MISCELLANY PRINTED MATTER Programs, 1950-52 The Shiloh Herald Shiloh Baptist Church Ninth and P Streets, Northwest Washington, D. C. Phone: ADams 6667 "Winter comes to rule the varied year." Rev. E. L. Harrison, D. D., Pastor Residence: 1337 Kearny Street, N. E. Residence Phone: LA 6-4729 Study: DU 2046 [*[ca 6-14-50]*] COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF THE ROBERT H. TERRELL LAW SCHOOL WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY EVE. JUNE THE FOURTEENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY AT EIGHT-THIRTY O'CLOCK THE BANNEKER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL EUCLID STREET AT GEORGIA AVENUE, N. W. [*MAY [19] 1951*] Mother-Daughter Luncheon EPSILON SIGMA CHAPTER DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY Saturday, May 19, 1951, at 12 Noon DOUGLASS MEMORIAL PARLOR Lafayette and Madison Avenues Baltimore, Maryland [*[ca 3-21-52]*] THIRD ANNUAL Testimonial Dinner Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc. ... Honorees DR. PAUL COOKE MRS. JACQUELINE A. CUNEY MRS. MARY CHURCH TERRELL MRS. MINNIE L. WRIGHT ... Friday Evening, March 21, 1952 Seven forty-five o'clock Maria Baldwin Hall, Howard University Programme Attorney Barrington D. Parker, Presiding President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc. INVOCATION ........................................ The Reverend W. Brooks Pastor, Lincoln Congregational Temple OPENING REMARKS MUSIC ........................................................................................ The Tabor Sextet Calm As The Night........Bohn PRESENTATION OF CITATIONS: Mrs. Jacqueline A. Cuney .................................................. Mr. Guy Tinner Response ...................................................................................... Mrs. Cuney Mrs. Minnie Wright ......................................................... Mr. W. A. Haynes Response ..................................................................................... Mrs. Wright Dr. Paul Cooke ................................................... Lt. Col. Robert L. Pollard Response ......................................................................................... Dr. Cooke Mrs Mary Church Terrell ........................................ Mrs. Jane W. Burton Response ...................................................................................... Mrs. Terrell * MUSIC .......................................................................................... The Tabor Sextet A Little Song Of Life ........ Malotte INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ADDRESS .............................................................. The Honorable Armond W. Scott Judge, The Municipal Court for the District of Columbia GREETINGS Benediction ............................................................... The Reverend W. Brooks * THE TABOR SEXTET: Miriam Clement, Carol Conrad, Rosa Davis, Cleopatra Dodd, Dorothy Duncanson, Arwilda Richardson Accompanist, Thelma Guy – Patrons – Mrs. Susie Mae Abbott - Aty. James M. Coggs - Dr. & Mrs. Edw. F. Harris Mr. John Q. Adams - Mr. Lewis P. Cooke - Mr. Waymon A. Haynes Mrs. Margaret Adams - Mrs. Letatie W. Compton - Mrs. Marion P. Harshaw Mr. Alonzo J. Aden - Mrs. Vannetta Cooper - Mrs. Bettie B. Henderson Mrs. Ernest Amos - Dr. Edward D. Crockett - Mr. Elmer W. Henderson Mr. William S. Anderson - Mrs. Madge Cuney - Mrs. Elmira Henderson Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Archer - Mrs. Ernestine Davis - Prof. James V. Herring Atty & Mrs. Richard Atkinson - Mrs. Addie M. Davis - Mrs. Mable G. Hebron Mrs. Lillybelle Barnes - Mrs. Roberta H. Davis - Mr. Charles S. Hill Mrs. J. C. Bailey - Mrs. Hattie Dixon - Mrs. Mary Hill Mr. & Mrs. James G. Barge - Mrs. Susie Dogans - Mrs. Olivia Hill Miss Margaret Barge - Miss Grace Dodson - Mrs. Manizer E. Hines Mr. & Mrs. George Beasley - Miss Mary D. Dodson - Mrs. Viola B. Hill Mrs. Bessie Black - Mrs. Oscar Duckett - Rev & Mrs. J. L. S. Holloman Mrs. Hattie Brady - Mr. Harold G. Eaton - Mr. Lawrence P. Holmes Mrs. Ollie S. Branch - Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Edmonds - Atty. Perry W. Howard Rev. Merrel Booker - Dr. & Mrs. I. B. Horn Mrs. Elizabeth Brown - Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Edelen, Jr. - Mrs. Gladys Holland Mrs. Eva Lucas Brown - Mrs. Catherine G. Hurley Mrs. Gertrude Brown - Dr. & Mrs. H. C. edwards - Miss Lorraine Jeffries Atty. Huver I. Brown - Rev. A. F. Elmes - Mr. Howard Jenkins Mrs. Irene Brown - Mr. L. Roscoe Evans - Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Jenkins Mrs. Lelia Brown - Mr. H. C. Ewing Mrs. Nellie C. Brown - Miss Ogbonia Fearing - Mr. Ernest S. Jenkyns Dr. Schley Brown - Mr. Joseph Forer - Mr. & Mrs. Howard I. Jones Mrs. William N. Buckner - Mr. Thomas Frzier - Mr. George W. Johnson Dr. Samuel Bullock - Dr. & Mrs. Milton A. Francis - Mrs. Clyde Johns Dr. Joseph Butcher - Miss Alice Foster - Miss Hazel Johnson Mr. Emory Bryant - Mrs. Bessie M. Freeman - Mrs. J. Hayden Johnson Mrs. Joseph L. Bryant - Mr. & Mrs. Geo. G. Fleming - Mr. & Mrs. V. D. Johnston Mr. Phillip Butler - Mr. & Mrs. James S. Garrett - Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Wash. Alumni Chapter Mrs. Thema J. Bryant - Mrs. Mary Garrett Mrs. Jane W. Burton - Mrs. M. Gaither - Mrs. Ella S. Kirton Mrs. Phyllis Byrd - Miss Gladys Gaskins - Mr. Emmer M. Lancaster Mr. & Mrs. Eldridge Brown - Mrs. Eula Gordon - Mr. Melvin Lancaster Mrs. Hillary Brown - Mrs. Emma F. George - Mrs. Phyllis Terrell Langston Mrs. Alice L. Bell - Mrs. Charlotte Gregory - Mrs. Mattie C. Lee Mr. Harry U. Bell - Mrs. Jessie Gregory - Mr. Lamont Lawson Mrs. Blanche N. Carper - Mrs. Laura Green - Mrs. Jene Levi Mr. & Mrs. Lee Campbell - Mrs. Lois C. Green - Mrs. Daisy Lewis Mrs. Georgia Carter - Mr. Ted Greene - Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Carter - Atty. & Mrs. Geo. E. C. Haye - Mr. & Mrs. James Lomack Mrs. Ida Carter - Mrs. Leonard Hayes - Mr. James Long Mr. & Mrs. Jesse M. Carter - Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Hardy - Mrs. H. Corine Lowry Mrs. Bernice Chew - Mr. James Hagger - Mrs. Donessa Lucas Mrs. Elsie Chapman - Mr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Harper - Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Evelyn O. Chisley - Mr. William S. Harps - Mrs. Etta Lynch Mrs. Alice Harris - Dr. C. Herbert Marshall Mrs. Mayme Clark - Miss Annette Harris - Mrs. Beatrice Marshall Mrs. Bessie Clark - Mrs. Vera Hawkins - Mrs. Mable Magruder Judge James A. Cobb - Mrs. Julia West Hamilton - Mrs. Eunice Matthews Mrs. Samuella Cofield - Mrs. Louise A. Hawkins - Mrs. Nettie L. Matthews Patrons Dr. & Mrs. Edward Mazique Mrs. Ellen G. McKenney Mr. & Mrs. F.D. McKenny Mrs. Henrietta McCrea Mr. Dan G. Monroe Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Moran Mrs. I.L. Morris Mrs. Golden Mckenzie Mrs. Louise Mosby Mr. James Mosely Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Moultrie Mr. & Mrs. L.A. Murphy Mrs. Clyde Johnson Moody Mr. Andrew Napper Nye Hardware Dean & Mrs. William Stuart Nelson Dr. John J. O'Conner Mrs. Evelyn B. Overton Mr. Frank Owens Mrs. Louise Packett Atty. & Mrs. Barrington D. Parker Atty. & Mrs. George A. Parker Dr. & Mrs. William T. Parker Atty. Thomas W. Parks Atty. Ned Alston Perry Mrs. Jennie Payne Miss Maybelle Penn Mr. Mrs. E. W. Payton Mr. John H. Pinkard,Sr. Miss Mildred Pickett Atty. & Mrs. Hubert B. Pair Mrs. Daisy F. Powell Lt. Col. & Mrs. Robert L. Pollard Mr. & Mrs. John Powell Mrs. Bessie L. S. Pinner Mrs. Ella Queenan Miss Juletta Randolph Mr. & Mrs. Julius J. Randolph Mrs. Edith Ray Miss Thelma C. Raymond Atty. & Mrs. Frank D. Reeves Mr. David Rein Rhode Island Pharmacy Mr. C. Bernard Ruffin Dr. William B. Russell Mrs. Irene Robinson Mrs. Llewellyn Scott Miss Mattie Scurlock Mrs. Mamie J. Simms Mr. & Mrs. Gilder E. Sanderson Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Sanderson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Simons Mrs. Alice Smith Dr. & Mrs. Alonzo Smith Mr. & Mrs. S. Walter Shine Mrs. Gertrude Smith Mr. Emory H. Smith Mrs. Tracy B. Smith Mrs. Viola H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. William Smith Mrs. Catherine D. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. G. Frederick Stanton Mr. John H. Stanton Mrs. E. P. Speed Mrs. Annie Stein Mr. Billy Taylor Mrs. Ida S. Taylor Dr. H. B. Thomas Dr. Harriet B. Thomas Mrs. Kathryn R. Thomas Mrs. Sadie A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Guy Tinner Mr. & Mrs. Ollie Tinner Mr. Tomlinson Todd Mrs. Alice Trigg Mrs. Hattie Triplett Mrs. Vivian T. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O. Waller Mrs. Nellie B. Walker Mr. Van Dyke Walker Mrs. Nona Walker Dean William West Mr. James E. Washington Mr. Richard F. Ware Mrs. Samuel Whaley Mrs. Bessie Scott White Miss Georgetta B. White Mrs. Alice Nelson Williams Dr. E. Y. Williams Mrs. Helen C. Whittington Miss Georgine Wilkins Mr. Walter Williams Dr. David C. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wright * * * Mr. W. A. Haynes Chairman Mrs. Susie Mae Abbott Mrs. Jane W. Burton Mrs. Marjorie Campbell Mr. Melvine Lancaster Mrs. Evelyn B. Overton Atty. Barrington D. Parker Lt. Col. Robert L. Pollard Mrs. Alberta S. Randolph Mrs. Catherine D. Spencer Mr. Guy Tinner Mr. Walter B. Sanderson, Sr. Mrs. Elinor R. Waller Miss Georgetta B. White [*Save!*] THIRD ANNUAL AWARD MEETING The District of Columbia Branch NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1951 8:15 P. M. BIBLE WAY CHURCH 1130 New Jersey Avenue, Northwest Washington, D. C. "Forty-second Anniversary of the N. A. A. C. P." [*See Page 2*] To honor five noble Americans on the Washington scene who have conspicuously contributed during the preceding year to human rights, for the preservation of the democratic way of life, to bring District of Columbia practices in line with the official documents of our government, who have labored many years and continue to labor to perpetuate the government "of the people, by the people, for the people." Programme Dr. Herbert Marshall, Presiding ORGAN PRELUDE .............................................................. Miss Pearl Williams INVOCATION .......................................................... Elder Smallwood Williams STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS .............................................. Mrs. Thomasina J. Norford SELECTION ............................................................... Community Choral Group Directed by Dean Warner Lawson ADDRESS ............................................................ Attorney Thurgood Marshall Special Counsel, N. A. A. C. P., New York, N. Y. SOLO ................................................................................ Miss Mattie Shelton PRESENTATION OF AWARD FOR 1950 .................. Dr. Edwin B. Henderson RESPONSES SELECTION ............................................................ Community Choral Group MEMBERSHIP APPEAL ........................................................ Andrew L. Lindsay Chairman, 1591 Membership Campaign THE NATIONAL ANTHEM BENEDICTION .............................................................................. Elder Williams [*Page 1*] CITATIONS PAUL COOKE For indefatigable activity in promoting democratic practices in the field of recreation through legal action and for his contribution to education through research and scholarly presentation of facts; for leadership in organized labor through the American Federation of Teachers' Unions; for the preservation of Civil Rights thru many other organizations. WALTER HAGER For scholarly statesmanship on the proposition of a democratic school system for the nation's capital; for his heartening democratic attitudes in educational matters affecting all the citizens of the District of Columbia; for practical friendship in the realm of intercultural education. EDWARD J. KELLEY For continuing the spirit of ideal democracy, for which the Interior Department has set a high standard by maintenance of the National Parks and allied facilities for utilization of all the American people. DAVID SCULL For his untiring efforts on behalf of achieving democracy in places of public accomodation in the nation's capital through legal redress and for personal exemplification of the fraternal spirit. MARY CHURCH TERRELL For long, continued and arden efforts for full citizenship of all persons in the nation's capital. Specifically, for her latest activity in relation to democratic practices in places of public accomodation. For general participation in any libral program planned for the implementation of democracy. [*Page 2*] Second Anniversary Dinner of the Martha M. Waldron Women's Club Shiloh Baptist Church Ninth and P Streets, N. W. SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1950, 2 P. M. at the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. 901 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W. Rev. Mr. Earl L. Harrison .................................................................................. Pastor Olive L. English ..................................................................................................... President Eleanor M. Davis ............................................................................................... Chairman Clarice I. Gooding ................................................................................... Co-Chairman The Washington Council of THE EAST AND WEST ASSOCIATION presents Through courtesy of The Royal Thai Embassy and the National Geographic Society SIAM LAND OF THE FREE IN ASIA Thursday, March 29, 1951 8:30 p. m. Pierce Hall A LITERARY AND MUSICAL PROGRAM Sponsored By The Campbell Civic Committee Sunday, June 10, 1951 6 p.m. CAMPBELL A. M. E. CHURCH Mrs. Frances H. Mason Chairman Rev. S. Everette Guiles Minister [*Attorney General McGrath Invited me to this dinner.*] [*[ca 2-27-51]*] THE WASHINGTON AREA COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS WORLD BROTHERHOOD DINNER in honor of PAUL REYNAUD Chairman of the Executive Committee of the European Consultative Assembly Former Premier of France For Peace and Freedom TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1951 MAYFLOWER HOTEL WASHINGTON, D. C. DEDICATION CEREMONIES of the Kelly Miller Junior High School In the Auditorium Kelly Miller Junior High School 49th and Washington Pl., N. E. Monday, November 20, 1950 [*See Page 1*] MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. C. Melvin Sharpe, President Mr. Adelbert W. Lee, Vice-President Mrs. Lenore W. Smith Mrs. Velma G. Williams Dr. James A. Gannon Mr. Albert E. Steinem Mrs. Elviria Z. Magdeburger Dr. Philip T. Johnson Mr. Woolsey W. Hall - : - SCHOOL OFFICERS Dr. Hobart M. Corning Superintendent Dr. Garnet C. Wilkinson First Assistant Superintendent of Schools Divisions 10 - 13 Mr. A Kiger Savoy Associate Superintendent in Charge of Elementary Schools Divisions 10 - 13 Mr. Harold A. Haynes Associate Superintendent in Charge of Educational Research Divisions 10 - 13 Mr. John M. Riecks Associate Superintendent in Charge of Buildings and Grounds Mr. Thomas J. Holmes Associate Superintendent in Charge of Personnel Mr. Adelbert W. Heinmiller Assistant to the Superintendent Dr. Gladys T. Peterson Administrative Assistant to First Asst. Supt. Wilkinson Mrs. Muriel Milton Alexander Principal Mr. Howard F. Bolden - Mrs. Audrey D. Black Assistant Principals [*Page 1*] "There is a self-enlarging law of human affection—the more we give, the more we have. Universal law is reversible; it is as true stated backward as when stated forward. The less of the higher values we give, the less we have." —Kelly Miller in "An Appeal to Conscience" [*Page 2*] KELLY, MILLER, the sixth child of Kelly and Elizabeth Miller, was born July 18, 1863 in Winnsboro, South Carolina. After early training in rural schools, he enrolled in Howard University where he earned A.B. and M.A. degrees. He studied at Johns Hopkins University and was later awarded honorary degrees by Virginia Union Seminary and Wilberforce University. He taught briefly in the Public Schools of Wsahington before returning to his alma mater to serve in turn as instructor, professor and dean. For more than half a century Kelly Miller was an integral part of Howard University and carried its message to all parts of the United States. He lectured widely, wrote books and contributed to magazines and newspapers throughout the country. Nationally he was recognized as an advocate of higher education for the Negro and as an authority on race relations. His best known books are: As to the Leopard Spots, Race Adjustment, The Disgrace of Democracy, Out of the House of Bondage, An Appeal to Conscience, and The Everlasting Stain. Kelly Miller died December 29, 1939 leaving a rich heritage to the community and race which he served. Kelly Miller 1863-1939 [*Page 4*] Dr. Hobart M. Corning, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Garnet C. Wilkinson First Assistant Superintendent of Schools