MISCELLANY PRINTED MATTER Calling cards and membership cards, [????], 1900-53 and undated Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. Mrs. Mary C. Terrell 1323 T St Nw City 1323 T St NATIONAL WOMAN'S PARTY (Founded 1913) District of Columbia Branch Capitol Hill, Washington 2, D. C. This Certifies that Mrs. Mary Church Terrell is a member of the District of Columbia Branch, National Woman's Party, June 1, 1947 to May 31, 1948. Naomi Wheeler Treasurer, D. C. Branch [*LIBRARY OF CONGRESS*] National Association for the Advancement of Colored People DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BRANCH A.H. GRIMKE, President, S.M. KENDRICK, Secretary, 1415 Corcoran St. N. W. 2352 Sixth St. N. W. Washington, D.C., August 1, 1920. This Certifies That Mrs. Mary C. Terrell is a member of the District of Columbia Branch of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE, and that payment of membership fee for the current year has been received. S.M. KENDRICK, Secretary. MEETINGS: Second Wednesday in each month, October to July, at the 12th Street Branch, Y. M. C. A, 8:00 P. M. [*LIBRARY OF CONGRESS*] Member Mrs. Mary Church Terrell District of Columbia National Advisory Committee On Women's Participation New York Worlds Fair 1939 Mrs. Vincent Astor, Chairman [*LIBRARY OF CONGRESS*] STATEMENT OF PURPOSE OF THE INTERCHURCH FELLOWSHIP The Interchurch Fellowship promotes friendship and provides for better understanding among persons of different races through worship. fellowship, education and work together. The Interchurch Fellowship 1751 N STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON 6, D.C. [*Mr Arthur Pell, Liveright Publishing Corporation 386 Fourth Av. New York City*] CHARLES FREDERICK WELLER GENERAL EXECUTIVE WORLD FELLOWSHIP OF FAITHS [*Introducing my friend (Mrs) Mary Church Terrell*] HOTEL MORRISON HOTEL NEW YORKER CHICAGO NEW YORK CITY [*LIBRARY OF CONGRESS*] Identification card for use at New York City and at New York World's fair Committee Headquarters. Not transferrable and not good for admissions to the Fair. World's Fair Headquarters: National Advisory Committees' Building Rainbow Ave., between Lincoln Square and Times Square New York Headquarters: Rockefeller Centre 34 West 51st Street, New York, N.Y Member's Signature ({LINE]} Date Jan. 1, 1948 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Is a Member of THE INTERCHURCH FELLOWSHIP and strives to work toward the growth of Fellowship between all people H. Calkins The Washington Council of Church Women 1751 N Street, Northwest This Certifies that Mrs Mary C Terrell is member of The Washington Council of Church Women for the year ending December 31, 1948 Secured by Mrs A W Scott Membership Committee To Soror Mary Church Terrell of whom we are very proud [Greek Letters for Delta Sigma theta] Iota Chapter January 18, 1941 [signature of Frances C Jones Jillian M Gideon Harriette B Wharton Edwina Bryant] [Handwriting in the middle of document Best Wishes - Marie Rudd Thomas, president Vivian Hodge Gladys Wood, Chairman of Founder's Day Myrtis Andrews Beulah V Wood Frankie Mae Taylor Dorothy E. Newton Caroline A. Gould Evelyn J. Cardozo] [handwriting on right side: Edith G Brown Drina Stewart Evelyn F. Andrews Estella Henderson Dorothy E. Jones Dorothea Pierce 12 Mead St Cambridge] [handwriting on left side Viola O. Fischer Doris M. ... Harriet McLean Emily Marion Bennett Mildred Alexander SLADE's Barbecue A Southern Barbecue in 1858 958 Tremont Street Boston SLADE'S 65c SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER Chicken Soup a la Reine Barbecued Chicken or Barbecued Southern Ham or Chicken Livers Candied Sweet or French Fried Potatoes Rice Green Vegetable Slade's Relish or Chef's Salad Home-Made Hot Rolls Ice Cream or Home-Made Plum Pudding Tea, Coffee or Milk SLADE'S DE LUXE DINNER 85c Queen Olives Celery Slade's Chicken Soup or Fruit Cup Slade's De Luxe Barbecued Chicken or Southern Barbecued Ham French Fried Potatoes Vegetable Candied Sweet Potatoes Slade's Relish or Tomato Salad Home-Made Hot Rolls Ice Cream and Home-Made Cake or Home-Made Plum Pudding Tea, Coffee or Milk $1.00 Chicken Soup or Fruit Cup Slade's Half Barbecued Chicken French Fried or Candied Sweet Potatoes Green Vegetable Slade's Relish or Tomato Salad Home-Made Hot Rolls Ice Cream Coffee SLADE'S SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN DINNER $1.25 Queen Olives Celery Soup or Fruit Cup Southern Fried Chicken, Mushroom Gravy French Fried, Mashed or Candied Sweet Potatoes Vegetable Corn on Cob Relish or Tomato Salad Home-Made Hot Rolls Ice Cream or Home-Made Plum Pudding Tea, Coffee or Milk A LA CARTE CHICKEN SPECIALTIES Chicken Soup a la Reine ........Cup 10 Bowl 15 Leg of Chicken ......... 50 Breast of Chicken ........ 55 Whole Chicken (to take out) ........ 1.75 Whole Chicken (served in dining room) ........ 2.50 Chicken Livers ........ 50 FR. FR. POTATOES, ROLLS AND BUTTER INCLUDED WITH ABOVE ORDERS Chicken Livers (Side Order) ........ 30 SALADS Chicken Salad de Luxe ........ 65 Mushroom Chicken Salad ........ 65 Combination Fruit Salad ........ 50 Combination Vegetable Salad ........ 40 Potato Salad ........ 30 Ham and Potato Salad ........ 50 ROLLS AND BUTTER SERVED WITH ABOVE ORDERS SANDWICHES Toasted Barbecued Chicken Sandwich ........ 35 Toasted Barbecued Ham Sandwich ................... 25 Toasted Chicken Salad Sandwich ............................. 35 VEGETABLES French Fried Potatoes ........ 15 Peas, Fresh ........ 15 Mashed Potatoes ........ 15 Sliced Tomatoes ........ 15 Candied Sweet Potatoes ........ 15 Slade's Relish ........ 15 String Beans, Fresh ........ 15 HOME-MADE ROLLS 20c PER DOZ. DESSERTS Apple Pie ........ 10 Southern Sweet Potato Pie ........ 10 Cake, Home Made ........ 10 Ice Cream, Choice of Flavors ........ 10 Home-Made Plum Pudding ........ 10 BEVERAGES Tea, Coffee or Milk ........ 10 Draught Beer ........ 10 Bottled Beer ........ 