HARNED/WHITMAN Box 1 Folder 18 Manuscripts POETRY FILE "America! Thee Formulating" (L.C. 40) 40 [Rough draft of a one-stanza poem entitled] AMERICA! THEE FORMULATING. 1 p. (scrap) 13 x 20 1/2 cm. Four-line holograph, in pencil with revisions in pencil and ink. [America! Thee formulating. [Not in] America! Thee formulating, [Less from] Not in thy Two great Wars -- [less] not [from] [in] in [Thee] Thy centuries [life] [life &] [they idioms] & visible wealth, [they seeds] of [b] growth, [From] But far more in [this Book] these chants. [Interpellation] ] [*89]. [*89A*] (? Echoes ? Gossip) Voices at Early Candle-Light Hurry -- Notes