THE MERCHANTS' ADVANCE BOOK; REDUCING British to federal currency, at any advance from one penny to one pound; and brought down to the fourth decimal fraction of a dollar, SO THAT ANY AMOUNT MAY BE CALCULATED WITH ACCURACY:-- ILLUSTRATED BY EXAMPLES. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY C. NOLEN AND J. CLARKE. No. 7, Franklin Place. 1829. [*No. 1972. Deposited 10 Dec. 28 by Charles Nolen & John Clarke as proprietors*]No. 1972 Title of "The Merchants' Advance Book" &c. Deposited 10th December '28. By Charles Nolen & John Clarke as ProprietorsTHE MECHANIC'S & FARMER'S ASSISTANT.Mechanic's & Farmer's Assistant Filed 15th Apr. 1828THE PENNSYLVANIA PRIMER. CAREFULLY COMPILED BY JAMES MARTIN, Practical Teacher of Children PHILADELPHIA: MIFFLIN AND PARRY, PRINTERS. 1828.No. 1926. Title of "The Pennsylvania Primer" &c Deposited 26th July 1828 by Jarred Martin, as Author THE DOGMATICUS : OR FAMILY PHYSICIAN : FOUNDED ON REASON AND EXPERIENCE ; CONTAINING 1st. A brief Anatomical description of the human body, 2d. A treatment on the symptoms and cure of diseases, 3d. The names and qualities of Medical Plants, and other medicines made use of in the healing art, 4th. Directions for preparing and compounding Medicines and their particular use. Arranged and divided into sections and classes, together with directions for preserving health, and an explanation table, for the use of families and practitioners. BY JOSEPH SMITH, PRACTICAL PHYSICIAN.Family Physician Filed 22d. Dec. 1828.AN ORATION: DELIVERED, BY APPOINTMENT, ON THE FOURTH DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1828, IN PRESENCE OF THE CONVENTION OF SECEDING FREE-MASONS, AND A VAST CONCOURSE OF THEIR FELLOW-CITIZENS, AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, IN THE VILLAGE OF LE ROY, IN THE COUNTY OF GENESEE, AND STATE OF NEW-YORK. BY SOLOMON SOUTHWICK, PRESIDENT OF THE CONVENTION, AND ONCE A MARK MASTER MASON. “Ye have ploughed wickedness : ye have reaped iniquity : ye have eaten the fruit of lies : because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men. Therefore shall a tumult arise amongst the people, and all thy fortresses shall be spoiled, as Shalman spoiled Beth-arbel in the day of battle.—Hosea, x.—13, 14.S. Southwick's Oration Filed Augst. 13. 1828. LCPLAIN TRUTH: CONTAINING REMARKS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, RELATIVE TO THE INSTITUTION OF SPECULATIVE FREE MASONRY. BY JOHN G. STEARNS, Minister of the Gospel, Paris, N. Y. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -- JOHN viii, 32. "For every one that doeth evil, hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth, cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God." -- JOHN iii, 20, 21. CAZENOVIA: PRINTED BY J. F. FAIRCHILD. 1828.Plain Truth Speculative Free Masonry Filed 25 April 1828SURE METHODS OF IMPROVING HEALTH, AND PROLONGING LIFE; OR, A TREATISE ON THE ART OF LIVING LONG AND COMFORTABLY, BY REGULATING THE DIET AND REGIMEN. EMBRACING All the most approved principles of Health and Longevity, and exhibiting the remarkable power of proper Food, Wine, Air, Exercise, Sleep, &c. in the Cure of Chronic Diseases, as well as in the Preservation of Health, and Prolongation of Life. TO WHICH IS ADDED, THE ART OF TRAINING FOR HEALH, Rules for Reducing Corpulence, AND MAXIMS OF HEALTH, FOR THE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS, THE CONSUMPTIVE, MEN OF LETTERS, AND PEOPLE OF FASHION. ILLUSTRATED BY CASES. BY A PHYSICIAN. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS. PHILADELPHIA : CAREY, LEA & CAREY—CHESNUT STREET. SOLD IN NEW YORK, BY G. & C. CARVILL,—IN BOSTON, LY HILLIARD, GRAY & CO., AND RICHARDSON & LORD. 1828.No. 1868 Title of Sure Methods of improving health deposited by Carey Leaf Carey as proprietors 26 Feby 1828. LCA SYSTEM OF BIBLE QUESTIONS, HISTORICAL, DOCTRINAL AND PRACTICAL, FOR THE USE OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH, IN SABBATH-SCHOOLS, BIBLE-CLASSES, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. BY FOUR CLERGYMEN. SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED BY THE REV. WM. WISNER, & REV. S. SMITH ITHACA: PRINTED BY PEW & MATHEWSON, 1829 System of Bible Questions Filed 5 March 1828THE LIFE OF REV. JOHN NEWTON. COMPILED BY WILLIAM B. TAPPAN. Revised by the Committee of Publication. Philadelphia : AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, No. 146 Chesnut Street. 1828.No. 1878 Title of 'The Life of Rev. John Newton['] deposited by Paul Beck Junior Treasurer, in Trust for the American Sunday School Union, as proprietor March 24, 1828. TARIFF; OR, RATES OF DUTY, (COnformably to the existing Revenue Laws,) ON GOODS, WARES, AND MERCHANDISE, IMPORTED INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FROM AND AFTER THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNE, 1828. To which is added AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE ACTS OF AMENDMENT TO THE TARIFF OF 1824, Passed at the last session of Congress; TOGETHER WITH OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION TO MERCHANTS. Compiled by JOHN D. GEORGE & CHARLES TREICHEL. CUSTOM-HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY WILLIAM STAVELY, No. 99, South Second Street. 1828.No 1913[?] Title of “Tariff” deposited 23. June 1828 by John D. George & Charles Treichel as proprietorsTHE YOUNG LADY'S PIECE-BOOK; OR, A SELECTION OF Elegant Pieces in Verse and Prose, FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS, Designed for the use of Schools, &c. BY E. THOMAS. "The mind with useful knowledge stor'd, "Delight and pleasure will afford." PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY E. THOMAS, NO. 412, NORTH SECOND ST. Joseph Rakestraw, printer. 1828.No 184[?] Title of The Young Lady's Piecebook deposited 3. January 1828 by E. Thomas as Author.A REVIEW, CONSISTING OF A CLASSICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE VEGETABLE MEDICINE USED IN DR. SAMUEL THOMSON'S THEORY OR SYSTEM OF PRACTICE; INCLUDED UNDER SIX HEADS: ALSO HIS “NERVE POWDER,” “VEGETABLE COMPOSITION,” “COUGH POWDER,” “POULTICE” AND “STRENGTHENING PLASTER,” WITH SOME INCLUDING AND ADDITIONAL REMARKS. ALSO SOME NEW DISCOVERIES IN PREPARING AND MIXING SOME OF HIS BOTANIC MEDICINES, AND THEIR APPLICATION IN THE CURE OF CERTAIN DISEASES, WHICH ARE NOW PREPARED AND MADE USE OF BY DR. CYRUS THOMSON, In the village of Geddes, Onondaga Co. N. Y. BY A PHYSICIAN.A. Review &c. Filed 19th Feby. 1828 LCA MENTAL MUSEUM FOR THE RISING GENERATION: COMPRISING, PART I. Familiar Conversations on Natural History and the Universe, Reflections on Providence, &c. PART II. Lessons calculated to excite a taste for Reading and Mental Improvement:—on Industry, Economy, Preservation of Health, &c. PART III. Various Instructive and Entertaining Articles, and Poetry. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, AND THE CONSTITUTION OF FHE FIRST FREE CIRCULATING LIBRARY, &C. Designed for the Middle Classes of Readers in American Schools and Families. Adapted to American Customs and Manners : and proposed as a Substitute for Foreign Compilations of Reading Lessons. BY JESSE TORREY, JUN. Author of “The Moral Instructor and Guide to Virtue,” “A Pleasing Companion for Little Girls and Boys,” “Familiar Spelling Book,” &c. August, 1828.No 1932 Title ’A Mental Museum, deposited by Jesse Torrey Junior as author August 13th. 1828AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ART AND SCIENCE OF MUSIC, WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN CONSERVATORIO OF Philadelphia. By Phil. Trajetta. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY I. ASHMEAD & CO. 1828.No. 1981. Title of “An Introduction to the Art And Science of Music,” &c. deposited 24th Dec. '28. by Philip Trajetta as AuthorTRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF DE WITT CLINTON, Late Governor of the State of New-York. BEING A COMPREHENSIVE SKETCH OF HIS LIFE, TOGETHER WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW-YORK LEGISLATURE, AND OF VARIOUS CORPORATE AND PUBLIC BODIES: ALSO, THE NOTICES OF HIS DEATH FROM THE MOST DISTINGUISHED JOURNALS IN THE UNITED STATES. By a Citizen of Albany. ALBANY: PRINTED BY WEBSTER AND WOOD. 1828.Tribute to the memory of De Witt Clinton Filed 5 April 1828[*Joseph Walker May 9, 1828*] A Glance at Dean's 120 Reasons for Being a Universalist. By J. Walker, Pastor of a Church in Paris, Maine. Portland: Shirley and Hyde, Printers. 1828.DISTRICT OF MAINE, SS. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the ninth day of May, A. D. 1828, in the United States of America, JOSEPH WALKER, of the said District, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit : " A Glance at Dean's 120 Reasons for being a Universalist. By J. WALKER, Pastor of a Church in Paris, Maine." In conformity to the act of Congress of United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned :" and also to an act, entitled, " An Act supplementary to an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving and etching historical and other prints." JOHN MUSSEY, }Clerk of the District }Court of Maine. A true Copy as of record ; Attest, JOHN MUSSEY, Clerk D. C. Maine.THE UTICA DIRECTORY: to which is added a brief Historical, Topographical, and Statistical account of the Village and its neighbourhood. UTICA, 1828.Utica Directory Filed 24th March 1828AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES. ILLUSTRATED WITH PLATES ENGRAVED AND COLOURED FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS TAKEN FROM NATURE. BY ALEXANDER WILSON. WITH A SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR'S LIFE, BY GEORGE ORD, F. L. S. &c. IN THREE VOLS.--VOL. II. PUBLISHED BY COLLINS & CO, NEW YORK, AND HARRISON HALL, PHILADELPHIA. 1828.No 1928 Title of "American Ornithology" deposited by Harrison Hall as Proprietor August 1. 1828AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES. ILLUSTRATED WITH PLATES ENGRAVED AND COLOURED FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS TAKEN FROM NATURE. BY ALEXANDER WILSON. WITH A SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR'S LIFE, BY GEORGE ORD, F. L. S. &c. IN THREE VOLS. -- VOL. 1. PUBLISHED BY COLLINS & CO, NEW YORK, AND HARRISON HALL, PHILADELPHIA, 1828. [*as proprietor depos; 24th April 28*]No 1888 Title of American ornithology Deposited by Harrison Hall as Proprietor, Apl 24, 1828THE YOUTH'S LIBRARY: CONTAINING THE PUBLICATIONS 1939 OF THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. SECOND PART. IN THIRTY VOLUMES. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA. No. 24 CHESNUT STREET. 1828.No. 1939 Title of "The Youth's Library" deposited by Paul Beck Junr. Treasurer in trust for the American Sunday School Union as proprietor August 29th. 1828.SEQUEL TO THE ANALYTICAL READER: IN WHICH THE ORIGINAL DESIGN IN EXTENDED, SO AS TO EMBRACE AN EXPLANATION OF PHRASES AND FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE. BY SAMUEL PUTNAM.[*Shirley & Hyde Jany 1, 1828*] DISTRICT OF MAINE, SS. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the first day of January, A. D. 1828, in the United States of America, SHIRLEY & HYDE, of the said District, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit: "Sequel to the Analytical Reader: in which the Original Design is extended, so as to embrace an Explanation of Phrases and Figurative Language. BY SAMUEL PUTNAM." In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and also to an act, entitled, "An Act supplementary to an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving and etching historical and other prints." JOHN MUSSEY, } Clerk of the District } Court of Maine. A true Copy as of Record; Attest, JOHN MUSSEY, Clerk D. C. Maine. SHIRLEY & HYDE, PRINTERS. [*LC*]MEDICAL FLORA; OR MANUAL OF THE MEDICAL BOTANY OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. CONTAING A SELECTION OF ABOVE 100 FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF MEDICAL PLANTS, WITH THEIR NAMES, QUALITIES, PROPERTIES, HISTORY &c. : AND NOTES OR REMARKS ON NEARLY 500 EQUIVALENT SUBSTITUTES. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOLUME THE FIRST, A==H WITH 52 PLATES. Medical Plants are compound Medicines prepared by the hands of Nature, &c. -- Med. Princ. 31. BY C. S. RAFINESQUE, A. M. -- PH. D. Ex. Prof. of Botany, Natural History, &c. in Transylv. University of Lexington, the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, &c. Member of the Medical Societies of Cincinnati and Lexington -- the Philos. Soc. and Lyceum of New York -- the Acad. of Nat. Sc. of Philadelphia -- the Amer. Antiq. Society -- the Kentucky Institute -- the Linnean Soc. of Paris -- the Imp. Nat. Cur. Sec. of Bonn -- the Imp. Economical Soc. of Vienna - the R. Italian Inst. The R. Inst. of Nat. Sc. of Naples, &c. &c. &c. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY ATKINSON AND ALEXANDER, No. 112 Chesnut Street. 1828.No. 1853 Title of Medical Flora &c. deposited 11 January 1828 by Atkinson & Alexander as ProprietorsORGANON OF THE SPECIFIC HEALING ART. BY GOTTLIEB LUDWIG RAU, M.D. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN WITH AN ESSAY ON THE PRESENT INTERNAL CONDITION OF THE HOMŒOPATHIC SCHOOL, BY CHARLES JULIUS HEMPEL, M.D. NEW-YORK: WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. ALSO: J. T. S. SMITH, 592 BROADWAY. PHILADELPHIA: C. L. RADEMACHER. BOSTON: OTIS CLAPP. ST. LOUIS, Mo. : F. FRANKSEN AND C. F. WESSELHŒFT. LONDON: J. H. BALLIERE, 219 REGENT-STREET.filed Jan. 4, 1828 [???] According to Act of Congress, [???] William [???] Office of Historical C[???]THE REMEMBER ME: A RELIGIOUS AND LITERARY MISCELLANY. INTENDED AS A CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENT. ________________________________ PHILADELPHIA: E. LITTELL-CHESTNUT STREET. 1829. [*E. Littell - Propr. 31. Oct: 28*]No. 1962 Title of "The Remember Me &c." deposited 31. October. 1828. by E. Littell as Proprietor --A REVELATION OF FREE MASONRY, AS PUBLISHED TO THE WORLD BY A CONVENTION OF SECEDING MASONS, HELD AT LE ROY, GENESEE COUNTY, NEW YORK, ON THE 4th AND 5th OF JULY, 1828: Containing a true and genuine development of the mode of Initiation, and also of the several Lectures of the following degrees, to wit: IN THE CHAPTER, MARK-MASTER, PAST-MASTER, MOST EXCELLENT MASTER AND ROYAL ARCH. IN THE ENCAMPMENT KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS, KNIGHT TEMPLAR, KNIGHT OF MALTA, KNIGHT OF THE CHRISTIAN MARK, AND GUARDS OF THE CONCLAVE, AND KNIGHTS OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE. IN THE ANCIENT COUNCIL OF THE TRINITY, DENOMINATED THE HOLY AND THRICE ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF THE CROSS, THE ILLUSTRIOUS, MOST ILLUSTRIOUS, AND THRICE ILLUSTRIOUS DEGREES.[?] & Heron, Free Masonry Filed Aug. [?]6, 1828CONVERSATIONS ON ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND SURGERY BY A. ROBERTSON, M. D. LECTURER ON THE PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. First American Edition, with Pathological and other Additions. IN TWO VOLUMES. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY TOWAR & HOGAN No. 255, Market Street. 1828. [*Filed 28 Jan. in Towar & Hogan*]No. 1858 Title of "Conversations on Anatomy &c." deposited 28 January 1828 by Towar & Hogan as Proprietors.EUCLID'S ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, OR SIMSON AND PLAYFAIR'S SYSTEMS REVISED, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED; VIZ. THE FIRST SIX BOOKS; OF WHICH BOOK V IS DEMONSTRATED BY A NEW METHOD, AT ONCE BOTH SIMPLE AND ELEGANT, AND THEREBY RENDERED NOW THE EASIEST PORTION OF THE ELEMENTS; TOGETHER WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES ON THE WHOLE, WHEREIN THE PRINCIPAL ERRORS OF SIMSON AND PLAYFAIR ARE POINTED OUT; AND PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING BOOK V ON THE USUAL PLAN, ALSO CORRECTED AND IMPROVED, ACCOMPANIED WITH A FEW APPROPRIATE NOTES; THE EFFECTS OF ALGEBRAIC SIGNS ACCURATELY DEMONSTARTED; AND A CONCISE THEORY AND CONSTRUCTED OF LOGARITHMS. By MARTIN ROCHE TEACHER OF MATHEMATICS &c. PHILADELPHIA: 1828.No. 1909 Title of "Euclid's Elements" deposited by Martin Roche as proprietor June 13, 1828STEREOTYPE EDITION OF ROWLETT'S TABLES OF DISCOUNT, OR INTEREST: SHEWING AT SIGHT, THE INTEREST ON EACH AND EVERY DOLLAR, FROM UNIT, OR ONE, TO TWO THOUSAND; ON EVERY TEN DOLLARS, FROM TWO THOUSAND TO THREE THOUSAND; ON EVERY FIFTY, FROM THREE THOUSAND TO FIVE THOUSAND AND ON EVERY FIVE HUNDRED, FROM FIVE THOUSAND TO TEN THOUSAND; FOR EACH AND EVERY DAY, FROM ONE, TO SIXTY-FOUR DAYS, INCLUSIVE; ALSO FOR EVERY MONTH, FROM ONE TO TWELVE, AND FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS, AND TWO YEARS; BESIDES A Complete Cent Table: THE WHOLE COMPUTED AT SIX PER CENT, ACCORDING TO THE EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES OF THE BANKS, AND AS PRACTISED BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS, THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES; TOGETHER WITH DIRECTIONS AT THE END OF THE INTRODUCTION, FOR FINDING, ALMOST AT SIGHT, (BY AID OF THE TABLES,) THE EXACT BANK INTEREST, FOR ANY NUMBER OF DAYS, FROM SIXTY-FOUR TO ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOUR DAYS, &c. LIKEWISE EXAMPLES CONTAINED IN THE INTRODUCTION, SHEWING IN WHAT MANNER (BY MEANS OF THE TABLES) TO ASCERTAIN THE INTEREST, AT FIVE, SEVEN, AND AT EIGHT PER CENT., AND A NOTE UNDER THE FIRST PAGE OF THE FIGURE WORK, EXPLAINING THE USUAL MODE OF COMPUTING INTEREST ON CENTS, AND FRACTIONS, &c. &c. BY JOHN ROWLETT, FORMERLY ACCOUNTANT, BANK OF NORTH AMERICA SECOND EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY WILLIAM FRY. ANNO DOMINI 1826, AND THE FIFTY-FIRST YEAR OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No. 1907 Title of Rowlett's tables of interest &c. deposited by John Rowlett as author June 13, 1828AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS INHABITING THE UNITED STATES, NOT GIVEN BY WILSON. WITH FIGURES DRAWN, ENGRAVED, AND COLOURED FROM NATURE. BY CHARLES LUCIAN BONAPARTE. VOL. II. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY -- CHESNUT STREET. LONDON: -- JOHN MILLER, 40 PALL MALL. WILLIAM BROWN, PRINTER. 1828.No. 1900 Title of "American Ornithology" deposited 20th May 1828 by Carey, Lea & Carey as proprietors.THE FATAL LADDER: OR, HARRY LINFORD. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1828.No. 1923 Title of "The Fatal Ladder," Deposited 22nd July 1828, by Paul Beck, junior, Treasurer in Trust for the A. S. S. U. as Proprietor.THE LIFE OF MAJOR GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON: COMPRISING A HISTORY OF THE WAR IN THE SOUTH; FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CREEK CAMPAIGN TO THE TERMINATION OF HOSTILITIES BEFORE NEW ORLEANS. ADDENDA: CONTAINING A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SEMINOLE WAR, AND CESSION AND GOVERNMENT OF FLORIDA. BY JOHN HENRY EATON, SENATOR OF THE UNITED STATES' CONGRESS. Third edition. -- Revised and Corrected by the Author. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY McCARTY & DAVIS, NO. 171 MARKET STREET. 1828.No. 1898 Title of "The Life of Major General Andrew Jackson" deposited 15 May 1828 by McCarty & Davis as proprietorsBOTANICAL GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY; TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, OF BULLIARD AND RICHARD. BY PROF. A. EATON. THIRD EDITION, Wholly written over, and now including the Natural Orders of LINNEUS AND JESSIEU. Botanical Grammar & Dictionary Filed September 15th, 1828.PREFACE TO THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION OF HENRY'S EXPOSITION OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. BY ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, D. D. PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY IN THE SEMINARY AT PRINCETON, N. J. No. 1930 Title of "Preface to 1st Am: Ed: of Henry's Exposition of the Old and New Testaments." deposited 8th August, 1828 by Towar & Hogan as proprietorsFRANCES, THE ORPHAN GIRL. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. "When the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. --Ezek, xviii. 27. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Philadelphia: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1828.No. 1882 Title of "Frances" deposited by Paul Beck Junior, Treasurer in Trust for the American Sunday School Union as proprietor April 9, 1828Hanbuch für Deutsche; Enthaltend Formen zu Handschristen, welche den Bürgern der Dereinigten Staarten nü[?]lich und dienlich seyn tönnen, als: [V?]ande, Roten, Reseten, Letzte [?]illen oder Testamente Ueberschreibungen, Berträge, Versteigerungs - Bedingungen, Vollmachten, Anweisungen, &c. &c. &c. Und vierlelen Anmerfungen über Verordnungen der Besetze über obige und andere Begenstände. Nebst Allerllen Formen in der englishchen Sprache. Auch: Intreßen - Tabellen unde eine Tabelle zum Bebruahc für Sägemüller. Zwente und verbeßerte Auslage. Reading, Bedruckt und herausgegeben von Johann Ritter und Comp. 1828. No. 1906 Title of a German Book deposited by John Ritter and Company as proprietors 17 June 1828THE SYMBOLICAL PRIMER; OR, CLASS-BOOK, No. 1. DESIGNED TO RENDER THE PROGRESS OF BEGINNERS, IN SPELLING AND READING, EASY AND AGREEABLE. BY E. HAZEN. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1829.No. 1977 Title of "The Symbolical Primer"; &c. deposited 18th December, 1828, by Edward Hazen as AuthorPALESTINE, AND OTHER POEMS BY THE LATE RIGHT REV. REGINALD HEBER, D. D. LORD BISHOP OF CALCUTTA. NOW FIRST COLLECTED. WITH A MEMOIR OF HIS LIFE. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA AND CAREY -- CHESNUT STREET SOLD IN NEW YORK BY G. & C. CARVILL -- BOSTON BY MUNROE & FRANCIS. 1828.No. 1899 Title of "Palestine" deposited 19th May '28 by Carey Lea & Carey as proprietorsHELEN MAURICE: OR, THE BENEFIT OF EARLY RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION EXEMPLIFIED. BY A SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1828.No. 1921 Title of "Helen Maurice" deposited by Paul Beck Junior, Treasurer in Trust for the American Sunday School Union as proprietor, 10 July 1828 [*J J?k??*]Poetischer Himmelsweg, oder Kleinegeistliche Lieder Gammlung, Zum Gebrauch des offentlichen und haus= lichen Gottesdienstes und Erbauung aller gottliebenden Geelen jeder Confession. Zusammengetragen von Daniel Hertz, Reformirter Prediger des Ebangeliums in Lancaster Caunty, PA, 000==000 Lobet den herrn, denn unsern Gott loben, das ist ein föstliches Ding; solches Lob ist lieblich und schön. Ginget um einander dem herrn mit Danfen, und lobet unfern Gott mit harfen; Ps. 147. 1=7 **************************** Erste Uuflage. ********************************* Lancaster, gebrucft den h. W. Billee. 1828.No. 1927 Title of "Spiritual Hymns", in German Deposited 28th July 1828 by Daniel Hertz, as [Proprietor] AuthorGAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES: CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE. IN WHICH THE STATES ARE CONSIDERED UNDER FOUR GENERAL DIVISIONS, Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western: ONE SMALL VOLUME BEING DEVOTED TO EACH SECTION, Noting its States, Rivers, Mountains, Counties, Cities, Towns, Population, Literary Institutions, Roads, Canals, Manufactories, &c. Rendering each Volume a cheap, portable Companion for the Traveller, in the section to which it relates. VOL. I. CONTAINING THE EASTERN OR NEW ENGLAND STATES BY D. HEWETT. Published in successive Monthly Numbers of the Traveller, the whole relating to the Gazetteer of the United States, to be completed in 12 Nos. including the present. PHILADELPHIA, MAY, 1828.No. 1803 Title of "Gazetteer" deposited by D. Hewett as Author May 6, 1828THE PATRIOT'S MANUAL; COMPRISING VARIOUS Standard and Miscellaneous SUBJECTS, INTERESTING TO EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. PROPER ALSO FOR SEMINARIES OF LEARNING. COMPILED BY JESSE HOPKINS. UTICA: WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 1828.Patriot's Manual Filed July 28th, 1828THE LIFE OF William Penn, COMPILED FROM THE USUAL AUTHORITIES AND ALSO MANY ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS BY MRS HUGHS, Author of Ornaments Discovered, The Cousins, &c. When we look back upon the great men who have gone before us in every path of glory, we feel our eye turn from the career of war and ambition and involuntarily rest upon those who have displayed the great truths of religion, who have investigated the laws of social welfare, or extended the sphere of human knowledge. ALISON. Philadelphia: PRINTED BY JAMES KAY, JUN. FOR CAREY, LEA & CAREY, TOWAR & HOGAN, J. GRIGG, R. H. SMALL, M'CARTY & DAVIS. 1828. No. 1881. Title of The Life of William Penn deposited by Joseph Kay [Junr.? as propri- etor April 7, 1828.THE NEW EXPOSITOR: CONTAINING TABLE OF WORDS, FROM ONE TO SEVEN SYLLABLES INCLUSIVE; ACCENTED, EXPLAINED, AND DIVIDED, ACCORDING TO THE MOST APPROVED METHOD OF PRONUNCIATION TO WHICH ARE ADDED, MANY OTHER TABLES: THE WHOLE CORRECTED AND ENLARGED. BY MRS. HUGHS. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY R. H. SMALL NO. 165 CHESNUT STREET. -------- 1827. [Stereotyped by L. Johnson.]No 1846. Title of The New Exposition deposited 2nd JanY 1828 by Robert H. Small as proprietorMANUAL OF THE PHYSIOLOGY OF MAN; OR, A CONCISE DESCRIPTION OF THE PHENOMENA OF HIS ORGANIZATION BY PH. HUTIN. Quidquid præcipies, esto brevis, ut cito, dicta Percipiant animi dociles, teneantque fideles. Hor. de Art. Poet. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, WITH NOTES, BY JOSEPH TOGNO, STUDENT OF MEDICINE. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY, -- CHESTNUT STREET 1828.No 1894 Title of Mammal of the Physiology of Man deposited May 8. 1828 by Carey Lea + Carey as Proprietors[????] Hymns, Selected and Original, For Public and Private Worship. Published by the General Synod of the Ev. Lutheran Church. First Edition. Gettysburg, Penn. Printed at the press of the Theological Seminary Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Phil'a. 1828. [?] The [?] S. [Smuchker?] [??] the Genl. Syn: of the Ev. Luth. Evangelical-No. 1920. Title of "Hymns" deposited by Samuel S. Schmucker in trust &c. as proprietor July 15. 1828.A MANUAL OF PRACTICAL OBSTRETICS: ARRANGED SO AS TO AFFORD A CONCISE AND ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THE Management of Preternatural Labours; PRECEDED BY AN ACCOUNT OF THE MECHANISM OF NATURAL LABOUR. FROM THE FRENCH OF JULIUS HATIN, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris, Professor of Obstetrics and of the Diseases of Women and Children &c. &c. BY S. D. GROSS, M. D. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIR UPON THE BRAIN FROM THE FRENCH OF M . MAGENDIE, BY JOSEPH GARDNER, M. D. PHILADELPHIA: [*as proprietor*] J. GRIGG, NO. 9 NORTH FOURTH STREET. 1828.No. 1963. Title of "A Manual of Practical Obstetrics." &c deposited 4th November 1828 by John Grigg as ProprietorHISTORY OF FRANCE, FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE MONARCHY, BY CLOVIS, TO THE FINAL ABDICATION OF NAPOLEON ------ BY WILLIAM GRIMSHAW, AUTHOR OF A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, &c. ------No. 1886 Title of 'History of France, deposited by Wm. Grimshaw an author 18 Apl 1828 LCCALANTHE, THE ANGEL OF THE RUBY TOWER: IN SIX CANTOS. TO WHICHARE ADDED THE ADVENTURES OF FRANCISCO. THE VOLUME COMPRISES VARIOUS TALES AND DESCRIPTIONS, INTERSPERSED WITH OCCASIONAL MORAL DIGRESSIONS. The gliding spectre and the groaning grove. -- YOUNG BY ISAAC GRIFFITH, (LATE FROM NEW-YORK.) PHILADELPHIA: E. LITTELL--CHESTNUT STREET. William Brown printer. 1828.No. 1891 Title of Calanthe deposited by Isaac Griffith as Author April 30, 1828A SURVEY OF THE STATE OF MAINE, IN ITS GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES, STATISTCIS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY, ILLUSTRATED BY MAPS. BY MOSES GREENLEAF.Moses Greenleaf Esq Feb 29, 1828No—2. THE ANTI-MASONIC ALMANACK, FOR THE YEAR OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA 1829: CALCULATED FOR THE HORIZON OF ROCHESTER, N. Y. But will serve, without essential variation, for any place within one hundred miles north or south and two hundred east or west of that Village. CONTAINING, besides the usual astronomical calculations, and other matters found in the generality of Almanacs, various amusing specimens of MASONIC CEREMONIES, performed during the initiation, passing, raising, and exaltation of a candidate, and other childish mummery practised by that self styled ancient and honorable institution while assembled and at work in their secret conclaves. ALSO, many important facts, not yet made public, respecting the abduction of Capt. Wm. Morgan, and his confinement in Fort Niagara by masonic conspirators; together with a statement of questions put to him by them, while in the magazine, and his answers thereto, &c. &c. BY EDWARD GIDDINS. ROCHESTER Printed by Edwin Scrantom, Exchange-Street. 1828.Rochester, 16th Jan, 1828 - Dr Sir Will you forward will all possible speed a copy right for the enclosed, for which is enclosed is two dollars - Put it in my name as R.R. Lansing Esq Utica NY - Very respectfully Your R Edwd Giddins[?] R. R. Lancing Esq- Utica N.Y Rochester NY JAN. 17 Anti-Masonic Almanack for 1829. Filed 19.19th Jany, 1828.MEMOIR OF THE REV. JOSEPH EASTBURN, STATED PREACHER IN THE MARINER'S CHURCH PHILADELPHIA: WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JANUARY 30th, 1828. BY ASHBEL GREEN, D.D. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY G. W. MENTZ, No. 71, RACE STREET. Clark & Raser, Printers, 33 Carter's Alley. 1828. No. 1892 Title of 'Memoir of the Rev. Joseph Eastburn' deposited May 1st, 1828 by Jacob J. Janeway D. D. (in behalf of the Executors of the Rev. Joseph East- burn) as Proprietor.MURRAY'S ENGLISH READER: Or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry, selected from the best writers. Designed to assist young persons to read with proprietary and effect; to improve their language and sentiments; and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue: with a few preliminary observations on the principles of good reading: improved by the addition of a Concordant and Synonymising Vocabulary, consisting of about two thousand of the most important words contained in the work. These words are arranged alphabetically in columns at the heads of the sections from which they are respectively selected; and are divided, pronounced and defined, according to the authority of John Walker. The Selected Words are marked in the Texts by an Accent. Walker's Pronouncing Key, which governs the Vocabulary is prefixed to the work. To which is added a Praxis, or an Etymological and Syntactical Illustration of all obscure features comprised in the work. This Praxis, the authors intend also to publish, in a separate pamphlet. "Words can have no definitive idea attached to them, when by themselves; it is the situation and tract in the sentence, which determines their precise meaning."—Dr. Johnson. By JEREMIAH and ANNA F. GOODRICH.J. & A.F. Goodrich's English Reader Filed 1st Dec, 1828__ LCTHE SPELLING READER, OR CONCORDANT SPELLING BOOK, Containing the rudiments of the English language, and an extensive variety of spelling lessons, comprising the most current words in the language. The vowel and consonant sounds, in every syllable, being accurately defined according to the authority of Walker. The reading lessons, which are familiar, entertaining and progressive, are let down within the reach of juvenile capacities, by arranging the words, of which the lessons are composed, in spelling columns at the top of the page; and the correspondent portions of the texts are placed in common reading order at the bottom, designed to conduct the pupil, on a direct line, to Walker's Dictionary, and to abridge the Teacher's toil. By JEREMIAH & ANNA F. GOODRICHGoodrich's Spelling Filed August 19, 1828AMERICAN NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME III. PART I.-MASTOLOGY BY JOHN D. GODMAN, M. D. PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF PENNSYLVANIA; ONE OF THE PROFESSORS OF THE PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY; OF THE PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, &c. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY-CHESTNUT STREET. 1828. in name of Philip H. Nicklin dated 1 Feby 1828No 1861 Title of American Natural History deposited 1 Feby 1828 by Philip H. Nicklin as ProprietorThomas Todd wishes to take out a copy- right of the following work as Proprietor A Practical Grammar of the English Language in Which The Principles Established by Lindley Murray, are Inculcated, and His Theory of the Moods Clearly Illustrated by Diagrams, Representing the Number of Tenses in Each Mood-Their Signs-and the Manner in Which They Are Formed. By Roscoe G. Greene, Teacher of English Grammar. Portland. Printed by T. Todd, Union St.--Sold by Shirley & Hyde, 7, Exchange St. 1828.Thomas Todd Oct. 9, 1828 LCThe ORTHOGRAPHER AND ORTHOEPIST; OR THE English Pronouncing Spelling Book. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF COMMON SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES: IN TWO PARTS. PART I.--Containing the Elementary principles of the English Language; the different sounds of the Vowels, Consonants, Diphthongs, Triphthongs, Compound Characters and Combinations, with rules to distinguish them; also rules for pointing out the silent letters, and various exercises in spelling. PART II.--Containing Easy Reading Lessons, Rules for Spelling, Abbreviations, Arithmetical Tables, and Definitions of words. BY ISAAC MOTT.Isaac Mott Filed Oct. 7, 1828.RACHEL DYER: A NORTH AMERICAN STORY. BY JOHN NEAL. PORTLAND: [BY SHIRLEY AND HYDE,] [1828.]Shirley & Hyde Oct. 8, 1828 LCMORTON; A TALE OF THE REVOLUTION. O Liberty! the prisoner's pleasing dream, The Poet's muse, his passion and his theme; Genius is thine, and thou art Fancy's nurse; Lost without thee th' ennobling powers of verse; Heroic song from thy free touch acquires Its clearest tone, the rapture it inspires; Place me where winter breathes the clearest air, And I will sing if Liberty be there; And I will sing at Liberty's dear feet, In Afric's torrid clime, or India's fiercest heat. Cowper. CINCINNATI, Printed and Published by Hatch, Nichols & Buxton. 1828[*[filed?] 30 [June?] 1828*] DISTRICT OF OHIO, sct. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 30th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, and in the fifty-second year of American Independence, Hatch, Nichols & Buxton, of said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words and figures following to wit: "Morton; a Tale of the Revolution. O Liberty! the prisoner's pleasing dream, The Poet's muse, his passion and his theme; Genius is thine, and thou art Fancy's nurse; Lost without thee, the enobling powers of verse; Heroic songs from thy free touch acquires Its clearest tone the rapture it inspires; Place me where winter breathes the clearest air, And I will sing if Liberty be there; And I will sing at Liberty's dear feet, In Afric's torrid clime, or India's fiercest heat. Cowper." In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled "An act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to authors, and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." And also to an act, entitled "An act supplementary to an act entitled an act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors, and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." WILLIAM KEY BOND, Clerk of the District of Ohio.ERLAEUTERUNG DER FREY-MAUREREY, WIE GESCHRIEBEB VON CAPT. WILLIAM MORGAN, Aus der Englisch in die Deutsche Sprache uebersetzt, NEBST EINEM MEISTER SCHLUESSEL ZU DEN [?]E[?]EIMNUSSEN DES [?]OE[?]ERN [?]R[?]ENS. "Und Gott sprach: Es verde Licht. Und es ward Licht."-- "Was ihr im Verborgenen hoeret, dasz prediget oeffentlich auf den "Daechern." VON EINEM FREY-MAUREN, Welcher der Institution viele Jahre gewidmet hat. WATERLOO: GEDRUCKT BEI WILLIAM CHILD. 1828[*William Morgan In Dutch Filed 26th May 1828*]AMERICAN MINSTREL CONSISTING OF POETICAL ESSAYS on various subjects, By Chas. Mead. PHILADELPHIA. Published by 1825.№ 1916 Title of American Minstrel Deposited 30. June 1828 by Charles Mead as Author.MEMOIRS OF ANDREW SHERBURNE: A PENSIONER OF THE NAVY OF THE REVOLUTION. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. "They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; they see the work of the LORD, and his wonder in the deep." Psalmist. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, UTICA; 1828.Memories of Andrew Sherburne Filed 26th August 1828PE 1117 A155 No math LCTHE JUVENILE CLASS BOOK. COMPLIED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY JOHN SIMMONS. No. 1. PHILADELPHIA Sold by Isaac Pugh, corner of Race & Third Streets; Bennett & Walton, No. 37, Market St.; Elijah Weaver, No. 5, No. Front St.; Stoddart & Atherton, No. 60, No. Front St.; Kimber & Sharpless, No. [?], South Fourth St.; Shadarach Taylor, No. 384, N. Second St.; Thomas Wallace, No. 70, N. Third St. B. Redman, No. 121, S. Fifth St.; Joseph Rake- straw, No. 256, N. Third St.; and by the Editor, No. 79, Tammany Street. 1828.No. 1855 Title of "The Juvenile Class Book" deposited by John Simmons as Proprietor 28th Jan, 1828A HISTORY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES, IN VERSE. BY ISRAEL SKINNER, M.D. Where nations walk in ways or rectitude, And do not on the rights of man intrude, Propitious Heaven will there her bliss bestow, And make those lands with milk and honey flow, Yea, they do virtually the earth poses, When they enjoy the fruits of righteousness; And Mars, revengeful Mars, shall hide his head, And Balmy peace her sacred banners spread. PHILADELPHIA T. S. Manning, Printer, No. 11 S. Sixth Street. 