SPEECHES & WRITINGS FILE Address for the Maryland Committee for Peace, Oct. 6, 1950 Address For the Maryland Committee for Peace, Baltimore, Oct. 6, 1950 It is always a pleasure for me to meet with an organization whose members are trying to advance the interests of their fellow man, either by introducing something new or by trying to preserve something old which is in danger of being, injured, discarded or destroyed. In coming to Baltimore tonight, however, my pleasure is increased one hundred fold, because the news I read in the Washington Post Tuesday, September 26, makes me feel that I am in the presence of supermen and superwomen, because only supermen and superwomen could have accomplished what the Maryland Committee for peace lead by its progressive forceful, youthful president Gunther Wertheimer is reported to have done. Sometime ago, the newspaper stated, the Maryland Peace Committee had arranged to see Jacob A. Malik, the well-known Russian Diplomat. In the first place I was stunned to learn that anybody was so imaginative as to dream it was possible to see Mr. Malik, who as [is well all] everybody knows is a very busy man who has not established a reputation for [being] socialability or for being easy to see. I had no idea I would ever meet [see] in the flesh anybody who had the courage, actually to try to stand in Mr. Makik's presence, and if such an impossibility should happen by chance, nobody could have made me believe that any human being would have the monumental audacity to dare to ask Mr. Malik any questions. But, of course, miracles are happening every day, and nothing illustrates that better than that Mr. Malik was courteous and obliging enough not only to see the Maryland Committee for Peace, but also to answer the questions he was asked. According to the press, there were four questions. Number 1. "Will your government pledge that it will not be the first to use the Atomic bomb?" 2-Do you favor general disarmament and the outlawing of atomic weapons by all nations under a strict system of central inspection administered through the United Nations? 3-Do you favor (or will you agree) to a meeting between the top leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union to negotiate their differences to help achieve full peace? 2 4-Do you favor the free interchange of ideas and information between the peoples of the two countries in order to achieve the understanding that is necessary to an enduring peace? It is impossible to place too high an estimate upon what we actually accomplished by the successful effort made by President Wertheimer and the Maryland Committee of Peace. It was the first time, recently at least that a Russian of Mr. Malik's rank and importance has said officially that he favors a meeting between the top leaders. Of course the inference is that by top leaders he meant a conference between President Tryman and Prime Minister Stalin. Considering the disturbing conditions which face not only the United States but a large part of the whole world we have a right to be encouraged that Malik received the Maryland Committee for Peace. This is the first time Mr. Malik has allowed his comments to be given to the press. He personally telephoned the Associated Press to tell the world what he had said, the first time that the Soviet Delegation has gone so far as to give publicity to questions asked by a Peace Committee in the United States and the answers given. Mr. Malik, not only favored a meeting between President Truman and Prime Minister Stalin, between United States and Russian officials for broad scale negotiations on all differences, but he offered a plege that Russia would not use the atom bomb first. Again I say we should be encouraged, because it is axiomatic that no member of the Russian Foreign Office acts without his chief's approval and permission. Of course there are Doubting Thomases who wonder if what they call Malik's sweet talk means anything. [*The Mind-Readers say*] They say he knew MacArthur had landed and had advanced across middle Korea [*in a pincer movement*] in a pincer movement to cut off the North Korean Amy and crush it between the two United Nations forces. so he thought it was time to be a good boy. But no matter what the Doubting Thomases or the Mind-Readers think I want right here and now to take my hat off to the President and the Maryland Peace Committee ofx I want to express my gratitude to them, for when they were persistent and clever enough to beard the lion in his den, so to speak, they made an invaluable contribution to peace, no matter whether the Doubting Thomasew think so or not. The Moscow newspapers 3 gave it their top place in the newspapers. That described the Maryland Peace Committee with Mr. Malik as taking place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. They said the meeting expressed the desire for peace whoch the great mass of American people want very much. If the Maryland Peace Committee had done nothing else but impress the Russian people with the fact that the American people want peace, their efforts would have been well worth while. for those who are in a position to know the facts say the Russian people are being continually told that the people in the United States love to fight above everything else and are trying to provoke Russia to way. The Russian press published the questions which Mr. Malik was asked and said they were asked in the name of the city of Baltimore and of Maryland, the State. It is impossible to overestimate the good which may be done by giving the Russian people behind the iron curtain this information about the people in the United States. and their desire for peace. It is impossible to overestimate the good which may be done by telling the Russian people as Mr. Werthheimer has done through the statement presented to Malik that the strengthening of friendship between the peoples of the Soviet Union and the United States, not only is the burning wish of the people of Maryland but of all the American people. With all my heart I congratulate the President, the Committee which met Mr. Malik and the members of the Maryland Committee for peace. Let the good work go on. Generally speaking there is no doubt that practically the whole world hopes for a durable peace. The world is tired of dangers and war-like tensions which have held it in their terrible grip for at least four of five years. Under prevailing conditions, with human nature as it is, if anyone should ask you if you think it is possible to have peace in the world, what would you say? In replying to the question it would be necessary for you to remember of course that there are many races of human beings in the world who differ in complexions, apparently in native ability in disposition, some of whom are strong and some of them weak. The world calls some of the races superior and some inferior. The strongest and richest of what are considered [called] the superior races have developed a system called "Colonialism" 4 "Colonialism", by which they hold in subjection the weaker groups, from whom they take their land, often full of valuable products of one kind or another, sometimes silver, gold and diamonds, and grow richer day by day, while many of the natives live in want and some of them nearly starve. Sometimes these superior races invade the countries of the weaker races under the pretext of "civilizing them", occasionally they stir up a war with the natives which with powerful weapons they win, because the natives know nothing about civilized warfare and have only crude weapons with which to fight. It is unnecessary for me to consume your time giving a list of such cases, for they are well known. For 100 years India was held by Great Britain which kept the natives in subjection and cold-bloodedly appropriated the most valuable products the country possessed. In addition to having the major portion of their wealth stolen from them, while England grew richer and richer year by year, many of the natives lived in wretched squalorand a number of them starved, and some of them were subjected to indignities of various kinds