CORRESPONDENCE Y-undated YMCA WASHINGTON PARK and WABASH AVENUE Dear Mary: I am moving slowly. I hope to go on awhile. To insure the success of the Annual Religious Work Committee Tea, to be held Sunday, June 13, 1954, at the Washington Park Y.M.C.A., 5000 South Indiana Avenue. Contributions are requested. Delinquency is not confined to children. Adults and children will be better citizens if they have a place to play, to see, to read, to meet friends and understand proper decorum by example and direction. Those who contribute as patrons will have their names on list of those in the printed program. You are asked to send in a contribution in the enclosed envelope and mail it before May 15th. The proceeds are to be used for a gymnasium at the Y.M.C.A., under construction now and being completed by June 15, 1954. There will be hotel service to accommodate single men, women, and married couples at the 50th and Indiana Avenue Building. This is very helpful to visitors when in Chicago. I trust you will respond with your contribution before May 15th. Yours truly, Mary F. Waring M.D. Dr. Mary Fitsbutler Waring, 6518 South Parkway Chicago 37, Illinois Mrs. Elnora Saxton Chairman [*I will write you very soon . We should do our best to make quick work of this purchase. It is so appealing it should be easy to get the money. Have you any plans. When do you meet again. Mrs. Gaines asked me to be chm. of - Past Presidents. It will be a pleasure to get to work again. Just waiting for "go" from [Pres] Garner Mary.*] The Young Women's Christian Association of the City of New York West 137th Street Branch 179 West 137th Street Telephone BRadhurst 2-1700 Cecelia Cabaniss Sauders, General Secretary Departments Activities Contact Food Service Office Residence Summer Camp Education and School Placement Executive Committee Mrs. Elizabeth Michael, Chairman Mrs. Emma S. Ransom, First Vice-Chairman Mrs. Adah B. Thoms, Second Vice-Chairman Mrs. V. E. Scott, Treasurer Mrs. E. R. Alexander, Assistant Treasurer Mrs. Cornelia P. Pinckney, Recording Sec'y Mrs. A. De G. Smith, Asst. Recording Sec'y Mrs. F. C. Caffey, Finance Committee Mrs. Watt Terry, Maintenance Committee My dear Mrs. Terrell, It is so gracious of you to take time from your many duties to speak for us tonight. I think you know that the meeting is scheduled at 8:30. If you will stop at the Residence Desk, anyone there will be glad to escort you over to the Auditorium. Very Gratefully, Rosalind N. Lawson Howard University Washington, D.C. OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF WOMEN My dear Mrs. Terrell, You are such a popular lady that all of the tickets were sold and it was impossible to obtain one for the luncheon in your honor. Therefore, since I can't be there to pay my respect to you, please accept my best wishes for the happiest birthday ever. Lots of love, Sadie Yancey Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at