1828No. 1969 Title of "A History of the Revolutionary War" &c. deposited 1st December 1828 by Israel Skinner M. D. as [pr] AuthorM. T. CICERONIS ORATIONES QUÆDAM SELECTÆ, IN USUM DELPHINI, CUM INTERPRETATIONE ET HISTORIA SUCCINCTA RERUM GESTARUM ET SCRIPTORUM M. T. CICERONIS. IN THIS EDITION ARE INTRODUCED ALL THE VALUABLE NOTES OF THE DAUPHIN EDITION, TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH, SELECTION FROM DUNCAN AND OTHER COMMENTATORS, AND ORIGINAL OBSERVATIONS. BY JOHN G. SMART. SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED, WITH A LIFE OF CICERO, IN ENGLISH. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY TOWAR AND HOGAN, No. 255 Market Street. 1828.No. 1959 Title of "M. T. Ciceronis Orationes" deposited 25th October 1828 by Towar & Hogan as ProprietorsA DEFENCE OF FREEMASONRY, IN A SERIES OF LETTERS ADDRESSED TO SOLOMON SOUTHWICK, Esq. AND OTHERS. IN WHICH THE TRUE PRINCIPLES OF THE ORDER ARE GIVEN, AND MANY LATE MISREPRESENTATIONS CORRECTED. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING EXPLANATORY NOTES AND MASONIC DOCUMENTS. BY LUTHER PRATT, Editor of the "American Masonic Register, and Ladies' and Gentlemen's Magazine," recently published in New-York. "Prove all things: Hold fast that which is good." St. Paul TROY PRINTED BY FRANCIS ADANCOURT, AND SOLD AT HIS BOOK-STORE, AND MANY OTHERS. Price 50 Cents. 1828.Defence of Freemasonry Filed 19th May 1828 LCAN ESSAY ON MAN, IN FOUR EPISTLES TO HENRY ST. JOHN LORD BOLINGBROKE. BY ALEXANDER POPE, ESQ, To which is added a Praxis, or an Etymological and Syntactical Illustration of all obscure passages comprised in the work. BY JEREMIAH AND ANNA F. GOODRICH.J. & A.F. Goodrich Filed DEc. 1st, 1828EVANGELICAL CHART, or, a collection of Scripture passages, shewing that all the Attributes of the Deity, are applied to Jesus Christ in honor of his Divinity: With explanatory remarks. First, his Natural Attributes, Eternity, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Immutability; Second, his Moral Attributes, Justice, Goodness, Truth, Holiness: Third, his Political Attributes, Legislative, Administrative, and Executive.Evangelical Chart Filed 19th June 1828THE FALL OF BABYLON OR, THE HISTORY OF THE KINGDOM OF ASSYRIA: COMPILED FROM ROLLIN, PRIDEAUX, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES. By the Author of Pierre and his Family, etc. And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherd make their fold there. Is. xiii. 19, 20. Revised by the Committee of Publication. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 Chesnut Street. 1828.No. 1958. Title of " The Fall of Babylon, &c --- deposited 25th. October 1828. by Paul Beck I[??] Treas : in trust for the Amer. Sunday School UnionTHE FASHIONABLE TOUR; AN EXCURSION TO THE SPRINGS, NIAGARA, QUEBEC, AND THROUGH THE NEW-ENGLAND STATES: INTERSPERSED WITH GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SKETCHES. THIRD EDITION--ENLARGED AND IMPROVED.G.M. Davison's Fashionable Tour Filed March 14th, 1828.NO. 3. THE ANTI-MASONIC ALMANAC, FOR THE YEAR OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA, 1830. BY EDWARD GIDDINS.Almanac 1830. Filed 24th Dec. 1828VIOLA; HEIRESS OF ST. VALVERDE. AN ORIGINAL ROMANCE. TO WHICH IS ANNEXED A VARIETY OF ORIGINAL POETICAL PIECES. BY MRS. BOTSFORD. Authoress of Adelaide, Western Elysium, and Modern Piety. SECOND EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: B. DESILVER, NO. 110, WALNUT STREET. T. TOWN, PRINTER. 1829.No. 1983 Title of " Viola." &c. deposited 26th. December 1828. by Margaret Botsford as Author LCA Brief History of the life and services of Ichabod Perry during the Revolutionary War, with an account of his sufferings on board the Prison Ships at New-York, and during several battles. To which is added the remarkable escape from the British of Bissell, an American spy.A Brief History &c Filed 23rd May 1828 Mr. U. J. James Rich[?] [?] [?]THE OFFICE WORK OF A MEDIATOR EXPLAINED, OR ACTIVE TRINITY BROUGHT TO VIEW. IN TWO PARTS. BY JOSEPH CHADDOCK, OF LE ROY, GENESEE COUNTY, N. Y. ROCHESTER: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER, BY TUTTLE & SPRAGUE. 1828.The Office Work of a Mediator Filed 9 June 1828THE CHILD'S LIBRARY; EMBRACING THE SMALLER PUBLICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. IN 20 VOLUMES. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1828.No. 1871 Title of "The Child's Library" deposited by Paul Beck Jr Treasurer in Trust &c as proprietor February 28, 1828 --CHRISTIAN MARTYRS, OR, FAMILIAR CONVERSATIONS ON THE SUFFERINGS OF SOME EMINENT CHRISTIANS. By the Author of "Scenes in Georgia," &c. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION "Godlike men, how firm they stood, "Seeding their country with their blood." AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1828.No. 1937. Title of "Christian Martyrs, or Familiar Conversations on the Suffering of Some Eminent Christians." &c. deposited 27th August. 1828. by Paul Beck, Junior, Jr: in trust for the A.S.S.U. as proprietor --THE AMERICAN ORATOR. SELECTED CHIEFLY FROM AMERICAN AUTHORS; FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES BY SAMUEL CLARK. GARDINER. Printed at the Intelligencer Office. 1828.Samuel Clark Jany 24. 1828 LCAN ABRIDGMENT OF MURRAY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, AND EXERCISES, WITH IMPROVEMENTS, DESIGNED AS A TEXT BOOK FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES. BY THE REV. J.G. COOPER, AUTHOR OF AN EDITION OF THE WORKS OF VIRGIL. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JUDAH DOBSON, (AGENT,) J. HARDING, PRINTER. 1828No. 1862 Title of An Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar, deposited Fifth of Februy 1828 by the Rev. T. G. Cooper as author[*Michael B. Prop.*] A COLLECTION OF HYMNS, AND A LITURGY, FOR THE USE OF EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES, TO WHICH ARE ADDED PRAYERS FOR FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. "I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also. I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." 1 Cor. XIV. 15. GERMANTOWN: PRINTED BY M. BILLMEYER. 1827.No. 1912. Title of a "Collect of Hymns" deposited by M. Billmeyer as proprietor 23 June 1828. LC"The Family Adviser; calculated to teach the Principles of Botany. Compiled with a strict regard to Logick-- Containing directions for preserving health and curing diseases--for the use of families and private individuals, by Daniel J. Cobb." Friend Lansing Rochester 19 of 4 mo 1828 -- Enclosed is $1.20, the usual fee for recording and filing certificate in Clerk's office. Please to do it in the name of the author and send the copy to us Marshall & DeanFamily Advisor ---"--- Filed 28th April 1828THE FIRST LINES OF THE PRACTICE OF SURGERY DESIGNED AS AN INTRODUCTION FOR STUDENTS, AND A CONCISE BOOK OF REFERENCE FOR PRACTITIONERS. BY SAMUEL COOPER, SURGEON TO THE FORCES; MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, AND OF THE MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON; MEMBER OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF MARSEILLES; HONORARY FELLOW OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AT CATANIA, &c., &c. WITH NOTES BY ALEXANDER H. STEVENS, M.D. PROFESSOR OF SURGERY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW-YORK; SURGEON OF THE NEW-YORK HOSPITAL; CONSULTING PHYSICIAN OF THE NEW-YORK DISPENSARY; MEMBER OF THE NEW-YORK LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY; OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA; AND OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW-ENGLAND. AND ADDITIONAL NOTES AND AN APPENDIX, BY A PHYSICIAN OF PHILADELPHIA. SECOND AMERICAN, FROM THE FIFTH LONDON EDITION, REVISED AND CORRECTED. WITH SEVERAL NEW PLATES AND WOOD CUTS. IN TWO VOLUMES. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY T. DESILVER AND H. COWPERTHWAIT L.R. BAILEY PRINTER. 1828. Thomas Devilver + Hulings C (In what name is the [?] to be [?])No. 1944. Title of "The first lines of the Practice of Surgery" &c. deposited by Thomas DeSilver & Hulings Cowperthwait 18th Sep. 1828. as proprietors LCCORA, OR THE GENIUS OF AMERICA. PHILADELPHIA: E. LITTELL, CHESTNUT STREET. Clark & Raser, Printers. 1828.No. 1852 Title of 'Cora' deposited 10. Jany 1828 by E. Littel as Proprietor LC THE FLOWERS OF AUTUMN, By the Authoress of the "Cottage Minstrel."No. 1897. Title of the Flowers of Autumn deposited by Elisabeth Cox as Authoress May 14th. 1828. LCGRAMMATICAL PRIMER, CONTAINING THE DEFINITIONS AND RULES WHICH ARE REQUIRED FOR PARSING THE REGULAR CONSTRUCTIONS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ATTEMPTED TO BE REDUCED AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE TO MATHEMATICAL PRECISION, AND DESIGNED TO BE COMMITTED TO THE LARGER TREATISES IN USE. BY R.W. CUSHMAN, PRINCIPAL IN THE LADIES' INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY DAVID CLARK, NO. 118 NORTH FOURTH STREET. 1828.No. 1956. Title of "Grammatical Primer, &c." deposited 22nd. Oct: 1828. by David Clark - as Proprietor LCTHE INSTITUTES OF MORALITY; FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF YOUTH. BY B.L.D. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, By ELI K. PRINCE, Counsellor at Law, and A. BOLMAR, Professor of the French Language in the High School of Philadelphia. Quid Leges sine moribis vanæ proficiunt?-Horat. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE TRANSLATORS, AND FOR SALE BY THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS. 1829.No. 1976 Title of "The Institutes of Morality," &c. deposited 17th. Dec. 28. by Eli K. Price & Anthony Bolimar as Proprietors 17 Dec. 28. proVIEW OF THE UNITED STATES HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, AND STATISTICAL; EXHIBITING, IN A CONVENIENT FORM, THE NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FEATURES OF THE SEVERAL STATES, AND EMBRACING THOSE LEADING BRANCHES OF HISTORY AND STATISTICS BEST ADAPTED TO DEVELOPE THE PRESENT CONDITIONS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION. ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, &c. BY WILLIAM DARBY, PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY H.S. TANNER. 1828.No. 1954. Title of " View of the United States, &c." deposited by Henry S. Tanner as Proprietor 20th. October 1828. LCAN AUTHENTIC HISTORY, OF THE LATE WAR BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN. With a full account of every Battle by sea and land--the defection of Gen Hull--His trial and sentence--the massacre at the river Raisin--the destruction of the City of Washington--the Treaty of Peace in 1815. To which will be added the War with Algiers, and Treaty of Pence: The Treaties of Peace with the various tribes of North American Indians; and The United States Army Register, and Peace Establishment. BY PARIS M. DAVIS, Late of the Army. Paris M. Davis Authentic History &c. --"-- Filed March 25th. 1828. [?] LCPRIVATE MEMOIRS OF THE COURT OF NAPOLEON, AND OF SOME PUBLICK EVENTS OF THE IMPERIAL REIGN, FROM 1805 TO THE FIRST OF MAY 1814; TO SERVE AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF NAPOLEON. BY L. F. J. De BAUSSET, FORMER PREFECT OF THE IMPERIAL PALACE TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY--CHESTNUT STREET. SOLD IN NEW YORK, BY G. & C. ARVILL,--IN BOSTON, BY MUNROE & FRANCIS. 1828. No 1003 Title of "Private memoire of the Court of Napoleon " deposited by Carey Lea & Carey as proprietors 31 May 1828 LCA DICTIONARY OF SELECT AND POPULAR QUOTATIONS, WHICH ARE IN DAILY USE: TAKEN FROM THE LATIN, FRENCH, GREEK, SPANISH AND ITALIAN LANGUAGES: TOGETHER WITH A copious collection of Law-Maxims and Law Terms ; TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS HISTORICAL AND IDIOMATIC. FIFTH AMERICAN EDITION, CORRECTED, WITH ADDITIONS. "He has been at a great feast of languages, and stolen all the scraps." Shakespeare. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY A. FINLEY, N. E. corner of Chesnut and Fourth Streets. Clark & Kaser, Printers. 1828.No. 1873. Title of a dictionary of quotations deposited by A. Fineley as proprietor, 6 March 1828 LCDRAUGHT OF A SURVEY FROM FAIR MOUNT TO THE MOUTH OF SCHUYLKILL. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCILS. SURVEYED BY DAVID M'CLURE. Philadelphia, August 5, 1828. (Copy-right secured according to Law.)No. 1933 Title of "Draught of a Survey"&c. Deposited by Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Philadelphia as proprietors Aug. 21st.1828. LCA DICTIONARY OF THE PROPER NAMES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, WITH OTHER HELPS FOR TEACHERS OF SABBATH SCHOOLS. BY H. G. O. DWIGHT.A Dictionary &c Filed March 19th.1828 LCUNION QUESTIONS: BEING A COMPILATION FROM "QUESTIONS ON THE SELECTED SCRIPTURE LESSONS," BY ALBERT JUDSON, Minister of the Gospel; AND FROM "A NEW SERIES OF QUESTIONS," BY A SUPERINTENDENT OF A SABBATH SCHOOL IN NEW JERSEY. PREPARED BY HARVEY FISK, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AUTHORS OF THESE RESPECTIVE WORKS, AND REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN S.S. UNION. VOLUME I. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. 1829. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. No. 1982. Title of" Union Questions:" & c. deposited 25th. December 1828 by Paul Beck, Junior, Tres'ry in trust for the A.S.S.U. as Proprietor LC QUESTIONS ON THE SELECTED SCRIPTURE LESSONS: DESIGNED For Five yearly Courses of Instruction. BY ALBERT JUDSON, Minister of the Gospel. IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. 1. "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Hab. ii. 14. TENTH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 146, Chesnut street. 1828.No 1911 Title of questions on the selected Scripture lessons deposited 23 June 1828 by Paul Beck Jr. Treasurer in trust as proprietor LCJELLEFF & HULL'S PATENT POCKET INTEREST TABLES. Filed Feby. 14th. 1828 UTICA: PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETORS, BY WILLIAM WILLIAMS. 1828.Northern District of New-York, to wit: BE IT REMEMBERED, Than on the day of February, in the fifty-secoud year of the Independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1828, of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor in the words following, to wit: "Jelleff & Hull's Patent Pocket Interest Tables." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and also, 'in act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of Designing, Engraving and Etching historical, and other prints." RICHARD R. LANSING, Clerk of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of New-York. Jelleff & Hull's Interest Tables Filed Feby 14th 1828. LC LCA NEW AND COMPLETE UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE HOLY BIBLE. Containing a Clear and Comprehensive Account of every Remarkable Transaction recorded in the SACRED SCRIPTURES, during a period of upwards of Four Thousand Years. BY THE REV. EDWARD KIMPTON, VICAR OF ROGATE, IN SUSSEX, MORNING PREACHER OF ST. MATTHEW'S, BETHNAL-GREEN, AND LATE OF CHRIST'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. REVISED AND COMPARED WITH THE LATEST MODERN AUTHORITIES, PARTICULARLY ON THE PROPHECIES--ALSO, WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIONS, NOTES AND REFERENCES. BY GREGORY T. BEDELL, A. M. RECTOR OF ST. ADREW'S CHURCH--PHILADELPHIA. No. 1866 Title of a New &c history of the Holy Bible deposited by Gregory T. Bedell A. M. as Proprietor February 23, 1828 - LCENGLISH GRAMMAR IN FAMILIAR LECTURES, ACCOMPANIED BY A COMPENDIUM; EMBRACING A NEW SYSTEMATICK ORDER OF PARSING, A NEW SYSTEM OF PUNCTUATION, EXERCISES IN FALSE SYNTAX, A System of Philosophical Grammar IN NOTES, AND A KEY TO THE EXERCISES: DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE LEARNERS. BY SAMUEL KIRKHAM TENTH EDITION, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Rochester, N. Y. PRINTED AND SOLD BY MARSHALL & DEAN. 1828.Kirkhams Grammar Filed 17th Nov. 1828.A MANUAL OF SURGICAL ANATOMY, CONTAINING A MINUTE DESCRIPTION OF THE PARTS CONCERNED IN OPERATIVE SURGERY, WITH THE ANATOMICAL EFFECTS OF ACCIDENTS, AS INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF OPERATIONS. BY H. M. EDWARDS, D.M.P. TRANSLATED, WITH NOTES, BY WILLIAM COULSON, DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY AT THE MEDICAL SCHOOL, ALDERSGATE STREET, &c. FIRST AMERICAN, FROM THE FIRST LONDON EDITION. Revised and Corrected, with Additional Notes, BY JAMES WEBSTER, M. D. LECTURER ON ANATOMY AND SURGERY, &c. PHILADELPHIA: THOMAS DESILVER, NO. 247 MARKET STREET. PRINTED BY L. R. BAILEY. 1828 1973 Deposited 10. Dec. 28 by T.D. as Propr. No. 1973 Title of " A Manual of Surgical Anatomy". &c. deposited 10th December '28. by Thomas Desilver as Proprietor LCELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. BEING CHIEFLY A SELECTION FROM PLAYFAIR'S GEOMETRY, WITH ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. FROM THE FIFTH ENGLISH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT No. 24, ARCH STREET. A. Walker, Agt. 1829.No. 1980. Title of "Elements of Geometry." &c. deposited 22nd. Dec.28. by Samuel Walker as Proprietor LC Truman Parmelo as Proprietor A SUMMARY OF BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES, COMPILED FOR THE USE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF FAMILIES. BY JOHN W. NEVIN, Assistant Teacher in the Theological Seminary of Princeton. IN TWO VOLUMES. UTICA: WESTERN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. J. COLWELL, PRINTER. 1828.A. Summary of Biblical Antiquities Filed March 18th.1828 THE NORTH AMERICAN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. PUBLISHED BY THE Kappa Lambda Association OF THE UNITED STATES. NON DOCTOR, SED MELIORE IMBUTUS DOCTRINA. VOL. V. Philadelphia: J. DOBSON, AGENT, No. 108, CHESTNUT STREET. 1828. No. 1879. Title of The North American Medical and Surgical Journal, deposited by Hough L. Hodge, Franklin Bache, Charles D. Meigs, Benjamin H. Coates and Rene' LaRoche as proprietors March OF THE AMERICANS: PICKED UP BY A TRAVELLING BACHELOR. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. Philadelphia : CAREY, LEA & CAREY.--CHESNUT-STREET. .......... 1828.No. 1922 Title of "Notions of the Americans" deposited by Carey Lea & Carey as proprietors July 19. 1828- LCTHE MATHEMATICAL EXPOSITOR, CONTAINING RULES, THEOREMS, LEMMAS, AND EXPLANATIONS OF VARIOUS BRANCHES OF THE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE, IN A SERIES OF LECTURES CALCULATED FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS AND STUDENTS, OF SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES in the United States, BY TOBIAS OSTRANDER, Teacher of Mathematics, and Author of the ELEMENTS OF NUMBERS, OR EASY INSTRUCTOR. Lyons, N. Y. 1828LC Tobias Ostranders Lectures Filed July 16th. 1828.AN APPEAL TO THE TEMPERATE, ON THE VICE OF INTEMPERANCE. In Three Parts. BY SAMUEL NOTT, JUN. ALBANY : PRINTED BY WEBSTER AND WOOD. 1828. An Appeal to the Temperate Filed 15 March 1828PARADISE. Paradies. W. M. Craig del. And she gave to her husband with her, and he did eat. J. W. Steel Sc. Und das Weib nahm von der Frucht und ab; und gab ihrem Mann auch davon, und er ab . 1 Buch Mofe Cap.3Ver.6. No. [1896?] Title of Paradise printed by Jesse Torry as proprietor May 13 . 1828 LCSERMONS, BY THE LATE REV. EDWARD PAYSON, D. D. PASTOR OF THE SECOND CHURCH IN PORTLAND. PORTLAND : SHIRLEY AND HYDE, 7, EXCHANGE-STREET. SOLD BY PEIRCE AND WILLIAMS, BOSTON : JOHN P. HAVEN, NEW YORK : AND E. LITTELL, PHILADELPHIA. 1828. Ann Louisa Payson August 1. 1828 LCTHE PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO GENERAL LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. EDITED BY I. C. SNOWDEN, M. D. VOL. II. PHILADELPHIA : J. DOBSON, AGENT, NO. 108 CHESNUT STREET. Mifflin & Parry, Printers. 1828. No. 1895 Title of 'The Philadelphia Monthly Magazine' deposited by Isaac B. Snowden M.D. as proprietor 10. May 1828. LCPoetical Sketches, or Leisure hours of a Student. ------- "Operosa parvus Carmina fingo."Poetical Sketches &c. ---"--- Filed 22nd. Dec. 1828.Albany, June 4. 1828 R. R. Lansing Esq. DrSir, Annexed is the title of a Book we desire my be entered in your office, in out names, as proprietors, and the certificate transmitted to us by mail, with as little delay as practicable - And oblige yours obedt. Servts Welster & Skinners P.S. Please note the am't of fees.AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION ; DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY REV. WILLIAM B. LACEY, A. M. RECTOR OF ST. PETER'S CHURCH, ALBANY. The Faculty of expressing one's Ideas with Perspicuity, Energy and Gracefulness, is one of the brightest Ornaments, and most efficient Conservators, of a free and happy People.Illustration of Elocution Filed 6 June 1828NO ME OLVIDES 6 Los Placeres Del Tocador Publicados en catellano por Dn. CARLOS LE BRUN ciudadano de los Estados-Unidos e interprete del Gobierno de la Republica de Pensilvania; Autor "de los ensayos de pope sobre el Hombre"-"del Anti-Anglomano,"-"de la Libertad de los Mares"-y otros libros de Politica y Liberatura IMPRESO EN FILADELFIA ano de 1829No. 1943. Title of a Spanish Book deposited by Charles Le Brun, 16th Sep 1828 as proprietorTABLES OF COMPARATIVE ETYMOLOGY AND ANALOGOUS FORMATIONS IN THE GREEK, LATIN, SPANISH, ITALIAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN LANGUAGES; OR, THE STUDENT'S MANUAL OF LANGUAGES. DESIGNED TO FACILITATE THE STUDY OF THEM, BY A CONNECTED VIEW OF THEIR DECLENSIONS, METHODS OF COMPARISON, CONJUGATIONS, INTERCHANGEABLE LETTERS, AND SIMILAR TERMINATIONS. BY JOHN LEWIS. THE GREEK BY G. LONG, THE GERMAN BY DR. G. BLAETTERMANN, PROFESSORS OF ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY CAREY, LEA, & CAREY-CHESNUT STREET. MIFFLIN AND PARRY, PRINTERS. 1828.No. 1849 Title of Tables of Comparative Etymology &c deposited 4 Jany 1828 by Carey, Lea & Carey as Proprietors.THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ARTHUR CLENNING. IN TWO VOLUMES. BY THE AUTHOR OF "RECOLLECTION OF TEN YEARS IN THE VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI," "FRANCIS BERRIAN," &c. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: TOWAR & HOGAN, No. 255, MARKET STREET. 1828.No. 1915 Title of the life and adventures of Arthur Clenning, deposited 30 June 1828 by Towar & Hogan as "ProprietorsENGLISH GRAMMAR, ON A NEW PLAN. WITH TWO COMPENDS; OR ETYMOLOGY IN CATECHETICAL FORM, AND SYNTAX EXEMPLIFIED. BY JOSIAH I. LOWELL.English Grammar on a new plan. Filed October 17th 1828-A Dissertation ON THE SABBATH, IN WHICH THE NATURE OF THE INSTITUTION, AND THE OBLIGATIONS TO ITS OBSERVANCE, ARE STATED AND ILLUSTRATED. BY THE REV. JOHN MACBETH, A. M. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY JOHN CLARKE, No [-], Franklin Place. 1828.No. 1.955. Titles of "A Dissertation on the Sabbath" deposited 20th Oct: 1818. by Rev. John Macbeth A. M. as [Props] AuthorA DISCUSSION OF CHRISTIAN BAPTISM. AS TO ITS SUBJECT, ITS MODE, ITS HISTORY, AND ITS EFFECTS UPON CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. IN OPPOSITION TO THE VIEWS OF MR. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, AS EXPRESSED IN A SEVEN DAYS' DEBATE WITH THE AUTHOR, AT WASHINGTON, KENTUCKY, OCTOBER, 1823, AND IN HIS SPURIOUS PUBLICATION OF THAT DEBATE, AND OF A PREVIOUS ONE, OF TWO DAYS, WITH THE REV. JOHN WALKER, OF OHIO. AND IN OPPOSITION TO THE VIEWS OF THE CELEBRATED MR. ROBINSON, AND OTHER BAPTIST AUTHORS. IN TWO VOLUMES. BY W. L. McCALLA, Pastor of the Eighth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, and author of "A Discussion of Universalism." VOL. I. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY GEORGE M LAUGHLIN. 1828.No. 1.929. Title of "A Discussion of Christian Baptism." - Deposited 7th August, 1828. by The Rev. William McCalla, as Author.M'CARTY'S AMERICAN PRIMER. BEING A SELECTION OF WORDS THE MOST EASY OF PRONUNCIATION. INTENDED To facilitate the Improvement of Children in Spelling. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY McCARTY & DAVIS, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE BENJAMIN WARNER.) NO. 171 MARKET-STREET. Stereotyped by J. Howe...Philadelphia. No 1870. Title of McCarty's American primer deposited by McCarty & Davis as proprietors February 28. 1828MANUEL MACONNIQUE A L'USAGE DES FRANC-MACONS ACCEPTES DU RITE ANCIEN D'YORK, RESIDANTS A LA LOUISIANE. Par un Ancien Venerable, Membre de la Grande Loge et du Grand Chapitre de l'Etat de la Louisiane. NOUVELLE-ORLEANS: DE L'IMPRIMERIE D'EDWIN LYMAN, Rue de Chartes, N. 56. 1828 Paymiter of the Book: Marti Gras.Filed 8" Feby 1828 Per[??????]RUTH LEE. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. BY THE AUTHOR OF "WILD FLOWERS." AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No 1.979. Title of "Ruth Lee." [??] deposited 19th December 1828, by Paul Beck Junior, Treas. in trust for the A. S. S. Union.SACRED POETRY. "I'll tune my harp, I'll strike its wires, My Savior's praise to waken; His Love refines my warmest fires, And keeps my heart unshaken. And thus melodious chords arise, And tone my feelings for the skies." SELECTED AND PREPARED By the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday-School Union. PHILADELPHIA: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, No. 146 Chesnut Street. 