and were often the victims of injustice and cruelty beyond belief. They were given to understand they belonged to an inferior race and should not consider themselves the social equals of the British. Colonization has made Holland one of the richest countries in the world. From time immemorial she has been appropriating to herself valuable products from the natives to whom they rightfully belonged. We all know the story of the Indonesian Republic which Holland overturned Heaven and earth to destroy. Eritrea once an Italian Colony stolen from Ethiopia is now being administered by Great Britain . After I went to Zurich Switzerland, in 1919, to deliver an address for the Woman's International League for Peace and Freedom Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wells invited me to spend a week end in with them in a suburb near London. While I was in London I made up my mind I would have a visit with Heile Selassie who lived in Bath, after he fled from Ethiopia, if [it] he would consent to seeing me. He graciously appointed a day and hour for me to come to see him. It is a great temptation for me to talk about Haile Selassie, [how he looks every inch a king, but I] 5 looks every inch a King, but I shall resist it. I did not tear passion to tatters, but I told the then ex-Emperor of Ethiopia that right minded, justice loving people all over the world considered Italy a high way robber, sympathized deeply with Ethiopia and hoped that some day somehow justice would triumph in the end. In spite of the fact that at that time there did not seem even a remote chance that Haile Selassie would ever regain his throne the gave me distinctly to understand that that he expected one day to be able to return to Ethiopia as the Emperor. And now at Lake Success Eritrae is being discussed and we have a right to hope that justice will prevail and Ethiopia will regain Eritrae of which she was robbed. It would take an interminable time to give even a slight idea of the millions of millions of which Africa with her mountains of gold, diamond and valuable products of various kinds has been robbed by Great Britain, France, Portugal and other countries of the world. [Even if I had the time I would not care] the cruel, brutal treatment of to describe here tonight the injustices of various kinds of which the natives of South Africa have been the helpless victims and the brutal treatment most disgraceful episodes relating to the degeneracy of civilized people to which they have been and today re being subjected. Several months which history records. and injured by the British police ago many African mine workers were killed at [?nigi], Nigeria, South Africa. because they went on a strike to get a wage of 80 cents a day. For years they had been working in the mines for .40 a day, while workmen in other racial groups who were doing much less difficult and dangerous work were paid $2.50 a day and more. I shall simply refer briefly to the manner in which the natives are being treated in South Africa right now. At the head of the South African nationalist party now today is a man who has boasted that if liberal people thought the natives were badky treated by Jan Smuts, who wa at the head of the United Party a long time ago, he would h=show them what harsh treatment really is. He and his party are definitely committed to White Supremacy and they have divided South Africa into compartments, so and the natives are forced to live in sections assigned to them to speak according to the color of their skins. The enclosures They are forced to live in enclosures far removed from the other races. The natives have no yoive whatever in their government and are completely disfranchised. the penalties imposed upon the natives who violate a law, some of which reduce them from the status of human beings to that of slaves 6 are heavy and terrible indeed. Compared with the treatment to which the South African is subjected colored people in Mississippi live in a perfect heaven on earth. Malan and his party are telling the world they dont care what people think or say. There is no doubt this inhuman party will blow up and those responsible for it will receive their just desserts. Do you think there can be much peace in South Africa. The same thing is happening in Indo China. The French have taken the country from the natives who have been fighting desperately for four or fi five years trying to keep their country for themselves. The French are now in a much better position then they were last year, because the United States has sent the French a large quantity of war material which is being used against the Indo Chinese now. According to a pact between the two countries the United States is pledged to send the French in Indo China $50 millions worth of military equipment, including tanks and planes. We are all sorry, I am sure, that our government has promised to help another government to dispossess and racial group of their own land. So far as the countries across the sea are concerned it is natural that we should wonder whether it is possible to bring peace to them. I am glad to tell you that there is one way, and only one way to start a movement for peace, and Prime Minister Nehru has told us exactly how to do it. In discussing the inroads which Communism has made upon Asia, he expl plains it by saying that Communism in Asia is due entirely to the fact that the people of Asia want to be free and independent, that they are tired of being dominated by foreign powers. He does not call the powers by name, but it is not hard to guess to whom he refers. He warns these powers that the people of Asia desperately want their freedom, are determined to have it hate Colonialism, that the more the powers ignore Asia's desire for freedom the more these victims of Colinislism will join and cling to the Communist party. In other words if the Western powers want Asia to reject Cimmunism they must stop forcing their will upon the people, allow them to be free and independent and have governments of their own. In short, the victim of Colonialism want the Western powers to adopt toward them a policy 7 of justice , rather than one of force. I am sure that everybody here tonight agrees that if the world or any portion of the world really wants peace, respect for the diginity of human beings and justice toward them without regard to race or color are the only means to that much to be desired end. "No matter how much money the Western Powers send Asia", said Nehru in an interview he allowed to be published, "arms and money alone will to win the heart of Asia," There is only one way to win Asia's heart [can be won by] and and that is by helping her people to put an end to Colonialism which they hate. Nehru has recently referred several times specifically to the case of Indo China and has urged the Western Powers to stop supporting Bao Dai who is trying to steal the land from the Indo Chinese and whom France is backing as Emperor of Viet Nam. "The desire of the people of Indo China to be independent is natural", said Nehru and should be respected, and no outside help should be given to bolster up the colonial regime." Surely the people of the United States should understand and sympathize with the desire of the people of Indo China to be free and independent since our own country was founded on that same desire and determination to be free from the tyranny of a stronger power even though we had to fight the revolutionary [to] war to satisfy that desire. After seeing that in other countries injustice to human beings is the cause of the unrest, unhappiness and hatred which makes it impossible to have peace, it is our duty as citizens who love our country to ask ourselves whether under conditions obtaining here today it is possible for us to have peace in the United States . Last May 703 delegates attended the MidCentury Conference for Peace in Chicago. They met to appeal to the American people to stop the cold war, declared that war between the Soviet Union and the United States was not inevitable, and called upon their fellow Americans to enter the Crusade for Peace. The