D458 Letter Camp of the 55 USC Infantry- Port Hudson, LA. April 14, 1865 Letter from Joseph Price Co D 55 USCT- Joseph Price does not appear on the list of officers for the 55 USCT therefor- letter of enlisted man- Refers to bounty promised and received D458 LTR- 55 USCT D458 DE390 Camp 55th U.S.C. Infty Fort Hudson La April 14th 1865 My dear wife I now have time to set myself down to answer your most welcome letter which I Recd at Memphis Tenn a short time before we left for the South I now can inform you that I am well at present + hope when you receive these few lines they may find you well + doing well Your brothers is also well + doing well Now in Regard to my Bounty money I can tell you presisly how the case stands the oath of allegiance was administered to me by D.W. Dow County Clerk of Franklin County Iowa at Hampton by my own request I was living at that time at the Widow Reevs. in said County Dow told me my wife would draw one Dollar per month in Franklin County about one week I left Franklin Co + went to Eldora Harden County I took my Ticket from Dow + showed it to Capt Edgerton Recruiting Officer for Eldora Township he read my letter from Dow he also told me that they lacked one man to fill there quota in that Township he Edgerton asked me if I was willing to go my ^wife wishing to live in Eldora I asked him what they was giving he told me 2 he offered me one hundred + fifty five Dollars if I would go for Eldora Township I took him up at his offer then he administered the (oath) to me I also signed one set of papers in Eldora or mad my mark I told Capt Edgerton that I did not want any difficulty in drawing my money that I wanted my wif to have the money as she needed the same he the said Edgerton told me that he had the money on hand & that my wife should have it any time she wanted it. Capt Edgerton & myself went to Ft. Dodge together in a buggy the Cat and myself went both of us Direct to the Recruiting Off. w/ the Capt present. My papers that I signed whil in Harden County to the Officer in Ft. Dodge he was a one armed man he also had shoulder straps on his Shoulders I think Capt Rank he signed the papers which Capt Edgerton gave him with Red Ink he also [also] gave me the papers or handed them to Edgerton & he to me the Papers stated that I would [send] Receive One Hundred & fifty five dollars as my Bounty I did not wish to take my papers with me south Capt Edgerton then & there agreed to take my Bounty papers. home to my wife then living in Eldora & he also agreed to pay my wife my Bounty money at any time after he got back to Eldora he Edgerton paid me Ten Dollars of my bounty 3- at Ft Dodge before he started back to Eldora the man at Ft. Dodge told me that the Genl Gov would pay $100.00 [of the] Bounty [& the County would pay the Balance] which makes it all $250.00 with a credit of Ten Dollars which Capt Edgerton paid me at Ft Dodge they was men present at Ft Dodge when Cap Edgerton & myself they seen me give the papers to Cap Edgerton to give to my wife when he arrived back to Eldora their names are Edward St Clare the Doctor that Examined me for a Soldier & the Mustering official I forget his name I wish you my friend to have your Husband to collect this money for my wife I will amply pay him for all of his Trouble and thank him also I sent my close back from Fort Dodge by Edgerton to my dear wif which she has never wrote any thing about me are at Fort Hudson La at this time how long we will remain here I cannot say tell my wife to Direct her letter to Ft Hudson La to Joseph Price Co. D 55th U.S.C. Infty pleas read this Letter to my wife & much oblig me tell her to send me her likeness with much Respect I remain Yours Joseph Price [*Price*] Co D- Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.