SUBJECT FILE Financial Papers (Receipts, Vouchers, and financial miscellaneous) 1917-53 Mary Church Terrell's Statement from March 29 to April 7 -- Ticket to Waukegan and return $2.80 Taxi to hall from station .50 Mar.31 - Joliet - All expenses paid by Local Committee. Apr. 1 Ticket from Joliet to Bloomington 3.22 Room and Meals 4.00 Taxis 1.00 Apr.2 Bloomington to Springfield 2.12 Room, Board and Taxi bill paid by Local Committee. Apr. 3 Springfield to Quincy 4.05 Porter and Taxi at station 1.00 Telegram .60 Apr. 4 Quincy to Peoria 5.51 Room and Board 3.50 Apr. 5 Peoria to Chicago 5.43 Expense from March 29 to April 7 40.50 Salary from March 29 to April 7 96.45 ______ 175.68 Living Expenses from April 7 to April 12 22.50 Salary from April 7 to April 12 53.55 Ticket to Washington 27.78 Pullman 8.25 36.03 Taxi from station 2.25 Meals en route 2.75 _______ Total 115.58 Respectfully submitted Mary Church Terrell OBERLIN COLLEGE FOUNDED 1833 The Board of Trustees of Oberlin College and the officers of the Alumni Association gratefully acknowledge your gift, just received. Your partnership in the development of the College is heartily welcomed. Mrs.Mary Church Terrell '84 $10.00 '48 Alumni Fund 7-31-47 Wm P. Davis Treasurer, Oberlin College Thomas E. Harris General Alumni Secretary NATIONAL WOMEN'S PARTY CAPITOL HILL 144 B STREET, N. E. WASHINGTON, D. C. February 4, 1946 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Receipt is acknowledged of your check in the amount of $10.00 representing Membership, ___________________________________ Contribution $10.00 in response to the Silver Anniversary Booklet Appeal Subscription to Equal Rights__________________________________ Please accept thanks. I am sure you know what your support means to the cause of equal rights. Sincerely yours, Gladys H. Greiner. Treasurer By G.III. SHORT SLIP [DATE OF CHARGE] Wash. DC [CHARGE NO.] Aug. 22 — 42 NAME Mrs. M. C. Terrell ADDRESS Highland Beach Anne Arundel Co. Md. NUMBER SIDEWALL BORDER CEILING [column headings on form] For plastering and papering Room at 326 Lea. St NW As agreeded. For plastering $4.50 " Papering 8.00 [total] $12.50 ¢ My Dear Mrs Terrell. I selected the paper My self. And gave you a good job. The work was finished when I sent you the estimate. As I knew it was Alright. Hoping you are well. Walter H Wedge 1617. S St NW. 1617- S St NW Aug. 17. 42 Mrs. M. C. Terrell to Walter H Wedge For plastering $4.50 Papering 8.00 [total] $12.50 Top floor Front Room at 326. tea St NW. P.S. Please excuse paper as the Drawers are all swollen from dampness that I keep my bill heads and every thing in pertaining to my Work. Hope you are Well Thank you. Sincerely W. H. Wedge TELEPHONE: DUPONT 0357 OFFICE HOURS: BY APPOINTMENT H. A. CALLIS, M. D. 1943 VERMONT AVENUE, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 14, 1946 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $8 00 11/1/46 —5.00 11/21/46 — 3.00 COLUMBIA 1913 WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 25 - 1937 Mrs M.C. Terrell FINISHING SANDING SCRAPING LAYING TO WITHERSPOON BROTHERS DR BLEACHING CLEANING PAINTING WAXING 2370 Champlain Street, N. W. MODERN DUSTLESS ELECTRIC MACHINES USED Sand, Scrape and finish with 3 Coats of pure White Shellac And Wax (3) rooms, hall and 3 steps and landing Price $47 75 Deduct landing 1 00 Jos. Witherspoon $46.75 $45 00 Americans for Democratic Action 1740 K Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Member: Mary Church Terrell Chapter: Washington, D.C. Membership Expires: 4-18-49 Jonah L Rush Jr. Chairman, Executive Commitee Leon Henderson National Chairman ADA Americans for Democratic Action is an organization of progressives, dedicated to the achievement of freedom and economic security for all people everywhere, through education and political action. We believe that rising living standards and lasting peace can be attained by democratic planning, enlargement of fundamental liberties and international cooperation. We believe that all forms of totalitarianism, including Communism, are incompatible with these objectives. In our crusade for an expanding democracy and against Fascism and reaction, we welcome as members of ADA only those whose devotion to the principles of political freedom is unqualified. [*Second Notice - Please! [ca 8-13-57]*] STATEMENT Washington Chapter AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION 1740 K St. N.W., Room 32 Washington 6, D. C. Telephone: EXecutive 6194 YOUR DUES FOR 1951 ARE NOW PAYABLE Dues run from May 1 to April 30 WASHINGTON CHAPTER, AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION 1740 K St. N.W. Washington 6, D. C. Date_____________________________ Gentlemen: I enclose payment for my 1951 membership in the amount of $____________________ for type indicated below: Regular Membership .............................................................$ 10.00 Special Membership ................................................................$ 5.00 Additional Contribution .........................................................$ _____ Name........................................................................................................... Street ..................................................... City ........................................... Last year you paid: Dues $10.00 Contributions $........................ Washington Chapter dues have not been raised, although our cost have increased, because even the present schedule is difficult for some members. However, we urge all those who can afford it to increase their financial support of the Chapter. Our expenses per member are considerably above dues payments. As a result, contributions and fund-raising activities must account for a substantial part of the income necessary to carry on the Chapter's program. Won't you help share the cost of membership by pledging a contribution in addition to your regular dues? HELP BALANCE THE BUDGET through Contributions and New Members 58 No. 3412 Date February 16th, 1939 The National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War Room 1622, 70 East 45th St., New York City acknowledges with thanks, contribution of Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Three and 00/100------------- Dollars The Committee expresses its deep appreciation of your interest and cooperation. $3.00 CCC. Birthday E. Ellen Auchincloss Treasurer by ED THANK YOU Mrs. Mary Church Terrell for your contribution of five dollars for the month of to be used as (check) designated: Mortgage Debt Scholarship Current Expenses Coal Undesignated Repairs [PLEDGED and] PAID for the work of the NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS, Inc. MISS NANNIE H. BURROUGHS, PRESIDENT LINCOLN HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON, D. C. Date Nov. 21, 1938 Signed Nannie H Burroughs, REPUBLIC 3062 THOMPSON'S HEARING AID CENTER 732 SEVENTEENTH STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Sept. 5, 1952 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S St. N. W. Wash. D.C. DATE PURCHASED DESCRIPTION PRICE 1952 Repair to Hearing Aids 7/30/52 1 Tube $4.50 1 Condenser 1.00 Service Chg 2.60 $8.10 This is the bill for repairs made before you left for California. I explained to your daughter that I had not received bill for same when she picked up your hearing aids. Thank you. Alverta B. Thompson THOMPSON'S HEARING AID CENTER 732-17th Street N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Phone - REpublic 3062 No. A 7317 CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. 7 DATE 30 1952 NAME Mary Church Terrell ADDRESS SOLD BY CASH C.O.D. CHARGE ON ACCT. MDSE. RET. PAID OUT QTY. DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT 1 430 E B Battery 1 75 4 1035 E A Cells .50 1 15 Volt B Battery .95 4 1015 E A Cells 60 3.80 TAX Over TOTAL ALL CLAIMS AND RETURNED GOODS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS BILL RECEIVED BY: FORM G. S. R. 9 PRINTED BY THE STANDARD REGISTER CO., DAYTON 1, OHIO, U. S. A Dear Mrs. Terrell, I had to loan you a chassis for your old set. The chassis which was damaged by acid would not operate. You can return it to me when you return. Your Gem hearing Aid is now working O.K. Have not received bill on this repair yet. Have a nice vacation. A. B. Thompson - [7-23-37] Baggage Policy No. 668760 Sum Insured £2500 THE TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE ASSOCIATION LIMITED HEAD OFFICE 1 & 3, Regent Street, LONDON, S.W.I PROTECTION SECURITY TELEGRAMS MINIRISK, PICCY, LONDON. TELEPHONE WHITEHALL 8079 CODES ABC 4TH & 5TH EDITIONS LIEBERS, WESTERN UNION Period of Insurance : 15 Days [Months] commencing on the 23 day of July 1937 Premium : £ ; 2/- Whereas Mrs. MC Terrell (hereinafter called the Insured) has made to the company a proposal which is the basis of this contract and is incorporated therein. In consideration of the premium specified above and subject to the conditions and exclusions contained herein or endorsed hereon The Company agree that if the property specified in the proposal or any part thereof shall be destroyed lost or damaged by any accident or misfortune during the period stated above whether on sea or land or in a journey by an established Air Line THEN the Company will pay to the insured the value of the property at the time of the happening of its destruction or loss Or a sum sufficient to make good such damage Or at its option reinstate or replace such property. Countersigned- Signed on Behalf of the Company ______LM_____ (Agent) Jim . J. Potman . Date_____23/7/37____ Manager. Signature of Insured_________________ CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. 1. The whole of the baggage must, at the commencement of the insurance, be insured for a total sum which represents (as nearly as the insured can estimate) the actual value. But if at any subsequent time during the currency of the Policy the whole of the insured's baggage shall be collectively of greater value than the total sum insured then the insured shall be considered as being his own insurer for the difference and shall bear a rateable share of the loss accordingly. 2. Notice of any destruction loss or damage must be given to the Company as soon as possible. Every claim must be accompanied by such information and evidence as the Company may reasonably require and the Company have the right to require production of articles damaged. No property may be abandoned to the Company. 3. The insured shall observe ordinary and proper care for the supervision of his baggage and shall take all requisite steps for safeguarding and recovering his property as if he were not insured and for the discovery and punishment of any guilty person. 4. The Company will not be liable for :— (a) Cash, bank notes, currency notes, bonds, coupons, stamps, negotiable instruments, title deeds, manuscripts, securities of any kind, or travel tickets. (b) Jewellery, watches, precious metals, precious stones or articles composed of any of them, furs, field or other glasses or photographic apparatus, unless separately described and valued in the proposal. (c) Breakage of fragile articles, photographic apparatus, gramophones, wireless and musical instruments, china, glass or sculpture unless occasioned by or consequent on fire or derailment of an engine or railway carriage or collision between vessels or other conveyances or by a vessel being stranded or sunk, or by accident to aircraft. (d) Any loss of which notice is not given or posted before the expiration of 7 days after the termination of the insurance. (e) Delay, confiscation or detention by Customs or other Officials or Authorities, or loss or damage arising from war, riot, civil commotion, or loot or pillage in connection therewith, or from wear or tear, moth, vermin, atmospheric or climatic conditions, deterioration or depreciation. 5. If any difference shall arise between the Company and the Insured or any Claimant under this Policy such difference shall be referred to a single Arbitrator and the cost of the reference and Award shall be in the discretion of the Arbitrator. The making of an Award in such reference shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company or any right of action against the Company in respect of such difference. This POLICY, signed by the Assured, must accompany any claim. WINDOW SCREENS MADE TO ORDER PHONE ADAMS 4913-J ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS R. T. WATSON CARPENTER AND BUILDER SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIR WORK 749 GRESHAM PLACE, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON, D. C. July 6, 1935. Mrs. Terrell, To R. T. Watson, Dr. For painting at 326 T St., N. W., as per estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$35.00 Material and labor for repairing the front steps, floor and gate and fixing lattice back on the wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 . . . . . . . . $38.50 Putting in two cords at 1615 S St., N. W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 . . . . . . . . . Bracing 4 cash $39.50 .75 Paid 40 25 .75 cash received $41.00 40.25 Bal. .75 PHONE, NORTH 1037 ESTABLISHED 38 YEARS Washington, D.C., May 29, 1935. Mrs. Mary Church Terrell TO MADDEN BROTHERS, INC., DR. 1745 JOHNSON AVENUE, N. W. TINNING AND HEATING ROOF PAINTING WORK AT 1615 S Street, NW. TERMS CASH 1934 Nov. 5 To balance of account rendered $6.15 I really do not think I should pay this bill because of the terrible damage to my roof which the men did whom you sent to clean off the snow. Mary C Terrell MADDEN BROS. Inc PAID June 14, 1935 Thank you FACTORY PHONE CLARENDON 1132 ALEXANDRIA, VA., Decmeber 5, 1932 193 M M. A. Dodson 225 W. Street, N.W. COFFEY BROS. SCREEN COMPANY, INC. MANUFACTURERS INSECT SCREENS - WINDOWS - DOORS - PORCHES GLASS - INCLOSED - PORCHES METAL - WEATHERSTRIPING "Low in Price, Because Factory Made" For storm sash, caulking and screening house at 115 W Street, N.W. as per contract $196. By check Dec 5-32 100.00 Balance Due $96.00 F.M Coffey Jan 3-1932 Paid in full F.M. Coffey 8 - Double windows (Operating same as shutters.) 7 Singles "" 4 Storm doors 4 Screens " Telephone-- MUSEUM 4050 (15 lines) UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT: BALMORAL HOTEL 35 TO 39 QUEEN'S GATE GARDENS, S.W.7 LINDEN HALL HOTEL, 131 TO 137 CROMWELL ROAD, S.W.7 MANDEVILLE HOTEL, MANDEVILLE PLACE, W.1 KENSINGTON GATE HOTEL, 104 TO 106 QUEEN'S GATE, S.W.7 LINDEN GARDENS HOTEL, 63/69 LINDEN GARDENS, W No. of room 224 Adults 1 Mrs M. Terrall To Palace Hotel Bloomsbury Street, and Bedford Avenue, London, W.C.1. HOW'S HOTELS, LTD ALL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WHEN PRESENTED July 1937 6 7 8 L s. d. L s. d. L s. d. L s. d. Brought Forward -- 9 6 19 Apartments and Board Apartments and Breakfasts 9 6 9 6 Meals in Room Fires Early Teas Breakfast Lunch Dinners Milk Tea, Coffee and Cocoa Suppers Biscuits, Sandwiches, etc. Servants' Board and Apartments Fruit Wines Spirits & Liqueurs Beer Min[?] [*Room No. 224 B 1489*] Ciga[?] [*Received with thanks from L s d*] Laundry [*For Palace Hotel 19-0*] Valet [*Mrs. Terrall*] Telephone [*Date 8.7.37*] Carr[?] [?]9 19/ -- [*No receipt valid unless on this form Mia*] H 17027 Telegraphic Address "Signor London" White Hall Residential Hotels Ltd Telephone 2777 MUSEUM 21 & 22 MONTAGUE STREET RUSSELL SQUARE LONDON WC1 Mrs. Terrell July 1937 No 18 Dr to White Hall Residential Hotels Limited. 22 23 Week to Days to 7 6 7 6 Attendance [* C10089*] [*Received this July 23 1937*] [*of Mrs Terrell*] [*the sum of *] [*L-: 7: 6 BG.*] [*with thanks.