[*D414*] Freedmen's Bureau House of Representative 1 EX Doc Neill 39th Congress 1st Session MESSAGE from the President Report of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands 58 pages 29TH CONGRESS, 1st Session. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ex. Doc. No. 11. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TRANSMITTING Report of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. DECEMBER 19, 1865. - Referred to the Select Committee on Freemen, except estimates, which are referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with the requirements of the third section of the act approved March 3, 1865, I transmit herewith a communication from the Secretary of War, with the accompanying report and estimates of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. ANDREW JOHNSON. WASHINGTON, D.C., December 18, 1865. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, December 15, 1865. Mr. PRESIDENT: I have the honor to submit herewith the report and estimates of Major General Howard, Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for transmission to Congress. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. THE PRESIDENT. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF THE BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS. WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS. Washington, December -, 1865. SIR: I have the honor to submit, for the consideration of his excellency the President of the United States, the following report, called for by an act of Congress approved March 3, 1865: In compliance with General Orders No. 91, current series, Adjutant General's office, I relinquished command of the army of the Tennessee, and assumed, as Commissioner, the direction and organization of this bureau. 2 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. The act of Congress above referred to charges me with "the supervision and management of all subjects relating to refugees and freedmen from rebel States, or from any district or territory embraced within the operations of the army, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the head of the bureau and approved by the President." On entering upon the discharge of these duties, I separated the bureau into four divisions : one of lands, embracing abandoned, confiscated, and those acquired by sale or otherwise ; one of records, embracing official acts of the Commissioner, touching labor, schools, quartermaster and commissary supplies ; another of financial affairs ; and the fourth the medical department. To each of these divisions I assigned an officer, and secured the required number of clerks by appointment and by detail from the ranks of the army. You directed the building which I have used for an office, already under rent for military purposes, to be used by the bureau, The entire outfit was procured by requisition from the Quartermaster's department. Prior to any further action, I issued Circular No. 2, of May 19, 1865, as a kind of general exhibit of my purpose under the law. Before the organization of the bureau, freedmen's affairs had been instructed to department commanders, treasury agents, and other officers of the government. This occasioned a diversity of system in the different localities. Their operations were confined to points on the sea coast, and to sections protected by our military forces, until the surrender of all the insurgent armies opened up the interior of the insurrectionary States. In fact, the work of surrender had not been completed when I took the charge. Large accumulations of negroes, who had escaped from the enemy's lines, or who had followed our armies in our expeditions, were found at Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Wilmington, Newbern, the sea islands of South Carolina, Nashville, Vicksburg, New Orleans, and at many other points in the southern States. Superintendents of freedmen had worked industriously to prevent suffering, to regulate labor, and to introduce and sustain schools. Really wonderful results were accomplished through the disinterested efforts of benevolent associations working in conjunction with government agencies. In order to encourage all that was being done in behalf of the freedmen and refugees, and to extend the same privileges throughout the interior of the States ; and further, with a view to settle the important question of labor as quickly as possible, I deemed it best to appoint the Assistant Commissioners authorized by the law, and send them at once to their respective fields of duty. These appointments were made by detail from the army, with the exception of the Assistant Commissioner of Louisiana, who had been in the army, but whose term of service had expired. The appointment for Texas was delayed until official notice could be received as to the military situation in the State after Lee's and Johnson's surrenders became known. I sent, however, my circulars to the department commander as soon as he had established his headquarters, with the request that he do everything necessary to protect the interests of the freedmen till an Assistant Commissioner should arrive. The appointee for Texas, General Gregory, left for his post the latter part of July. In order to confine myself to ten Assistant Commissioners, in accordance with the law, I gave one, General Rufus Saxton, to South Carolina and Georgia ; one, General C. B. Fiske, to Kentucky and Tennessee ; and one, General J. W. Sprague, to Missouri and Arkansas. The rest of the insurrectionary States had each one. Unfortunately, owing to severe sickness, General Saxton was absent for thirty days soon after his appointment. Some of his agents, sent to Georgia, failed to establish any organization in that State, and numerous reports represented everything concerning the freedmen in very bad condition, except at Savannah and along the coast. I thought it advisable to diminish General FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 3 Saxton's labor by sending an experienced officer to take immediate charge of Georgia. Just as far as the safety of the agents would allow, the Assistant Commissioner procured a citizen, or military officer, for each district, county, or parish. The evident hostility of a portion of the citizens, and their ability, in the absence of troops and civil law except by occasional inspection by an officer in connexion with a patrol. The principal reason for confining the organization of the bureau so much to military officers arose from the omission on the part of Congress to make any specific appropriation to carry out the objects of the law. The manner in which certain expenses have been met is shown under the head of finances. So many benevolent associations were industriously establishing and aiding schools, often overlapping each other, and sometimes conflicting, that I resolved, for the benefit of the freedmen, to appoint a single school superintendent for each State, who should be under the supervision and direction of the Assistant Commissioner. Owing to the muster-out of most of the volunteer army, I have not been able to secure the services of as many officers for sub-agents as were necessary, and frequently an officer detailed would be but a few days on duty before he had to be replaced. Again, many officers may have had the care of their company or detachment, or other military duty imposed, besides that in my department. Most of the department commanders have rendered me hearty support, and given every possible military aid. In every State, except one, the headquarters of the Assistant Commissioner and department commander are the same place. Thus it will be seen that the Assistant Commissioner is the centre of the system of each State. Through his officers and agents he disseminates his orders, instructions, and assistance to the freedmen and refugees, as well as the planters or property-holders connected with them. Appended see list of Assistant Commissioners and stations. LAND DIVISION Under this head I cannot do better than quote from the explicit report of Major Fowler, who has the immediate charge of the land division. 1. What property is under the control of the bureau. The act of Congress approved March 3, 1865, which establishes the bureau, intrusts it with the supervision and management of all abandoned lands, i.e., lands taken by the government while their lawful owner was voluntarily absent from them, engaged in arms, or otherwise in aiding or encouraging the rebellion. On the 2d of June the President ordered all offers of the government having property of the character specified in this act to turn it over to this bureau. In compliance with this order, the Secretary of the Treasury, on the 27th of June, issued a circular, directing his subordinates who had in their possession or under their control "any abandoned or confiscable lands, houses or tenements," to transfer them to some duly authorized offer of this bureau. The greater portion of abandoned property in the insurrectionary districts was held by treasury agents, and as the result of this order the bureau came into possession, not only of abandoned lands, but of all abandoned real property, except such as was held by military authority, for strictly military purposes. 2. Nature of the control of the bureau over abandoned property. With respect to abandoned lands, it was the evident intention of the act of March 3 to give the bureau control, solely for the purpose of assigning, leas- 4 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. ing or selling them to refugees and freedmen. It was impracticable, however, to divide and assign them immediately. A great proportion of the lands was already under lease, given by the treasury agents, and good policy, as well as the necessities of the bureau, for which no appropriation had been made, demanded that all should be made immediately useful, and that none should remain unused and unproductive. In addition to the leases made by the treasury officials, others were made by the bureau, which did not confine itself in its choice of tenants to the classes for whose relief the bureau was organized. With respect to the abandoned houses and tenements turned over by the Treasury Department, the bureau had no choice, except to follow the course which the law had marked out for that department, namely : to take charge of and lease such property for periods not exceeding twelve months. In determining its power over abandoned property, the bureau has considered, therefore, not only the provisions of the act of March 3, which gave it existence, but of such other acts as have given agents of the treasury, and other departments who have transferred property, control over it. These acts are regarded as giving the bureau every right to abandoned property which an actual owner could have, except, perhaps, the right of sale. It cannot convey a full and perfect title in fee simple ; but its rights in every way to control the property, to lease it, and to take the rents and profits is considered undeniable, so long as these acts remain law. For all practical purposes the tenure of the bureau upon abandoned property has been considered as almost identical with an estate upon condition subsequent, that condition begin the restoration of the property by competent authority to its former owner. The leases of town property have, as a rule, been made from month to month. The rents exacted have been moderate, and based generally upon those demanded by agents of the Treasury Department. Farms and plantations are let by the year for a portion of the crop, varying from one-tenth to one-twentieth. From one to ten thousand acres in each of the several States have been used as colonies for vagrant and destitute freedmen. In South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida some land, the exact amount of which has been reported, has been actually divided and assigned to freedmen as contemplated in the act establishing the bureau. In these States the policy of setting apart lands for freedmen was initiated anterior to the establishment of the bureau, and under Field Orders No. 15, issued by Major General Sherman. A comparatively insignificant amount of town property is used as quarters for teachers and officers connected with the bureau, and as hospitals. With these exceptions, all property in the hands of the bureau is held as a means of revenue. 3. Restoration of property. Shortly after the organization of the bureau parties whose property was held by it commenced to apply for restoration of their former rights. The policy first adopted by the bureau was to return estates to those only who could show constant loyalty, past as well as present-a loyalty which could not be established by the mere production of an oath of allegiance or amnesty. As the bureau held property by authority of an act of Congress for certain definite purposes, it was supposed that this tenure must continue to exist until those purposes were accomplished; that property must be surrendered only when it was evident that the control over it was unauthorized and improper. This course did not meet with the approval of the President, who gave orders that a pardon, either by special warrant of the provisions of his amnesty proclamation, entitled the party pardoned to demand and receive immediate restoration of all his property, except such as had been actually sold under a degree FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 5 of confiscation. Shortly after this decision was made known Circular No. 15, dated September 12, 1865, was issued from the bureau, and embodying the provisions of the act of Congress establishing it, promulgated for the first time definite rules regarding the restoration of this property to former owners. Authority to restore was vested in the Assistant Commissioners of the bureau. they were directed to turn over at once all property held as abandoned, upon its appearing to their satisfaction that it did not fall within the terms of the definition laid down in the act approved July 2, 1864. They were also directed to restore property, when application was made for it, through the superintendents of the districts in which it was situated, accompanied by proof of claimant's title, and of his pardon, either by special warrant of the terms of the proclamation of amnesty of May 29, 1865. It was provided, however, that land cultivated by refugees or freedmen should be retained until the growing crops were gathered, unless the owner made full compensation for the labor expended and its products. Under the provisions of the circular the work of restoration has progressed very rapidly, and it is probably that when the year terminates little or no property will remain under control of the bureau. In the city of New Orleans property to the value of eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) had been restored at the close of September. In North Carolina about one-third of all in possession had been given up. 4. Leases and rents of property returned. In all cases of restoration it has been the plan of the bureau to protect in their possession lessees of property who held leases from any authorized officer of the government. These leases were made and accepted in good faith by both parties. Congress authorized the agents of the government to give them, and its faith is pledged to their validity. It seems to be the clear duty of every officer acting upon that authority to maintain and made efficient his acts done in compliance with it. If the restoration of property is to annul the leases upon it, that restoration should be delayed until the leases expire. It has been an invariable condition, in all orders of restoration issued by this bureau, that all such contracts shall be respected. As a rule, in cases of restoration on the grounds of pardon, rents subsequent to the pardon are allowed to the claimant of property restored. When property is restored upon proof that it was not legally abandoned, a full restitution of rent is made, so far as practicable. 5. Result of the plan of restoration. The uncertainty of the tenure of the bureau over property which is the immediate result of the policy of restoration adopted, has rendered the division and assignment of land to refugees and freedmen impracticable. Fortunately, experience seems to have shown that it is not a necessity. Difficulty has arisen from disappointing the natural and well-founded expectations of freedmen in this subject, but it has been overcome with comparative ease. Much embarrassment, and in some instances actual suffering, has resulted from the restoration of property in use as offices, colonies of freedmen, and hospitals, and much more will result from the curtailment of the revenue of the bureau. 6. Amount of property held by the bureau. The tabular statement annexed presents all the statistics respecting the quantity of property in possession and the quantity restored, which can be gained from the reports thus far furnished by the Assistant Commissioners of the bureau. 6 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. About one five-hundredth (.002) only of the entire amount of land in the insurrectionary districts has ever been held, and had the plan of assigning it to freedmen been carried out the bureau would have been unable to furnish an acre per family. Tabular statement of property in the possession of and restored by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c. States Amount of property now in possession Amount of property returned of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c. Numbers of acres of land No. of pieces of No. of acres No. of pieces of Cultivated Uncultivated Unclassified Aggregate town property of land town property Georgia and South Carolina...9, 364 50, 799 374, 83 435, 000 398 Kentucky and Tennessee*....10, 177 29, 072 25, 880 65, 129 414 Missouri and Arkansas*........18, 736 .............. .............. 18, 736 72 Alabama*............................................. ............... 2, 116 2, 116 13 Virginia.......................................2, 625 49, 110 23, 918 75, 653 34 North Carolina..........................4, 868 9, 207 22, 267 36, 342 112 Mississippi and Louisiana.....50, 751 4 8, 525 59. 280 52 Louisiana.................................62, 528. .............. ............... 62, 528 501 Maryland and Virginia.............2, 282 5, 027 6, 297 13, 806 .......... Florida**.................................................................................................................................... Texas***.................................................................................................................................... Total.......................................161, 331 143, 219 464, 040 768, 590 1, 596 * No report of property returned. ** No report received. ***No land in possession. I will here attach my report in full, with reference to lands embraced under General Sherman's Field Orders of January 15, 1865: War Department, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Washington, November 24,1865. SIR: In accordance with General Orders No. 145, War Department, as follows: [General Orders No. 145.] "WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, "Washington, October 9,1865. "Whereas certain tracts of land, situated on the coast of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, at the time for the most part vacant, were set apart by Major General W.T. Sher- man's Special Field Orders No. 15, for the benefit of refugees and freedmen that had been congregated by the operations of war, or had been left to take care of themselves by their former owners; and whereas an expectation was thereby created that they would be able to retain possession of said lands; and whereas a large number of former owners are earnestly soliciting the restoration of the same, and promising to absorb the labor and care for the freedmen: "It is ordered that Major General Howard, Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, proceed to the several above-named States and endeavor to effect an arrangement mutually satisfactory to the freedmen and the land-owners, and make report. And in case a mutually satisfactory arrangement can be effected, he is duly empowered and directed to issue such orders as may become necessary, after a full and care- ful investigation of the interests of the parties concerned. "By order of the President of the United States: "Official: "E. D. Townsend, "Assistant Adjutant General"-- FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 7 I proceeded to Charleston, South Carolina, reaching there October 17. After conversing with General Saxton, the Assistant Commissioner, and with the land-owners, I resolved to go to Edisto, as soon as the people could be convened at some central point. Thursday, October 19, accompanied by several officers and the representative of the Edisto planters, Mr. William Whaley, I met the freedmen at a large church on the island. The rumor had already reached the freedmen that I proposed to restore the lands, and evidence of dissatisfaction and sorrow were manifested from every part of the assembly. I explained what I believed to be the wishes of the President, as set forth in his interview with me just before leaving Washington, and as embodied in my instructions above recorded. The people chose a committee of three of their number, and to them I submitted the propositions to which the land-owners were willing to subscribe. The committee said that on no condition would the colored people be willing to work for their former owners under overseers as before, but if they could rent the lands of them, they would consent in other respects to arrangements proposed. Some would work for wages, but the general feeling seemed to be that they ought to be allowed to rent the lands. By a unanimous vote, it was agreed that the matter be left to my decision, as to whether restoration should be made, and as to the conditions. After careful consideration, I deemed it advisable to take course as follows: 1st. Constitute a board of supervisors, in which the government, the planter and the freedmen had each a representative for the adjustment of contracts and cases of difficulty. Each land-owner was required to sign an obligation, after which the order of restoration was to be issued. Here follow the order, obligation, and order of restoration referred to: [Special Field Orders No. 1.] "WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF "REFUGEES, FREEDMEN AND ABANDONED LANDS, "Charleston, S. C., October 19, 1865. "The agent of this bureau on Edisto island will be immediately take measures to constitute a board of supervisors for the island, to consist of himself and two other citizens—one to be selected by the land-owners or their agents, the second by the resident freedmen or their agents. "The board will aid in making contracts, and will adjudicate all difficulties that may arise between the whites and the freedmen, or among the freedmen themselves, extending only to offences committed in which the penalty does not exceed imprisonment at hard labor for a period of one month, or a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars. All other cases of crime will be referred to competent civil or military authority. "Should a police force be deemed necessary by the board, the bureau agent will, as heretofore, make requisition upon the military authorities. Appeals from the decision of the board to the Assistant Commissioner or Commissioner of the bureau may be made. "Pursuant to instructions from the President. "O. O. HOWARD, " Major General, Commissioner. "Official: "A. P. KETCHUM, "Captain 128th U. S. C. T., and A. D. C." "OBLIGATION. "The undersigned, —— ——, does hereby solemnly promise and engage that he will secure to the refugees and freedmen now resident on his Edisto estate the crops of the present season, harvested or unharvested; also, that the said refugees and freedmen shall be allowed to remain at their present houses or other homes on the island, so long as the responsible refugees and freedmen (embracing parents, guardians, and other natural protectors) shall enter into contracts by leases or for wages in terms satisfactory to the supervising board. "Also, that the undersigned will take the proper steps to enter into contracts with the above described responsible refugees and freedmen, the latter being required on their part to enter into said contracts within the period of two months from date, or surrender the right to remain on the said estate. "Also, that no obstacle shall be interposed by the undersigned to schools sanctioned by the supervising board. "But nothing in this instrument shall be so construed as to relieve the above-mentioned persons from the ordinary judicial consequences of crime and misdemeanor. "Neither the land-owners nor the refugees and freedmen will be obligated by this instrument beyond one year from this date, unless the instrument be renewed." 