WWI documents found in his Tunic. D 402 - Base Section No 3 S.O.S. AEF Leav Permit 2nd Lt. E. Goodlet D 403 Certificate for Commutation of Rations D 404 Certificate for Commutation of Rations D 405 Battles in France and Flanders Oct 1, 1918 D 406 Certificate - Black - Pay Account. D 407 Song K - K - K - Katy by Geoffrey O'Hare War Edition - smaller size than usual D 408 Field Service Pocket Book - Brown [* D402-408 *] [* D 402-408 WWI - 2nd Lt. Goodlett *] [* 370 Inf., 93rd Inf *] BASE SECTION No. 3, S.O.S., AMERICAN E. F. ________________________ No. 3529 LEAVE PERMIT. This Certifies that Goodlett, Edward, .............................2nd. Lt. 370 Infantry (Surname). (Christian Name). (No.). (Rank). (Occupation). has been granted leave from his command for eight (8) days, commencing Aug. 20th. 7 a.m. of the day following arrival at his destination, which is #3 Base S.O.S. Holder left his command at 9:20 P.m August 20, 1918. ___________________ _______________________________ (Station). (Signed). _______________1918. _______________________________ (Rank and Arm). Countersigned ____________________ (Adjutant). ==================================== Description of Holder .."Negro" Dark Complection, Thin Built... Height ..5 feet 9 inches... Age ..27 years (6-9-91)... Hair ..Black... Eyes ..Brown and White... Distinctive Signs ----- Location A.P.M. Office ..Southampton (see Reverse)... Location Prophylaxis Station ..Reverse... Signature of Holder ..X... ============================ Address of A.P.M. 29 Great Poultneey Street LONDON AREA Address of Prophylaxis Station....Reverse....... Space below for A.P.M Stamp where Holder registers. August 22 1918 I certify that this claim of 2nd. Lt. Edw. L. Goodlett for commutation of rations is correct ; that he was on leave under the provisions of G.O. 19 [Headquarters Base Section No. 3,]* S.O.S., American E.F., 1918, from aug 22 1918 to sept 1 1918, inclusive, and that he has not drawn rations in kind or received the equivalent thereof in money value for any portion of the above period, and that such commutation is authorized by par. 1 G.O. 38, Headquarters, S.O.S., American E.F., 1918. [*-*Detached service 93 rd. Div. 370 infty. Bar-Le-Duc. (See attached S.O.731) (Name) U.S. Army COMMUTATIONS OF RATIONS PAID on this Leave Permit-- eight day @ 60c. per day $4.80 Reduced to English currency @ 100/21.00 £1 [*Payable at 93rd. Div. Hqts.*] Date September 1, 1918 Quartermaster General Headquarters, Belgrave Mansions, Grosvenor Gardens C-9 Disbursing Quartermaster, Goring Hotel C-9 Commissary, Ebury Street D-8.5 United States Army Recruiting Office D-8.5 Aviation Corps, 45, Eaton Place A-8 Garage Motor Transportation M.T.S., Pembroke Mews B-7 Assistant Provost Marshal Office, London Area, 29, Great Poulteney Street, "Golden House" 1-[?] Y.M.C.A. Huts, Eagle Huts, Aldwych P-5.5 Washington Inn "Officers' Y.M.C.A.," St. James Square H-6 The Officers' Inn, 5. Cavendish Square H-2 The American Officers' Club, Chesterfield Gardens, Curzon Street D-5 Knights of Columbus, 30. Grosvenor Place C-7.2 Westminster Cathedral E-10 United States Consul G-1.5 United States Embassy C-8.5 Prophylaxis Stations. Open at all times I-4 Attending Surgeon's Office, Goring Hotel C-9 Eagle Hut Y.M.C.A. P-5.5 Base Hospital, 29. St. Ann's Road, Tottenham WAR DEPARTMENT Form No. 42, Q. M. C. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury April 29, 1914. WAR DEPARTMENT. QUARTERMASTER CORPS. CERTIFICATE FOR COMMUTATION OF RATIONS DUPLICATE COPY September 4, 1918 I CERTIFY that this claim of 2nd. Lt. Edward L. Goodlett, 370 Inf. N.A. for commutation of rations is correct; that he was on duty at Vavincourt, detacheted from Bar-Le-Duc, from August 17th, 1918 to August 19, 1918, under authority of S. O. No. 731, Headquarters 93rd. Inf. Div. August 16, 1918, and that he did not drawn rations in kind or received the equivalent thereof in money value for any portion of the above period, and that it was impracticable for him to be subsisted with troops or to utilize rations of any kind. (DO NOT SIGN A DUPLICATE.) 