20 Cocktail and Wine List on Request The Romance of Slade's Barbecue Mr. Slade introduced the Barbecue to Boston. For several generations the Slade family has been identified with barbecues. Benjamin Slade, great-grandfather for Mr. Slade, first introduced barbecuing to North Carolina, originally for the enjoyment of his friends and himself. This was during slavery, and the barbecues were held to secret places, usually in swamps where they were safe from bloodhounds and discovery. The story is told that Benjamin Slade was discovered in a swamp celebrating with some friends his forty-first birthday with a barbecue. His discoverers evidently were captivated with the delicious feast for he was subsequently called upon to prepare barbecues for many gatherings, both social and political. He became expert in this art of cooking and the preparations of culinary specialties which art handed down by word of mouth from father to son and these secrets have been carefully preserved. RENNER SLADE The ORIGINAL BARBECUE KING [?] 20th CENTURY OX ROAST TO NEW ENGLAND A SLADE Mammoth BARBECUE being prepared Slade's Barbecue is available for out-door gatherings, conventions, public rallies, etc. Mr. Slade has served up to 5,000 at a time. Barbecued Ox or Lamb has a delicious flavor and with the fixings, all prepared on the spot provides a most tasty and satisfying meal. THE DIRECTORS of The Academy of Political Science take pleasure in extending to Miss Mary C. Terrell their cordial invitation to enroll as a member, to enjoy the full privileges of the Academy, to attend its meeting and dinners and to receive its publications THE POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY THE PROCEEDINGS Board of Directors The Academy of Political Science President LEWIS W. DOUGLAS Vice-Presidents THOMAS J. WATSON LEO WOLMAN Director and Secretary GRAYSON L. KIRK Associate Director and Asst. Treasurer MARY M. ANGER DOUGLAS M. BLACK THE RIGHT HON. LORD LAYTON W. RALPH BURGESS SAMUEL McCUNE LINDSAY ARTEMIS L. GATES ROSWELL MAGILL ROBERT M. HAIG JOHN J. McCLOY JOHN A. KROUT SHEPARD MORGAN THOMAS S. LAMONT THOMAS I. PARKINSON FRANZ SCHNEIDER Editor, Political Science Quarterly and the Proceedings JOHN A. KROUT Honorary Members THE RIGHT HON. WINSTON S. CHURCHILL GENERAL DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER CHARLES RIST EMILIO DEL TORO Seventy-Two Years of Intellectual Leadership Through its distinguished membership during more than half a century the Academy of Political Science has unceasingly endeavored to uphold the highest ideals of scholarship and impartial investigation in the fields of economics, politics and public law. In these fields, today of paramount importance and interest, the Academy throughout its history has enjoyed preeminent recognition among the world's leading agencies for the presentation of significant contributions to the study of economics and government. That the Academy shall always retain its representative character as a true cross-section and forum of thinking America, remains the guiding principle of the Directors. To this end, as membership vacancies occur, invitations are tendered to interested people in each geographical section of the country and among widely varying schools of economic and political convictions. To its attraction for thoughtful minds the Academy attributes its long success in the promotion of disinterested, informed public opinion. Such a body of opinion must exert a profoundly beneficial influence on the national life. The authority of Academy publications is such that many hundreds of foreign writers, scholars and statesmen have accepted membership in order to receive the POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY, and the PROCEEDINGS. In keeping with its serious intellectual interests, the Academy has placed at the lowest possible figure its cost to invited members. The annual dues are six dollars; life membership, one hundred dollars (deductible on Federal Income Tax). An individual membership may be transferred to a life membership at any time. These nominal annual dues provide four issues of the POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY, two issue of the semi-annual PROCEEDINGS and invitations to all Academy events, which are counted among the most important intellectual gatherings in the United States. In order to enroll as a member fill out and return the enclosed acceptance form. The Officers and Directors of The American Academy of Political and Social Science cordially invite Mrs. Mary Church Terrell to membership in the Academy Six Books Each Year THE ANNALS In alternate months beginning in January, each member of the Academy receives a copy of The Annals, a volume of about 200 pages. The articles in it are all on some one topic of current national or world interest. Each volume is in charge of a competent special editor and each article is by an able authority. There is no special viewpoint stressed, but all leading attitudes are given a place. The purpose is not propaganda but education. An additional feature of each issue is a book section which lists and reviews the latest important books in the social sciences. TITLES OF SOME RECENT VOLUMES OF THE ANNALS WOMEN'S OPPORTUNITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY WORLD GOVERNMENT CRITICAL ISSUES AND TRENDS IN AMERICAN EDUCATION GOVERNMENT FINANCE IN A STABLE AND GROWING ECONOMY AIDING UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS ABROAD MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAMBLING FORMULATING A POINT FOUR PROGRAM MOSCOW'S EUROPEAN SATELLITES TOWARD FAMILY STABILITY MEDICAL CARE FOR AMERICANS LABOR IN THE AMERICAN ECONOMY CIVIL RIGHTS IN AMERICA LESSONS FROM ASIA REPORT ON CHINA The American Academy of Political and Social Science FUNCTION Over sixty years ago the Academy was organized as a forum for the public discussion of political, economic and other social questions. It has functioned ever since without interruption and in 1950 had a world-wide membership of about 16,000. Its activities are carried on through its publications, particularly its bi-monthly journal, The Annals, and through its meetings. Articles which are published and the addresses from the Academy platform are not prepared for the specially trained experts in the social sciences, but are mature, serious presentations for the general business and professional public. No position is ever taken by the Academy on any question, but a conscientious effort is made to present all of the leading views on every issue that is considered. MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to those who desire to keep well informed on conditions, not only in the United States but throughout the world. The only financial obligation is the annual payment of five dollars. There is a special rate of three dollars per year for students who are registered at an educational institution. A life membership is two hundred dollars. Members may secure cloth bound copies of The Annals by paying ten dollars per year instead of five. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS THE AMERICAN ACADEMY of POLITICAL and SOCIAL SCIENCE 3817 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA 4, PA. President ERNEST MINOR PATTERSON University of Pennsylvania Vice-Presidents HERBERT HOOVER Stanford, California CARL KELSEY University of Pennsylvania C. A. KULP University of Pennsylvania Secretary J. P. LICHTENBERGER University of Pennsylvania Assistant Secretary ANNE ELDERTON Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer CHARLES J. RHOADS Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Assistant Treasurer T. WESLEY MATTHEWS Philadelphia, Pa. Counsel JEROME J. ROTHSCHILD Philadelphia, Pa. F. CYRIL JAMES M. ALBERT LINTON OTTO T. MALLERY THORSTEN SELLIN STEPHEN B. SWEENEY ALFRED H. WILLIAMS THE ANNALS Editor THORSTEN SELLIN University of Pennsylvania Associate Editor JAMES C. CHARLESWORTH University of Pennsylvania [*Author of Prenown- Gave me this very thick book on races and wanted me to meet his wife-*] Miss Valerie E. Chase Principal Terrell Junior High School Washington, D.C. The Southern Regional Council cordially invites Mrs. Mary Church Terrell to Membership in the Council OFFICERS President PAUL D. WILLIAMS Richmond, Virginia Vice-Presidents P. B. YOUNG Norfolk, Virginia FRANK W. SPENCER Savannah, Georgia CARTER WESLEY Houston, Texas EXECUTIVE STAFF Executive Director GUY B. JOHNSON Associate Executive Director HAROLD L. TRIGG Secretary-Treasurer EMILY H. CLAY 63 Auburn Avenue, N. E. ATLANTA 3, GA. A Council for . . . Southern Regional Development Origin The Southern Regional Council is the outgrowth of two movements: (1) the Durham-Atlanta-Richmond Conferences of 1924-43, in which Southern leaders, white and Negro, covenated to work for a better South for all; (2) the Commission on Interracial Cooperation. The Council was chartered by the State of Georgia on January 6, 1944, and it held its charter meeting on February 16, 1944. At that time the Commission merged with the new Council. Purpose The Council represents the forward-looking conscience and efforts of liberal Southerners to give democracy a chance in the South. Although it is bi-racial in its membership and staff, it is not exclusively a "race relations" organization. It believes in the improvement of economic, civic, political, and educational conditions for the good of all people. [*THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS*] Functions The Council believes that sound information, honest discussion, and cooperation, rather than agitation, are the best methods for promoting social progress. Its functions are: (1) research and survey to find the facts and to determine the possibilities of constructive action; (2) educational work through its own publications and through the press, radio, exhibits, conferences, and personal contacts; (3) cooperation with other agencies which have liberal and humanitarian aims; (4) consultative services to private or public agencies; and (5) formulation of constructive plans and proposals for "the South that could be." Membership The council welcomes to membership all liberal minded persons who believe in its purposes and methods. Voting members must be residents of the Council area: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Caroline, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Virginia. Persons living elsewhere may become associate members. Dues are two dollars a year, but members are urged to contribute additional amounts according to their financial ability. Members receive New South and all Council pamphlets. Structure The Council belongs to its members. At the annual meeting, which is held in Atlanta on the second Wednesday in November, the members make decisions on policy and program. Every member in good standing is entitled to vote either in person or by proxy. The Council has a Board of Directors elected by the members; an Executive Committee elected by the Board; and an executive staff which devotes its time to the promotion of the Council's program. Eventually the members living in various states will be organized into state divisions of the Council. Publications The Council publishes New South, a monthly paper, successor to The Southern Frontier, which was initiated by the Commission on Interracial Cooperation in 1940. It is keeping in print such popular Commission pamphlets as "America's Tenth Man" and "Understanding Our Neighbors." and it has published a number of additional pamphlets and leaflets bearing on Southern problems. BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL W. ALEXANDER Chapel Hill, North Carolina MRS. JESSIE DANIEL AMES Tryon, North Carolina STANLEY BRAV Vicksburg, Mississippi DR. C. HAWKINS BROWN Sedalia, North Carolina WILSON M. BROWN Richmond, Virginia LOUIS E. BURNHAM Birmingham, Alabama HODDING CARTER Greenville, Mississippi RUFUS E. CLEMENT Atlanta, Georgia WILLIAM E. COLE Knoxville, Tennessee VIRGINIUS DABNEY Richmond, Virginia R. P. DANIEL Jacksonville, Florida ERNEST DELPIT New Orleans, Louisiana A. W. DENT New Orleans, Louisiana O. D. DUNCAN Stillwater, Oklahoma P. H. EASOM Jackson, Mississippi CLARK FOREMAN Atlanta, Georgia CHARLES H. GILLMAN Atlanta, Georgia H. D. GOODE Pensacola, Florida JOHN A. GRIFFIN Emory University, Georgia LEONARD HAAS Atlanta, Georgia (Continued on next page) [*Zurich Hofstr. 140 / [?ill] [Cay?d],*] Dr. Friedrich Hertz [*Wien XIX. Peter Tordan str . 