HARMED/WHITMAN Box 5 Folder 6 Proofs & Offprints "Liberty and Literature," introduction to Robert (L.C. 294) Ingersoll's lecture, 1890294 [Proof or offprint with heading] COL. INGERSOLL'S LECTURE-- LIBERTY AND LITERATURE." 1 p. 14 x 13 cm. Introductory line: "Walt Whitman, when call'd for, rose and said:" Philadelphia, Oct. 21st, 1890. Col. Ingersolls's Lecture ---"Liberty and Literature" Walt Whitman, when call'd for, rose and said: After all, my friends, the main factor being the curious testimony call'd personal presence and face to face meeting, I have come here to be among you and show myself, and thank you with my living voice for coming, and Robert Ingersoll for speaking. And so with such brief testimony of showing myself, and such good will and gratitude, I bid you hail and farewell. [*2985*]