Rosa Parks Events Featuring or honoring Parks 1996-1997 Box 20 Folder 6 ROSA PARKS TEXAS PANHANDLE TRIBUTE February 27, 1996 CASH DEPOSITS: Estelle Marsh $ 2,000.00 Stanley Marsh 500.00 David Weir 50.00 TOTAL 2/5/96 $ 2,550.00 Susan Cohen-Booklet 500.00 Ticket-sponsorships 458.00 TOTAL 2/8/96 958.00 Airline Donations 825.00 TOTAL 2/13/96 825.00 Keith-Various 300.00 Keith-Various 255.0 TOTAL 2/14/96 555.00 Keith-(Includes his 50 tickets underwritten) 1,608.50 TOTAL 2/20/96 1,608.50 Sponsorship-Various 1,200.00 Ticket Sales 2,215.25 TOTAL 2/21/96 3, 415.25 Claudia deposit 995.00 Toni/ Patti 1,100.50 TOTAL 2/22/96 2,096.00 Tickets-Various 139.00 Sponsorship-Mesa 250.00 TOTAL 2/26/96 389.00 Booklet Sales 920.00 Ticket Sales 139.50 Deposit Seed money—Booklet 200.00 TOTAL 2/27/96 1,259.50 TOTAL CASH DEPOSITS $13,656.25 CHECK FROM CIVIC CENTER 4,497.25 1 DISBURSEMENT-ACTUAL: City--Civic Center Rent $ 480.00 Upshaw Insurance 250.00 The Travel Store 1,000.00 The Travel Store 365.00 Keith--(Airline Sec. & Postage) 333.00 Kinko--(Claudia) 32.48 Seed money 200.00 Custom Printing Co.--Booklet 1,662.15 Petty Cash 200.00 Ford Limousine Service 200.00 Jerry Wardlow-Technician ( Randy's) 150.00 Shoney's 70.00 Change in Airline Ticket 50.00 TOTAL ACTUAL EXPENSES $4,992.63 INCOME STATEMENT (Unaudited) TOTAL RECEIPTS: Cash deposit.................................................................................... $ 13,656.25 Check from Civic Center (Ticket Sales).................................. 4,497.25 W.T. Foundation............................................................................ 1,000.00 Total Receipts................................................................. $ 19,153.50 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (See Attached)................................... 4,992.63 NET........................................................................................................ $ 14,160.87 EXPENSES--INKIND( Includes Projection and Fair Mkt Estimates: Estelle March-VIP luncheon Including Invitations $2,300.00 Room YMCA 100.00 Hotel 1,500.00 Limo--Warford 400.00 Limo--Ford Limo 220.00 Flowers 530.00 Two vehicles 800.00 Lunch--Marty's 130.00 Lunch--Bless your heart 25.00 Lunch--Citizen Forum 500.00 Lunch--Palo Duro 150.00 Lunch--West Texas 250.00 Gas Two vehicles 80.00 Video Supplies 150.00 Randy's Music 500.00 Programs( Red) 78.50 Fax & Telephones( 5 cell phones for 3 days) 420.00 Total In-kind Donations $8,133.50 ***NOTE*** Total volunteers ... 19; Total speakers ... 8; 3 ROSA PARKS TEXAS PANHANDLE TRIBUTE February 28, 1996 Net (See Attached) ... $14,160.87 Less: Disbursements to Parks Institute: Al C. Eaton ... $1,800.00 Elaine Steele ... 5360.87 Ck from WT A&M ... 1,000 Total ... 8,160.87 Net ... $6,000.00 NationsBank of Texas, N.A. WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Wichita Falls, Tx 76301 CANYON, TEXAS 88-130/1119 No. 056452 02/26/96 0056452 PAY: ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS AMOUNT ******$1,000.00 Rosa Parks-Amarillo Steering Committee WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY C/O Claudia Stuart 7816 Canode Amarillo, TX 79121 Gary Barnes V.P. FOR BUSINESS/FINANCE VOID AFTER 180 DAYS TWO SIGNATURES REQUIRED IF OVER $10,000 "056452" |:111901302|: "2330001917" CASHIER'S CHECK 88-94/1113 171942 REMITTER BILLY E. CANNON FEB. 28 96 FOR BOATMEN'S DATE PAY PAY EXACTLY 5,36087CTS $**5,360.87** PAY TO THE BOATMEN'S FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF AMARILLO ORDER OF ELAINE STEELE 8TH & TAYLOR * AMARILLO, TEXAS 79180 Guy Honlette VICE-PRES.- CASHIER MP AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE "171942" |:111300945|: 910414" In Loving Memory of Miss Lottie M. Williams SERVICES Tuesday, January 30, 1996 11:00 A.M. Sweet Fellowship C.O.G.D.C 2016 Shell Horse Drive Dallas, Texas Roberta Brackens - Pastor Memorial Services Mount Olive Baptist Church 1015 N. Monroe Amarillo, Texas Thursday, February 1, 1996 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon Obituary Mrs. Lottie Marie Williams was born to Tommie Williams and Katherine Williams Jones, on November 25, 1949 in Lamesa, Texas. Shortly thereafter the family moved to Amarillo, Texas. She began her