17*] MRS. GRACE TOWNS HAMILTON Atlanta, Georgia GORDON B. HANCOCK Richmond, Virginia JACOB R. HENDERSON Atlanta, Georgia R. B. HERBERT Columbia, South Carolina LUTHER P. JACKSON Petersburg, Virginia MAYNARD JACKSON Atlanta, Georgia CHARLES S. JOHNSON Nashville, Tennessee GUY B. JOHNSON Atlanta, Georgia DAVID D. JONES Greensboro, North Carolina Z. A. LOOBY Nashville, Tennessee ARMAND MAY Atlanta, Georgia BENJAMIN E. MAYS Atlanta, Georgia L. D. MILTON Atlanta, Georgia ARTHUR J. MOORE Atlanta, Georgia E. A. McDOWELL Louisville, Kentucky T. JAMES McNAMARA Savannah, Georgia ALFRED MYNDERS Chattanooga, Tennessee N. C. NEWBOLD Raleigh, North Carolina HOWARD W. ODUM Chapel Hill, North Carolina GERALD P. O'HARA Savannah, Georgia C. H. PARRISH, JR. Louisville, Kentucky F. D. PATTERSON Tuskegee Institute, Alabama RAYMOND PATTY University, Alabama EDWIN A. PENICK Raleigh, North Carolina JOHN G. POLLARD, JR. Somers, Virginia JACOB L. REDDIX Jackson, Mississippi IRA DE A. REID Atlanta. Georgia G. D. ROGERS Tampa, Florida R. L. RUSSELL Atlanta, Georgia J. W. SEABROOK Fayetteville, North Carolina MRS. EUGENE H. SPEARMAN Newberry, South Carolina FRANK W. SPENCER Savannah, Georgia THOMAS S. STAPLES Conway, Arkansas EDGAR B. STERN New Orleans, Louisiana MRS. A M. P. STRONG Marianna, Arkansas J. G. STUART Columbia. South Carolina FLORENCE SYTZ New Orleans, Louisiana HAROLD L. TRIGG Atlanta, Georgia J. M. TYDINGS Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky FORRESTER B. WASHINGTON Atlanta, Georgia CARTER WESLEY Houston, Texas JOHN H. WHEELER Durham, North Carolina GOODRICH C. WHITE Emory University, Georgia JOSEPHINE WILKINS Atlanta, Georgia AUBREY WILLIAMS Montgomery. Alabama PAUL D. WILLIAMS Richmond, Virginia F. C. WILLCOXON Vicksburg, Mississippi MARION A. WRIGHT Conway, South Carolina P. B. YOUNG Norfolk, Virginia MRS. WARREN ZEUCH Vero Beach, Florida Congratulations Delta Sigma Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority LUTHER P. JACKSON VIRGINIA STATE COLLEGE ETTRICK, VIRGINIA PROFESSOR OF HISTORY Aelioian Love Feast Rowland Hall June Thirteenth Nineteen Twenty-four Menu Mellons Pressed Chicken Creamed Potatoes Peas in Shells Parkerhouse Rolls--Jelly Lemon Ice Strawberry Short-cake Coffee Candy Toasts Miss Mary Augustine, '24, Toastmistress "DRIVES" For Society Rooms Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, '84 For Living Endowment Miss Grace Hemmingway For Aelioian Fellowship Mrs. Donald Davidson, '14 For 285 Miss Eleanor Thatcher, '26 The Loving Cup Oh pass the Loving Cup around, Not pass a sister by, The symbol of a contest won And standards held so high, We see the milestones backward run, When on this cup we gaze, So pass the Loving Cup around And drink Aelioian's praise. Mrs. Philip Snowden Elberton Woodstock Road Golder's Green London To Mrs Mary Church Terrell You are an inspirations to the mothers and teachers of the Cham bliss Children's House The Friendly Circle of Pilgrim Baptist Church ASSISTED BY A COMMITTEE FROM THE New Jersey State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs --Presents-- MARY CHURCH TERRELL SPEAKER OF WASHINGTON, D. C. 1st PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COLORED WOMEN'S CLUBS ASSISTED BY THE Wynn Music and Dramatic Guild AT THE EAST ORANGE HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1938, 3:30 P. M. PATRON TICKETS 75c VISITOR'S TICKET CONFERENCE ON THE CAUSE AND CURE OF WAR HALL OF NATIONS HOTEL WASHINGTON ADMITS TO ALL SESSIONS OF THE CONFERENCE NOT TRANSFERABLE [*AUDUBON 3-0090*] [*ETHIOPIAN WORLD FEDERATION, INC.*] [*2331 7the Ave. N.Y.C.*] MALAKU E. BAYEN, M.D. ATTENDING PHYSICIAN TO HIS MAJESTY HAILE SELASSIE I EMPEROR OF ETHIOPA [*THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS*] MUNICIPAL LIGHT WATER POWER MICHIGAN 4211 AD. 12691 TITUS ALEXANDER [*3740 La Salle [?]*] Rg. 6523. BUREAU OF POWER & LIGHT DEPARTMENT OF WATER & POWER CITY OF LOS ANGELES CENTRAL AVENUE OFFICE 1065 E. VERNON AVE. BUSINESS AGENTS DIVISION 315 SO. BROADWAY [*duplicate*] District of Columbia DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY Tuesday, June 17, 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. At all Firehouses Voting Qualifications: U. S. citizenship; at least 21 years of age; one year residence in the District of Columbia. Does not vote in any other primary (but may vote in November election). NO REGISTRATION. MRS. ERNEST K. LINDLEY Candidate foR Delegate and Alternate National Committeewoman [*101*] RENEWAL LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Mrs. R. H. Terrell. 1323 T Street N. W. is permitted to draw from the Library books, not to be had at the Public Library until June 30, 1920 November 25, 1919 Herbert Putnam Librarian J A PAGEANT Will Be Given By The Mary Church Terrell Self Help Group, Div. 4 At Garnet-Patterson Junior High School 10th and You Streets, N. W. Thursday, April 25, 1935, at 8 p. m. Alice Washington, Pres. Marie B. Crawford, Chr. ADMISSION … … 15 CENTS The O. A. RyCe Print—Lincoln 1828 [*Complimentary*] The Friendly Circle of Pilgrim Baptist Church Assisted by a committee from the New Jersey State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs Presents Mary Church Terrell Speaker of Washington, D. C. 1st President of National Federation of Colored Women's Clubs Assisted by the Wynn Music and Dramatic Guild At the East Orange High School Sunday, May 1, 1938, 3:30 P. M. Patron Tickets 75c Dr. Mary Church Terrell (Sponsor) is enrolled as a member of the washington council of The East and West Association October 1952 - June 1953 Louise Duncan Secretary 6-13-52 UW East Entrance Mrs. Mary Church Terrell will please present this card at The White House FRIDAY JUN 13 1952 at 4 o'clock Not transferable For Mrs. Mary Terrell Mr and Mrs Jasper Gibbs Jr. Minneapolis Minn (over) Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Heberton Terrell At Home Wednesdays 1415 Corcoran Street after November fifteenth Washington D.C. [ca 1-6-37] National Youth Administration Mary Church Terrell Official Delegate Conference - January 6th, 7th and 8th, 1937 Conference Room A, B and C - Government Auditorium, Bet.13th and 14th on Constitution Mary McLeod Bethune Director, Division Negro Affairs Will Judge Terrell kindly oblige the Press Art Bureau with five minutes in the morning so that we may secure for the files of the Boston press a good photo of him? The card enclosed is self-explanatory. YWCA membership card Phyllis Wheatley Young Women's Christian Association Washington, D. C. Date Oct 1953 Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Address 1615 5 St., N.W. is an ELECTORAL member of this Association and is entitled to the privileges of electoral membership. This card will introduce her to any YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION in the world. Expires Oct 1954 Julia West Hamilton President T. C. Bigelow Boston Press Art Bureau over [ca 1953] PERMIT NO. I02020 EXPIRES 6 3 36 SERIAL No. 116230 District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Operator's Permit This certified that the addressee named hereon has been licensed as an operator of Gasoline, Electric Motor Vehicles, except motor cycles, for a period of THREE YEARS. [???] Director of Vehicles and Traffic. Name Mory C. Terrell Res. address 1615 S St. N.W. Res. address