3--3080 DUPLICATE COPY Capt. Q.M.D. (S.O.S.), U. S. Army. Form No. 42, Q. M. C. Subvoucher to item No. ___ Voucher No. ___ to Abstract of Disbursements. WAR DEPARTMENT. QUARTERMASTER CORPS. CERTIFICATIE FOR COMMUTATION OF RATIONS. ACCOUNTS OF (Name of disbursing officer.) Quartermaster. (Place where located.) (Period for which voucher is rendered.) Note.—This certificate is required in all claims for commutation, except on travel orders or furloughs, and must be filed with the receipt roll. A copy of the authority must accompany claim for first payment. This voucher must be executed by a commissioned officer when practicable. 2-3080 WAR DEPARTMENT Form No. 42, Q. M. C. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury April 29, 1914. WAR DEPARTMENT. QUARTERMASTER CORPS. CERTIFICATE FOR COMMUTATION OF RATIONS COPY September 4, 1918......, 191 I CERTIFY that this claim of Edward L. Goodlett, 2nd. Lt. 370 rgt. infty. for commutation of rations is correct; that he was on duty at London, Base #3 S.O.S. Detached from 93rd. Div. Hqts. from August 20, 1918 to Sept. 1, 1918, under authority of S. O. No. 731 (see 3529) Headquarters Bar-Le-Duc August 17, 1918, and that he has not drawn rations in kind or received the equivalent thereof in money value for any portion of the above period, and that it was impracticable for him to be subsisted with troops or to utilize rations of any kind. (DO NOT SIGN A DUPLICATE.) 3--3080 See attached leave permit 3529B U. S. Army. Form No. 42, Q. M. C. Subvoucher to item No. ___ Voucher No. ___ to Abstract of Disbursements. WAR DEPARTMENT. QUARTERMASTER CORPS. CERTIFICATE FOR COMMUTATION OF RATIONS. ACCOUNTS OF (Name of disbursing officer.) Quartermaster. (Place where located.) (Period for which voucher is rendered.) Note.—This certificate is required in all claims for commutation, except on travel orders or furloughs, and must be filed with the receipt roll. A copy of the authority must accompany claim for first payment. This voucher must be executed by a commissioned officer when practicable. 3-3080 BATTLES IN FRANCE AND FLANDERS. [*Oct 1st 1918*] A great battle has begun on the Cambrai-St. Quentin front. The French Army entered St. Quentin yesterday afternoon, and our own troops are close up to Cambrai, whose fall is believed to be imminent. In Flanders the Anglo-Belgian Army has pressed forward on the Roulers Menin road, capturing two villages. In Champagne the French have gained ground and now hold most of the Chemin des Dames. In the Argonne the Americans are fighting a very hard battle. Lt. H., Inf. MISSING. Carter, Lt, D. C., Fl. Corps; Eddie, 2-Lt. M. H., Fl. Corps; Lockley, Lt. A. H., Fl. Corps; Taplin, Lt. L. T. E., D.F.C., Fl. Corps NEWFOUNDLAND CONTINGENT. Previously reported missing, now reported wounded and prisoner of war in German hands. Sellars, Lt. F. M., R. Newf. Regt., attd. R.A.F. ROYAL AIR FORCE. KILLED. Freeman, 2-Lt. H. A., R.A.F.; Lewis, Lt. A. V., R.A.F.; Morgan, Lt. E. S., R.A.F.; Parks, 2-Lt. A. E., R.A.F.; MacNamara, Lt. A. W., R.A.F. Previously reported missing, now reported killed. Cuthbert, Lt. J. B., R.A.F. WOUNDED. Danger, Lt. E. O., R.A.F.; Eveleigh, 2-Lt. E. P., R.A.F.; Kuilberg, Lt H. A., R.A.F.; Matthews, 2-Lt. G. G., R.A.F.; Moss, 2-Lt. C. H., R.A.F.; Mullen, 2-Lt. H. S., R.A.F.; Nowell, 2-Lt. R. P., R.A.F. MISSING. Adams, 2-Lt. N. F., R.A.F.; Anslow, 2-Lt. F. F., R.A.F.; Ayrton, Cpt. F. A., R.A.F.; Cole, 2-Lt W. H., R.A.F.; Jenkins, 2-Lt. B. P. R.A.F.; Kebie, 2-Lt. F. J., R.A.F.; Mercer, 2-Lt. H., East Lanc R. and R.A.F.; Naylor, Lt. C. B., R.A.F.; Senecal, 2-Lt. C. H., R.A.F.; Stone, 2-Lt. R. H., R.A.F. INTERNED. Cox, Lt. F. B., R.A.F.; Harrison, Cpt. W. R. E., R.A.F.; Lister, Lt. J. J., R.A.F.; MacDonald, Lt. J. J., R.A.F.; McManus, 2-Lt. G. E., R.A.F.; Thomas, 2-Lt. G., R.A.F. -- Lieut.-Colonel J. F. S. Winnington, Worcester Regiment, commanding the Northamptonshire Regiment, who has fallen in action, was born in 1876, and entered the Worcestershire Regiment from the Militia in 1897, becoming captain in 1901, major in 1914, and lieut.