education at St. Martins Catholic School and graduated from St. Mary's Academy in Amarillo, Texas. She attended West TexasState University in Canyon, Texas. Early in her life she united with Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas, under the pastorate of Rev. Vernon Spencer. After establishing residence in Dallas, she united with Greater Harvest Church of God In Christ. She was an active member with the church until her illness handicapped her from attending. She was also associated with the Son-Shine Ministries which she continued to work with and support until her departure. She was a dedicated employee of Parkland Memorial Hospital where she served as a Personnel Benefits Supervisor for 15 years. Survivors include: her mother, Katherine Williams Jones of Amarillo, Tx; one aunt, Geraldine Marshall of Lamesa, Tx; seven sisters, Sharon F. Coleman of Dallas, Tx, Maggie Marshall of Lubbock, Tx, Gayle Soders, Kathy Parker, Thelma Lynn Scott, of Houston, Tx, Lisa Phillips and Vera Graves of Amarillo, Tx; three brothers, Albert Neal Williams of Amarillo, Tx, Tommie Williams, Jr. and Eugene Williams of Lamesa, Tx; stepbrothers, Ray Jones and Rickie Jones of Amarillo, Tx, Odell Jones, Jr. of Oklahoma City, Okla and Glenn Jones of California and a host of nieces, nephews, one great-niece, other relatives and friends. SUNRISE SUNSET The Traveler "I was but a traveler here on earth I was not here to stay, I was traveling to a land where God shall wipe all tears away. I have reached up and grasped His hand He is the Truth, the Way And He has led my faltering steps To life's Eternal day. Then as I enter Heaven's door, All cares and burdens past, I shall be a traveler here no more. I shall be home at last" Love, Lottie (Papouse) Order Of Services Processional ... Soft Music Melody of Praises ... Congregation Scriptures: Old Testament ... Sis. L. Brackens New Testament ... Rev. D. Floyd Invocation ... Song ... Sweet Fellowship Choir Resolutions ... Greater Harvest Son-Shine Others, Ministers and Churches Solo ... Sis. Sharon Jackson Remarks ... Please limit 2 minutes Obituary ... (Read Silently) ... Soft Music Solo ... Sis. Elnora Franklin Eulogy ... Elder J. Harper Parting View ... Golden Gate Directors Recessional ... Soft Music Obituary Mrs. Lottie Marie Williams was born to Tommie Williams and Katherine Williams Jones on November 25, 1949 in Lamesa Texas. Shortly thereafter the family moved to Amarillo, Texas. She began her education at St. Martins Catholic School and graduated from St. Mary's Academy in Amarillo, Texas. She attended West TexasState University in Canyon, Texas Early in her life she united with Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas, under the pastorate of Rev. Vernon Spencer. After establishing residence in Dallas, she united with Greater Harvest Church of God In Christ. She was an active member of the church until her illness handicapped her from attending. She was also associated with the Son-Shine Ministries which she continued to work with and support until her departure. She was a dedicated employee of Parkland Memorial Hospital where she served as a Personnel Benefits Supervisor for 15 years. Survivors include: her mother, Katherine Williams Jones of Amarillo, Tx; one aunt, Geraldine Marshall of Lamesa, Tx; seven sisters, Sharon F. Coleman of Dallas, Tx, Maggie Marshall of Lubbock, Tx, Gayle Soders, Kathy Parker, Thelma Lynn Scott, of Houston Tx, Lisa Phillips and Vera Graves of Amarillo, Tx; three brothers, Albert Neal Williams of Amarillo, Tx, Tommie Williams, Jr. and Eugene Williams of Lamesa,Tx; stepbrothers, Ray Jones and Rickie Jones of Amarillo, Tx, Odell Jones, Jr. of Oklahoma City, Okla and Glenn Jones of California and a host of nieces, nephews, one great-niece, other relatives and friends. You Are Our Hero! It might have appeared to go unnoticed. But we got it all here in our hearts. We want you to know we would have been nothing without you. We want you to know you were our Hero You were content to let us shine That Was Your Way! You always walked a step behind so we were the one with all the glory. While you were the one with all the strength. Fly, Fly, Fly Away, you taught us to fly. Thank God, Thank God