8 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU "RESTORATION. "WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, "FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, "Charleston, S. C., _____ _____. " _____ _____, an applicant for the restoration of _____ _____, held by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, having conformed to the requirements of Circular No. 15, of said bureau, dated September 12, 1865, the aforesaid property is hereby restored to _____ possession. "The above instrument to be considered null and void unless the obligation herewith attached and subscribed to by said _____ _____ be faithfully and fully complied with. "All differences arising under this instrument and obligation are to be adjudicated by the board of supervisors constituted by Special Field Orders No. 1, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, dated Charleston, October 19, 1865. "Pursuant to the instructions of the President of the United states. "_____ _____, "Major General, Commissioner." Immediately after returning from Edisto, and before issuing the above orders, I sent a telegram to the honorable Secretary of War, of which the following is an extract: [Telegram.] "I met several hundred of the colored people of Edisto island to-day, and did my utmost to reconcile them to the surrender of the lands to former owners. They will submit, but with evident sorrow, to the breaking of the promise of General Sherman's order. The greatest aversion is exhibited to making contracts, and they beg and plead for the privilege of renting or buying land on the island. My task is a hard one, and I am convinced that something must be done to give these people and others the prospect of homesteads. "O. O. HOWARD, Major General. "Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War." I hoped to obtain an answer before leaving Charleston, but did not. I made selection of the most judicious officer I could find for the work to be done, and issued to him the following Special Field Orders, No. 2: [Special Field Orders No. 2.] "WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, "FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, "In the field, Charleston, S. C., October 19, 1865. "Captain Alexander P. Ketchum, 128th United States colored troops, is hereby appointed acting assistant adjutant general, and empowered to issue orders, as hereinafter specified, with regard to the restoration to former owners of lands set apart by General Sherman's Special Field Orders No. 15, January 16, 1862. "I. He is charged with carrying out the instructions contained in Special Field Orders No. 1, of this date; also, with the completion of the transfer of the custody of the Edisto estates from the bureau to the former owners, in accordance with the spirit and letter contained in the accompanying document marked A. "II. He is further charged with extending Special Field Orders No. 1, and the action as to the Edisto estates, to the other estates affected by General Sherman's order above referred to, with such modifications as a practicable adjustment of difficulties may demand. His attention is called to General orders, War Department, No. 145, current series, the spirit of which will be carefully observed. "All orders issued pursuant to the above instructions will be 'by direction of the Commissioner,' except those signed by the Commissioner himself. "Pursuant to instructions from the president of the Untied States. "O. O. HOWARD, "Major General, Commissioner. "Official: "C. H. HOWARD, "Inspector General, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida." Captain Ketchum accompanied me to Savannah, and met several of the planters interested in lands held under General Sherman's order, and was instructed by me to see that the interests of the freedmen were so protected as not to deprive them of homes. I passed from Georgia to Fernandina, Florida, and thence to Jacksonville, explaining in the best manner I could the object of my mission to both the planters and the freedmen. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 9 Circular 15, from this bureau, approved by the President, had already occasioned the restoration of the great proportion of the lands held as abandoned in different parts of the United States, and as General Sherman's Special Field Orders No. 16, hereto attached, required the confirmation of the President before any show of title could be given to the freedmen, the land-owners claimed the benefits of the same - Circular 15. On arriving at Mobile, I received the following telegram from yourself: "WASHINGTON, October 25, 1865. "I do not understand that your orders require you to disturb the freedmen in the possession at present, but only ascertain whether a just, mutual agreement can be made between the pardoned owners and the freedmen; and if it can, then to carry it into effect. "E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War. "Major General HOWARD." I at once sent the following despatch to Captain Ketchum: "BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, "Mobile, Alabama, November 4, 1865. "Despatch of Secretary received. Be sure to have the supervising boards constituted for each locality, before anything else is done. They can aid in making the agreement referred to by Mr. Stanton. "O. O. HOWARD, "Major General, Commissioner. "Captain A. P. KETCHUM, "Charleston, S. C., (care of General Rufus Saxton.)" Believing that if an agreement, mutually satisfactory, could possibly be made, this would be the best mode of procuring the arrangement. The course I had pursued I endeavored briefly to apprise you of, on the receipt of the above despatch from your office, by telegram from Mobile, which is as follows: "BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, "Mobile, Alabama, November 3, 1865. "SIR: Your despatch intended for me at Charleston reached me here. I set Captain A. P. Ketchum at work to make formal restoration to the pardoned, provided they complied with Circular 15, and providing they signed an obligation which I drew up, as nearly satisfactory to all parties as anything I could arrange. I gave the freedmen a supervising board to guard their interests. "O. O. HOWARD, "Major General, Commissioner. "Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War." I have the honor to submit this report for the consideration of yourself and the Executive, under whose express orders I was acting. It is exceedingly difficult to reconcile the conflicting interests now arising with regard to lands that have been so long in the possession of the government as those along the coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. I would recommend that the attention of Congress be called to the subject of this report at as early a day as possible, and that these lands, or a part of them, be purchased by the United States with a view to the rental and subsequent sale to the freedmen. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War. Enclosed find letter of instructions lately sent to Captain A.P. Ketchum, and also General Sherman's Special Field Orders No. 15. "WASHINGTON, November 23, 1865. "CAPTAIN: Your letter of the 10th has been received, and I am directed by General Howard to reply to your questions as follows: "Your action in regard to Colonel Pritchard's plantation is fully approved, and you will pursue the same course in all similar cases. " The restoration of land will be made in the following manner: As soon as the board of supervisors is formed for any island or locality, the owner of an estate must make an agreement with the freedmen upon said estate that shall be satisfactory to the board of supervisors. The order of restoration will then be given upon the owner signing the obligation and producing proper proof of title and pardon. 10 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. "It is not necessary to form all the boards before restoring the property in a locality where one is in operation. The action relative to the abandoned rice fields, included in General Sherman's order, will be the same as that pursued with regard to Edisto island. "Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "H. M. STINSON, "Brevet Major and A. D. C. "Captain A. P. KETCHUM, Assistant Adjutant General." [Special Field Orders, No. 15.] "HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, "In the Field, Savannah, Ga., January 16, 1865. I. The islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. John's river, Florida, are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the negroes now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States. "II. At Beaufort, Hilton Head, Savannah, Fernandina, St. Augustine, and Jacksonville, the blacks may remain in their chosen or accustomed vocations, but on the islands, and in the settlements hereafter to be established, no white person whatever, unless military officers and soldiers detailed for duty, will be permitted to reside; and the sole and exclusive management of affairs will be left to the freed people themselves, subject only to the United States military authority and the acts of Congress. By the laws of war and orders of the President of the United States the negro is free, and must be dealt with as such. He cannot be subjected to conscription or forced military service, save by the written orders of the highest military authority of the department, under such regulations as the President or Congress may prescribe. Domestic servants, blacksmiths, carpenters, and other mechanics, will be free to select their own work and residence, but the young and able-bodied negroes must be encouraged to enlist as soldiers in the service of the United States, to contribute their share towards maintaining their own freedom, and securing their rights as citizens of the United States. "Negroes so enlisted will be organized into companies, battalions and regiments, under the orders of the United States military authorities, and will be paid, fed, and clothed according to law. The bounties paid on enlistment may, with the consent of the recruit, go to assist his family settlement in procuring agricultural implements, seed, tools, boots, clothing and other articles necessary for their livelihood. "III. Whenever three respectable negroes, heads of families, shall desire to settle on land, and shall have selected for that purpose an island or a locality clearly defined, within the limits above designated, the inspector of settlements and plantations will himself, or by such subordinate officer as he may appoint, give them a license to settle such island or district, and afford them such assistance as he can to enable them to establish a peaceable agricultural settlement. The three parties named will subdivide the land, under the supervision of the inspector, among themselves and such other as he may choose to settle near them, so that each family shall have a plot of not more than forty (40) acres of tillable ground, and when it borders on some water channel, with not more than 800 feet water front, in the possession of which land the military authorities will afford them protection until such time as they can protect themselves, or until Congress shall regulate their title. The quartermaster may, on the requisition of the inspector of settlements and plantations, place at the disposal of the inspector one or more of the captured steamers, to ply between the settlements and one or more of the commercial points heretofore named in orders, to afford the settlers the opportunity to supply their necessary wants, and to sell the products of their land and labor. "IV. Whenever a negro has enlisted in the military service of the United States he may locate his family in any one of the settlements at pleasure, and acquire a homestead and all other rights and privileges of a settler, as though present in person. In like manner negroes may settle their families and engage on board the gunboats, or in fishing, or in the navigation of the inland waters, without losing any claim to land or other advantage derived from this system. But no one, unless an actual settler as above defined, or unless absent on government service, will be entitled to claim any right to land or property in any settlement by virtue of these orders. "V. In order to carry out this system of settlement, a general officer will be detailed as inspector of settlements and plantations, whose duty it shall be to visit the settlements, to regulate their police and general management, and who will furnish personally to each head of a family, subject to the approval of the President of the United States, a possessory title in writing, giving as near as possible the description of boundaries, and who shall adjust all claims or conflicts that may arise under the same, subject to the like approval, treating such titles altogether as possessory. The same general officer will also be charged with the enlistment and organization of the negro recruits, and protecting their interests while absent from their settlements, and will be governed by the rules and regulations prescribed by the War Department for such purposes. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU 11 "VI. Brigadier General R. Saxton is hereby appointed inspector of settlements and plantations, and will at once enter on the performance of his duties. No change is intended or desired in the settlement now on Beaufort island, nor will any rights to property heretofore acquired be affected thereby. "By order of Major General W. T. Sherman: "L. M. DAYTON, Assistant Adjutant General." In Virginia quite an amount of land was libelled and about to be sold by the marshal just previous to the establishment of the bureau, when the sales were suspended by the Secretary of War, in order that these lands might be turned over to the bureau for the benefit of the freedmen. I claimed that these lands, which had been condemned to sale, though not actually sold, were already the property of the government, and objected to his excellency the President against the insertion of the word "sold" in the definition of confiscated property. The President referred the matter to the Attorney General, whereupon, finally, the word "sold" was inserted. This decision necessitated the restoration of all the property where the sale had been suspended. I have been very desirous of conforming to the letter of the law in setting apart lands, but was unwilling to do so before it became probable that they could be retained. In this way much disappointment and suffering would be avoided. The freedmen were so eager for the possession of land, and so likely, without that possession in fact or in prospect, to be obliged to leave their present homes, that I made the following proposition through yourself: WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, September 4, 1865. SIR: The matter of imposing some conditions in the cases of pardoning those who have lands already under cultivation by freedmen, for the benefit of this class of persons, having been presented to me by the Attorney General, and a plan having been suggested by a distinguished officer of the army, which I heartily indorsed, I deem it best to combine these suggestions in the following proposals, to wit: 1st. That hereafter pardons of the President of the United States, extended to those who have been excepted in his proclamation of May 29, 1865, having more than 20,000 dollars' worth of property, be conditioned by specific stipulation in each individual case: that the land-owner agree to set apart and grant title, in fee-simple, to each head of family of his former slaves, a homestead varying in extent from five to ten acres, to be secured against alienation during the lifetime of the grantee. The location, precise extent, and other details to be determined by three referees, two to be chosen by the interested parties, each selecting one, and the two a third. 2d. That other persons, not land-holders, be conditioned according to their several circumstances by equivalent or proper stipulation, to be determined by a committee of three appointed by the President. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War. I felt quite sanguine that this course would produce contentment among the freedmen, and afford an example to other land-owners beside those affected by it. My proposition may have come too late for adoption, for already quite a number of land-owners had been pardoned. RECORDS—OF LABOR. By Circular No. 5 I empowered the Assistant Commissioners to do everything possible to "quicken and direct the industry of the refugees and freedmen, that they and their communities may do all that can be done for the season, already so far advanced, to prevent starvation and suffering, and promote good order and prosperity." * * * "Negroes must be free to choose their 12 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. own employers, and be paid for their labor. Agreements should be free, bona fide acts, and approved by proper officers, and their inviolability, enforced on both parties. The old system of overseers, tending to compulsory, unpaid labor and acts of cruelty and oppression, is prohibited." In consequence of the varied operations of our armies—detachments of troops moving over nearly every county of the insurrectionary States, carrying to the negroes the knowledge of their freedom—the whole southern country, even in the interior, had its labor more or less deranged. I received letters from every part of the country urging me to try and settle this question by fixing prices and exercising power, in one way or another, over the laborer, to the end that he might be forced to work. I did not assent to these propositions, but gave, in Circular No. 11, dated July 13, 1865, more specific regulations with regard to contracts. I did not compel these contracts, but advised them, hoping in that way to secure quiet and order, and the necessary sustenance. In this circular I cautioned my officers against any substitute whatever for slavery; deprecated such public addresses as were calculated to create discontent, but required them to make a careful summary of the principles, laws and regulations of the bureau, to be publicly and privately read throughout their respective districts. As a general rule, the circulars and orders of the Assistant Commissioners were excellent, and in full accordance with the principles I had enunciated. With regard to prices of labor, as I anticipated, experience has shown that it is better to leave them to be regulated by the demand. Minimum rates might serve to protect the freedmen in many cases, but in scarcely any place could he have exceeded those rates, after they were once established. By fixing prices for the able-bodied, it is impossible to discriminate sufficiently with regard to the difference of skill and ability among that class. Finding the plantation negroes inclined to leave their homes, and go to the cities, villages, and military posts, with no good prospect of work or support, I deemed it best to have the agents at those places adopt a system like the ordinary intelligence office, and use every effort in their power to procure good places, where they could find support, in whole or in part, for those who then came together. Industrial schools, established by benevolent associations, were encouraged to aid in the absorption of this class of refugees. Government farms, under charge of officers of the bureau, and those farms that had been set apart or allotted, according to the laws, have subserved the purpose of absorbing the surplus population. Still, however, there were authentic complaints of idleness, for which no remedy seemed to exist. I directed that the vagrant laws of the respective States, so far as they applied to whites, be extended to freedmen; where this law authorized corporeal punishment, it was modified by the Assistant Commissioner. The wording of the law establishing this bureau gave rise to the idea that the lands of disloyal owners would be divided among the freedmen. Soldiers, colored and white, and others, at one time spread, and doubtless magnified, the same report, till the belief became quite prevalent in the interior of the southern States that the government intended, at Christmas or New Year, to effect this division. My impression is that many speculators, who desired to cheapen the lands, helped on these stories. The freedmen became suddenly very averse to making any contracts or agreement with the property-holders for the coming year. Even the correction of false reports does not always produce a willingness to enter into contracts. My agents have striven to disabuse the minds of the FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 13 freemen of impressions so detrimental to their interests, urging them to secure places of support, and aiding them to get fair wages. My objection to the system I have been obliged to adopt has been its tendency to check individuality, not sufficiently encouraging self-dependency; but in process of time, as property shall change hands, and the larger estates be broken up, the necessity for so generally applying contracts will be obviated. Meanwhile, education, unhindered, will work wonders to stimulate individual enterprise. The results of our present system of free labor will appear in my remarks upon each State, and more fully in the reports of the respective Assistant Commissioners. OF SCHOOLS. I found many schools already in existence in those localities that had been for some time within the lines of our armies; these were established and maintained, to a great extent, by benevolent associations of the north. There were, however, extensive governments schools in several of the southern States. Both classes have been encouraged and aided as far as it was possible, and a large number of self-supporting schools established by the officers and agents of the bureau. Under the head of "Organization," I gave the method of superintending the schools that was adopted by the bureau. In many parts of the country the hostility of the white people to the schools has been undisguised, and every effort has been made to get the buildings used for school purposes away from the teachers. It is difficult to describe the odium with which the excellent self-denying school teachers are met. Doubtless the treatment to which they are subjected arises in part from the feelings engendered by the war, but it is mostly due to prejudice against educating the blacks, and the belief that the teachers are fostering social equality. It is right, however, to say that there are many southern men who earnestly advocate the introduction of schools, and several churches have established them in connexion with their organizations. OF QUARTERMASTERS' SUPPLIES From section 2 of the law establishing the bureau, specific authority is derived for issuing certain quartermasters' stores, such as clothing and fuel, for the destitute. These were furnished upon my requisition by the orders of the Secretary of War. During the war, many officers of the Quartermaster's department were detached as superintendents of freedmen, accounting through their chief to the Quartermaster General. These officers were, many of them, transferred to me with the public property they had on hand. I deemed it best that quartermasters detailed should keep up a connexion with their own departments, as is done in the ordnance and engineer corps, but this system has not worked well at a distance from Washington. My officers and agents have complained everywhere of their inability to procure offices, fuel, quarters, stationery, and other stores upon their requisitions, without the special order of the Secretary of War. This embarrassment has arisen from the absolute dependence of this bureau upon other bureaus of the War Department, there being no appropriation of funds. I recommended the meeting of the wants of the destitute refugees and freedmen by the issue of such quartermasters' stores as were on hand and could be spared, upon which request was based General Orders No. 147, War Department, current series, confining the clothing and equipage to that unfit for issue to troops. This order will relieve the Assistant Commissioners of much difficulty, and afford a partial remedy for the great destitute have been furnished through the commissary and medical departments. 