Res. address Age 60 Race W Sex F Color hair Br. Color eyes Br. Serial No. 3417 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REGISTRATION CARD The card must be with the vehicle when in operation, but does not permit operation of vehicle, and is not valid unless stamped PAID by COLLECTOR OF TAXES D. C. TRADE NAME KIND-MODEL YEAR BODY SERIAL NO. ENGINE NO. DATE TITLE NO. FORD USED A 1930 CPE A3834626 10-14-31 38566 MARY C TERRELL 1615 S ST N W WASH D C This certifies that identification tags have been assigned to the addressee named hereon to be used on a motor vehicle as described above for the year ending January 1, 1934. (over) DIRECTOR OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC 1933 TAG No. K 6596 [1913] STATE OF MARYLAND Motor Vehicle Operator's License, No. 63860 THIS LICENSE, when officially stamped and dated authorizes the undersigned to operate any motor-vehicle, except as otherwise stated hereon, other than motor-cycles, in the State of Maryland, in accordance with the provisions of the Laws of Maryland regulating the operation of same. E. Austin Baughman Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Mary C. Terrell Signature of Operator Name Mary C. Terrell Residence 1323 O St. NW Post-Office LoC Md. Age 50. This License when signed 1 y Operator is good until suspended or revoked and need not be renewed annually. Not valid to operator vehicle for hire, or as an employee of owner. Complementary WOMAN'S CENTENNIAL CONGRESS "The Woman's Century" TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1940 8:00 P. M. EAST BALLROOM HOTEL COMMODORE NEW YORK CITY On behalf of the Trustees and the handicapped persons served by the Davis Me- morial Goodwill Industries, may we thank you for your contribution. Your membership, which is deductible from income taxes, entitles you to voting priv- ileges at the annual meeting and to receive all literature of the organization. May we extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our workrooms and stores. Your Membership provides the following Rehabilitation Services: 1. Health and restorative services. 2. Homebound program for the severely handicapped. 3. Vocational counseling -- training -- work adjustment. 4. Personal and family coun- seling. DAVIS MEMORIAL GOODWILL INSUSTRIES 1218 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. Washington 6, D.C. This is to certify that Mrs. Mary Church Terrell is a Regular member of the Davis Memorial Goodwill Industries For the year ending December 1953. [signature] W. Harold Snape, Director Washington's Rehabilitation Center for the Handicapped Mary Church Terrell. Washington. D. C. Title of book: Colored Soldiers Proved Mettle in War of 1776. By Mary Church Terrell. Author, of the United States. Published on Jan. 24, 1932, in The Sunday Star. Washington, issued on Jan. 24, 1932. Copy received Jan. 27, 1932. Entry: Class A5, No. 37847 [SEAL] Wm Brown Acting Register of Copyrights U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1931 A5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COPYRIGHT OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON CERTIFICATE OF COPYRIGHT REGISTRATION This is to certify, in conformity with section 55 of the Act to Amend and Consolidate the Acts respecting Copyright approved March 4, 1909, as amended by the Act approved March 2, 1913, that ONE copy of the newspaper or periodical containing the PERIODICAL CONTRIBUTION named herein has been deposited in this Office under the provisions of the Act of 1909, and that registration of a claim to copyright for the first term of 28 years from the date of publication of the said periodical has been duly made in the name of [over] [*ca 1924*] 1924 POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SCHOOL This is to certify that Mary Church Terrell has attended the session of the Campaign School and is awarded this certificate for the Full course. Virginia White Speel President, League of Republican Women Mary Morris Lockwood Registration Officer Isabelle Geddes Smith Director, Political Campaign School This is to certify that Mary Church Terrell is a member of The BOOKSHOP ASSOCIATION [A Consumer Co-op affiliated with D. C. Co-op League] 916 17th Street, N.W. REpublic 4843 Expires 10-22-42 D. C. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Seventh Annual School Statler Hotel - February 17, 1948 "The Peoples Responsibility for Peace" Morning Session 10:00 - 12:30 Afternoon Session 2:00 - 4:00 Ticket $1.25 tax 25, total $1.50 No. 1375 Das Organisationskomitee des Internationalen Frauenkongresses für dauernden Frieden beehrt sich Terrell auf Samstag, den 17, Mai, abends 1/2 8 Uhr, zum ABEND- ESSEN in die Tonhalle [Übungssäle, Eingang Gotthardstr.] einzuladen. Bitte Brot- und Fettkarte mitbringen. Frau Frida Perlen Stuttgart [*Schappsprape 42.*] MARY CHURCH TERRELL Your Membership Entitles You to- A dividend on monthly book selections 20% discount on Victor and Columbia Records 6% savings on depositor's accounts Annual patronage refunds in case of a surplus Lectures every Friday at a reduced rate Seminars and Study Circles Music and Art Appreciation Groups Art Shows We regret to inform you of the death of Mrs. Addie Jo. Wickersone which occurred May 31, 1940 Funeral Services to be held Sunday June 2, 1940 At 3 P.M. 2044 Ridge Ave. [May be viewed] Internment Wilmington, N.C. Sorrowfully yours, HOBSON R. REYNOLDS & BRO. G. Edward Wickersone 2044 Ridge Avenue Poplar 3623 Vote for GRACE WILSON EVANS For First Vice President At Large of the N. A. C. W. R. Ross. Robertson Sub Gerento The National City Bank of New York [??] ADMIT ONE Inaugural Dinner AMERICAN COUNCIL ON HUMAN RIGHTS October 15, 1948 - 6:30 P.M. WILLARD HOTEL in Washington No. 141 Table #1 Complimentary Mrs. Anna Hedgeman guest of The Philadelphia Council National Council of Negro Women at Dinner SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1949 - 7:30 P. M. $3.00 Informal WITH LOVE BETA-BETA SIGMA CHAPTER DETA SIGMA THETE THE SHOREHAM Baron[??] Tokyo, Japan Washington Dc! 1921. [??] Phone NOrth 10252 FLASH! Weekly Newspicture Magazine (over) FLASH BUILDING DUTTON FERGUSON 2003 8th. St., N. W. Editor WASHINGTON, D. C. REpublic 4711 Hotel Service Workers LOCAL No. 80 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE CHARLES S. HILL 527 NINTH ST. N. W. BUSINESS AGENT WASHINGTON. D. C. Mrs. Terrell: For next week, we feature a photo series on Oberlin