for you. You were the wind beneath our wings. Love Always, Your Family WE THANK YOU We'd like to give thanks from the bottom of our hearts For everything you've done, right from the start. Maybe you weren't able to send flowers or cards But the handshakes and hugs meant just as MUCH to us all May God bless you all in a special way For sharing your love with us today. HONORARY PALLBEARERS Antoine Coleman Lance Soders Kenyada Parker Arien Williams Kwame Parker Andre Phillips Hiawatha Scott, III ACTIVE PALLBEARERS Friends of The Family INTERMENT LLANO CEMETERY Amarillo, Texas -Arrangements by- John Beckwith - President Golden Gate Funeral Homes Where Service Begins and Never Ends St. Mary's Chapel - 2349 Cedar Crest Blvd Elaine Steele THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF AMARILLO P.O. Box 1331 Amarillo, TX 79180-0001 Elaine Steele THE AREA'S LEADING BANK Downtown: 8th & Taylor 378-1400 * Puckett: 34th & Bell 359-3131 Grand: I-40 & Grand 378-6680 * Canyon: 1700 Fourth Ave. 655-2176 * Dumas: 5th & Bliss 935-7121 First Amarillo Mortgage Co: 34th & Bell 358-8173 Bob the Bankwagon: Somewhere in Amarillo or Canyon Member FDIC CHAPEL ONE ELMENDORF AFB CHAPEL ONE ELMENDORF AFB, ALASKA 23 June 1996 6:00 p.m. Master of Ceremony Chaplain W. L. Mickens, Jr. Opening Song Congregation Invocation Chaplain Mickens Welcome Chaplain Loren Swanson Response Ms. Addie Richburg Solo Nancy Smith Introduction of Rosa L. Parks Ms. Elaine Eason-Steele Words of Encouragement Mrs. Rosa L. Parks Song Collection of Offering Ushers Introduction of Speaker Chaplain Mickens Solo Nancy Smith THE MESSAGE Pastor Tino L. Bell Invitation to Discipleship Pastor Bell Closing Song Congregation Benediction Chaplain Kent O. Johnson Salute To A Living Legend Rosa Parks One o'clock in the afternoon Saturday, July 20, 1996 Greenwood Cultural Center 322 North Greenwood Tulsa, Oklahoma Rosa Parks Honored In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her right to sit down on a public bus seat. Her action led to a bus boycott and sparked an entire movement. Parks is called the mother of the civil rights movement. Since then she has become a symbol for overcoming oppression prejudice and injustice. Rosa Parks showed how one individual can resist an unfair law and change the face of a nation. Music ... Sonny Gray Oklahoma Jazz Hall Of Fame Welcome ... L.A. Reed President & Managing Director Greenwood Cultural Center Greetings ... Mayor Savage ... Representative Don Ross ... Senator Maxine Horner Solo ... Michelle Brown Dance ... Borah Team Flynke - Summer Arts Program "A Salute to Rosa Parks" ... Erica Williams Heritage Foundation Leadership Program Selection ... N.T.H.F. Singers Presentation ... Remarks ... Rosa Parks ... Cassandra Gaines ... Jim Boren - Democratic Senate Nominee Sponsored by Greenwood Cultural Center Oklahoma Jazz Hall Of Fame North Tulsa Heritage Foundation PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM '96 Celebrating The Fortieth Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus boycott Theme: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? August 1, 1996 7:00 P.M. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary 616 N. Highland Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM PITTSBURGH CHAPTER PROGRAMME Ms Esther Bush, Mistress of Ceremonies Director, Pittsburgh Urban League "Where Have We Been?" - OPENING "Lift Every Voice and Sing - James Weldon Johnson Nancy Hasty Oden, Pianist INVOCATION Dr. Ronald Edward Peters Director, Metro-Urban Institute of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary WELCOME Dr. C. Samuel Calian President, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary TRIBUTES Freedom Riders and Civil Rights Leaders of the '60s County Commissioner's Office - Mr. Elmer McClung Proclamation The Honorable Valerie McDonald - Proclamation Director, MUI, Dr. Ronald Edward Peters - Tribute to Todays State Representative Mr. Bill Robinson - State Proclamation The Honorable Sala Udin - Proclamation MUSIC SELECTION Project Change POETIC READING "Be-Tree" INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER Dr. Yevetter Richards SPEAKER Mrs. Maida Springer Kemp "The Early Period in Pittsburgh Civil