14 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION. As soon as the war closed, white refugees from every part of the south sought, immediately, to return to their former homes. As early as May 30, I made provision as follows: "Loyal refugees, who have been driven from their homes, will, on their return, be protected from abuse, and the calamities of their situation relieved as far as possible. If destitute, they will be aided with transportation and food when deemed expedient while in transitu, returning to their former homes." This order was approved by the President, and my requisitions were honored by the Quartermaster's department. In consequence of abuses, it was found necessary, subsequently, to restrict the order to cases where humanity evidently demanded the transportation. About 2,085 whites, men, women and children, were transported from different portions of the northern States to the south. This work has now nearly ceased—the same principle applied to colored refugees. The total number transported, men, women and children, is one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. I believe it to be a matter of economy to the government to remove dependents, when possible, to places where they could support themselves. Upon my request, General Orders No. 138 were issued; this will enable the Assistant Commissioners to reduce the surplus population of the cities, villages, and other places, where refugees and freemen have gathered during the war. Benevolent associations were aided, very freely, with transportation for teachers, agents, subsistence, books, and other stores, during the progress of the war. I could find no War Department orders authorizing this action, and, by your advice and direction, had the matter regulated by the same General Order No. 138, confining transportation of teachers and agents to government transports and military railroads, and providing the manner in which stores and schoolbooks, necessary to the subsistence, comfort and instruction for the dependent refugees and freedmen, might be transported. As there are now no military railroads, and few transports, the aid to teachers and agents of benevolent associations is practically cut off. Your attention is called to the following tabular report: Report of transportation, furnished to destitute refugees and freedmen, and others, and of stores for destitute refugees and freedmen, transported by Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, from May 30, 1865, to November 20, 1865, inclusive. Month Refugees. Freed Employés, Grand Stores people. teachers, total. forwarded M F C T M F C T and agents for destitute a e h o a e h o of benevolent refugees & l m i t l m i t associations. freed men. e a l a e a l a s. l d l. s. l d l. e r e r s. e s. e n. n. May 12 1 13 13 June 150 132 285 567 579 72 35 686 8 1,261 July 219 119 202 540 289 40 18 347 1 888 August 155 76 214 445 67 14 9 90 26 581 September 35 45 74 154 128 50 110 288 45 487 3 bales. October 9 17 30 56 100 35 129 264 185 505 1 bale. November 4 6 6 16 92 54 112 258 42 316 17box's. 1,778 1,946 307 4,031 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 15 OF COMMISSARY SUPPLIES. The classes to whom issues have been made are - 1st, loyal refugees; 2d, dependent freedmen; 3d, in some cases, citizen employes; 4th, officers and citizens laboring voluntarily for the freedmen, by purchase, according to the usual regulations of the army on this subject. The law directed the immediate and temporary supply of destitute and suffering refugees and freemen, and their wives and children. The issues when I took charge were very large, and the idea seemed to prevail throughout large companies of freedmen and poor white refugees that they were to be the permanent recipients of food; whereupon the following directions were drawn up: "Relief establishments will be discontinued as speedily as the cessation of hostilities and the return of industrial pursuits will permit. Great discriminations will be observed in administering relief, so as to include non that are not absolutely necessitous and destitute." In order to carry out these instructions, special rules were adopted according to Circular No. 8, from this bureau, and agreed to by the Commissary General. Comparing my report for September with his for the August preceding, with the understanding that the Commissary department has cut off all issues to whites, I find a reduction in one month of 42,423 daily rations to whites, and 30,746 reduction of the same to blacks, making a total reduction of 73,169. My own reports for August are not full enough to make anything but a comparative estimate, according to my own records. The commissary department doubtless issues more or less to persons outside of the army, as well as through this bureau, so that the accuracy of the reduction cannot be fully relied on. Yet I am convinced that from fifty to seventy-five thousand full rations per day will meet the demands of the dependents, white and black, for the month of November. The Commissary General's total person to who issues without the army were made at the end of August is as follows: Whites, 57,360; colored, 90,637; Indians, 123; total, 148,120. As considerable complaint arose with regard to gratuitous issues of rations, the following extract from Circular No. 7 is submitted: "Rations will not be gratuitously issued fro teachers of refugees or freedmen, or to other persons voluntarily laboring for the benefit of such persons; but such teachers as are authorized by the Assistant Commissioners of the bureau, while actually on duty in their fields of labor, may purchase rations of the government under precisely the same rules that apply to such purchases when made by commissioned officers of the army." In the vicinity of Norfolk and Fortress Monroe rations were issued for the most part to the dependents in hospitals, and to the wives and children of soldiers. The same is true at Roanoke island and Newbern. The great number of refugee negroes thrown upon General Saxton's care late in the season necessitate aid of this kind until crops could be raised. A lien was taken upon the crops for repayment, but I have relieved this lien wherever the operation of Circular No. 15 and other orders has deprived the people of lands for which they expected a possessory title under General Sherman's Field Order of January 15, 1865. Precisely the same principles have been applied in the Mississippi valley and elsewhere - that is, those able to work and support themselves have been obliged to refund; by the orphan children in asylums, the sick in hospitals, and the helpless have been fed. Still, my agents were so instructed as to hold each estate, county, district, parish or town, responsible for its own poor, and wherever it was possible aid has been demanded and secured from this quarter. It is right to say that the planters have, as a general rule, take care of those 16 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. poor and helpless that remained on their plantations. Some have angrily driven them away, but this is not the general rule. The following table will give an idea of the issues, so far as reported, for the month of September: Consolidated monthly report of number of rations issued to refugees and freedmen (dependent) in the different districts and States, respectively, for the month ending September 30, 1865. Districts. Number of rations Number of rations Total number of rations issued to refugees. issued to freedmen. issued. North Carolina 420 136,930 137,350 Virginia* 275,887 275,887 District of Columbia 217 31,547 31,764 Texas* 35 35 Louisiana* 55,186 55,186 Missouri and Arkansas 309,456 161,766 471,222 Kentucky and Tennessee* 66,750 66,750 Mississippi 11,766 68,355 80,121 Georgia and South Carolina 2,913 197,349 200,262 Alabama 45,771 36,295 82,066 Grand total 370,543 1,030,100 1,400,643 *No refugees reported. FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. In order to systematize financial matters, I placed at the head of this division Lieutenant Colonel George W. Balloch, detailed from the Subsistence department. In addition to his duties as chief financial agent, he has aided me in commissary matters. I take pleasure in embodying his clear and able report in my own, as follows: Congress, when it created the bureau, made no appropriation to defray its expenses; it has, however, received funds from miscellaneous sources, as the following report will show: in several of the States, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, and the District of Columbia, the interests of the freedmen were under the control of military officers assigned by the War Department previous to the organization of this bureau. Their accounts became naturally absorbed in the accounts of the bureau, and the following report embraces all the receipts and expenditures in all States now under control of the bureau since January 1, 1865: RECEIPTS. Amount on hand January 1, 1865, and received since, to October 31, 1865— From freedmen's fund $466,028 35 From retained bounties 115,236 49 For clothing, fuel and subsistence 7,704 21 Farms 76,709 12 From rents of buildings 56,012 42 From rents of lands 125,521 00 From Quartermaster's department 12,200 00 From conscript fund 13,498 11 From schools, (tax and tuition) 34,486 58 Total received 907,396 28 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU 17 ÉXPENDITURES. Freedmen's fund ..... $8,009 14 Clothing, fuel and subsistence ..... 75,504 05 Farms ..... 40,069 71 Household furniture ...... 2,904 90 Rents of buildings ..... 11,470 88 Labor (by freedmen and other employés) ...... 237,097 62 Repairs of buildings ..... 19,518 46 Contingent expenses ...... 46,328 07 Rents of lands ...... 300 00 Internal revenue ...... 1,379 86 Conscript fund ...... 6,515 37 Transportation ....... 1,445 51 Schools ...... 27,819 60 Total Expended ....... 478,363 17 RECAPITULATION. Total amount received ...... $907,396 28 Total amount expended ....... 478,363 17 Balance on hand October 31, 1855 ....... 429,033 11 Deduct the amount held as retained bounties ....... 115,236 49 Balance on hand October 31 1865, available to meet liabilities.. 313,796 62 The term "freedmen's fund" embraces moneys received from tax on salaries, colored employés, tax on cotton, fines in provost courts, donations, &c. The amount held as retained bounties cannot properly be considered as funds of the bureau, as it is merely held in trust for colored soldiers, or their families, in accordance with General Order No. 90, department Virginia and North Carolina, current series, 1864. GEORGE W. BALLOCH, Brevet Colonel and C. S. V., Chief Accounting and Disbursing officer. My Regulations governing officers under accountability are the same, substantially, as in the Quartermaster's department. In Circular No. 5 Assistant Commissioners were instructed as follows: This bureau being in the War Department, all rules and regulations governing officers under accountability for property apply as set forth in the "revised regulations" of the army. All other persons in the service of the bureau are also subject to military jurisdiction. More specific regulations were issued September 20, as per Circular No. 17, to wit : [Circular No. I7.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, September 20, I865. The following regulations are established for the government of the financial affairs of this bureau: I. Every Assistant Commissioner is held accountable for all moneys received and disbursed in the State or district under his control. II. The forms laid down in the regulations of the Quartermaster's department, governing the receipt and disbursement of money, will be followed in the settlement of accounts in this bureau, as nearly as practicable. III. All sub-agents or officers on duty under the Assistant Commissioner will turn over to him or a bonded officer of his selection all funds now or that may hereafter be in their hands, taking his receipts therefor in triplicate, one of which will be forwarded direct to the Commissioner at Washington, the others to be retained for the settlement of their accounts at the treasury. These receipts should specify, if possible, the source from which the money has been derived. IV. All sub-agents, or officers requiring funds, will make a monthly estimate in duplicate, similar to Form 9, regulations Quartermaster's department, and forward the same through the Assistant Commissioner to the Commissioner at Washington for approval. If such estimate, or any part of it, is approved, the Assistant Commissioner will be ordered to turn over the Ex. Doc. No. 11—2 18 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. funds to such agent or officer, holding him accountable therefor. No money will be disbursed except it has been drawn in this manner. V. Assistant Commissioners will require all sub-agents or officers under their control having in charge public funds of the bureau to render to them, in addition to the required account to the Treasury Department, a monthly account with vouchers, similar to Form 10, regulations Quartermaster's department. These several accounts the Assistant Commission, after examination and approval, will consolidate and forward to the Commissioner at Washington, on a similar form. VI. Assistant Commissioners will also forward a consolidated monthly report, similar to form 2, regulations Quartermaster's department, giving the name of each officer employing the persons reported. VII. Assistant Commissioners will keep all funds for which they are accountable in some authorized depository of public funds, and the same are not to be drawn out except to fill the estimates required in the fourth paragraph of this order. VIII. vouchers should be taken and given in triplicate, one of which will accompany the account rendered the Commissioner at Washington, the two remaining copies to be used in the usual settlement with the Treasury Department. IX. This order will take effect from date of its reception. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Soon after taking charge of the bureau I found it necessary to regulate hospitals and asylums which were already in existence and to extend medical aid as far as practicable to refugees and freedmen who became sick and were unprovided for by any local supply from a private source. After consulting with the Surgeon General I procured the services of Surgeon Caleb W. Horner as chief medical officer of the bureau, and by his assistance established the system now operating. Circular No. 14, of August 17, 1865, embodies the principal instructions on this subject. I herewith submit the report of Surgeon Horner, which will exhibit the organization and subsequent operations of his division. He has been watchful and energetic, and met the wants of freedmen and refugees as far as he could with the means at his command. WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, October 31, 1865. COLONEL: I have the honor to submit the following report of the medical department of the bureau: On the recommendation of the Surgeon General I was, by Special Order No. 294, Adjutant General's Office, current series, detailed as chief medical officer, and reported for duty, June 16, 1865, to Major General O. O. Howard, Commissioner. The paramount object being to bring relief as soon as possible to all sick refugees and freedmen, I was fully authorized by the Commissioner to organize and direct the medical department wherever the bureau extended its operations. In pursuance of the plan of organization determined upon, application was made to the Surgeon General for the detail to the bureau of the following surgeons and assistant surgeons of volunteers who were assigned to duty in the various districts, the ranking officer serving on the staff of the Assistant Commissioner as surgeon-in-chief: FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 19 Name. Rank. Date of Station. Assignment. Robert Reyburn Surgeon U.S. vols. July 24,1865 District of Columbia. J. J. De Lamater do. July 24,1865 Virginia Lewis D. Harlow do. July 24, 1865 North Carolina M. K. Hogan do. Aug. 28, 1865 Do. William R. DeWitt, jr. do. July 28,1865 South Carolina. J. W. Lawton do. July 24, 1865 Georgia. Charles J. Kipp do. July 24, 1865 Alabama. J. W. Applegate do. July 24, 1864 Florida. S. J. W. Mintzer do. July 24, 1865 Texas. E. Griswold do. July 24, 1865 Louisiana. Thomas B. Hood do. Sept. 5, 1865 Mississippi. R. R. Taylor do. July 24, 1865 Missouri and Arkansas. *J. H. Grove do. June 10, 1865 Kentucky and Tennessee. A. C. Swartzwelder do. July 29, 1865 Do. J. V. DeHanne Asst. surg. U.S. vols. July 24, 1865 Georgia. Henry M. Lilly do. July 24, 1865 Missouri and Arkansas. P. Glennan do. Aug. 14, 1865 District of Columbia. * Mustered out of service Instructions were given to surgeons-in-chief to relieve the medical department of the army of the care of sick refugees and freedmen, and aid Assistant Commissioners in establishing hospitals for such patients as could not be otherwise properly accommodated, and employ the requisite number of physicians and attendants to supply the wants of the sick. It was soon discovered that the want of congressional appropriation, and the limited amount of funds at the disposal of the Commissioner for the employment of physicians and attendants for the sick, would embarass the administration of the medical department. The Surgeon General having authorized, in Circular No. 5, current series, medical purveyors to issue to the bureau medical and hospital supplies in accordance with the standard supply table which I had prepared and the Commissioner adopted for the use of refugees and freedmen, surgeons-in-chief of districts were made approving officers for such requisitions. They were directed to make to the chief medical officer of the bureau at Washington consolidated sick reports of their districts weekly, and promptly transmit the monthly reports, together with a copy of all other reports made, contracts made an annulled, circulars and orders issued and requisitions approved. Medical officers having charge of medical and hospital supplies were required to make quarterly, and when relieved therefrom, property returns, according to form, to the chief medical officer of the bureau. Previous to the organization of the bureau, as early as July 25, 1864, I was by order of Colonel R. O. Abbott, United States army, medical director, department of Washington, in addition to my other duties as a surgeon in charge of the Ricord hospital and member of the army medical board, assigned to the supervision of freedmen's affairs in the District of Columbia; and a complete relief system, both in hospital and quarters, was set at work without loss of time, being the means of furnishing to six thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine (6,929) patients medical attendance and medicines and subsistence was given to the absolutely destitute. The first systematic efforts for the relief of freedmen rendered destitute by the rebellion were made under the auspices of Colonel John Eaton, jr., 63d U. S. C. T., now brevet brigadier general and Assistant Commissioner of this bureau for the District of Columbia, by the establishment of a contraband camp in West Tennessee, October, 1862, which proved to be the nucleus of the most extensive system in the country, including in its operations the great valley of the Mississippi, under the same officer, whose humane exertions gave assistance to over seventeen thousand persons. Elsewhere no systematic aid was afforded these people. Although the bureau has not yet reached the remote sections of the south, already forty-two (42) hospitals with accommodations for four thousand five hundred (4,500) patients are in operation and facilities are afforded for the treatment of five thousand (5,000) sick in twenty-four asylum sand colonies established by the bureau; in attendance on the sick eighty-three physicians are employed under contract, and one hundred and eighty male and one hundred and seventy-seven female attendants. Of twelve regimental medical officers detailed to the bureau by department commanders, there remain but three. In this class might be menioned 20 Freedman's Bureau ioned Surgeon G.O. McCord, of Colonel Eaton's regiment, who has made an honorable record in freedman's affairs in the Mississippi valley. Districts No. of No. of No. of attendants Number Capacity No. asylumns, Capacity commissioned private attendants of colonies, camps medical physicians Hospitals officers employed Male Fem. under contract Columbia 2 10 30 28 3 303 Virginia 2 11 26 20 9 759 1 100 North Carolina 1 5 9 13 3 140 3 800 South Carolina 1 15 14 15 3 180 6 1,350 Georgia 3 7 29 24 5 700 Alabama 2 9 26 22 4 646 1 100 Florida 1 1 100 Texas 1 1 40 Louisiana 1 6 1 459 5 1,000 Mississippi 1 11 40 39 9 672 2 200 Missouri and Arkansas 2 4 6 16 3 301 2 450 Kentucky and Tennessee 1 5 *1 200 4 1,000 Total 18 83 180 177 42 4,500 24 5,000 * Supported jointly by local authorities and bureau. From the organization of the bureau to October 31, 1865, there have been treated, refugees two thousand five hundred and fifty-one (2,551), of whom two hundred and twenty- seven (227) have died, and three hundred and thirty-eight (338) remain under treatment; the mortality being nine percent. Report of refugees from the organization of bureau to October, 1865, treated, died, and remaining under treatment. Districts. Percentage Treated Died Remaining Oct. 30. of deaths Adult male female Adult Adult Male Female Adult Adult Male Female female children children males Females children children male Fem. Child. Child. Columbia Virginia 2 12 2 2 North Carolina .19 5 64 21 22 11 6 4 4 13 1 5 South Carolina .089 502 539 277 298 71 41 18 11 51 48 12 8 Georgia .15 49 45 17 15 10 2 5 2 10 13 2 Alabama Florida Texas Louisiana .014 28 26 7 7 1 2 1 Mississippi .07 78 87 47 54 7 4 5 2 8 13 5 8 Missouri and Arkansas .12 19 50 29 27 4 3 7 2 6 14 7 5 Kentucky and Tennessee .043 15 110 44 60 2 4 5 Total 698 924 444 483 92 63 45 27 81 103 28 26 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU 21 RECAPITULATION. Aggregate percentage of deaths............................................... .09 Aggregate treated....................................................................... 2,531 Aggregate died............................................................................ 227 Aggregate remaining October 30............................................. 388 During the same period there were freedmen treated forty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight (45,898,) of whom five thousand eight hundred and four (5,804) have died, and six thousand six hundred and forty-five (6,645) remain under treatment; the mortality being thirteen per cent. Report of freedmen from the organization of bureau to October 30, 1865, treated, died, and remaining under treatment. Districts. Percentage of deaths. Treated. Died. Remaining October 30. Adult males. Adult males. Adult males. Adult females. Adult females. Adult females. Male children. Male children. Male children. Female children. Female children. Female children. Columbia .03 3,300 2,810 2,345 2,520 90 67 80 90 275 270 105 93 Virginia .09 967 879 328 335 74 61 51 30 261 172 57 58 North Carolina .49 1,018 2,259 1,309 1,100 542 909 748 553 99 234 165 131 South Carolina .04 2,646 2,877 1,393 1,604 153 137 42 38 384 460 171 223 Georgia .22 649 431 120 65 161 77 21 14 179 111 41 18 Alabama .24 1,012 827 363 331 210 195 106 91 369 322 148 200 Florida Texas 8 9 1 3 1 1 Louisiana .14 597 433 180 158 112 55 18 13 186 119 39 31 Mississippi .06 1,087 1,177 507 635 90 79 21 18 184 232 62 76 Missouri and Ark. .08 385 459 294 333 33 29 23 32 193 207 105 102 Kentucky and Tenn. .09 651 2,837 2,213 2,367 53 184 185 309 74 276 75 123 Total 12,320 15,068 9,052 9,458 1,518 1,793 1,305 1,188 2,207 2,404 968 1,066 RECAPITULATION. Aggregate percentage of deaths............................................... .13 Aggregate treated....................................................................... 45,898 Aggregate died............................................................................ 5,804 Aggregate remaining October 30............................................. 6,645 Without any medical aid whatever, these people are found to be dying at the rate of thirty per cent., while, on the contrary, where the relief system of the bureau is complete, as in the District of Columbia under Brigadier General Eaton and Surgeon R. Reyburn, United States volunteers, his efficient chief medical officer, the mortality is less than four per cent. The average cost for furnishing medical aid to each patient in hospital,including the outfit for the first year, is six dollars; exclusive of the outfit, two dollars and fifty cents; while the average cost is four dollars for each patient treated during the four years the furniture is expected to wear. Numerous reports have been received from medical officers of the insufficiency of the contraband ration, and especially of the half ration for children. There is no doubt good cause for complaint in some sections of the country, especially in the extreme south, where the value of the ration is only eleven cents, while in the same localities the cost of articles purchased for the sick is greater than in the District of Columbia, where the value of the ration is twenty-two and one-seventh cents. My impression is, that where proper care is taken to procure homes for the boys and girls of larger growth, the preponderance of very young children among the destitute and suffering will render the half ration sufficient. Intending to establish a diet table for the hospitals of the bureau, I have called upon medical officers for a copy of the diet system now used in the various institutions for the sick. A few of the best tables thus far received have been disseminated for trial, and not without encouraging prospects of satisfactory results. Prior to the medical department of the bureau being extended into Georgia, acting under the advice of the assistant superintendent, a freedmen's aid society was formed among the colored people of Augusta. Funds were raised, a hospital established, a physician employed for the sick, and a colored midwife engaged for a lying-in ward attached. Thus it will be seen these people manifest a desire to become self-sustaining. 22 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. The friends of the freedman claim for him a weight of intellectual brain equal to his white fellow-man. A number of the medical officers interested in the cause are, when opportunity offers, investigating the subject, and it is confidently expected that from this source, as well as others, many interesting statistics will be added to the archives of the bureau. The officers of the medical staff in charge of the districts are entitled to great credit for efficient administration of medial affairs, a result anticipated from the record made by these gentlemen during the war. The cordial co-operation always given by the officers of the other staff departments of the bureau has relieved embarrassment and encouraged me in my official labors. In concluding this report I be leave gratefully to acknowledge the facilities at all times afforded by the Commissioner to the medical branch of the bureau. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, CALEB W. HORNOR, Surgeon United States Volunteers, Chief Medical Officer. The breaking up of the old plantation system has necessarily left the sick with little or no medical provision except that existing among the freedmen themselves. As soon as they earn money and become better versed than now in the ordinary means of self-support, they will doubtless secure the necessary aid. The medical officers of this bureau at the best can afford but partial relief. MISCELLANEOUS. Of justice.