*] Accounts presented weekly for payment No cheques taken in Settlement of Accounts L 7-6 [7-22-37] TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:-- PETER ROBINSON, WESDO, LONDON Telephone:--MUSEUM 7700 BANKERS:--WESTMINSTER BANK, LTD. ASSISTANT'S NO. 4407 Date 22 7 37 PETER ROBINSON, LTD. OXFORD STREET AND REGENT STREET, LONDON W.1 Enter to M Send to M M.C. Terrell 22 Montague St Russell Sq W C 1 DEPT. PARCEL DOCKET No. 11461-13 PRICE [English pound sign?] S. D. 44 1 Floral Hat 5 0 AMOUNT TENDERED Sale INSTRUCTIONS FOR DELIVERY 28672-47 [stamped in pin pricks] PRG 7 22.7.37 EVERYTHING for Everybody's Wear at Peter Robinson's (Established 1833) TELEPHONE BRYANT 9-3907 MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE PLATINUM & GOLD WATCH CASES SCHWAB & WUISCHPARD 40 WEST 48TH STREET NEW YORK June 29th. 1933 SOLD TO Mrs. Mary Church Terrel c/O Mrs. George Myers 10903 or 103 Pasadena Ave. Cleveland Ohio TERMS: NET CASH 1 6 1/2 White gold "Goehring" Dds.ribbon watch repaired $5.50 HOTEL RICHEPANSE PROPRIETAIRE: SOCIETE GENERALE D'HOTELLERIE ADDRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE HOTEL-RICHEPHANSE-PARIS R. C. SEINE 13.241 14. RUE RICHEPANSE & 21. RUE DUPHOT PARIS-1ER MADELEINE-OPERA-GRANDS BOULEVARDS TELEPHONE: OPERA 02-40 - - 02-41 Madame Terrell. Appt No 378 Mois Aout 1930 [column headings for dates of stay] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Report - 50 110 170 230 290 350 [francs] (Loi du 23 Aout 1871) Timbre Appartement 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 Petit Dejeuner The, cafe, lait, etc.... Vins Bieres Liqueurs Eaux Minerales Bains Total 50 110 170 230 290 350 410 Payments A Reporter Note d'Hotel Total HOTEL RICHEPANSE PROPRIETAIRE: SOCIETE GENERALE D'HOTELLERIE ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE: HOTEL-RICHEPANSE-PARIS R. C. SEINE 13.241 14. RUE RICHEPANSE & 21. RUE DUPHOT PARIS-1 ER MADELEINE-OPERA-GRANDS BOULEVARDS TELEPHONE: OPERA 02-40 -- -- 02-41 Mesdames Terrell. Appt No 8 Imp. des Hotels, 1 rue du 29 Juillet. Mois Aout 1930 26 27 28 29 30 FR.* C. FR.* C. FR.* C. FR.* C. FR.* C. FR.* C. Report - 410 470 530 590 650.00 (Loi du 23 Aout 1871) Timbre 0.50 Appartement 60 60 60 60 Petit Dejeuner The, cafe, lait, etc Vins Bieres Liqueurs Eaux Minerales Bains Total 470 530 590 650 650.50 Payements taxes 32.50 A Reporter 683.00 Note d'Hotel 683 Majoration 10% 65 Total 748 748.-- 2 petits dejeuners (le 29) = 20.-- 2 petits dejeuners (30) = 20.-- [reuiturerie?] 15.50 [total] 803.50 [*HOTEL RICHEPANSE*] [*14, RUE RICHEPANSE*] [*PARIS*] [*50c*] [*LES NOTES DOIVENT ETRE REGLEES CHAQUE SEMAINE -- ACCOUNTS SHOULD BE SETTLED WEEKLY*] STATEMENT CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1887. THE ROCHESTER NURSERIES JUN 21 1929 A M HAMILTON ROCHESTER, N. Y. ALWAYS REFER TO THIS NUMBER 8091 SPRING 1929 BL MRS M C TERRELL 1615 S ST N W WASHINGTON D C SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO ROCHESTER, N. Y. 6 SHRUBS 12 00 2 CL VINES 4 00 8 EVERGREENS 44 00 60 00 PAST DUE! ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE OF SHORTAGE MUST BE MADE TO THIS OFFICE WITHIN 10 DAYS FROM ARRIVAL OF GOODS. The Chase Guarantee We Guarantee--that while some trees or plants may fail to live on account of poor soil, improper care, drouth and other causes for which we are not responsible, our confidence in our stock is such that we will replace in our next delivery, free of cost to customer, any stock which fails to grow if we are properly notified and a list of the dead items furnished us by October 1st following delivery. Attest: CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY E. S. Finley, Secretary Wm. Pitkin, President No. 704234 Stock Company RG Eagle Star and British Dominions Insurance Company Limited of London, England United States Branch New York Amount $2,300:- Rate 1.80 Premium $ 41.40 In Consideration of the Stipulations herein named and of FORTY-ONE AND 40/100 Dollars Premium does insure Mary C. Terrell and legal representatives, to the extent of the actual cash value (ascertained with proper deductions for depreciation) of the property at the time of loss or damage, but not exceeding the amount which it would cost to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality within a reasonable time after such loss or damage, without allowance for any increased cost of repair or reconstruction by reason of any ordinance or law regulating construction or repair and without compensation for loss resulting from interruption of business or manufacture, for the term of THREE YEARS from the TWENTY-FIRST day of MARCH 1930, at noon, to the TWENTY-FIRST day of MARCH 1933, at noon, against all DIRECT LOSS AND DAMAGE BY FIRE and by removal from premises endangered by fire, except as herein provided, to an amount not exceeding TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars, to the following described property while located and contained as described herein, or pro rata for five days at each proper place to which any of the property shall necessarily be removed for preservation from fire but not elsewhere, to wit: RG MARY C. TERRELL. Form No. 608. DWELLING FORM - BUILDING AND (OR) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. $2,000:- On the ___story composition roof frame building and additions thereto, adjoining and communicating; all while occupied as a Dwelling House, including foundations, exterior attachments, plate glass, fresco and well decorations, plumbing, gas, water, steam and ventilating pipes, stationary heating and lighting apparatus, electric wiring, burglar alarms, chandeliers, gas fixtures and appurtenances thereto; porch and lawn furniture, storm and screen doors, outside windows and blinds, screens, and awnings, whether in position or stored therein or on premises and on all permanent fixtures therein or thereon; situated Lot #2, Block #1, Highland Beach, subdivision, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. This policy shall not be invalidated by the existence of mortgages or encumbrances on the property insured hereunder. $300:- On household furniture, useful and ornamental; including carpets, rugs and oil cloth, beds, bedding, linen, wearing apparel and material for same; curtains and draperies; trunks, satchels, umbrellas, parasols, canes, fans; plate, plated, and metal ware, glass and china ware; printed books and music; sewing machines; mirrors, opera and eye glasses, clocks, watches, and jewelry in use, musical instruments, phonographs, photographic and musical records, radio receiving sets; statuary, bronzes, bric-a-brac and other works of art, paintings and engravings and their frames, at not to exceed cost; billiard and pool tables and appurtenances; games and toys; baby carriages; sportsmen's outfit; bicycles, excluding motor cycles, the housing of which is prohibited, unless otherwise provided by agreement in writing added to this policy; cameras and amateur photographers' outfit, artists' materials; vacuum cleaner and its attachments, house and garden tools and implements; kitchen and laundry utensils and appliances; fuel, family stores, and such other articles as are of common household, family, or personal use, wear, adornment, or amusement, the property of the insured or any member of the family; it being understood and agreed that pictures or other property specifically insured are not covered under this item; and that musical instruments and household furnishings purchased on the installment plan are covered hereunder only to the extent of the insured's payment thereon; all while contained in the above-describe Dwelling House and additions thereto, adjoining and communicating. Permission is hereby granted for the premises insured hereunder to remain unoccupied a portion of each year provided furniture remains in the building. This policy does not cover on any item hereunder, unless liability is specifically assumed for an amount set opposite thereto and then only for this company's pro rata proportion of each item covered, amounting in the aggregate to the total amount of insurance under this policy. Loss, if any, on building only, payable to ---- as interest may appear, subject, nevertheless, to all the conditions of this policy. PRIVILEGES GRANTED:---For other insurance without notice until required; [to be vacant or unoccupied for not exceeding thirty (30) consecutive days in any one policy year in addition to the privilege of ten (10) days provided for under the printed conditions of this policy;] to employ mechanics to make alterations, additions or repairs, and this policy shall also cover, in accordance with its conditions, loss contemplated by this contract so far as it applies to such additions; to use kerosene, gas, and electricity, for lighting, heating and domestic purposes; and to keep and use not exceeding one quart in all, per tenant, of gasoline, benzine, or naphtha for household use, but the use thereof for cooking, heating or lighting is prohibited without special permission endorsed on this policy. Permit for Use of Gasoline Stove. In consideration of the rate and premium at which this policy is issued, and also in consideration of the following special provisions, which are hereby made a condition of this insurance, permission is granted to use one gasoline stove: Not exceeding ten gallons of gasoline, which shall be contained in an air-tight and entirely closed metallic container, free from leak, may be kept upon the premises. That the handling of gasoline by opening, filling or emptying any container shall be done only by daylight or electric light, and there shall be no other light or blaze in the same room, or in any adjoining room with open communication. Lighting and Electrical Apparatus Clause--"A." [?] this policy also covers direct loss or damage to the [?] In Consideration of the Stipulations herein named and of [*FORTY-ONE and 40/100*] Dollars Premium does insure [*MARY C. TERRELL*] and legal representatives, to the extent of the actual cash value (ascertained with proper deductions for depreciation) of the property at the time of loss or damage, but not exceeding the amount which it would cost to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality within a reasonable time after such loss or damage, without allowance for any increased cost of repair or reconstruction by reason of any ordinance or law regulating construction or repair and without compensation for loss reulting from interruption of business or manufacture, for the term of [*THREE YEARS*] from the [*TWENTY-FIRST*] day of [*MARCH*] 19[*30*], at noon, to the [*TWENTY-FIRST*] day of [*MARCH*] 19[*33*], at noon, against all DIRECT LOSS AND DAMAGE BY FIRE and by removal from premises endangered by fire, except as herein provided, to an amount not exceeding [*TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED AND 00/100*] Dollars, to the following described property while located and contained as described herein, or pro rata for five days at each proper place to which any of the property shall necessarily be removed for preservation from fire, but not elsewhere to wit: RG MARY C. TERRELL. Form No. 608. DWELLING FORM-BUILDING AND (OR) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. $[*2,000*]:- On the ....... story [*composition*] roof [*frame*] building and additions thereto, adjoining and communicating, all while occupied as a Dwelling House, including foundations, exterior attachments, plate glass, fresco and wall decorations, plumbing, gas, water, steam and ventilating pipes, stationary heating and lighting apparatus, electric wiring, burglar alarms, chandeliers, gas fixtures and appurtenances thereto; porch and lawn furniture, storm and screen doors, outside windows and blinds, screens, and awnings, whether in position or stored therein or on premises and on all permanent fixtures therein or thereon; situated [*Lot #2, Block #1, Highland Beach, subdivision, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. This policy shall not be invalidated by the existence of mortgages or encumbrances on the property insured hereunder.*] $ [*300*]:- On household furniture, useful and ornamental; including carpets, rugs and oil cloth, beds, bedding, linen, wearing apparel and material for same; curtains and draperies; trunks, satchels, umbrellas, parasols, canes, fans; plate, plated and metal ware, glass and china ware; printed books and music; sewing machines; mirrors, opera and eye glasses, clocks, watches and jewelry in use, musical instruments, phonographs, phonographic and musical records, radio receiving sets; statuary, bronzes, bric-a-brac and other works of art, paintings and engravings and their frames, at not to exceed cost; billiard and pool tables and appurtenances; games and toys; baby carriages; sportsmen's outfit; bicycles, excluding motor cycles, the housing of which is prohibited, unless otherwise provided by agreement in writing added to this policy; cameras and amateur photographers' outfit, artists' materials; vacuum cleaner and its attachments, house and garden tools and implements; kitchen and laundry utensils and appliances; fuel, family stores, and such other articles as are of common household, family, or personal use, wear, adornment, or amusement, the property of the insured or any member of the family; it being understood and agreed that pictures or other property specifically insured are not covered under this item; and that musical instruments and household furnishings purchased on the installment plan are covered hereunder only to the extent of the insured's payment thereon; all while contained in the above-described Dwelling House and additions thereto, adjoining and communicating. [*Permission is hereby granted for the premises insured hereunder to remain unoccupied a portion of each year provided furniture remains in the building*] This policy doe snot cover on any item hereunder, unless liability is specifically assumed for an amount set opposite thereto and then only for this company's pro rata proportion of each item covered, amounting in the aggregate to the total amount of insurance under this policy. Loss, if any, on building only, payable to...... as interest may appear, subject, nevertheless, to all the conditions of this policy. PRIVILEGES GRANTED:- For other insurance without notice until required; [to be vacant or unoccupied for not exceeding thirty (30) consecutive days in any one policy year in addition to the privilege of ten (10) days provided for under the printed conditions of the policy;] to employ mechanics to make alterations, additions or repairs, and this policy shall also cover, in accordance with its conditions, loss contemplated by this contract so far as it applies to such additions; to use kerosene, gas and electricity, for lighting, heating and domestic purposes; and to keep and use not exceeding one quart in all, per tenant, of gasoline, benzine or naphtha for household use, but the use thereof for cooking, heating or lighting is prohibited without special permission endorsed on this policy. Permit for Use of Gasoline Stove. In consideration of the rate and premium at which this policy is issued, and also in consideration of the following special provisions, which are hereby made a condition of this insurance, permission is granted to use one gasoline stove; Not exceeding ten gallons of gasoline, which shall be contained in an air-tight and entirely closed metallic container, free from leak, may be kept upon the premises. That the handling of gasoline by opening, filling or emptying any container, shall be done only by daylight or electric light, and there shall be no other light or blaze in the same room, or in any adjoining room with open communication. Lightning and Electrical Apparatus Clause-"A" [???] provided, this policy also covers direct loss or damage to the property described in this policy caused by lightning (meaning thereby the commonly accepted use of the term "lightning" and in no case to include loss or damage caused by cyclone, tornado or windstorm) whether fire ensues or not. (2) If dynamos, exciters, lamps, motors, switches, radio apparatus, electric automobiles or other electrical appliances or devices are covered under this policy, this company shall not be liable for any electrical injury or disturbance to the said electrical appliances or devices whether from artificial or natural causes, unless fire ensues, but if fire does ensue, then, in consideration of the rate of premium at which this policy is written, this company shall be liable for its proportion of loss or damage caused by such ensuing fire. (3) It is also a condition of this policy that if there be other fire insurance upon the property covered, this company shall be liable only for such proportion of any direct loss or damage caused by fire or by lightning as the amount of this policy bears to the whole amount of fire insurance applying, whether such other insurance contains a similar clause or not. (4) The liability of this company for any or all of the hazards covered under this policy shall not exceed the amount stated in this policy and except as specified herein shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this policy. Attached to and made a part of Policy No. [*704234*] of the [*Eagle, Star & British Dominions*] Insurance Company of [*London, England*] [*?????????????