Rosa Parker Events Featuring or honoring Parks 1989 Box 19 Folder 14 St. Paul's Ecumenical Church SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE IN MEMORY OF BORN JANUARY 15, 1929 DIED APRIL 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King JANUARY 22, 1989 3:P.M. Minster Rev. J. H. Nurre Organist Mr. F. Armstrong THE EQUALITY OF ALL CHRISTIANS BEFORE GOD "We, Christians of various churches, believing that only in a co-operative and united Christendom can the world be Christianized, deplore a divided Christendom as being opposed to the Spirit of Christ and the needs of the world. We therefore, desire to express our sympathetic interest in and prayerful attitude towards all conferences, small and large, that are looking towards reconciliation of the divided Church of Christ. We acknowledge the equality of all Christians before God and propose to follow this principle, as far as possible, in all out spiritual fellowships. We will strive to bring the laws and practices of our several communions into conformity with this principle, so that no Christian shall be denied membership in any of our churches, not the privilege of participation in the observance of the Lord's Supper, and that no Christian minister shall be denied the freedom of our pulpits by reason of differences in forms of ordination. We pledge, irrespective of denominational barriers, to be brethren one to another in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, whose we are and whom we serve." ORDER OF SERVICE Organ Prelude Mr. F. Armstrong Opening Sentences The Vicar Processional Hymn THY HAND, O GOD, HAS GUIDED Thy hand, O God, has guided thy flock from age to age; The wondrous tale is written full clear on every page; Our fathers owned thy goodness, And we their deeds record; And both of this bear witness, one church, one faith, one Lord. When shadows thick were falling, and all seemed sunk in night, Thou, Lord, didst send thy servants, thy chosen sons of light. On them and on thy people thy plenteous grace was poured, And this was still their message: one church, one faith, one Lord. And we, shall we be faithless? Shall hearts fail, hands hang down? Shall we evade the conflict, and cast away our crown? Not so; in God's deep counsels some better thing is stored: We will maintain unflinching one church, one faith, one Lord. Thy mercy will not fail us, not leave thy work undone; With thy right hand to help us, the victory shall be won; And then by men and angels thy name shall be adored, And this shall be their anthem: one church, one faith, one Lord. Prayer of Invocation DOMINE REFUGIUM (ALL) said Min: Lord, thou hast been our refuge, from one generation to another, Cong: Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world were made: thou art God everlasting, and world without end. Min: Thou turnest man to destruction: again thou sayest, Come again, ye children of men. Cong: For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday: seeing that is past as a watch in the night, Min: As soon as thou scatterest them, they are even as a sleep: and fade away suddenly like the grass. Cong: In the morning it is green and groweth up: but in the evening it is cut down, dried up and withered. Min: For we consume away in thy displeasure, and are afraid at thy wrathful indignation. Cong: Thou hast set our misdeeds before thee, and our secret sins in the light of thy count- enance. Min: For when thou art angry all our days are gone: we bring our years to an end, as it were a tale that is told Cong: The days of our age are threescore years and ten: and though men be so strong, that they come to fourscore years: yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow: so soon it passeth away, and we are gone. Min: But who regardeth the power of thy wrath: for even thereafter as a man feareth, so is thy displeasure. Cong: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Min: Turn thee again, O Lord, at the last: and be gracious unto thy servants. Cong: O satisfy us with thy mercy, and that soon; so shall we rejoice and be glad all the days of our life. Min: Comfort us again now after the time that thou has plagued us: and for the years wherein we have suffered adversity. Cong: Shew thy servants thy work, and their children thy glory. Min: And the glorious majesty of the Lord our God be upon us: prosper thou the work of our hands upon us, O prosper thou the handi-work, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen. Solo [crossed out in blue pen] Choir, The Lord's Prayer [hand written in blue pen] Mrs. Christina Do Welcome / Greetings The Vicar PRAYER OF CONFESSION (all) Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against thee in thought, word and deed: for we have done those things which we ought not to have done, and have left undone those things which we ought to have done: we have not loved thee with our whole hearts: we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry, and we do humbly repent: stretch forth the hand of thy majesty and save us. For the sake of thy son our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us and forgive us that we may delight in thy will and thy ways to the glory of your name. Amen. Absolution Choir Selection [checkmark in blue pen] Old Testament ISAIAH 52: 1-10 NUNC DIMITTIS (all) (sung) Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace,/ according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, / which thou hast prepared before the face of all people. To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, / and to be the glory of thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, / and to the Holy Ghost: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, / world without end. Amen. AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (all) (said) We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us and our salvation He came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit He became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate: He suffered death and was buried. On the third day He rose again in accordance with the Scriptures: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. MY GOD, HOW WONDERFUL THOU ART My God, how wonderful Thou art, Thy majesty how bright! How beautiful Thy mercy seat. In Depths of burning light! How dread are Thine eternal years, O everlasting Lord, By prostrate spirits day and night Incessantly adored! How beautiful, how beautiful The sight of Thee must be, Thine endless wisdom, boundless power, and awful purity! O How I fear Thee, living God With deepest, tenderest fears, And worship Thee with trembling hope And penitential tears! Yet I may love Thee, too, O Lord, Almighty as Thou art, For Thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. Father of Jesus, love's reward, What rapture will it be Prostrate before Thy throne to lie, And gaze and gaze on Thee! Gospel ST. LUKE 12: 4-15 [Solo] Choir: Cume By Yah My Lord Absent Mrs. Christina Do Hymn FAITH OF OUR FATHERS Faith of our Fathers, living still In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword! Oh, how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glorious word: REFRAIN: Faith of our Fathers, holy faith! We will be true to thee till death. Our fathers, chained in prison dark, Were still in heart and conscience free, Lord, grant their children strenght and love, Like them, to live and die for Thee. Faith of our fathers, we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife; And preach thee, too, as love knows how By kindly words and virtuous life. Pastoral prayer and Lord's Prayer (sung) Hymn A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing; Our helper He amid the flood, Of mortal ills prevailing; For still our ancient foe, Doth seek to work us woe; His craft and power are great, And armed with cruel hate, On earth is not His equal. Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing; Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God's own choosing; Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth His name, From age to age the same, And he must win the battle. And though this world, with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us; We will not fear, for Goth hath willed, His truth to triumph through us; The prince of darkness grim, We tremble not for him; His rage we can endure, For lo! his doom is sure, One little word shall fell him. That word above all earthly powers, No thanks to them, abideth: The spirit and the gifts are ours, Through Him who with us sideth: Let goods and kindred go, This mortal life also: The body they may kill, God's truth abideth still, His kingdom is forever. Amen. RESPONSIVE READING Psalm 118 Lead: O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, because His mercy endureth forever. Cong: I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place. Lead: The Lord is on my side, I will not fear: what can man do unto me? Cong: The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. Lead: It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Cong: It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. Lead: All nations compassed me about, but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them. Cong: They compassed me about like bees: they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them. Lead: Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall, but the Lord helped me. Cong: The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. Lead: The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. Cong: The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. Lead: I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Cong: The Lord hath chastened me sore: but He hath not given me over unto death. Lead: Open me to the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord. Cong: This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter. Lead: I will praise thee, for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. Offertory Anthem (seated) Announcements / Acknowledgements[*, Rev Nurre, Visiting [Clergy] Minister, member of this the St. Paul Ecumenical Church. Greetings from St. Matthew AME Church, Detroit. Rev Ralph Jones, pastor Don Jury, City of Hamilton Rev. Dr. Wm Solomon St Catherine's AME Dr. ?*] Hymn WE SHALL OVERCOME We shall overcome, We shall overcome, We shall overcome some day. Deep in our hearts, we do believe, We shall overcome some day. We'll walk hand in hand, We'll walk hand in hand, We'll walk hand in hand some day. Deep in our hearts, we do believe That we'll walk hand in hand some day. We shall live in peace, We shall live in peace, We shall live in peace some day. Deep in our hearts, we do believe That we shall live in peace some today. We are not afraid, We are not afraid, We are not afraid today, Deep in our hearts, we do believe That we are not afraid today. God is on our side, God is on our side, God is on our side today. Deep in our hearts, we do believe That God is on our side today. Sermon Mrs. Rosa Parks Choir Selection [*9*] Hymn BATTLE HYMN OF REPUBLIC Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; he is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; he hath loosed the fateful lighting of his terrible swift sword, his truth is marching on. Refrain: Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on! He hath sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgement seat, O be swift, my soul, to answer him; be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on! In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, with a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me; as he died to make men holy, let us live to make men free, while God is marching on! He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave; he is wisdom to the mighty, he is succour to the brave; so the world shall be his footstool, and the soul of time his slave: our God is marching on! Benediction Amen Chorus (threefold) Organ Postlude Mr. F. Armstrong ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to: Mrs. Rosa Parks played no less a significant role in Dr. King's Dream for the acquisition of civil rights in the United States - for Justice and Peace amongst all peoples. Mrs. Parks was that lady from the north who refused to go to the back of the bus when ordered by the Police in Montgomery, Alabama. Some historians may view her actions as the turning point of the Civil Rights Movement at that time. Mrs. Parks is presently the President of the Raymond and Rosa Parks Institute (for self improvement). Rt. Rev. Dr. D. Rupwate, Superintendent, British Methodist Episcopal Church, Toronto. Rev. Fr. G. Darling, Rector, Anglican Church, Delhi, Ont. His Worship, Mayor R. Morrow of the City of Hamilton Ms Sheila Copps, M.P. Rt. Rev. Dr. G. H. Boyce, former superintendent, British Methodist Episcopal Church, Peel Mr. Frank Armstrong, St. Paul's Director of Music Thank you for the flowers: Mrs. R. Stemmler Working to the Glory of God: A. Benincasa M. Blair-Lewis C. Chaen L. Clegg L, Elkin M. Jaunzemis F. Joseph M. Joseph F. John-Baptiste F. Armstrong T. Kinney B. Lewis J. Lymburner C. Marchand G. Musgrave R. Papin E. Robertson J. Sabadoz U. Sitney M. Francis-Thomas P. Tompkins W. Tompkins BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. R. Papin* Miss M. Jaunzemis* Miss C. Marchand* Mr. M. De Groote* Rev. J. H. Nurre* Mr. U. Ferdinand Mr. J. Stradwick Mr. D. Ross Mr. C. Piggott His Worship, M.R. M.Morrow Mr. G. Langadinos Mrs. M. Langadinos Miss L. Elkin (*Executive) PATRONS The Honourable John Black Aird, W.C., L.L.D. Ms Sheila Copps, M.P. Mr. Norman Embree Dr. Harry Phills Pioneer Petroleym Ltd. Mr. Gedas Paltarokas Mrs. Rose Paltarokas Mr. Elwood Stemmler Mrs. Rebecca Stemmler Many thanks to all who have contributed to the success of the past year and of this occasion. There will be a reception/fellowship following this service. All present are invited to join and partake of the refreshments provided in the Lincoln Alexander Community Centre. OBJECTS OF THE CANADIAN CARIBBEAN CHRISTIAN ECUMENICAL COMMUNION To promote the worship of and devotion to God through Jesus Christ by faith; To promote and enjoin in fellowship and brotherly love through the Godhead all peoples of whatever persuasion for peace and understanding for a better and happier life here on earth with the hope of everlasting life; To assist wherever and whenever possible in the improvement of life amongst all peoples of whatever persuasion or heritage; To promote and encourage ecumenical activities among all peoples; further, to encourage priests and ministers of all persuasions within the Christian community to take an active part in the celebration of God's word; To promote a better understanding amongst peoples in our multicultural, ethnocultural society and to encourage the sense of unity of purpose within the Christian tradition; To promote ecumenical education and to display credibility as a Christian people who are willing to be involved in our local community and the community at large; To encourage familiarity with respect for others' beliefs and practices within the Christian community. THE HOME OF THE CANADIAN CARIBBEAN CHRISTIAN ECUMENICAL COMMUNION CARI-CAN FESTIVAL (of HAMILTON) Lincoln Alexander Community Centre 109 Smith Avenue at Barton Street Hamilton, Ontario L9L 5P2 (416) 529-9144 Signs on Spot LTD 1037 Main Street East Hamilton, Ontario L8M 1N4 Phone 547 6200 McDONALDS VINCENT DRAKE EXT 1288 KING ST. E. 259 BARTON ST. E. Telephone Waterdown 689-6886 E. M. STEMMLER LOGGING TREE REMOVAL Manager Edward M Stemmler R.R. L. Millgrove Ontario L[????] Clark County Community College and Nevada Humanities Committee Inc. present Ethnic Voices lecture series featuring Rosa Parks The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement Thursday February 23, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. CCCC Library 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave. NLV Admission Free (but seating is limited!) This program is made possible in part by a grant from Nevada Humanities Committee, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities CLARK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Sort Code N2C 3200 East Cheyenne Avenue North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Bulk Rate PAID Permit No. 26 NLV, NV 89030 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE The Detroit Regional Office of the GAO presents ROSA PARKS on "The Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development" MARCH 9, 1989 It is fitting and, indeed, an honor for the Detroit Regional Office of the U.S. General Accounting Office to conclude its Black History Month Program and commemorate Women's History Month by honoring today the "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement", Mrs. Rosa Louise Parks. A recent article in the Detroit Free Press, "A Legacy Of Inspiration", praised Mrs. Parks for her singular courage