1828.No 1847 Title of "Sacred Poetry" deposited 3 rels. Jany. 1828 by Paul Beck Jr A. Sayres Proprietor, Treasurer in Trust of the American Sunday School Union.THE SCOTTISH EXILES, RENDERED INTO PROSE, FROM SIR WALTER SCOTT'S LADY OF THE LAKE. BY A LADY OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY J. FIELD. J. Harding, Printer. 1828No 1859 Title of the "Scottish Exiles" deposited 29 Januy. 1828 by John Fields, ProprietorSERIES OF SERMONS, ON THE DOCTRINE OF EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT. AS REVEALED IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. BY REV. J. SELLON, MINISTER OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, CANANDAIGUA. Cauandaigua: PRINTED BY MORSE & WILLSON. 1829.A Series of Sermons Filed 27 June 1828[*DOVER APR 14 N.H.*] [*PAID 20*] John Murphy Esq Clerk SST. Court Portland Me Per Mail Benjamin Shepard Junr April 16. 1828 July 10. 1828 reenteredTHE DEFINING READER, BEING A Selection of Reading, written in a High and Explained in a Low Style of Language, OR Written in a Common and carried to a Higher Class of Words. EXAMPLE: Farming is a profitable and pleasant employment, it strengthens the body and enlightens the mind. Agriculture is a lucrative and agreeable occupation, it invigorates the body and illuminates the body and illuminates the intellectual powers. Designed for the use of Schools, peculiarly calculated to imprint in the mind the connexion and true use of words. BY B. SHEPARD, JR.Dover NH April 12 1828 J Mulsey Esq Sir, I have enclosed $1.25 the sum you said would be required to secure a Copyright of the within - the time I called on you March 20, if I am incorrect as to the fee, please inform me as I wish this secured immediately. If you will [??] a line to me on receiving this & state at what time [?] copy right must be again taken out if nothing [?] is done, and what besides is necessary to securing the same. Also if you know any work secured which is in plan similar to this. You will very much oblige Your Obdnt Servant Benj. Shephard J Mulsey Esq P.S. I should be much gratified with your opinion of this please Sir though the within is not a fair specimen BSNARRATIVE OF THE LABOURS, SUFFERINGS, AND FINAL TRIUMPH OF THE REV. WILLIAM ELDRED, Late a Missionary of the Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania. If we suffer we shall also reign with him. 2 Tim. ii 12. BY THE REV. BENJAMIN ALLEN, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED AT THE CHURCH MISSIONARY HOUSE; No. 92, South Third Street. 1828.No 1857 Title of "Narrative of Labours &c of the Rev. William Eldred deposited by the Rev. Benjn. Allen (in trust &c) as proprietor 28th. Jany. 1828.GENERAL STEVENS; OR, THE FANCY BALL: BEING THE THIRD PART OF LIVING MANNERS. --they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you. 1 Pet. iv. 4 BY THE REV. BENJAMIN ALLEN, RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED AT THE CHURCH MISSIONARY HOUSE, No. 92, South Third Street. ADAM WALDIE & CO. PRINTERS. 1828.No 1865 Title of Genl. Stevens deposited by B. Allen as Proprietor Feb. 16. 1828.NARRATIVE OF THE LABOURS AND SUFFERINGS AND FINAL TRIUMPH OF THE REV. WILLIAM ELDRED, Late a Missionary of the Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania. ----- BY THE REV. BENJAMIN ALLEN, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. ----- [*"IF WE SUFFER WITH HIM WE SHALL ALSO REIGN WITH HIM"*] Philadelphia: PUBLISHED AT THE CHURCH MISSIONARY HOUSE, No. 92, South Third Street. ...... 1828. in trust for the Benefit of the Widow + orphans of the deceased & family -No 1856. Title of "Narrative of labours &c, of the Rev. William Eldred deposited by the Rev. Benjn. Allen (in trust &c.) as Proprietor 28th Jany. 1828)THE AMERICAN MEDICAL RECORDER. CONDUCTED BY JAMES WEBSTER, M. D. LECTURER ON ANATOMY AND SURGERY; CALEB B. MATTHEWS, M. D. & ISAAC REMINGTON, M. D. ASSISTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS PHILADELPHIA, NEW-YORK, BALTIMORE, AND NORFOLK. VOL. XIII. Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri.--HOR. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JAMES WEBSTER, S. EIGHTH STREET, AND E. LITTELL, NO. 88, CHESNUT STREET; JOHN LOW, 129, CHAPEL STREET, NEW-YORK; RICHARDSON & LORD, BOSTON; J. N. TOY & W. R. LUCAS, NO. 220 1/2 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, AND C. HALL, NORFOLK, AGENTS. William Brown, Printer. 1828. [*Dep. 1. Apl. 28. by J. W. [?] as Prop.*]No 1880. Title of The American Medical Recorder deposited by James Webster Junior a proprietor April 1. 1828. Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wit. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the first Day of April, in the fifty-second year of the Independence of the United States of American, A. D. 1828, JAMES WEBSTER, Jr., of the said District, hath deposited in this office, the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit: "The Medical Recorder of Original Papers and Intelligence in Medicine and Surgery. Conducted by James Webster, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Surgery; Caleb B. Matthews, M. D.; and Isaac Remington, M. D.; assisted b y an Association of Physicians in Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and Norfolk. "Nullis addictus jujare in verba magistri.--HOS Vol. XIV." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." And also to the Act, entitled "An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, 'an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the time therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.THE ATLANTIC SOUVENIR; A CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S OFFERING ---------------- 1929 ----------------- PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY.No. 1.936. title of :The Atlantic Souvenir;" &c deposited 27th August, 1828. by Carey, Lea & Carey — as ProprietorsESSAYS AT POETRY, OR A COLLECTION OF FUGITIVE PIECES; WITH THE LIFE OF EUGENIUS LAUDE WATTS. BY EDWIN AUGUSTUS ATLEE, M. D. PHILADELPHIA. 'Poeta nascitur—non fit;' This adage of the Roman bard The author fears, perchance may hit Many, besides himself, full hard! If PEDANTS shall his rhymes, disdain; Yet those for whom they have been penn'd, May think he has not rhym'd in vain: And thus, he will have gain'd his end. "You shall seldom find a dull fellow of good education, "but (if he happen to have any leisure upon his hands) will "turn his head to one of these two amusements for all fools of "eminence—politics or poetry." Spectator, No. 43. PHILADELPHIA: T. S. MANNING, PRINTER. 1828.No. 1863. Title of "Essays at Poetry" deposited 9th. Febry. 1828 by E. A. Atlee M. D. as Author LC THE PRACTICAL CLASS BOOK, OR AN INTRODUCTION TO A WORK RECENTLY PREPARED BY THE AUTHOR, ENTITLED THE "PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC." DESIGNED TO FURNISH A CHEAP CLASS BOOK, EMBODYING THE TABLES OF REDUCTION, ACCOMPANIED WITH EASY AND APPROPRIATE LECTURES, AND SUITED TO THE WANTS OF SCHOOLS IN GENERAL, THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. BY T. H. BABCOCK. T. H. Babcock's Practical Class Book Filed Feby. 15th 1828No. 1971. deposited 9th. Dec. 28. by P. B - THE FIVE APPRENTICES. BY REV. ELIHU W. BALDWIN. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN S. S. UNION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESTNUT STREET 1828No. 1971. Title of "The Five Apprentices." &c deposited 9th. December 1828. by Paul Beck. Junior. Treasurer in trust for the American Sunday School Union a ProprietorA TREATISE ON ATONEMENT; IN WHICH THE FINITE NATURE OF SIN IS ARGUED, ITS CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCES AS SUCH; THE NECESSITY AND NATURE OF ATONEMENT; AND ITS GLORIOUS CONSEQENCES, [*u*] IN THE FINAL RECONCILIATION OF ALL MEN TO HOLINESS AND HAPPINESS BY HOSEA BALLOU, Pastor of the Second Universalist Church and Society in Boston, "Author of Notes and Illustrations on the Parables," "Candid Review, &c." "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." St. Paul. "And there shall be no more death." St. John. THIRD EDITION; To which is Prefixed a letter of the Author further declarative of his views upon the same subject. HALLOWELL: PUBLISHED BY C. SPAULDING. Printed by Spaulding & Livermore. 1828 [*C. Spaulding Proprietor*]C. Spaulding Feb.8.1828EXERCISES IN READING AND RECITATION, FOUNDED ON AN ENQUIRY IN THE ELEMENTARY CONSTITUTION OF THE HUMAN VOICE. By Dr. JOHN BARBER, PROFESSOR OF ELOCUTION. He who declares his perception of blemishes, and cannot at the same time define and enumerate graces, speaks without candor or as the dupe or authority.—" Rush on the Philosophy of the Human Voice."Elocution by Barber Filed Septr. 12th. 1828LIST OF ARTICLES FREE OF DUTY, AND TARIFF, OR RATES OF DUTIES, FROM AND AFTER THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNE, 1828, ON ALL GOODS, WARES & MERCHANDISE IMPORTED INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ; Established by Acts of Congress of 27th April, 1816 ; 20th April, 1818 ; 3d March, 1819 ; 22d May, 1824, and 19th May, 1828, ON IMPORTATIONS BY AMERICAN VESSELS OR VESSELS ENTITLED TO THE BENEFITS OF THE CONVENTION WITH FOREIGN POWERS. TO WHICH IS ADDED, SEVERAL IMPORTANT REVENUE LAWS, USEFUL TABLES, AND OTHER INFORMATION. COLLATED AND COMPLIED BY J. HARBESON BARNES & E. A. CARROLL. PHILADELPHIA : PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETORS. 1828.No 1902 Title of "List of articles free of duty &c. deposited 29th . May 1828 by John Harbeson Barnes & Elijah A. Carroll as Proprietors [No. 1892.]THE COMMON SCHOOL PRIMER; A SERIES OF FIRST LESSONS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN, DESIGNED TO PRECEDE THE FIRST PART OF THE COMMON SCHOOL MANUAL. BY M. R. BARTLETT, AUTHOR OF THE COMMON SCHOOL MANUAL. UTICA: PRINTED BY C. BENNET. 1828.Common School Primer Filed 23d May 1828A MANUAL OF GENERAL ANATOMY CONTAINING A CONCISE DESCRIPTION OF THE ELEMENTARY TISSUES OF THE HUMAN BODY. FROM THE FRENCH OF A. L. J. BAYLE AND H. HOLLARD. BY S. D. GROSS, M. D. PHILADELPHIA: JOHN GRIGG, NO. 9, NORTH FOURTH STREET; AND J. G. AUNER, 333, MARKET ST. 1828.No. 1947. Title of "A Manual of General Anatomy" &c. deposited 27th September 1828 by John Grigg as proprietorA complete Key or Guide to the New System of Practical Arithmetic (compiled by Tobias Ostrander,) in which all the operations of all the examples necessary for the learner, are exhibited at large; and solutions given to all the promiscuous questions throughout the work. It is principally designed to facilitate the labour of the teacher and assist those who have not the opportunity of their instruction-- By SAMUEL C. BARTON. Lyons this 2nd day of Feb. 182 Mr. R. R. Lansing, Sir The above is the title of my book which I claim to be author, and if I understood your Letter Wright, I am to Publish the Certificate immediately after I get it, in some Public Newspaper in the Northern District of New york -- Yours respectively Samuel C. Barton -- When you Write Direct to Samuel C. Barton Town of Lyons County of Wayne State. of N. Y. Barton Arithmetic Filed 5 Feby. 1828LIGHT ON MASONRY. A COLLECTION OF ALL THE MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS ON THE SUBJECT OF SPECULATIVE FREEMASONRY, WITH ALL THE DEGREES OF THE ORDER CONFERRED IN A MASTER'S LODGE, AS WRITTEN BY CAPT. WILLIAM MORGAN, --ALL THE DEGREES CONFERRED IN THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER AND GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF KNIGHTS TEMPLARS, WITH THE APPENDANT ORDERS, AS PUBLISHED BY THE CONVENTION OF SECEDING MASONS HELD AT LE ROY, JULY 4th AND 5th, 1828. ALSO A REVELATION OF ALL THE DEGREES CONFERRED IN THE LODGE OF PERFECTION, AND TWELVE DEGREES OF A STILL HIGHER ORDER--WITH SEVEN FRENCH DEGREES; MAKING FORTY TWO DEGREES OF FREEMASONRY. BY ELDER DAVID BERNARD, Of Warsaw, Genesee Co. N. Y. Once an intimate Secretary in the Lodge of Perfection, and Secretary of the Convention of Seceding Mason held at Le Roy, July 4th and 5th, 1828. "For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, and hid that shall not be known. "And what ye hear in the ear that preach ye upon the house tops." Jesus Christ,Sight on Masonry Filed 3. Nov. 1828.LIGHT ON MASONRY, A Collection of Documents upon the Subject of SPECULATIVE FREE MASONRY; Embracing all the Degrees of Masonry, from the Entered Apprentice, to the Thrice Illustrious Order of the Cross, as published by Capt. William Morgan, the Martyr, and the Convention of Seceding Masons, held at Le Roy, July 4, and 5, 1828. COMPILED BY ELDER DAVID BERNARD Of Warsaw, Gen. Co. N. Y. "For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known." "And what ye hear in the ear that preach ye upon the house tops." JESUS CHRIST. Light on Masonry Filed July 21st. 1828TRAVELS THROUGH NORTH AMERICA, DURING THE YEARS 1825 AND 1826. BY HIS HIGHNESS, BERNHARD, DUKE OF SAXE-WEIMAR EISENACH. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY—CHESNUT STREET. SOLD IN NEW YORK BY G. & C. CARVILL. 1828.No. 1.937. Title of "Travels Through North America" Deposited 7th. October 1828. by Carey Lea & Carey as Proprietors -NATURAL HISTORY OF ANIMALS. BY JOHN BIGLAND, Author of "A View of the World,"—"Letters on Universal History," &c. ILLUSTRATED BY TWELVE COLOURED PLATES, ENGRAVED FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY JOHN GRIGG No. 9, N. FOURTH-ST. 1828.No. 1875 Title of "Natural History of Animals" deposited 10th March 1828 by John Grigg as proprietor -NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS, FISHES, REPTILES, AND INSECTS. BY JOHN BIGLAND, Author of "A View of the World"-"Letters on Universal History," &c. ILLUSTRATED BY TWELVE COLOURED PLATES, ENGRAVED MOSTLY FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. ----- Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY JOHN GRIGG, No. 9, N. FOURTH-ST. ............ 1828No. 1908 Title of 'A.Natural History', deposited by John Grigg as proprietor June 13 1828. LCPRACTICAL SYNOPSIS CUTANEOUS DISEASES, FROM THE MOST CELEBRATED AUTHORS, AND PARTICULARLY FROM DOCUMENTS AFFORDED BY THE CLINICAL LECTURES OF DR. BIETT, PHYSICIAN TO THE HOSPITAL OF ST. LOUIS, PARIS. BY A. CAZENAVE, M. D &c AND H. E. SCHEDEL, M. D. &c. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, WITH NOTES. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY-CHESTNUT STREET. 1829.No. 1.975. Title of "A Practical Synopsis of Diseases." &c — Deposited 10th. Decem. 1828 by Carey Lea & Carey as proprietorsAN ADDRESS, TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, ON THE SUBJECT OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: WITH A SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE NOMINATION OF ANDREW JACKSON, CONTAINING SKETCHES OF HIS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CHARACTER BY A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, Courage may purchase Liberty, but Wisdom must perpetuate its duration PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR. 1828. Record this gratuitously & omit giving certificate RRS [*[?] 1828*] An Address &c Filed 12 March 1828 [*LC*]Biography of the signers to the Declaration Of Independence. Second Edition, Revised, Improved, and Enlarged. In five volumes. Philadelphia: William Brown and Charles Peters. 1828.No. 1918 Title of Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence Deposited 12 July 1828 by William Brown & Charles Peters as proprietors [*LC*]AN ABRIDGEMENT OF LECTURES ON RHETORIC. BY HUGH BLAIR, D. D. ONE OF THE MINISTERS OF THE HIGH CHURCH, AND PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND BELLES LETTRES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. NEW EDITION, With appropriate Questions to each Chapter, BY A TEACHER OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY TOWAR & HOGAN, NO. 255, MARKET STREET. 1828.No. 1925. Title " of " An abridgement of Lectures" &c- Deposited 23d July 1828, by Torvar & Hogan as proprietors-A SELECTION OF ONE HUNDRED OF PERRIN'S FABLES, ACCOMPANIED WITH A KEY; Containing the text, a literal and a free translation, arranged in such a manner as to point out the difference between the French and the English idiom. ALSO A FIGURED PRONUNCIATION OF THE FRENCH, ACCORDING TO THE BEST FRENCH WORKS EXTANT ON THE SUBJECT. THE WHOLE PRECEDED BY A short treatise on the sounds of the French language, compared with those of the English. BY A. BOLMAR, Professor of the French Language, IN THE HIGH SCHOOL OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED STATES. 1828.No. 1941 Title of "A Selection of One Hundred of Perrin's Fables," &c. Deposited 6th Sept. 1828. by H. Bolmar as Author. LCTHE GENTLEMEN'S LEXICON; OR A POCKET DICTIONARY, CONTAINING NEARLY EVERY WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND EXHIBITING THE PLURALS OF NOUNS AND THE PARTICIPLES OF VERBS; BEING ALSO PARTICULARLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BY WILLIAM GRIMSHAW, Author of the Ladies' Lexicon, History of the United States, &c. &c. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY JOHN GRIGG, No. 9, N. FOURTH-ST. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1830.No. 2,129. Title of "The Getlemen's Lexicon", &c 1829. December 15. Deposited by John Grigg as proprietor [*LC*]THE HISTORY OF FRANCE, FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE MONARCHY TO THE DEATH OF LOUIS XVI. INTERSPERSED WITH ENTERTAINING ANECDOTES, AND BIOGRAPHIES OF EMINENT MEN. BY WILLIAM GRIMSHAW, AUTHOR OF "A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, &c." "Vel pace, vel bello, clarum fieri licet: et qui fecere, et qui facta aliorum scripsere, multi laudantur." PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY TOWAR & HOGAN, No. 255 MARKET STREET, AND SOLD BY ALL THE BOOKSELLERS IN THE U. STATES. STEREOTYPED BY L. JOHNSON. 1829.No.2053. Title of "The History of France, &c" deposited 3 June 1829 by William Grimshaw as Author [*LC*]THE LADIES' LEXICON AND PARLOUR COMPANION, CONTAINING NEARLY EVERY WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND EXHIBITING THE PLURALS OF NOUNS AND THE PARTICIPLES OF VERBS; BEING ALSO PARTICULARLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BY WILLIAM GRIMSHAW: Author of a History of the United States, England, &c. &c. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JOHN GRIGG, No. 9, N. FOURTH-ST. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1829.No. 2035. Rule of "The Ladies Lexicon," &c, Deposited 24. April 1829 by John Grigg as Proprietor LCTHE LIFE OF NAPOLEON WITH THE HISTORY OF FRANCE, FROM THE DEATH OF LOUIS XVI. TO THE YEAR 1821. BY WILLIAM GRIMSHAW, Author of a History of the United States, &c. PHILADELPHIA: STEREOTYPED BY J. HOWE. PUBLISHED BY JOHN GRIGG, No. 9, N. 4th-ST. 1828.No. 2052. Title of "The Life of Napoleon" &c. Deposited 30 June 1829 by William Grimshaw as Author [*LC*]KEY ADAPTED TO THE QUESTIONS FOR GRIMSHAW'S LIFE OF NAPOLEON PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JOHN GRIGG, No. 9, NORTH 4th-ST. STEREOTYPED BY J. HOWE. 1829.No. 2055 Title of "Key adapted to [Grimshaws Life &c] the Questions &c] [for] Grimshaws Life of Napoleon deposited 5 June 1829- by William Grimshaw as author - LCQUESTIONS ADAPTED TO GRIMSHAW'S LIFE OF NAPOLEON. PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY JOHN GRIGG, No. 9, N. FOURTH-ST. STEREOTYPED BY J. HOWE. 1829.No. 2054 Title of "Questions adapted to Grimshaws Life of Napoleon." Deposited 5 June 1829 by William Grimshaw as Author. LCELEMENTS OF OPERATIVE SURGERY TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF A. TAVERNIER, DOCTOR OF MEDICINE OF THE FACULTY OF PARIS, LATE SURGEON TO THE THIRD REGIMENT OF MARINE ARTILLERY, SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE ATHENAEUM OF MEDICINE OF PARIS, &c, &c. WITH COPIOUS NOTES AND ADDITIONS, BY S. D. GROSS, M. D. CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ATHENAEUM OF MEDICINE OF PARIS, &c, &c. --- Manu strenua, stabili, nec unquam intremiscente.—Celsus. --- PHILADELPHIA: JOHN GRIGG, JAMES CRISSY, TOWAR AND HOGAN, J. G. AUNER. New York: COLLINS AND HANNAY, COLLINS AND CO. AND O. A. ROORBACH --- 1829.No. 2,107. Title of "Elements of Operative Surgery," &c, &c. --- 1829. Oct. 30 Deposited by John Grigg as proprietor - LCTHE UNITED STATES SPELLING BOOK, AND ENGLISH ORTHOEPIST: BEING AN EASY INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND EXHIBITING THE ORTHOGRAPHY And Pronunciation Of Walker; Upon a plan entirely new. BY NOYES P. HAWESCamden, March 20, 1829.-- John Mussey Esq.-- Sir, Enclosed is the title of a book which I wish to deposit in your office, agreeably to the requisition of the Law in the securing of copy rights &c.-- You will please forward to me at this place by mail, immediately, a copy of the record. I enclose two Dollars for your fees;-- the overplus, if any, I will call for some time [?]rse of the season. Yours respectfully, Noyes P. Hawes. [*LC*]Union March 24. Paid 10 John Mussey Esq. Clerk Dist. Court of Maine. Portland. Me. [*W Noyes B. H March 28t*]"A Pocket Hymn-Book, or a Selection of the best Hymns and Spiritual Songs, designed as a constant companion for Christians, collected from various authors, by John Hamilton, Minister of the gospel. Psalms 104. 33. I will sing praises unto my God while I have my being. Let the inhabitants of the Rock sing: let them shout from the top of the mountain. Isaiah 42, 11, United States District of Pennsylvania [...?...]No. 2089. Title of "A Pocket Hymn.Book &c Deposited 18th September 1829 by John Hamilton as Proprector. LCTHE SPELLER AND DEFINER: OR, CLASS-BOOK No. 2 DESIGNED TO ANSWER THE PURPOSES OF A SPELLING-BOOK, AND TO SUPERSEDE THE NECESSITY OF THE USE OF A DICTIONARY AS A CLASS-BOOK --- BY E. HAZEN. --- PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. Stereotyped by J. Howe. --- 1829.No. 1994 Title of "The Speller and Definer," &c. deposited 19th Jan. '29. by Edward Hazen as Author. — LCTHE INDIAN PHYSICIAN, CONTAINING A NEW SYSTEM OF PRACTICE, FOUNDED ON MEDICAL PLANTS. TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THEIR PROPERTIES, LOCALITIES AND METHOD OF USING, AND PREPARING THEM. A TREATISE ON THE CAUSES AND SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE, WHICH ARE INCIDENT TO HUMAN NATURE, WITH A SAFE AND SOVEREIGN CURE FOR THEM. AND THE MODE OF TREATMENT, IN ANY STAGE OF DISEASE. FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES AND PRACTITIONERS OF MEDICINE. BY DR. JONAS RISHEL. As Author NEW BERLIN, PENN. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR AND PROPRIETOR, BY JOSEPH MILLER 1828.No. 2001 Title of "The Indian Physician" &c. depos. 30 Jan. '29, by Jonas Rishel as authorTo W Berlin Union County Rd Decr 20-1828 D. Caldwell Esq. Sir I forward you according to order a printed copy of the Title-page of the Indian Physician - by Mr. Isaac Eyrely -- I wish you to give a copy right for it Mr Eyrely will discharge your charges yours respectfully Jonas Rishel D. Caldwell Esqr J. Caldwell Esqr Clerk of the District of Penn Philadelphia City [*Chesnut above 5th Street*] No. 2001 Title of "The Indian Physician" &c depos. 30 Jan. '29, by Jonas Rishel as author [*LC*]MEMOIR OF HANNAH RIPLEY, A Member OF ONE OF THE SABBATH-SCHOOLS IN BOSTON. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2,132. Title of "Memoir of Hannah Ripley" &c - 1829. Decr 24. Deposited by Paul Beck Junior Treasurer in trust &c. &c - as Proprietor - LCLebanon April the 4th 1829 Dear Sirs I am desirous of procuring the copy right of a book prepared for press by me containing a selection of Hymns of which the title is herewith exhibited in order that it may be deposited in your Office in conformity with the requisition of the Acts of Congress in such case provided - The expense consequent upon this application will be defrayed by the bearer the Revd Mr Benichause I am dear sir with sentiments of respect yours &c Henry Kroh NB If in this application I have omitted any thing necessary to entitle me to the copy right of the compilation it will be promptly supplied by informing me of it - Reformirtes Gesangbuch, oder: Ein Anszug von 270 Lieder aus den Reformirten Gesangbuch, Ausgewählt und eingerichtet, besonder[?] zur [?]ffentlichen, doch auch besonderen Erbauung aller Liebhaber: Mit einem Zusatz vin 13 andern Liedern, Von einem Freund des lebendigen Gesangs bey [?]ffentlicher GOttesverehrung. "Das ist ein k[?]stliches Ding, dem HErren "danken, und lobsingen deinem Namen, "du H[?]chster." Psalm 92.2. Erste Auflage. Libanon, (Penns.) gedruckt für den Verfasser, 1829. No. 2027 Title of Dutch Book - Deposited 13-April-1829, by Henry Kroh as Proprietor - [*LC*]VERSOS DE J. NICACIO GALLEGO RECOGIDOS Y PUBLCADOS POR DOMINGO DEL MONTE, FILADELFIA: ENTRENTA ESPAÑOLA DEL MENSAGERO. 1829.No. 2,006 Title of "Versos de Inicacio Gellego" &c deposited 16. Feb. '29. by Domingo Del Monte as Proprietor [*LC*]Outlines of General History, Ancient and Modern; in three parts,-1. Ancient History. 2. Modern History. 