graduates. Please call us in re an early photograph of yourself or your class DUTTON. The National Association of Colored Women Guest PRESENTED BY Mrs. Mary Church Terrell PROF. S. DIETRICH Dr. es lettres DIRECTEUR DE L'ECOLE MODERNE DE LANGUES INTREPRETE AUPRES DE LA COUR DE JUSTICE ET DU TRIBUNAL DE PREMIERE INSTANCE DE LA REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE GENEVE RUE DU RHONE, 42 TELEPHONE 29.97 GENEVE Maison Throll Pumage des Lions 6 The Washington Council of Church Women 1751 N STREET, N. W. 1951 MEMBERSHIP CARD 1951 Mrs Mary C. Terrell Dues paid through December 31, 1951 Mrs. Armond Scott Membership Chairman c/o Mark Lane London, F. C. 3. M. Robert Broadhurst Hon: Sec., African Profess Union Installation Banquet of National Association of Colored Women Inc. Gold Room of Park Manor 607 South Western Avenue August 7th 1952 8: P.M. $3.50 Per Plate Formal [M?] Richard van Wulfften Palthe. F.W. Broese van Groenou. Van Stolkweg 35. Gravenhage. [ca 1-29-32?] Negro Achievements DEC. 11, 1931 MR. C. C. SPAULDING President, N.C. Mutual Insurance Company Banker Durham, N.C. Social Service JAN. 29, 1932 MRS. MARY CHURCH TERRELL Lecturer Washington, D. C. Music FEB. 26, 1932 MISS HELEN HAGAN Pianist Morriston, N. J. Public Health MARCH 25, 1932 DR. PETER M. MURRAY President Negro National Medical Association New York City Music APRIL 29, 1932 MRS. NELL HUNTER Soloist Durham, N. C. FOURTH ANNUAL FORUM COURSE MICHIGAN AVENUE BRANCH Y. M. C. A. 585 Michigan Avenue BUFFALO, N. Y. DECEMBER 1931 THRU APRIL 1932 (Each Program begins promptly 8:15 P.M.) You can hear five outstanding characters (Negro Leaders) during this period. Negro Achievements, Social Service, Musical Art and Public Health. Season Ticket $1.25 Single Admission 50¢ The Friendly Circle of Pilgrim Baptist Church ASSISTED BY A COMMITTEE FROM THE New Jersey State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs Presents MARY CHURCH TERRELL SPEAKER OF WASHINGTON, D. C. 1st PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COLORED WOMEN'S CLUBS ASSISTED BY THE Wynn Music and Dramatic Guild AT THE EASTS ORANGE HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1938, 3:30 P. M. PATRON TICKETS 75¢ [ca 6-3-48] IMPORTANT! Your operator's permit expires on the date shown on the attached application for renewal of your permit. It is illegal to drive on an expired permit. Answer all questions on the application in your own handwriting in ink. Sign your name, detach and mail one week before expiration date to the Department of Vehicles and Traffic, East Administration Building, 301 C Street, N.W., Washington 1, D. C., together with your check or money order for $3.00, made payable to Collector of Taxes D. C. Do not send cash. False answer to any of the questions on the attached application will make the applicant liable to revocation of permit for misrepresentation. GEO. E. KENEIPP, Director of Vehicles and Traffic. DETACH AND RETURN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF PERMIT TO Permit Number OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE IN Expiration Date 102020 THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA JUN 3 1948 Fill in All Information Requested DATE OF BIRTH AGE OCCUPATION RACE SEX WEIGHT HEIGHT COLOR HAIR COLOR EYES WHITE MALE NEGRO FEMALE Has your permit or privilege to drive ever been suspended or revoked in the District of Columbia or elsewhere? (Yes or no) If so, give date, place, and reason for same Has your privilege to operate been restored? (Yes or no) Date restored Have you good natural eyesight for driving? (Yes or no) If not, is the defect corrected by Glasses? (Yes or no) Are you subject to: (a) Fainting or dizzy spells? (b) Frequent headaches? THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Have you ever had a stroke or paralysis? Have you ever had a nervous breakdown? Do you use insulin? Do you use alcoholic beverages? If so, to what extent? Signature of applicant (First name) (Middle name) (Last name) Residence (Number) (Street) (Section) Apartment No.) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public. My commission expires False answer to any of the above questions will make applicant liable to revocation of permit for misrepresentation. PHYSICIAN'S CERTIFICATE (Required Only on Request of Director) I have examined this applicant and find him/her physically competent to operate an automobile. Address Name of Physician Telephone No. From Sec. 562 P. L. & R. DEPT. OF VEHICLES & TRAFFIC EAST ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 301 C. Street, N. W. Washington 1, D. C. Mary C. Terrell 1615 S NW City.9 Postmaster-Do Not Forward Mrs. Arthur W. Hummel will be at home Friday, the eighteenth of June at 4 o'clock in honor of her sister Miss Louise G. Bookwalter of Ceylon R.S.V.P. With profound gratitude for your beautiful resolutions. Mrs. Robert G. Ingersoll [Miss Ingersoll] [Wednesdays] 117 East 21st Street. Gramercy Park. Mr. Fred. W. Dove. Lizville, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, London, W. C. Please make for our acct special prints of Mr. Justice Terrell and oblige The Boston Press Art Bureau per T. C. Bigelow MEMBER'S PASS. House of Representatives Washington D.C. 192_ ADMIT Mrs. Mary C. Terrell TO THE VISITOR'S GALLERY For Ruth Hanna McCormick M.C. FROM Illinois As a national member of the American Association of University Women- you receive the quarterly Journal, which brings you news of the Association and the IFUW. you are entitled to attend AAUW national conventions, and to have voting representation. you are invited to use the lounge and reading room facilities at national Headquarters. you are strengthening AAUW's Influence for higher standards in education and wider opportunities for women. If dues lapse without a written resignation, the payment of a reinstatement fee plus dues for the current year is required for a resumption of membership. A written resignation, presented by January 1 of the first year of non-membership, preserves the right to reinstatement at any time on payment of current dues only. (See By-Laws) Mrs. Robert Heberton Terrell. 