D488 Slave Patrol 488 CSA Slave Patrol Document unlawful assembly see translation Washington County to wit. To John E. Roe J. Ramsey Samuel Bright A.S. Roe and R. S. Rosenbalm. I J. E. Horne, a Justice of the said county, do in the name of the commonwealth command you the said J.E. Roe, J. Ramsey, Samuel Bight, A.S. Roe, & P.S. Rosenbalm, to patrol and visit within the bounds of said county, at least Once a week, all negro quarters and other places suspected of having therein unlawful assemblies, or such slaves as may stroll from one plantation to another and to take any persons found in an unlawful assembly, on any slaves so found strolling, before some Justice near the place of capture, to be dealt with according to law, and I appoint you the said J.E. Roe, Captain of the said patrols. Given under my hand this the 22nd day of December 1862. J.E. Horne J.P. To the County Court of Washington County I certify that, by virtue of the within commission, I patrolled 3 1/2 nights in the months of Decr & Janry John Ramsey 1 night-he was gone to Carolina the ballance A.S. Roe 1 1/2 nights his family was sick preventing him from going any more. P.S. Rosebalm 3 nights. The weather being too cold & rainy the bal. of the time. S.H. Wright 2 nights being sick part of the time. Could not perform duty. The weather being so cold and rainy prevented me from performing any more nights. J. E. Roe Capt. of Patrole. The honorable Court will please make J.E. Roe the allowance of our Rainbow pay Mill Parker S Rosenbalm 30 hrs Jno Ramsey 10 hrs Saml H Wright 20 " Arthur S Roe 15" visit a house on the south fork above [Boack?] Harbor about New Years Day. J.E. Honner Washington County to wit. To John E. Roe, J. Ramsey, Samuel Right, A. Roe and P.O. Rosenbalm. I Gnl. E. Honne, a Justice of the said county, do in the name of the commonwealth command you the said. J.E. Roe, P.Ramsey, Samuel Right. J.E. Roe, and P.S. Rosenbalm to patrol and visit within the bounds of said County, at least Once a week, all negro quarters and other places suspected of having herein unlawful assemblies,. On such slaves as may stroll from One plantation to another one to take any persons found in an unlawful assembly. Or any slaves so found strolling, before some Justice near the place of capture to be dealt with according to law and I appoint you the P.E. Roe, Captain of the said patrol. given under my hand this the 22nd day of December 1862 Genl. E. Honne, J.P. (OTHER SIDE) To the County Court of Washington County. I certify that, by virtue of the within commission I patrolled 3 1/2 night in the months of Dec. & January John Ramsey 1 night he was gone to Carolina the balance of the time. A.S. Roe 1 1/2 nights his family was sick preventing him from going any more. P.S. Rosenbalm 3 night. The weather being too cold & rainey the bal. of the time. Could not perform duty. The weather being so cold and rainey prevented me from performing any more nights. J.E. Roe Capt. of partol The honorable court will please make the allowance of our pay. Parker S. Rosenbalm 30 hours Jno Ramsey 10 hours Saml H. Wright 20 " Arthur S. Roe 15" Visit a house on the south fork above back harbor about New Years day J.E. Honner Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.