delegates to the Mid Century Conference for Peace called for personal and individual dedication and the concerted action of all groups groups, societies , parties and organizations to set the issue of peace above all others. A program of activity was adopted which lack of time prevents me from outlining tonight. But there is one statement in this program to which I wish especially to draw your attention. "The protection of civil liberties," says this program "is intertwined with the full and frank discussion of the problems of peace. We therefore Protest 7 1/2 No racial group in the United States should protest more strongly and loudly againsy Colonialism than those of us who have African blood in our veins. Colonialism is holding more Afrigans in ignorance degradation and slavery than any other racial group. According to reliable statistics 72,320,000 native people in Africa alone, inhabitating a territory of 4,038,888 square miles live in bondage made more terrible by British decaption, exploitation and terror. For years the Netherlands has hold in bondage nearly 80,000,000 people. in the East Indies, and in South America. The French Government is today attacking the people of Viet Nma and expois millions of people in its colonies in Asia and Africa. Belgium holds the people of the Congo in bondage. Portugal is holding in subjection and ignorance 9 million Africans in Portugese Guiana, Congola, [Mozabigue] Mozambigue, Cape Verde Islands , San T Tome and Principa. With so many helpless human beings the victims of Colonialism, it is the duty of people who call themselves civilized to start a holy crusade against [the] a system so cruel and unjust. 8 We therefore protest all violations of civil rights. The program urges the people of the country to do everything in their power to prevent the occurrence of anything which result in unreasoning anti-Semitism in our own country and the development of prejudice against other tacial and religious minorities. It is most encouraging to see that the delegates to a conference on Peace realize that even if it is possible to avert war with Russia, it is impossible to have peace in the United States, so long as 15,000,000 people are deprived of the rights, privileges, immunities and opportunities to which they are entitled by the Constitution of the United States. Especially in this violation of the Constitution countenanced and [*practiced*] sanctioned in that section of the country where the majority of that racial group live [*who*] which are the victims of this lawlessness and injustice. The truth of the matter is that 3/4 of the sections of the country which claim to believe in Democracy are completely dominated by 1/4. which openly, brazenly boasts that it will not observe the laws of the land. In the Congress of the United States are senators and representatives who have been illegally elected because thousands of the States which they represent have been disfranchised- they have not been allowed to cast their ballots because of their race. There are many who wonder whether laws passed in a legislature, some of whose members have been ilgally elected are valid. I do not wish to be an alarmist , especially a meeting called to consider peace, but I feel it is my duty to call attention to the fact that, even though it is possible to keep peace with other countries, so as to avoid going to war, it is impossible to keep peace here at home, unless those who really believe in Democracy join together to practice it, to make it a rule of our lives, and join together to to [make] prevent the enemies of Democracy from violating its priciples and precepts. There isreason to fear that some of the basic American freedoms, such as free speech, free assembly, free press and free petition are in grave danger. From the Atlantic to the Pacific the hard-won Bill of Rights is under attack. Many good citizens were discouraged at the speed with which the Communist Control Bill was passed and at the speed with which the Senate and the House of Representatives overrode th 9 President Truman's veto, although he plead with Senators and Representatives to vote against the bill which he said was a great mistake, because it would help the communists and not hurt them and that it would make a mockery of our Bill of Rights and of our claims to stand for freedom in the world. Those who love our country should do everything in their power to preserve its good name. We know that the eyes of the world are upon our practices and our behavior, especially in the District of Columbia, the Capital of the United States, called the Greatest Democracy on earth. The world knows that colored people in the District of Columbia are discrinated against and segregated. In its printed report the Committee on Civil Rights appointed some time ago by the President declared "The District of Columbia should sybbolize to our citizens and to the people of all countries our great tradition of civil liberty. Instead it is a graphic illustration of a failure of Democracy. As the seat of our federal government under the authority of Congress , the failure of the District is the failure of all of the people." Permit me to mention briefly two incidents two incidents which illustrate graphically the truth of this statement. The Sesquicentennial Committee decided to have scenes from "The Faith of Our Fathers" performed in the public schools of the District, which as you all know are segregated. When 12 white actors and 2 colored actors appeared at the Anancostia High School to enact the scenes assigned to them, the pricipal of the school told them they could not appear. Dr. Corning, Superintendent of the Public Schools told the principal she did exactly right, and that she could have done nothing else under the circumstances. Although there is no rule forbidding the appearance of mixed groups in our public schools, Superintendent declared it just hadn't happened before. However, the First Assistant Principal of the Colored School immediately issued to the principals of colored schools an order that under no circumstances would an all white or an all colored group of actors be allowed to present scenes from the dram As exhibit number 2 of the way we behave in the Capital of the Greatest Democracy on Earth I want to refer to the decision rendered by Judge Myers in the Municipal Court of several months ago.. when he declared that an old 10 law passed in 1872 and 73 by the then existing Legislature in the District of Columbia which imposed a fine upon proprietors of hotels or restaurants who refused to serve well-appearing and well-behaved colored people on account of their race was invalid by implication. It is hard [to imageinega] to imagine a more inopportune time for Juge Myers to render this decision [for at that time] permitting proprietors of hotels and restaurants to refuse to accommodate and serve colored people, at that time [for] this country was just beginning a desperate struggle with Korea, inhabited by colored people, as you know, who reporters tell us hate [colored] white people people. At this very minute there are four human beings whose faces are black, [yellow] brown or [brown] yellow to every one whose face is white. That means that four fifths of the world's population are colored people. It is a well-known fact that Russia is assidulously cultivating the friend ship of colored people of the world so that she can count upon their friendship and assistance if she needs them. These hundreds of millions of colored people in Asia and elsewhere know that a Judge in the Court of the Capital of the United States has rendered a decision permitting the proprietors of hotels and restaurants to refuse to accommodate and serve them. It is hard to understand how anybody who loves his country and claims to be a good citizen can do anything which will cause three fourths of the worlds population to hate it, and to try to get revenge especially at a time when the country was struggling desparately to overcome terribly heavy odds in a war, reports from which at the time Judge Myers render the decision were by no means