*] Agents Unprotected. Middle Department Form. (25M-3-28) AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND D[????] Benson INSURANCE COMMISSIONER This policy is made and accepted subject to the foregoing stipulations and conditions, and to the stipulations and conditions printed on the back hereof, which are hereby made a part of this policy, together with such other provisions, stipulations and conditions as may be endorsed hereon or added hereto as herein provided. In Witness Whereof, this Company has executed and attested these presents; but this policy shall not be valid until countersigned by the duly authorized Agent of the Company at WEST ARLINGTON MD. 2175 Fred A. James Co. United States Managers Countersigned at West Arlington, Md. this 21st day of March 1930 A W [Boyd?] Agent 1 Fraud, Misrepresentation, etc. This entire policy shall be void if the insured 2 has concealed or misrepresented any material 3 fact or circumstance concerning this 4 insurance or the subject thereof; or in case of any fraud or false 5 swearing by the insured touching any matter relating to this 6 insurance or the subject thereof, whether before or after a loss, 7 Uninsurable and Excepted property This policy shall not cover accounts, bills, 8 currency, deeds, evidences of debt, money, 9 notes or securities; nor, unless specifically 10 named hereon in writing, bullion, manuscripts, 11 mechanical drawings, dies or patterns. 12 Hazards not covered. This Company shall not be liable for loss 13 or damage caused directly or indirectly by 14 invasion, insurrection, riot, civil war or 15 commotion, or military or usurped power, or by order of any 16 civil authority; or by theft; or by neglect of the insured to use 17 all reasonable means to save and preserve the property at and 18 after a fire or when the property is endangered by fire in 19 neighboring premises. 20 This entire policy shall be void, unless otherwise provided 21 by agreement in writing added hereto, 22 Ownership, etc. (a) if the interest of the insured by other than 23 unconditional and sole ownership; or (b) if 24 the subject of insurance be a building on ground not owned by 25 the insured in fee simple; or (c) if, with the knowledge of the 26 insured, foreclosure proceedings be commenced or notice given 27 of sale of any property insured hereunder by reason of any mortgage 28 or trust deed; or (d) if any change, other than by the death 29 of an insured, take place in the interest, title or possession of 30 the subject of insurance (except change of occupants without 31 increase of hazard); or (e) if this policy be assigned before a loss. 32 Unless otherwise provided by agreement in writing added 33 hereto this Company shall not be liable for loss or damage 34 occurring 35 Other insurance. (a) while the insured shall have any other 36 contract of insurance, whether valid or not, 37 on property covered in whole or in part by the policy; or 38 Increase of hazard (b) while the hazard is increased by any 39 means within the control or knowledge of 40 the insured; or 41 Repairs, etc. (c) while mechanics are employed in building, 42 altering or repairing the described premises 43 beyond a period of fifteen days; or 44 Explosives, gas, etc. (d) while illuminating gas or vapor is generated 45 on the described premises; or while 46 (any usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding) 47 there is kept, used or allowed on the described 48 premises fireworks, greek fire, phosphorus, explosives, benzine, 49 gasolene, naphtha or any other petroleum product of greater 50 inflammability than kerosene oil, gunpowder exceeding twenty- 51 five pounds, or kerosene oil exceeding five barrels; or 52 Factories (e) if the subject of insurance be a manufacturing 53 establishment while operated in 54 whole or in part between the hours of ten P. M. and five A. M., 55 or while it ceases to be operated beyond a period of ten days; or 56 Unoccupancy. (f) while a described building, whether intended 57 for occupancy by owner or tenant, is 58 vacant or unoccupied beyond a period of ten days; or 59 Explosion, Lightning. (g) by explosion or lightning, unless fire 60 ensue, and, in that event, for loss or damage 61 by fire only. 62 Chattel mortgage Unless otherwise provided by agreement in 63 writing added hereto this Company shall 64 not be liable for loss or damage to any property insured hereunder 65 while incumbered by a chattel mortgage and during the 66 time of such incumbrance this Company shall be liable only 67 for loss of damage to any other property insured hereunder. 68 Fall of building. If a building, or any material part thereof, 69 fall except as the result of fire, all insurance 70 by this policy on such building or its contents shall immediately 71 cease. 78 Added Clauses The extent of the application of insurance 73 under this policy and of the contribution to 74 be made by this Company in case of loss or damage, and any 75 other agreement not inconsistent with or a waiver of any of 76 the conditions or provisions of this policy, may be provided for 77 by agreement in writing added hereto. 78 Waiver. No one shall have power to waive any provision 79 or condition of this policy except such 80 as by the terms of this policy may be the subject of agreement 81 added hereto, nor shall any such provision or condition e held 82 to be waived unless such waiver shall be in writing added hereto, 83 nor shall any provision or condition of this policy or any forfeiture 84 be held to be waived by any requirement, act or proceeding 85 on the part of this Company relating to appraisal or to any 86 examination herein provided for; nor shall any privilege or permission 87 affecting the insurance hereunder exist or be claimed by 88 the insured unless granted herein or by rider added hereto. 89 Cancellation of policy. This policy shall be cancelled at any time 90 at the request of the insured, in which case 91 the Company shall, upon demand and surrender 92 of this policy, refund the excess of paid premium above 93 the customary short rates for the expired time. This policy 94 may be cancelled at any time by the Company by giving to the 95 insured a five days' written notice of cancellation with or without 96 tender of the excess of paid premium above the pro rata 97 premium for the expired time, which excess, if not tendered, 98 shall be refunded on demand. Notice of cancellation shall state 99 that said excess premium (if not tendered) will be refunded on 100 demand. 101 Pro rata liability. This Company shall not be liable for a 102 greater proportion of any loss or damage 103 than the amount hereby insured shall bear to the whole 104 insurance covering the property, whether valid or not and 105 whether collectible or not. 106 Noon. The word "noon" herein means noon of 107 standard time at the place of loss or damage. 108 If loss or damage is made payable, in whole 109 Mortgage interests or in part, to a mortgagee not named herein 110 as the insured, this policy may be cancelled 111 as to such interest by giving to such mortgagee a ten days' 112 written notice of cancellation. Upon failure of the insured to 113 render proof of loss such mortgagee shall, as if named as insured 114 hereunder, but within sixty days after notice of such failure, render 115 proof of loss and shall be subject to the provisions hereof as 116 to appraisal and times of payment and of bringing suit. On payment 117 to such mortgagee of any sum for loss or damage hereunder, 118 if this Company shall claim that as to the mortgagor or 119 owner, no liability existed, it shall, to the extent of such payment 120 to be subrogated to the mortgagee's right of recovery and 121 claim upon the collateral to the mortgage debt, but without 122 impairing the mortgagee's right to sue; or it may pay the mortgage 123 debt and require an assignment thereof and of the mortgage. 124 Other provisions relating to the interests and obligations of such 125 mortgagee may be added hereto by agreement in writing. 126 Requirements in case of loss. The insured shall give immediate notice, in 127 writing, to this Company, of any loss or 128 damage, protect the property from further 129 damage, forthwith separate the damaged and undamaged 130 personal property, put it in the best possible order, furnish a 131 complete inventory of the destroyed, damaged and undamaged 132 property, stating the quantity and cost of each article and the 133 amount claimed thereon; and, the insured shall, within sixty 134 days after the fire, unless such time is extended in writing by 135 this Company, render to this Company a proof of loss, singed 136 and sworn to by the insured, stating the knowledge and belief 137 of the insured as to the following: the time and origin of the fire, 138 the interest of the insured and of all others in the property, the 139 cash value of each item thereof and the amount of loss or damage 140 thereto, all incumbrances thereon, all other contracts of insurance, 141 whether valid or not, covering any of said property, 142 any changes in the title, use, occupation, location, possession, or 143 exposures of said property since the issuing of this policy, by 144 whom and for what purpose any building herein described and 145 the several parts thereof were occupied at the time of fire; and 146 shall furnish a copy of all the descriptions and schedules in all 147 policies and if required, verified plans and specifications of any 148 building, fixtures or machinery destroyed or damaged. The 149 insured, as often as may be reasonably required, shall exhibit 150 to any person designated by this Company all that remains of 151 any property herein described, and submit to examinations 152 under oath by any person named by this Company, and 153 subscribe the same; and, as often as may be reasonably 154 required, shall produce for examination all books of account, 155 bills, invoices, and other vouchers, or certified copies thereof, 156 if originals be lost, at such reasonable time and place as may 157 be designated by this Company or its representative, and shall 158 permit extracts and copies thereof to be made. 159 Appraisal. In case the insured and this Company shall 160 fail to agree as to the amount of loss or 161 damage, each shall, on the written demand of either, select 162 a competent and disinterested appraiser. The appraisers 163 shall first select a competent and disinterested umpire; and 164 failing for fifteen days to agree upon such umpire then, on 165 request of the insured or this Company, such umpire shall be 166 selected by a judge of a court of record in the state in which 167 the property insured is located. The appraisers shall then 168 appraise the loss and damage stating separately sound value 169 and loss or damage to each item; and failing to agree, shall 170 submit their differences only, to the umpire. An award in 171 writing, so itemized, of any two when filed with this Company 172 shall determine the amount of sound value and loss of 173 damage. Each appraiser shall be paid by the party selecting 174 him and the expenses of appraisal and umpire shall be paid 175 by the parties equally. 176 Company's options It shall be optional with this Company to 177 take all, or any part, of the articles at the 178 agreed or appraised value, and also to 179 repair, rebuild, or replace the property loss or damaged with 180 other of like kind and quality within a reasonable time, on 181 giving notice of its intention so to do within thirty days 182 after the receipt of the proof of loss herein required; but 183 Abandonment. there can be no abandonment to this Company of any property. 184 The amount of loss or damage for which 185 When loss payable. 186 this Company may be liable shall be payable 187 sixty days after proof of loss, as herein 188 provided, is received by this Company and ascertainment of 189 the loss or damage is made either by agreement between the 190 insured and this Company expressed in writing or by the 191 filing with this Company of an award as herein provided. 192 Suit. No suit or action on this policy, for the 193 recovery of any claim, shall be sustainable 194 in any court of law or equity unless all the requirements of 195 this policy shall have been complied with, nor unless commenced 196 within twelve months next after the fire. 197 Subrogation. This Company may require from the insured 198 an assignment of all right of recovery 199 against any party for loss or damage to the extent that payment 200 therefor is made by this Company. ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST BY INSURED. The interest of _____________________________ as owner of property covered by this Policy is hereby assigned to __________________________ subject to the consent of the EAGLE, STAR & BRITISH DOMINIONS INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OF LONDON, ENGLAND. ____________________________________ (Signature of the Insured) Dated, _________________________________ CONSENT BY COMPANY TO ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST. The EAGLE, STAR & BRITISH DOMINIONS INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OF LONDON, ENGLAND, hereby consents that the interest of ___________________________________ as owner of the property covered by this Policy be assigned to __________________________________ _____________________________________ (Signature for Company) Dated, _________________________________ FORM FOR REMOVAL. Permission is hereby granted to remove the property insured by this policy to the _________________________ ________________________ situate ____________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ and this Policy is hereby made to cover the same property in new locality, all liability in former locality to cease from this date. Rate increased to _____% Additional Premium $______________ Rate reduced to _____% Return Premium $_____________ _______________________________Agent. Dated,___________________________19________ SHEET_____________BLOCK_____________No._______________ Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Company Limited of London, England BOARD OF DIRECTORS. SIR EDWARD M. MOUNTAIN, Chairman and Managing Director. J. DOUGLAS WATSON, Esq., F. I. A., F. A. S., Deputy Chairman SIR WILLIAM BEARDMORE, Bt. G. J. FOWLER, Esq., J. P. THE RT. HON VISCOUNT GOSCHEN. HARRY T. GULLICK, Esq. JOSIAH GUNTON, Esq. A. G. MACKENZIE, Esq., F. I. A. P. HUGH MARSHALL, Esq. HORACE PEEL, Esq. FRANK ROGERSON, Esq. W. W. SEYMOUR, Esq. SIR GEORGE WYATT TRUSCOTT, Bt. GEORGE WIGLEY, Esq., J. P. CHARLES WILLIAMS, Esq. UNITED STATES TRUSTEE BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK United States Branch OFFICE, 149 WILLIAM STREET, New York FRED. S. JAMES & CO., U.S. MANAGERS. 12991 Standard Fire Insurance Policy of the States of new York, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming [ca 30] Expires March 21, 1933 Property Dwlg.Hhf: Lot 2, Bl.1, Highland Beach, Md. Amount $2,300:- Premium $41.40 MARY C. TERRELL No. 704234 A Eagle Star and British Dominions Insurance Company Limited of London, England YOUNG & SIMON INSURANCE SUITE 340 WOODWARD BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. PNONE *MAIN 5180 It is important that the written portions of all policies covering the same property read exactly alike. If they do not they should be made uniform at once. If this Policy is cancelled the following receipt is to be filled up and signed by the insured. ____________________________________19_______ In Consideration of_________________________Dollars, Return Premium, the Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, this Policy is cancelled and surrendered to the EAGLE, STAR & BRITISH DOMINIONS INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OF LONDON, ENGLAND. __________________________________ASSURED. Montgomery Ward and Co. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Baltimore, Maryland M1851 Date July 9 1928 Easy Payment Purchase Statement of Account with Mary C. Terrell 1615 S ST NW WASHINGTON D C 1 Dear Customer: Please accept our thanks for your Easy Payment Order, which has been shipped. In handling this order we have tried to follow your instructions exactly. This statement explains the account we have opened for you and gives the date of your monthly payments. Enclosed you will find a remittance book for your convenience in sending the monthly payments and in keeping the record of your account. Remember, with our 86 departments at Ward's, we have a variety of merchandise to fill your needs. Yours very truly, MONTGOMERY WARD AND CO. Your Next Payment-- Amounting to $ 4.00 will be due 8/7/28 This amount will be due on the same day each month until the full amount is paid. Number in Catalogue 157Y8516 Article Shipped Type 44.95 Transportation Charges Paid (if any) - .71 Total Charge - 45.66 Received with Order - Other Credit (if any) 4.71 Total Credit - 4.71 Balance you are to Pay - 45.66 Title to this property to remain in MONTGOMERY WARD and CO, until final payment is made. B10329-5 10-44-1 IMPORTANT All communications regarding this Insurance should give NUMBER, Series and DATE of Policy. [5-31-24] EXECUTIVE OFFICES CINCINNATI OHIO INTER-OCEAN A STOCK COMPANY CASUALTY COMPANY National Automobile-- Travel--Accident-- Blindness Policy R No. 2083 This policy provides indemnity for loss of life, limb, sight or time by accidental means, and for loss of sight by sickness, to the extent herein limited and provided INSURED Mary Church Terrell Read Your Policy Series S--Form 18A. E-6-24 $150,000.00 Deposited with Insurance Department for the protection of Policy Holders Copy of Application Do you hereby apply for National Automobile-Travel Accident-Blindness Insurance Policy, and for that purpose make the following statements? Yes Name? Mary Church Terrell Age? 50 Address? No. 1615 Street S St. N. W. Town Washington, State D.C. Occupation? Writer Height? 5 ft. 6 1/2 in. Weight? 140 pounds. Color of Hair? Dk Brown Race? White Color of eyes? Brown Color of beard? none Scars? none Whom do you wish notified in case of accident? Mrs. W. C. Gaines Address? 1615 S. St. N. W., Washington, D.C Beneficiary is? Estate Relationship is? ~ Has any application ever made by you for insurance been declined, or any Policy issued to you been cancelled or renewal refused? no Have you in contemplation any special journey or hazardous undertaking? no Have you ever had paralysis, fits of any kind, or brain disorder, diabetes, hernia, varicose veins, or any bodily or mental infirmity, injuries or wounds, or suffered the loss of a limb or eye? no Are you in sound mental and physical condition? yes Dated at Washington, D.C. May 31 1924 Signature of Applicant Mary Church Terrell This policy provides indemnity for loss of life, limb, sight or time by accidental means, and for loss of sight by sickness, to the extent herein limited and provided EXECUTIVE CINCINNATI OFFICES OHIO INTER - OCEAN A STOCK COMPANY CASUALTY COMPANY ( HEREINAFTER CALLED THE COMPANY ) Hereby Insures during the term of this policy the person named as applicant, (hereinafter called the Insured), application for this policy endorsed hereon and made a part of this contract, subject to the conditions, limitations and provisions herein contained, against )1) the effects of Bodily Injuries caused directly, solely and independently of all other causes, by External, Violent and Accidental Means, which bodily injuries or their effects shall not be caused wholly or in part, directly or indirectly, by any disease, defect or infirmity and which shall from the date of the accident result in continuous disability and also against (2) Blind- ness as the result of Sickness as follows: Section A FOR LOSS OF VALUES ------------------------------------------------------------------- First Year Annual Increase After 5th Year Under Section A Under Under Clauses 1 and 2. Section A Clauses 1 and 2 , Section A Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500.00 $250.00 $3,750.00 Both Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 Both Hands . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 Both Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 One Hand and One Foot . . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 One Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625.00 62.50 937.50 One Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625.00 62.50 937.50 One Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 25.00 375.00 Payment shall not be made for more than one loss enumerated above. (The loss of any member or members specified above shall mean the loss by actual and complete severance at or above the wrist or ankle; loss of eye shall mean the irrecoverable loss of the entire sight thereof). Provided such loss shall result within thirty days from date of accident, from accidental bodily injuries, solely and independently of all other causes, and only if such injuries are sustained as follows: (1) While actually Riding as a Passenger in a place regularly provided for the transportation of passengers, within a steam, surface, underground or elevated railroad car, or steamboat, provided by a common carrier for passenger service only (aerial machines or conveyances excepted); or (2) While riding as a passenger in any Passenger (Elevator in Mines excepted) in a place regularly provided for the sole use of passengers; or (3) By being Struck by Lightning, Cyclone, or Tornado; or (4) By the Burning of a Dwelling House, Hotel, Theatre, Office Building, Lodge Room, Club House, School Building, Store, Church or Barn, while the Insured is therein, and provided the Insured is therein at the beginning of the fire, and is burned by such CASUALTY COMPANY (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE COMPANY) Hereby Insures during the term of this policy the person named as applicant, (hereinafter called the Insured), in the copy of application for this policy endorsed hereon and made a part of this contract, subject to the conditions, limitations and provisions herein contained, against (1) the effects of Bodily Injuries caused directly, soley, and independently of all other causes, by External, Violent and Accidental Means, which bodily injuries or their effects shall not be caused wholly or inpart, directly or indirectly, by any disease, defect or infirmity and which shall from the date of the accident result in continuous disability and also against (2) Blindness as a result of Sickness as follows: SECTION A For Loss of VALUES First Year Annual Increase After 5th Year Under Section A Under Clauses 1 and 2, Section A Under Clauses 1 and 2, Section A Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500.00 $250.00 $3,750.00 Both Eyes . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 Both Hands . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 Both Feet . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 One Hand and One Foot . . . . 2,500.00 250.00 3,750.00 One Hand . . . . . . . . . . 625.00 62.50 937.50 One Foot . . . . . . . . . . 625.00 62.50 937.50 One Eye . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 25.00 375.00 Payment shall not be made for more than one loss enumerated above. (The loss of any memeber specified above shall mean the loss by actual and complete severance at or above the wrist or ankle; loss of eye or eyes shall mean the irrecoverable loss of the entire sight thereof). Provided such loss shall result within thirty days from date of accident, from accidental bodily injuries, solely and independently of all other causes, and only if such injuries are sustained as follows: (1) While actually Riding as a Passenger in a place regularly provided for the transportation of passengers, within a steam, surface, underground or elevated railroad car, or steamboat, provided by a common carrier for passenger service only (aerial machines or conveyances excepted) ; or (2) While riding as a passenger in any Passenger Elevator (Elevator in Mines excepted) in a place regularly provided for the sole use of passengers; or (3) By being Struck by Lightning, Cyclone, or Tornado; or (4) By the Burning of a Dwelling House, Hotel, Theater, Office Building, Lodge Room, Club House, School Building, Store, Church or Barn, while the Insured is therein, and provided the Insured is therein at the beginning of the fire, and is burned by such fire or suffocated by the smoke therefrom, but this clause shall not apply to nor cover the Insured while acting as a watchman, policeman, or volunteer or paid fireman. Section B Blindness For the Loss of Sight of one or both Eyes resulting from sickness or from injuries sustained by accidental means not otherwise covered by this policy, as follows: Total Loss of Sight of Both Eyes . . . . $500.00 Total Loss of Sight of One Eye . . . . . 250.00 Total Loss of Sight shall mean the Entire and Irrecoverable Loss of Sight. If the Insured shall develop the eye affection known as a cataract, or if the Insured shall become blind from the accident or disease and there is a possiblity of restoring the sight by operation, the Company shall have the right to provide for such operation for the Insured at a total cost to the Company of not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. If the Insured fails to avail himself of such operation, in the event the Company shall pay the Insured, the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars in lieu of all other indemnity, and such payment shall terminate this Policy. If the Insured avails himself of such operation, and, notwithstanding said operation, the sight of one or both eyes, as the case may be, is entirely lost, then, and in that event, the Company shall pay the Insured the amounts provided by this Policy, less the One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars so advanced for the said operation. Series S-Form 18A. E-6-24 Section C ONE-FIFTH of the original amount stated in Section A for loss of life, within the time above limited for bodily injuries, as afore- said, and only if the injuries causing such loss are sustained by the Insured in the manner stipulated as follows: Septic Poison (1) By a Licensed Physician, Surgeon, Dentist, or Registered Nurse while holding an autopsy or performing a surgical operation, or a Licensed Undertaker while embalming, or preparing a body for burial, accidentally cuts or wounds himself and by reason of such cut or wound simultaneously therewith is inoculated with poison; or Pedestrian (2) While Walking or Standing on a Public Highway, by being struck, knocked down or run over by a moving conveyance (excluding injuries sustained if Insured is employed or engaged on or about the conveyance; or is stopping or attempting to stop a runaway; or if such injury results directly or indirectly from the attempt at, or the act of, getting on or off such conveyance; or if sustained while working on a public highway, or a railroad right-of-way; or while on a railroad right-of-way in violation of law) ; or Automobile (3) While actually riding in, operating, adjusting (including tire repair and removal while the automobile is in transit) or cranking an automobile. This insurance does not cover anyone if the injuries are sustained while the Insured is violating the law, or engaging in any race or speed contest or repairing (other than that incident to adjusting as above indicated), overhauling or testing an automobile; or Taxi Cab--Omnibus (4) By the wrecking of any public omnibus, taxicab, or automobile stage which is being driven or operated, at the time of such wrecking, by a licensed driver plying for public hire, and in which the Insured is traveling as a fare paying passenger ; or Collapse of Buildings (5) In consequence of Collapse of Buildings while the Insured is therein (except buildings in process of construction, repairs or demolition). SECTION D Special Benefits The Company will pay for loss of life of the Insured which results within thirty days from date of accident, solely from such injuries caused by any accident in or out of business if not otherwise covered by this policy, and which shall have caused continuous total disability from date of accident to date of loss, the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. SECTION E Any Accident If the Insured shall, in consequence of any accident in or out of business not otherwise covered by this Policy, be continuously confined within the house, not leaving it at any time for any purpose whatsoever, and shall be wholly prevented from attending to any and every kind of work or business, for a period of not less than thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of the accident, the Company will pay the sum of Twelve and 50/100 ($12.50) Dollars. SECTION F Hospital Benefits For loss from confinement in a public or private hospital in his home town or in a hospital away from his home town, for not more than four consecutive weeks, resulting from such injuries caused by any accident in or out of business for which no other indemnity is provided by this policy, and which causes continuous total disability from its date, the Company will pay Twelve and 50/100 ($12.50) Dollars per week. SECTION G Weekly Indemnity--Any Accident Should the Insured in consequence of any accident sustained in or out of business, not otherwise covered by this policy, be wholly and continuously disabled and prevented from attending to any and every kind of business, the Company will pay for such disablement, after the first seven days, but not exceeding three consecutive weeks, a weekly indemnity of Two ($2.00) Dollars. SECTION H (2) While Walking or Standing on a Public Highway (excluding injuries sustained if Insured is employed or engaged on or about the conveyance; or is stopping or attempting to stop a runaway; or if such injury results directly or indirectly from the attempt at, or the act of, getting on or off such conveyance; or if sustained while working on a public highway, or a railroad rigt-of-way; or while on a railroad righ-of-way in violation of law); or Automobile (3) While actually riding in, operating, adjusting (including tire repair and removal while the automobile is in transit) or crank- ing an automobile. This insurance does not cover anyone if the injuries are sustained while the Insured is violating the law, or engag- ing in any race or speed contest or repairing (other than that incident to adjusting as above indicated), overhauling or testing an automobile; or Taxi Cab- Omnibus (4) By the wrecking of any public omnibus, taxicab, or automobile stage which is being driven or operated, at the time of such wrecking, by a licensed driver playing for public hire, and in which the Insured is traveling as a fare paying passenger; or Collapse of Buildings (5) In consequence of collapse of Buildings while the Insured is therein ( except buildings in process of construction, repairs or demolition). SECTION D Special Benefits The company will pay for loss of life of the Insured which results within thirty days from date of accident, solely from such injuries caused by any accident in or out of business if not otherwise covered by this police and which shall havecaused continuous total disability from date of accident to date of loss, the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. SECTION E Any Accident If the Insured shall, in consequence of any accident in or out of business not otherwise covered by this Policy, be continuously con- fined within the house, not leaving it at any time for any purpose whatsoever, and shall be wholly prevented from attending to any and every kind of work or business for a period of not less than thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of the accident, the Company will pay the sum of Twelve and 50/100 ($12.50) Dollars. SECTION F Hospital Benefits From loss from confinement in a public or private hospital in his home town or in a hospital away from his home town, for not more than four consecutive weeks, resulting from such injuries caused by any accident in or out of business for which no other indem- nity is provided by this policy, and which causes continuous total disability from its date, the Company will pay Twelve and 50/100 ($12.50) Dollars per week. SECTION G Weekly Indemnity - Any accident Should the Insured in consequence of any accident sustained in or out business, not otherwise covered by this policy, be wholly and continuously disabled and prevented from attending to anyy and every kind of business, the company will pay for such disable- ment, after the first seven days, but not exceeding three coonsecutive weeks, a weekly indemnity of Two ($2.00) Dollars. SECTION H Weekly Accident Indemnity Should the Insured sustain injuries in any manner specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Section A, which shall not prove fatal or cause loss as aforesaid, but shall immediately continuously, and wholly disable and prevent the insured from performing each and every duty pertaining to any and every kind of business, labor or occupation, during the time of such disablement, but not exceeding Sixteen consecutive weeks for any one accident, the Company will pay a weekly indemnity of Twelve and 50/100 ($12.50) Dollars. SECTION I Identification and Financial Aid The Company will register the person insured hereunder and if he shall, by reason of such injuries or sickness, while this policity is in force, be physically unable to communicate with friends, will, upon receipt of a message giving this Policy Number, immediately transmit to such relatives or friends as may be known to it, any information respecting hum, and will defray any expenses necessary to put him in communication with and in the care of friends, not exceeding Fifty ($ 50.00) Dollars. SECTION J Fifty Per Cent Accumulation Each consecutive renewal hereof without default in payment of premium will increase the amount of benefits herein provided under Clauses 1 and 2 of Section A for Death, Dismemberment, or Loss of Sight of the Insured, at the rate of Ten Per Cent, of the original amounts until Fifty Per Cent, is thus aided, and thereafter so long as this Policy shall remain in force, the insurance will be for the said original amounts in addition to the accumulation. SECTION K Standard Provisions 1. This policy includes the endorsements and attached papers, if any, and contains the entire contract of insurance. No reduction shall be made in any indemnity herein provided by reason of change in the occupation of the Insured or by reason of his doing any act or thing pertaining to any other occupation. 2. No statement made by the applicant for insurance not included herein shall avoid the policy or be used in any legal proceeding hereunder. No agent has authority to change this policy or to waive any of its provisions. No change in this policy shall be valid unless approved by an executive officer of the Company and such approval be endorsed hereon. 3. If default be made in the payment of the agreed premium for this policy, the subsequent acceptance of a premium by the Company or by any of its duly authorized agents shall reinstate the policy, but only to cover accidental injury thereafter sustained and such sickness as may begin more than ten days after the date of such acceptance. 4. Written notice of injury or of sickness on which claim may be based must be given to the Company within twenty days after the date of the accident causing such injury or within ten days after the commencement of disability from such sickness. In event accidental death immediate notice thereof must be given to the Company. 5. Such notice given by or in behalf of the Insured or Beneficiary, as the case may be, to the Company at its Executive Offices, Cincinnati, Ohio, or to any authorized agent of the Company, with particulars sufficient to identify the Insured, shall be deemed to be notice to the Company. Failure to give notice within the time provided in this policy shall not invalidate any claim if it shall be shown not to have been reasonably possible to give such notice and that notice was given as soon as was reasonably possible. 6. The Company upon receipt of such notice will furnish to the claimant such forms as are usually furnished by it for filing proofs of loss. If such forms are not so furnished within fifteen days after the receipt of such notice, the claimant shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of this policy as to proof of loss upon submitting within the time fixed in the policy for filing proofs of loss, written proof covering the occurrence, character and extent of the loss for which claim is made. 7. Affirmative proof of loss must be furnished to the Company at its said office in case of claim for loss of time from disability within ninety days after the termination of the period for which the Company is liable, and in case of claim for any other loss within ninety days after the date of such loss. 8. The Company shall have the right and opportunity to examine the person of the Insured when and so often as it may reasonably require during the pendency of claim here under, and also the right and opportunity to make an autopsy in case of death where it is not forbidden by law. 9. All indemnities provided in this policy for loss other than that of time on account of disability will be paid sixty days after receipt of due proof. 10. Upon request of the Insured and subject to proof of loss all the accrued indemnity for loss of time on account of disability will be paid at the expiration of each thirty days during the continuance of the period for which the company is liable, and any balance remaining unpaid at the termination of such period will be paid immediately upon receipt of due proof. 11. Indemnity for loss of life of the Insured is payable to the beneficiary if surviving the Insured, and otherwise to the estate of the Insured. All other indemnities of this policy are payable to the Insured. 12. If the Insured shall at any time change his occupation to one classified by the Company as less hazardous than that stated in the policy, the Company, upon written request of the Insured and surrender of the policy, will cancel the same and will return to the Insured the unearned premium. 13. Consent of the beneficiary shall not be requisite to surrender or assignment of this policy, or to change of beneficiary, or to any other changes in the policy. 14. No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on this policy prior to the expiration of sixty days after proof of loss has been filed in accordance with the requirements of this policy, nor shall such action be brought at all unless brought within two years from the expiration of the time within which proof of loss is required by the policy. 15. If any time limitation of this Policy with respect to giving notice of claim or furnishing proof of loss is less than that permitted by the law of the sate in which the Insured resides at the time this Policy is issued, such limitation is hereby extended to agree with the minimum period permitted by such law. 16. The Company may cancel this Policy at any time by written noticed delivered to the Insured or mailed to his last address, as shown by the records of this Company, together with cash or the Company's check for the (?) portion of the premiums actually paid by the Insured, and such cancellation shall be without prejudice to any claim originating (?) thereto. 17. If the Insured shall carry with another company, corporation, association or society (?) insurance covering the same loss without giving written notice to the Company, then in that case the Company shall be liable only for such portion of the indemnity promised as thte said indemnity bears to the total amount of like indemnity in all policies covering such loss, and for the return of such part of the premium paid as shall exceed the pro rata for the indemnity thus determined. 20. The insurance under this Policy shall not cover any person under the age of sixteen years nor over the age of sixty-eight years. Any premium paid to the Company for any period not covered by this Policy will be returned upon request. SECTION l General Provisions This insurance does not cover (1)an employee of a common carrier, news company or the Government, while on duty excepting under Section B and employees whose duties call them solely in the office and away from track, train, yard, roundhouse and repair shop; (2) while in or on a balloon or other aerial machine or conveyance; (3) miners while at work (except under Section B); (4) suicide or an attempt thereat while sane or insane; (5) while intoxicated or under the influence of or affected by or resulting directly or indirectly from intoxicants or narcotics, anesthetics, gas, corrosives poison, infection, or poisonous substances except as provided in Clause 1 of Section C; (6) while riding or driving in races (professional or otherwise) of the intentional act of the Insured or any other person; (8) any loss contributed to or cause by any mental or bodily infirmity or venereal disease, vertigo or exposure to unnecessary danger; (9) while violating law; (10) while violating law; (10) while walking over or on the roadbed or bridge of any railroad, except while crossing at a public street or highway; (11) injuries fatal or noon-fatal, except drowning, or which there shall be no visible mark or contusion on exterior of the body at the place of injury, the body itself in case of death not to be deemed such; (12) while engaged in military or naval service; (13) while engaged in playing foot-ball or handling explosives or firearms; (14) sickness contracted prior to the date of this policy; (15) unless the injury is sustained or loss of eyes or eye incurred in the United States, Canada, or Europe. No recovery may be had under more than one of the provisions hereof, and any payment hereunder, other than for weekly indemnity, or as provided b Sections E,F,F, and I, shall terminate this policy. No assignment of this policy or change of beneficiary shall be valid unless approved by an executive officer of the Company and an endorsement shall be made hereon as provided by Standard Provision Number 2. 12. accidental death immediate notice thereof must be given to the Company. 5. Such notice given by or in behalf of the Insured or Beneficiary, as the ease may be, to the Company at its Executive Offices, Cincinnati Ohio, or to any authorized agent of the Company, with particulars sufficient to identify the Insured, shall be deemed to be notice to the Company. Failure to give notice within the time provided in this policy shall not invalidate any claim if it shall be shown not to have been reasonably possible to give such notice and that notice was given as soon as was reasonably possible. 6. The Company upon receipt of such notice will furnish to the claimant such forms as are usually furnished by it for filing proofs of loss. If such forms are not so furnished within fifteen days after the receipt of such notice, the claimant shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of this policy as to proof of loss upon submitting within the time fixed in the policy for filing proofs of loss, written proof covering the occurrence, character and extent of the loss for which claim is made. 7. Affirmative proof of loss must be furnished to the Company at its said office in ease of claim for loss of time from disability within ninety days after the termination of the period for which the Company is liable, and in case of claim for any other loss, within ninety days after the date of such loss. 8. The Company shall have the right and opportunity to examine the person of the Insured when and so often as it may reason-ably require during the pendency of claim hereunder, and also the right and opportunity to make an autopsy in case of death where it is not forbidden by law. 9. All indemnities provided in this policy for loss other than that of time on account of disability will be paid sixty days after receipt of due proof. 10. Upon request of the Insured and subject to due proof of loss all the accrued indemnity for loss of time on account of disablity will be paid at the expiration of each thirty days during the continuance of the period for which the company is liable, and any balance remaining unpaid at the termination of such period will be paid immediately upon receipt of due proof. 11. Indemnity for loss of life of the insured is payable to the beneficiary if surviving the insured, and otherwise to the estate of the insured. All other indemnities of this policy are payable to the Insured. 12. If the Insured shall at any time change his occupation to one classified by the Company as less hazardous than that stated in the policy, the Company, upon written request of the Insured and surrender of the policy, will cancel the same and will return to the Insured the unearned premium. 13. Consent of the beneficiary shall not be requisite to surrender or assignment of this policy, or to change of beneficiary, or to any other changes in the policy. 14. No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on this policy prior to the expiration of sixty days after proof of loss has been filed in accordance with the requirements of this policy nor shall such action be brought at all unless brought within two years from the expiration of the time within which proof of loss is required by the policy. 15. If any time limitation of this Policy with respect to giving notice of claim or furnishing proof of loss is less than that per-mitted by the law of the state in which the Insured resides at the time this Policy is issued, such limitation is hereby extended to agree with the minimum period permitted by such law. 16. The Company may cancel this Policy at any time by written notice delivered to the Insured or mailed to his last address, as shown by the records of the Company, together with cash or the Company's check for the unearned portion of the premiums actually paid by the Insured, and such cancellation shall be without prejudice to any claim originating prior thereto. 17. If the Insured shall carry with another company, corporation, association or society under insurance covering the same loss without giving written notice to the Company, then in that case the Company shall be liable only for such portion of the indemnity promised as the said indemnity bears to the total amount of like indemnity in all policies covering such loss, and for the return of such part of the premium paid as shall exceed the pro rata for the indemnity thus determined. 