1615 S St., N. W. Washington 9, D. C. Report change of address to-- NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, 1634 EYE STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Below is your membership card in the American Association of University Women. In the AAUW you join with more than 110,000 other alumnae, organized in over 1,075 local branches, for "practical work in education." As a member of AAUW you take part in-- a program with stimulates the individual to keep on learning, and enlists the resources of educated women to build better communities and to work toward solution of national and international problems. a worldwide International Federation of University Women, which unites associations of university women of 33 countries. the fellowship program which aids gifted American women scholars and helps women of war-torn countries to get much-needed training. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Signature of member IS A NATIONAL MEMBER, Washington Branch, A.A.U.W. Branch FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY 31, 1950. LGHunter Dorothy B.A. Rand BRANCH TREASURER NATIONAL TREASURER 1634 I STREET N.W. WASHINGTON 6 D.C. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom IV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS WASHINGTON, D. C. MAY 1-7, 1924 Admit bearer Saturday, May 3, 1924 Hall of Nations, Washington Hotel, Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street (Entrance Pennsylvania Avenue) Visitor's Card Price 50¢ EVENING MEETINGS FREE Mary Church Terrell- IS ENROLLED AS A MEMBER OF THE WASHINGTON COUNCIL OF The East and West Association OCTOBER 1950 - JUNE 1951 Jean C. Robertson SECRETARY This Certifies that Mrs. March Church Terrell, of 1615 S. St. N.W., Washington, D.C., having kindly contributed $3.00 (for which we are truly grateful) is, for a year from Jan. 24, 1939 A Subscribing MEMBER of WORLD FELLOWSHIP LOCAL - NATIONAL - INTERNATIONAL (over) Signed Chas Weller & entitled to the new book, when printed. I thank you, heartily, for the encouragement & strength you generously give us by your long-continued interest, cooperation, leadership + eloquence. Please call on me for anything I can do to help your book. List me as a subscriber. It will be a noble contribution to human service, sincerely Chas & Hellen UAR 9 E 37th Cal 8950 Levengleb[?] 61 W 48th Bryant 5860 Villard H. 525 Park Ave. Reg 2138 Century Way 353 4th Ave Times 229 W 43 Doran 244 Madison Ave - Am News 2293-7th Ave Swift 170 Prospect Pl [??] 7742 Edge 8926 241-7th Ave Forum 441 Lex Ave. Wan 8840 BMT Change DeKalb Ave for Brighton Beach get off at 7th Ave - Melrose 3670 129W - 136th St.- League SCHWAB & WUISCHPARD MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE WATCH CASES 40 WEST 48th STREET NEW YORK (over) TELEPHONE BRYANT 3907 D. C. League of Women Voters 1129 Vermont Avenue, N. W., 5 Membership Receipt Name Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Address 1615 S. N.W. 9 Annual dues $3.00 April 1st 1948-9 Contribution to League Activities $ MRS. CHARLES F. BRANNAN 10-27-48 Treasurer [*MF*] 3921 Langley Court WASHINGTON 16, D.C. Advokaat F. W. Beyers 45. Burnside Weg. Tamboerskloof, Kaafstad [*Cape Town South Africa*] 40, Cassellam Mansions Cassellan Ruen S. Satyamurti. [*Maida Vole W9*] MADRAS. SERIAL NO. 48412 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REGISTRATION CARD This card must be with the vehicle when in operation, but does not permit operation of vehicle, and is not valid unless stamped PAID by COLLECTOR OF TAXES D.C. TRADE NAME KIND-MODEL YEAR BODY SERIAL NO. ENGINE NO. DATE TITLE NO. FORD USED A 1930 CPE A3834626 10-14-31 38566 2.25 MARY C TERRELL 1615 S ST N W WASH D C This certifies that identification tags have been assigned to the addressee named hereon to be used on a motor vehicle as described above for the year ending January 1, 1936. (over) DIRECTOR OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC. 1935 TAG No. 75815 IMPORTANT If this registration card is lost, stolen, or destroyed, a duplicate must be obtained from the Director. Fee, $1.00. M.V.P. and R. Regulations, Sec. 10, par. (F). If identification tags are transferred to another motor vehicle this card must be forwarded to the Director with application for transfer. Fee, $1.00. Newly acquired motor vehicle cannot be operated until new registration card is received from Director or a temporary 5-day registration card is obtained from a registered dealer or person designated by the Director. A person who disposes of a motor vehicle and who does not acquire another motor vehicle to which the identification tags may be transferred, shall remove the identification tags from the said motor vehicle and deliver or mail said identification tags with the registration card to the Director within 72 hours from the time of such disposal. M.V.T. and R. Regulations, Sec. 10, par. (J). In the event of the change of address of the owner of this motor vehicle, such owner shall furnish the Director with his new address within 72 hours after such change of address. M.V.T. and R. Regulations, Sec. 10, par. (I). U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1934 13-827 SERIAL NO. 33597 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REGISTRATION CARD This card must be with the vehicle when in operation, but does not permit operation of the vehicle, and is not valid unless stamped PAID by COLLECTOR OF TAXES D. C. TRADE NAME KIND-MODEL YEAR BODY SERIAL NO. ENGINE NO. DATE TITLE NO FORD USED A 1930 CPE A3834626 10-14-31 38566 MARY C TERRELL 1615 S ST N W WASH D C This certifies that identification tags have been assigned to the addressee named heron to be used on a motor vehicle as described above for the year ending January 1, 1935. (OVER) DIRECTOR OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC 1934 TAG NO. K 2239 DETACH ANY PART IMPORTANT If this registration card is lost, stolen, or destroyed, a duplicate must be ob- tained from the Director. Fee, $1.00. M. V. T. and R. Regulations, Sec. 10, par. (F). If identification tags are transferred to another motor vehicle this card must be forwarded to the Director with application for transfer. Fee, $1.00. Newly acquired motor vehicle can not be operated until new registra- tion card is received from Director or a temporary five day registration card is obtained from a registered dealer or person designated by Director. A person who disposes of a motor vehicle and who does not acquire another motor vehicle to which the identification tags may be transferred, shall remove the identification tags from the said motor vehicle and deliver or mail said identification tags with the registration card to the Director within 72 hours from