-colonel (brevet) in June, 1916. He saw service in the South African War in 1899-1900, and was at the relief of Ladysmith, including the operations at Spion Kop, Vaal Kranz, the Tugela Heights, and Pieter's Hill, as well as the operations in the Orange Free State and those in Cape Colony south of Orange River. During the present campaign he has been repeatedly mentioned in despatches, and was the recipient of the D.S.O. in recognition of his services. Lieut.-Colonel Winnington married Joyce Mary, daughter of Mr. D. Marriage, of Boughton Park, Worcester. A keen all-round sportsman, he excelled in cricket, and had played for his county. Major Aubrey Hugh Darnell, D.S.O., Australian Imperial Force, who has died of wounds received in action, was the younger son of the late the Rev. F. A. Darnell, senior chaplain to the Forces in Ireland, and of Mrs. Darnell, of Bellevue Park, Cork. He was born in May, 1886, and has his commission in the first contingent of the Australian Expeditionary Force. During the war he had received the Companionship of the D.S.O. -- ROYAL NAVY. -- The Admiralty notified the following appointments yesterday: Lieut.-Commr.--F. B. Coppin, to Arrogant, Sept. 30. Engr. Commr.--J. H. Barber, to Crescent, Sept. 30. Act. Engr. Capt.--A. C. Darley, to President, addl., to assist. Engr. Overseer, Birmingham District, Sept. 30. Flt. Payr.--G. P. Wilson, to Impregnable, Sept. 30. Staff Payr.--J. C. Spalding, to Cochrane, Sept. 30. RETIREMENT. Flt. Surgn.--J. C. Ferguson, placed on the Retired List, with rank of Deputy Surg.-General, Oct. 1. ROYAL NAVAL RESERVE. Lieut. (Temp.)--C. N. Sayce, to Venerable, Sept. 30. Sub- Lieut. (Temp.)--D. Aitkin, to Bullfinch, Sept. 30. Engr. Sub- Lieut. (Temp.) J. W. Henry, promoted to Engr. Lieut., seny. July 1. Lieut.-Commr.--C. E. D. Trelawney, placed on the Retired List, with rank of Commr., seny. Sept. 30. Lieut. (Temp.)--J. W. Drake, granted temp. commission as Lieut.- Commr., seny. Sept. 26. Temp. commissions granted to the following, seny. as stated: Sub-Lieut.--H. G. Ford, Sept. 26, Mids.--C. D. Cunningham and J. H. Lobley, Sept. 26. Engr. Sub-Lieuts.--R. Herman, Sept. 24; and T. R. Bowyer, Sept. 26. ROYAL NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE. Lieut. (Temp.)--L. C. E. Gould, to Vernon, Sept. 30. Mr. P. H. Earle entered as Sub-Lieut. (temp.), seny. Oct. 12. Mr. W. G. Patterson entered as Mid. (temp.), seny Sept. 30. Temp. commission as Sub-Lieut. granted to J. R. MacKay, seny. Sept. 23. TO-DAY'S BOOKS. THE GERMAN EMPIRE OF CENTRAL AFRICA, by Emil Zimmermann. (Longmans.)--(1s net.) MY GERMAN PRISONS, by Captain H. G. Gilliland. (Hodder and Stoughton.)--(6s net.) JOHN BROWN OF HADDINGTON, by Robert Mackenzie. (Hodder and Stoughton.)--(12s net.) ORATORY BRITISH AND IRISH, edited, with Notes, by Godfrey Locker-Lampson. (Humphreys.)--(12s 6d net.) WHERE ARE OUR DEAD? by Dr. F. B. Meyer. (National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches.)--(1s 6d net.) RECOLLECTIONS OF A REBEL REEFER, by James Morris Morgan. (Constable.)--(10s 6d net.) ENGLAND AND PALESTINE, by Herbert Sidebotham. (Constable.) --(6s net). FLAUBERT, by Emile Faguet; BALZAC, by Emile Faguet. (Constable.) --(3s 6d net each.) MAN'S REDEMPTION OF MAN, by William Osler. (Constable.) THE REPUBLIC OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS AND OTHER STORIES, by Valery Brussof. (Constable.)--(5s net.) THE SIMPLEST THING IN THE WORLD, by A. C. Kenrick. (The Crystal Press.)--(3s net.) KENNETH GORDON GARNETT, M.C., R.F.A. (Chiswick Press.)-- (1s 6d net.) FOR SALE AND WANTED (2s. per line). FREEHOLD GRD. RENTS (90 yrs.) producing ₤84 10s. per ann. Also parcel of Improved Grd. Rents, producing ₤21 6s. per ann. All well covered. Price for immediate SALE, ₤1,850.--Address Freeholder, c.o. 195, Oxford-st., London, W. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS of ₤36 14s. a year, well secured on 16 houses and shop at Camberwell, with reversion to weekly rents of about ₤530 per annum. To be SOLD by auction, in lots, on the 8th October, by Mr. John Stopher, 48, Cornhill, E.C. 3. FREEHOLD FAMILY RESIDENCE for SALE, EAST PUTNEY, situated within few hundred yards of the library, fire station, post office, trams and motor-'buses to all parts, and some five minutes' walk of East Putney Station (District Railway), and 10 minutes of Putney Station (L. and S.W.Ry.). Accommodation comprises: Three reception rooms, five bed rooms, bath room (hot and cold supply, large kitchen, scullery, &c. Side entrance, nice garden, and overlooking large private grounds at the rear. Now let on a quarterly tenancy to an excellent tenant at a rental of ₤42 per ann., tenant paying all rates and taxes. Price, freehold, ₤675 (part can be arranged). Write Cartwrights Ltd., 11, Upper Richmond-rd., East Putney. FREEHOLD, detached, double-fronted HOUSE, nr. CROYDON, for SALE. Five bed rooms, three reception, on two floors only. No basement.--Details, Punt, 3, Francis-st., Westminster. FREEHOLD, comprising GARAGE, CONFECTIONER'S SHOP, WIMBLEDON, to be SOLD.--J. A. B., 23, Chelverton-rd., Putney. MARSHWOOD ESTATE. Near AXMINSTER and BRIDPORT, DORSET. MESSRS. GARLAND-SMITH and CO. beg to draw attention to the following FARMS which are for SALE: NASH FARM.--A good FREEHOLD MIXED FARM of 191 acres, with farmhouse of stone and mullion windows, five bed rooms, two large sitting rooms, two dairies, separator house, cider cellar. The dairy house has three bed rooms and large living room and dairy, E.C. coal and wood house, spacious farm buildings, tie-up for 38 cows, stabling, granary. By slight alteration the whole would make an excellent gentleman's pleasure farm. Price ₤5,000. Moderate outgoings. Possession Lady Day, 1919. Timber extra. CARDS MILL FARM.--A rich PASTURE FARM of 174 acres, with excellent farmhouse and five bed rooms, two sitting rooms, kitchen, dairy, cheese room, space for 30 cows, and extensive farm buildings. Price ₤4,900. Moderate outgoings. Timber extra. Possession Lady Day, 1919. PRIME FARM.--A very useful dairy farm of 110 acres. Brick-built farmhouse with three or four bed rooms, good farm buildings, stalling for 17 cows. Cottage, stabling, wagon house, cider cellar. Price ₤21 10s. per acre. Timber extra (₤231); outgoings ₤16. Possession Lady Day, 1919. Full details and plans of above can be had of Messrs. Garland- Smith and Co., Land Agents, 100, Mount-street, London, W.1. FASBOURN HALL, near STOWMARKET, SUFFOLK.--The above, with 159 acres of good lands attached, constitutes a gentleman's pleasure farm of unique character. The house has a fine lounge hall, seven bed rooms, bath room, two reception rooms, stabling, outbuildings, ample water supply, and up-to-date advantages. Gardens of five acres, four cottages, extensive farm buildings. Included in the price is the lordship of the manor, with certain rents therefrom. Price, FREEHOLD, ₤4,000, and timber extra (₤240). Possession October 11th, 1918.--Full particulars, plans, &c., of Messrs. Garland- Smith and Co., Estate Agents. 100, Mount-street, W. 1. BUXHALL ESTATE, NR. STOWMARKET, SUFFOLK. MESSRS. GARLAND-SMITH and CO. can offer the following excellent FARMS for SALE: "PARK FARM" of 128 acres, with good farmhouse and outbuildings. Possession October 11th, 1918. Price ₤2,400, FREEHOLD, plus timber ₤155. "BUTTERFLY FARM" of 50 3/4 acres. A very useful small FREEHOLD farm, with farmhouse (4 bed rooms) and ample farm buildings. Possession Michaelmas, 1919. Price ₤1,100, freehold, plus timber ₤59 12s. "BUXHALL LODGE FARM" of 78 1/2 acres. A FREEHOLD pleasure farm and 2 cottages, gentleman's old-fashioned residence, 10 bed rooms, extensive farm buildings. Good water supply. Possession Michaelmas, 1919. Price ₤1,750, freehold, plus timber ₤87 6s. 3d. Also several Cottages and Small Holdings for Sale. Full particulars of above will be sent on application to Messrs. Garland-Smith and Co., 100, Mount-street, London, W. 1. CITY OF LONDON.--No 33, CAMOMILE-STREET, let to old tenants till 1928 at ₤160 p.a., when a substantially higher ground rent will be obtainable.--For SALE by auction, Oct. 16th, by Edwin Fox, Burnett, and Baddeley, 12, Abchurch-lane, E.C. ISLINGTON.