Divisions 10-13 [*Page 6*] PROGRAM Presiding Officer - Dr. Garnet C. Wilkinson First Assistant Superintendent of Schools Invocation Rev. Andrew Fowler Minister, Capitol View Baptist Church Choir Selection Agnus Dei Palestrina Kelly Miller Choir Mr. Benjamin C. Smith, Director Welcome Address Charles Kidd Honor Student, Kelly Miller Junior High School Tribute Rev. Arthur F. Elmes Minister, Peoples Congregational Church Selection Deep River Burleigh Kelly Miller Choir Mr. Benjamin C. Smith, Director Greetings Mrs. Velma G. Williams Member, Board of Education Greetings Dr. Hobart M. Corning Superintendent of schools Tribute Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Piano Solo Valse Levitzki Mr. Bernard L. Walton, Member of the Faculty Kelly Miller Junior High School Address Mr. Belford V. Lawson National President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Vocal Solo Bless This House Brahe Mr. Chauncey Brown Mr. Bernard L. Walton, Accompanist Message from Parents Rev. Hampton T. Gaskins President, Kelly Miller Parent-Teacher Association PROGRAM Selection Ode to the Afro-American Youth, Kelly Miller Kelly Miller Verse Choir Mrs. Dorothy G. Ballard, Director Vocal Solo Ave Maria Bach-Gounod Alexander Perkins, 7A Kelly Miller Student Mrs. Wilhelmina Patterson, Accompanist Message from Citizens Mr. Bernard C. Chapman President, Northeast Boundary Civic Association Greetings Mr. John L. Young Assistant Superintendent of Recreation Greetings Mr. Howard D. Woodson Former President, Northeast Boundary Civic Association Vocal Solo I'm Goin' to Sing Still Mr. Chauncey Brown Mr. Bernard L. Walton, Accompanist Presentation of Portrait Mrs. Male Miller Sullivan Daughter of the late Prof. Kelly Miller Acceptance of Portrait Mrs. Muriel M. Alexander Principal, Kelly Miller Junior High School Vocal Solo Agnus Dei George Bizet Alexander Perkins Mrs. Wilhelmina Patterson, Accompanist Benediction Rev. S. A. Thompson Minister, Ward Memorial A. M. E. Church Doxology Kelly Miller Choir Mr. Benjamin C. Smith, Director TOUR OF THE BUILDING RECEPTION IN ROOM 114. [*Page 8*] Mrs. M. M. Alexander, Principal Mr. H. F. Bolden - Mrs. A. D. Black Assistant Principals Dr. Harold A. Haynes Associated Superintendent In Charge of Educational Research Divisions 10-13 Mr. A. Kiger Savoy Associate Superintendent In Charge of Elementary Schools Divisions 10-13 Dr. Gladys T. Peterson Administrative Assistant to First Asst. Supt. Wilkinson Mr. Bernard C. Chapman President Northeast Boundary Citizens Association Mr. Zed F. Ramsaur Former President, Northeast Boundary Citizens Association Mr. Howard D. Woodson Former President, Northeast Boundary Citizens Association Mr. Oliver W. McDonald Former Secretary of The Far Northeast Council District of Columbia Recreation Staff, Kelly Miller Recreation Center Left to Right- Front Row: Mr. Milton Larry, (Center Director); Mrs. Lelia Thomas, Miss N. Belle Doughty, Mr. Fletcher Turner, Mr. Walter H. Brooks, (Regional Director). Second Row: Mrs. Malish Carter, Mrs. Gladys Mayo, Mr. Reginald Ballard, Mrs. Colleen Prince, Mr. James Lucas. Cafeteria Staff Left to Right: Mrs. F. Newman, Mrs. V. Bowers, Mrs. A. King, Miss D. Latney, Mrs. E. Atwell. FACULTY Reading from Left to Right—First Row: Miss J. E. Davis, Mrs. D. S. Sewell, Miss P. I. Green, Mrs. D. G. Ballard, Mr. H. F. Bolden, Mrs. M. M. Alexander, Mrs. A. D. Black, Miss R. Worthy, Mrs. V. M. Well, Mrs. S. O. Darrell. Second Row: Mrs. L. J. Beasley, Mrs. P. T. [Lang?ton], Mrs. L. J. Edwards, Mrs. L. L. Mathieu, Mrs. P. A. Mitchell, Mrs. A. S. Weaver, Mrs. P. G. Harrod, Mrs. J. W. Randolph, Mr. P. L. Ellis. Third Row: Mr. R. E. Belt, Mr. E. T. Kemp, Miss P. C. Bullock, Mrs. H. C. Tillinghast, Mrs. A. L. Lang, Mrs. E. R. Robinson, Miss E. A. Felton, Mrs. E. F. Browne, Mr. J. R. Winters, Mr. B. C. Smith. Fourth Row: Mr. J. E. Howard, Mr. G. W. Franklin, Mrs. E. W. White, Mrs. P. C. Myers, Miss C. Cottrell, Mrs. G. S. Banks, Mrs. E. McL. Sowell, Mrs. C. M. [B?idges], Mrs. E. B. Booker, Mrs. B. L. Walton, Mr. A. H. Lucas, Fifth Row: Mr. J. D. Martin, Mr. W. E. Temple, Miss A. A. Foster, Miss A. A. Brown, Mrs. J. G. Hughes, Mr. M. [Hon?mond], Mrs. L. M. Chapel, Miss H. M. Plater, Mr. R. W. Boyd, Miss M. N. Felton, Mrs. L. V. Proctor, Mrs. V. J. Henry, Mr. F. B. Lawrence, Mr. O. H. S avoid, Mr. T. R. Hudson, Mr. L. N. Bridges. Rev. Hampton T. Gaskins President, Kelly Miller P. T. A. Maintenance Staff Left to Right—First Row: Mr. L. Whiting, Mr. J. H. Hunt, Mrs. J. T. Byrd, Mr. I. Hawkins, Mr. S. Dade, Mr. P. A. Anthony. Second Row: Mr. G. A. Patterson, Mr. M. Holland, Mr. J. Hendricks. Clerical and Health Staff Left to Right: Miss V. F. Craig, Miss G. L. Catching, Miss A. A. Stovall. Officers of the Kelly Miller P. T. A. Rev. Hampton T. Gaskins, President Mrs. Lydia J. Norris, Vice President Mrs. Mattie C. Lee, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Ethel Roberson, Recording Secretary Mrs. Viola M. Wells, Treasurer Mr. John Holton, Parliamentarian Rev. Frank Randall, Chaplain Mrs. Dorothy G. Ballard, Historian Kelly Miller Junior High School Print Shop Picture Presentation EXERCISES of Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Thursday, February 16, 1950 1:30 P.M. At the Terrell Junior High School Miss V. E. Chase, Principal Mr. Harry J. Robinson, Assistant Principal Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Program Invocation ... Rev. George Christian Chaplin, Howard University Song ... Faith of Our Father ... Audience Remarks ... Negro History Week Celebration Miss G. L. Collins Solo ... Honor Honor ... Catherine Brooks Dunbar High School Piano Selection ... Dorothy Kemp, Class '48 Song ... Passing By ... Terrell Glee Club Remarks ... Interesting Facts about Mrs. Terrell's Life Presentation of Painting ... Mrs. Norma Richardson Teacher, Dunbar High School Acceptance ... Miss V. E. Chase, Principal Remarks ... Facts about the Artist, Rev. James Thompson Anita Brooks, Sec. 9B1 Solo ... Little David Play on Your Harp ... Ora Gray Dunbar High School Remarks ... Mrs. Mary C. Terrell Flag Salute ... Closing Song ... Lift Every Voice and Sing ... Audience (mar 25, 1951) LUNCHEON THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CHAPTER of the NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD announces the first in a series of forums on the United Nations policies: DR. AMAYA CHAKRAVARTY Professor at Princeton University [Member] Advisor, Indian UN Delegation Subject: PREREQUISITES FOR A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE UNITED NATIONS Tuesday, April 3, 1951 1 pm YWCA - 17th & K, NW $1.50 For reservation, call District 3205 or Johnson 2-5107 The series will be continued with speakers from other countries, representing different points of view in the United Nations. Names of speakers and dates of meetings will be announced. WASHINGTON, D.C.15 1951 MAR 25 10-PM UNITED STATES POSTAGE 3 CENTS 3 JEFFERSON [?] NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CHAPTER 902 20TH STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Mrs. Mary Church Terrell 1615 S St NW DC [*Luncheon - 1PM $1.50 17th St YWCA - Tuesday April 3rd Dr Amaya Chakravarty April 3rd 1st of series of Forums*] COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF THE ROBERT H. TERRELL LAW SCHOOL WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY EVEN, JUNE THE FOURTEENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY AT EIGHT-THIRTY O'CLOCK THE BANNEKER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL EUCLID STREET AT GEORGIA AVENUE, N. W. [8-3-50] Biennial Convention Atlantic City, N. J. Program August 3, 1950 The National Arts and Crafts Department of the National Association [of?] Colored Women, Inc. Presents An Evening of Talent And Beauty Music Prelude Mrs. Priscilla W. Marsin Introduction of the National Arts and Crafts Chairman by the National President Mrs. Ella P. Stewart Mrs. Susie V. Bouldar presents the Commentator Miss Julia E. Goens Scene I. Morning Scene "On the Beach of Atlantic City" Morning on the Beach Wear Feature - "Chloe Price's Dancing Dolls" Scene II. Afternoon Scene "Milady Fares Forth to Bridge" Features - Solo, Miss Doris Rodgers Reading Mrs. Sally Kelly Scene III. Cocktail and Evening Wear "In a Flower Garden" Feature - [S?] "Because" Miss Verona Pully Here Comes the Bride The Bridal Party The Crowning of the Queen, by Dr. Mary Church Terrell First National President Presentation of Eleanore Roosevelt Trophy to the Queen by the National President Presentation of the Queen's Attendants 1. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter Brooks 2. Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune 3. Mrs. Sallie W. Stewart 4. Dr. Mary F. Waring Introduction of Local Fashion Review Chairman Mrs. Beatrice Slaten and Mrs. Lelia Williams Turner and Committee State Chairman, Mrs. Wilnette B. Price and Committee Drawing for the Hand Printed China Mrs. Annette H. Officer, 1st Vice President Awarding of Trophies Mrs. Susie V. Bouldin, National Chairman of Arts and Crafts Awarding of Prizes for Fashion Show PROGRAM August 6, 1952 Los Angeles, California The National Arts and Crafts Department STAGE SETTING Music Prelude Mrs. Edith Owens Introduction, Mrs. Susie V. Bouldin National Chairman of Arts & Crafts by Mrs. Ella P. Stewart National President Presenting Commentator by Mrs. Esther T. Greenly Music Junior Miss Choral Group Tacoma, Washington SCENE I Morning Wear Piano Selection Lucille Bacote Blair [*Yellow Fr*] SCENE II Street and Casual Wear [*+ Gray Taffeta model ensemble*] Presenting Artists from the Covan Dance School SCENE III Original Chapeaux Music George Brooks, Baritone Olbett Powell SCENE IV After - Five Wear Music, Solo Rose Glenn [*Yellow & Grey*] SCENE V Evening and Formal Piano Selection Naida McCullough [*Maria Brooks Candlewick*] Introduction, Announcements, Remarks Report of Judges Crowning of the Queen by Mrs. Ella P. Stewart National President Presentation of the Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Trophy to the Queen Dr. Mary Church Terrell Past National President Presentation of the Queen's Attendants: Badges of Honor Dr. Mary F. Waring National Second Vice President Mrs. Genevive Weaver Past National Chairman of Executive Bd. Mrs. H. M. Gibbs National Administrative Secretary Mrs. I. W. Rowan President of Central Association Mrs. Katherine Helm Presentation of Committee by Mrs. Susie V. Bouldin, National Chairman of Arts & Crafts: All local "Evening of Beauty and Talent in a Fashion Parade and Extravaganza", Chairman, Mrs. Jacqueline Moore; Co-Chairman, Mrs. Benester Fisher; and committee State and Arts and Crafts Chairman, Mrs. Georgia Russell; and Co-Chairman, Mrs. Lillian Sundry Ford Drawing for Hand Painted Punch Bowl Mrs. Susie F. Jones President, Northeast Assn. Awarding of Trophies and other prizes by Mrs. Susie V. Bouldin, National Chairman of Arts and Crafts Remarks Mrs. Ella P. Stewart National President Made by Wilma Ray - Nadine 1 Gray with Flowering umberella 1. White with Rhinestone Lois Green 2. Black Taffetta evening dress - Clara Fentris 3. Candlewick - Rosa Glenn 4. Gray knit suit - Dorothy Carter 5. Powder Blue nylon ballerina Dorothy Baughman L'Tanya Blanche Denney THE WASHINGTON COUNCIL of The East and West Association DEVOTED TO NEW AND BETTER UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN PEOPLES THROUGH MUTUAL KNOWLEDGE OFFICERS MRS. WM. STUART NELSON Chairman DR. G. S. KRISHNAYYA MRS. PHILIP S. GRAVEN Vice-Chairmen MR. F. S. POMEROY Treasurer MISS JEAN ROBERTSON Secretary NOrth 5264 1316 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. SPONSORS MR. JOHN COLLIER REV. A. POWELL DAVIES HON. HELEN GAHAGAN DOUGLAS HON. JOSEPH R. FARRINGTON DR. WALTER B. HAGER DR. ARTHUR HUMMEL DR. MORDECAI W. JOHNSON MRS. B. K. NEHRU DR. RAYMOND S. STITES DR. MARY CHURCH TERRELL MRS. GRACE YAUKEY Presents for its Members and Friends A PROGRAM SERIES OCTOBER 1950 - JUNE 1951 MISS PEARL BUCK President, The East and West Association "Toward Common Sense in Asia" PIERCE HALL October 23 All Souls Unitarian Church 8:30 P.M. 16th and Harvard Streets N.W. Informal Reception DR. ASIF I. TANNOUS November 29 Pierce Hall (Dining Room) 6:30 P.M. 16th and Harvard Streets N.W. DINNER AND LECTURE "The Point Four Program and the Middle East -- A Challenge to Western Democracy" Dr. Tannous is Middle East Regional Specialist for the United States Department of Agriculture and Member of the United Nations Economic Survey for Middle Eastern Countries. A SYRIAN DINNER will be served by ladies of the Red Crescent Society of Washington. HOWARD UNIVERSITY CHOIR December 8 Commerce Auditorium 8:30 P.M. 14th between E and Constitution Ave. CHRISTMAS MUSIC Under the direction of Dean Warner Lawson, The Howard University Choir is recognized as among the finest of college choirs. It has made for itself a very special place in the musical life of Washington and in the hearts of our citizens. TEI KO ITO January 25 Pierce Hall 8:30 P.M. 16th and Harvard Streets N.W. DANCES OF JAPAN "**skillfull and distinguished.**" -New York Sun LET'S LOOK AT NORWAY February 23 Pierce Hall 8:30 P.M. 16th and Harvard Streets N.W. Program furnished through courtesy of the Norwegian Embassy. THAILAND March 29 Pierce Hall 8:30 P.M. 16th and Harvard Streets N.W. Program furnished through courtesy of the Royal Thai Embassy. A $5 Membership Contribution will admit to all the programs with the exception of the November program with dinner. A dinner reservation will be $2. Miss Jean Robertson, Secretary Washington Council, East and West 1316 New Hampshire Avenue N. W. Washington 6, D. C. Please find enclosed $ for memberships in The East and West Association for the Season 1950-1951. (Name) (Address) Membership $5 [Ca 9-51?] MONTHLY PROGRAM Of The Interdenominational Council of Ministers' Wives Of Washington and Vicinity FOR THE YEAR 1951 — 1952 [*ca 1950*] NATIONAL NEGRO OPERA COMPANY, INC. CAMPAIGN -Sponsored By- THE NATIONAL NEGRO OPERA COMPANY FOUNDATION, INC. Headquarters - 1037 Evarts Street, N. E. Washington 18, D. C. Telephone LAwrence 6-5253 MARY CARDWELL DAWSON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Executive Director ALTON DAVIS, Chicago, Ill. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Public Relations Director REV. A. JOSEPH EDWARDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Campaign Director B. DOYLE MITCHELL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Treasurer LAURENCE F. HUNT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Assistant Treasurer REV T. EWELL HOPKINS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Financial Secretary -FINANCE COMMITTEE- MRS. CLYDE J. MOODY MRS. MOZELL HENDERSON MR. ROY GARVIN WILLIE CARTER REV. ROBERT M. WILLIAMS RUFUS BYARS MR. JAMES A. SQUIRE MRS. MARY CHURCH TERRELL WALTER M. DAWSON MRS. SADIE PYE -SECRETARIES- RITA CARRINGTON BARBARA EDWARDS MILLIE SMITH BASKETT -CAMPAIGN LEADERS- MRS. FLORENCE BAILEY MRS. VIRGINIA DARE PETERS MRS. ELIZABETH CARPENTER MRS. BERTHA BRAGG MR. MARTIN CARROLL MISS NETTIE BARLOWE MR. WARREN G. BERGE MRS. MOZELLE HENDERSON MRS. EULA SMITH MR. CHARLES J. HANSELL JUNIUS MALONE MS. MEHETABEL LORENS MRS. MAYME KNIGHT MRS. ESTELLE PRIDGEON MR. THOMAS WILLIAMS MISS MARY NELL ROBINSON MR. MILTON SAUNDERS MRS. BULAH JONES WALTER L. SUTLER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chairman Radio WALTER M. DAWSON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Publicity -PARADE COMMITTEE- WALTER M. DAWSON JOHN PYE JAMES C. WATSON CHARLES J. HANSEL JOSEPH MOORE JAMES E. MALONE WALTER L. SUTLER JAMES McNEIL From actual experience the National Negro Opera Company discovered that the production cost of Operas can be fully met only through substantial subsidies by the Friends of Opera. To guarantee Opera Production requires income far in excess of door receipts. Otherwise Operas have to be produced at the price of deficit spending. To offset these headaches and put the organization on a sound business basis, the Opera Co. invited interested friends to consider the advisibility of establishing an Opera Foundation. Among the persons invited were: Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, Rev. Stephen Gill Spottswood, Rev. Robert Williams, Mr. B. Doyle Mitchell, Atty. T. Douglass Davidson, Mr. Ralph Matthews, Mr. Roy Garvin, Rev. A. Joseph Edwards, Mr. Frederick Siddons, Mr. Emmer Lancaster, Mrs. Ruth Logan, Rev. T. Ewell Hopkins, Mrs. Ethel Hunt, Mr. Laurence Hunt, Atty. Perry Howard, Mrs. Clyde Johnson Moody, Rev. J. L. White, Rev. Smallwood Williams, Mr. Stanley Roberts and Miss Camille Nickerson. Several meetings were held and as a consequence it was agreed to undertake the establishment of the National Negro Opera Co. Foundation. A committee of the Board of Organizers was appointed and consented to serve. Rev. A. Joseph Edwards was appointed Chairman of the Board of Organizers. Mary Cardwell Dawson was appointed Executive Director to create the incorporators and intercede for the Charter. Attorney Perry Howard completed the business. Now we