a life of seemingly a failure, will you kindly help me in raiseing a fund to be used in haveing my case brought before the Govenor for a conditional pardon. If it should prove a inconvenience to you to give aid in the nature requested, may I ask if you will kindly favor me with your advice, and try to interest some of your many friends in my behalf. I trust that God will bless me with a reply from you. Yours truly, H. McRae [Box 2.] Box a. Thomaston, Maine. Maine State Prison. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at