for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus to accommodate a white male passenger. Her subsequent arrest and conviction for violating a city ordinance which permitted segregated buses, led to the historic Montgomery Bus Boycott and the ascension into international prominence of the boycott's spokesman, Dr. Martin Luther King. Mrs. Parks' successful appeal of her conviction resulted in a landmark 1956 U.S. Supreme Court ruling reversing an 1896 court decision, Plessy vs. Ferguson which had relegated Black Americans to separate but unequal status in America. It is significant to note that the national and international support she received included people from every race, women and men, young and old, the rich as well as the poor. Mrs. Parks became and continues to be a symbol of humanity's constant struggle to improve the quality of life for all people. Although Mrs. Parks recently celebrated her 76th birthday, she is still active in civic affairs and her attention is now focused on young people. Through the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development, she hopes to provide greater opportunities for the "average" youth that are often overlooked by other programs. We, too, have a responsibility to developing America's youth. Toward that end, it is our pleasure to welcome Mrs. Parks' thoughts on the subject today, as the Detroit Regional Office of the U.S. General Accounting Office concludes its Black History Month Program and commemorates Women's History Month. John Luke Regional Manager A LIVING LEGACY ROSA PARKS Mrs. Rosa Parks is nationally recognized as the Mother of the Modern Civil Rights Movement in America. Her refusal to surrender her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus in December, 1955, triggered a wave of protest that reverberated throughout the United States. The arrest of Mrs. Parks sparked a boycott of the city bus line that lasted over a year. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was appointed the spokesperson for the boycott and taught non-violence to all participants. Thousands of people joined the protest throughout the country which took the form of sit-ins, eat-ins, swim-ins and similar causes. Mrs. Parks quiet, courageous act changed America and redirected the course of history. In 1987, Mrs. Parks began the "Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development". The purpose is to motivate and direct the "average youth" not targeted by other programs to achieve their highest potential. Mrs. Parks sees the energy of young people as a real force for change, and is dedicated to improving choices and chances for the youth of today. PROGRAM Opening Remarks ... Randall Conley, Assistant Regional Manager Lunch Introduction of Regional Manager ... Milo Wietstock, Assistant Regional Manager Welcome ... John Luke, Regional Manager Introduction of Guest Speaker ... John Luke, Regional Manager Solo ... Mrs. Johnnie Gray Guest Speaker ... Mrs. Rosa Parks Closing Remarks ... John Luke, Regional Manager Mrs. Parks will autograph her photographs following lunch. A special "Thank You" to the following staff for their efforts and contributions in making this luncheon a success: Audley Smith Marsha Arthur Bertha Bellamy Barbra Chiapella Dea Crittenden Chris Dobrovich Javier Garza Valerie Giles-Reynolds Fern Harris Sharon Jizmejian Joyce Johnson Druscilla Kearney MaryAnn Lee Henry Malone Doreen Million Ed Price Kathleen Ward We would also like to extend a special "Thank You" to our guest soloist, Mrs. Johnnie Gray. UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE The Detroit Regional Office of the GAO presents ROSA PARKS on "The Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development" MARCH 9, 1989 It is fitting and, indeed, an honor for the Detroit Regional Office of the U.S. General Accounting Office to conclude its Black History Month Program and commemorate Women's History Month by honoring today the "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement", Mrs. Rosa Louise Parks. A recent article in the Detroit Free Press, "A Legacy Of Inspiration", praised Mrs. Parks for her singular courage for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus to accommodate a white male passenger. Her subsequent arrest and conviction for violating a city ordinance which permitted segregated buses, led to the historic Montgomery Bus Boycott and the ascension into international prominence of the boycott's spokesman, Dr. Martin Luther King. Mrs. Parks' successful appeal of her conviction resulted in a landmark 1956 U.S. Supreme Court ruling reversing an 1896 court decision, Plessy vs. Ferguson which had relegated Black Americans to separate but unequal status in America. It is significant to note that the national and international support she received included people from every race, women and men, young and old, the rich as well as the poor. Mrs. Parks became and continues to be a symbol of humanity's constant struggle to improve the quality of life for all people. Although Mrs. Parks recently celebrated her 76th birthday, she is still active in civic affairs and her attention is now focused on young people. Through the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development, she hopes to provide greater opportunities for the "average" youth that are often overlooked by other programs. We, too, have a responsibility to developing America's youth. Toward that end, it is our pleasure to welcome Mrs. Parks' thoughts on the subject today, as the Detroit Regional Office of the U.S. General Accounting Office concludes its Black History Month Program and commemorates Women's History Month. John Luke Regional Manager A Living Legacy Rosa Parks Mrs. Rosa Parks is nationally recognized as the Mother of the Modern Civil Rights Movement in America. Her refusal to surrender her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus in December, 1955, triggered a wave of protest that reverberated throughout the United States. The arrest of Mrs. Parks sparked a boycott of the city bus line that lasted over a year. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was appointed the spokesperson for the boycott and taught non-violence to all participants. Thousands of people joined the protest throughout the country which took the form of sit-ins, eat-ins, swim-ins and similar causes. Mrs. Parks quiet, courageous act changed America and redirected the course of history. In 1987, Mrs. Parks began the "Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development". The purpose is to motivate and direct the "average youth" not targeted by other programs to achieve their highest potential. Mrs. Parks sees the energy of young people as a real force for change, and is dedicated to improving choices and chances for the youth of today. PROGRAM Opening Remarks . . . . . Randall Conley, Assistant Regional Manager Lunch Introduction of Regional Manager . . . . . Milo Wietstock, Assistant Regional Manager Welcome . . . . . John Luke, Regional Manager Introduction of Guest Speaker . . . . . John Luke, Regional Manager Solo . . . . . Mrs. Johnnie Gray Guest Speaker . . . . . Mrs. Rosa Parks Closing Remarks . . . . . John Luke, Regional Manager ** Mrs. Parks will autograph her photographs following lunch ** A special "Thank You" to the following staff for their efforts and contributions in making this luncheon a success: Audley Smith Marsha Arthur Bertha Chiapella Dea Crittenden Chris Dobrobich Javier Garza Valerie Giles-Reynolds Fern Harris Sharon Jizmejian Joyce Johnson Druscilla Kearney MaryAnn Lee Henry Malone Doreen Million Ed Price Kathleen Ward We would also like to extend a special "Thank You" to our guest soloist, Mrs. Johnnie Gray. JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY Institute for the Study of the History, Life and Culture of Black People and SMITH ROBERTSON MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER 528 Bloom Street Jackson, Mississippi Present [*Birthday 4th*] "Impact of Black Migration from Rural South to Urban North, 1915 to Present" [*Friends left after WWI*] [?] [*WWII Mother would not leave her parents & children. Father left for the North.