are happy to announce that the National Negro Opera Company Foundation has its Charter and was incorporated in the District of Columbia the 31st Day of March 1950 at 10:00 A. M. The term perpetual. The business and objects of the Corporation: To develop and encourage Musical talent, and attainments. MEMORIAL EXERCISES for FREDERICK DOUGLASS at CEDAR HILL Friday Afternoon, May Twenty-sixth Nineteen Hundred Fifty One Thirty O'clock PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Divisions 10 - 13 PROGRAM THEME: "The Strength of America Is in Her Children" Presiding Officer Mr. A. Kiger Savoy Associate Superintendent, Divisions 10-13 Prelude March "Military Escort" Bennett Armstrong High School Band Mr. Charles W. Branch, Director Invocation Rev. A. F. Elmes Pastor, People's Congregational Church Song "America the Beautiful" Ward Glee Club, Park View School Mrs. Fabola Philip, Director Mrs. Lucille Lewis, Accompanist Welcome Gloria Savoy Sophomore, Miner Teachers College Poem "A Psalm of Life" George Martin 8B Pupil, Shaw Junior High School Selections: 1. The Meadow Butterfly A Philippine Folk Song 2. To The Spring Hoare, Gounod Glee Club, Park View School Introduction of Speaker Dr. G. C. Wilkinson First Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Div. 10-13 Address Mrs. Mary Church Terrell "Memoirs of Douglass" Presentation Pupil, George Bell School Selections: 1. Finlandia Sibelius 2. Thunderer J. P. Sousa Armstrong High School Band The General Alumni Association of Howard University, Inc. Dinner HOWARD UNIVERSITY Washington, District of Columbia THURSDAY, JUNE THE EIGHTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT-THIRTY O'CLOCK COOK HALL SECOND ANNUAL Roosevelt Day JANUARY 27, 1950 7 P. M. TERRACE ROOM SHOREHAM HOTEL WASHINGTON, D. C. Auspices Washington Chapter, Americans for Democratic Action SPONSORS Roosevelt Day Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Martin Agronsky Miss Mary Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barth Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Berge The Hon. and Mrs. Francis Biddle The Hon. and Mrs. Andrew Biemiller Mr. Herbert Block Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borkin Governor and Mrs. Chester Bowles The Hon. and Mrs. Charles F. Brannan Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Browne The Hon. and Mrs. M. G. Burnside Mr. and Mrs. James B. Carey The Hon. and Mrs. John A. Carroll Mrs. Raymond Clapper The Hon. and Mrs. Emanuel Celler The Hon. and Mrs. Oscar Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Marquis Childs Mrs. Benjamin V. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Coy Mr. and Mrs. C. Girard Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis Mr. and Mrs. Karl de Schweinitz Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Douglas The Hon. and Mrs. Paul H. Douglas The Hon. and Mrs. Clyde Doyle Mr. and Mrs. David Dubinsky Mr. and Mrs. Tilford Dudley The Hon. and Mrs. Herman P. Eberharter Mr. and Mrs. John Edelman Mr. Hugo Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Friendly The Hon. and Mrs. Foster C. Furcolo Mr. David Ginsburg The Hon. and Mrs. Frank Graham The Hon. Theodore F. Green Mr. and Mrs. William Green Ambassador and Mrs. W. Averill Harriman Mr. A. J. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Leon Henderson Mr. Paul M. Herzog Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hollander Mr. and Mrs. James L. Houghteling The Hon. Charles R. Howell The Hon. and Mrs. Hubert H. Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Jackson Col. and Mrs. Campbell Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Leon Keyserling The Hon. and Mrs. Harley Kilgore Mr. and Mrs. Charles La Follette Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levanthal Mr. and Mrs. Murray D. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Ernest K. Lindley Mr. and Mrs. David D. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCulloch The Hon. and Mrs. John H. Marsalis Miss Frieda Miller Mr. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Mr. Philip Murray The Hon. and Mrs. Francis J. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nathan Mrs. Burton Oppenheim Mrs. Gifford Pinchot Mr. and Mrs. Paul Porter The Hon. and Mrs. Adam C. Powell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Reuther Mr. Emil Rieve Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Rosenman Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ruttenberg The Hon. and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Rauh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rosenberg The Hon. and Mrs. Adolph J. Sabath Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sevareid Mrs. Mary Church Terrell The Hon. and Mrs. Elbert Thomas Miss Grace Tully Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Turner Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Turover Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard P. Van Arkel Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver Mr. Claude Wickard Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse The Hon. and Mrs. Sidney R. Yates NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR ROOSEVELT DAY CO-CHAIRMEN Chester Bowles Herbert H. Lehman Robert E. Sherwood VICE-CHAIRMEN Francis Biddle Helen Gahagan Douglas Paul H. Douglas Frank P. Graham William Green William H. Hastie Leon Henderson Hubert H. Humphrey Murray D. Lincoln Howard Lindsay Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Philip Murray Samuel I. Rosenman Robert F. Wagner LABOR COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRMEN David Dubinsky Hugo Ernst A. J. Hayes W. P. Kennedy Walter P. Reuther Emil Rieve ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE Mrs. Newman Levy Chairman James Loeb, Jr. Secretary Blossom Kramer Executive Secretary [ca 2-16-50] Picture Presentation EXERCISES of Mrs. Mary Church Terrell Thursday, February 16, 1950 1:30 P.M. At the Terrell Junior High School Miss V.E. Chase, Principal Mr. Harry J. Robinson, Assistant Principal Emma J. Andrews Woman's Federated Club 14th Annual Around Art Corners with James Weldon Johnson Sunday, November 19, 1950 Chicago Northern District Clubhouse 4441 Drexel Boulevard 3:30 P. M. Promptly "foot prints on the sands of time" James Weldon Johnson Born June 17, 1871 June 20, 1938 1894 - Graduated Atlanta University 1897 - First Negro admitted to the bar in Florida 1900 - Composed the Negro National Hymn, Lift Every Voice 1906-13 - U. S. Consul to Nicaragua - Venezuela 1916 - Secretary, N. A. A. C. P. 1929 - Received the Spingarn medal 1927 - Received the Harmon Award 1931- Held Chair of Creative Literature at Fisk U. 1934 - Visiting Professor New York U. 1937 - His book "St. Peter Relates" in White House Library 1938 - Recordings from Gods' Trombones Florence Kibble, General Chairman Bessie Holland, Consultant, (Atlanta University Class of 1897) Patrons National, State-District President Mrs. Ella P. Stewart, Ohio Mrs. Etta W. Jackson, Illinois Mrs. Alva Delaney, Chicago Past National State, District President Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter Brooks, Massachusetts Mrs. Sallie W. Stewart, Indiana Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, Florida Dr. Mary F. Waring, Illinois Mrs. A. L. Anderson, Illinois Mrs. Stella Roberts Mrs. Ethel M. Cleaves Mrs. Hannah A. Woods Mrs. Annette H. Officer Mrs. Nannie Reed Mrs. Luacco Gladden Mrs. Irene M. Gaines Mrs. Fannie O. Baxter Mrs. Gladys M. Watts Mrs. Jeanette Smith Mrs. Fanny M. Carter Mrs. Ella H. Mitchell Mrs. Henrietta Burr, Vice President Mrs. Mayme Williams, Vice President Mrs. Grace D. Wells, Vice President Mrs. Della Johnson, Auditor Mrs. Rebecca Stiles Taylor, National Publicity Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Franklin Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Dyson, Dallas, Texas Mr. Henry Leach Mrs. Flora Glenn Mrs. O. Winston Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hullett Mrs. Ivy Russell Mrs. Dorothy Reed Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hargrow Mrs. Susie Carter Mrs. Sadie Hilliard Mrs. Ada L. Hammon Mrs. R. Pate Mr. Walter King Miss Thelma L. Clay Mr. and Mrs. James Guinn Imperial Male Chorus Mrs. Cleora Duke, Beautician Mrs. Jessie Martin Mrs. Corinne House Mrs. Roxie T. Brown, Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Floyd Harvey Mr. John Suttles Mr. and Mrs. Morris Williams Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Richardson Miss Thelma Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Garver