O'KEEFFE/STIEGLIZ LETTERS O'Keeffe, Georgia 1936, July-Nov July 1936 Yes even Stieglitz liked my big painting - Very few have seen it ~ It is put away till the fall but every one that saw it was surprised and liked it - I am so glad you are so up [?] ~I a bit bewildered this morning ~ drove in late last night from Rainbow Bridge and Monument Valley - Am feeling fine but must get quiet I wish you were here to talk this afternoon - When I go to Santa Fe will look for Otis and your manuscript if it doesn't come to me here - Fondly G. Summer 1936 The little white - velvety - many painted leaves came - so sweet - - The sort of a plant that does something - makes me conscious of all my skin as I look at it. I am painting an old horse's head that I picked out of some red earth - it is quite pink and all its soft delicate parts have been broken off - This old head with a turkey tail feather - so handsome - but why must I - am on my second one and must do it again at least once more - Thank you for the soft little painted impossible thing - I am sure they wonder what all this is about here - My love to you both - G. Aug 1936 [*Aug / 36*] I spent this Sunday morning reading your manuscript. I enjoyed it and could see it as I read. Is there any chance that you can do it? I will take it or send it by some one dependable tomorrow or the day after to speed as Raymond Otis writes me to. I really enjoyed it very much. Wish you were here to talk to - - I have a feeling that you know where I am - and most people even when they are right in front of me don't know where I am - Well maybe I don't know where they are either This isn't one of my writing nights I've thought of you often today - Saw Marie last week - looking very well - but I must say that outfit is like a chinese puzzle to me It makes the sky good to think about - G. Oct. 7, 1936 I am back in New York. Your letter came to me here - and as always it makes me feel the world is good - like a bird flying out over the river. It is not bad to come back to town so early because I like my hours and am so interested to help with the Marin show. Also from what Stieglitz and others wrote me I began to feel uneasy because it sounded as if He was not very well - so I am glad to be back - If one could really take a little care of him I think he would be alright but it is hard to do anything with him or for him and it seems all I can do is to feed him as best I can and let him spend him self as he will - I think he seems better than when I first came a week ago last Saturday - Any way - I am glad I'm here - I feel easier in my mind. I spent three nights at Maries after coming down from the Ghost Ranch. She left for Boston after my first night there. She seems well - and I must say I think her a great girl - It gives me great pleasure to see her and be with her About the rest of it I - well I just don't know - and it isn't anything i can know about so I try not to think about it Paul is as usual - a little lesss depressed than last year I think Hi s house feels so nice and friendly And always I think of you around here It all seems so far away from here and still so near that I sometimes wonder where I am. The summer at Lake George seems to have been pretty bad - and that makes New Mexico seem very near I am glad that you work at some thing that interests you The "Sky Line Drive" sounds like a lovely place for you and Peggie to be living And I love the thought of you together Fondly Georgia. Oct. 7 - - Oct. 1936 Dear Henwar: The moon is high out over the East River Bridge - So bright that I see it and all the little lights across the river as I sit here at the table in spite of the bright light of the lamp on my pape - It makes me think maybe I am foolish not to ride out over the world to all of you as Felix will so tomorrow night - but I'll not be going. I'll not be writing you reasons because my reasons and hunches put together make me feel that it isn't the thing for me to do - so - I will be here and you will all be there - and I hope you will ask me again some other time. I am feeling better - With Sun Shine Biscuits shining across the river at me in bright electric letters every night I ought to be very good. I hope to get out to New Mexico early this year and when I think of it always wonder if you will all be coming again to the Ranch No particular point in saying right now - but I'll be thinking about it - and wondering And seeing you all - somewhere I hope. My love to all your hands hold, fondly Georgia. Stieglitz has been very well this winter - He has a very funny foreword for the Marin Show that he brought home tonight - I'll send it to you as soon as it is printed Nov. 1936 GodHow it's Raining Henwar! And when it rains up here my roof becomes a large pool with little drops dropping all over it ~~ and the windows are big and they are all covered with drops and streaks of rain and it is too dark to paint ~~ The wetness outside ~~ the greyness in the sort of empty feeling room makes me want to shrink into some sort of a warm colored warm feeling place ~ maybe some where in myself ~~ and I wonder where that is ~~ I have a fireplace ~~ shall I light a fire to makes it look and feel warm ~~ No the room isn't cold except for the rain and greyness -- I'll write to Henwar -- I've thought [of?] you often ~~[ [Tell?] Peggie I went to a concert with her friend Dave last night ~~ and I think he thinks often and wonderingly of her ~~~ and of you too. I beg to tell him how I feel about you ~~ I had told him before I met Peggie ~~and still I think he wonders We have been seeing [Pierce?] quite often this fall ~~ He is so different from the people I ordinarily know that it always make me laugh but I like him. The Marin show was beautiful. I will send you a catalogue ~~ Have intended to all fall ~~ I hung it with the help of a young man that I very much enjoy working with ~~ Einstein ~~ a very distant relative of Alfreds who has attached himself to A. this past year ~~ He is the first person who has been around A. constantly and been able to keep his own mind and his own soul--or what you will--and use it ~~ so it is really a help ~~ The constant agreeing of most of them has always made me crazy ~~ or disagreeing as Paul has ~~ moving away and letting it twist him out of shape ~~ Working with the Marins is a new - different feeling sort of place and made me feel much more certainly that he is even more than I had thought before ~~The most important painter American has had ~~ and when the show was all hung I had a feeling of satisfaction about my part in putting it together that I [?] never have in quite the same way about any one of my own paintings. I was more satisfied with what I had done than I am with what I paint Maybe if I felt that way about my own painting once I might not paint any more. The reviews were good ~ very good ~ and the attendance was good ~ but nothing sensational in any way ~ Sales enough to make us all feel easy in our minds about Marin for the present - ~ and all to new people ~ ~ Marin is probably only for the few so I suppose it is fortunate that he has been supported as he has ~ but people argue about that too Any way the Marin show is over ~ at the time it was on the town was full of big French shows ~ two beautiful PIcasso shows ~ one retrospective and one of his later work ~ Marin is a part of the big out doors - The French men are all indoors ~. I wish you had seen it - Stieglitz's summer with his family had been very hard on him. He was a very battered little piece of a man when I came to town Now he seems and looks very well ~ I seem to have some peculiar function ~ I almost never go to the Place any more except to hang a show but my being about seems to quiet and steady him a bit ~ I have been working day times quite steadily ~ feeling very well ~ and clear in my mind ~ so that for myself I seem to be able to see - While the Marin show was at the Museum Stieglitz showed Ansel Adams photographs ~ You would have enjoyed that too He is from California ~ San Francisco ~ Look for him if it is ever convenient ~ he did the Taos photographs for the Mary Austin book ~ Those that S. showed were much better than those ~ He does commercial work too ~ Loves music ~ so very alive ~ Was here for two or three days - Now there is a mixed show in the big room ~ two things by each of us ~ and Beck is in the corner white room ~ It seems just a little - little voice some where from the far away distances -. I have a Door - entitled - Rain hanging beside my largest wet window - It amused me sitting here looking at it - staring as one does at space some times - I find myself thinking that it is more rain than the rain out side My love to you Henwar - and to your Peggie too - I am so glad she is with you G. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.