20. The insurance under this Policy shall not cover any person under the age of sixteen years nor over the age of sixty-eight years. Any premium paid to the Company for any period not covered by this Policy will be returned upon request. SECTION L General Provisions This insurance does not cover (1) an employe of a common carrier, news company or the Government, while on duty excepting under Section B and employees whose duties call them solely in the office and away from track, train, yard, roundhouse and repair shop; (2) while in or on a balloon or other aerial machine or conveyance; (3) miners while at work (except under Section B); (4) suicide or an attempt thereat while sane or insane; (5) while intoxicated or under the influence of or affected by or resulting directly or indirectly from intoxicants or narcotics, anesthetics, gas, corrosives, poison, infection, or poisonous sub-stances except as provided in Clause 1 of Section C; (6) while riding or driving in races (professional or otherwise); (7) the result of the intentional act of the Insured or any other person; (8) any loss contributed to or caused by any mental or bodily infirmity or venereal disease, vertigo or exposure to unnecessary danger; (9) while violating law; (10) while walking over or on the roadbed or bridge of any railroad, except while crossing at a public street or highway; (11) injuries, fatal or non-fatal, except drowning, of which there shall be no visible mark or contusion on exterior of the body at the place of injury, the body itself in case of death not to be deemed such; (12) while engaged in military or naval service; (13) while engaged in playing foot-ball or handling explosives or firearms; (14) sickness contracted prior to the date of this policy; (15) unless the injury is sustained or loss of eyes or eye incurred in the United States, Canada or Europe. No recovery may be had under more than one of the provisions hereof, and any payment hereunder, other than for weekly indemnity, or as provided by Sections E, F, G and I, shall terminate this policy. No assignment of this policy or change of beneficiary shall be valid unless approved by an executive officer to the Company and an endorsement shall be made heron as provided by Standard Provision Number 2. Strict compliance on the part of Insured and Beneficiary with all the provisions of this Policy is a condition precedent to recovery hereunder and any failure in this respect shall forfeit to the Company all right to any indemnity. No provision of he charter or by-laws of the Company not incorporated in full herein shall avoid the policy or be used in evidence in any legal proceeding. The exclusion in first line of Section L does not apply to those employees and officials of the Government whose duties are office, traveling and official and away from track, train, yard, roundhouse and repair shop. Notwithstanding anything in the policy to the contrary, subject to due proof of loss all accrued indemnity for loss of time on account of disability will be paid at the expiration of each thirty days, during the continuance of he period for which the Company is liable, and any balance remaining unpaid at the termination of such period will be paid immediately upon receipt of due proof. This policy is issued in consideration of the annual premium of Two Dollars, for the term of one year, to commence on the day this policy is dated, and beginning and ending at twelve o'clock noon, standard time of he place where Insured resides, but it may be renewed by the payment of annual premiums in advance and a receipt signed by the Secretary and countersigned by a licensed agent of the Company shall be the only evidence binding upon the Company of the payment of a renewal premium. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Company has caused this policy to be signed by its President and Secretary, and dated this Thirty-First day of May 1924, but the same shall not be binding upon the Company until countersigned by a duly authorized agent of the Company. Secretary. Countersigned President Series S--Form 18A. E-6-24 FIDELE CERTA MERCES Parker House, Boston. No. 7247 Boston, MAY 12 1922 M MISS M C TERRELL Room No. 335 Price 2 25 To J. R. Whipple Corporation, Dr. DATE ROOM DINING ROOM ROOM CHECKS EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE SUNDRIES TELEPHONE LAUNDRY AND TAILOR TOTAL CREDITS 12 10 10 13 2 25 75 3 00 3 10 RECEIVED PAYMENT MAY 13 1922 J. R. WHIPPLE CORP. PARKER HOUSE Per__________________________ PARK AVENUE HOTEL, NEW YORK PARK AVENUE 32ND & 33RD STREETS New York Feb 3 1919 Mrs. M.C.Terrell 486 To Park Avenue hotel, Dr. All accounts settled weekly. George C. Brown. 164 1 day 4-- Rooms 486 9 " 3-- 27-- Restaurant ________ Wine ____ Laundry ____ Bills Paid ____ Carriages ____ Cash ____ Baggage ____ Express ____ Pressing ____ 10 Telegrams ____ Telephone 60 Messengers ____ 60 31.70 PAID DOMINION HOTEL Victoria, B.C. The Evergreen City of Canada Mountain Inn E. 3.50 double Deer Lodge- E- 4.00 & 5.00 Moraine Lake Lodge- $5.00 Chateau Lac Louise- C.P.R. Honesty in Purpose: Promptness in Service May 4 1917 M Mary Terrell To First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Syracuse, N.Y. Eastern Lyceum Bureau Dr. 149 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Please send check to Boston Office. Feb. 20..Inv.283....To Plates for circular......$7.80 Apr. 4.. " " ....To Printing of circulars....30.00 $37.80 The W. B. Gardiner Company C. & P. Phone Lumber, Mill-Work and Builders' Supplies P. O. Box 173 Office and Warehouses, Pleasant Street Lumber Yard, W., B. & A. R. R. and College Creek Rail and Water Delivery ANNAPOLIS, MD. No. 25873 Sold to Mrs. Mary Terrell June 16th, 1917. LEDGER FOLIO Terms To Mdse. 285 pcs. 7.8 x 2 3/4 - 2/8 Y.P. $ 4.26 17 pcs. 2 x 4 - 8 d 4 s. 2.82 500 Cypress1Lathe 4. 00 Hauling 1.50 Telephone Message .25 $ 13.33 PAID June 29 1917 THE W. B. GARDINER CO., Per B. Seible Neumeyer Motor Company JOB TICKET 211-13 B St. N.W., Washington, D. C. No. 475 M[?] Terrell Date 9/3 1918 QUAN DESCRIPTION @ CASH FREE AMOUNT TOTAL AUTOMOBILE PARTS Repair Damaged to Diff go after car 450 1 - Drive gear 2100 1 - - P[???] gear 1000 1 - - #307 Bearing 1300 8 - Ge[??] [?] Bolts 200 1 - R.W. [?] [?] 75 1 - - - - - spring 75 1 - P[????] Bearing 600 B[???] Axle 400 1 - shell [?] 100 1 - Wheel 900 2 sl[?????] Bolts, 70 1 ge[???] C[??] 35 1 - F. W inner core 400 [*7455*] 1 - - - Outer 350 [*350*] MISCEL., SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, COTTER PINS< WASHERS, ETC. [*30*] OILS & GREASE 10 lbs grease 200 [*200*] TIRES LABOR 10/2 By cash [*3600 11635 5000 6635*] Terrell, Mrs. Mary Church 1615 S St. NW '46 $20.00 '47 $10.00 Sponsor - 1949 UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. 1949 CAMPAIGN National Headquarters: 38 East 57th Street, New York 22, N. Y. JOHN R. SUMAN, National Chairman WINTHROP W. ALDRICH, National Treasurer JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR., Chairman, National Council I, too, want to help increase the educational opportunity of American youth. I hereby subscribe $___________________________________________ To be paid, in cash or check herewith __________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Date_________________Name___________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ _________________________________________ PLEASE WRITE PLAINLY TO FACILITATE YOUR RECEIPT FOR INCOME TAX DEDUCTION PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND A SHARE IN A UNITED AMERICA DONOR'S RECEIPT United Negro College Fund, Inc. * 1949 Campaign THIS CERTIFIES THAT Miss,Mrs. Mr. __________________________________ Has subscribed $ ______________________________ Paid Herewith $ _______________________________ __________________ ____________________________ Date Committee Member MEMBER INSTITUTIONS OF THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. Atlanta University Johnson C. Smith University Samuel Huston College Benedict College Knoxville College Shaw University Bennett College Lane College Spelman College Bethune-Cookman College LeMoyne College Talladega College Bishop College Lincoln University Texas College Clark College Livingstone College Tillotson College Dillard University Morehouse College Tougaloo College Fisk University Morris Brown College Tuskegee Institute Gammon Theological Seminary Paine College Virginia Union University Hampton Institute St. Augustine's College Wiley College Xavier University Designations to individual colleges are permissible, but not necessary, because the colleges themselves have formulated an equitable plan for the division of campaign proceeds. Feb. 3, 1930 RECEIVED from Mrs. Mary Church Terrell One and no/100 -----------------Dollars Oberlin Chicago Woman's Club 1929-30 $1.00 Mrs. Sidney (?) (9-20-50) MONTGOMERY WARD 6501 ROOFING-SIDING PROPOSAL NO. [6502] FOR 806 Name Mrs. Mary Church Terrell STORE STAMP Street & No. 1615 S street NW City & State Washington 9 Md. Date 9-20 1950 Job Address Highland Beach City & State Md. (Villa Aloha) Salescheck No. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. (hereinafter called Wards) offers to furnish the materials to complete the job as herein indicated and in accordance with the conditions below and on the reverse hereof. ROOFING Main Roof of house All Porch Roof(s) All Extended Roof [Garage R]oof Other Areas to be Covered ??rmer roofs (slight Pitch use roll roofing) Roofing to be Used: Art. No. Thick Butt 216 # persq. Color Any Type 3 in 1 T?b Starter: Art. No. " " " " " Color Any Type Ridge and Hips Boston Art. No. same Color Any Lining Material Article No. 451 Type Felt Other Materials: Copper flash Chimney. SIDING Walls to be Covered: All Front Rear Right Side Left Side Extension Walls Siding to be Used: Art. No. Color Type Corners: Art. No. Color Type Lining Material Article No. Type Other Materials: EAVES TROUGH AND DOWNSPOUTS Eaves Trough: Art. No. Size Linear Feet Downspouts: Art. No. Size No. of Spouts Linear Feet Other Materials: All necessary fittings will be included to properly install the eaves trough or downspouts indicated above. Downspouts will be connected to existing drain tile where located within two feet of building walls. Where no drain tile is present, lower end of Downspouts will be finished with an elbow fitting within six inches of the ground to divert water away from foundation. This proposal does not include material for, or installation of, storm sewer or drain tile. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS AND MANNER OF INSTALLATION use eave edging at ?ake of eaves (Terms may be arranged 10% Down ballance 30 month!) Total Cash Price $519.00 Add for Tax $ Sub. Total $519.00 Deduct Down Payment $ Unpaid Cash Balance $ Add Carrying Charges $ Unpaid Monthly Payment Balance $ TERMS PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE AS INDICATED BELOW Total cash amount, including tax, if any, or un- paid cash balance payable within 30 days after- Delivery of Materials. Signing Completion Certificate Unpaid Monthly Payment balance payable according to terms shown on Monthly Payment Contract No. with payments starting 30 days after- Delivery of Materials. Signing Completion Certificate. F.H.A. Financing through- Name of Lending Agency ACCEPTANCE The terms and conditions of the proposal are subject to acceptance by the customer and approval by Wards Credit and Engineering Departments. CHANGES Customer shall provide Wards additional signed orders when requesting changes in these specifications. INSTALLATION Does this proposal include installation of these materials? Answer Yes or No Yes Date Accepted 19 Accepted by { Mr. Customer {Mrs. Submitted by { (Salesman) { Keais Accepted for { Wards by { Store Manager 24203 ORIGINAL THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. 55 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 3, N. Y. M. O. DEPT. ORDER# 1525 AM DATE 9/1 I COLORED WOMAN WHITE WORLD TERRELL MRS. MARY CHURCH TERRELL 1615 S. ST,N.W. WASHINGTON,D.C. OVER THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. - WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS PLEASE SEND IMMEDIATELY WITH BILL, ,OR CANCEL AND REPORT. DO NOT SHIP OTHER THAN YOUR OWN PUBLICATIONS. C.O.D. SHIPMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. MARK PACKAGE AND BILL "Mail Order, 4th Floor" PLEASE SUPPLY BOOKS ORDERED ON OTHER SIDE OF THIS FORM AT WHOLESALE DISCOUNT OR CANCEL AND SEND QUOTATION. Books exceeding $10.00 list are to be quoted unless price is noted on order. DO NOT BACK ORDER All goods ordered by us are to be supplied only if they have been produced in conformity with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. OVER BILLING DATE PREVIOUS BALANCE CHARGES RETURNS PAYMENTS BALANCE DUE DEC 20 50 .00 2.04 18.84 S- 18.84 M Chk 2.55 1-19-51 9.18 1.50 .51 3.06 THIS DATE REPRESENTS THE END OF THE ONE MONTH BILLING PERIOD COVERED BY THIS STATEMENT. ANY PAYMENTS OR RETURNS MADE AFTER THIS DATE WILL BE CREDITED ON NEXT MONTH'S STATEMENT. IN ORDER TO INSURE PROMPT AND ACCURATE CREDITING OF PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS. PLEASE ENCLOSE BILLHEAD WITH REMITTANCE. FOR CONVENIENCE IN VERIFYING THE AMOUNTS LISTED ABOVE THE ORIGINAL SALES CHECKS, CREDIT VOUCHERS AND PAYMENT RECEIPTS ARE ENCLOSED. WOODWARD & LOTHROP GLEASON BELTONE COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS OF Beltone HEARING AIDS SUITE 416, KASS BUILDING 711 FOURTEENTH STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. STERLING 5553 August 1950 Dear Beltone User: Everywhere the price trend is up! Sugar, tires, bread, gasoline, cotton, used cars, radio sets, etc., all are higher. It's just plain hoarding in some cases, natural rises in others. Beltone Hearing Aid prices have not gone up as yet. Besides, we can still offer you a $50.00 trade-in for your old hearing aid on the latest, smallest "Melody" Model Beltone. Of course, this offer may have to be withdrawn at any time. Our Government has asked us not to hoard or be stampeded into scare buying. We just don't want you to think so much about buying things that you forget about yourself. You've thought about your nylons or your tires,-- how about your hearing? We will be happy to examine your hearing aid and make any repairs needed to put it in first class condition, or we will be glad to demonstrate the superiority of our latest, smallest "Melody" Model Beltone. Sincerely, GLEASON BELTONE COMPANY Constance Gleason Constance Gleason (Miss) President CG:ab Beltone HEARING AID ONE OF THE WORLD'S SMALLEST HEARING TESTS PERSONAL FITTING SERVICE INSTRUMENT SERVICE BATTERIES, CORDS, ACCESSORIES Your old Hearing Aid is worth $50! The Gleason Beltone Company is now making an unusual offer to the Hard-of-Hearing of a $50.00 allowance on your present hearing aid. ACT NOW: THIS OFFER IS NOT GOOD AFTER AUGUST 31, 1950. IF YOU WILL BRING IN YOUR PRESENT HEARING AID, REGARDLESS OF AGE, MODEL OR CONDITION, THE GLEASON BELTONE COMPANY WILL ALLOW YOU $50.00 TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF OUR LATEST MODEL The Tiny BELTONE "MELODY" MODEL HEARING AID It's Lighter...Thinner Clearer...More Powerful and NO RECEIVER BUTTON NEED SHOW IN THE EAR is worth $50! The Gleason Beltone Company is now making an unusual offer to the Hard-of-Hearing of a $50.00 allowance on your present hearing aid. ACT NOW: THIS OFFER IS NOT GOOD AFTER AUGUST 31, 1950. IF YOU WILL BRING IN YOUR PRESENT HEARING AID, REGARDLESS OF AGE, MODEL OR CONDITION, THE GLEASON BELTONE COMPANY WILL ALLOW YOU $50.00 TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF OUR LATEST MODEL The Tiny BELTONE "MELODY" MODLE HEARING AID It's Lighter...Thinner Clearer...More Powerful and NO RECEIVER BUTTON NEED SHOW IN THE EAR A Message from Miss Gleason of the Gleason Beltone Company "The Gleason Beltone Company is the only authorized Beltone Hearing Aid Dealer in this area. At the Gleason Beltone Company you will find a complete repair service and batteries are available for all makes of hearing aids. I would like to invite the hard-of-hearing to visit our new offices in SUITE 416 and enjoy a free hearing-aid examination without charge and without obligation." Evenings by appointment. Open Monday Thru Fridays---- 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. We will be closed Saturday during July and August. Phone Sterling 5553. The GLEASON BELTONE Co. KASS BUILDING (SUITE 416) 711--14th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Tel. Sterling 5553 Baker NY 9009- Welfare The Macmillan Company Publishers 1125 cal Rd Campbell [Johnson] -- [Todd Duncan] [Gro??] Harriett -- Julia [Jones??] Hamillton Kindly fill my order for_____cop_ of: Robert Taylor -- Revilla [?]elay Murray: THE NEGRO HANDBOOK, 1949 [???????????] $5.00 a to be sent on 10 days' approval. It is understood that I may return the book within 10 days with no obligation. Laurie L Allen 71026 Plauk{??]tion Ave, Milwaukee Wis [Francis 2100 Pa Ave] Day 315-35 314-357[??] [Co?per] [201?] [??????] Paul [WM] H [???] Witt Ave [??????] Johnson [??????] [????] Hamillton 4134 Please PRINT Name & Address Signature Postage Will Be Paid by Addressee No Postage Stamp Necessary If Mailed in the United States BUSINESS REPLY CARD FIRST CLASS PERMIT No. 348, SEC. 34.9, P.L.&R., NEW YORK, N. Y. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 60 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK 11, N. Y. Mail Service Department NATIONAL WOMAN'S PARTY CAPITOL HILL 144 B STREET, N. E. WASHINGTON, D. C. March 1, 1949 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street N.W. Washington, D.C. Receipt is acknowledged of your check in the amount of $10.00 representing dues from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950. [xxxxxxxxx] $ _________________. Subscription to Equal Rights included.. Please accept thanks. I am sure you know what your support means to the cause of equal rights. Sincerely yours, GLADYS H. GREINER Treasurer Per D.Spinks Since your dues were soon payable, I put your check on through. D.S. [6-21-50] OBERLIN COLLEGE FOUNDED 1833 The Board of Trustees of Oberlin College and the officers of the Alumni Association gratefully acknowledge your gift, just received. Your partnership in the development of the College is heartily welcomed. Dr. Mary C. Terrell '84 $10.00 '50 Alumni Fund Wm P. Davis Treasurer, Oberlin College Robert Keesey General Alumni Secretary 6-21-50 UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND OFFICIAL RECEIPT No 2239 UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. 22 EAST 54TH STREET NEW YORK 22. N. Y. Date: July 3, 1950 The United Negro College Fund thanks you for your subscription of $ 5.00 and payment of $ 5.00 receipt of which is hereby gratefully acknowledged. Winthrop W. Aldrich National Treasurer Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street N. W. Washington 9, D. C. Contributions are deductible for income tax purposes in the manner and to the extent provided by law. [5-12-50] BILLS RENDERED MONTHLY PHONE METROPOLITAN 0415 OFFICE HOURS: 8 TO 10 A. M. 4 TO 6 P. M. To DR. JOSEPH ARTHUR JEFFRIES, DR. 1831 G STREET, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON 6 D. C. May 12th 1950 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, 1615 S Street, N. W. TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED $23 00 Home + Office visits RECEIVED PAYMENT __________________________________ Memorandum of An Agreement; Made this 25th day of September, 1920 by and between William C. [Gornin?] here in after referred to as party of the first part and (Mrs/Mary Church Terrell, here in after referred to as party of the second part, both of the city of Washington, District of Columbia. Witnesseth, that the party of the second part hereby transfers to the party of the first part the sum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) to be used as party of the first part may see fit in conducting the business of the, " Seventh Street Planning", the same being located at 1748 Seventh St. N.W., city of Washington or where ever the same may be transferred to. Witnesseth further that the party of the first part hereby agrees to apply theses funds only as above stipulated and will permit an inspection of the books of the business by the party of the second part at any and all times, and further agrees to furnish to the party of the second part an accurate statement of accounts not less than twice a year in January and July. 2 The party if the first part agrees to pay to the party of the second part; in compensation for the above mentioned transfer of funds, a sum equal to what has been one sixth of the profits of the party of first part the business at such times as the financial condition of the business may warrant, without impairment with continuation. It is mutually agreed and understood that the party of second part shall not be responsible for any debts contracted; or suits brought against the business herein named. It is also mutually understood and agreed that the management of the business shall rest with the party of the first part. It is further understood that the rights and privileges herein named are not transferrable and can not be assigned. This agreement may be terminated upon the mutual consent of each of the parties upon the following conditions; 1st. that the party desiring the termination shall first notify the other party and designate the desired time of discontinuance. 2. Such discontinuance shall not impair the [solvency] of the business by reason of it's briefness. (signed:) [William Gronin], party of the first part. (signed:) Mary Church Terrell_, party of the second part. Columbia 1913 WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct.29-1937 [*FINISHING SANDING SCRAPING LAYING*] TO WITHERSPOON BROTHERS DR Mrs. Mary C. Terrell 2370 Champlain Street, N.W. MODERN DUSTLESS ELECTRIC MACHINES USED [*BLEACHING CLEANING PAINTING WAXING*] Sanded, Scraped and finished 3 rooms, hall and 3 Steps Price $45.00 [*Paid in full*] Jos. Witherspoon PHONE MAIN 1466 STATEMENT PHONE MAIN 1467 VAN COURT RENTAL AGENCY RENTALS AND REAL ESTATE 222-230 BANK OF COMMERCE AND TRUST CO. BLDG. 8 MEMPHIS, Mar.17,1925. FOR ACCOUNT OF Church-Terrell & Cohen Deal, Sale. FROM Church-Terrell TO Cohen. Sale of Lot on Camilla St., By- Credits, Rents Collected Sale price of lot all cash 2500.00 To- Debits, Revenue on Wananty deed 2.50 S & C Taxes for 1924. 12.50 Commission 125.00 Check to Thos Church 1180.00 Check to Mary Church Terrell 1180.00 2500.00 2500.00 [Sept. 1927] OAK PARK REALTY COMPANY 1901 Eighteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. At a recent meeting of the Directors of the Oak Park Realty Company it was decided that the following statement be sent to each member of the company: Sometime ago the stock holders of the Oak Park Realty Company voted to increase its capital stock of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) to Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). There are now about ten shares not taken and the Board of Directors decided to offer these to the present members at their face value of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) each. No stock can be sold to outsiders at any price until all of the present stock holders have had an opportunity to subscribe to the additional issue. You may subscribe for as many as you care to and in case of oversubscrip tion you will be allotted equal shares with the rest of those who may actually subscribe. We are sending you herewith a subscription blank. Kindly fill it out for whatever number of shares you wish. If you do not care for any more, indicate it by writing on the back of the blank that you have all that you care for and return the subscription blank in any event in the enclosed envelope. All shares previously subscribed must be paid for on or before December 1, 1927, and new subscriptions must be paid for on or before March 1, 1928. All new shares must be subscribed for on or before October 1, 1927 and paid for in fullon or before March 1, 1928. J.M. Carter, Sec'y. Washington, D.C., September, 1927 Oak Park Realty Company 1901 Eighteenth Street, N.W. City Gentlemen: I hereby subscribe for _______ shares of stock in the Oak Park Realty Company, par value $250, and agree to pay for same in monthly installments of _______ dollars; all to become payable on the first day of March, 1928. Signature_________ Address___________ AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NEW YORK CITY BRANCH, Inc. 111 EAST 37th STREET NEW YORK 16, N.Y. Mrs. Robert Heberton Terrell 1615 "S" Street, N/W Washington 9, D.C. Dues June 1, 1950-June 1, 1951.............$10.00 Dues Recent Graduates, 1948,1949, 1950..........8.00 Make Checks payable to American Association of University Women, New York City Branch, Inc. Mail with this bill to Treasurer at above address. EXTRACTS FROM BY-LAWS Art. I, Sec. 4. Resignations and Reinstatements. Resignations shall be presented in writing to the treasurer before the beginning of the fiscal year, June 1. If the dues of a member remain unpaid on the following December 1 the delinquent member shall be dropped from membership, but may be reinstated before June 1 on satisfactory explanation of her default to the Board of Directors and on payment of full dues for the current year. Any member who does not resign and whose dues remain unpaid for one full year may be reinstated in any subsequent year upon the payment of the National membership fee of $2.50 in addition to the regular dues of the year. *** Art II, Sec. 2. The names of members still delinquent on October 1 shall be posted on the bulletin board and those member shall receive no further notices of Branch activities. PLEASE REMIT PROMPTLY Chicago APR27 1948 10263 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S. Street N.W. Washington, 9, D.C. W5 Please tear off and return this stub with remittance Your cancelled check and the invoice below will serve as your receipt To The A.N. Marquis Company, Dr. PUBLISHERS 210 East Ohio Street Chicago--11 Ill. U.S.A TERMS: NET 1 Who's Who in America (Vol.25) $12.80 SECOND REQUEST YOUR CHECK WILL BE APPRECIATED [*Telephone Decatur 2600*] INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF RANDALL H. HAGNER & COMPANY INCORPORATED REAL ESTATE 1321 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington 6, D.C. [* Established 1904*] IN ACCOUNT WITH Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S. St. N.W. Washington, D.C. DATE Dec. 12, 1951 FOR INSURANCE POLICIES AS DETAILED BELOW: DATE 12/4/51 COVERAGE $6000. fire insurance on dwelling-1615 S. St., N.W. POLICY 301922 NAME OF COMPANY Commercial Union EXPIRATION 12/4/54 PREMIUM $12.00 FORM NO. 403.2M 2-51 MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE ORDER RANDELL H. HAGNER & CO., INC. [*Jobbing Promptly Done Remolding Estimates Furnished*] LEONARD H. HEITMULLER Registered Plumber and Gasfitter HEATING 1316 SHEPHERD ST., N.W. Washington 11, D.C. [*RAadolph 8879 TAylor 7496*] Mrs. Terrell JAN 27 1951 Jan. 24 To replacing trap under third floor lavatory and replacing three spigot washers 18.00 WASHINGTON SUBURBAN WASHINGTON PLUMBERS ASSOCIATION INC. MEMBER NEVER GO SLUMMING FOR PLUMBING REG. US. PAT. OFF. THANK YOU Mrs. Mary Church Terrell for your contribution of FIVE......Dollars to be used as (check) designated: [checked]Mortgage Debt Scholarship Current Expenses Coal Undesignated Repairs Monthly Pledges--Special Appeals Memorial Gift--Book of Remembrance ONE OF ONE HUNDRED TO GIVE FIVE DOLLARS for the work of the NATIONAL TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS MISS NANNIE H. BURROUGHS, President Lincoln Heights, Washington, D.C. Date March 1, 1945 Signed Nannie H. Burroughs You are a darling friend God Bless You and help you and cause his face to shine upon you. WASHINGTON FEDERATION OF CHURCHES 6358 1751 N STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON 6, D.C. We gratefully acknowledge receipt Jan. 29 1951 of Two and no/100 -----Dollars $ for 1951 contribution [*S.f. Nass?*] TREASURER Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street N.W. Washington, D.C. OBERLIN COLLEGE 3661 A FOUNDED 1833 The Board of Trustees of Oberlin College and the officers of the Alumni Association gratefully acknowledge your gift, just received. Your partnership in the development of the College is heartily welcomed. Mrs. Mary C. Terrell '84 1615 "S' St., N. W. Washington 9, D. C. 6-28-51 $10.00 '51 Alumni Scholarship Fund [*Wm. P. Dawes*] Treasurer, Oberlin College [*Robert Keesey*] General Alumni Secretary THE PRESIDENT AND THE TRUSTEES OF SMITH COLLEGE have received Two year subscription to THE AFRAMERICAN WOMAN'S JOURNAL A GIFT TO THE LIBRARY OF THE COLLEGE from MRS. MARY CHURCH TERRELL for which they return grateful acknowledgement. [*Mary Dunham*] Librarian [*Herbert Davis*] President SMITH COLLEGE LIBRARY Northampton, Massachusetts Date October 31, 1941 OFFICIAL RECEIPT THE LEONARD WOOD MEMORIAL FOR THE ERADICATION OF LEPROSY, INC. (AMERICAN LEPROSY FOUNDATION) METROPOLITAN TOWER, NEW YORK N. Y. A 115689 WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE RECEIPT OF YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION DATE 12-13-43 FORM OF REMITTANCE Check AMOUNT $1.00 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S. St., N. W., Washington, D. C. GENERAL SAMUEL McROBERTS, TREASURER BY [*M. W.*] [?].R.20 WATER REGISTRAR, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER RENT—METER MEASUREMENT [7.3.37] Advance Minn. Rate From this Date Present Reading 4.30.37 752 Previous Reading 4.30.36 650 Consumption 102 Allowance 100 Consumption in Excess of Allowance 2 Charge for Excess Consumption @ 7c. per 100 $14 Advance Min. Rate $875 Amount of Bill $889 MUST BE PAID WITHIN TIME SPECIFIED ACCOUNT NUMBER 7 007 OCCUPANT 326 - T ST. N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. RENDERED 7-3-37 3095 5223 25 PER CENT REDUCTION FISCAL YEARS 1936,37 222 Nonpayment penalty and costs, cut-off, Total, 667 To THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Dr. ALL COMPUTATIONS IN HUNDRED CUBIC FEET Cr. 9451 Water Fund, D. C. WATER RENT PAY TO COLLECTOR OF TAXES, D. C. AUG-24-37 001 n—Chk—M 6.67 PAID—Em [?] Collector of Tax D. C. RATES FOR WATER BY METER MEASUREMENT EXTRACT: WASHINGTON, July 11, 1930. That under the authority vested in the Commissioners of the District of Columbia by Acts of Congress July 14, 1870, June 10, 1879, February 25, 1885, and July 3, 1930, the following rates for water, through meters, are fixed to take effect July 1, 1930, and will continue in force until otherwise ordered: A minimum rate of eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($8.75) per annum in advance will be charged against all consumers supplied with water through meters which allows the use of seven thousand five hundred (7,500) cubic feet (56,100 gallons) of water during the year; water used in excess of this quantity will be charged for at the rate of seven (7) cents a hundred cubic feet. In call cases of failure to pay the annual minimum rate of eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($8.75) within thirty days after the same is due and payable, and the charges for water used in excess of the quantity covered by the payment of $8.75, representing 7,500 cubic feet, within ten days from rendition of bill, the supply shall be cut-off, and the flow not again restored until the water rent is paid, as also the penalty of $2 and costs, if any, incurred by the department in cutting the street for the purpose of shutting off and restoring the supply of water. RECEIPT (Original) March 24, 1944 Received of Mrs, Mary Church Terrell Street 1615 "S" Street, N.W. City Washington State D.C. Five Dollars Personal GIft X [*For which we thank you*] For the NATIONAL TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS, Inc. MISS NANNIE H. BURROUGHS, President LINCOLN HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON, D. C. To help clear the School of the $20,000 Mortgage Debt. Solicitor Street Lincoln Heights City Washington 19 State D.C: I am a member of the "Special National Committee", appointed by the Board of Trustees to solicit contributions in the Drive of the School. [* You are and always have been "constant" & a source of inspiration to me. Nannie*] For Stamps - Week of February 10th Peoples Drug Store Correspondence ........... 