*] [*Relatives & friends [letter] left to work in War plants, earn more money*] BANQUET 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 30, 1989 All-Purpose Room Jacob L. Reddix Campus Union Jackson State University Jackson, Mississippi MENU Seafood Platter (Broiled Flounder w/Lemon Sauce, Fried Catfish Strips and Boiled Shrimp) or Broiled Chicken Tossed Vegetable Salad Baked Potato w/Sour Cream Stir Fried Vegetables Hush Puppies Hot Rolls w/Butter Lemon or Cherry Pie Coffee/Iced Tea PROGRAM Dr. Alferdteen B. Harrison, Director Institute for the Study of Black People Presiding PRELUDE Medley of Civil Rights Music ..... JSU Brass Ensemble Mr. Paul Adams Assistant Professor of Music Director GREETINGS ..... Miss Patrice Boone President Jackson State University Student Government Association OCCASION ..... Dr. James A. Hefner, President Jackson State University INVOCATION AND GRACE ..... The Reverend Robert L. T. Smith Pastor Oak Grove Baptist Church Learned, Mississippi DINNER MUSIC Medley of Civil Rights Music [*Neville Brothers' "tape" Sister Rosa*] [JSU Brass Ensemble] [*absent*] TRIBUTES [*Gov's office Mr.*] .... ..... Reverend Johnny Barbour, Jr. [*Mayor's office represented by Mr.*] Pastor Pearl Street A.M.E. Church [*Placqes*] Dr. Adib A. Shakir President Tougaloo College Tougaloo, Mississippi The Honorable Unita Blackwell [*absent*] Mayor City of Mayersville Mayersville, Mississippi The Honorable Aaron E. Henry State Field Director NAACP Member, Mississippi House of Representatives FREEDOM SONGS ..... Mr. Hollis Watkins Civil Rights Activist Leader INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER [*Met her in Atlanta Church Women's United Trail Blazer & Torch Bearer*].... Mrs. Clarie Collins Harvey President and Owner Collins Funeral Home Jackson, Mississippi ADDRESS ..... The Honorable Rosa Louise Parks Civil Rights Activist The "Mother of the Modern Civil Rights Movement" In America QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD ..... Mrs. Doris E. Saunders Professor of Mass Communications Jackson State University Moderator ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .... Dr. Jessie Mosley, Director Smith Robertson Museum and Cultural Center Jackson, Mississippi AUTOGRAPH SESSION PROJECT COMMITTEE Barber, Ms. Barbara B. Covington, Mr. & Mrs. Morris Dean, Mr. Anthony Horton, Mr. Willie Kinnard, Dr. Arthur Peoples, Dr. John A. Pittman, Dr. Mabel Shakir, Mrs. Adib Taff, Mr. Cavett Weaver, Dr. Garrett Williams, Mrs. Thelma Harrison, Dr. Alferdteen B., Director Mosley, Dr. Jessie, Assistant Director ROSA L. PARKS FORUM/SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE Allen, Dr. Mildred J. Almore, Ms. Aletha Barber, Mrs. Barbara B. Bell, Mrs. Bernice L. Blevin, Mr. Walter L. Collins, Mr. Ralph E. Cooley, Dr. William Dean, Mr. Anthony Druckrey, Ms. Melissa Foster, Dr. Velvelyn B. Funches, Mrs. Margie Harris, Dr. Joyce B. Harrison, Dr. Alferdteen B. Hayes-Anthony, Dr. Elayne Hefner, Mrs. Edwina L. Holly, Dr. Ellistine P. Jones, Mr. A. D. McCoy, Ms. Pamela D Mickens, Mr. Frank Miller, Mr. Melvin A. Mohammed, Dr. Iely B. Mosley, Dr. Jessie Neely, Mrs. Rubye H. Nelson, Mr. Valmore A. Oatis, Dean Bobbie N. Robinson, Dr. T. J., ex officio Roby, Mr. Billy A. Saunders, Mrs. Doris E. Swinney, Captain Ed Trottman, Mrs. Evelyn M. Wells, Mr. Charles Williams, Mr. Calvin W. Wynter, Mrs. Nellie H. Buckley, Dr. Cozetta, Chairperson BANQUET COMMITTEE Foster, Dr. Velvelyn B. Harris, Dr. Joyce B. Holly, Dr. Ellistine P. Roby, Mr. Billy A. Saunders, Mrs. Doris E. Trottman, Mrs. Evelyn M. Williams, Mr. Calvin W. Wynter, Mrs. Nellie H. Chairperson This project was funded in part by the Mississippi Humanities Council, with additional support from Delta Sigma Theta and Sigma Gamma Rho Sororities, Pi Phi Fraternity Beta Gamma Boule, the Jackson Pan Hellenic Council and EnCon, Inc. THE BLACK FEDERATION 1989 Human Spirit Award Banquet ROSA L. PARKS Keynote Speaker Friday, April 14, 1989 Omni San Diego Hotel 910 Broadway Circle San Diego, California Rosa Louise Parks Rosa Louise Parks Biographical Sketch Rosa Louise Parks is nationally recognized as the "Mother of the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement" in America. Her refusal to surrender her seat to a white male passenger on a Montgomery, Alabama bus, December 1. 1955, triggered a wave of protest December 5, 1955, that reverberated throughout the United States. Her quiet, courageous act changed America, its view of black people and redirected the course of history. Mrs. Parks was born Rosa Louise McCauley, February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. She was the first child of James and Leona Edwards McCauley. Her brother, Sylvester McCauley, now deceased, was born August 20, 1915. Later, the family moved to Pine Level, Alabama where Rosa was reared and educated in the rural school. When she completed her education in Pine Level at age eleven, her mother, Leona, enrolled her in Montgomery Industrial School for Girls (Miss White's School for Girls), a private institution. After finishing Miss White's School, she went to Alabama State Teacher's College High School. However, she was unable to graduate with her class because of the illness of her grandmother Rose Edwards and later her death. As Rosa prepared to return to Alabama State, her mother also became ill. Therefore, she continued to take care of their home and care for her mother while her brother Sylvester, worked outside of the home. Rosa received her high school diploma in 1934, after her marriage to Raymond Parks, December 18, 1932. Raymond, now deceased, born in Wedowee, Alabama, Randolph County, February 12 1903, received little formal education due to racial segregation. He was a self educated person with the assistance of his mother, Geri Parks. His immaculate dress and his thorough knowledge of domestic affairs and current events made most think he was college educated. He supported and encouraged Rosa's desire to complete her formal education. Mr. Parks was an early activist in the effort to free the "Scottsboro Boys," a celebrated case in the 1930's. Together, Raymond and Rosa worked in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP's) programs. He was an active member and she served as secretary and later youth leader of the local branch. At the time of her arrest, she was preparing for a major youth conference. After the arrest of Rosa Parks, black people of Montgomery and sympathizers of other races organized and promoted a boycott of the city bus line that lasted 381 days. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was appointed the spokesperson for the Bus Boycott and taught non-violence to all participants. Contingent with the protest in Montgomery, others took shape throughout the south and the country. They took form as sit-ins, eat-ins, swim-ins and similar causes. Thousands of courageous people joined the "protest" to demand equal rights for all people. Since 1965, Mrs. Parks has been employed by Congressman John Conyers, First Congressional District of Michigan. In February, 1987, she began the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development. The purpose is to motivate and direct the "average" youth not targeted by other programs to achieve their highest potential. Rosa Parks sees the energy of young people as a real force for change. It is among her most treasured themes of human priorities as she speaks to young people of all ages at schools, colleges and national organizations around the county. Mrs. Parks has received ten honorary doctorate degrees, hundreds of plaques, certificates, citations, awards, and keys to several cities. Among them are the NAACP's Spingarn Medal, the UAW's Social Justice Award, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Non-Violent Peace Prize and most recently in May of 1987, the Roger Joseph Prize with a cash award of ten thousand dollars, from the Hebrew Union College. A quiet exemplification of courage, dignity and determination; Rosa Parks is a symbol to all Americans to remain free. The Black Federation 1989 Human Spirit Award Banquet Friday, April 14, 1989 PROGRAM Invocation ...... Rev. George W. Smith "Lift Every Voice & Sing" ......... Danny Graham Welcome ........ Merkel Harris Acknowledgments ......... Vernon Sukumu DINNER Musical Selection ..... Alladirane Slade Elmore Proclamation ..... Yvonette Powell Beverly Eugene Presentation to Cox Cable ...... Lenore Flowers LaGhana Packer Keynote Speaker ......... Rosa L. Parks Benediction ........ Rev. George Stevens SPECIAL THANKS C. R. Wormsby Maria Mariez Wendy Rochelle Eleanor Slaughter BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM "Lift Every Voice and Sing" 1. Lift every voice and sing Till Earth and Heaven ring Ring with the harmonies of liberty: Let our rejoicing rise High as the list'ning skies. Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith the dark past has taught us; Sing a song full of hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. 2. Stony the road we trod Bitter in the chastening rod. Felt in the days when hope unborn has died; Yet with a steady beat Have not our weary feet Come to that place for which our fathers died. We have come over a way that with fears has been watered, We have been treading our path thru the blood of the slaughtered; Out from the gloomy past Till now we stand at last where the Bright gleam of our bright star is cast 3. God of our weary years, God of our silent tears. Thou who has brought us thus far on our way Thou who hast by thy might Led us into the light Keep us forever in thy path, we pray; Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee. Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee; Shadowed beneath thy hand, May we forever stand, True to our God, true to our native land. Congratulations, Bob Miller. Westland Title's Top Salesman Since 1985. Over the last four years, no Westland Title employee has produced more sales than senior account executive Bob Miller - and with good reason. Three-times "Salesman of the Year," Bob has served Southeast San Diego and Mission Valley twice as long as anyone else; gaining an intimate knowledge of the market no one else can match. Let Bob Miller handle all of your title and escrow needs. Call today, at 619/535-2014, or toll-free, at 1-800/356-3449. Westland Title Company 4660 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 100, La Jolla, CA 92122, 619/535-2000, 800/356-3449 THE BLACK FEDERATION KEEPING HOPE ALIVE IN SAN DIEGO Congratulations and thanks from a grateful community. OAK Communications, INC. 16516 Via Esprillo • Rancho Bernando, CA • 92127 • (619) 451-1500 General Dynamics proudly joins in tonight's "Tribute to the Human Spirit" and recognizes the invaluable contributions made by the Black Federation in advancing important issues within our community. GENERAL DYNAMICS Convair Division Data Systems Division Electronics Division An Equal Opportunity Employer Union Bank Salutes The Black Federation of San Diego and its excellent service to the black community Union Bank Union Bank Member FDIC MOSSY NISSAN EXCEPTIONAL "On the Mile of Cars" 2700 National City Blvd. National City, CA 92050 (619) 474-7011 Exit 24th Street from Highway I-5 [Logo image: PORT OF SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT] We salute the Black Federation for assisting the Port District in promoting recreational and commercial opportunities on San Diego Bay. THE PORT OF SAN DIEGO. HOT 92.5 WELCOMES ROSA PARKS HOT 92.5 FM XHRM SAN DIEGO Seventeen years of remarkable service and commitment to the minority community should not go unrecognized. We are proud to salute the Black Federation. We wish you well in the years to come. [Logo image: AT&T The right choice.] Congratulations to the Black Federation GROCERIES AND MEATS TEL. 262-4615 HERMIZ - MARKET FRESH MEAT - GROCERIES - PRODUCE - BEER - WINE OWNER MASSOOD H. KACHI 4291-A MARKET ST. SAN DIEGO, CA 92102 Best Wishes to The Black Federation C. MORING JR. C. MORING SR. "THINK" CURTIS MORING INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Serving San Diego for Over 27 Years [Logo image: YOUR Independent Insurance Agent] Auto/RV No Driver Refused SRI-P/22 Filings Free Quotes Business Ins. Churches Day Care Centers Non Profit Organizations Malpractice Liability (Attorneys-Physicians) Special Events Coverage Contractors Liability Bonding/Workmen's Compensation Corporations/Corporate Entities Retail/Wholesale Business Fire/Homeowners Apartment Buildings Office Buildings Hotel/Motel 3905 National Avenue San Diego, CA 92113 262-7519 Smokey's Smokey Gaines Owner 10475 San Diego Mission Rd. San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 563-0060 (619) 563-0061 Jazz on Tuesdays College Night on Wednesdays Dancing Fridays & Saturdays 9 pm - 2 am Concerts on Sundays One of the finest night clubs in town welcomes your RSVP for weddings, birthdays or any other events Special Thanks to Fantasy Limousine Service Luis Natividad 267-3566 1418 Meadow Drive National City, Ca. 92050 BEST WISHES TO THE BLACK FEDERATION MEA SAN DIEGO MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Judith M Richards President 4185 Home Avenue San Diego, CA 92105 (619) 264-6632 Prudential Overall Supply UNIFORMS TOWELS DUST CONTROL CLEAN ROOM 740 F Street Chula Vista, CA 92010 619-427-1240 2161 Meyers Ave. Escondido, CA 92025 619-743-4550 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY'S OFFICE OF EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY/ETHNIC AFFAIRS SALUTES THE BLACK FEDERATION FOR THEIR MANY YEARS OF INVALUABLE SERVICE TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY "The family is the brightest example of our community at work. Let us strengthen our community by strengthening our families." --Walter Kudumu, Parent FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT SCHOOL & COLLEGE RELATIONS 594-6966 EOP RECRUITMENT 594-6336 STUDENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (HEMAP) 594-4290 We salute your contributions to our community and wish you success in your continuing efforts. imed 9775 Businesspark Ave. San Diego, CA 92131 An Equal Opportunity Employer LOOKING FOR A PRINTER? MPM MODERN PRINTING & MAILING 3535 Enterprise St., San Diego, CA 92110 222-0535 Hartson Medical Services "We support the efforts of the Black Federation to make San Diego a better community for all of us." HMS is an EEO/AA Employer. For Employment Information please call Martha Baliste at 492-8100 Step forward to a new career When you're looking for new opportunities, the tough part is finding the right direction. We can help point the way. Security Pacific Financial Services is looking for qualified applicants who want to build a new career in the financial services industry. While you provide customers with the best service in the business, we provide you with a competitive salary and benefits package. Plus, we have a large network of companies, so there's room to grow. For more information, please call 578-6150, or write: Security Pacific Financial Services Kathy Aleman, Employment Manager 10089 Willow Creek Road, San Diego, CA 92131 This could be the first step toward a promising new future. Home Style Cooking At a Down-home Price FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS CHOOSEY CHICKEN LOVERS CHOOSE CHURCH'S FRIED CHICKEN Store #954 1002 South 43rd Street San Diego, California Scientific Atlanta salutes Cox Cable 1989 Spirit Award Recipient "A Tribute to the Human Spirit" BARRIO STATION A Non-Profit Organization ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 2175 Newton Avenue San Diego, CA 92113-2282 (619) 238-0314 Rachael Ortiz EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Barrio Youth Center 2175 Newton Avenue San Diego, CA 92113-2282 (619) 238-0314 Barrio Child Develpment Center 2138 Logan Avenue San Diego, CA 92113-2282 (619) 233-3460 SAN DIEGO COUNTY BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL AFL-CIO ART LUJAN Business Manager ROOM 212 • 3909 CENTRE ST. • SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92103 Telephone 298-1197 5 S A H L C S MARY M. OTERO MANAGER Savings Associations Home Loan Counseling Service 3930 UTAH STREET, SUITE 'I' SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92104 S.D. (619) 294-2330 N.C. (619) 436-7868 Hair Design By Charlene Charlene Baker —BAHAMIAN DIET DISTRIBUTOR— 5063 Federal Boulevard Business phone (619) 266-9151 Home phone 262-8841 Wright's Party Supplies Co. Fruit Punch • Paper Supplies • Picinic Supplies Decorations for Weddings - Clubs - Churches Schools & Private Parties Electric Punch Fountains For Rent Personalized Napkins and Matches 2611 Market Street San Diego, CA 92102 Phone (619) 234-6461 Congratulations to the Black Federation SENATOR WADIE P. DEDDEH FORTIETH SENATORIAL DISTRICT CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE STATE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 (916) 445-6767 430 DAVIDSON STREET CHULA VISTA, CA 92010 (619) 427-7080 1989 SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES (EOPS) INVITES YOU TO APPLY The Summer Readiness Program is an eight-week orientation for first-time college students who will enter San Diego City College during the 1989 fall semester on a full-time basis. WHO IS ELIGIBLE You may be eligible if you meet all of the following criteria ('a' through 'e'): a. You are a resident of the state of California, as determined by the campus Admissions Office. b. You are (or plan to be) a full-time student. c. You qualify to receive a Board of Governors Grant A or B. d. You have never attended college. e. You are determined to be educationally disadvantaged. You may be determined to be educationally disadvantaged if any of the following applies to you: 1. You do not qualify to enroll for the first college-level English or math courses. Review your placement scores and discuss them with our staff. 