Head Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clay Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harris Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Martin Mr. and Mrs. David McGowan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morsell Mr. and Mrs. James Howard Atty. George W. Lawrence Atty. James W. Breen Atty. and Mrs. Thomas J. Downs Sen. and Mrs. C. C. Wimbish Hon. and Mrs. Oscar DePriest Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Caruth Darville Com. and Mrs. Edw. M. Sneed Mr. Herman Green Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Relf, Chicago Heights, Ill. Rep. and Mrs. Charles M. Skyles Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hawkins Atty. and Mrs. Alva L. Bates Atty. and Mrs. Wm. Henry Huff Mr. and Mrs. George Hargrave Huffman's Shoe Rebuilding Mr. and Mrs. George Carr Mrs. Marion O. Beasley Atty. and Mrs. Theodore Crawley Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton Dr. Lee H. Harlan Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mathewson Mrs. Lottie Hamilton Mr. I. C. Davis Mr. Wm. H. Jones Mr. N. R. Spann Mr. Horace Wells Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Higdon Mr. Andrew Kuehn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker Mr. Chester Dixon Mr. William Kinsey Mr. George Sims Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Evans Mr. and Mrs. John Deveaux Mrs. Maud Tobron Mr. and Mrs. Douglass J. Guest Mr. Robert Williams Mr. S. L. Neal Mr. Williams (Plasterer) Prof. Herman Billingsley Mr. and Mrs. Wash Batey Rep. and Mrs. Noble W. Lee MEMORIAL EXERCISES FOR Frederick Douglass AT CEDAR HILL Friday Afternoon, May Twenty-sixth Nineteen Hundred Fifty One Thirty O'clock Public Schools District of Columbia Division 10-13 Home of Frederick Douglass Cedar Hill FREDERICK DOUGLASS MEMORIAL MEETING Metropolitan A.M.E. Church Saturday, February 18, 1950 Invocation Rev. J. E. Reese, pastor Metropolitan A.M.E. Church BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC Audience Introduction of chairman -- Rev. T. Ewell Hopkins, pastor, First Baptist Church of Georgetown Thomas G. Buchanan, jr., exec. secretary Washington Civil Rights Congress Sydney H. Gallwey, chairman Frederick Douglass Memorial Committee Dramatic narrative and songs from the struggle against slavery: GO DOWN, MOSES OH, FREEDOM STEAL AWAY I'M A 'ROLLIN FREE AT LAST and other selections Frederick Douglass' place in history HALEY DOUGLASS, grandson Carrying on the work of Douglass in Washington MRS. MARY CHURCH TERRELL, honorary pres., Nat. Association of Colored Women Solo, OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CITY William Smith, soloist (by Beatner) Greetings from organizations to the Negro History Week celebration: Jewish People's Fraternal Order, Lodge 136 Jewish People's Fraternal Order, Lodge 482 Labor Youth League Local 27, U.O.P.W.A. Local 74, Hodcarriers Union Local 209, Cooks, Pastry Cooks Local 471, Cafeteria Workers Progressive Party of D.C. United Public Workers Wash. Cooperative Bookshop Young Progressives and other organizations CHARLES P. HOWARD Des Moines, Iowa attorney; NAACP and Progressive Party leader Collection speech Rev. T. Ewell Hopkins Solo, OH DIVINE REDEEMER (by Gounod) Miss Bernetta Barrett, soloist Piano solo (selected) Miss Myrna Hemingway Resolution From the audience LIFT EVERY VOICE (by Johnson) Audience Benediction Rev. J. E. Reese NEGRO HISTORY WEEK Theme: "Living Makers of History" by Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Alpha Gamma Chapter Sunday, February 18, 1951 4:30 P. M. Y.W.C.A. Annex - 1719 13th Street, N. W. See Page 3 BANQUET PROGRAM ATLANTIC UNION COMMITTEE Terrace Room, Shoreham Hotel Thursday Evening, May 22, 1952 Washington, D. C. HOSTS COMMITTEE Mr. and Mrs. Copley Amory Mrs. Robert Low Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Berge Hon. and Mrs. Roberts Woods Bliss Rabbi and Mrs. Norman Gerstenfeld Hon. and Mrs. Joseph C. Grew Mr. and Mrs. Livingston Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Porter Hon. and Mrs. Wayne C. Taylor PROGRAM PRESIDING Adolph W. Schmidt Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania GUEST SPEAKERS The Honorable F. Joseph Donohue Commissioner, District of Columbia Dr. Wilbur K. Jordan President, Radcliffe College The Honorable Owen J. Roberts Former Justice U. S. Supreme Court Gerald B. Henry President, Henry and Henry Buffalo, New York ON THE DAIS -from left to right- The Reverend C. Leslie Glenn Mr. Clarence E. Streit Mr. Francis H. Russell Mrs. Robert Low Bacon The Honorable Walter H. Judd The Honorable Owen J. Roberts Mr. Adolph W. Schmidt Mr. Wilbur K. Jordan The Honorable F. Joseph Donohue Mr. Gerald B. Henry Miss Margaret C. Banning The Honorable Arthur Bliss Lane Mr. Edward B. Burling Mr. Henry Luce The Honorable Lithtow Osborne *ALPHABETICAL SEATING LIST Table No. A Adair, Mr. & Mrs. F. Alexander . . . . . 21 Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. . . . . . .22 Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. . . . . . 25 Alderman, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney S. . . . . 30 Allen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. . . . . . 23 Aries, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. . . . . 27 B Bacon, Mrs. Robert Low. . . . . Dais Baer, Mrs. David A. . . . . .22 Baker, Mrs. Frank C. . . . . 7 Baker, Mr. & Mrs. John A. . . . . 13 Balshaw, Mr. & Mrs. E. . . . . 30 Banning, Miss Margaret C. . . . . Dais Barnard, Mr. & Mrs. J. Lawrence. . . 16 Bell, Mrs. Alice L. . . . . 24 Bennett, Mr. & Mrs. James V. . . . . . .26 Bennett, Miss Marjorie. . . . . . . .6 Blackwelder, Mr. & Mrs. Justin . . . . . 9 Blair, Mr. Paxton. . . . . . .7 Boggs, Mr. & Mrs. S. W. . . . . . . .26 Brick, Mr. Albert. . . . . .22 Burklin, Miss Lydia. . . . . . .2 Burling, Mr. Edward B. . . . . Dais Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Lee. . . . . . 2 C Campbell, Mrs. Donald A. . . . . . . .4 Citron, Mr. Casper. . . . . .33 Claypool, Mrs. J. Jordan. . . . . . 23 *See supplemental list on last page. Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Harry. . . . . . .13 Cook, Miss Hildegarde. . . . . .4 Coonley, Mr. Prentiss L. . . . . . 4 Covington, Mrs. J. Harry. . . . . 4 Cowan, Mr. J. S. . . .. . . 4 Culhane, Mrs. Daniel. . . . . .4 D Darrow, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne. . . . . 22 Davis, Mrs. Carol. . . . . .26 Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. . . . .25 Denby, Mr. & Mrs. James. . . . . 16 Dennis, Mr. Don. . . . . . .10 Donohue, Hon. F. Joseph. . . . .Dais Dwan, Mrs. Ralph H. . . . . . 22 E Edge, Mr. Nelson J. . . . . . 15 Edmonds, Hon. & Mrs. Douglas L. . . . 8 Elligett, Mrs. Robert. . . . . .23 Elsbree, Mrs. Hugh L. . . . . .4 Ely, Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. . . . .24 Engle, Mr. & Mrs. Parke F. . . . 10 Estabrook, Mr. Robert H. . . . . 5 Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Mark. . . . . .29 F Fairall, Miss Elizabeth. . . . . 2 Ferebee, Dr. Dorothy. . . . .20 Fletcher, Col. & Mrs. Robert H. 2 Table No. F (continued) Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. .... 2 Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. W. Meade ..... 17 Flournoy, Mr. Richard W. ..... 18 Ford, Mrs. John Howard ..... 19 Freedman, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard ..... 24 Fuller, Mr. & Mrs. George G. ..... 24 G Gardner, Mr. Clinton C. ..... 13 Gass, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. ..... 3 Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. James B. .....2 Gillilland, Mr. & Mrs. John B. ..... 25 Glaser, Mr. Louis ..... 15 Glenn, Rev. C. Leslie ..... Dais Goodman, Mrs. Gertrude S. ..... 15 Graeme, Mrs. Joseph W. ..... 19 Grace, Miss Charity ..... 6 Green, Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. ..... 25 Groner, Mrs. Duncan-Lawrence ..... 7 H Hamer, Miss Helen ..... 10 Harmer, Miss Vera A. ..... 13 Hardy, Grace C., M.D. ..... 5 Harless, Hon. & Mrs. Richard F. ..... 8 Harrison, Mr. W. B. ..... 33 Hartley, Mr. & Mrs. H. Livingston ..... 16 Hash, Mrs. James A. ..... 3 Hawley, Miss Helen M. ..... 15 Hayden, Mr. & Mrs. H. G. ..... 22 Hays, Hon. Brooks ..... 5 Henry, Mr. Gerald B. ..... Dais Hill, Mr. & Mrs. William H. ..... 3 Hitchcock, Mrs. Gilbert M. ..... 10 Hogan, Mr. W. N. ..... 29 Holbrook, Miss Sabra ..... 28 Holtzoff, Hon. Alexander ..... 29 Hunnewell, Comd'r. F. A. ..... 3 Hunt, Dr. & Mrs. Walter S. ..... 33 J Jackson, Miss Margaret J. ...... 3 January, Mrs. Harry ..... 