encouraging.Those who think we are keeping facts like these from the world make a great mistake. If there were sufficient time I could give several incidents to illustrate this which happened when I was a young woman studying abroad. No doubt some of you are surprised that I did not confine my remarks at this Peace meeting exclusively to a discussion of the question as to whether war between the Soviet Union and Russia is inevitable instead of going all over the world to show why it is impossible to keep the peace in countries where certain groups were constantly quarreling with each otherr for one reason or another. I did not confine myself exclusively to the question of whether war between the United States and Soviet Russia is inevitable because I am a 11 inevitable because I am a member neither of the General Assembly nor the Security Council of United Nations. And if any one is wise or prophetic enough to reach a conclusion on this $64 question I am not that individual. [and] Ever since I was a little girl, as you observe, that was only a [short time] few years ago, I have heard that there is always hope for a fool if he knows he is one. And if I was [one] told I had to guess the answer to that important question I am obliged to confess that up to date I have never distinguished myself as being a good guesser. I have tried to show that peace is impossible where injustice prevails . Of course I [did not] am not the first one to discover this important fact. It is as old as the rock-ribbed ancient [*hills*] mountains. Indeed [and yet] it is axiomatic, and yet it is astounding how many seem to believe that brute force is the only thing necessary to keep the peace. And now I want to say a few words about Communism. Everybody knows there could be no well-planned, well-conducted meeting on Peace without some reference to Communism. For if there ever were a disturber of the peace in [this country] United States of America, that old sinner, Communism is certainly it. First and foremost, I want to say that I am not a Communist, never was one, [and] never will be one, and have no interest in it whatsoever except to wonder how in the world it ever got that way. When I hear people who appear to be sane say that communists want to overthrow the Government of the United States, I fear that my hearing has suddenly detriorated so shockingly as to be beyond repair, or that something serious [is the matter with] has happened to my mind. It is generally conceded that the United States is the richest and strongest government in the world, has the most modern weapons, and get as many more of them as are necessary, when she needs them It is hard, in fact it is impossible for me to believe that any individual outside of an insane asylum in the wildest flight of a lurid imagination could dream of trying to overthrow the government of the United States. The very idea is so ridiculous and fantastic, that I can think of it only as a huge joke, and have to exercise [restrain myself] a lot of self control to keep from laughing myself to death. But Communism ceases to be funny when we see honest, upright people smeared, their reputation ruined by being called communists, which causes them to lose their jobs 12 lose some of their friends, the respect of the community in which they live, all because they entertained an opinion of some kind with which their accuser did not agreeor because somebody full of envy and jealousy wanted to punish their victim for the brilliant success he had achieved . I have a definition for the word Communist upon which I intend to [have] get a patent. According to my definition a Communist is a colored person who wants all the rights to which he is entitled, and a Communist is also a white person who wants colored people to have their rights. Several weeks ago Attorney General Howard McGrath delivered an address to the Bar Association which met in Washington. He warned against what he called "vigilante" justice and against the kind of security legislation which is caused by hystaria. We seem to be going through a period of public hysteria", said Attorney General McGrath. There are many self-appointed policemen, who call themselves "guardians of Americanism" who want to force everybody to have the same opinion and call those who disagree or oppose them disloyal. They best people whom they call "Communist sympathizers, said the Attorney General. And then Attorney General McGrath said something which should be posted in every building [in the] and on every fence in the United States. America's The best long-term weapon against Communism", said he, "is the elimination of of its shortcomings, including inequalities in the treatment of its people." No doubt some of you are surprised that I did not confine my remarks at this Peace meeting exclusively to anwering the question as to whether war between the United States and the Soviet Union is inevitable instead of toaming all over the world to show why it was impossible to keep the peace in countries where certain groups were constantly fussing,and quareling with each other first for one reason or the other. I did not confine myself exclusively to the question of whether war between the United States and Russia is inevitable because I am a member of neither the General Assembly of the United Nations nor of the Security Counsel over there at Lake Success. And if anybody not a member of those wonderful units of that aggragation of intellectual giants is wise enough to reach a conclusion from the facts actually in his or her possession, I am not that individual 13 And I have been hearing since I was a little girl, only a few years ago, as you see, that there is hope of a fool if he knows he is a fool. Again,if we had to decide such an important question as to whether a war between the Soviet Union and the United States is inevitable by guessing, I am obliged to confess that up to date I have not distinguished myself asa dependable guesser. We have been roving around the world this evening trying to find ways and means of keeping human beings living in different on friendly terms with each other, and have discovered so long as the Colonial system is used by powerful nations to hold in subjection less advanced and weaker nations, it is impossible to preserve peace in the world. Confining ourselves to each country as a separate and distinct unit, we find that when a minority group in a country is deprived of the rights and privileges and opportunities which another group enjoys , and in that way become a victim of discrimination and injustices,in such a country it is impossible to preserve the peace Therefore it is the duty of each and every one of us to do everything humanly possible to change the de plorable, dehumanizing conditions which exist by setting a proper, personable example ourselves, by appealing to the conscience of those whom we can influence and by urging [all] those with whom we cone into personal contact to deal justly with all human beings without regard to their religion or their race. Address For The Maryland Committee For Peace. Baltimore, Oct. 6, 1950 It is always a pleasure for me to meet with an organization whose members are trying to advance the interests of their fellow man, either by introducing something new or by trying to preserve something old which is in danger of being, injured, discarded or destroyed. In coming to Baltimore tonight, however, my pleasure is increased on hundred fold, because the news I read in the Washington Post Tuesday, September 26, makes me feel that I am in the presence of supermen and superwomen, because only supermen and superwomen could have accomplished what the Maryland Committee for peace, lead by its progressive forceful, youthful president Gunther Wertheimer is reported to have done. Sometime ago, the newspaper stated, the Maryland Committee for Peace [Committee] had arranged to see Jacob A. Malik, the well-known Russian Diplomat. In the first place, I was stunned to learn that anybody was so imaginative as to dream it was possible to see Mr. Malik, who as, everybody [well all] knows, is a very busy man who has not established a reputation for sociability [being] or for being easy to see. I had no idea I would ever meet [see] in the flesh anybody who had the courage actually to try to stand in Mr. Malik's presence, and if such an impossibility should happen, nobody could have made me believe that any human being would have the monumental audacity to dare to ask Mr. Malik any questions. But, of course, miracles are happening every day, and nothing illustrates that better than that Mr. Malik was courteous and obliging enough not only to see the Maryland Committee for Peace, but also to answer the questions he was asked. According to the press, there were four questions. Number 1, "Will your government pledge that it will not be the first to use the Atomis bomb?" 2-Do you favor general disarmament and the outlawing of aromic weapons by all nations under a strict system of central inspection administered through the United Nations? 