2. You did not graduate from high school and you do not have a General Educational Diploma (GED). 3. You graduated from high school (or have a GED), but your high school cumulative grade-point average (GPA) is less than 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. 4. You have been enrolled in a class, course or program that is considered to be remedial. EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES San Diego Community College District San Diego City College 1313 Twelfth Avenue • San Diego, CA 92101 • 230-2209 CONTEXUAL TRADING CO., INC. d./b./a./ FOOD PALACE MARKET 3550 National Avenue • San Diego • CA 92113 Ph. 619-234-2156 THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO CITY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT City Administration Building 202 C Street, 6th Floor San Diego, California 92101 - 3866 Telephone: 236-7117 For 24-hour job information Call 236-5627 CHUCK ADAMS Equal Opportunity Recruiter Welcome, Rosa Parks, Mother of the Civil Rights Movement GIRLS CLUB Building girls' capacity for responsible and confident adulthood, economic independence, and personal fulfillment. Girls Club of San Diego, Inc. 606 South 30th Street • San Diego, California 92113 • 233-7722 • 233-9919 Etta M. Keeler, Executive Director Shirley B. Hardy, President "It doesn't matter where a girl comes from, as long as she knows where she's going." $ $ 20% OFF La Carlen APPAREL 20% OFF SAVE VALUABLE COUPON 20% off everything in stock SAVE Short Sets......$24.99 2 for ................$41.99 Jeans ................ $19.99 2 for ................ $29.99 Dresses ........... $19.99 2 for .................. $29.99 Nylons 2 pr for .............. $1.79 Maximum Quality at Minimum Prices 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 12 noon to 5 p.m. Sunday Rancho Plaza Shopping Center•1535 Euclid Avenue, Suite D•263-2121 FOUR STAR LIMOUSINE SERVICE EXCLUSIVE LIMOUSINE BROKERAGE SERVICE "San Diego's Sensational Limo & Birthday Packages" ALL STYLES OF LIMOS AVAILABLE Salute to Black Business •All Occasions •Cellular Telephones •Color TV, Stereo, VCR, etc. •SDX & LAX Airports & Hotels •Radio Dispatched •All Major Credit Cards Accepted •Corporate Accounts Invited •Security Escorts •Our Time Starts at Your Door •No Charge for Mileage •Male/Female Chauffeurs •Special Midweek Rates •Moon Roof 24-HOUR SERVICE 275-LIMO Confidentiality Assured•Specializing in Courtesy Four Star Limousine 1101 Washington Place San Diego, CA 92103 TCP 4868P SAN DIEGO CHARGERS™ We salute Rosa Parks, Cox Cable and all persons who work for a better, kinder world. ALEX SPANOS AND THE CHARGERS The Brotherhood Crusade of San Diego Affiliate of the Black United Fund, Inc - Helping People Help Themselves - CONCEPT AND MISSION OF THE BROTHERHOOD CRUSADE OF SAN DIEGO The Brotherhood Crusade, founded in 1968, is a non-profit tax-exempt organization which has been built on the philosophy of concern and compassionate giving in Black and other minority communities throughout Southern California is unprecedented in the history of these communities. The primary mission of the Brotherhood Crusade is to assist in building quality educational, heath, social economic and cultural programs in the community that do not "qualify" for one reason or other for funding for start-up sustenance and/or expansion purposes from the traditional funding sources, i.e., the United Way of America, federal, state or city funding sources, private financial institutions, etc. The Brotherhood Crusade has demonstrated its capability to be acutely aware and responsive to the myriad of problems that exists in these communities and has acted as a catalyst to collect and distribute much needed monies for the revitalization and growth of our community. It is for this and many other reasons that a group of concerned community activists in San Diego are in the process of developing a local chapter of the Brother Crusade. Our mission in San Diego mirrors that of Los Angeles and rest of the country. However, there are some elements and crisis in our community that our underfunded and underserved. The gang and drugs problem, the hunger problem, teenage pregnancy and the plight of the homeless, are a few of the problems that aren't being addressed sufficiently. With caring, sharing and work, the Brotherhood Crusade can and will fill this void. In order for our mission to become a reality, we must look to ourselves and friends of the Black community. That is why we're asking the gainfully employed amongst us to give their charitable donation to the Brotherhood Crusade. To this end, we're working with the City, County and other governmental agencies and private business to become part of their payroll deduction process. We are also planning at least one large fundraising event yearly. If we as a group and community can help solve some of our social ills our time and purpose will be well served. But probably just as important is the demonstration of our growth and our will to determine our own destiny. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: __________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________ ZIP CODE ____________ CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________ BUSINESS OR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: _______________________________ COX CABLE SAN DIEGO We Have Made A Commitment To Excellence WORKING TO SERVE YOU BETTER COX Cox Cable San Diego, Inc. CUSTOMER SERVICE 262-1122 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 263-9112 (Mon-Fri 8:30 am-10 pm, Sat 9 am-6 pm) REPAIR SERVICE 626-1181 (7 days a week, 24 hours a day) Dedicated To The Belief That Flying Should Be Something Special In The Air. At American Airlines, our philosophy is that people aren't just passengers. They're guests. So, we give them attentive service, with courtesy and respect. our philosophy means you can expect our planes to be clean and comfortable. Not just sometimes, but all the time. And it means you can depend on us to be dependable. Because we work very hard to keep our schedule on schedule. So fly American Airlines and enjoy something special. You'll discover why, in a world of airlines, one airline can make a world of difference. AmericanAirlines Something special in the air.℠ MANUSCRIPT DIVISION ITEM(S) REMOVED Collection: Rosa Parks Papers File: Events featuring or honoring Parks Folder: 1989 Item(s): Scrapbook of correspondence, clippings, invitations, programs, newsletters, and other items from visit to Ohio that included a speech given at the NAACP Woorster Branch Annual Freedom Fund Dinner among other events (See attached photocopies of sample pages) Removed to: Oversize Scrapbook BY DELUXE CRAFT Archive: ROSA PARKS GUERNSEY'S Category D Inventory # 151 Date By America Made [*Wooster Daily Record 5/11/89*] Mother of Civil Rights Movement Will Speak At Local NAACP Event By. E.E. JOHNSON Staff Writer A generation ago, an act of courage by Rosa Parks provided the spark to ignite America's modern civil rights movement - she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Ala. bus to a white male passenger. This year, the Wooster Branch of the NAACP hopes that Parks' presence in Wayne County will help spark renewed interest in the local work of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The 76-year-old woman acclaimed as the mother of the civil rights movement will be the featured speaker at the NAACP's annual Freedom Fund dinner, scheduled for Oct. 28 at Wayne College in Orrville. Freedom Fund dinner chairman Lydia Thompson said that Parks has already accepted the Wooster branch's invitation to be the keynote speaker for its Saturday evening event. She said that plans also are being made for a reception honoring Parks on Friday evening and a press conference prior to the dinner. Individual tickets for the event will be $25 each, Thompson said, and letters will be sent to area businesses and industries asking them to support the NAACP's local efforts by purchasing dinner tickets for distribution to area students. She said that between 800 and 1,000 dinner guests are expected from as far away as Cleveland and Columbus. Final plans will be announced as soon as the details are worked out, Thompson aid. Rosa Parks became famous virtually overnight See Pg. A2 - PARKS ROSA PARKS [*Wooster Daily Record 5/11/89*] PARKS (Continued From Page A1) after refusing to surrender her bus seat on Dec. 1, 1955. That simple act triggered a wave of protest that swept across the United States four days later. Her husband, the late Raymond Parks, was an early activist in the effort to free the Scottsboro Boys in the 1930s. Husband and wife worked together in their local NAACP branch's program and Rosa Parks was preparing for a major youth conference at the time of her arrest in 1955. After her arrest, black people of Montgomery and sympathizers of other races organized and promoted a boycott of the city bus line that lasted more than a year. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was appointed spokesman for the boycott and his teachings of non-violence led eventually to his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She retired last year after 23 years in the employ of U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. In February 1987 she founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development, to motivate and direct "average" youth not targeted by other programs to reach their highest potential. Parks has been awarded the Spingarn Medal, the NAACP's highest award, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Non-Violent Peace Prize. She has received 10 honorary doctorates and hundreds of other plaques, certificates, citations and awards. THE WOOSTER/Orrville Branch of the N.A.A.C.P. invites you to a public reception for Rosa Parks, Fri., Oct. 27th, Wooster Community Center, 241 S. Bever St., 7:30 p.m. Tickets On Sale For Rosa Parks Speech Tickets for the 1989 Freedom Fund dinner featuring Rosa Parks, "the mother of the modern-day civil rights movement," now are on sale. The annual dinner, a fund-raiser for the Wooster branch of NAACP, will be held Saturday, Oct. 28, at 6:30 p.m. at Wayne College north at Orrville. Tickets for the dinner are $25 per person and are on sale in Wooster at Crum Drugs on West Liberty Street or Maurer's Pharmacy on Cleveland Road. Tickets also may be purchased from Lydia Thompson (262-6436), Ron Hill and Dee Hill (264-6679), Albert and Inell Keller (345-5136), Thomas and Doris Cantey (345-8087), or Virginia Blackwell (345-5634). The local branch of the NAACP will hold its next regular meeting Monday, June 12, at the Ohio Power Building on North Market Street, Wooster, at 7 p.m. The board of directors will meet at 6:30 p.m. Steve Stokes photo PLANNING ROSA PARKS APPEARANCE - Members of the Wooster branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (from left) President Ron Hill, dinner chairperson Lydia Thompson, youth adviser Sue Blackwell Cross and membership chairman Thomas Cantey review plans for the chapter's 1989 Freedom Fund banquet. Keynote speaker for the 6:30 p.m. dinner on Saturday, Oct. 28 at Wayne College, near Orrville will be Rosa Parks, acclaimed as "the mother of the modern civil rights movement ." In addition to her dinner appearance, Parks will be honored on Friday, Oct. 27, during a reception at the Wayne Center for the Arts, 237 S. Walnut St., Wooster, after giving a press conference at the Wooster Community Center. Dinner tickets are $25 each and may be purchased at Crum Drugs and Maurer Pharmacy in Wooster and at Banner Chevrolet, Reynolds Drugs and Seifried Drugs in Orrville. Tickets also may be ordered from any local NAACP member. The Wooster Branch N.A.A.C.P. Invites you to meet Rosa Parks "Mother of the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement" At the Annual Freedom Fund Dinner Saturday Oct. 28th, 1989 6:30 pm at Wayne General and Technical College Smucker Rd. Orrville, Ohio R.S.V.P. by Sept. 16th, 1989 216-262-6436 Lydia Thompson - Chairperson $25.00 per person Patron List $100.00 & 2 tickets Will be in Souvenir Book The KILLBUCK ELEMENTARY News Notes NEWSLETTER February, 1989 HONOR ROLL AND MERIT ROLL STUDENTS HONOR ROLL (ALL A'S) Grade 4: Molly Baker, Jessica Felton, Hutch Wagers, Shannon Walter, Cody Wengerd, Brian Wilson and Eric Zaugg Grade 5: Jeanne Collins, Rader Eastep, Jr., Karl Mireiter, Kristi Parks, Steven Saurer, Andrea Troyer and Lacey Wagers Grade 6: Jennifer Fox and Woodrow Wilson MERIT ROLL (ALL A'S & B'S) Grade 4: Jason Arnold, Brandie Baker, Jolene Eicher, Benjamin Giauque, Chad McBane, Jonathan McFarland, Mendy Smucker, Michel Stallman, Sherry Stiffler, Keith Whitman and Bonnie Woodring Grade 5: June Bailey, James Blake, Robert Burkey, Melissa David, Gerald Eicher, Michael Kanuckel, Danielle Lee, James Miller, Kari Powell, Jonathan Reynolds, Gary Scott, Brock Shepler, Jennifer Spurgeon, Heath Wolfe and Marla Wright Grade 6: Brian Bailey, Misty Buren, Janie Criddle, Karen Criddle, Darvis Donley, Donavin Donley, Amanda Edwards, Sara Heinrichs, Clayton Holderbaum, Brett Holt, David Masters, Mary Beth Mathie, Jason Plant, Andrea Paulson, Zachary Sorensen, Carrie Stitzlein, Darbie Taylor, Tennille Turner, Joshua Wengerd, Beth Westfall, Risa Wilson and Jennifer Zurakowski SPELLING BEE WINNERS The winner of the fifth and sixth grade Spelling Bee was Lacey Wagers, Mrs. Remington's class. Second place winner was Jeanna Collins, Mr. Coldwell's class. Third place winner was Karen Criddle, Mr. Frank's class; fourth place winner was Brett Brown, Mrs. Gorrell's class. Other participants included fifth graders, Bobby Burkey, Rader Eastep, Jr., Nathan Herrington, Michael Kanuckel, Danielle Lee, Kristi Parks, Kari Powell and Brock Shepler; sixth graders were Jennifer Fox, Jeremy Harman, Sara Heinrichs, Clayton Holderbaum, David Masters, Jason Plant, Darbie Taylor and Beth Westfall. Karen Criddle will represent Killbuck Elementary in the Holmes County Spelling Bee at 7:30 p.m. -- Millersburg Elementary. Brett Brown will be the alternate representative. VALENTINES ACADEMIC CHALLENGE Fifth grade teachers, Mrs. Carol Remington, Mr. Larry Coldwell and Killbuck Elementary hosted the Academic Challenge teams from Clark, Lakeville and Millersburg Elementaries on February 2. Four team members and one alternate from each school participate in each meet. Killbuck school's fifth grade participants are Rader Eastep, Jr., Jonathan Reynolds, Steven Saurer, Lacey Wagers and alternate, Kristi Parks. The Final Challenge will be held April 6 at West Holmes High School. This will be the championship meet and will be open to the public. PLEASE CALL 276-2891 For the protection of the children and in compliance with missing children's laws, we are obligated to contact parents when a child is not in attendance at school. When parents do not call the school regarding the absence, the school secretary is required to attempt to make contact with the parents to assure their knowledge and approval of the absence. Parental assistance in calling in regarding absences will be greatly appreciated. It will save the secretary valuable time. When parents have not called the school and when the secretary is unable to contact the parents regarding an absence, a postcard is sent to the home to inform parents of the absence. This procedure complies with the applicable law. Thank you for helping us help you protect your child. Wayne County Peace Coalition Guests at the meeting of the Wayne County Peace Coalition on Saturday included Joseph Kufchak and Allison Schmidt. Kufchak talked on behalf of Action for Peace in Central American and The College of Wooster Students for Peace With Action. He announced a special showing of the video "El Salvador in Crisis" which will be shown tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Lean Lecture Room on the college campus. Kufchak also circulated a letter to The Daily Record urging further negotiations to end the bloodshed in El Salvador. Schmidt, member of the education department at the college, made a presentation in support of the 6.8 mill tax levy, Issue 20 on the November ballot. The levy will go toward improving instruction in the