12 Johnston, Mrs. E. Newlands ..... 16 Jones, Mrs. A. L. ..... 18 Jones, Mrs. A. Patterson ..... 28 Jordan, Dr. Wilbur K. ..... Dais Table No. J (continued) Joseph, Mr. Franz Martin ..... 6 Judd, Hon. Walter H. ..... Dais Judd, Mrs. Walter H. ..... 6 Kander, Mrs. Allen ..... 15 Kaufman, Mr. & Mrs. Feltus ..... 32 Kaufman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. ..... 32 Kennon, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. ..... 31 Kercheck, Mr. & Mrs. Herman ..... 30 Keyes, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Jr. ..... 3 King, Mr. & Mrs. Glen A. ..... 7 Klingenfeld, Mr. John ..... 20 Koessler, Mr. Horace H. ..... 5 Krichbaum, Mr. P. E. ..... 25 Kruger, Mr. & Mrs. Morris ..... 33 Kyle, Mr. Alastair, B. ..... 6 L Lachmund, Miss Alice ..... 15 Lane, Hon. Arthur Bliss ..... Dais Lang, Mr. Reginald D. ..... 9 Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. Belford V. ..... 31 Leahy, Mr. & Mrs. William E. ..... 31 Lee, Mrs. Harry R. ..... 29 LeRoy, Mrs. Howard S. ..... 19 Levy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank ..... 31 Levy, Mr. & Mrs. Nat H. .....32 Lewis, Mrs. E. I. ..... 19 Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Ted ..... 14 Looker, Dr. Charles W. ..... 32 Luce, Mr. Henry ..... Dais Luce, Mrs. Henry ..... 6 Lust, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney ..... 5 M Maloney, Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. ..... 1 Marks, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard H. ..... 1 Martino, Mr. Orlando D. ..... 4 Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. Allan F. ..... 9 Matthews, Mr. Paul ..... 10 Maurice, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Saul ..... 1 McCalmont, Mr. David B. ..... 10 McGuire, Hon. & Mrs. Mathews F. ..... 29 McKee, Mr. Frederick C. ..... 5 Meixell, Mr. & Mrs. Harry ..... 20 Merrill, Miss Laura A. ..... 32 Meserve, Miss Ruth ..... 4 Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph ..... 16 [*2*] Table No. M (continued) Milward, Mr. Joseph U. ..... 9 Moodie, Mrs. Helen ..... 15 Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Walden ..... 28 Munroe, Mrs. Henry ..... 4 Myers, Mr. Jesse L., Jr. ..... 29 N Nelson, Mrs. Erna ..... 28 Norair, Mr. & Mrs. Henri ..... 27 O O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee, Jr. ..... 1 Oosterhous, Mr. & Mrs. Larry ..... 29 Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. E. R. ..... 19 Osborn, Mrs. Chase S. ..... 23 Osborne, Hon. Lithtow ..... Dais Overholser, Dr. & Mrs. Winfred ..... 1 P Palmer, Mrs. Dorsey ..... 27 Parsons, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Jr. ..... 12 Partridge, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel, III ..... 17 Pasternak, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred ..... 31 Pate, Dr. & Mrs. John R. ..... 32 Paul, Mr. Norman S. ..... 12 Percy, Mr. & Mrs. Hampton D. ..... 12 Perin, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson ..... 7 Pollin, Mr. & Mrs. Dan ..... 30 Pope, Mr. C. H. ..... 12 Press, Mr. & Mrs. William H. ..... 30 Pusey, Mr. & Mrs. Merlo J. ..... 23 R Riley, Miss Alice C. ..... 12 Roberts, Hon. Owen J. ..... Dais Roberts, Mrs. Owen J. ..... 7 Robinson, Mr. Thomas L. ..... 8 Rosenblum, Mr. & Mrs. Edward ..... 27 Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. ..... 26 Russell, Mr. Francis H. ..... Dais Russell, Mrs. Francis H. ..... 16 S Schmidt, Mr. Adolph W. ..... Dais Schultz, Mr. Lawrence H. ..... 33 Schwartz, Mr. Paul J. ..... 10 Scriven, Mrs. G. P. ..... 12 Seldon, Miss Elizabeth A. ..... 20 Table No. S (continued) Semmes, Gen. & Mrs. Harry H. ..... 18 Shelton, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar, Jr. ..... 18 Shevlin, Mrs. Rowan ..... 22 Shorb, Mrs. Paul E. ..... 25 Sioussat, Dr. & Mrs. St. George L. ..... 14 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Clarendon ..... 9 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm E. ..... 14 Smith, Comd'r. & Mrs. Max T. ..... 9 Sonenfield, Miss Peg ..... 19 Steen, Mr. Julian J. ..... 15 Stenhouse, Mr. & Mrs. John W. ..... 17 Stewart, Mrs. Thomas Franklin ..... 14 Storer, Miss Emily ..... 14 Strauss, Mr. Ralph I. ..... 6 Streit, Mr. Clarence K. ..... Dais Streit, Mrs. Clarence K. ..... 19 Streit, Mr. Pierre ..... 19 Striner, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin ..... 9 Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. John C. ..... 14 Swift, Miss Dorothy R. ..... 3 T Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. James S. ..... 17 Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. W. Waverly ..... 26 Terrell, Mrs. Mary Church ..... 10 Thompson, Mr. Leon A. ..... 26 Thompson, Miss Margaret ..... 15 Thornton, Mr. A. Oliver ..... 24 V Valentine, Mr. & Mrs. G. K. ..... 21 Van Nierop, Mr. H. A. ..... 6 Van Noy, Mrs. Vernon ..... 18 Verkouteren, Mr. & Mrs. John H. ..... 24 Vernon, Mr. Lester B. ..... 19 Vigderhouse, Mr. & Mrs. B. D. ..... 21 W Wadsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Julius ..... 17 Walton, Miss Dorothy ..... 33 Warner, Mr. & Mrs. Sam B. ..... 6 Warren, Mrs. Lee P. ..... 7 Webb, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall ..... 33 Wellstone, Mr. Leon S. ..... 28 Wilkins, Mrs. John F. ..... 7 Wilkinson, Dr. & Mrs. G. C. ..... 20 Williams, Mr. & Mrs. David C. ..... 18 Williams, Miss Edith ..... 21 [*3*] Coordinating Committee for the Enforcement of the D.C. Anti-Discrimination Laws. 1103 Trenton Place S.E., Washington, D.C. [ca 10-4-52] Luncheon in honor of DR. MARY CHURCH TERRELL in celebration of her eighty-ninth birthday testimonial address Dr. Mordecai W. Johnson president HOWARD UNIVERSITY October 4, 1952, Hotel Washington, Washington, D.C. Symbol of Democracy Mary Church Terrell, whose eighty-nine years we honor, today, is a Washington institution and an active symbol of real American democracy, throughout the Nation. Her contributions to the cause of woman suffrage and her distinguished career in letters and in the public forum will long be remembered, for she was an ardent exponent of political action long years before that term was coined. Letters and the forum were the channels she used to place her views before the people. With the struggle for democracy in education at its height, here in the district of Columbia, we are reminded that as a member of the District's Board of Education she was fighting this good fight half a century ago. We readily recall how, in recent years, already in her eighties, she spearheaded the action which opened to women of all origins, the doors of the American Association of University Women, here in Washington, which had long been closed to qualified members of her race. We recall, also, her later participation in the Thompson Restaurant Case, now before the United States Appellate Court. Mary Church Terrell's spirited leadership of the Coordinating Committee for the Enforcement of the D. C. Anti-Discrimination Laws is the latest in the long list of her contributions to the progress of democracy, in the National Capital. So, in 1952, on her Eighty-Ninth Birthday, the people of Washington and the Nation join in according to her their deep and lasting gratitude for her tireless labors in helping to build this Federal City into a community worthy to stand as an example of American democracy before the eyes of a critical world. Constance E. H. Daniel Fellow-Citizen MAY 3 BENJAMIN E. MAYS, Ph.D. President, Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia 10 MOTHER'S DAY MARJORIE PENNEY, M.A. Director, Fellowship House, Inc. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 17 CHARLES C. NOBLE, D.D. Dean, Hendricks Memorial Chapel Syracuse University Syracuse, New York 24 HOWARD STONE ANDERSON, Ph.D. Minister, Scarsdale Congregational Church Scarsdale, New York 31 BACCALAUREATE HOWARD UNIVERSITY Washington, D. C. ALL UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICES ANDREW RANKIN MEMORIAL CHAPEL AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING THE SECOND SEMESTER 1952-1953 The Thirty-Sixth Annual Convocation November 4-6, 1952 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH- A FELLOWSHIP WITHOUT BARRIERS THE SCHOOL OF RELIGION HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D.C. A Program of Polish Chamber Music by THE STUYVESANT STRING QUARTET October 31, 1952 Polish Embassy [ca 4-25-52?] THE COORDINATING COMMITTEE OF ANACOSTIA and VICINITY cites The Honorable F. Joseph Donohue COMMISSIONER OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and honors ITS OUTSTANDING CITIZENS FRIDAY, APRIL, 25th, 1952 8:15 p. m. BIRNEY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON AREA OFFICE The National Conference of Christians & Jews, Inc. FOUNDED 1928 For Peace World Brotherhood and Freedom 733 SOUTHERN BUILDING, WASHINGTON 5, D. C. NAtional 4620 Honorary Co-Chairman Mrs. Alben W. Barkley The Honorable John Russell Young The Honorable F. Joseph Donohue Brigadier General Bernard L. Robinson Area Co-Chairman Dr. George R. Ellis Aaron Goldman The Honorable Wilbur LaRoe, Jr. Advertising Tom Griffin Armed Services Cooperation Chaplain William B. Estes Chaplain Paul G. Linoweaver Chaplain Alphonse B. Slivinsky Churches and Synagogues The Right Rev. Msgr. John K. Cartwright Dr. Edward L. R. Elson Rabbi David H. Panitz Community Organizations Lee D. Butler John B. Duncan Dinner Committee Edgar Morris Francis J. Kane Milton S. Kronheim, Sr. William E. Leahy Education Dr. Hobart M. Corning Reverend Ramon A. di Nardo Dr. Richard Kennon Government The Honorable Jesse M. Donaldson Labor Clem Preller Glen Watts Motion Picture George Crouch Orville Crouch Frank LaFalce Newspaper Benjamin M. McKelway Radio and Television Gene Juster Bryson Rash Veterans Colonel George E. Ijams Women's Activities Mrs. Bernard A. Chandler Mrs. Raphael Tourover Mrs. John F. Victory Director Verna D. Linzel Public Relations Rick LaFalce HARRY S. TRUMAN, Honorary Chairman ERIC JOHNSTON, General Chairman BROTHERHOOD WEEK February 17-24, 1952 HON. OSCAR L. CHAPMAN Chairman for District of Columbia IMPORTANT EVENTS 4TH ANNUAL MEETING National Conference of Christians and Jews Mayflower Hotel November 9 - 11, 1952 RELIGIOUS SERVICES 10 A.M. Nov. 9 Catholic: High Mass, St. Matthews' Cathedral Reverend E. Robert Arthur, S.T.B, J.C.L. 11 A.M. Protestant: Washington Cathedral Dr. James H. Robinson, Church of the Master, New York City OUR MORAL AND SPIRITUAL RESOURCES - AN INVENTORY 8:15 P.M. Nov. 9 Speakers: The Most Reverend Mark K. Carroll, S.T.D., Bishop of Wichita, Bishop William Williamsburg Room C. Martin, Dallas, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, New York No Fee PANEL ON WORK OF NCCJ AND DRAMATIC OFFERING 8 P.M. Nov. 10 Williamsburg Room No Fee 25TH ANNIVERSARY LUNCHEON 1 P.M. Nov. 11 Presiding: Roger W. Straus Speakers: The President of the United States General David Sarnoff, Chairman Radio Corporation of America Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, President, NCCJ The United States Marine Band $10.00 YOU ARE WELCOME NATIONAL CO-CHAIRMAN--THOMAS E. BRANIFF BENSON FORD ROGER WILLIAMS STRAUS WASHINGTON FEDERATION OF CHURCHES GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH WOMEN SUMMER PROGRAM - 1952 Mrs. Clarence T. Nelson President Miss Etta Mai Russel Director Our cargo sails the seven seas And all because of you. The praise of all church women's work Is certainly your due. At Christmas time or in the autumn You furnish gifts for all. Whether it's clothing, food or such You hurry at our call. And now it's time to ask you friends To help with Church Day Camps And many other summer needs On which we come by chance. It may be for work with the aging Which we hope to undertake; Or for needs of those in prison Which the Chaplain's do make. We hope your gifts this summer You will send us as before. It will all be used for special needs As you already know. As autumn comes you will receive A note of thanks to you. Telling of how your funds were spent Just now we send love to you! NOTE: MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE WASHINGTON FEDERATION OF CHURCHES 1751 N Street, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. DRAWING BY CHARLES WHITE "I am going to keep on stinging 'till I arouse the conscience of America"... HARRIET TUBMAN Announcing The Eastern Seaboard Conference of the Sojourners For Truth and Justice SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1952 Y.M.C.A. 12 Noon to 6:00 P.M. 180 West 135th Street New York City A Call To Negro Women For An Eastern Seaboard Conference Of The Sojourners For Truth And Justice The determination that took one hundred and fifty of us Negro women from over the nation to Washington last fall to speak our minds to this government which insults, humiliates and kills us and ours, has brought into being a new freedom movement of Negro women in this era-The SOUJOURNERS FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE-a freedom movement that so addressed the hearts of Negro women in their strivings for life, peace and security for their families, that since October, chapters of SOJOUNERS have sprung up in the South, North, East and West. For it is as true today as when Mrs. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin spoke before that founding Convention of the National Conference of Colored Women in Boston 1895, that: "All over America there is to be found a large and growing class of earnest, intelligent, progressive colored women-women who, if not leading full, useful lives, are only waiting for the opportunity to do so, many of them still warped and cramped for lack of opportunity, not only to do more but to be more . . . " The time is NOW to weld this dynamic surge of Negro women into a powerful organization of militant struggle. For the brimming cup of grief and outrage that prompted the first Sojourn to Washington now spills over. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Moore bombed to death on Christmas Day . . . . Mrs. Rosa Lee Ingram and her two sons, condemned once more to living death . . . . Mrs. Lula May Artis, violated by four white paratroopers while her husband fights in far Korea . . Negro women everywhere, widowed by lynching, war casualties, police killings and jailings, and yet denied opportunities to earn their own living in industry and shop . . . . We Sojourner mourned together with our sisters Rosa Moore and Annie Simms, mothers of the Moores. We went to the Governor of Florida in loud protest against this Christmas Day atrocity. We spoke up at the open hearing for the freedom of our sister Rosa Lee Ingram. We phoned, wired and wrote the President of this nation at each new outrage. Yet this government does not find the Moore killers, nor the bombers of Cairo homes. But it does hound and persecute every Negro man and woman who fearlessly fight these genocidal practices. It does not move to enact anti-lynch legislation, fair employment practices, or to provide indemnities for the widows and orphans of lynch victims. But it does move to legislate away the rights of the American people, to appropriate billions for the destruction and enslavement of other peoples. This government can continue to send our sons, brothers and husbands to fight colored peoples in far away lands, but can give no protection to the homes and persons of Negro citizens, North and South. It refuses passports to Americans who would speak the truth, while its apologists, Negro and white, can roam the earth in vain attempt to explain away the crimes of government against 15,000,000 of its own nationals. WE WILL NOT BE TRAMPLED UPON ANY LONGER ! ! Indignation, courage and determination to fight on till the walls of hate and injustice come tumbling down bid us call this EASTERN SEABOARD CONFERENCE of the Sojourners for Truth and Justice as the next step in welding together this freedom movement of Negro women into a mighty force. We appeal to Negro women from Maine to Florida to put aside your fears, and, imbued with the spirit of those two strong, heroic women who know no fear, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth, arise and come to this Conference and speak your mind. Come to New York on March 23, and speak out on a plan of ACTION that will free Rosa Lee Ingram; that will bring an end to the killings and terror of our people at home and bring our boys home from the slaughter of colored peoples in other lands; that will win full dignity for Negro womanhood and peace and security for the Negro family. Come to this Eastern Seaboard Conference and speak up the building of chapters of SOJOURNERS in your city and state, community or shop, so that Negro women everywhere can have a voice that is clear, loud and fearless. COME ALL NEGRO WOMEN FROM MAINE TO FLORIDA, H O U S E W I F E AND WORKER, MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, AND SPEAK LOUD FOR THE UNITY OF NEGRO WOMEN IN THIS NATION THAT WILL WITHSTAND EVERY STORM TILL OUR PEOPLE ARE TRULY FREE, AND JUSTICE, PEACE AND PLENTY PREVAIL IN THE LAND. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.