3-Do you favor (or will you agree) to a meeting between the top leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union to negotiate their differences ro help achieve full peace? 2 4-Do you have the free interchange of ideas and information between the peoples of the two countries in order to achieve the understanding that is necessary to an enduring peace? It is impossible to place too high an estimate upon what was actually accomplished by the successful effort made by President Wertheimer and the Maryland Committee of Peace. It was the first time, recently at least, that a Russian of Mr. Malik's rank and importance has said officially that he favors a meeting between the top leaders of the two countries. Of Curse, the inferences is that by top leaders Mr. Malik [he] meant a conference between President Truman and Prime Minister Stalin. Considering the disturbing conditions which face, not only the United States, but a large part of the whole world, we have a right to be encouraged that Malik actually received the Maryland Committee for Peace. Then too, this is the first time Mr. Malik has allowed his comments to be given to the press. He personally telephoned the Associated Press to tell the world what he had said. [Heretofore he] That was the first time that the Soviet Delegation has gone so far as to give publicity to questions asked by any Peace Committee in the United States and the answers given. Mr. Malik, not only favored a meeting between President Truman and Prime Minister Stalin, between United States and Russian officials for broad scale negotiations on all differences, but he offered a pledge that Russia would not use the atom bomb first. Again I say we should be by that pledge encouraged because it is axiomatic that no member of the Russian Foreign Office acts without his chief's approval and permission. Of course, there are Doubting Thomases who wonder if what they call Malik's "sweet talk" means anything. [They say] The Mind-Readers say that Mr. Malik knew MacArthur had landed [in a pincer movement] and had advanced across middle Korea in a pincer movement to cut off the North Korean Army and crush it between the two United Nations forces, so [he] according to the Mind Readers, Mr. Malik thought it was time to be a good boy. But no matter what the Doubting Thomases or the Mind-Readers think, I want right here and now to take my hat off to the President and the Maryland Committee for Peace I want to express my gratitude to them, for when they were persistent and clever enough to beard the lion in his den, so to speak, they made an invaluable contribution to peace, no matter whether the Doubting Thomases or the Mind Readers think so or not. The Moscow press [newspapers] 3 gave it top place in [all] the newspapers. They described the Maryland Peace Committee with Mr. Malik as taking place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. They said the meeting expressed the desire for peace which the great mass of American people want very much. I say emphatically if the Maryland [Peace] Committee for Peace had done nothing else but impress the Russian people with the fact that the American people want peace, their efforts would have been well worth while and could not possibly have been in vain, for those who are in a position to know the facts say the Russian people are being continually told that the people in the United States love to fight above everything else, and are trying to provoke Russia to war. The Russian press also published the questions which Mr. Malik was asked and said they were asked in the name of [the city of] Baltimore the city, and of Maryland, the State. It is impossible to overestimate the good which may be done by giving the Russian people behind the iron curtain this information about the pwople in the United States and their desire for peace. it is impossible to overestimate the good which may be done by telling the Russian people, as Mr. Wertheimer has done through the statement he presented to Mr. Malik that the strengthening of friendship between the peoples of the Soviet Union and the United States, not only is the burning wish of the people of Maryland but of all the American people. I congratulate the President and each and every member of the Maryland Committee for Peace which met Mr. Malik. I beg you to let the good work go on. Generally speaking, there is no doubt that practically the whole world hopes for a durable peace. The world is tired of dangers and war-like tensions which have held it in their terrible grip for at least four of five years. Under prevailing conditions, with human nature as it is, if anyone should ask you if you think it is possible to have peace in the world, what would you say? In replying to the question it would be necessary for you to remember, of course, that there are many races of human beings in the world who differ in complexions, perhaps [apparently] in native ability, in disposition, some of whom are strong and some of them weak. The world calls some of the races superior and some inferior. The strongest and richest of what are considered [called] the superior races have developed a system called "Colonialism" 4 "Colonialism", by which they hold in subjection the weaker groups, from whom they take their land, often full of valuable products of one kind or another, sometimes silver, gold, [and] diamonds, and grow richer and richer day by day, while many of the natives live in unspeakable squalor [want] and some of them actually [nearly] starve. Sometimes these superior races invade the countries of the weaker races under the pretext of "civilizing them", occasionally they stir up a war with the natives which [wich] with powerful weapons they easily win, because the natives know nothing about civilized warfare and have only crude weapons with which to fight. It is unnecessary for me to consume your time giving a list of such cases, for they are generally well known. For instance, for 100 years India was held by Great Britain [valuable works that the] which kept the natives in subjection and cold-bloodedly appreciated the most valuable products the country [the most] possessed. In addition to having the major portion of their wealth stolen from them, while England grew richer and richer year by year, many of the natives lived in wretched squalor [and], a number of them starved, [and] some of them were subjected to indignities of various kinds and were often the victims of injustice and cruelty beyond belief. The [they] natives were given to understand they belonged to an inferior race and should not consider themselves the social equals of the British. Colonization has made Holland one of the richest countries in the world. From time immemorial she has been appropriating to herself valuable products from the natives of the countries to whom they rightfully belonged. We all know the story of the Indonesian Republic which Holland overturned Heaven and earth to destroy. Eritrea once a part of Ethiopia which was taken by Italy an [Italian] colony [which is really a part of] stolen from Ethiopia is now being administered by [Great Bristish] Great Britain hicehen. After I went to