elementary schools of Wooster. The coalition voted a contribution for the Wooster-Orrville NAACP in support of the visit to the area by Rosa Parks, who began the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s when she refused to take a seat in the back of a bus. Her visit will include a reception, dinner and lecture during the weekend of Oct. 27-28. Helen Osgood reported on a recent visit to Washington, D.C. to attend festivities in celebration of the final year of construction of the Washington Cathedral. Osgood read from a brochure about the cathedral which pointed out that "no federal, state, municipal or church funds have gone into its construction or operation." The cathedral has "been built and supported entirely by gifts" from people throughout the world "who have shared the vision of a national cathedral serving the members of all faith traditions." An invitation from SANE-FREEZE Education Foundation to attend a two-day media workshop at Case Western Reserve University on Oct. 28 and 29 was discussed. The workshop was initiated by Cuyahoga County Concerned Citizens. [*Daily Record Oct. 7, 1989*] [*Daily Record Sept. 9, 1989*] Wayne County Peace Coalition Wayne County Peace Coalition welcomed Ron Hill, president of the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, to its regular meetings n Saturday. Hill announced that a "Silent March" sponsored by the national organization of the NAACP will take place in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, Aug. 26. The purpose of the march is to call attention to the recent Supreme Court rulings against the gains in civil rights which were achieved in the U.S. during the 1950's and '60's. Mr. Hill also described plans for a "Black Dollar Days" which will be held in Wooster between Sept. 1-4. This event will call attention to the economic significance of blacks in this community. According to the 1980 census, 591 blacks were living in Wooster. The new census will show an increase in the local black population. Of particular interest to those attending the coalition meeting was Mr. Hill's announcement of the coming visit of the "Mother of the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement," Mrs. Rosa Louise Parks. She will be speaking in the John Boyer Gymnasium at Wayne General Technical College on Oct. 28. Members of the coalition who participated in the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration on the Public Square in Wooster during the regular noon vigil on Friday, Aug. 4, reported on the character and response to the vigil. There was also discussion of plans to participate in the United Way Parade. Next meeting will be Aug. 26 at the Wayne County Public Library. [*Daily Record Oct. 9., 1989*] WOOSTER/ORRVILLE Branch of the NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner, Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m. at Wayne General & Technical College. Rosa Parks keynote speaker. Tickets $25 per person. Crum Drug Store, Maurer Drug Store, College of Wooster Black Student Affairs Office, Black Tie Affair, Reynold Drug Store (Orrville), Banner Chevrolet, Wayne General & Technical College Bookstore. Due to limited seating please purchase your tickets by Oct. 21. WOOSTER COMMUNITY CENTER 241 S. Bever St. Wooster (216) 263-5207 [*Wooster Daily Record Oct. 23, 1989*] LAST CHANCE TO PURCHASE TICKETS FOR ROSA PARKS, Keynote Speaker For Wooster/Orrville NAACP ANNUAL FREEDOM FUND DINNER 6:30 P.M. SAT., OCT. 28 IN JOHN BOYER GYMNASIUM WAYNE COLLEGE, ORRVILLE TICKET DEADLINE: 5:00 P.M. TUESDAY, OCT. 24 PHONE 345-8333 To Reserve $25 Ticket Wooster/Orrville NAACP The Wooster/Orrville Branch NAACP met Monday evening to complete plans for the annual Freedom Fund Dinner. The event will be Saturday, Oct. 28, at 6:30 p.m. at Wayne General and Technical College of the University of Akron. Tickets are $25 each. Lydia Thompson, chairman, reported that Black Tie Catering will provide food. Keynote speaker will be Rosa Parks, known as the "Mother of the Modern-Day Civil Rights Movement." Tickets are on sale at Crum Drug, Maurer Pharmacy and The College of Wooster Black Student Affairs Office in Wooster; Reynolds Drug and Banner Chevrolet in Orrville; and at Wayne College. Deadline for purchasing tickets is Oct. 21. Thompson also announced that service clubs wishing to purchase tickets for students and senior citizens may contact her at 262-6436. A public reception for Mrs. Parks will be held Friday, Oct. 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the Wooster Community Center, 241 S. Bever Street. [*Wooster Daily Record Oct. 2, 1989*] [*The Bargain Hunter*] Prominent Civil Rights Figure To Visit Wayne County Area by Paul Weaver More than 30 years ago, Rosa Parks took a bus ride that was to have a dramatic effect on the nation's civil rights movement. Later this month, she will be in Wayne County to speak in person to those attending the Annual Freedom Fund Dinner, sponsored by the Wooster/Orrville Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Rosa Parks The freedom fund dinner will be held on Saturday, Oct. 28, at 6:30 p.m. at Wayne General & Technical College, in the John E. Boyer Gymnasium, 10470 Smucker Rd., Orrville. Parks is well remembered for her refusal to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus to a white male passenger, and her subsequent arrest. She has since then been dubbed as the "Mother of the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement" in the United States. Over the years, Parks has done much work with the NAACP, focusing much of her attention on the needs of young people. In 1987, she established the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development. She has spoken nationally at schools, colleges and organizations. Parks has been the recipient of 10 honorary doctorate degrees, as well as numerous certificates, plaques and awards. The local NAACP branch, of which Ronald Hill is president, has been holding an annual dinner since the 1960s. Chairing this year's event is Lydia Thompson, publicity director of the branch and a member of the Wooster City School Board. The theme for the dinner, notes Thompson, will be Remembering the Past and Reaching for the Future. "The freedom fund dinner is for everyone," she stresses. In the past, a wide assortment of people have attended the dinners, with an average attendance of about 200. This year, with the prominence of Parks as the keynote speaker, she hopes to have 1,000 individuals present. "She is nationally known, and is known as the mother of the modern day civil rights movement," says Thompson. "She did not give up her seat on the bus so that we could all stand up for freedom and opportunities for all." Parks will arrive on Friday, Oct. 27, in time for a 4 p.m. press conference at the Wayne Center for the Arts, located on Walnut Street in Wooster. At 7:30 p.m., a reception will be held at the Wooster Community Center on Bever Street. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased through Oct. 21 at $25 per person. For more information, call Hill at 264-6679, Thompson at 262-6436 after 4:30 p.m., or the Wayne General & Technical College bookstore at 683-2010. SENATOR JACKIE VAUGHN III ASSOCIATE PRESIDENT PRO TEM OF THE SENATE STATE CAPITOL LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913 DETROIT AREA (313) 861-7794 LANSING OFFICE (517) 373-7918 LANSING RESIDENCE (517) 487-5538 MEMBER, APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBER, APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION MEMBER, APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY COLLEGES MEMBER, APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON CORRECTIONS THE SENATE MICHIGAN MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. HOLIDAY COMMISSION October 11, 1989 AGENDA Opening Senator Jackie Vaughn III, Chairperson Michigan Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission Invocation Bishop H. Irving Mayson Episcopal Diocese of Michigan Oath of Office The Honorable Michael F. Cavanagh Michigan Supreme Court Justice 1989 Commission Review Treasurer's Report Remarks Mrs. Rosa L. Parks Federal Commission Update 1990 Commission Report Remarks The Honorable James J. Blanchard Governor of Michigan Comments and Closing Benediction Rabbi Morton Hoffman [*absent*] Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Lansing HELLO my name is Rosa L. Parks Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at