Affidavit of officer - Went on recruiting in Baton Rouge for Blake Snyders and when returned found clothing he was responsible stolen by contrabands D315 Ltr - 2nd LT G Knight 13th Regt Corps d Afrique WEE 789 D319 Affidavit of 2d Lt. George W. Knight C. 13th Infty Regt Corps d'Afrique And now I George W. Knight being duly sworn do depose and say that I am 2d Lt of Co C 13th Regt Infantry Corps d'Afrique and that in the month of February last I was ordered to report to Lieut George L Faxon of said Co C for recruiting service , at Baton Rouge La. that on the 21st day of February last Major Hiram C. Whitley of said 13th Regt ordered said George L Faxon to be ready to proceed with thirty six recruits on board the boat then lying at the levee to make all arrangements in one half an hour since the boat would only wait that time Lieut Faxon left in my charge a certain amount of clothing as soon as Lt Faxon left I made an exact account of the same and exercised all possible care over said clothing The Penitentiary Buildings in which our recruiting office was situated was occupied by contrabands I had no guard and there was no locks on the doors and I had no clerks or any person to assist me or to remain in the office in my absence Upon the return of Lt Faxon in the first part of the month of March we compared the list made by me with the amount then on hand and found missing the following articles of clothing: Three Forage Caps Five Blouses Three Flannel Shirts Six Prs. Drawers One Pr. Shoes I believe that the articles were stolen and I believe that surrounded as I was by negroes, however watchful I might have been, to have presented such theft would have been impossible. Lt. Faxon and myself made every effort to discover the lost articles, but did not succeed. I believe no blame can be attached to Lt. Faxon since he was ordered away most suddenly, and had no time to make any other disposition of said clothing Parish Of New Orleans La April 12th 1864. There personally appeared the above named Lieut George W Knight, and made oath that the foregoing affadavit by him subscribed is true, before me. Sworn to & subscribed before me, Geo H Knight, 2" Lieut. this 13th day of April, 1864. Co "C" 13th Infty C.dA. L.H. O'Neal, Second Justices of the Peace for the Parish of Orleans Affidavit Of Lieut. G W. Knight. Co. C. 13th Infty Regt. Corps d'Afrique Corp D'Afrique Affidavit of 2nd Lt George W. Knight [c] 13th Infty Regt Corps d'Afrique ... in the month of Feb. last, I was ordered to report to George L Faxon of said Co C for recruiting service at Baton Rouge LA. That on the 21st day of Feb. last Major Hiram C Whitley of said 13th Regt ordered said George L Faxon to be ready to proceed with 36 recruits on board the boat... Lt. Faxon left in my charge a certain amount of clothing... I made an exact amount of the same an exercized all possible care over said clothing. The Penitentiary buildings in which our recruiting office was situated were occupied by Contraband. I had no guard and there were no locks on the door...found missing the following articles of clothing: 3 [Forage Caps?], Five blouses 3 flannel shirts, 6 pairs drawers, one pair shoes. I believe that the articles were stolen and I believe that surrounded as I was by Negroes, however watchful I might have been, to have prevented such theft would have been impossible. Lt. Faxon and myself made every effort to discover the lost articles but did not succeed. Sworn to + subscribed before me this 13th day of April 1864 L H ONeal 2nd Justice of the Peace for the Parish of Orleans FT LT. 10th C.H.A 158, 253, 265, 189 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at