- As all matters relating to refugees and freedmen were committed to my supervision and management by the law, and as the old civil codes in the several insurrectionary States had become practically null and void so far as they related to the negro, it became necessary to lay down some general rule for the officers of the bureau concerning the administration of justice. At first I confined myself to the following instructions: "VI. Simple good faith, for which we hope on all hands from those concerned in the passing away of slavery, will especially relieve the Assistant Commissioners in the discharge of their duties towards the freedmen, as well as promote the general welfare. The Assistant Commissioners will, everywhere, declare and protect their freedom, as set forth in the proclamation of the President and the laws of Congress. "VII. In all places where there is an interruption of civil law, or in which local courts, by reason of old codes, in violation of the freedom guaranteed by the proclamation of the President and the laws of Congress, disregard the negro's right to justice before the laws, in not allowing him to give testimony, the control of all subjects relating to refugees and freedmen being committed to this bureau, the Assistant Commissioners will adjudicate, either themselves or through officers of their appointment, all difficulties arising between negroes themselves, or between negroes and whites or Indians, except those in military service, so far as recognizable by military authority, and not taken cognizance of by the other tribunals, civil or military, of the United States." On the latter paragraph was based the reference of freedmen's cases to provost and freedmen's courts. The provost courts were established generally by the department commander, and cases have passed through him for revision. In the great majority of instances that have come to my knowledge these courts have decided fairly, but there are some exceptions, where officers composing them, having the infectious prejudice against the negro, have discriminated very much against his interest, and meted out to those who abused him, either by extortion or violence, punishments in no way commensurate with the offences. The freedmen's courts have been constituted wholly or partially of officers of the bureau. It was impossible to multiply such courts, on account of the scarcity of officers. I therefore resorted to the practice of associating civilians with these officers for the settlement of minor cases, and with limited powers as 23 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. to punishment, in no case exceeding one hundred dollars fine, or thirty day's imprisonment. In Alabama the offer was extended by the Assistant Commissioner to the provisional governor to make of the civil courts, of his appointment, freedmen's courts, provided the judges would accept such recognition. Nearly all in the State did so. I approved of this action, believing it to be necessary to test the civil judges as to their disposition to do justice to the freedman. The agents of the bureau were required to act as far as possible as the advocates of the freedmen in these courts, and the right to withdraw recognition was in the hands of the Assistant Commissioner. Favorable reports have come from nearly every quarter of this State, yet grave abuses have been complained of from the courts in the northern sections bordering upon Tennessee and Georgia. By the means referred to the freedmen have been allowed suits and testimony in Alabama. A similar course was pursued in Mississippi, but with partial success. In Louisiana suits and testimony were already allowed under the State government, and the civil courts have been tried to some extent in that State. Recently civil magistrates have received recognition by the Assistant Commissioner in Georgia, with similar directions and restrictions to those in Alabama. In South Carolina the military division commander, General Meade, took the matter out of my hands, making an arrangement with the provisional governor that freedmen's cases should be brought before provost courts. In the other States action has been much the same as in Alabama and Mississippi, excepting in Virginia, where the State officials could not, under their State constitution, serve as United States officers. I would call your special attention to these courts in the several insurrectionary States called into existence by the pressure of necessity, and easily transferable to State tribunals as soon as the States shall have met the requirements of the general government, and become prepared to administer equal justice. It would seem best, however, to have some provision of law extending United States jurisdiction to the freedmen while they remain wards of the government. Freedmen's United States courts to exist for a term of years would be a very effective instrument to relieve these people from the injustice incident to a forced emancipation; I mean on the part of those who have fought against emancipation and are too full of prejudices and ignorance to believe in freedom. I have interfered as little as possible with subjects like marriage, paupers, apprenticeship of orphan minors, &e., yet have directed the Assistant Commis- sioners to extend the State laws made for the whites, as far as practicable, to the freedmen. In fact, it is the easiest and best way possible to solve every troublesome problem proposed, relating to negroes, by the time-honored rules established by wise legislation for other people. Marriages have been carefully registered in every State, and quite a large number of orphans have been ap- prenticed in different parts of the United States to people of good character, and under humane and liberal regulations. Should the care of all the paupers of freedmen be thrown upon the general government, it will be necessary to use some of the public lands for relief farms, and to rent or purchase farms in the counties or districts inhabited by the freedmen. Eventually the freedmen themselves will be able to sustain this expense, but not now. Without doubt the property of the district, county, or town, should by some means be made to defray it. I urge attention to this subject, especially as there is danger that during the coming winter a large number of dependents, old men, women and children, may be left by former masters to shift for themselves, and, unless allowed to suffer, become a tax to the general government. Permit me now to give a brief synopsis of the work of each Assistant Commis- sioner, referring you to his own reports for more extended information. 24 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. (District of Columbia, including Alexandria, Fairfax, and Loudon counties, in Virginia, and also a general supervision of freedman's affairs in Maryland.) As soon as the bureau was organized I called to Washington Colonel John Eaton, jr., from the Mississippi valley, where he had been acting for two or three years as superintendent of freedman, and where he acquired the full confidence of the War Department, and gave him charge of the district above described. He has aided me materially also by his practical views upon matters connected with the general field. Several benevolent associations, including the Wash- ington branch, have afforded him substantial aid, particularly in the matter of schools. A general system for the schools has been adopted, and is working success- fully under the supervision of a superintendent appointed by the bureau. At the end of October forty-one schools were reported in the district, taught by ninety-one teachers. There was a total attendance of 4,884 pupils ; a daily aver- age attendance of seventy-five per cent. Five industrial schools are also in op- eration. The number of people thus employed is not reported. There are hospitals in Washington and Alexandria, and at Freedmen's Vil- large, where all patients absolutely destitute are treated. Out-door physicians attend those who can be partially cared for at their homes. Five intelligence officers are in operation, where unemployed freedmen are fur- nished situations. A great number have thus found employment. Many complaints have been received of abuses committed in Maryland. The apprenticeship laws of that State allow many harsh proceedings, as the law does not admit colored testimony. All that could be has been done in these cases. The government farms in Maryland have been successfully managed. Thirteen hundred acres have been cultivated. Wheat, corn, and tobacco comprise the principal crops. I ask attention to Brevet Brigadier General Eaton's report, as full of sugges- tion and interest. The attention of Governor Bradford was invited, by letter, to the frequent complaints and appeals demanding action, and the desire ex- pressed to so arrange with his excellency that there should be no conflict, but that aid might be afforded in maintaining justice and solving the peculiar ques- tions arising in the transition state. VIRGINIA. Captain Orlando Brown, assistant quartermaster, formerly a surgeon in the volunteer army, was under detail from local commanders superintending freed- men's affairs in southeastern Virginia. He was reputed a man of high character and practical ability. Though a stranger, he was so highly recommended that I gave him the nomination for Assistant Commissioner of Virginia. He was ap- pointed, and subsequently promoted, by your consent, to the colonelcy of the 24th colored regiment. His field has been exceedingly difficult, owing particu- larly to the great impoverishment of the State from the war, the breaking up of every system of labor, and the peculiarly strong depression of the people at its close. No officer ould have excelled him in action, energy, and in the fidelity with which he has performed the onerous duties devolve upon him. He sep- arated his State into districts and sub-districts, conforming as nearly as possible to the divisions of the department commander, and procured details mostly from him. The department commander, the governor, and the Assistant Commissioner have worked very cordially together. The aggregate dependents receiving rations in Virginia at the end of last FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 25 month was 11,622. More than half of these dependents are in the first and second districts, including Norfolk, Princess Ann, and Prince George counties. In these counties there were necessarily large accumulations of freedmen during the war. Every effort has been made by the Assistant Commissioner to reduce these collections, and the great majority have had an entire or partial support as the fruit of their own labor during the summer. Soldiers' wives and families were left behind when the troops were transported from City Point to Texas. As many of these were willing to go were sent to Texas as the public expense. A colony of upwards of a hundred signifying its wish to go to Liberia, through a colored agent, was transported from Lynchburg to Baltimore, where the Colonization Society took the complete charge. The last report gives 90 freedmen's schools, 195 teachers, 11,500 scholars. I refer to Colonel Brown's summary for other interesting items with regard to contracts, justice, lands, immigration, finances, &c. NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel E. Whittlesey, 46th United States colored troops, formerly a professor in Bowdoin College, who had served on my staff during the war as assistant adjutant general, and afterwards as judge advocate, a man of high character and ability, was assigned as Assistant Commissioner of this State. In his report for the quarter ending September 30, 1865, he gives his division of the State into four districts and twenty-seven sub-districts; he states that large numbers of blacks and whites crowded round the offices of the commissary department, and the bureau for government rations, when he first took charge. Orders were issued to supply only the deserving destitute, and by constant effort the throng of beggars has been gradually removed, the helpless gathered into camps, and the sick into hospitals. The number of rations issued in July, 215, 285; in August, 156, 289; September, 137, 350. This table shows a steady decrease from month to month; the number may be still further reduced; but there are many women and children, families of soldiers who have died in the service, and refugees from the interior, for whom provision must be made. Nearly four thousand patients have been taken care of during the quarter by his medical officers. In regard to industry: A larger amount of vagrancy is reported among the whites than among the blacks. The uniform statement of his officers is that the freedmen are industrious. This is confirmed by the fact that out of a population of 350,000 but 5,000 are receiving aid from the government. Few contracts are made for long periods, from want of confidence between employer and employes. The freedmen work more faithfully for money than for a share of the crop, for which they must wait. Nearly all the farms transferred by treasury agents as "abandoned" have been, under orders, restored to owners. The tenure of these has been too uncertain to admit of setting them apart for refugees and freedmen. Many freedmen are renting lands, and efforts are being made to aid them. The Assistant Commissioner is trying to secure lands to the freedmen where they built houses, to prevent them losing what has been expanded. A settlement, made a municipality by his directions, is situated near Newbern, and called "The Trent Reiver Settlement." It is a well-ordered, quiet, healthy town, rivalling Newbern itself in these respects. Number of freedmen's schools in North Carolina, 63; teachers employed, 85; scholars attending, 5,624. A few schools are self-supporting and taught by colored teachers, but the majority are sustained by northern societies and northern teachers. The teachers are highly commended for their self-denying work. A surprising 26 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. thirst for knowledge is manifested by the colored people; children give earnest attention and learn rapidly, and the adults, after the day's work, often devote the evening to study. Marriages have been recorded and orphans supplied with homes to some extent. SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA. General Rufus Saxton had, as you are aware, been during most of the war in charge of matters pertaining to freedmen in South Carolina. The operations of the war enabled me to visit Beaufort and St. Helena islands during the winter of 1864-'65, and I was pleased with the settlement, labor, regulations, and thriving schools that I found in existence under his direction and supervision. Several thousand negro refugees, which have been before described as following our armies, were received by him, for the most part, in a state of utter destitution, distributed among different vacant lands, and cared for until they became self-sustaining. Judging by his past success of the general's fitness for a large work, I gave to his charge South Carolina, George, and Florida temporarily. Colonel Osborne, the Assistant Commissioner for the latter State, met with a serious accident while en route to his post, which detained him for a couple of months. Owing to sickness, General Saxton was delated in extending his organization to the interior. A few officers and agents, however, proceeded as early as June to Augusta and farther west in Georgia. Lately, South Carolina and Georgia have been completely organized. From South Carolina reports form the interior of the State are replete with instances of violence and cruelty towards the freedmen -- murders, whipping, tying up by the thumbs, defrauding of wages, over-working, combining for purposes of extortion, &c. From my own observation, I do not infer that such crimes and cruelties give a true picture of the state of society. Yet the criminal list is altogether too great to pass unnoticed. Already the antagonism between whites and blacks in this State is marked, and for the sake of peace and good order it would be unwise at present to withdraw the military force. The number of dependents drawing rations in South Carolina and Georgia, at the end of September, was 10,664; the number of schools, 114; number of teachers 174; of scholars, 9,500. A very large number of contracts were made for the last year by the military authorities, and none by the bureau. Those planters who lived on the line of General Sherman's march have been obliged to struggle against many difficulties in raising a crop this year, having little material left to work with. Thus they were unable to make contracts as favorable to the freedmen as they could otherwise have done. The Assistant Commissioner fiends great difficulty in getting parties to enter into them for the next year. He reports affairs in Darlington, Williamsburg, and Marion districts in better condition than elsewhere. The freedmen here are self-supporting, and there is little or no conflict between blacks and whites. A pass and patrol system is still kept up in Barnwell district. The department commander had his headquarters at Hilton Head; General Saxton his at Beaufort, and finally at Charleston, and the provisional governor was in the northern part of the State. Hence there has been much separate and some conflicting action on the part of these officers, and many misunderstandings. I believe, now that the department commander and Assistant Commissioner are both at Charleston, and co-operating, more complete order and confidence will be the result. In this State the feeling is general against the presence of colored people. It is alleged that its effect is to disturb labor throughout a large district in the vicinity of the garrison, and the fear is expressed by the white inhabitants that the colored troops will join the negroes in case of insurrection. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 27 Since the arrival of General Davis Tillson in Georgia, in the month of September, there has been a favorable change. He was at Milledgeville during the session of the convention, and explained to its members the purposes of the bureau, ands succeeded in correcting many false impressions. The department commander has given him full and hearty co-operation, and from late reports I should judge that all matters under charge of the bureau were favorable to good order and stability, were it not for the extreme destitution in those localities impoverished by the war. FLORIDA. Brevet Colonel T.W. Osborne, formerly chief of artillery of the army of the Tennessee, having received the appointment of Assistant Commissioner for this State, reached his post at Tallahassee in August. Through the influence of the department commander, General Foster, he has practically departed from the method usually practiced by the assistant commissioners. He has acted as if on the staff of the general; the commanders of sub-districts have been ex-officio superintendents of freedmen, and have reported upon freedmen's matters to the Assistant Commissioner, always, however, making this duty subordinate to their military reports. The State has been very quiet and orderly, scarcely any acts of violence having been reported, though I am inclined to think the freedmen see less change of system, and have less realization of the privileges that belong to freedmen, here than elsewhere in the south. The Assistant Commissioner is a young man of high character, and warmly commended by the department commander and provisional governor. He has labored under great difficulties, having been obliged to struggle on with scarcely any funds, and with details altogether insufficient to make his department independent. His circulars and orders are very complete and satisfactory. ALABAMA. Brevet Major General Wager Swayne, Assistant Commissioner for the State of Alabama, was assigned to duty by the bureau by Special Orders No. 323, paragraph 27, current series, Adjutant General's Office, of date June 23, and proceeded at once to his station, at Montgomery, the State capital. Prior to his assignment the affairs of the bureau had been administered in Alabama by the Assistant Commissioner for Louisiana. General Swayne is an officer of ability and worth, and during the rebellion distinguished himself by gallantry in the field. At the Salkehatchie, in the South Carolina campaign, he was severely wounded. As there was little or no abandoned or confiscated land, or other rebel property, in the State of Alabama, and nothing but a tax on labor contracts, from which the bureau could derive a revenue, General Swayne was compelled to rely almost entirely on the military and State authorities for officers to act as agents, and for such supplies as were required in his operation. He has been particularly fortunate in securing the co-operation of the provisional governor of the State, and, through him, of the judicial and other State officers of Alabama. An account of judicial action has been already given. While the constitutional convention was in session, he used his influence with that body in behalf of the freedman's interest. As the crops for the past year have not been large, owing to the drought and to the operation of the hostile armies, General Swayne apprehends that there will be considerable suffering during the present winter; but he is maturing plans to meet the necessity, and hopes to be able to succor the destitute of both classes. In such counties as seem most to need his assistance, he proposes to 28 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. organize farms or colonies, to be in the end self-supporting, but in which those who may have no means of support may find temporary shelter and employment. Arrangements recently made with the commissary department remove the fear of not being able to supply them with rations. During the month of September General Swayne issued rations to 3,537 freedmen, and to 1,971 refugees, making a total of 5,508. But in the month of October he issued rations to 2,151 freedmen, and to 2,875 refugees, making a total of 5, 026, being a reduction in the whole number of persons receiving rations of 482. The schools are not in as flourishing a condition in this State as could be wished, owing to the lateness of occupation by our forces; but every effort is being made to extend them, and with good prospects of success. General Swayne reports two schools in operation in the State, with 11 teachers and 497 scholars at Montgomery, and four teachers and 420 scholars at mobile. LOUISIANA. As soon as the city of New Orleans had fallen into our hands the negroes from the upper counties of Louisiana crowded to the city and its environs in such numbers that it became necessary to organize some system of government for their control. This matter was at first left entirely in the hands of the military authorities, and the provost marshal's office was the channel through which they were influenced and assisted; but as the numbers increased, and as the sphere of military operations was extended in Louisiana, it became necessary to organize a department that should be charged expressly with the supervision of negro affairs, and General Banks, in General Orders No. __, headquarters department of the Gulf, created the "Bureau of Free Labor." In connexion with this bureau a board of education was constituted, and taxes levied to support the expenses incident upon obtaining suitable buildings for schools, and securing and paying teachers for the freedmen. This bureau was placed under the control of Mr. T.W. Conway, who, as general superintendent of freedman's affairs, department of the Gulf, exercised control over all subjects relating to freedmen in that department, making reports to and receiving instructions from the department commander. He was authorized to draw the necessary supplies from the Commissary and Quartermaster's departments, upon requisitions duly approved, as should be required in the performance of his duties, and otherwise assisted and protected in organizing his department in the territory acquired by our arms. The bureau was charged with the general care of the aged, infirm, and destitute, and with the institution of such regulations governing labor as would insure protection to the interests of the freedmen and of his employer. Thus, when General Orders No. 91, current series, Adjutant General's office, was issued organizing the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, in accordance with the act of Congress approved March 3, 1865, the Bureau of Free Labor, as already in operation in the State of Louisiana, was, with all its officers and agents, transferred to this bureau, and Mr. Conway was appointed Assistant Commissioner for that State. The number of estates abandoned and confiscated in Louisiana, and turned over to the bureau by agents of the Treasury Department, in accordance with the Executive Order of June 7, afforded means of raising larger funds in that than in almost any other southern State; but the restoration of property is fast depriving the bureau of that source of revenue. From the reports of the bureau of this State, it is believed that the system of free labor is working fairly in the section of the State where the citizens were disposed to give it a fair trial, to fulfil their contracts with the freedmen, and where the employees were able to pay cash at short periods the freedmen were found to work well. There are already in operation four colonies, in which are supported the aged and infirm, who, under the old system of slavery, would be dependent upon their masters for support, by now have to look to the government for assistance. These colonies are not generally fully self-supporting, though farms are attached to each that are worked by freedmen. The