Rights" DANCE SOLO Ms. Norma Jean Bates I*N*T*ER*M*I*S*S*I*O*N* PROGRAMME - Continued "Where Are We Going?" MUSIC SELECTION Project Change ESSAY WINNER Ms. Caryn Burtt, Chartiers Valley School District DANCE SELECTION Cyndy Lee, Manchester Dance Academy THANKS/RECOGNITION Me. LaKeisha Forman, Pittsburgh Student on National Tour Ms. Lynne Swan-Sheppard, Rosa Parks Legacy Team and Pittsburgh Coordinator POETIC READING "Be-Tree" CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Ronald Edward Peters "LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING!" Lift every voice and sing 'till earth and heaven ring Ring with the harmony of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise high as the listening skies Let it resound high as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us... Facing the rising sun of a new day begun Let us march on 'till victory is won! Stony the road we trod, better the chastening rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, have notour weary feet Come to the place for which our fathers sighed We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. God of our weary years, God of our silent tears Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way Thou who hast by thy might - let us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee, Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee... Shadowed beneath thy hand, may we forever stand True to our God, true to our native land. THE GUIDING LIGHT OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD* Sojourner Truth: The Spirit calls me I must go. Harriet Tubman: There was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one I would have the other; for no man should take me alive; I should fight for my liberty as long as my strength lasted, and when the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me. Frederick Douglass: I didn't know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted. Gabriel Prosser: While this class of people exists among us we can never count with certainty on its tranquil submission. Sojourner Truth: I think of the Great things of God not the little things. Denmark Vesey: We are determined to shake off our bondage, and for this purpose we stand on a good foundation. Frederick Douglass: You will see how a man was made a slave and how a slave was made a man. *From "American Visions" (1995 special Edition) Washington D.C.: African American Museums Associations Special Thanks to the Following Corporations, Organizations and Individuals for Underwriting and Assistance in the Pathways to Freedom Project Individuals Mr. Victor Chaneyfield Ms. Alice Conyers Ms. June Dowdy Dr. Leon Haley Ms. Cheryl Hall Mr. James Hawkins Mr. Larry Huff Mr. William Jefferson Mr. Bernard Jones Mr. Andrew Pucciarelli Ms. Katrina Strickland Mr. William Strickland Jr. Mr. Blyden O. Terry Mr. William Thompkins Corporate Sponsors AT&T Bayer Corporation Bidwell Presbyterian Church Blue Cross of Western Penna. Duquesne Light Carnegie Library of Homewood Brushton Heinz Family Foundation Hilton Hotel Noir Lifestyles PACE (Program to Aid Citizen Enterprise) Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Poise Foundation Rosenbluth International Southern Platter The Hill House Association TKT Industries, Inc. Touch of Elegance University of Pittsburgh Urban League of Pittsburgh US Air Wendys Wood Street Emporium Yacova Restaurant YMCA of Pittsburgh Program Participants Be-Tree (Mr. Brian Turner) Ms. Norma Jean Barnes Ms. Martel Brown Ms. Caryn Burtt Ms. Esther Bush Ms. LaKeisha Forman Mrs. Maida Springer Kemp Ms. Cyndy Lee Mr. Elmer McClung The Hon. Valerie McDonald Dr. Ronald Edward Peters Project Change Ms. Janay Queen Dr. Yevette Richards State Rep. William Robinson The Hon. Sala Udin Mr. Nate Yarborough Ushers: Ms. Paulette Germany, Organizer Workshop Facilitators: Mr. Sage Berlin Rev. Samuel Ware Photographer: Mr. Melvin Coles 1996 Program Coordinator: Ms. Armetta Swan 1997 Program Coordinator: Ms. Lynne Swan-Sheppard About "Pathways to Freedom"...... The "Pathways to Freedom" Foundation is a national group that works with youth to promote and preserve the ideals of freedom and positive social change that gave rise to the Civil rights Movement