[*LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COPYRIGHT DFC 1 6 1895 CITY OF WASHINGTON.*] [*44808 Sept. 3, 1895*] [*2nd COPY DELIVERED TO THE JUL 21 1899 Music Department.*] THE NEW WOMAN WORDS AND MUSIC by May Dorrington. 4 NEW YORK: WILLIS WOODWARD & CO. 842 & 844 BROADWAY. Copyright MDCCCXCV by Willis Woodward & Co. Entered at Stationers Hall London. [*M1622 .D Copy 1*] 3 The New Woman. Words and Music by MAY DORRINGTON. 1. On Broadway rooted to the spot bewildered stood the Jay. He had 2. The law's she'll soon be making and man's troubles are most o'er. For he 3. New woman will be asking next for mama's boy to wed. And seen the coming woman just there acrost the way. Her has that tired feeling he's not in it anymore. The Charley to the Altar will very soon be led. Then Copyright 1895 by May Dorrington. 4 Bycicle and Bloomers new caused him so much dis may. He woman new will care for him in just a little while. And in the future when she's late returning home to dine. She'll quickly asked now what is that and this is what they say. then we'll think it is all right for it is all the style. say I've just been to the club so never mind the time. CHORUS. She is new yes new she is new yes new clad all in natty Bloomers The N.W. -3 5 she will do yes do and witches flying high on broom sticks o'er the sky according to late rumors they'll be wearing Bloomers too. The N.W. -3 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.