schools in this State are in a flourishing condition, most of the teachers being paid out of the funds of the bureau. To support these schools, the commanding general, department of the Gulf, authorized the imposition of a tax upon real and personal property, including crops of plantations in each school district, to be collected and turned over, subject to the orders of the Assistant Commissioner of this bureau. Between thirty and forty thousand dollars have been collected, and steps have been taken to secure the collection of the balance. The Assistant Commissioner reports that are now 141 schools, with 265 teachers and 19,000 scholars, in operation, and it is hoped that the schools will be still more extended over the State. In this State, as well as in Alabama, the freedmen have the right to sue and be sued and to give testimony in the courts, and, in consequence of this privilege, other special courts constituted to try cases relating to freedmen exclusively have been abolished. During the month of September, the Assistant Commissioner issued 55,186 rations to refugees and freedmen. Some time after the organization of the bureau it was decided to change the Assitant Commissioner, and as soon as the change was determined upon, application was made to the War Department for the assignment to duty in that position of Brevet Major General A. Baird, U.S.V., with whom I had been associated in the army before the war, and afterwards while he was a division commander in the 14th corps. He is a faithful and able officer. As it was impossible for him to proceed at once to his station on receiving the order of assignment, Brevet Brigadier General Joseph S. Fullerton, of my staff, was despatched to New Orleans to relieve Mr. Conway, and temporarily to act as Assistant Commissioner. General Fullerton performed his duties in accordance with his instructions, and has been relieved in turn by General Baird, who is now Assistant Commissioner for the State of Louisiana. Previous to these changes the military and civil authorities and the agents of the bureau had not always been working harmoniously, but now I am in hopes that the influence of all will be given to furthering the interests of the freedmen and planters, as the only means of regulating the question of labor in the States. Texas. Brevet Brigadier General E. M. Gregory, Assistant Commissioner of the bureau for the State of Texas, only reached his station the 21st of September, and the organization of that State takes date from that period. This officer served with credit in the army of the Potomac, and was recommended by General Meade and others for detail in the bureau. Although the bureau has been in operation so short a time in this State, General Gregory reports quite a favorable disposition on the part of the citizens to treat the freedmen with fairness, and that the freedmen are working with evident confidence in their employers. General Gregory is of the opinion "that this year's crops of cotton, corn, wheat, &c., will be secured and saved to the inhabitants of the State," and "that there will be no lack of subsistence in Texas, and ought not to be much suffering among the freedmen." General Gregory has succeeded in securing the co-operation of the civil and military authorities, and expresses himself as well pleased with the prospects of the freedmen in his State. He has called upon the freedmen and planters to make contracts, the one with the other, for the approaching season, and urges on the employer the wisdom of paying his hands in each month as the surest way 30 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. of inducing them to comply with their contracts; and he hopes to obtain for the freedmen the right to purchase and work homesteads of their own. General Gregory is organizing schools as fast as possible, but complains that he is greatly in need of funds to carry on his operations. He has no abandoned lands in his hands, and has to depend on a small tax on contracts for funds to defray his current expenses. MISSISSIPPI. Early in 1863 General john Eaton, jr., was assigned to duty as general su- perintendent of freedmen in the Mississippi valley, and continued in the dis- charge of those duties until May, 1865, when this bureau was organized, and the States of Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri, and Arkansas were constituted separate districts, and Assistant Commissioner assigned, under the act of Con- gress, to the supervision of freedmen's affairs in those States. General Eaton being relieved, Colonel Samuel Thomas, 64th U.S.C. I., was appointed Assistant Commissioner for the State of Mississippi, and since the organization of the bureau has discharged his duties with zeal and ability. He has had many difficulties to contend with and prejudices to overcome in his district, and, although working in hearty co-operation with the military authori- ties, has not secured the entire co-operation of the civil authorities, Colonel Thomas has had quite a large amount of abandoned property in his possession, from which he has derived a sufficient revenue to carry on the bu- reau without calling on for funds for his current expenses, but, as in all the other States, this source of revenue is diminishing. The desire all freedmen have to obtain homes for themselves, and their will- ingness to work these places when once secured in possession of them, has been tested most thoroughly in Mississippi; and with reference to the freedmen who are cultivating the land on their own account at the government farms, or colo- nies, Colonel Thomas says in one of his reports to the bureau: "The freedmen working land assigned them at Davis's Bend, Camp Hawley, near Vicksburg, De Soto Point, opposite, and at Washington, near Natchez, are all doing well. These crops are maturing fast; as harvest time approaches, I reduce the num- ber of rations issued and compel them to rely on their own resources. At least 10,000 bales of cotton will be raised by these people, who are conducting cotton crops on their own account. Besides this cotton, they have gardens and corn enough to furnish bread for their families and food for their stock till harvest time returns. *** A more industrious, energetic body of citizens does not exist than can be seen at the colonies now." Again, Colonel Thomas says with reference to whether the freedmen will work: "I have lately visited a large portion of the State, and find it in much better condition than I expected. In the eastern part fine crops of grain are growing; the negroes are at home working quietly; they have contracted with their old masters at fair wages; all seen to accept the change without a shock." It will be seen, from, these extracts, that the freedmen will work steadily when working for themselves, and can still be depended on when working for others. The main thing requisite to insure their working in Mississippi, or in any of the other States, is to treat them kindly, respect their rights, and pay them promptly, as agreed upon in the contract. Colonel Thomas reports that his schools are in a good condition, and that there are in the State 46 teachers, 34 schools, and 2,048 pupils. The number of freedmen receiving rations from the government during the month of August was 3,262, and refugees for the same month 407—making in all 3,669; but the September reports show quite a reduction in the number, viz: 2,855 freedmen and 222 refugees—making a total of 3,077, being a re- duction of 669 persons drawing rations from the government in Mississippi in one month. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 31 My instructions to Colonel Thomas have been to induce the freedmen to enter into contracts with the planters as rapidly as possible for the coming year, so as to keep the government relieved from the support of all able-bodied freedmen; and I have also directed him to use his judgment in restoring land upon which the aged, inform, and indigent are temporarily settled, so that they shall not be turned out to die before suitable provision can be made for their support and protection. Some apprehensions have been expressed by citizens of Mississippi, and the Mississippi valley generally, of a negro insurrection, but Colonel Thomas had the State inspected by judicious officers, who report that these fears are groundless. KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE. Kentucky and Tennessee, under the control of Brigadier General C.B. Fiske as Assistant Commissioner, form one district, with headquarters at Nashville. The peculiar position that Kentucky occupies, having remained loyal to the government, yet owning slaves, has occasioned much perplexity to the Commissioner; yet the interests of the freedmen have demanded some supervision and direction in that State. Tennessee, as the base of operations for the armies operating against Chattanooga and Atlanta, received during the war a large increase of her population from the adjoining States of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and although quite a number accompanied the armies in their movements, and found their way north of the Ohio river, still a large proportion remained to be cared for in their new homes. Camps were organized under military auspices, and their inmates were the regular recipients of government rations and clothing. It was the first and most pressing duty of the Assistant Commissioner to disseminate these masses by finding them suitable homes and occupation among the planters of Tennessee and Kentucky. Tennessee has expressed, among the first of the southern States, the renewal of public confidence, and the planters and farmers have been able to absorb to a great extent the labor found in their midst. General Fiske reports that he has met with great success in breaking up the camps and in supplying the freedmen with work at good wages, and that he has done so mainly by associating the planters and freedmen with his sub-agents in commissions organized for the purpose of settling local disputes, making labor contracts, and removing from the military courts questions that otherwise would have to be adjudicated by military officers. General Fiske was chosen for his fitness for the work assigned him, and has administered the affairs of his district so as to meet my approbation. In August General Fiske issued rations to 3,785 freedmen and to 3,777 refugees —making a total number of persons of 7,562. In September he had reduced the issues to freedmen to 2,984. He reports that at the end of October three were 75 schools, 264 teachers, and 14,768 pupils. MISSOURI AND ARKANSAS. What has been said with reference to Kentucky and Tennessee will apply in a great measure to Missouri and Arkansas. These States formed one organization of the bureau, to which Brigadier General J. W. Sprague was assigned as Assistant Commissioner; but as Missouri has become a free State, and good laws have been passed protecting the rights of freedmen, the operations of the bureau have been withdrawn from Missouri, and General Sprague has now only charge of Arkansas. General Sprague is associating with the military agents citizens of known respectability as agents of the bureau, and finds in most cases that they act with 32 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. fairness towards the freedmen. As it is considered advisable, as far as possible, to cultivate trust and confidence between the planters and freedmen, as the surest protection for their material interests, I have encouraged this plan, and look for good results wherever it is tested in good faith. In Arkansas the active demand for labor is, in a great measure, settling the condition of society, and by cultivating her cotton fields the negroes are insured employment and good wages, and the contracts that are made are usually fulfilled. General Sprague has secured the co-operation of General Reynolds, the department commander, and of the provisional governor of the State. While instances of broken faith and even cruelty towards the negro are reported, and while I do not advocate the entire transfer of the administration of freedmen's affairs to the hands of civilians, I have been pleased with the course of General Sprague, as indicated above, and consider that he has discharged his duties with ability and fidelity. CONCLUDING REMARKS. In addition to the information derived through correspondence with Assistant Commissioners, I have the reports of inspectors and also the criticisms of military officers referred to me from other bureaus. In accordance with Special Orders No. 501, from the President, requiring a personal inspection and correction of abuses in the southern States, I visited Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee, and then returned, reaching Washington November 18. I have sent special inspectors, Colonel C. H. Howard and Lieutenant Colonel Strong, (each being brigadier general by brevet,) to visit those localities that I could not reach in person from want of time before the meeting of Congress. The reports of these inspections would be too extended to be embodied in this. I will simply add the general conclusion to which I have come. First. That free labor, notwithstanding the sudden emancipation and the thousands of causes of disturbance incident to the war, will prove successful; but, in order to hasten this result, every effort must be made by officers of the government and all others concerned to secure confidence between the holders of property and the freedmen, and restore that confidence wherever it has been impaired. On the part of the freedmen, they are looking for justice and privileges with perhaps too exalted notions; yet their confidence cannot be obtained without a reasonable extension of them of the rights and privileges of freemen. On the part of the property-holders, great complaint is made of want of security of labor, the majority seeking some compulsory process—that is, some substitute for slavery. There are so many examples of complete success of free labor that I bring them as an answer to such complaints; and I believe that the causes of complaint are due as much to the prejudice of the employer, and want of practical knowledge of any other system than the one under which he has been brought up, as to the ignorance and suspicion of the laborer. I therefore earnestly advocate equality before the law, trusting to time and education to overcome prejudice and ignorance. Second. That this bureau, or some substitute for it, of a national character, will have to be continued, for the following reasons: 1. It will require at least a year from January, 1866, to bring to a close the land division, whatever disposition is made of the lands. The faith of the government having been pledged as to leases and contracts for the coming year, it would be unwise to commit them to any State agencies. 2. The government has set the slaves free and bound itself to make that freedom an undisputed fact Some guarantee beyond any existing ordinance in any State I visited essential to secure the actual and continuous protection of life and property to the freedmen. Where legislation is constrained, as it now is in the southern States for the most part, from several causes, there is danger of the statute law being in advance of public sentiment, so that where there is the most liberality ill consequences would be likely to result if government protection should be immediately withdrawn. Where the bureau fails to afford this protection, it is yet a means of exposing to the government and to the public acts of injustice and oppression, and in this way it affords a moral check against their commission. 3. A want of mutual confidence between the white employers and the colored employés actually exists to a large extent. This can usually be traced to circumstances connected with the war, and it is increased by the peculiar prejudices and education of all persons under the slavery system. The bureau of officers actually do restore this confidence, as a general rule, when fairly met. With scarcely any exceptions, the freedmen expressed the utmost confidence to its agents, and are only alienated where agents prove themselves untrue to their interests. Wherever the planters have taken advantage of the aid afforded by the bureau, the best results have followed. This work will require time for its completion. 4. Education is absolutely essential to the freedmen to fit them for their new duties and responsibilities. I find many enlightened and learned men in every State advocating the necessity and wisdom of establishing a system of education. Yet I believe the majority of the white people to be utterly opposed to educating the negroes. The opposition is so great that the teachers, though they may be the purest of Christian people, are nevertheless visited, publicly and privately, with undisguised marks of odium. This bureau fearlessly superintends and fosters these schools, which it is believed will in time, by their success and good influence, bring over all fair men, at least, to their support 5. Every colored man I met of any considerable intelligence pleaded earnestly for the continuance of the bureau, as his only hope of justice and privilege cor- respondent to the necessities of his new position. Therefore I should fear an almost universal disturbance among the freedmen as a consequence of its removal, till society had become more settled and State action more liberal than present. 6. The absolutely indigent—as orphans, sick, aged, and infirm persons—now aided by the bureau, have no present prospect of local aid. 7. The large accumulations of freedmen from the different States in certain localities, though very much reduced in numbers, will require a United States agency to separate the freedmen and find them homes or places of labor. 8. The poor white refugees, disturbed and impoverished by the operations of war, are yet in some States in extreme need. A liberal construction of the term refugees will enable the government to relieve the pressing want sure to exist in Georgia and Alabama during the coming winter. 9. The bureau, with its agencies, affords a means of constant and reliable in- formation essential to the congressional and executive action till the hostility against the government shall have more completely subsided, till free labor shall have become more palatable, and till the rights of negroes to full protection by the laws become more generally believed in than now appears. 10. The bureau, in conjunction with the military force, is at present a means of encouraging immigration to the different southern States. Union men of the south, and northern men now residing there, have expressed their utmost fear lest the War Department should withdraw its agencies, asserting that the state of society is such that they could not remain in the south with safety. Quite a number have urged me with all their might to do what I could to prevent such withdrawal. This fear is doubtless much exaggerated, and probably based on the unusually Ex. Doc. 11—3 34 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. ally large criminal list ; yet it does exist. Every possible material interest now favors such immigration. Third. That the present organization of the bureau, with the understanding that it is not to be permanent, is as good as any I could suggest, except as to the subject of freedmen's courts and the employment of civil agents. Many of the sub-agents, who are absolutely essential at present to aid in regulating labor and perform such other duties as are devolved upon the, could be se- lected from the county or district requiring such officer from the citizens, re- ceiving compensation from fees, provided there were law for this action. Should this course be deemed inexpedient, and not be authorized by law, the bureau may have sufficiently large appropriations to admit of employing civil agents. If the Veteran Reserve Corps be retained, many of its officers who have been partially disables, and who would, if discharged, receive a pension from the government, could be detailed to this duty without detriment to the general service. Fourth. That in consequence of the emancipation relieving the master of the direct responsibility to care for the aged, the infirm, and the helpless ne- groes, and observing how imperfectly the family relation has existed among them in some States, their marriage not having the sanction of law, some gen- eral system of providing for this class will be necessary whilst the freedmen are regarded as wards of the government, something beyond the scope of the present law establishing the bureau. Fifth. That to render any portion of the dependents able to take advantage of the homestead law in Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, or where there are available public lands, aid will have to be furnished them in the shape of trans- portation, temporary food and shelter, and implements of husbandry. Sixth. That, in order to place education on a firmer basis than it now is, it would be well to devote those funds raised during the war under the treas- ury laws for the benefit of freedmen to securing sites and building for school purposes in the different States, to be held as United States property until the people, in turn, shall be able to repurchase the same. School buildings should not be exclusively for freedmen ; for any aid given to educate the numerous poor white children of the south will be most important, and conducive to the object our governments has in view; I mean the harmony , the elevation, and prosperity of our people. Industrial schools and orphan asylums could be pro- vided for in the same way. These appropriations would at least be but a ,eager amount for such a work, yet they would give an impulse in the locality where expended. Seventh. That joint companies whose object shall be to aid the poor blacks and whites in the rental, purchase, and settlement of land should be encouraged by the government, and that the rights of the freedmen to rent and purchase real property should be guaranteed to them beyond question. Eighth . That, in case this bureau be continued, it would be well to fix defi- nitely upon the conditions that should govern the withdrawal of its agents from any district, county, or State; also to prescribe explicitly the duties ande powers of this agency in the States where it shall exist, and especially in those " within the territory embraced in the operations of the army, " but which have not been declared in insurrection. Many perplexing questions have arisen in Maryland and Kentucky , and greater conflicts of authority are anticipated in the reorganized States whenever the provisional government and United States forces shall be withdrawn. Ninth. That since the present law expires by its own limitation one year after the close of the war, and since the circumstances attending its inception have altogether changes, I would recommend, through you, sir, a complete re- modelling or revision for that law, should it be deemed best to continue this branch of your department. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 35 Please find appended all the information I can get from reports of total quartermaster's and commissary supplies received and issued. It is estimated that the amount required for the expenditures of the bureau for the fiscal year commencing January, 1866, will be $11,745,050. This sum is requisite for the following purposes: Salaries of assistant and sub-assistant commissioners _ _ _ _ _ _ $147,500 Salaries of clerks _ _ _ _ _ _ 82,800 Stationery and printing _ _ _ _ _ _ 63,000 Quarters and fuel _ _ _ _ _ _ 15,900 Clothing for distribution _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,750,000 Commissary stores _ _ _ _ _ _ 4,106,250 Medical department _ _ _ _ _ _ 500,000 Transportation _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,980,000 School superintendents _ _ _ _ _ _ 21,000 Sites for school-houses and asylums _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,000,000 Telegraphing _ _ _ _ _ _ 18,000 The details for each State will be found in the table annexed. In closing this report, permit me to say that the officers of my staff, whom you permitted me to retain, have rendered incalculable service by their diligence and unabated interest in the work assigned them, and that, almost without exception, I have found the officers and agents here and in the different States performing their delicate and trying duties with ability and fidelity. I do not feel that the difficult problems given me have been solved, nor do I hope for complete and satisfactory results in the work of this bureau ; yet I firmly believe that the same just God that conducted us to freedom will so continue to direct us that we shall be able to keep the pledges we have made that that freedom shall be a substantial reality. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War. 36 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. Estimate for the year 1866. For what purpose. HEADQUARTERS. Maryland and District Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia. Florida. Alanbama. of Columbia. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. Assistant commissioners of the bureau 1 2,500 1 2,500 1 2,500 1 2,500 1 2,500 1 2,500 Sub-assistant commissioners of the bureau 3 3,600 12 14,400 3 9,600 6 7,200 12 14,400 5 6,000 10 12,000 Clerks 30,000 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 Stationery 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Fuel 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Quarters 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Clothing 35,000 315,000 70,000 140,000 385,000 35,000 230,000 Commissary stores 54,750 547,500 164,250 273,750 821,250 54,750 547,500 Contract physicians 15 12,000 23 27,600 12 14,400 20 24,000 15 18,000 3 3,600 15 18,000 Attendants 58 6,900 55 6,600 30 3,600 45 5,400 60 7,200 10 1,200 60 7,200 Medicines, (patients) 800 16,000 1,200 24,000 1,000 20,000 1,000 32,000 950 19,000 150 3,000 1,100 22,000 Additional beds, outfit for 150 9,000 100 6,000 100 6,000 100 6,000 50 3,000 100 6,000 To replenish wear 4,000 10,000 5,000 8,500 4,000 1,000 6,000 School superintendents 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Transportation for settlement on public lands or elsewhere, 66,000 persons, 500 miles, at 6 cents per mile Telegraphing Printing 5,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 3,000 2,500 3,000 Sites and buildings for schools and asylums FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 37 Estimate for the year 1866—Continued. For what purpose. Mississippi. Louisiana. Texas. Arkansas. Kentucky and Tennessee. Missouri and camps in Total. northern States. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. No. Dollars. Assistant commissioners of the bureau 1 2, 500 1 2, 500 1 2, 500 1 2, 500 1 2, 500 11 27, 500 Sub-assistant commissioners of the bureau 10 12,000 8 9,000 8 9,000 6 7,200 12 14,400 100 120,000 Clerks 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 82,800 Stationery 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 27,000 Fuel 200 200 200 200 200 2,400 Quarters 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 13,500 Clothing 140,000 70,000 35,000 70,000 105,000 70,000 1,750,000 Commissary stores 328,500 273,750 164,250 273,750 328,500 273,750 4,106,250 Contract physicians 15 18,000 12 14,400 5 6,000 10 12,000 10 12,000 150 180,000 Attendants 50 6,000 60 7,200 20 2,400 25 3,000 27 3,200 500 60,000 Medicines, (patients) 900 18,000 700 14,000 300 6,000 600 12,000 700 14,000 10,000 200,000 Additional beds, outfit for 100 6,000 150 9,000 50 3,000 100 6,000 1,000 60,000 To replenish wear 6,000 5,000 1,500 4,000 5,000 60,000 School superintendents 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 21,000 Transportation for settlement on public lands or elsewhere, 66,000 persons, 500 miles, at 6 cents per mile 1,980,000 Telegraphing 18,000 Printing 3,000 3,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 36,000 Sites and buildings for schools and asylums 3,000,000 Grand total 11,745,050 Report of number of districts, officers and civilians on duty, and of schools, &c.' under Bureau of Refugees, &c. States. South Carolina Assistant commissioners. Brevet Major General R. Saxton No. of districts. 7 No. of officers. 58 No. of civilians. 61 No. of schools. 48 No. of teachers. 108 No. of scholars. 6,000 States. Alabama Assistant commissioners. Brevet Major General W. Swayne No. of districts. 4 No. of officers. 29 No. of civilians. 2 No. of schools. 2 No. of teachers. 15 No. of scholars. 817 States. Louisiana Assistant commissioners. Brevet Major General A. Baird No. of districts. 33 No. of officers. 30 No. of civilians. 152 No. of schools. 141 No. of teachers. 265 No. of scholars. 19,000 States. Georgia Assistant commissioners. Brevet General Davis Tillson No. of districts. -- No. of officers. 17 No. of civilians. 7 No. of schools. 66 No. of teachers. 66 No. of scholars. 3,500 States. Kentucky and Tennessee Assistant commissioners. Bigadier General C. B. Fiske No. of districts. 6 No. of officers. 24 No. of civilians. 45 No. of schools. 75 No. of teachers. 264 No. of scholars. 14,768 States. Missouri and Arkansas Assistant commissioners. Brigadier General J. W. Sprague No. of districts. 17 No. of officers. 34 No. of civilians. 16 No. of schools. 6 No. of teachers. 6 No. of scholars. 1,890 State. Texas Assistant commissioners. Brigadier General E. M. Gregory No. of districts. -- No. of officers. 10 No. of civilians. 3 No. of schools. 11 No. of teachers. 9 No. of scholars. 600 States. Virginia Assistant commissioners. Colonel O. Brown No. of districts. 10 No. of officers. 84 No. of civilians. 63 No. of schools. 90 No. of teachers. 195 No. of scholars. 11,500 States. South Carolina Assistant commissioners. Colonel E. Whittlesey No. of districts. 4 No. of officers. 45 No. of civilians. 6 No. of schools. 61 No. of teachers. 86 No. of scholars. 5,172 States. Mississippi Assistant commissioners. Colonel Samuel Thomas No. of districts. 3 No. of officers. 58 No. of civilians. -- No. of schools. 34 No. of teachers. 40 No. of scholars. 2,048 States. Florida* Assistant commissioners. Brevet Colonel T. W. Osborne No. of districts. __ No. of officers. 9 No. of civilians. 4 No. of schools. -- No. of teachers. -- No. of scholars. -- States. District of Columbia Assistant commissioners. Brevet Brigadier General J. Eaton, jr. No. of districts. 1 No. of officers. 15 No. of civilians. 16 No. of schools. 41 No. of teachers. 91 No. of scholars. 4,884 Total No. of districts. 85 No. of officers. 413 No. of civilians. 375 No. of schools. 575 No. of teachers. 1,151 No. of scholars. 70,179 * The officers of the State government act as agents of the bureau of this State. BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN AND ABANDONED LANDS, Quartermaster's Deparatment, Washington, December 5, 1865. GENERAL: I have the honor to report that the following clothing and equipage, unfit for issue to troops, have been turned over to the bureau by the Quartermaster's department: 4, 277 gray greatcoats ; 6,500 blankets ; 600 caps ; 5,000 trowssers ; 6,800 drawers ; 1,200 negro brogans ; 3,000 shirts ; 6,000 coats ; 3,000 stockings, (pairs ;) 6,400 jackets ; 6,500 shoes, (pairs.) Under the provision of General Orders 147, Adjutant General's Office, (current series,) requisitions for quartermasters' stores on hand, required for the immediate necessities of destitute refugees and freedmen, were made by the Assistant Commissioners. As time has not elapsed for reports to reach me whether the stores were on hand and issued on requisitions approved by you. I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. M. BROWN, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster Major General O. O. Howard, Commissioner Consolidated list of stores turned over by the United States Sanitary Commission. Hospital supplies--packages, 463 ; barrels, 74-1/2 ; boxes, 473. Hospital furniture--packages, 1,152 ; barrels, 11 ; boxes, 467. Clothing--packages, 22; boxes 533. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU 39 Consolidated number of rations issued in the different districts and States, by Assistant Commissioners, during the months of June, July, August, September, and October, 1865. Districts. June. July. August. September. October. Aggr'ate. Refugees. Refugees. Refugees. Refugees. Refugees. Refugees & Freedmen. Freedmen. Freedmen. Freedmen. Freedmen. freedmen. Virginia 238 178,120 275,887 235,781 690,026 North Carolina 700 124,750 690 102,890 420 136,930 121,184 487,564 Georgia and South Corolina 88,179 2,913 197,349 13,042 140,503 441,986 Florida Alabama 45,771 36,295 33,125 38,621 153,812 Mississippi 10,440 92,338 11,766 68,355 182,899 Kentucky and Tennessee 87,180 87,175 66,750 43,401 284,526 Missouri and Arkansas 313,627 36,181 45,009 129,721 58,762 60,784 309,456 161,766 12,658 26,583 1,154,547 Louisiana 1,178 48,004 55,186 104,368 Texas 35 246 281 District of Columbia 23,374 19,638 217 31,547 357 12,382 87,515 Total 313,627 36,181 45,709 277,845 158,488 677,148 370,543 1,030,100 59,182 618,701 3,587,524 APPENDIX. [General Orders No. 91.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, May 12, 1865. Order organizing Bureau of Refugees, Freedman, and Abandoned Lands. I. By direction of the President, Major General O. O. Howard is assigned to duty in the War Department as Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, under the act of Congress entitled "An act to establish a bureau for the relief of freedmen and refugees," to perform the duties and exercise all the rights, authority, and jurisdiction vested by the act of Congress in such Commissioner. General Howard will enter at once upon the duties of Commissioner specified in said act. II. The Quartermaster General will, without delay, assign and furnish suitable quarters and apartments for the said bureau. III. The Adjutant General will assign to the said bureau the number of competent clerks authorized by the act of Congress. By order of the President of the United States: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Act referred to in General Orders No. 91, (A. G. O.,) 1865. AN ACT to establish a bureau for the relief of freedmen and refugees. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby established in the War Department, to continue during the present war of rebellion, and for one year thereafter, a Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, to which shall be committed, as hereinafter provided, the supervision and management of all abandoned lands, and the control of all subjects relating to refugees and freedmen from rebel States, or from any district of country within the territory embraced in the operations of the army, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the head of the bureau and approved by the President. The said bureau shall be under the management and control of a commissioner, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, whose compensation shall be three thousand dollars per annum, and such number of clerks as may be assigned to him by the Secretary of War, not exceeding one chief clerk, two of the fourth class, two of the third class, and five of the first class. And the commissioner, and all persons appointed under this act, shall, before entering upon their duties, take the oath of office prescribed in an act entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of office, and for other purposes," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two; and the commissioner and chief clerk shall, before entering upon their duties, give bonds to the Treasurer of the United States, the former in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, and the latter in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their duties, respectively, with securities to be approved as sufficient by the Attorney General, which bonds shall be field in the office of the First Comptroller of the Treasury, to be by him put in suit for the benefit of any injured party upon any breach of the conditions thereof. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War may direct such issues of provisions, clothing and fuel as he may deem needful for the immediate and temporary shelter and supply of destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen, and their wives and children, under such rules and regulations as he may direct. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President may, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint an assistant commissioner for each of the States declared to be in insurrection, not exceeding ten in number, who shall, under the direction of the commissioner, aid in the execution of the provisions of this act; and he shall give a bond to the Treasurer of the United States, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, in the form and man- FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 41 ner prescribed in the first section of this act. Each of said commissioners shall receive an annual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars in full compensation for all his services; and any military officer may be detailed and assigned to duty under this act without increase of pay or allowances. The commissioner shall, before the commencement of each regular session of Congress, make full report of his proceedings, with exhibits of the state of his accounts, to the President, who shall communicate the same to Congress, and shall also make special reports whenever required to do so by the President or either house of Congress; and the assistant commissioners shall make quarterly reports of their proceedings to the commissioner, and also such further reports as from time to time may be required. SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the commissioner, under the direction of the President, shall have authority to set apart, for the use of loyal refugees and freedmen, such tracts of land within the insurrectionary States as shall have been abandoned, or to which the United States shall have acquired title by confiscation or sale, or otherwise; and to every male citizen, whether refugee or freedman, as aforesaid, there shall be assigned not more than forty acres of such land, and the person to whom it was so assigned shall be protected in the use and enjoyment of the land for the term of three years at an annual rent not exceeding six per centum upon the value of such land as it was appraised by the State authorities in the year eighteen hundred and sixty for the purpose of taxation; and in case no such appraisal can be found, then the rental shall be based upon the estimated value of the land in said year, to be ascertained in such manner as the commissioner may by regulation prescribe. At the end of said term, or at any time during said term, the occupants of any parcels so assigned may purchase the land and receive such title thereto as the United States can convey, upon paying therefor the value of the land as ascertained and fixed for the purpose of determining the annual rent aforesaid. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That all acts inconsistent with the provisions of the act are hereby repealed. Approved March 3, 1865. [General Orders No, 102.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, May 31, 1865. Department, district, post, and other commanding officers, will make such temporary details of officers and soldiers as may be required by Assistant Commissioners of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, and render them, or other officers of said bureau, any aid that may be required by them in the discharge of their official duties. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass't Adjutant General. [General Orders No. 110.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, June 7, 1865. The following order of the President of the United States (in relation to transfer of abandoned lands, funds, and property set apart for the use of freedmen) to the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, D. C., June 2, 1865. Whereas by an act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, there was established in the War Department a Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, and to which, in accordance with the said act of Congress, is committed the supervision and management of all abandoned lands, and the control of all subjects relating to refugees and freedmen from rebel States, or from any district of country within the territory embraced in the operations of the army, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the head of the bureau and approved by the President; and whereas it appears that the management of abandoned lands, and subjects relating to refugees and freedmen, as aforesaid, have been, and still are, by order based on military exigencies, or legislation based on previous statutes, partly in the hands of military officers disconnected with said bureau, and partly in charge of officers of the Treasury Department: It is therefore- Ordered, That all efficers of the Treasury Department, all military officers, and all others in the service of the United States, turn over to the authorized officers of said bureau all abandoned lands and property contemplated in said act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, establishing the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban- 42 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. doned Lands, that may now be under or within their control. They will also turn over to such officers all funds collected by tax or otherwise, for the benefit of refugees or freedmen, or accruing from abandoned lands, or property set apart for their use, and will transfer to them all official records connected with the administration of affairs which pertain to said bureau. ANDREW JOHNSON. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass't Adjutant General. [General Orders No. 129.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, July 25, 1865. To secure equal justice and the same personal liberty to the freedmen as to other citizens and inhabitants, all orders issued by post, district, or other commanders, adopting any system or passes for them, or subjecting them to any restraints or punishments not imposed on other classes, are declared void. Neither whites nor blacks will be restrained from seeking employment elsewhere when they cannot obtain it at a just compensation at their homes, and when not bound by voluntary agreement; not will they be hindered from travelling from place to place on proper and legitimate business. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass't Adjutant General. [General Orders No. 138.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, September 16, 1865. To provide for the transportation required by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands- It is ordered, That upon the requisition of the Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioners of the bureau, transportation be furnished such destitute refugees and freedmen as are dependent upon the government for support to points where they can procure employment and subsistence and support themselves, and this relieve the government, provided such transportation be confined by Assistant Commissioners within the limits of their jurisdiction. 2d. Free transportation on government transports and United States military railroads will be furnished to such teachers only of refugees and freedmen, and persons laboring voluntarily in behalf of refugees and freedmen, as may be duly accredited by the Commissioner or Assistant Commissioners of the bureau. All stores and school books necessary to the subsistence, comfort, and instruction of dependent refugees and freedmen may be transported at government expense when such stores and books shall be turned over to the officers of the Quartermaster's department, with the approval of the Assistant Commissioners, Commissioner, or department commander, the same to be transported as public stores, consigned to the quartermaster of the post to which they are destined, who, after inspection, will turn them over to the Assistant Commissioners or bureau agent for whom they are intended for distribution. All army officers travelling on public duty, under the orders of the Commissioner or Assitant Commissioners, within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, will be entitled to mileage, or actual cost of transportation according to the revised army regulations, when transportation has not been furnished by the Quartermaster's department. By order of the President of the United States: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass't Adjutant General. [General Orders No. 145.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, October 9, 1865. Whereas certain tracts of land, situated on the coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, at the time for the most part vacant, were set apart by Major General W. T. Sher- man's Special Field Order No. 15 for the benefit of refugees and freedmen that had been con- gregated by the operations of war, or had been left to take care of themselves by their former 43 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. owners; and whereas an expectation was thereby created that they would be able to retain possession of said lands; and whereas a large number of the former owners are earnestly soliciting the restoration of the same, and promising to absorb the labor and care for the freedmen: It is ordered that Major General Howard, Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, proceed to the several above-named States and endeavor to effect an arrangement mutually satisfactory to the freedmen and the land-owners, and make report. And in case a mutually satisfactory arrangement can be effected, he is duly empowered and directed to issue such orders as may become necessary, after a full and careful investigation of the interests of the parties concerned. By order of the President of the United States: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass't Adjutant General. [General Orders No. 147.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, October 10, 1865. The Quartermaster's department will turn over to its officers on duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, on requisitions approved by the Commissioner, such quartermaster's stores on hand, and clothing, camp and garrison equipage, unfit for issues to troops, as may be required to enable such officers to perform their public duties and provide for the immediate necessities of destitute refugees and freedmen temporarily dependent on the government. All stores so received will be accounted for in like manner as stores drawn from the Quartermaster's department. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass't Adjutant General. [Circular letter.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, May 15, 1865. In accordance with General Orders No. 91, War Department, I enter immediately upon the duties of Commissioner of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. The bureau contemplated in the order will be located at the corner of I and 19th streets. All commissioners, however appointed, who have the charge of freedmen, are requested to make a report, as soon as possible, of character and extent of their work. The commissioners or superintendents in Virginia, South Carolina, and Louisiana are requested to report direct to me the amount of land they may have under supervision for the use of freedmen. The department commanders in insurrectionary States will do me a favor by transmitting a copy of the different orders issued by themselves, or by their district commanders, relating to the government and employment of freedmen. Whilst it shall be my object to secure as much uniformity as possible in the matter of employment and instruction of freedmen, I earnestly solicit co-operation from all officers and agents whose position or duty renders it possible for them to aid me. The negro should understand that he is really free, but on no account, if able to work, should he harbor the thought that the government will support him in idleness. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau Refugees, Freedmen. &c. [Circular No. 1.] WAR DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, May 15, 1865. The following named officers are hereby announced as constituting my personal staff: Brevet Major H. M. Stinson, aid-de-camp. Captain F. W. Gilbreth, aide-de-camp Captain A. S. Cole, 22d Wisconsin volunteers, acting aide-de-camp. O. O. HOWARD Major General, Commissioner Bureau Refugees, Freedmen. &c. 44 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. [Circular No. 2.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, D. C., May 19, 1865. By appointment of the President I assume charge of the "Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands." I. Commissioners will be at once appointed for the different insurrectionary States. To them will be intrusted the supervision of abandoned lands and the control of subjects relating to refugees and freedmen in their respective districts. All agents in the field, however appointed, are requested to report to them the condition of their work. Refugees and freedmen not already provided for will inform them of their wants. All applications for relief will be referred to them or their agents by post and district commanders. II. But it is not the intention of the government that this bureau shall supersede the various benevolent organizations in the work of administering relief. This must still be afforded by the benevolence of the people through their voluntary societies, no governmental appropriations having been made for this purpose. The various commissioners will look to the associations laboring in their respective districts to provide as heretofore for the wants of these destitute people. I invite, therefore, the continuance and co-operation of such societies. I trust they will still be generously supported by the people, and I request them to send me their names, lists of their principal officers, and a brief statement of their present work. III. The demands for labor are sufficient to afford employment to nearly if not quite all the able-bodied refugees and freedmen. It will be the object of all commissioners to introduce practical systems of compensated labor; and to this end they will endeavor to remove the prejudices of their late masters unwilling to employ their former servants; to correct the false impressions sometimes entertained by the freedmen that they can live without labor, and to overcome that false pride which renders some of the refugees more willing to be supported in idleness than to support themselves. While a generous provision should be made for the aged, infirm, and sick, the able-bodied should be encouraged, and, if necessary, compelled to labor for their own support. IV. The educational and moral condition of these people will not be forgotten. The utmost facility will be afforded to benevolent and religious organizations and State authorities in the maintenance of good schools (for refugees and freedmen) until a system of free schools can be supported by the recognized local governments. Meanwhile, whenever schools are broken up by any authorized agent of the government, it is requested that the face and attendant circumstances be reported to this bureau. Let me repeat, that in all this work it is not my purpose to supersede the benevolent agencies already engaged in it, but to systematize and facilitate them. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedom, &c. [Circular No. 3.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, D. C., May 22, 1865. Whereas a large amount of land in the State of Virginia, and in other States that have been in insurrection, has been abandoned by disloyal owners and is now being cultivated by freedmen; and whereas the owners of such lands are attempting to obtain possession of them, and thus deprive the freedmen of the fruits of their industry, it is ordered that all abandoned lands in said States now under cultivation by the freedmen be retained in their possession until the crops now growing shall be secured for their benefit, unless full and just compensation be made for their labor and its products and for expenditures. The above order will not be so construed as to relieve disloyal persons from the consequences of their disloyalty; and the application for the restoration of their lands, by this class of persons, will in no case be entertained by any military authority. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c. WAR DEPARTMETN, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, May 22, 1865. All military authorities will sustain the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, ad Abandoned Lands, and aid him in the execution of the above order. By direction of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass't Adjutant General. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 45 [Circular No. 4.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, May 29, 1865. All officers and others having general superintendency or charge of freedmen, refugees, and abandoned lands, and superintendents of schools for freedmen within the department of Washington, are requested to call on Colonel John Eaton, jr., Assistant Commissioner of this bureau, as soon as practicable, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., at this office, corner of I and 19th streets. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner of Bureau. [Circular No. 5.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, May 30, 1865. Rules and Regulations for Assistant Commissioners. I. The headquarters of the Assistant Commissioners will, for the present, be established as follows, viz: For Virginia, at Richmond, Va.; for North Carolina, at Raleigh, N. C.; for South Carolina and Georgia, at Beaufort, S. C.; for Alabama, at Montgomery, Ala.; for Kentucky and Tennessee, at Nashville, Tenn.; for Missouri and Arkansas, at St. Louis, Mo.; for Mississippi, at Vicksburg, Miss.; for Louisiana, at New Orleans, La.; for Florida, at Jacksonville, Fla. II. Assistant Commissioners, not already at their posts, will make all haste to establish their headquarters, acquaint themselves with their fields, and do all in their power to quicken and direct the industry of refugees and freedmen, that they and their communities may do all that can be done for the season, already so far advanced, to prevent starvation and suffering, and promote good order and prosperity. Their attention is invited to Circular No. 2, from this bureau, indicative of the objects to be attained. III. Relief establishments will be discontinued as speedily as the cessation of hostilities and the return of industrial pursuits will permit. Great discrimination will be observed in administering relief, so as to include none that are not absolutely necessitous and destitute. IV. Every effort will be made to render the people self-supporting. Government supplies will only be temporarily issued to enable destitute persons speedily to support themselves, and exact accounts must be kept with each individual or community, and held as a lien upon their crops. The ration for the destitute will be that already provided in General Orders No. 30, War Department, series 1864. The commissioners are especially to remember that their duties are to enforce, with reference to these classes, the laws of the United States. V. Loyal refugees, who have been driven from their homes, will, on their return, be protected from abuse, and the calamities of their situation relieved as far as possible. If destitute, they will be aided with transportation, and food when deemed expedient, while in transitu, returning to their former homes. VI. Simple good faith, for which we hope on all hands from those concerned in the passing away of slavery, will especially relieve the Assistant Commissioners i the discharge of their duties towards the freedmen, as well as promote the general welfare. The Assistant Commissioners will everywhere declare and protect their freedom, as set forth in the proclamations of the President and the laws of Congress. VII. In all places where there is an interruption of civil law, or in which local courts, by reason of old codes, in violation of the freedom guaranteed by the proclamation of the President and laws of Congress, disregard the negro's right to justice before the laws in not allowing him to give testimony, the control of all subjects relating to refugees and freedmen being committed to this bureau, the Assistant Commissioners will adjudicate, either themselves, or through officers of their appointment, all difficulties arising between negroes themselves or through officers of their appointment, all difficulties arising between negroes themselves, or between negroes and whites or Indians, except those in military service, so far as recognizable by military authority, and not taken cognizance of b the other tribunals, civil or military, of the United States. VIII. Negroes must be free to choose their own employers, and be paid for their labor. Agreements should be free, bona fide acts, approved by proper officers, and their inviolability enforced on both parties. The old system of overseers, tending to compulsory unpaid labor and acts of cruelty and oppression, is prohibited. The unity of families, and all the rights of the family relation, will be carefully guarded. In places where the local statutes make no provisions for the marriage of persons of color, the Assistant Commissioners are authorized to designate officers who shall keep a record of marriages, which may be solemnized by any 46 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. ordained minister of the gospel, who shall make a return of the same, with such items as may be required for registration at places designated by the Assistant Commissioner. Registrations already made by United States officers will be carefully preserved. IX. Assistant Commissioners will instruct their receiving and disbursing officers to make requisitions upon all officers, civil or military, in charge of funds, abandoned lands, &c., within their respective territories, to turn over the same in accordance with the orders of the President. They will direct their medical officers to ascertain the facts and necessities connected with the medical treatment and sanitary condition of refugees and freedmen. They will instruct their teachers to collect the facts in reference to the progress of the work of education, and aid it with as few changes as possible to the close of the present season. During the school vacations of the hot months, special attention will be given to the provision for the next year. X. Assistant Commissioners will aid refugees and freedmen in securing titles to land according to law. This may be done for them as individuals or by encouraging joint companies. XI. This bureau being in the War Department, all rules and regulations governing officers under accountability for property apply as set forth in the revised regulations of the army. All other persons in the service of the bureau are also subject to military jurisdiction. XII. Assistant Commissioners will require regular and complete reports from their subordinates, and will themselves report quarterly, as directed by law, and correspond frequently with this bureau, directing to the Commissioner in person. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c. Approved June 2, 1865. ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States. [Circular No. 6.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, June 13, 1865. The following named officers, duly assigned by orders from the War Department, A. G. O., are announced on duty in this bureau, and will be respected accordingly: Brevet Brigadier General (lieutenant colonel 12th Wisconsin infantry volunteers) William E. Strong inspector general. Brevet Colonel (lieutenant colonel) Joseph S. Fullerton, assistant adjutant general. Lieutenant Colonel George W. Balloch, C. S, inspector of subsistence department. Brevet Major (captain) H. M. Stinson, A. D. C. Captain Samuel L. Taggart, assistant adjutant general. Captain A. S. Cole, 22d Wisconsin infantry volunteers. Second Lieutenant Joseph A. Sladen, 14th United States colored troops. Captain J. M. Brown, assistant quartermaster. II. The following are announced as assistant commissioners of this bureau: Colonel O. Brown, Virginia. Headquarters, Richmond, Va. Colonel E. Whittlesey, North Carolina. Headquarters, Raleigh, N. C. Brevet Major General R. Saxton, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Headquarters, Beufort, S. C. Brevet Colonel T. W. Osborn, Alabama. Headquarters, Mobile, Ala. Chaplain T. W. Conway, Louisiana. Headquarters, New Orleans, La. Colonel Samuel Thomas, Mississippi. Headquarters, Vicksburg, Miss. Brigadier General C. B. Fiske, United States volunteers, Kentucky and Tennessee. Headquarters, Nashville, Tenn. Brigadier General J. W. Sprague, Missouri and Arkansas. Headquarters, St. Louis, Mo. Colonel John Eaton, jr., District of Columbia. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner of Bureau. [Circular No. 7.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS. Washington, June 13, 1865. In accordance with section 2 of the act of Congress establishing this bureau, which provides for the issue of provisions, clothing, and fuel for the immediate and temporary shelter FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 47 and supply of destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen, the Assistant Commissioners of this bureau will at once make careful estimates of the amounts of provisions, clothing, &c., as may be needed for the present quarter for the supply of such class of persons as may be within their respective departments, and they will hereafter, quarterly, make like estimates. All estimates must be approved by the Commissioner of the bureau prior to issue. Rations, fuel, transportation, and quarters, have been heretofore furnished to teachers of refugees and freedmen, and to other persons voluntarily laboring for the benefit of such per- sons, by certain commanders of departments, posts, &c., while others have refused to furnish the same. Therefore, in order that there may be uniformity of action and a clear under- standing in this matter, the following rules will be adopted, and will take effect and be in force on and after July 1, 1865m to wit: Rations will not be gratuitously issued to teachers of refugees or freedmen, or to other per- sons voluntarily laboring for the benefit of such persons, but such teachers as are authorized by the Assistant Commissioners of this bureau, while actually on duty in their fields of labor, may purchase rations of the government under precisely the same rules which apply to such purchases when made by commissioned officers of the army. Free transportation will be granted to such teachers on government transports and military railroads only. Public buildings, or buildings that may have been seized from disloyal owners, not required for military purposes, may be used for occupation for schools, teachers, soldiers' wives, and refugees. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c. Approved: E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War. –––––––––– [Circular No. 8.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, June 20, 1863 I. The following ration, being substantially that established in General Orders No. 30, War Department, 1864, for issue by the subsistence department to adult refugees and to adult freedmen, when they are not employed by the government, and who have no means of sub- sisting themselves, is republished for the information of officers of the subsistence department who are issuing rations to the persons above mentioned: Ration.–Pork or bacon, 10 ounces, in lieu of fresh beed; fresh beef; 16 ounces; flour and soft bread, 16 ounces twice a week: beans, peas, or hominy, 10 pounds to 100 rations; sugar, 8 pounds to 100 rations; vinegar, 2 quarts to 100 rations; candles, adamantine or star, 8 ounces to 100 rations; vinegar, 2 pounds to 100 rations; salt, 2 pounds to 100 rations; pepper, 2 ounces to 100 rations. Women and children, in addition to the foregoing ration, are allowed roasted rye coffee at the rate of ten (10) pounds, or tea at the rate of fifteen (15) ounces to each one hundred (100) rations. Children under fourteen (14) years of age are allowed half rations. II. Issues of provisions to the classes of persons above described will be made on ration returns for short periods of time, not exceeding seven days, signed by a commissioned officer, and approved by the commanding officer of the post or station, and, when practicable, by the Assistant Commissioner, or one of his agents for the State or district in which the issues are made. At the end of the month these original ration returns will be entered on a separate abstract, compared, certified to, &c., as is described for issues to troops in paragraph 23, subsistence regulations of June 8, 1863. No subsistence stores will be turned over in bulk to any Assist- ant Commissioner or agent whatever to be by him issued. III. In many cases the classes of persons above named are nearly able to subsist them- selves; in which event, only such parts and proportions of the ration as are actually needed will be issued. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c. Approved: A. B. EATON, Commissary General Subsistence. 48 Freedmen's Bureau [Circular No. 9.] War Department Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Washington, July 6, 1865 Whereas is it reported officially that a large number of destitute refugees, taking advantage of Circular No. 5 from his bureau, have been transported south against their interests, to places where it is extremely difficult to procure food, and, in some cases, impossible to do so except when provided by military authorities, it is ordered that hereafter no transportation be granted to refugees except where humanity evidently demands it, and then only by the requisition of the Commissioner of this bureau. O. O. Howard, Major General, Commissioner [Circular No. 10.] War Department, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Washington, July 11, 1865 I. The following mentioned reports will be forwarded to this bureau by Assistant Commissioners of the same as hereinafter mentioned: 1st. Monthly reports of refugees and freedmen, whether they are self-supporting or not, who are in colonies, camps, depots, or hospitals, and on government farms or other lands, under the control of the Assistant Commissioners. These reports will contain statements of the number of persons in each colony, camp, depot, hospital, or on each farm; the number and value of rations that have been furnished to agents, employes, refugees, and freedmen, and of the amount and value of clothing that has been furnished, if any, and whether the same has been obtained by donation or purchase; also of the number of refugees and freemen who many not be in colonies, camps, depots, hospitals, or on farms, to whom rations and clothing may have been issued, and the number and value of such rations and the amount and value of such clothing so issued and whether such clothing was obtained by donation or purchase. The statistics of colonies camps, &e., will be entered on separate lines in these reports. Blank forms for the same will be furnished from this bureau. The first of these reports that Assistant Commissioners make must cover the period from the time when they first entered upon their duties until the first of the month following the receipt of the circular. 2d. Land reports.--There will be forwarded as soon as practicable, reports of all lands in the possession or under the control of Assistant Commissioners or their agents that are held for the use or benefit of loyal refugees or freedmen, if such reports have not already been made. They will contain statements as to whether such lands have abandoned or confiscated, a brief or general description of each separate piece or tract, with its situation, and the name of the former owner or possessor of the same. After such reports have been forwarded, monthly reports of changes will be made, containing brief descriptions of any lands gained during the past month, with statement as to how the same were acquired, the situation and names of the former owners. These reports will also account for all lands that have been lost since the last reports were made, with statements as to how the same were lost or given up. In column of remarks will be stated the number of refugees or freedmen on each farm or tract of land, how they are employed and whether they are self-supporting. 3d. School reports.--Reports will be forwarded, as soon as practicable of the number of schools, scholars, and teachers at present under the general direction of the Assistant Commissioners of this bureau in their respective districts, and afterwards monthly reports of changes in the same will be made. 4th. Rosters of all officers and civilians on duty with or employed by Assistant Commissioners as sub-assistant commissioners, staff officers, or agents, giving the names of such persons, and rank, if they are officers of the army; also stating the duty preformed by each, by what order officers were assigned to such duty, and the rate of salary allowed civilians, and how the funds for paying such salaries have been raised. The roster will be forwarded as soon as possible, and afterwards monthly reports of changes of officers and agents will be made. All monthly reports called for in this circular will be made and forwarded on the first of each month. All other reports heretofore called for by the Commissioner of the bureau will be made as usual. II. Assistant Commissioners will forward to this bureau copies of all circulars and order this they have issued. They will also hereafter at the time of issuing, forward copies of the same. O.O. Howard, Major General, Commissioner. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 49 [Circular No. 11.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, July 12, 1865. Instructions to Assistant Commissioners and other officers. Each Assistant Commissioner will be careful, in the establishment of sub-districts, to have he office of his agent at some point easy of access for the people of the sub-district. He will have at least one agent, either a citizen, military officer, or enlisted man, in each sub-district. This agent must be thoroughly instructed in his duties. He will be furnished with the proper blanks for contracts, and will institute methods adequate to meet the wants of his district in accordance with the rules of this bureau. No fixed rates of wages will be prescribed for a district, but in order to regulate fair wages in given individual case the agent should have in mind minimum rates for his own guidance. By careful inquiry as to the hire of an able-bodied man when the pay went to the master, he will have an approximate test of the value of labor. He must of course consider the entire change of circumstances, and be sure that the laborer has due protection against avarice and extortion. Wages had better be secured by a lien on the crops or land. Employers are desired to enter into written agreements with employes, setting forth stated wages, or securing an interest in the land or crop, or both. All such agreements will be approved by the nearest agent, and a duplicate filed in his office. In case there should be no agent within reach, the nearest postmaster will forward the duplicate of contracts direct to the Assistant Commissioner for the State. Attention is specially called to section 4 of the law establishing the bureau, with regard to setting apart land to "every male citizen, whether refugee or freedman," &c., and the same arrangement is recommended, when it can be effected, between private parties. Already many farmers have rented lands to freedmen and refugees. This course is a recognition of the general principle in the law. In order to enforce the fulfilment of contracts on both contracting parties, the Commissioner of the bureau lays down no general rule---the Assistant Commissioner must use the privileges and authority he already has. Provost courts, military commissions, local courts, where the freedmen and refugees have equal rights with other people, are open to his use. In the great majority of cases his own arbitrament, or that of his agent, or the settlement by referees, will be sufficient. No Assistant Commissioner, or agent, is authorized to tolerate compulsory unpaid labor, except for the legal punishment of crime. Suffering may result to some extent, but suffering is preferred to slavery, and is to some degree the necessary consequence of events. In all actions the officer should never forget that no substitute for slavery, like apprenticeship without proper consent, or peonage, (i. e., either holding the people by debt, or confining them, without consent, to the land by any system,) will be tolerated. The Assistant Commissioner will designate one or more of his agents to act as the general superintendent of schools (one for each State) for refugees and freedmen. This officer will work as much as possible in conjunction with State officers who may have school matters in charge. If a general system can be adopted for a State, it is well; but if not, he will at least take cognizance of all that is being done to educate refugees and freedmen, secure proper protection to schools and teachers, promote method and efficiency, correspond with the benevolent agencies which are supplying his field, and aid the Assistant Commissioner in making his required reports. Surgeon C. W. Hornor, chief medical officer of the bureau, will have the general supervision of medical matters connected with refugees and freedmen. The Assistant Commissioners will instruct their medical officers, as they have instructed other officers, to make the medical department self-supporting as far as possible. All public addresses of a character calculated to create discontent are reprehensible; but the Assistant Commissioner and his agents must explain, by constant recapitulation, the principles, laws, and regulations of this bureau to all parties concerned. It is recommended to the Assistant Commissioners to draw up in writing a careful summary to be publicly and privately read by agents throughout their respective districts. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. [Circular No. 12] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, D. C., July 14, 1865. The United States Sanitary Commission having an established Army and Navy Claim Agency for the collection, gratuitously, of pensions and other government claims, and being desirous of extending the benefits of the same to the colored soldiers and their familes, Ex. Doc. 11---4 50 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. without maintaining independent and expensive agencies at certain points to be by it designated, assistant commissioners, superintendents of districts, or other officers in charge of freedmen's affairs connected with this bureau will act as agents of the Sanitary Commission in this particular, and cause all claims presented to them to be conducted on the blanks furnished by and according to the direction of the central office of the United States Sanitary Commission Army and Navy Claim Agency, at Washington, D. C. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, &c. WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, July 28, 1865. Circular No. 13 will not be published. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. [Circular No. 14.