55¢ ok Gertrude B. Stone Recd Payment GBS. 2-27-35 [ca 10-30-53] TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF LINCOLN MEMORIAL CEMETERY CORPORATION TAKE NOTICE: That the annual meeting of the stockholders of our corporation will be held at the office of the corporation in Prince Georges County, Maryland, on Monday Nov. 9th, 1953, at 12:o'clock noon for the purposes of electing directors for the ensuing year, and transacting any other business that may come before said meeting. If you cannot attend in person, please sign the enclosed proxy and return it to W. W. Edmunds, 4001 Suitland Road, S. E., Washington, D. C. B.G. Hammer Secretary. PROXY I hereby appoint W. W. Edmunds, B. P. Edmunds and James S. Easley as my proxies, either of whom may act, to vote my stock at the annual meeting of the stockholders of Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Corporation to be held on November 9th, 1953. ____________. Committees of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. CITIZENSHIP Mrs. John Hope, Chairman, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Lethia Fleming, Cleveland, O. Mrs. Bessye J. Bearden, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Ora Brown Stokes, Richmond, Va. Mrs. Bertha Dement, Mineral Springs, Tex. Miss Lou Swarz, St. Louis, Mo. PROGRAM Mrs. John B. Hall, Chairman, Boston, Mass. Mrs. Sue Bailey Thurman, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Gertrude A. Robinson, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Juanita J. Mitchell, St. Paul, Minn. Miss Artimisia Bowden, San Antonio, Tex. Mrs. Sadie Daniel St. Clair, Washington, D. C. INTERRACIAL Mrs. Vivian Carter Mason, Chairman, New York, N. Y. Miss Estelle Fitzgerald, Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Philitus W. Joyce, New York, N. Y. Miss Mae C. Hawes, Washington, D. C. Miss W. Gertrude Brown, Daytona Beach, Fla. Mrs. Sara Price Patton, New York, N. Y. Mrs.Wendell G. Green, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Vivian O. Marsh, Berkeley, Calif. LEGAL ADVISERS Mrs. Eunice Hunton Carter, Chairman, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Edith Sampson, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Sarah P. Speaks, New York, N. Y. Miss Elsie Austin, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Sadie M. Alexander, Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Jane M. Bolin, New York, N. Y. PUBLICITY Mrs. Rebecca Styles Taylor, Chairman, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Julia Bumry Jones, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Mayme Osby Brown, New Orleans, La. Mrs. Thelma Berlack Boozer, New York, N.Y Mrs. C. A. Scott, Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Bertha Perry Rhodes, Philadelphia, Pa. HEALTH Mrs. Mable K. Staupers, Chairman, Flushing, N. Y. Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, Washington, D. C. Miss Helen Cromer, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Pereta Scott, Pelham, N. Y. Dr. Eudora Ashburn, Chicago, Ill. FINANCE COMMITTEE Mrs. Abbie M. Johnson, Chairman, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Margaret D. Bowen, New Orleans, La. Mrs. Oneida Cockrell, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Lola M. Parker, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Addie W. Dickerson, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Mabel K. Staupers, New York, N. Y. WOMEN'S ARCHIVES COMMITTEE Mrs. Dorothy B. Porter, Chairman, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Sadie Daniel St. Clair, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Sue Bailey Thurman, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter Brooks, New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hallie Q. Brown, Wilberforce, Ohio Mrs. John W. Davis, Institute, W. Va INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Mrs. H. L. McCrorey, Chairman, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Cecelia C. Saunders, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Portia Trenholm, Montgomery, Ala. Mrs. Addie W. Dickerson, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Marjorie Holloman Parker, Washington, D. C. AREA REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. Margaret D. Bowen, New Orleans, La. Mrs. Estelle Massey Riddle, St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, Sedalia, N. C. Mrs. Christine Smith, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. L. T. Alexander, Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. S. Joe Brown, Des Moines, Ia. Mrs. Lena Wilson, Los Angeles, Calif. THE JOURNAL is publishing in the summer issue a directory of Negro business and professional women in every state in the union. Will Council members help us to locate the women in business and professions in your state? Also THE WOMAN"S EXCHANGE-a service department of the journal, in charge of the sale of women's handicrafts (lovely quilts, embroideries, needlepoint, knitting, crocheting, etc.) begins in the next issue. Do you do fine work that the woman's exchange could sell for you? Subscription Blank THE AFRAMERICAN WOMAN"S JOURNAL 2017 Eleventh Street, N. W. L. J. Y. Washington, D. C. Please find enclosed $1.00 for subscription to the Journal for one year. Name Mrs. Pearl Ransom Address 231 Hancock St City or State Brooklyn New York [H?] H H [Aug 1930] No. 4554 Grand Hotel National - Strasbourg Note-Restaurant Table No. 19 1/2-53 12._ Service 1.50 .. [?] -13.50 6:75-25- 3 00 23-20 9 1-80 4-50 23-20 [Aug. 1930] AU DEPART ARTICLES DE VOYAGE Maroquinerie fine Au Depart 10, Rue de Bourg, 10 LAUSANNE Telephone 29.951 Cheques postaux II.569 A. RUTTIMANN Note pour M M Terrell Hotel Balmoral rep: la loi free l'eau luisk case 1.50 Lausanne, le 23/7 1930 Pour acquit: A. Ruttimann [JEKaeser?] 3 0099 Gulden 1 and 5 or 48 or Flor[n?] 10 gulden 40 4.00 [Aug 1930] Aldrick St. Leonards Road Croydon Temple Bar 8346 n. 54 1/2 chianti 16- 1/2 st Julrin 11- 27 Service 2.70 Tasa 3% .80 30.50 [Aug.1930] To Mrs. Mary Church Terrell No. F - 201515 Motel Richepause Shipping and [?] nos. Cook & Son, Forwarding Dept., Registre du Commerce Seine no 78551 [*14 rue Richepause*] SERVICE DES EXPEDITIONS [?] oasis OFFICE [?]rais sur [?] colis espedie par - Vitesse. [?]ges on package forwarded per s d [*Marques. Marks. No add Kilos - D. 6792 Pour toute correspondance veuillez envoyer cette facture au Bureau Central, Service des expeditions, 70/77, Cowcross Street, London, ' E.C. 1. In case of enquiry, please forward this invoice to Chief Freight Office, 70/77, Cowcross Street, London, E.C. 1.*] Compte du bureau de ao. 2/6 = 1570 Charges forward from Droits de douane et d'Octroi [?]. stat.Red 220 Customs and Octroi Duties Port de lettres 300 Postages, etc. Transport paye a l'arrivee Railway Carriage from Magasinage a la gare Warehouse Rent at Station Fraise de frontiere Frontier Dues (way bill) [*Nos frais pour - Our charges for*] Camionnage x clearance 750 Cartage Manutention en douane, acquit, timbres et statistique Expenses at Custom House, Cleaning, etc. Embarquement, acquit et connaissement Shipping, Bonding, Bill of Lading, etc. Debarquement, frais de place, acquit et timbres Landing, Bonding, Stamps, etc. Transport a de to from Station Through Rate Domicile Kilos a par 100 Kilos Expedition, soins, etc. Expedition and Attendance Quittance et Decharges 075 Fcs 2915 [*2G0750 [?]*] The Baker & Taylor Co. 55 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. DATE 10/11/19 Our records indicate that we have had no response to our Order (s) #1525 Dated 9/1/ For 1 Colored Woman White World Terrell Would appreciate immediate shipment or report and cancellation of order. Thanks. Mail Order Dept. The Baker & Taylor Co. RAHWAY, NJ OCT 12 630 AM 1950 U.S. POSTAL CARD ONE CENT 1 JEFFERSON 1 THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS Mrs Mary Church Terrell 1615 S St. N W Washington D C Grande assortimento in Pelliccerie - Ombrelli Pelletterie e Valigerie Ditta Ciampi Firenze Via Calzaiuoli N. 8 Articoli per Regali Specialita in Cuoi Artistici Fiorentini Prezzi di fabbrica T. LINARI & F.-P. CAPMINE [?]-FIRENZI 15-80 WASHINGTON, D.C. Jan. 5 1953 NO. Munsey Trust Company [SECURITY SAVINGS AND COMMERCIAL BANK] PAY TO THE ORDER OF Washington Fellowship $10.00 Ten ----------------------------------- DOLLARS Mary Church Terrell 1615 S St. N.W. [?????] Washington Fellowship 1734 F St.NW Wash. 6, D.C. NAME Mary Church Terrell ADDRESS 1615 S St. N.W PHONE No. 7-3691 Amount of pledge 10.00 Paid herewith Jan. 5 _ 1953 [Balance due] Date Jan 5 _ 1953 Signed Mary Church Terrell Contributions to the Fellowship are tax exempted. The price after publication of the new Volume II will be [WHO'S WHO BIOGRAPHEE] $15.00 (with 25 cents on account of shipping and delivery RESTRICTED ORDER FORM costs additional) but a discount of 30% is allowed to those (Valid only if used by or on behalf of "Who's Who" placing advance orders, making the net billed delivered price biographee named in the accompanying sketch. $10.70 to them. If so desired, remittance with the order may be made at an additional 4% discount - $10.10 net to compensate Date ___________________________________________ for clerical savings. Because of unusual reconversion THE A.N. MARQUIS COMPANY conditions restricting post-publication printing, in the case Chicago - II U.S.A. of Volume II these discounts will be extended to orders from a business or institution received on this blank. PRE-PUBLICATION Please ship (on publication and as directed by the checked square(s) following) ___cop____of the new Volume II WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST at $10.70 each, your customary biographees' pre-publication price affording a 30% (see note in box in corner above) discount (all delivery charges to be prepaid). Check attached ($10.10 each-see notation above.) Bill business or institution named below. Bill me. Requisition or purchase form attached or will follow. Please Print Out Your Name __________________________________________________________Your Signature __________________________________________ FOR SHIPPING AND BILLING BUSINESS OR INSTITUTION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print out) ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Street (Please Print out) ___________________________________________________________________________City ___Zone___State (Please Print Out) [next page] Ford 6-31 M THIS IS AN ORDER 5-3-1949 SEND VIA BOOK MAIL TO: THE CENTRAL NEWS COMPANY SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE PHILADELPHIA 6, PA. CHARGE AND SEND ORIGINAL INVOICE TO: THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, Inc. 131 Varick Street, New York 13, N.Y. SHOW on INVOICE name of Branch to which shipped and ORDER NO. Me308474 ENCLOSE DUPLICATE INVOICE with shipment. 2 A Colored Woman in a White World Terrell REPORT PROMPTLY TO THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, INC. IF UNABLE TO SUPPLY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ransdwll, Inc. (?) 810 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. Washington, D.C. ublisher D. C. Randell, Inc. [5-6-49] Please ship To--William M. Bains via Parcel Post } 1617 Sansom St. Philadelphia 3, Pa. Author and title and quantity 1 - Terrell - A Colored Woman In A White World --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Order # 120 THIS IS AN ORDER FROM THE J.K. GILL CO. WHOLESALE Booksellers, Stationers and Music Dealers 408 S. W. FIFTH AVENUE Portland 4, Oregon, AUG. [11], 9 1950 MRS. MARY CHURCH TERRELL 1615 "S" STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. PLEASE SEND VIA PARCEL POST BOOK RATE IMPORTANT--Package and Invoice Must Be Marked DEPT. V THE J.K. GILL CO., By M. MATTECHECK If you cannot supply within Sixty Days of receipt of order cancel and notify. I TERRELL: ACOLORED WOMAN IN A WHITE WORLD BILL OR REPORT BY AUTHOR PLEASE BACK-ORDER DO NOT INSURE Ransdell INC. 810-16 RHODE ISLAND AVE., Terrell, Colored woman in a white world. WASH. DC. 1940 1 copy 3/4/49 PLEASE SEND ABOVE IMMEDIATELY WITH BILL AT BEST TRADE DISCOUNT PLEASE REPORT IF NOT AVAILABLE STECHERT-HAFNER, INC. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS 31 EAST 10TH STREET, NEW YORK 3, N. Y. PHONE OREGON 4-6210 1 DEC 31 '52 DIRECT 47063 Copies Agency Lothrop Do not use this space Order number Author Terrell, Mary Church RUSH HANDLING TitleA colored woman in a white world RUSH Publisher Washington, D.C., Ransdell, Inc. 810 - 16 Rhode Island Ave, N. E. Date 1940 Ed. Vols. Price 2.50 Call No. Trade Sourcenot in BIP Supply 1 Please return this card if order is filled or cancelled. Do Mark all packages, copy if no NOT return if order is held. invoices and correspondence number is Address: DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY with given 5201 WOODWARD AVENUE order number given above DETROIT 2, MICHIGAN above. O-7 This mailing label is enclosed for your convenience. The number printed on it will expedite receipt of this material. To: RUSH HANDLING Detroit Public Library 5201 Woodward Detroit 2, Michigan X G 47063 O-3 DEC 31 '52 DIRECT 47063 Kindly send us the books or other materials listed on the attached slips. Put order number on all invoices, reports and packages. Please extend regular library discount. Return these slips with invoice in duplicate. Yours very truly, DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY 5201 Woodward Avenue Detroit 2, Michigan RUSH HANDLING O-10 Return Postage Guaranteed CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO. One South State Street . Chicago 23 Chicago FEB 22 8 PM 1941 ILL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE FOR DEFENSE POSTAGE 1 CENT Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 "S" St. Washington, D.C. ORDER No. T 23621 CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO. Retail Section 167 ONE SOUTH STATE STREET F47B CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DATE 2-21-41 Please ship at once via P.P. and enclose copy of invoice with package. 2-A Colored Woman in a White World Terrell $2.50 PLEASE REPORT ON UNFILLED TITLES CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO. A Book Section By. RBH #20 Nov 24/ 41 A COLORED WOMAN IN A WHITE WORLD 1 copy...Dr. Ruby, Georgetown University..To be paid by Ransdell Inc... 10/16/41.. (JHA).. 1 copy... American Baptist Publication Society, Chicago House, 72 E. Randolph St., Chicago, Ill..... 10/18/41 1 copy... The American News Company, Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N.Y. 10/18/41 1 copy... The American News Company, Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N.Y. 10/ 21/41 1 copy... The American Baptist Publication Society, 72 E. Randoph St., Chicago, Illinois...10/22/41 1 copy...The American Baptist Publication Society, 1701-1703 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa...10/23/41 1 copy...The Carroll E. Whittemore Associates, Inc., 16 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass... 10/23/41 1 copy...The American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia, PA...10/24/41 1 copy... The Baker & Taylor Co., 55 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y... 10/29.41 Paid 2 copies...The Baker & Taylor Co., 55 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y...10/29/41 Paid 1 copy...The Baker & Taylor Co., 55 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y....10/29/41 Paid 1 copy... The J. K. Gill Co., 408 S. W. Fifth Ave., Portland, Oregon... 10/29/41 Paid 1 copy... A.C. Vroman, Inc., 469 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif...10/30/41 1 copy...American News Company, Inc., 131 Varick St., N.Y.C., N.Y...11/3/41 1 copy...The American Baptist Publication Society, 1701 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penna...11/8/41 1 copy...Whittemore's, 16 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass...11/10/41 1 copy...A. C. McClurg & Co., 333 E. Ontario St., Fort Dearborn Station, Chicago, Illinois...11/17/41 1 copy...Duluth Glass Block Store Co., Duluth, Minn...11/17/41 1 copy...The Baker & Taylor Co., 55 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y... 11/19/41 1 copy... Mrs. J. E. Wovefolk, 2836 Myrtle, Oakland, California...11/22/41 PAID 1 copy...The American News Company, Inc., 131 Varick St., N. Y. C... 11/24/41 1 copy...The Baker & Taylor Co., 55 Fifth Ave. at 12th St., N. Y. C... 11/24/41 23 copies- All Sales DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY GRAND CHAPTER (Incorporated) No. __________________ STATEMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES December 17, 1945 Date Soror Mary Church Terrell requests transportation to Richmond, Virginia Name from Washington D.C. for the purpose of: attending the 18th Convention of ΔΣΘ [Delta Sigma Theta] Sorority as Parliamentarian FARE--- Round Trip via __________________________ $ ______________ Tax $ ______________ Pullman ________________________________ $ ______________ Tax $ ______________ Per diam allowances ____________________ $ ______________ (To be entered by Secretary) __________________ TOTAL _____ $ _________________ Approved: Mae W. Downs, President __________________ Secretary __________________ Treasurer PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS 1. PLEASE SHOW OUR PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ON INVOICES PACKAGES AND ALL SHIPPING PAPERS. 2. MAIL INVOICE ON DAY OF SHIPMENT. 3. PUT PACKING LIST IN EACH PACKAGE. 4. 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