-Four terrace HOUSES, let at £36 p.a./each. Term 26 years, at £3 10s. ea. - Executors' SALE by Edwin Fox, Burnett, and Baddeley, 12, Abchurch-lane, E.C. A FINE MODERN HOUSE. PRICE GREATLY REDUCED. AT WEST HAMPSTEAD, close stns. and 'bus routes. -Semi-det., non-bast. RESIDENCE. Six bed, bath, and two recep., and full-size billiard room, lounge hall, and capital offices. Elec. light. Modern sanitation. Lease 82 years. Price only £1,150, or would Let at £120 p.a.-Recommended by ERNEST OWERS, WEST HAMPSTEAD (Met.) STN., N.W. 6, 'Phone 300, Hampstead. BEXLEY. -Charming detached HOUSE. Four bed rooms, three rec. rms., tiled bath room. Large, well-stocked garden. Price $650, FREEHOLD.-Aldridge Douglas and Co., 28, College-st., E.C. 4. BOURNEMOUTH.-EX. HOUSE. Three large rec., nine bed and dr. rms. Us. dom. off. Five min. sea, East Cliff. LEASEHOLD.-Full pars. Page, 3, Chilworth-st., W. 2. BUSHEY.-L. and N.W. and Bakerloo Rlys.-Det. mod. RES., standing in grounds about one acre. Well-stocked flower, vegs. gdn. Tennis lawn. 9 mins. stn. Gas, wired for electric light. Accom. 4 rec., six bed, bath (h. and c.), &c. Motor garage. FREEHOLD, £2,500. -Write H., Box 242, Daily Telegraph. Fleet-street, E.C. 4. CAMBERWELL-GREEN.-Nice VILLA for SALE. Lease 49 yrs., at £5 5s. Price £285, or £65 down.-Simmons, 37, Church-st., Camberwell, S.E. 5 CHELTENHAM, most fashionable part, near the park, colleges. -FREEHOLD, quite small, genteel, nine-roomed HOUSE. Pretty little garden back and front. SALE, with possession. £450.-Owner, 43, Montpellier-terrace. HAMMERSLEY, KENNEDY, and CO. Ltd., 88, 89, and 90, CHANCERY-LANE, W.C. 2. War bargain list of Hotels, Boarding Houses, and other Businesses, just published, mailed to inquirers free. The inevitable boom is rapidly approaching, and wise people are purchasing now before the rise in prices. £850 (part cash) BUYS LEASE, GOODWILL, and excellent FURNITURE of well-estd. BOARDING-HOUSE near HYDE PARK, doing splendid business. -Apply H. K. and Co., above. A HIGH-CLASS TOBACCONIST'S for SALE. Rent £70 p.a. inclusive. Trade £20 per week (closed Sundays), and under management. Single-fronted, well-fitted shop, with sitting room and bed room. Price £200.-Call, 10a, Roland-mansions, Old Brompton-road, South Kensington. ACCOUNT BOOK, ALBUM, and FANCY LEATHER GOODS MANUFACTURER'S BUSINESS, situate off main WEST-END thoroughfare, for SALE. Old established. High-class premises (including good large-sized workshop), on exceptional terms. Stock, fittings, and machines at valuation. Goodwill and purchase price on application.-Write J., Box 7,344, Daily Telegraph, 161, Piccadilly, W. 1. ANTIQUE FINE ART BUSINESS, fashionable London district. Good clientele. Manager with 25 years experience. Interesting business. Great possibilities. Would suit educated gentleman, with £1,000 capital.-Write A., Box 7,320, Daily Telegraph, 161, Piccadilly, W. 1. BOOT and SHOE BUSINESS, in prosperous town, 20 miles out. Double-fronted premises. Central position. Old established. Profitable trade, £1,000. Rent £26. Stock, fixtures, fittings, £350.-Further details Richard Cross and Son, 1a Wood-street, E.C. 2. BOURNEMOUTH (WEST CLIFF, close to sea, in one of the best-letting positions).-Capital APARTMENT HOUSE Six sitting rooms, 18 bed rooms, two bath rooms. In present hands several years. Good reasons for DISPOSAL. Price, as a going concern, £2,500. Rent £180 per annum.-Apply Rebbeck Bros., Agents, Bournemouth. F. 6595 CINEMA THEATRE, together with valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. First-class hall, in important position, CENTRAL LONDON, with very substantial takings. Price £9,000 cash.-Principals write Kine, care of 54, New Oxford-st., W.C. FOR SALE, a genuine, good-class FANCY BUSINESS. Capital required about £800. Absolute bargain. Estd. 98 years. No agents.-Write F., Box 157, Daily Telegraph, Fleet-street, E.C. 4. FOR SALE, good MILLINERY and COSTUME suburban BUSINESS, at present under management. Exceptional opportunity for a good business woman. Fixtures, fittings, and goodwill £200. Stock at valuation, about £500.