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, D. C., August 17, 1865. Instructions to medical and other officers. The medical officer assigned to duty as surgeon-in-chief of each district will, without delay, ascertain and report to the Assistant Commissioner the number of persons in the district entitled to the benefit of this bureau requiring medical attendance. He will recommend the establishment of hospitals for such patients as cannot be otherwise properly accommodated, and will designate the number of medical officers and attendants required to supply their wants. Assistant Commissioners will provide for the employment of civilians under contract. If a sufficient number of medical officers cannot be obtained in the district by detail or contract, they will be supplied on application to the chief medical officer of the bureau. The Surgeon General having authorized the issue of medical and hospital supplies to this bureau in accordance with the standard supply table for refugees and freedmen, Circular No. 5, Surgeon General's office, current series, is republished for the information and guidance of all concerned. The surgeon-in-chief on duty at the headquarters of each Assistant Commissioner will direct medical officers having charge of patients to forward to his office requisitions for the necessary medical and hospital supplies. The surgeon-in-chief will approve or modify the requisitions, at his discretion, and, in ordinary cases, will approve and transmit them to the nearest purveyor for issue. Requisitions for medical and hospital supplies are to be made in triplicate. In preparing them, medical officers will conform to the standard supply table for refugees and freedmen, both in the articles and quantities asked for, avoiding fractions in quantities. When increased quantities, or additional articles, are required, satisfactory reasons therefor must be assigned or they will not be supplied. Requisitions for medical and hospital supplies will exhibit the quantity of each article "on hand" of which more is "wanted," the number of beds to be supplied, and whether for hospitals, asylums, homes, or colonies; and having constantly in view the strictest economy in medical affairs consistent with the interest of the service, the approving officer will reject all articles not deemed absolutely necessary. The approval of the chief medical officer of the bureau, or surgeon-in-chief of the district, will be required for the transfer of medical and hospital supplies. An officer transferring medical and hospital supplies will furnish a certified invoice and packer's list to the officer who is to receive them, and transmit a duplicate of the invoice to the Surgeon General, and a triplicate to the chief medical officer of this bureau. The receiving officer will furnish a receipt to the officer making the issue, with a report of the quality and condition of the articles, and transmit a duplicate of the receipt and report to the Surgeon General, and a triplicate to the chief medical officer of this bureau. A medical officer who turns over medical supplies to a quartermaster for storage or transportation will forward to the Surgeon General, with the triplicate invoice, the quartermaster's receipt for the packages. Medical officers having charge of medical and hospital supplies will make, at the end of each fiscal quarter, and whenever relieved therefrom, returns to the chief medical officer of the bureau in the form prescribed by paragraph 1272, Revised Army Regulations, 1863. Invoices and receipts will be forwarded at the time of the issue or transfer of the property. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. 51 No officer shall drop from his return any medical or hospital property as worn out or unserviceable until it has been condemned, after proper inspection, and ordered to be so dropped. Articles purchased with the hospital or freedmen's fund will not be accounted for on the regular return of medical and hospital property. The surgeon-in-chief will require medical officers in charge of sick and wounded refugees and freedmen to forward to his office the weekly report on the last day of each week, and he will compile and forward on the following Monday the consolidated weekly report to the chief medical officer of the bureau. He will require the monthly report of sick and wounded soldiers under the treatment of medical officers of this bureau to be made, according to regulations, to the Surgeon General, through the medical director, and will also require the monthly report of sick and wounded refugees and freedmen to be forwarded to him within five days from the expiration of the month, and will promptly transmit them to the chief medical officer of the bureau. Surgeons-in-chief will see that the surgeons under their direction are kept duly supplied with blank forms necessary for the above reports and returns. Surgeons-in-chief will promptly forward to the chief medical officer of the bureau a copy of all reports made, contracts made or annulled, circulars and orders issued, and requisitions approved. [Circular No. 5.] SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., August 3, 1865. Medical purveyors will issue medical and hospital supplies to the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, upon requisitions approved by the chief medical officers on duty with commissioners thereof, in accordance with the following supply table. Separate accounts of such issues will be kept and rendered to this office semi-annually, with a statement of the money value of articles so issued, a just reduction being made for those that have been already in use. No new articles of furniture, bedding, &c., will be purchased or issued while a sufficient supply of worn but serviceable property is on hand. Medical officers receiving medical and hospital property under this order will make semi-annual returns to this office, in the form prescribed by paragraph 1272, Revised Regulations, 1863. Invoices and receipts will be forwarded as directed by existing orders. JOS. K. BARNES, Surgeon General. 52 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. Standard supply table for refugees and freedmen. Allowance for three months. Articles. Post of 1,000, or hospital of 100 beds. Post of 2,000, or hospital of 200 beds. Post of 3,000, or hospital of 300 beds. MATERIA MEDICA. Acaciæ pulvis, in ½ lb. bottles ........................oz. 32 56 80 Acidum sulphuricum aromaticum, in ½ lb. g. s. bottles ....... oz. 16 32 48 Acidum tannicum, in 1 ox. bottles ........ oz. 4 6 8 Acidum tartaricum, in 8 oz. bottles .............................oz. 32 56 80 Æther fortior, in ½ lb. tins, soldered ............................oz. 64 112 160 Ætheris spiriti nitrici, in ½ lb g. s. bottles ......................oz. 48 96 144 Alcohol fortius, in 32 oz. bottles ............................bottles. 24 36 48 Alumen pulvis, in ½ lb. bottles .................................oz. 6 32 40 Ammoniæ liquor, in ½ lb. bottles ...............................oz. 96 164 224 Argenti nitras fusum, in 1 oz. bottles ...........................oz. 2 3 4 Arsenitis potassæ liquor, in 4 oz. bottles ........................oz. 4 8 12 Camphora, in 8 oz. bottles .....................................oz. 8 16 24 Cantharidis ceratum, in 8 oz. tins ..............................oz. 24 40 56 Ceratum adipis, in 1 lb. pots ...................................lb. 10 18 26 Chlorinium, (the materials for preparing,) in a package ...........no. 1 2 3 Chloroformum, in ½ lb. g. s. bottles, and ½ lb. tins, soldered.......oz. 32 64 80 Copaiba, in 1 lb. bottles .......................................oz. 64 96 102 Creta præparata, in ½ lb. bottles ................................oz. 16 24 32 Extractum belladonnæ, in 1 oz. pots ...................oz. 1 2 3 Estractum colchici seminis fluidlum, in 4 oz. bottles ...................oz. 8 12 16 Extractum colocynthidis compositum, in 8 oz. pots ...................oz. 8 16 24 Extractum gentianæ fluidum, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 16 32 48 Extractum veratri viridis fluidum, in 2 oz. bottles ...................oz. 2 4 6 Ferri chloridi tinctura, in ½ lb. g. s. bottles ...................oz. 16 32 48 Ferri iodide syrupus, in ½ lb. g. s. bottles ...................oz. 16 24 24 Ferri persulphatis pulvis, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles ...................oz. 1 2 3 Glycerina, (pure and inodorous,) in ½ lb. g. s. bottles ...................oz. 16 24 32 Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles ...............oz. 1 2 3 Hydrargyri chloridum mite, in ½ lb. g. s. bottles ...................oz. 8 16 16 Hydrargyri unguentum, in 1 lb. pots ...................lb. 1 2 3 Hydrargyri unguentum nitratis, in 4 oz. pots ...................oz. 4 8 8 Ipecacuanhæ pulvis, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 8 16 16 Ipecacuanhæ et opii pulvis, in ¼ lb. bottles ...................oz. 8 16 24 Magnesiæ sulphas, in ½ oz. papers and 8 lb. tins ...................lb. 16 24 32 Morphiæ sulphas, in ¼ oz. bottles ...................oz. ½ ½ 3/4 Olei menthæ piperitæ tinctura, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 16 15 32 Oleum Ricini, in 32 oz. bottles ...................bottles. 10 10 20 Oleum terebinthinæ, in 32 oz. bottles ...................bottles. 5 10 15 Opii pulvis, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 8 16 16 Opii tinctura, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 16 32 48 Plumbi acetas, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 8 16 24 Potassæ acetas, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 8 16 24 Potassæ bicarbonas, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 8 16 24 Potassæ chloras, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 16 32 32 Potassii iodidum, in ½ lb. bottles ...................oz. 24 48 64 Quiniæ sulphas, compressed in 5 oz tins ...................oz. 30 45 60 Rhei pulvis, in 4 oz. bottles ...................oz. 4 8 12 Sapo, in paper ...................lbs. 8 12 16 Scillæ syrupus, in 1 lb. bottles ...................lbs. 8 14 20 Sodæ chlorinatæ liquor, in 1 lb. g. s. bottles ...................lbs. 6 9 12 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU 53 Standard supply table for refugees and freedmen.—Continued. Articles. Allowance for three months. Post of 1,000,or hospital Post of 2,000, or hospital Post of 3,000, or hospital of 100 beds. of 200 beds. of 300 beds. MATERIA MEDICA.—CONTINEUD. Spiritus frumenti, in 32 oz. bottles bottles. 72 120 168 Sulphur, in ½ lb. bottles oz. 16 24 32 Zinci sulphas, in 1 oz. bottles oz. 2 4 5 HOSPITAL STORES. Cinnamon, powdered, in ¼ lb. bottles lbs. ¼ ½ ¾ Corn starch, in tins lbs. 10 15 20 Ale, in pint bottles bottles. 96 168 240 INSTRUMENTS. Cupping tins, assorted sizes no. 12 12 18 Pocket case cases. 1 1 2 Probangs no. 6 6 9 Scarificator no. 2 2 2 Scissors, large and small no. 2 2 4 Stethoscope no. 1 1 1 Stomach tube no. 1 1 1 Syringe, hard rubber, 8-ounce no. 1 1 1 Sytinge, hard rubber, 4-ounce no. 1 1 1 Syringe, penis, glass, in cases no. 6 6 8 Syringe, vagina, hard rubber case. 1 1 1 Teeth-extracting instruments case. 1 1 1 Touniquets, screw, with pad no. 1 1 1 Trusses, inguinal, double no. 1 1 1 Trusses, single no. 3 3 4 Vaccine virus, issued as required, crusts no. DRESSING, ETC. Adhesive plaster, 5 yards in a can yards. 10 15 20 Ichthyocolla plaster, 1 yard in a case yards. 4 6 8 Lint, scraped lb. 4 6 8 Oiled paper, in 4½ yard pieces yards. 2¼ 4½ 4½ Pnecils, hair, (assorted sizes,) 12 in a vial no. 12 24 24 Silk, saddlers', for ligatures oz. ¼ ½ ¾ Sponge, fine, small pieces oz. 8 12 16 Suspensory bandages, cotton no. 4 8 12 Towels doz. 5 10 15 Towels, roller doz. 2 4 6 BOOKS AND STATIONERY, ETC. Dictionary, medical copies. 1 1 1 Dispensatory copies. 1 1 1 Hospital Steward's Manual, Woodward's copies 1 1 1 Blank books, cap, half bound, 4 quires no. 4 5 6 Envelopes, printed, large 25, medium 25, small 50 no. 100 200 300 Ink, 2 oz. bottles no. 3 6 9 54 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. Standard supply table for refugees and freedmen.--Continued. Articles. Allowance for three months. Post of 1,000, or hospital of 100 beds. Post of 2,000, or hospital of 200 beds. Post of 3,000, or hospital of 300 beds. BOOKS AND STATIONARY, ETC.--Continued Mucilage--------------------------------------------bottles. 1 1 2 Order and letter book---------------------------no. 1 1 1 Prescription book, ward------------------------no. 2 4 6 Register of patients-------------------------------no. 1 1 1 Regulations, Army------------------------------copies. 1 1 1 Paper, filtering, round, gray, 10 inches-----packs. 1 2 3 Paper, wrapping, white and blue-------------quires. 4 6 8 Paper, writing, cap 1 qr., letter 1 qr., note 2 qrs--quires. 8 12 16 Pens, steel-------------------------------------------no. 24 36 48 Penholders------------------------------------------no. 4 6 8 Pencils, lead, Faber's No. 2--------------------no. 6 12 18 BEDDING. Bed-sacks-------------------------------------------no. 112 224 336 Blankets, white or gray-------------------------no. 200 400 600 Counterpanes, according to pattern-------no. 112 224 336 Mattresses, hair, in two equal parts, to pack folded-no. 10 20 30 Mattresses of straw, moss, or shucks, in lieu of bed sacks, where they can be readily supplied----------------------------------------------no. 100 200 300 Mosquito bars, when specially required--no. 100 200 400 Pillows, hair-----------------------------------------no. 112 224 336 Pillow-cases, cotton, colored------------------no. 148 296 444 Pillow-ticks-------------------------------------------no. 148 296 444 Sheets-------------------------------------------------no. 400 800 1,200 HOSPITAL CLOTHING Drawers, according to pattern----------------no. 200 400 600 Gowns, dressing, according to pattern-----no. 100 200 300 Shirts, cotton, according to pattern----------no. 200 400 600 Slippers, according to pattern-----------------no. 100 200 300 Socks, woollen, according to pattern--------no. 200 400 600 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES---Class No. 1. Basins, tins, washhand---------------------------no. 10 20 30 Bed-pans, delf, shovel-shape------------------no. 3 5 6 Bedsteads, iron-------------------------------------no. 100 200 300 Bed-ticket frames----------------------------------no. 100 200 300 Brooms------------------------------------------------no. 4 8 12 Brushes, scrubbing-------------------------------no. 4 8 12 Buckets, wooden----------------------------------no. 4 8 12 Candlesticks-----------------------------------------no. 8 16 24 Chairs--------------------------------------------------no. 24 48 72 Clocks, wooden, small---------------------------no. 2 3 3 Clothes-line-----------------------------------------feet. 300 500 700 Closestools-------------------------------------------no. 2 4 6 Corks, assorted-------------------------------------doz. 12 24 36 Corkscrews-------------------------------------------no. 2 3 4 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU 55 Standard supply table for refugees and freedmen.—Continued. Articles. Allowance for three months. Post of 1,000,or hospital Post of 2,000, or hospital Post of 3,000, or hospital of 100 beds. of 200 beds. of 300 beds. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES—Class No. 1.—Continued. Feeding cups, or sick feeders no. 4 6 8 Funnels, glass, ½ pint no. 2 2 3 Funnels, tin, pint no. 2 2 3 Graters, nutmeg, and large no. 2 2 2 Hatchet no. 1 1 2 Hone no. 1 1 1 Lanterns, glass no. 2 2 3 Litters, hand no. 4 4 4 Looking-glasses, small no. 4 8 12 Measures, graduated, glass, 4-oz no. 2 3 4 Measures, graduated, glass, minim no. 2 3 4 Measures, tin, gallon to pint no. 1 1 1 Mills, coffee no. 2 2 3 Mortars and pestles, wedgewood, 3½ to 8 inches no. 2 3 4 Pill boxes, turned wood no. 4 6 8 Pill tiles, 5 to 10 inch no. 2 2 3 Pots, chamber, delf no. 10 20 30 Pots, chamber, inodorous, army pattern no. 2 4 6 Razor and strop, in case no. 1 1 2 Sadirons no. 4 6 8 Scales and weights, prescription no. 1 2 2 Scales and weights, shop no. 1 1 1 Slates no. 1 2 2 Spatulas, 3-inch and 6-inch no. 2 4 6 Spit mugs, without tops no. 6 10 14 Spittoons no. 12 24 36 Stoves, cooking, size needed, with fixtures complete no. 1 1 2 Tables, bedside no. 25 50 75 Thermometer no. 1 1 1 Tubs, bath no. 1 1 2 Urinals, delf no. 2 4 6 Vials—6 6-ounce, 12 4-ounce, 3 1-ounce doz. 8 16 24 Bowls, delf no. 60 120 180 Cleavers no. 1 1 1 Dippers, tin, pint size no. 2 4 6 Dishes, assorted sizes no. 14 20 26 Flesh forks no. 1 1 1 Gridirons no. 2 2 2 Kettles, tea, iron no. 2 2 2 Knives and forks, of each no. 60 120 180 Knives and forks, carving, of each no. 2 4 6 Knives, bread no. 1 2 3 Knives, butchers' no. 1 2 3 Ladles no. 2 2 2 Mugs, delf no. 60 120 180 Pans, frying no. 1 1 2 Pans, sauce no. 2 4 6 Pans, tin no. 2 2 3 Pitchers, delf, half-gallon no. 6 12 18 Plates, delf no. 60 120 180 56 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. Standard supply table for refugees and freedmen.—Continued. Allowance for three months. Articles. Post of 1,000, or hospital of 100 beds. Post of 2,000, or hospital of 200 beds. Post of 3,000 or hospital of 300 beds. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES—Class No.1.—Continued. Pots, coffee, tin......................................................................no. 4 6 8 Pots, pepper...........................................................................no. 2 4 6 Pots, tea, delf .........................................................................no. 4 6 8 Salt-cellars...............................................................................no. 6 12 18 Spoons, table..........................................................................no. 60 120 180 Spoons, tea..............................................................................no. 60 120 180 Steel..........................................................................................no. 1 1 2 Trays, butlers'...........................................................................no. 2 4 6 Tumblers, glass.........................................................................no. 12 24 36 O.O.HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. [Circular No. 15] WAR DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMAN, AND ABANDONED LANDS. Washington, September 12, 1865. I. Circular No. 13, of July 28, 1865, from this bureau, and portions of circulars from this bureau conflicting with the provisions of this circular, are hereby rescinded. II. This bureau has charge of such "tracts of land within the insurrectionary States as shall have been abandoned, of to which the United States shall have acquired title by confiscation, or sale, or otherwise:" and no such lands now in its possession shall be surrendered to any claimant except as herein provided. III.Abandoned lands are defined in section 2 of the act of Congress approved July 2, 1864, as lands, "the lawful owner whereof shall be voluntarily absent therefrom, and engaged, either in arms or otherwise, in aiding or encouraging the rebellion." IV.Land will not be regarded as confiscated until it has been condemned and sold by decree of the United States court for the district in which the property may be found, and the title thereto thus vested the United States. V.Upon its appearing satisfactorily to any Assistant Commissioner that any property under his control is not abandoned as above defined, and that the United States has acquired no title to it, by confiscation, sale, or otherwise, he will formally surrender it to the authorized claimant or claimants, promptly reporting his actions to the Commissioner. VI.Assitant Commissioners will prepare accurate descriptions of all confiscated and abandoned lands under their control, keeping a record thereof themselves, and forwarding, monthly, to the Commissioner, copies of these descriptions, in the manner prescribed in Circular No.10, of July 11,1865, from this bureau. They will set apart so much of said lands as is necessary for the immediate use of loyal refugees and freedmen, being careful to select for this purpose those ands which most clearly fall under the control of this bureau, which selection must be submitted to the Commissioner for his approval. The specification division of lands so set apart into lots, and the rental or sale thereof, according to section 4 of the law establishing the bureau, will be completed as soon as practicable, and reported to the Commissioner. VII.Abandoned lands, held by this bureau, may be restored to owners, pardoned by the FREEDMENS BUREAU President, by the Assistant Commissioners, to whom applications for such restoration should be forwarded, so far as practicable, through the superintendents of the districts in which the lands are situated. Each application must be accompanied by— 1st. Evidence of special pardon by the President, or a copy of the oath of amnesty prescribed in the President's proclamation of May 29, 1865, when the applicant is not included in any of the classes therein excepted from the benefits of said oath. 2d.Poof of title. Officers of the bureau, through whom the application passes, will indorse thereon such facts as may assist the Assistant Commissioner in his decision— stating especially the use made by the bureau of the land. VIII.No lands under cultivation by loyal refugees or freedmen will be restored under this circular until the crops now growing shall be accrued for the benefit of the cultivators, unless full and just compensation be made for their labor and its products, and for their expenditures. O.O.HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. Approved: ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States [Circular No. 16] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, September 19, 1865. The following named officers are announced as Assistant Commissioners of the bureau for the States respectively set opposite their names: Brevet Major General R. Saxton, for Georgia and South Carolina, at Charleston, South Carolina. Brigadier General C.B. Fiske, for Kentucky and Tennessee, at Nashville, Tennessee. Brigadier General J.W. Sprague, for Missouri and Arkansas, at St. Louis, Missouri. Brigadier General Wager Swayne, for Alabama, at Montgomery, Alabama. Brevet Brigadier General E.M.Gregory, for Texas, at Galveston, Texas. Colonel O.Brown for Virginia, at Richmond, Virginia. Colonel E. Whittlesey, For North Carolina, at Raleigh, North Carolina Colonel Samuel Thomas, for Mississippi, at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Colonel T.W.Osborn, for Florida, at Tallahassee, Florida. Rev.T.W.Conway, for Louisiana, at New Orleans Louisiana. O.O.HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner [Circular No.17] WAR DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, September 20, 1865. The following regulations are established for the government of the financial affairs of this bureau: I.Every Assistant Commissioner is her accountable for moneys received and disbursed in the State or district under his control. II.The forms laid down in the regulation of the Quartermaster's department, governing the receipt and disbursement of money, will be followed in the settlement of accounts in this bureau as nearly as practicable. III. All sub-agents or officers on duty under the Assistant Commissioner will turn over to him, or a bonded officer of his selection, all funds now or that may hereafter be in their hands, taking his receipts therefor in triplicate, one of which will be forwarded direct to the Commissioner Washington: the others to be retained for the settlement of their accounts at the treasury, These receipts should specify, if possible, the source from which the money has been derived. IV. All sub-agents, or officers requiring funds, will make a monthly estimate, in duplicate, similar to Form 9, Regulations Quartermaster's Department, and forward the same through the Assistant Commissioner to the Commissioner at Washington, for approval. If such estimate, or any part of it, is approved, the Assistant Commissioner will be ordered to turn over the funds to such agent or officer, holding him accountable therefor. No money will be disbursed except it has been drawn in this manner. Ex.Doc.11—5 58 FREEDMEN'S BUREAU. V. Assistant Commissioners will require all sub-agents or officers under their control. having in charge public finds of the burau, to render to them, in addition to the required account to the Treasury Department, a monthly account, with vouchers, similar to Form 10, Regulations Quartermaster's Department. These several accounts the Assistant Commissioner, after examination and approval, will consolidate and forward to the Commissioner at Washington on a similar form. VI. Assistant Commissioners will also forward a consolidated monthly report. similar to Form 2, Regulations Quartermaster's Department, giving the name of each officer employing the persons reported. VII. Assistant Commissioners will keep all funds for which they are accountable in some authorized depository of public funds, and the same are not to be drawn out except to fill the estimates required in the fourth paragraph of this order. VIII. Vouchers should be taken and given in triplicate, one of which will accompany the account rendered the Commissioner at Washington, the two remaining copies to be used in the usual settlement with the Treasury Department. IX. This order will take effect from the date of its reception. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. [Circular letter.] WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, October 4, 1865. State laws with regard to apprenticeship will be recognized by this bureau, provided they make no distinction of color; or, in case they do so, the said laws applying to white children will be extended to the colored. Officers of this bureau are regarded as guardians of orphan minors of freedmen within their respective districts. The principle to be adhered to with regard to paupers is that each country, parish, township, or city shall care for and provide for its own poor. Vagrant laws made for free people, and now in force on the statute-books of the States embraced in the operations of this bureau, will be recognized and extended to the freedmen. Assistance Commissioners will draw up specific instructions applicable to their respective States, in accordance with the foregoing principles. O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. [Circular No. 18.] WAR DEPARTMNET, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMNE, AND ABANDONED LANDS, Washington, October 6, 1865. Issues of subsistence stores to hospitals now existing, or hereafter established by authority of this bureau, will be made upon the same principle as are issues to the hospitals of the army. The hospital fund may also be expended in the same manner, and the cost of the hospital ration will be computed by the same method, the ration being that established for refugees and freedmen. By order of the Secretary of War: O. O. HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner. Approved: A. B. EATON. Commissary General Subsistence. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.