Zurich Switzerland, in 1919, to deliver an address for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom [I went to London] Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Wells invited me to spent a week end with them in their home in a suburb near London. [*their home*] While I was in London I made up my mind I would have a visit with Haile Selassie who I learned was living in Bath as the English pronounce it, about an hour and a half ride from London, after he fled from Ethiopia, if [it] he would consent to seeing me. He did consent to let me visit him and graciously appointed a day and hour for me to come to see him. It is a great temptation for me to talk about Haile Selassie, how he looks every inch a king, but I shall 5 looks every inch a king, but I shall resist it. [There this] When I met the Emperor of Ethiopia I did not tear passion to tatters, but I told the then ex-Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie that right minded, justice loving people all over the world considered Italy a highway robber, sympathized deeply with Ethiopia and hoped that some day, somehow justice would triumph in the end. In spite of the fact that at the time there did not seem even a remote chance that Haile Selassie would ever regain his [empire] throne the gave me distinctly to understand during my visit that day in Bath that he expected one day to be able to return to Ethiopia, as the Emperor. It gave me great pleasure when I heard he was installed as Emperor of Ethiopia once more. And now at Lake Success Eritrea is being discussed and we have a right to hope that justice will prevail and Ethiopia will regain Eritrea of which she was robbed. It would take an interminable time to give even a slight idea of the wealth in millions [of millions] of which [brutal manner in in which] Africa with her mountains of gold, diamond and valuable products of various kinds has been robbed by Great Britain, France, Portugal and other countries of the world. Even if I had the time I would not care to describe here tonight the injustices of various kinds of which the natives of South Africa have been helpless victims. [and]The brutal treatment to which they have been and [today] are today being subjected. Several months ago many African mine workers were killed at Enigi, Nigeria, South Africa and injured by the British police [The cruel, brutal treatment of [the natives in South Africa by Great Britain and the] Dutch is one of the most disgraceful episodes relating to the degeneracy of civilized people which history records.] because they went on a strike to get a wage of 80 cents a day. For years they had been working in the mines for .30 a day, while workmen in other racial groups who were doing much less difficult and dangerous work were paid $2.50 a day and more. I shall simply refer briefly to the manner in which the natives are treated in South Africa right now. At the head of the South African nationalist party [now] today is a man Malan by name who has boasted that if liberal people thought the natives of South Africa were badly treated by Jan Smuts, who was at the head of the United Party a long time ago, he Malan would show them what harsh treatment really is. He and his party are definitely committedt[y] White Supremacy, [and] Among other things they have divided South Africa into compartments, so to speak according to the [complexion] color of their skins. [The enclosures] and the natives are forced to live in sections assigned to them The[y] natives are forced to live in enclosures far removed from those of [the] other races. The natives have no voice whatever in their government and are completely disfranchised. The penalties imposed upon the natives who violate the law and some of the laws [which] reduce them from the status of human beings to that of slaves [*remember half a [?] top of Page*] [*6*] are heavy and terrible indeed. Compared with the treatment to which the natives of South African are subjected by [Great Britian] Englishmen colored people in Mississippi live in a perfect heaven on earth. Malan and his party are telling the world they don't care what people say or think There is no doubt that someday this inhuman political party will blow up and those responsible for it will receive their just deserts. I have described the conditions in South Africa and now I want to ask you if in that troubled spot you think there is any prospect of peace. [Do] you think there is any prospect of peace? The same thing is happening in Indo China! The French have taken the country from the natives who have been fighting desperately for four or five years [insperately] trying to keep their country for themselves. The French are now in a much better position then they were last year, because the United States our own government has sent the French a large quantity of war material which is being used against the Indo Chinese now. According to [the North Atlantic Pact] the pact between the two countries the North Atlantic Pact the United States is pledged to send the French in Indo China $50 millions worth of military equipment, including tanks and planes. We are all sorry, I am sure, that our government has promised to help another government to dispossess any racial group of their own land. So far as the countries across the sea are concerned it is natural that we should wonder whether it is possible to bring peace to them. I am glad to tell you that there is one way, and only one way to start a movement for peace, and Prime Minister Nehru of India has told us exactly how to do it. In discussing the inroads which Communism has made upon Asia, he explains it by saying that Communism in Asia is due entirely to the fact that the people of Asia want to be free and independent, that they are tired of being dominated by foreign powers. He does not call the powers by name, but it is not hard to guess that [to whom] he refers especially to Great Britain and France. He warns these powers that the people of Asia desperately want their freedom, are determined to have it, that they hate Colonialism, that the more the Western powers ignore Asia's desire for freedom the more these victims of Colonialism will join the Communist Party and cling to it [the communist party.] In other words, if the "easterm powers want Asia to reject Communism, they must stop forcing their will upon the people, allow them to be free and independent and have governments of their own. In short, the victims of Colonialism in Asia and everywhere else want the Western powers to adopt toward them a polic [*7*] of justice, rather than one of force. I am sure that everybody here tonight agrees that if the world or any portion of the world really wants peace, respect for the diginity of human beings and justice toward them without regard to race or color, are the only means to that much to desired end. "No matter how much money the Western Powers send Asia", said Nehru in an interview he allowed to be published, "arms and money alone will not win the heart of Asia." There is only one way to win Asia's heart he said [can be won by] and that is by helping the people of Asia to put an end to Colonialism which they hate. Nehru referred several times specifically to the case of Indo China and urged the Western Powers to stop supporting Bao Dai who is trying to steal the land from the Indo Chinese and whom France is backing as Emperor of Viet Nam. "The desire of the people of Indo China to be independent is natural", said Nehru, and should be respected, and no outside help should be given to bolster up the Colonial regime." Surely the people of the United States should understand and spmpethize with the desire of the people of Indo China to be free and independent since our own country was founded on that same desire and determination to be free from the tyranny of a stronger power even though we each had to fight the revolutionary war to satisfy that desire. [*Page 7 1/2*] [*Begin*] After seeing that in other countries injustice to human beings is the cause of the unrest, unhappiness and hatred which make[s] it impossible to have peace, it is our