D73-76 143 Black Soldier Cuff Freeman of Kent 3 of his pay orders for Army service + 2 others & wrapper 6 items ST 1 Army Note - 1785 -. 10,, 0,, 8 1/4 1 - do. - 1786 -. 13,, 5,, 7 1/2 1 - do. - 1787 - 13,, 5,, 7/1/2 1 - do. - do. - 10,, 2,, 11. .23,, 8,, 6 1/2 1 - do. - 1789 - .10 - ,, - 8 1/2 5 persons - .56,, 15,, 6 3/4 2,, 16,, 6 3/4 5 3 - 19 - ,, Cuff Freeman Kent 1 - 50 1 - 3.19 53 19 1786 £10.0.8 1/4 Numb. 792 STATE of CONNECTICUT Treasury-Office, June 1, A.D. 1780. THE State of Connecticut doth owe unto Mr Cuff Freeman who hath served in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army, the Sum of Ten pounds & Eight pence one Fourth g Being one forth Par of the Balance found due to him, which Sum shall be paid to him or his Order at this Office in Gold or Silver, or Bills of Credit equivalent thereto in Value, on or before the Eight June, A. D. One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty five with Lawful Interest of the first Day of January last until paid; which Interest shall be paid unto [?] annually, at the same Place, on the first Day of June, if demanded, [purfua?] [?] [?f] the General Assembly held at Hartford, the second Thursday of May laft. I Lawrence, Treasurer Interest paid to 1 June 1781 K. Merrill Tres Clerk Interest to the 1st June 1782 J Lawrence Treasr Int. paid to 1st June 1783 Sam'll Lawrence T.C. Int. paid to 1st June 1784 Sam'll Lawrence T. C. Int. paid to 1st June 1785 Bernard Butler T. C. Int paid to 1 Januy 86 [?] Lawrence T. C. In[?] to 1st February 178[?] I Lawrence Treas Int. paid to 1st Febry 1788 Jno Jeffery Int. paid to Febry 1st 1789 £13:5:7 1/2 Numb. 1493 STATE of CONNECTICUT. Treasury-Office, June 1, A. D. 1782. THE State of Connecticut doth owe unto Mr Cuff Freeman who hath served in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army, the Sum of Thirteen pounds five Shillings & Seven pence 1/2 Being one fourth Part of [?] Balance found due to him, which Sum shall be paid to him or his Order at this Off[?] [?] or Silver, on or before the first Day of June, A. D. One Thousand Seven Hundred [?] Six with Lawful Interest thereof; which Interest shall be paid unto h[?] [?] annually, at the same Place, on the first Day of June, if demanded, pursua[?] [?] [?f] the General Assembly, held at Hartford, the second Thursday of May last. I Lawrence, Treasurer Interest paid to 1 January 1783 I Lawrence Treas Interest to the 1st June 1784 I Lawrence Treasr Interest paid to 1st June 1785 I Lawrence Interest paid to 1 [?] Wm Lawrence T. C. Interest paid to 1st February 1787 I Lawrence Treas Int. paid to 1st Febry 1788 Jno Jeffery Int paid to Febry 1st 1789 £13:5:7 1/2 Numb. 1494 STATE of CONNECTICUT. Treasury-Office, June 1, A. D. 1782. THE State of Connecticut doth owe unto Mr Cuff Freeman who hath served in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army, the Sum of Thirteen pounds five Shillings & Seven pence 1/2 Being one fourth Part of [?] Balance found due to him, which Sum shall be paid to him or this Order at this Office in Gold or Silver, on or before the first Day of June, A. D. One Thousand Seven Hundred [?] Seven with Lawful Interest thereof; which Interest shall be paid unto him [?] annually, at the same Place, on the first Day of June, if demanded, pursuan[?] [?] the General Assembly, held at Hartford, the second Thursday of May last. I Lawrence, Treasurer Interest paid to 1st June 1783 I Lawrence Tres. Interest paid to 1st June 1784 I Lawrence Tres Interest paid to 1st June 1785 I Lawrence [?] Interest paid to 1st [?]6 Wm Lawren[?] C Interest paid to 1st February 1787 I Lawrence Tres. Interest paid to 1st Febry 1788 Jno Jeffery Int. paid to Febry 1st 1789 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.