-Further particulars, write H. W., care of Willing's, 33, Knightsbridge, S.W. 1. AN ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT. NEARLY 50 PER CENT. ON CAPITAL. 24 YEARS ESTABD. FOR SALE, a LONDON suburban MOTOR BUSINESS, suitable two friends or small syndicate. Capital required £3,000. Net profits approach £1,500 p.a. 12 cars, &c., included. Books kept, and open to chartered accountant's inspection. Convenient garage and office, at low rent. A genuine concern, in the market solely on account of bad health. Now doing excellent business and showing every opportunity for large increase.-Apply T. Rowe-Williams, Esq., Vernon House, Sicilian-avenue, Bloomsbury-square, W.C. Telephone 9052 Ger. FRUITERER'S and GREENGROCERY, BRIGHTON.-Main thoroughfare. Established 36 years. Rent £50. Lease 13 years to run. Turnover over £3,000. Three bed rooms, parlour upstairs, kitchen. Good shop and cellar. Sacrifice for immediate SALE £350. Relinquishing on ground of ill-health.- Graves, Auctioneer, 117, North-st., Brighton. HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY, FANCY DRAPERY BUSINESS, Est. 18 years (retiring). Seaside resort, WEST COAST. Suitable for two ladies (going concern). -Box E. 835, Lee and Nightingale, Liverpool. JOBMASTER'S and FARRIER'S, country town. FREEHOLD premises. Easily managed. Estb. 130 years. Good reasons for SALE.-Porter and Co., Station-rd., Chingford, E. 4. LADIES' RESIDENTIAL CLUB, NOTTING-HILL-GATE district, for SALE as a going concern. Price £650.-Full particulars of Swain and Hunnybun, 26, High-street, Notting-hill-gate. MONTAGUES, HARRINGTON, and CO. have all classes BUSINESSES and THEATRES, London and country, for DISPOSAL. Also Investments and Partnerships.-59-61, New Oxford-st., W.C. 1. POSTING MASTER'S BUSINESS, in AYR, for SALE. The subscribers invite offers, as a going concern, for the business carried on by J. D. Gemmell, Posting Master, 33, Carrick-street, Ayr. The business is one of the largest of its kind in the West of Scotland, and to parties with the necessary capital forms an excellent opportunity of acquiring a progressive business which could be greatly increased. The value of the horses and plant amounts to £8,000 or thereby, and the book debts, together with the heritable property, specially built for the purpose and in an excellent condition, can also be acquired by a purchaser. -For further particulars applications should be made to Hugh Todd, Solicitor, Stranraer, or to the Subscribers, Hodge, Morton, and Maclean, C.A., 115, St. Vincent-street, Glasgow. 28th September, 1918. A YEARLY INCOME OF £500. PRIVATE HOTEL, NOTTING-HILL-GATE, for SALE as a going concern. Owner retiring. Well furnished. Price £3,000.-Agents, Swain and Hunnybun, 26, Notting-hill-gate. PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, KENSINGTON. 18 bed rooms. Good connection. Always full. Returns over £2,000. Suit two ladies. Owner retiring. Price £2,000. No agents.-Write A., Box 7,359, Daily Telegraph, 161, Piccadilly, W. 1 SAWMILL and TIMBER PROPERTY, S.W. of England, for SALE, to close estate, as a going concern, with profitable contracts. Unusual opportunity for experienced timber man with about £4,500 to make large profits. Also for Sale, at bargain prices, various parcels of Timber (mostly oak) and pitwood, singly or together.-Address Principals, care advertisors' Agency, 10, Charing-cross-chambers, Duke-st., W.C. SOUND CATERING BUSINESS, bear every investigation. Domestic affairs reason selling. The best business thoroughfare in S.E. London. Reasonable offer. Level working.-Write R., Box 5,800, Daily Telegraph, Fleet-street, E.C. 4. STATIONERY and NEWS, KENSINGTON. Old-established, reliable business. £500, or partner entertained.-Holmes and Son, 33, Paternoster row, E.C. TEA RMS., nr. permnt. camp. Tde. £35. Genuine chance. Pr. £250.