HARNED/WHITMAN Box [*1*] Folder [*48*] [*Notes & Memoranda*] [*The Trump & Strike questions Before 1882 (L. C. 70)*]*70 [Notes for a proposed lecture on] THE TRAMP AND STRIKE QUESTIONS [Before 1882] Eleven holograph scraps, in pencil and ink, ranging in size from 6 x 10½ to 20 x 12½ cm. Lecture published in part in Specimen Days and Collect (1882). for The Striker & Tramp questions ... Then for there is something not only more important than Arts and Literature & the mighty-Factories & great Architecture of cities, & ships, at the wharves, and bank-safes [stuff] fill'd with coin, [or] or mints with bullion, -- [fr] Of which, rather, these are [only] not of the least slightest worth except as conducing to this result -- a [great] race of perfect men, [&] women & children, grandly developt in body, emotions, heroism, & intellect -- not a select class so developt but the general population. [developt] [So] [*366*] ¶ [do we not] [Can] Do we not, [see] [these] indeed [For amid the general] ..[&] amid the general malaria of [all these] Fogs and vapors, unmistakably [[?]] see, two Pillars of Promise, with [[?]] unshaken, indestructible indications --. One, [indicating] that the morbid facts of American Politics and Society everywhere are [but] but the passing incidents & flanges of [the] an unbounded impetus of growth annuals. (weeds of [the] a rank rich soil) -- not [the] central, enduring things!. "The Other, that all the hitherto experience of The States, the [first] past century, [of their growth,] has been [but] [out] but preparation & adolescence -- and that [They] This Union [are] is only now and henceforth (i.e. since the secession War.) to enter on [their] its career as the great Democratic Nationality of the world? [*367*] first 30 window door door East flue Bubbles and Drift Out of A Hundred Years. By Walt Whitman to commemorate 1876.[He] I would consider[s] [this whole] the subject [wa] not separately, [and with reference to itself, and] or as confined to itself, but with [the most important] reference to the entire character, [and an] an [a] [such] important coloring and element of the ensemble of [a] life and being, material and moral. [*368*] The mouldering bones and dry skeleton, or part[s] of the skeleton, [that is] are all that is presented us as [the] Past History.-- But that is not Past History. The Past! The peoples of a hundred, or a Thousand, or ten or twenty-Thousand -- yea of fifty or a hundred Thousand -- years ago -- They too lived, in blooming flesh, with sparkling eyes and speaking lips -- knew love, ambition, war, & perhaps even science the same as we do now [*369*] Here in America is the home of man not only more activity, more money, more to eat and drink. But more brotherhood, more heroism, higher & plentier ideals [*370*] [?wners] of their own homes, of natural tastes, untainted with this sick-madness which we see [*371*]have it, and general — all the States, each after its kind — South, North, West, East. Dare I to say that I distrust the excessive growth of these Commercial Manufacturing theories and practices. All the Common and Wealth [and] of the world -- [the] vast ganglions of bankers and merchant princes -- [will n] what were they in comparison with the general prevalence through the bulk, the torso of These States of [a] sound men women and children, of simpler [wants] [*372*] Of Human rights -- political rights -- American rights -- (indignantly) Do you suppose they are an alms given to men and women as [be] to beggars? -- Or do you suppose they are truly the inherent and inalienable rights of man, which no Congress, Court, or President can deprive him of [*373*] [?] [?] & Strike question In the midst of all this eager and stately talk about [reading the] leading the world in trade -- these decisions of the Treasury and the great Bankers about Currency and Silver and Gold -- the meetings [and] of Chambers of Commerce -- these ardent aspirations of so many good [pl] Americans that our country should be filled with my myriads of rich [?] cities and productive [manu] Factories -- let me launch a The thought for simple, independent, proud come [?] hardy manhood. Broad I would [*374*]The sounding and res That society is yet unfo [that old] [poss] one ended and [the] ano That America is the [g] continent of the coun triumph of that which is be Tramps & Strikes -- Through the selfish greed & unprincipled wiliness of the politicians, for the last 60 years and at the present hour arranging for the offices & really pulling the wires of legislation, -- and through the same qualities in nearly all the corporations, Railroad & other transportation managements, & in all the great & little contractors [? The grain of] In In the labors of --[In all departments of] business manufacturers employments products & commerce a vast gap has [The] [the grain] the [?] grains [?] formed, and is every year growing wider & more definite, between * but [all] the [grain] precious wheat all goes [nearly altogether] to a few, to not one hundredth, while the chaff is dispensed to the bulk of the laborers [*376*] The idea of reconciliation -- that what has been done, is consumed -- Ever, out of its ashes, let new, sweeter, more amicable fruits ripen. -- The idea that no style of behaviour, or dress, or public institutions, or treatment by bosses of employed people, and nothing in the army or navy, nor in the courts, or police, or tuition, or amusements, can permanently [much longer] elude the jealous and passionate instinct of American standards. -- [*375*]PLEASE PRESERVE THIS BILL.] [BANKABLE MONEY ONLY RECEIVED. Collector's Office, City Hall, corner of South 2d and Fourth Streets. Hours for Receiving Taxes from 9 A.M., till 2 P.M. M............................................................................. To City of Williamsburgh, Dr, To City and County Tax for the Year 185 on the following Lot WARD. ASSESSED NO. LOCATION. VALUATION. CITY. COUNTY. DEFAULT. TOTAL.