[*3629*] Dedicated to the Universal Suffrage and Equal Rights Association of Illinois. "Not she with traitorous lips the Saviour stung, Not she denied him with unholy tongue, She, while Apostles shrunk, could danger brave, Last at the Cross and earliest at the grave." Vote it right along! ("Yes, let her be as free as air, The realm of mind with man to share.") Song and Chorus WORDS & MUSIC Composed by JOHN W. HUTCHINSON. Author of "Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man." "Lashed to the Mast." "One Hundred Years hence." And Sung by the Hutchinson family at their Concerts. Arranged by MRS. E.H. JACKSON. 3 1/2 Published by Root&Cady--Chicago. Entered according to act of Congress AD 1869 by Root & Cady in the Clerk's Office of the Dist-Court for North 1115 [*M1665 W8H Copy 2*] 2 VOTE IT RIGHT ALONG. JOHN W. HUTCHINSON. PRELUDE dolce. IV. Then let us all unite in I. Who votes for woman's suffrage II. This shall unfold his better III. Their first great vote to close shall 5517 3 love To emulate the hosts above Be just and kind and now Will add new laurels to his brow; His children's children with part, Delight the spirit, warm the heart, No jealous thought shall be Those gilded haunts of infamy, The poor besotted brave and true Doing to others as they'd to you. Build high humanity's holy fire, Will chant in praise their patriot sire. No warriors haunt his brain And Eden's peace he shall regain. An equal wretch Shall know That woman has shut the gate of woe. The light of sacred cause, Obeying conscience and its laws. We wreath of glory shed A brighter lustre o'er the head, Than partner be his bridge, No holy joy shall be denied, As truth shall shine again And Temp'rance on the earth shall reign, The 4 reach at last the etherial sphere KnowGod and all His works revere. he who battles selfish pride And votes with woman side by side. Oh. equal rights their motto'll be Together journeying o'er life's sea. night of darkness disappear The millenium sunshine bright and clear. CHORUS We'll do nothing wrong, but sing you this song The We'll do nothing wrong, but sing you this song The We'll sing we'll sing 5 good time for woman is coming right along. Well sing you this song. good time for woman is com-ing right along. Well sing you this song. help the chorus on; The good time coming,boys, vote it right along help the chorus on; The good time coming,boys, vote it right along. 5517 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.