-Howell, 114, Queen's-road, Brighton. CERTIFICATE For file with my pay account for month of (nor, and, but) 191. I CERTIFY (c) that I have _(not)_ been on field duty _____ on active duty without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States during the period for which this account is stated: (d) That neither I, my wife, child, or dependent parent have occupied public quarters or been furnished heat and light by the United States during the period for which commutation is charged, except that I have been furnished with _(tentage, shelter or room)_ at _(show place)_ which is my place of duty, and no application has been made for public quarters for my dependents, as under instructions of the War Department, there are no public quarters available for them. In claiming commutation of quarters, heat and light for my dependents under Act of April 16, 1918. I CERTIFY (e) that the full names of my dependents are [blank] (f) that the relationship of my dependents are: [blank] (lawful wife, child, parent: adopted child, adoptive parent. (g) that my child was born_______ (h) that my child is ______ (single, or married living with spouse, and if over 18 years, state mental condition. (i) that my parent is actually dependent upon me for support, and that I actually and necessarily contribute regularly more than one half of the cost of a reasonable living for my parent; that in the case of my adopted child or adoptive parent, there is proper evidence; as required in cases of adoption by law, attached hereto, (or) that same is filed with my pay account for ______ 191 . I FURTHER CERTIFY (k) that during the period for which commutation of heat and light is claimed _________________ (I, my wife, child, or dependent parent) were not occupying quarters as the guests of others but actually occupied alone as quarters at: ______ (Street address, City & State, _____________No. of) rooms exclusive of baths, closets, halls, pantries, and stor- age rooms, and of parlors, lobbies, dining room hall, and kitchen used in common with other tenants or while as guests or friends, relatives, and others, and (l) that during the period of leave, as stated above, my personal quarters were occupied actually and exclusively by myself, or some one dependent upon me. (p) (Signature of payee) (q) (Rank and organization) I certify that for the period for which commutation of quarters heat and light is charged on my pay account for month of _______, 1918, on account of dependents under Act April 16, 1918, I was on duty in field at _______________________ [state place] that for the period charged I maintained an abode for _________________ (give full name of wife, child, or dependent parent) and who actually occupied alone ____ rooms exclusive of bath, closet etc. at ___________________________ (state place, giving street number) which were not provided, heated or lighted by the United States; and under telegraphic instructions of War Department, dated May 23rd, 1918, there were no public quarters available for said dependent. I certify that the child named above is unmarried; that date of its birth is ___________; and that such child (if over 18 years of age) is of unsound mind. I further certify as to such child; (Rule out conditions not applicable). 1. That it is my legitimate offspring. Or 2. That it was legally adopted as my child prior to April 16, 1918, record evidence as to legal adoption according to the law of the domicile being filed herewith, or having been filed with my pay vou- cher for the month of ________________. Or 3. That it is my grandchild, its parents being dead; and that I maintain the relationship of parent to such child. As to the dependent parent named above, I certify that I actually, necessarily, and regularly contribute to the support of such parent more than one of the cost of a reasonable living for such parent. That I have not drawn commutation of quarters for myself or for my dependents for any part of the period covered by this certificate. (NAME) ___________________ (RANK) ___________________ IMPORTANT Officers cannot draw commutation of quarters for themselves and for dependents for the same period; therefore commutation of quarters should not be drawn for dependents for any period which