the time of such disposal. M. V. T. and R. Regulations, Sec. 10, par. (J). In the event of the change of address of the owner of this motor vehicle, such owner shall furnish the Director with his new address within 72 hours after such change of address. M. V. T. and R. Regulations, Sec. 10, par. (I). U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1933 13-827 60th ANNUAL COMPETITIVE DRILL Ninth Brigade of H. S. C. Thursday, May 22, 1952 8:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. GRIFFITH STADIUM Seventh Street and Florida Avenue, N.W. PRICE 60c 76 BOX 4 SEAT 76 BOX 4 SEAT BOX TICKET Thursday, May 22, 1952 60th DRILL PRICE 60c GLOBE TICKET COMPANY — BOSTON 60th ANNUAL COMPETITIVE DRILL Ninth Brigade of H. S. C. Thursday, May 22, 1952 8:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. GRIFFITH STADIUM Seventh Street and Florida Avenue, N.W. PRICE 60c 76 BOX 3 SEAT 76 BOX 3 SEAT BOX TICKET Thursday, May 22, 1952 60th DRILL PRICE 60c GLOBE TICKET COMPANY — BOSTON No. 102 This Certifies That Mary Church Terrell is a Honorary Member of The Howard University Women's Club WASHINGTON, D. C. Esther S. Pollard President Marie T. Haley Secretary Expires June 30, 1954 [Ca 9-23-5173] Best wishes on your 88th birthday - May god give you Strength to carry on Miklud & Vecuers Sater [?] Met him in Amer. Ex Co in Paris - Mr. William H. Van Dervoort [*Moline- Ill USA*] European Commission National Industrial Conference Board Boston, Massachusetts, USA Rocket 88 !!! As a national AAUW member you receive the quarterly Journal; you are entitled to attend AAUW national conventions and to have voting representation; you automatically become a member of the International Federation of University Women; and you have the privileges of the AAUW National Clubhouse in Washington, where members and women leaders from all parts of the world find hospitality and stimulating contacts. If dues lapse without a written resignation, the payment of $2.00 plus dues for the current year is required for reinstatement. A written resignation, presented by January 1 of the first year of non-membership, preserves the right to reinstatement at any time on payment of current dues only. (See By-laws, Art. II, 5a, b.) Mrs. Robert Herberton Terrell, 1615 S St., N. W. Washington 9, D. C. Report change of address to -- NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, 1634 EYE STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Below is your card of membership in the American Association of University Women. Please sign it and keep it. In the AAUW you join with more than 95,000 other college and university alumnae in a program of "practical educational work." Organized in local branches in over 1030 communities, AAUW members are -- studying today's critical problems working for international coopera- tion and peace helping build better communities seeking to strengthen public schools furthering the creative arts enlarging opportunities for women AAUW offers national fellowships for women totaling $30,000 annually . . . gives international grants to bring women of other countries to the U.S. for study (54 from 17 coun- tries in 1947-48) . . . is one of 29 member associations of the Interna- tional Federation of University Women. THIS IS YOUR AAUW MEMBERSHIP CARD -- CUT OUT AND KEEP AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN signature of member IS A NATIONAL MEMBER, New York City Branch FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY 31, 1949. Florence B. Tenney Dorothy B Atkinson BRANCH TREASURER NATIONAL TREASURER 1634 I STREET N W WASHINGTON 6 D.C. Member's Pass. House of Representatives. Washington, D. C. Mar 10, 1933 ADMIT Mrs. Mary Church Terrell To the Visitor's Gallery For 73rd Congress Oscar D. Priest M.C. from 1st Illinois Member's Pass. House of Representatives. Washington, D. C. Dec 5, 1932 ADMIT Mrs. Mary Church Terrell To the Visitor's Gallery For 72nd Session Oscar D. Priest M.C. from 1st Illinois To meet Mrs. Sandamini Mehta Mrs. William Stuart Nelson Sun. Nov. 2 Tea 5 to 7 R. S. V. P. 1722 Harmon Street Harold A. Haynes First Assistant Superintendent of Schools In recognition of your 90th birthday from AAUW Friends WOMEN'S CITY CLUB Extends the Privileges of Its Club to Mary Church Terrell For the Period of From Date 11-5-36 Pending Election 736 Jackson Place Washington, D. C. Women's City Club 736 Jackson Place WASHINGTON, D. C. RECEIVED Nov 4 1936 From Mary C. Terrell $12.50 In payment of dues May 1 37 As per Margin For Treasurer Margaret Hill No. 8859 Number F 5710 To America How would you have us, as we are-- Or sinking 'neath the load we bear? Our eyes fixed forward on a star-- Or gazing empty at despair? Rising or falling? Men or things? With dragging pace or footsteps fleet? Strong, willing sinews in your wings? Or tightening chairs about your feet? This is to certify that MRS. M. C. TERRELL has contributed $5.00 to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and enrolled for the furtherance of the work of the organization To Safeguard the Full Political, Civil and Legal Rights of Colored Citizens and Secure for them Equality of Opportunity. In Witness Whereof the Board of Directors has caused this Certificate to be issue: J. E. Spingarn Treasurer June 27, 1924 Dated at Headquarters 69 Fifth Ave., New York WOMAN'S CENTENNIAL CONGRESS Hotel Commodore New York City D E L E G A T E C R E D E N T I A L C A R D for admission to round table discussion of COMMISSION ON ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL WELFARE Tuesday afternoon, November 26 Wednesday morning, November 27 VISITOR'S TICKET CONFERENCE ON THE CAUSE AND CURE OF WAR HALL OF NATIONS HOTEL WASHINGTON ADMITS TO ALL SESSIONS OF THE CONFERENCE NOT TRANSFERABLE Mrs. Mary Church Terrell FORM 21 TREASURY DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON AUG DATE This is to certify that Mary C. Terrell is an employee of the U. S. Treasury Department and is entitled to enter the Treasury Building during official hours for the performance of official duty. Paul Myers Chief Clerk NOT TRANSFERABLE WC Black (Head of Office) [Chief of] Bureau of War Risk Insurance with best wishes and CONGRATULATIONS Margaret M. Nottage California Congratulations from Grand Chapter Delta Sigma Theta To their [??] Mary Church Terrell Wilberforce, June 13, 1946 With Love and Admiration Lulu, Blanchet Marie Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.