in the 1950's and 1960's. The local Pittsburgh Chapter is a non-profit organization supported entirely by gifts and donations. PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM DONATION/PLEDGE yes, I want to contribute I include my check payable to: PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM for $ (Mr., Mrs., Ms. Dr. Rev.) Address City State Zip Phone (Home) Phone (Business) PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM THANKS YOU FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE AND SUPPORT OF THIS PROGRAM Rosa Parks PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM '96 Where Have You Been? Where Are You Going? PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM RECEPTION AUGUST 9, 1996 OPENING REMARKS BEVERLY LLOYD AFROCENTRIC RESOURCE TEACHER CLEVELAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS GREETINGS TO ROSA PARKS AND THE PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM RIDERS: DR. HANIF WAHAB CURATOR KARAMU HOUSE REVEREND TOBY GILLESPIE-MOBLEY CO-PASTOR GLENVILLE NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH DR. DARYL TUKUFU THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND PRESIDENT OF THE GREATER ROUND TABLE RON OLEKSIAK DIRECTOR, MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS OFFICE JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY DR> BENJAMIN TURNER ASST. SUPERINTENDENT CLEVELAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS PRESENTATION FROM THE OFFICE OF MAYOR MICHAEL WHITE PRESENTATION FROM CONGRESSMAN LOUIS STOKES SOLO: RENEE ORR, KARAMU HOUSE "SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE A MOTHERLESS CHILD" INTRODUCTION OF ELAINE STEELE C.R. BARNER STATE OF OHIO COORDINATOR INTRODUCTION OF ROSA PARKS ELAINE STEELE NATIONAL COORDINATOR OF PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM RESPONSE: Mrs. ROSA PARKS FOUNDER OF PATHWAYS TO FREEDOM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: SHARON LEAK EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CAO. CLEVELAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSING REMARKS: BEVERLY LLOYD Rosa You took a stand, for you knew what was right Not recognizing you changed our lives You stood real tall, in that you believed You changed the course of our nation's history Rosa we love you with all of our hearts Our respect for you reflects who you are A woman of valor we really love you Thank you for what you've done You took a stand, not for fortune or fame Not that the nations would know your name Now we stand proud of your struggle and your fight You're more than just a hero, You're a part of our lives Your quiet strength empowers within It lets us know our lives are worth living You give us hope in this race we must run Thank you for what you've done -John P. Kee NATIONAL FREEDOM TOUR JULY 9 - AUGUST 13, 1996 The National Civil Rights Tour Alabama Arizona District of Columbia Georgia Louisiana Maryland Michigan Ohio Mississippi Oklahoma Ontario, Canada Pennsylvania South Carolina We Bring Messages Of Praise. We Honor And Salute The Mother Of The Civil Rights Movement From Parents And Students Of Giddings Elementary School INVOICE #: 21103 DELIVER : FRIDAY 08/09/96 AT/AFTER : AT BEFORE: 4:30 ITEM : ROSES 48 HOUR GUARANTEE If you are not completely Satisfied, phone us at once. Orbanis Gift-O-Fruit & Flowers 721-1500 To Mrs. Rosa Parks 00000 Proclamation City of Cleveland MICHAEL R. WHITE, MAYOR Welcome to MRS. ROSA L. PARKS I am deeply honored to extend this personal and official greeting and cordial wishes to Mrs. Rosa L. Parks. Mrs. Parks is referred to as the spark for a volatile social restructuring just waiting to happen. Rooted in the African-American church, the civil rights movement was lead by church laity, such as Mrs. Parks, as well as the educated pastorate, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Reverend Ralph Abernathy. This welcome takes place at the Karamu House, home to Cleveland's African-American cultural life. In 1986, at age 75 and 10 years after her husband's death, Rosa Parks co-founded the Rosa and Raymond Park's Institute for Self-Development. The primary purpose of the Institute is to provide leadership, mentorship and services that assist youth in realizing their highest potential. Mrs. Parks is travelling with students on the Pathways to Freedom project which her organization developed and sponsors. As students travel the roads which runaway slaves took 150 years ago, they will begin to deepen their understanding of this portion of American history. Their experience began in Jackson, Mississippi, travelled the South and the West, and then up North to cities like Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Maryland; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Cleveland, Ohio; and Detroit, Michigan, where the program closes. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Michael R. White, the 54th Mayor of the City of Cleveland, do hereby issue this Proclamation of Welcome to Cleveland to this very special person, Mrs. Rosa L. Parks. As it is your first public appearance in our City, I want to wish you a pleasant stay with hope that you will return to our five-time, All-America City soon. God Bless You! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Corporate Seal of the City of Cleveland to be affixed on the 9 day of August 1996. Michael R. White MAYOR Montgomery Bus Boy[cott] 'This Could Turn Into Something Big' Du Sable High School Salutes Mrs. Rosa Parks Dyett Assembly Hall 10:00 AM September 30, 1996 Rosa P ROSA PARKS A R K S Legacy Team Rosa Parks The First Lady of the Civil Rights Movement Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in 1955. This sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-56, a collective response to decades of intimidation, harassment and discrimination of Alabama's African American population. September 30, 1996 has been proclaimed Rosa Parks Day in Illinois in honor of Mrs. Parks, a Presidential Media of Freedom winner. Mrs. Parks' visit to Chicago is part of a tour marking the 40th anniversary of her protest. Rosa Parks and the Parks Legacy Team actively promote volunteerism and citizenship towards positive change and are raising money for the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to arranging scholarships for youth. Program Posting of the Colors Star-Spangled Banner Lift Every Voice and Sing Welcome and introduction of Moderator Charles E. Mingo, Principal DuSable High School Musical Selection Concert Choir Rev. Nathan Schaffer, Director Doris Smith, Accompanist Parks Legacy Presentation Presentation of the Rosa Parks Video "Something Inside So Strong" Pathways to Freedom Presentation Introduction of Mrs. Rosa Parks "The Role and Value of Volunteerism and Active Citizenship towards positive change" Guest Speaker - Mrs. Rosa Parks Question and Answer Session for Students Final Remarks Closing [Left Column] Assembly Decorum - Be On Time - Be Respectful - Be Attentive History is being made [Right Column] National Anthem Oh say! Can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose bored stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts, we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night, that our flag was still there, Oh say, does that star-spangled Banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing Lift every voice and sing Till earth and heaven ring. Ring with the harmonies of Liberty: Let our rejoicing rise High as the listening skies, Let is resound loud as the rolling sea, Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us. Sing a song full of the hope that the present has taught us. Facing the rising sun of our new day begun. Let us march on till victory is won. [Citation] Graphic images were downloaded from the National Civil Rights Museum on the World Wide Web. Program design by the School of Journalism and Computer Imaging of Du Sable High School. SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO DR. BETTY SHABAZZ Monday, June 30, 1997 5:30 p.m. Hosted by: Museum of African American History 315 E. Warren at Brush Sponsored by: The Detroit Branch NAACP Rev. Wendell Anthony, President Detroit Branch NAACP Ms. Kimberly Camp, President Museum of African American History PROGRAM Processional .... Pyramid Performing Theater of Aisha Shule/DuBois Academy Moderator ... Reverend Wendell Anthony Pastor, Fellowship Chapel President, Detroit Branch NAACP