duty as citizens who love our country to ask ourselves whether under conditions obtaining here today it is possible for us to have peace in the United States . Last May 703 delegates attended the MidCentury Conference for Peace in Chicago. They met to appeal to theAmerican people to stop the cold war, declared that war between the Soviet Union and the United States was not inevitable, and called upon their fellow Americans to enter the Crusade for Peace. The delegates to the Mid Century Conference for Peace called for personal and individual dedication and the concerted action of all groups, [groups], societies , parties and organizations to set the issue of peace above all others. A program of activity was adopted which lack of time prevents me from outlining tonight. But there is one statement in this program to which I wish especially to draw your attention."The protection of civil liberties," says this program, "is intertwined with the full and frank discussion of the problems of peace. W [*7 1/2*] No racial group in the United States should protest more strongly and loudly against Colonialism than those of us who have African blood in our veins. Colonialism is holding more Africans in ignorance degradation and slavery than any other racial group. According to reliable statistics 72,320,000 native people in Africa alone,inhabiting a territory of 4,038,888 square miles live in bondage, made more terrible by British deception, exploitation and terror. For years the Netherlands has held in bondage nearly 80,000,000 people. in the East Indies,and in South America. The French Government is today attacking the people of Viet Nma and expoits millions of people in its colonies in Asia and Africa. Belgium holds the people of the Congo in bondage. Portugal is holding in subjection and ignorance 9 million Africans in Portugese Guiana, Congola, Mozambigue, Cape Verde Islands, San T Tome and Principe. With so many helpless human beings the victims of Colonialism, it is the duty of people who call themselves civilized to start a holy crusade against [the] a system so cruel and unjust. [*Return to Page 7*] 8 We therefore protest all violations of civil rights. The program urges the people of this country to do everything in their power to prevent the occurrence of anything which may result in unreasoning anti-Semitism in our own country, and the development of prejudice against other racial and religious minorities. It is most encouraging to see that the delegates to a Conference on Peace realize that even if it is possible to avert war with Russia, it is impossible to have peace in the United States, so long as 15,000,000 people are deprived of the rights, privileges, immunities and opportunities to which they are entitled by the Constitution of the United States. Especially is this violation of the Constitution countenanced [and] sanctioned and practiced in that section of the country where the majority of that racial group lives who [which] are the victims of this lawlessness and injustice. The truth of the matter is that 3/4 of the sections of the country which claim to believe in Democracy are completely dominated by 1/4, which openly, brazenly boasts that it will not observe the laws of the land. In the Congress of the United States are senators and representatives who have been illegally elected because thousands of citizens in the States which they represent have been disfranchised- they have not been allowed to cast their ballots because of their race. There are many who wonder whether laws passed in a legislature, some of those members have been illegally elected are really valid. I do not wish to be an alarmist, especially at a meeting called to consider peace, but I feel it is my duty to call attention to the fact that, even though it is possible to keep peace with other countries, so as to avoid going to war with them, it is impossible to keep peace here at home, unless those who really believe in Democracy join together to practice it, to make it a rule of our lives, and join together to prevent [to make] the enemies of Democracy from violating its priciples and precepts. There is reason to fear that some of the basic American freedoms, such as free speech, free assembly, free press and free petition are in grave danger. From the Atlantic to the Pacific the hard-won Bill of Rights is under attack. Recently Many good citizens were discouraged at the speed with which [the] Congress passed the Communist Control Bill [was passed] and at the speed with which the Senate and the House of Representatives overrode th 9 President Truman's veto, although he plead with Senators and Representatives to vote against the bill which he said was a great mistake, because it would help the Communists and not hurt them and that it would make a mockery of our Bill of Rights and of our claims to stand for freedom in the world. Those who love our country should do everything in their power to preserve its good name. We know that the eyes of the world are upon our practices and our behavior, especially in the District of Columbia, the Capital of the United States, called the Greatest Democracy on earth. The world knows that colored people in the District of Columbia are discrinated against and segregated. In its printed report the Committee on Civil Rights appointed some time ago by [the] President Truman declared "The District of Columbia should symbolize to our citizens and to the people of all countries our great tradition of civil liberty. Instead says the report, it is a graphic illustration of a failure of Democracy. As the seat of our federal government under the authority of Congress, continues [says] the report, the failure of the District as a [the] failure of all of the people." Permit me to mention briefly two incidents [two incidents] [two incidents] which illustrate graphically the truth of this statement. A few days ago The Sesquicentennial Committee decided to have scenes from "The Faith of our Fathers" performed in the public schools of the District, which, as you all know, are segregated. When 12 white actors and 2 colored actors appeared at the Anancostia High School to enact the scenes assigned to them, the principal of that school told them they could not appear. Dor. Corning, Superintendent of the Public Schools of the District of Columbia told the principal she did exactly right, and that she could have done nothing else under the circumstances. "Although there is no rule forbidding the appearance of mixed groups in our public schools," the Superintendent declared, "it just hadn't happened before," he said. However, the First Assistant Superintendent [principal] of the Colored School immediately issued an order to the principals of colored schools that under no circumstances would an all white or an all colored group of actors be allowed to present scenes from the dram As exhibit number 2 of the way we behave in the Capital of the Greatest Democracy on Earth I want to refer to the decision rendered by Judge Myers in the Municipal Court [of] several months ago., when he declared that an old 10 law passed in 1872 and 73 by the then existing Legislature in the District of Columbia which imposed a fine upon proprietors of hotels [or] and restaurants who refused to serve well-appearing and well-behaved colored people on account of their race was invalid by implication. It is hard to imagine a more inopportune time for Judge Myers to render this decision permitting proprietors of hotels and restaurants to refuse to accommodate and serve colored people than at that time for this country was just beginning a desperate struggle with Korea, inhabited by colored people as you know, who, reporters tell us, hate white people. On this mundane sphere at this very minute there are four human beings whose faces are black, brown or yellow to every one whose face is white. That means that four fifths of the world's population are colored people. It is a well-known fact that Russia is assidulously cultivating the friendship of the colored people of the world, so that she can count upon their friendship and assistance [if] when she needs them. These hundreds of millions of colored people in Asia and elsewhere now know that a Judge in the Court of the Capital of the United States has rendered a decision permitting the proprietors of hotels and restaurants to refuse to accommodate and serve them. It is hard to understand how anybody who loves his country and claims to be a good citizens [can] could do anything which [will] would cause three fourths of the worlds population to hate it, and to try to get revenge especially at a time when the country was struggling desperately to overcome terribly heavy odds in a war, reports from which at the time Judge Myers render the decision, were by no means encouraging.Those who think we are keeping facts like these from the world make a great mistake. If there were sufficient time I could give several incidents from my own personal experience to illustrate this which happened when I was a young woman studying abroad. No doubt some of you are surprised that I did not confine my remarks at this Peace meeting exclusively to a discussion of the question as to whether war between the Soviet Union and United States is inevitable instead of going all over the world to show why it is impossible to keep the peace in countries where certain groups were constantly quarreling with each other for one reason or another. I did not confine myself exclusively to the question of whether war between the United States and Soviet Russia is inevitable because I am 11 ble because I am a member neither of the General Assembly nor the Security Council of United Nations. And if any one is wise or prophetic enough to reach a conclusion on this $64 question I am not that individual, [and] Ever since I was a little girl, and as you observe, that was only a [short time] few years ago, I have heard that there is always hope for a fool if he knows he is one. And if one had to guess the answer to that important question I am obliged to confess that up to date I have never distinguished myself as being a good guesser. I have tried to show that peace is impossible where injustice prevails. Of course I am not the first one to discover this important fact. It is as old as the rock-ribbed and ancient [mountains] hills. Indeed it is axiomatic, and yet it is astounding how many seem to believe that brute force is the only thing necessary to keep keep the peace. And now I want to say a few words about Communism. Everybody knows there could be no well-planned, well-conducted meeting in the United States on Peace without some reference to Communism. For if there ever were a disturber of the peace in [this country] the United States of America, that old sinner, Communism, is certainly [that one] it. First and foremost, I want to say with all emphasis which I can command that I am not a Communist, never have been one and never will be one, have no interest in it whatsoever except to wonder how in the world it ever got that way. When I hear people, who appear to be sane, say that Communists want to overthrow the Government of the United States, I fear that my hearing has suddenly detriorated so shockingly as to be beyond repair, or that something serious [is the matter with] has happened to my mind. It is generally conceded that the United States is the richest and strongest government in the world, has the most modern weapons, and can get as many more of them as are necessary, when she needs them. It is hard, in fact, it is impossible for me to believe that any individual outside of an insane asylum, in the wildest flight of a lurid imagination, could dream of trying to overthrow the government of the United States. The very idea [is] seems so ridiculous and fantastic to me that I can think of it only as a huge joke, and have to exercise a lot of self control to keep from laughing myself to death. but Communism ceases to be funny to me when we see honest, upright people smeared, their reputation ruined by being called communists, which causes them to lose their jobs 12 lose some of their friends, lose the respect of the community in which they live, all because they entertained an opinion of some kind with which their accuser did not agree or because somebody full of envy and jealousy wanted to punish their victim for the brilliant success he had achieved . I have a definition for the word Communist upon which I intend to get a patent. According to my definition of a Communist, a Communist is a colored person who wants all the right to which the Constitution of the United States of America is entitled, and claim a Communist is also a white person who wants colored people to have all their rights. Several weeks ago Attorney General Howard McGrath delivered an address to the Bar Association which met in Washington. He warned against what he called "vigilante" justice, and against the kind of security legislation which is [the] caused by hysteria. "We seem to be going through a period of public hysteria", said Attorney General McGrath. "There are many self-appointed policeman, who call themselves "guardians of Americanism" he said who want to force everybody to have the same opinion and who call those who disagree or oppose them disloyal. "They beat people whom they call "Communist sympathizers", said the Attorney General. And then [Attorney General McGrath] he said something which should be posted in every building and on every fence in the United States, "America's [the] best long-term weapon against Communism", said the Attorney General, "is the elimination of of its shortcomings, including inequalities in the treatment of its people." No doubt some of you are surprised that I did not confine my remarks at this Peace meeting exclusively to answering the question as to whether the war between the United States and the Soviet Union is inevitable, instead of roaming all over the world to show why it is [was] impossible to keep the peace in countries where certain groups [were] are constantly fussing,and quareling with each other, first for one reason or the other. I did not confine myself exclusively to the question of whether war between the United States and Russia is inevitable, because I am a member [of] neither of the General Assembly [nor] of the United Nations nor of the Security Counsel over there at Lake Success. And if anybody not a member of that aggregation of intellectual giants [those wonderful units] is wise enough to reach a conclusion from the facts actually in his or her possession. I am not that individual. 13 And I have been hearing since I was a little girl, only a few years ago, as you see, that there is hope of a fool if he knows he is a fool. Again, if we had to decide such an important question as to whether a war between the Soviet Union and the United States is inevitable by guessing, I am obliged to confess that up to date I have not distinguished myself as a dependable guesser. We have been roving around the world this evening trying to find ways and means of keeping human beings [living] in different countries on friendly terms with each other, and have discovered so long as the Colonial system is used by powerful nations to hold in subjection less advanced and weaker nations, it is impossible to preserve peace in the world. Confining ourselves to each country as a separate and distinct unit, we find that when a minority group in a country is deprived of the rights and privileges and opportunities which another group enjoys , and in that way becomes a victim of discrimination and injustice,in such a country it is impossible to preserve the peace. Therefore it is the duty of each and every one of us to do everything humanly possible to change the de plorable, dehumanizing conditions [which] wherever they exist by setting a proper [personal] [personall] example ourselves, by appealing to the conscience of those whom we can influence and by urging those [all] with whom we cone into personal contact to deal justly with all human beings without regard to their religion or their race. And this my friends is the only way to have peace in the world. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.