has previously been collected by the officer for himself. It is necessary for this certificate, executed in duplicate, to be attached to each voucher submitted claiming commutation of quarters for dependents. THE SENSATIONAL STAMMERING SONG SUCCESS SUNG BY THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS K-K-K-Katy By Geoffrey O'Hara Army Song Leader - WAR EDITION - To Co-operate with the Government and to conserve paper during the War, this song is issued in a smaller size than usual. Save! Save! Save is the watchword to-day. This is the spirit in which we are working and your co-operation will be very much appreciated. LEO. FEIST. Inc. POPULAR EDITION LEO. FEIST. INC. NEW YORK HERMAN DAREWSKI MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. LONDON ENG. 2 The Sensational Stammering Song The Soldiers and Sailors Sing K-K-K-Katy GEOFFREY O'HARA Army Song Leader Composer of "Aw, 'Sammy" Moderato Jimmy was a soldier brave and bold, No one ever looked so nice and neat, ad lib. till voice Katy was a maid with hair of gold, Like an act of fate, Kate was No one could be just as cute and sweet, That's what Jimmy thought, When the standing at the gate, Watching all the boys on dress parade. wedding ring he bought, Now he's off to France the foe to meet. Jimmy with the girls was just a gawk, Stuttered ev'ry Jimmy thought he'd like to take a chance, See if he could 3911-2 This Composition may also be had for your Talking Machine or Player Piano Copyright MCMXVIII by LEO. FEIST, Inc., Feist Building, New York International Copyright Secured and Reserved London-Herman Darewski Music Pub. Co. Also published for Band . . . . 25c Orchestra . . 25c Male Quartette 10c 3 time he tried to talk, Still that night at eight, He was make the Kaiser dance, Stepping to a tune, All about rall. there at Katy's gate, Stuttering to her this love sick cry. the silv'ry moon, This is what they hear in far off France. rall. CHORUS "K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy, You're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore; mf When the m-m-m-moon shines, Over the cowshed, I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door." "K-K-K-door." 3911-2 As Advertised in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Songs that reach from Here to "Over There" I DON'T WANT TO GET WELL GOOD MORNING MR. ZIP, ZIP, ZIP WE STOPPED THEM AT THE MARNE HAIL, HAIL THE GANG'S ALL HERE WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE GOOD BYE BROADWAY HELLO FRANCE BRING BACK MY DADDY TO ME IT'S A LONG WAY TO BERLIN, BUT WE'LL GET THERE I WANT TO GO HOME Just like WASHINGTON crossed the Delaware GENERAL PERSHING will cross the Rhine An 80 Page Patriotic Pocket Size Song Book Get a copy of "Songs the Soldiers and Sailors Sing." Their songs are the songs you'll learn to love in the days to come--why not learn to sing them now? This valuable pocket-size book contains them all--122 songs, including national anthems, all the old favorites, the new hits here illustrated and full choruses with words and music of 36 other copyrighted songs. 122 Patriotic Love & Cheer Songs -- 15c Would cost over $5 if purchased separately It's a book that will bring cheer to the boys in the service. Send one to him--it's like a handclasp from home. Keep a copy on your piano and have their songs at your fingertips. Have it ready for a round of real cheer at the club or schoolroom. SONGS The Soldiers And Sailors SING Price 15 Cents JUST FITS THE POCKET 4 x 5 1\2 in Ask for "Songs the Soldiers and Sailors Sing" at music, book, drug and department stores, news stands, and all Woolworth, Kresge, Kress, Kraft, Grant, or Metropolitan Stores. If you don't see it at your dealers, send us 15c (stamps or coin) and we will pre- pay it to any address "over here" or "over there." LEO FEIST, Inc., FEIST BUILDING 231-235 WEST 40th ST. NEW YORK,N.Y. Send a copy to your boy "Over Here" or "Over There" If you don't see it at your dealers, send us 15c. (stamp or coin) A82 FIELD SERVICE POCKET BOOK. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.