Invocation ... Reverend Norman V. Osborne Pastor, Bethel A.M.E. Church Pouring of Libations ... Mayowa Reynolds Musical Selection .... Fellowship Chapel Young Adult Choir Welcome .... Ms. Kimberly Camp President, Museum of African American History Purpose .... Atty. John E. Johnson, Jr. Executive Director, Detroit Branch NAACP Unity Candle Ceremony Prayer ... Imam Haneef A. Rahman Muslim Center Special Remarks .... Ms. Rosa Parks Mother of the Civil Rights Movement Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick Congresswomen 15th District Ms. Akua Budu Watkins City of Detroit Musical Selection .... Evangelist Twinkie Clark-Terrell Special Remarks .... Kwaku Atara Malcolm X Academy Special Remarks ... .Mr. Tom Pope National Radio Talk Show Host Musical Selection ... Rev. Ortheia Barnes Special Love Offering ... Fellowship Chapel Young Adult Choir Special Remarks ... Rev. Robert Smith, Jr. Pastor, New Bethel Baptist Church Honorable Bernard Parker Wayne County Commissioner Founder, Operation Get Down Musical Selection ... Special Gift Special Remarks ... Rev. Milton R. Henry Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church Minister Dawud Muhammad Nation of Islam Musical Selection ... Ordinary Black Folk Response ... Ms. Ameenah Omar Sister-in-Law, Dr. Betty Shabazz Acknowledgements ... Ms. Stephanie Clark Director, Public Relations & Marketing Museum of African American History Benediction Adjournment With special thanks and a profound appreciation for Dr. Betty Shabazz We in the city of Detroit are pleased to have this daughter of the African diaspora to have cast her shadow of struggle, justice, and the quest for human dignity upon the people of the world. Detroit has a number of heroes and heroines. Their very lives have left us a great legacy to continue the movement toward freedom and justice in our time. We must continue in the words of Dr. John Henrik Clarke "To make our mark in history." Dr. Shabazz who married one of the world's foremost freedom fighters the Honorable El Hadj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) did what we all must do. We must keep the fire of freedom glowing and burning within the spirit of those who come after us. This woman of the Tuskeegee Institute, mother, grandmother, visionary and activist of historic note has filled an important vacuum in our lives. Even in the midst of her own struggle to maintain family and friends, she managed to receive her Ph.D., in Health Administration from the University of Massachusetts. She has certainly reached beyond her grasp and held on to that which many felt was beyond her level of endurance. Her struggle in life is reflected even deeper by her commitment to maintain her own life in what many would never have believed possible. We are glad that God blessed us with Dr. Betty Shabazz. Yet, even more important than our being thankful to God for his blessing to us, is that we as a community continue to be a blessing to each other! In the words of the old African proverb, "those whom we love die only in the physical sense. Their spirit continues to live on in the will and determination of those whom they leave behind." God's blessings upon Dr. Betty Shabazz and her family. Pamoja Tutashinda! (Together, we will win). Acknowledgements: Detroit Branch NAACP, Museum of African American History, Malcolm Academy, Detroit Cablevision, The Muslim Center, Aisha Shule Affirmative School, Pyramid Dance Theater, Ms. Angela B. Peterson, Music Minister, Fellowship Chapel; Ms. Annakiya A. Sauda, Administrative Assistant, Fellowship Chapel; Ms. Stephanie Clark, Ms. Toya Hankins; and friends, family, and all volunteers who made this tribute possible. Portraits of Outstanding Women of the A.M.E. Church You have been selected to be recognized as one of our outstanding trailblazers in the A.M.E. Church. Please honor us with your presence, as a young lady portrays your life highlights, Youth Night of the Michigan Annual Conference Bethel A.M.E. Church Friday, August 15, 1997 7:30 p.m. til 9:30 p.m. Please RSVP by August 10th Dr. Juanita Coffee (248) 354-2227 or Mrs. Nell Clark (313) 863-5964 Cocoa Buter Cream Panty hose Rolaids Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at