29th CT Vol March 1865 In the field near Richmont Requisition for Forage for Horses. 29th CT D267 Forage for Horses 29th Connect. Colored Vol. Regt. Form 32 forage document for D. Mortimer Lee a 1st Lt and ADC. All nicely filled in (ink) and signed by Lee and near Richmond March 23, 1865. The end was nearly at hand. L57 No. 32 Requisition for Forage of Public Horses, D.W. Lee, 1st Lt, 29th Regiment of C.V.C. and A.A.D.C., U.S. Army for Twenty-three days, commencing the 1st of March, 1865, and ending on the 23d of March, 1865, at in the field near Richmond Va. Date of requisition Mar 23d Number of horses 1 Number of mules Number of oxen Total number of animals 1 Number of days 23 Number of rations 23 DAILY ALLOWANCE TO EACH ANIMAL. Pounds of corn Pounds of barley Pounds of oats 12 Pounds of hay 6 Pounds of fodder TOTAL ALLOWANCE. Corn, Pounds of. Barley, Pounds of. Oats, Pounds of. 644 Hay, Pounds of. 276 Fodder, Pounds of. Required ... Corn, Pounds of. Barley, Pounds of. Oats, Pounds of. Hay, Pounds of. Fodder, Pounds of. On hand to be deducted ... Corn, Pounds of. Barley, Pounds of. Oats, Pounds of. Hay, Pounds of. Fodder, Pounds of. To be supplied ... Corn, Pounds of. Barley, Pounds of. Oats, Pounds of. 644 Hay, Pounds of. 276 Fodder, Pounds of. REMARKS I CERTIFY, on honor, that the above Requisition is correct and just; that I have now in service the number of animals for which forage is required, and that forage has not been received for any part of the time specified. D. Mortimer Lee 1st Lt 29th Vol. and A.A.D.C. Received at in the field near Richmond Va the 23d of March, 1865 of Gordon M. Stewart 29th C.V.C. and A.A. 2d Brig 1st Div 20th A.C. Quartermaster U.S. Army, pounds of corn, pounds of barley, six-hundred and forty four pounds of oats, two hundred and seventy six pounds of hay, and pounds of fodder in full of the above Requisition. (SIGNED IN DUPLICATE) D. Mortimer Lee 1st Lt 29th C.V. and Act. A.D. No. 32. No. 4 ABSTRACT G. March QR. 1865. D. [????????]er [??] & 1st [??] A. A. D C. REQUISITION FOR FORAGE. For March, 1865. Issued March, 1865. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.