3. American History. Compiled from the works of Professor Tytler and Mrs. Emma Willard, of the Female Seminary, Troy. Designed especially for the use of Common Schools and Junior classes in Academies. By Charles Yale.Charles Yale Filed 18 Sept - 1829 - [*LC*][*Copy Right to be secured to Beriah B. Hutchkin. Proprietor*] THE FREEMAN'S GUIDE, FOR THE DETECTION OF MASONIC INIQUITY. AS PRACTISED IN COURTS OF JUSTICE, AT THE POLLS OF ELECTIONS, AND ELSEWHERE, BY THE AID OF MYSTERIOUS SIGNS, DUE-GUARDS AND GRIPS. Illustrated by Sixty Vignette Engravings. Freeman's Guide Beriah. B. Hotchkiss. Filed 22 Dec 1829-- [*LC*]THE FORM BOOK: CONTAINING NEARLY THREE HUNDRED OF THE MOST APPROVED PRECEDENTS For Conveyancing, Arbitration, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Receipts for Money, Letters of Attorney, Bonds, Copartnerships, Leases, Petitions, and Wills; BESIDE MANY OTHER SUBJECTS REFERRED TO IN THE INDEX. BY A MEMBER OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. PHILADELPHIA: TOWAR & HOGAN—255, MARKET STREET. 1829.No. 2003- Title of "The Form Book: 1829. Sep. 26. Deposited by Towar + Hogan as Proprietor [*LC*]UNION QUESTIONS: BEING A COMPILATION FROM "QUESTIONS ON THE SELECTED SCRIPTURE LESSONS," BY ALBERT JUDSON, Minister of the Gospel. AND FROM "A NEW SERIES OF QUESTIONS." BY A SUPERINTENDENT OF A SABBATH SCHOOL IN NEW JERSEY. PREPARED BY HARVEY FISK, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AUTHORS OF THESE RESPECTIVE WORKS, AND REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN S. S. UNION VOLUME II. EMBRACING THE PARABLES AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONS OF OUR LORD. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829. Stereotyped by L. Johnson.No. 2050- Title of Union Questions: &c Deposited 28th May 1829, by Paul Beck, Junior &c. as Prop:-FEMALE BIOGRAPHY; CONTAINING SKETCHES OF THE Life and Character OF TWELVE AMERICAN WOMEN. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION AM.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2,lll. Title of "Female Biography:" &c 1829. Nov. 6. Deposited by Paul Becke, Junior, Treas - &c. &c. as Proprietor [*LC*]FAMILIAR DIALOGUES; OR, A COMPANION FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: IN WHICH THEIR DUTY TO GOD AND THEIR PARENTS, THEIR BEHAVIOUR TO SUPERIORS AND INFERIORS, AND SEVERAL OTHER USEFUL AND INSTRUCTIVE LESSONS, ARE RECOMMENDED. IN TWO PARTS: WITH A PREFACE, BY P. DODDRIDGE, D. D. Author of the Rise and Progress of Religion, &c. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN S. S. UNION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2,008. Title of "Familiar Dialog" &c deposited 25. Feb. '29. Paul Beck Junior Treas in to for the A. L. L. U. as Proprietor [*LC*]THE HEIR OF THE WORLD, AND LESSER POEMS. MAN wrongs and Time avenges, and my name May form a monument not all obscure, Though such was not my ambition's end and aim. PROPHECY OF DANTE. BY SUMNER L. FAIRFIELD. PHILADELPHIA: JAMES MAXWELL, 63, s. FIFTH ST. 1829.No. 2,109. Title of "The Heir of the World" *&c. depos. 26. Feb.'29. by James Maxwell as Proprietor [*LC*]THE YOUNG MILL-WRIGHT AND MILLER'S GUIDE. ILLUSTRATED BY TWENTY-EIGHT DESCRIPTIVE PLATES. BY OLIVER EVANS. THE SIXTH EDITION. WITH ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, BY THE PROFESSOR OF MECHANICS IN THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA; AND A DESCRIPTION OF AN IMPROVED MERCHANT FLOUR-MILL, WITH ENGRAVINGS, BY C. & O. EVANS, ENGINEERS. Philadelphia: CAREY & LEA. 1829.No. 2, 113. Title of "The Young Mill Wright," Deposited by Carey and Lea as props 7. Nov:. '29. LCKing Saul reproved by Samuel, and cast off by the Lord; in an illustration on the 1st book of Samuel, 15 chap. 17. 18. 19. verse. besides a serious call against the altar at Bethel; with an appendix, and an encouragement to the house of David. Written by Adam Ettinger. "But by faith ye stand; be not proud, but be afraid. Strive not after high things, but keep yourself to the lowly minded."—Paul. Translated from the German and published by John Hamilton, Minister of the Gospel.No. 2096 Title of "King Saul"-&c 1829. Oct:3. Deposited by John Hamilton; as - ProprietorVISITS OF MERCY; OR THE JOURNALS OF THE REV. EZRA STILES ELY, D. D. [*28 Jan. '29, as prop.*] WRITTEN WHILE HE WAS STATED PREACHER TO THE HOSPITAL AND ALMS-HOUSE, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TWO VOLUMES IN ONE. SIXTH EDITION--REVISED BY THE AUTHOR. PHILADELPHIA: SAMUEL F. BRADFORD JESPER HARDING, PRINTER. 1829No. 1.997. Title of "Visits of Mercy;" &c- deposited 28th. Jan.'29. by The Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely as Proprietor [*LC*]WINTER EVENINGS. A SERIES OF AMERICAN TALES. THUS in delight my WINTER EVENINGS roll. POPE. PHILADELPHIA: THOS. T. ASH, 139 CHESTNUT ST. 1829. [*James Hall*]No. 2049. Title of "Winter Evenings." &c Deposited 28th May 1829, by Thomas T. Ash as Proprietor LC THE HOPE OF IMMORTALITY, IMPARTED BY REVELATION, TRANSMITTED BY TRADITION, COUNTENANCED BY REASON, BETRAYED BY PHILOSOPHY, AND ESTABLISHED BY THE GOSPEL. IN A DIALOGUE. BY JAMES P. WILSON, D.D. PASTOR OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: E. LITTELL AND BROTHER - CHESTNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2060. Title of "The Hope of Immortality," &c Deposited 16. June 1829, by E. Littell and Brother as proprietors. - LCCOMMON OBJECTIONS TO CHRISTIANITY, PROPOSED AND ANSWERED, IN TWO DISPASSIONATE CONVERSATIONS. BY JAMES P. WILSON, D. D. PASTOR OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: E. LITTELL AND BROTHER—CHESTNUT STREET. 1829. [*136*]No. 2045. Title of "Common Objection." Deposited 18. May. 1829 by E. Littell and Brother as proprietors-AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY: OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES. ILLUSTRATED WITH PLATES ENGRAVED AND COLOURED FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS TAKEN FROM NATURE. BY ALEXANDER WILSON. WITH A SKETCH OF THE AUTHOR'S LIFE, BY GEORGE ORD, F. L. S. &c. IN THREE VOLS.—VOL. III. PUBLISHED BY COLLINS & CO. NEW YORK. AND HARRISON HALL, PHILADELPHIA. 1829.No. 2038. Title of "American Ornithology," Deposited 27. April 29 _ by Harrison Hall as Proprietor LCTHE TIMBER MEASURER; BEING A CORRECT EXPOSITION OF THE ADMEASUREMENT OF ROUND, HEWED, AND SAWED Timber, Boards, Plank, Joice, Scantling, &c. &c. COMPRISED IN A NUMBER OF TABLES, Rendered perfectly easy, and adapted to all purposed in which the mensuration of Timber is required. Designed expressly for the use of the Lumber Merchant, Ship Builder, and Operative Mechanic. BY OTIS W. WHIPPLE. UTICA: William Williams, Printer, 60 Genesee street. 1829.Otis M. Whipple Timber Measurer Fild. Dec. 11 18291st ed THE WEPT OF WISH TON-WISH: A Tale; BY THE AUTHOR OF THE PIONEERS, PRAIRIE, &c. &c. "But she is dead to him, to all; Her lute hangs silent on the wall, And on the stairs, and at the door, Her fairy step is heard no more." ROGERS. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. Philadelphia: CAREY, LEA & CAREY—CHEASNUT STREET. 1829. of the United sates, To the Mars=No. 2097 Title of 'The Wept of Wish Ton-Wish" Deposited 9. October 1829. By Cary Lea + Carey as propsELEMENTS OF ALEGEBRA. BY WILLIAM SMYTH, A.M. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PORTLAND—PUBLISHED BY SHIRLEY & HYDE. GRIFFIN, BRUNSWICK—PRINTER. 1830.Mr William Smyth Dec. 21. 1829TITLE. PRIESTCRAFT UNMASKED, OR THE WHORE OF ROME, ALIAS MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, THAT HATH MADE ALL NATIONS DRUNK WITH THE WINE OF HER FORNICATION, STRIPPED OF HER GAY AND FACINATING ATTIRE, AND SHOWN IN HER GENUINE FORM, WHICH IS THAT OF A FILTHY PAINTED HARLOT. Buy the truth and sell it not.—Proverbs 23 C. 23 v. James 5 C. 19 & 20 v.—Brethren if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and hide a multitude of sins. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, JAMES SLOAN, Lat Member of Congress from New-Jersey. 1829.Priest Craft unmasked James Sloan Filed 22 June 1829SKETCHES FROM THE BIBLE. WRITTEN FOR THE American Sunday=School Union. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. 1829. [*Copy right*]No. 2122. Title of "Sketches from the Bible" 1829. Dec. 1. Deposited by Paul Beck Jr. &c as ProprietorA NEW SYSTEM OF ARITHMETICK; IN WHICH THE RULES ARE FAMILIARLY DEMONSTRATED, AND THE PRINCIPLES OF THE SCIENCE CLEARLY AND FULLY EXPLAINED, BY SHEWING THE RELATION WHICH THE SIMPLE RULES BEAR TO EACH OTHER, AND REDUCING THE MORE DIFFICULT PARTS BACK TO THOSE RULES. BY WILLIAM RUGER, A. B.Wm. Rugers Arithmetick - Filed 26th Sept. 1829. LCA SHORT, PLAIN, COMPREHENSIVE, PRACTICAL LATIN GRAMMAR, COMPRISING ALL THE RULES AND OBSERVATIONS NECESSARY TO AN ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LATIN CLASSICS, HAVING THE SIGNS OF QUANTITY AFFIXED TO CERTAIN SYLLABLES, TO SHOW THEIR RIGHT PRONUNCIATION. WITH AN ALPHABETICAL VOCABULARY. THE NINTH EDITION, REVISED AND IMPROVED. BY JAMES ROSS, LL. D. PROFESSOR OF THE LATIN AND GREEK LANGUAGES, NORTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Nequis igitur tanquam parva fastidiat Grammmatices elementa. Perveniri ad summa, nisi ex princiiplis, non potest.—Quint. " Qui discit, et lex ei (est) in possessionem, Et non discit fundamenta Grammatices, neque intelligit, (Est) sicut arator; qui agit boves; Et manus ejus (est) sine baculo aut stimulo." Philadelphia: THOMAS DESILVER, JUN. No. 247, MARKET-STREET. : ............... 1829.No. 2070 Title of "A Short, Plain, Comprehensive, Practical Latin Grammar" &c 1829. July 14 Deposited by Thomas Desilver Jun. as Prop.SYNOPSIS OF SCIENCES AND ARTS, Arranged under the general Heads OF PHILOSOPHY, HISTORY & ARTS: TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A CHART, Showing at one view, the different branches, divisions and subdivision of the various Sciences and Arts, now known in the world. BY THE AUTHOR OF THE SIMPLIFIED GERMAN GRAMMAR. HARRISBURG, PA. PRINTED BY GUSTAVUS S. PETERS. 1829.No. 2,004 Title of "Synopsis of Sciences and Arts," &C deposited 9th February 1829. by Peter Birkman as Author."LET IT ALONE TILL TO-MORROW;" OR, THE HISTORY OF ROBERT BENTON. Founded on a Tract of the same name, and prepared for the American Sunday School Union. BY G.T. BEDELL, A.M. Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. AM.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829. Paul Beck Treas. 2c July '29No. 2072 Title of " Left it alone title to-mororrow," &c Deposited 20 July '29. by Paul Beck, Junior &c as ProprietorPARENTAL FIDELITY, OR A FATHER'S LETTERS TO HIS DAUGHTERS AT SCHOOL. ARRANGED FOR PUBLICATION FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, BY GREGORY T. BEDELL, A. M. Rector of St. Andrew's Church Philadelphia. PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM STAVELY, No 99, South Second St. Philadelphia. 1829.No. 2059. Title of "Parental Fidelity," &c Deposited 13th June 1829, by Gregory T Bedell, A. M. as Proprietor LC LIFE OF LEGH RICHMOND, AUTHOR OF THE "DAIRYMAN'S DAUGHTER." "LITTLE JANE," &c. Prepared for the American Sunday School Union, from the most recent Memoirs. BY GREGORY T. BEDELL, A.M. Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. AM. S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829. Deposited by Paul Beck, Jr.No. 2046. Title of "Life of Legh Richmond" &c Deposited 22nd May '29. by Paul Beck Senior &c. ORTHODOXY UNMASKED; OR, ALL IS NOT GOLD THAT GLITTERS. BY GEORGE WASHINGTON BANKS. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD AT No. 6, NORTH EIGHTH STREET. 1829No. 2,029. Title of "Orthodoxy &c" Deposited 14 April '29. by Marcus T. C. Gould as ProprietorTHE YOUNG FREETHINKER RECLAIMED. BY THE REV. ELIHU W. BALDWIN. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION AM.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2106 Title of "The Young Freethinker " +c Deposited by Paul B Eck Junior +c. as proprietor Oct. 30. 1829.THE YOUNG FREETHINKER RECLAIMED. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. BY THE REV. ELIHU W. BALDWIN. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION A.M.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION PHILADELPHIA No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2108 Title of "The Young Freethinker Reclaimed. &c." 1829. Oct. 31. Deposited by Paul Beck, Junior, &c as proprietorsINFANTS SCHOOL TEACHER'S GUIDE, AS CONDUCTED BY E. BACON, Founder of the Infants School System in the United States. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A Course of Instruction SUITED TO INFANTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. Clark & Raser, Printers. 1829.No. 2079. title of "Infants School Teacher's Guide &c 1829. Augt. 6. Deposited by Ephraim bacon as AuthorBABINGTON'S PRACTICAL VIEW OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN ITS EARLIEST STAGES. WITH A Preface, Notes, and an Appendix, BY GREGORY T. BEDELL, A.M. Rector of St Andrew's Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: TOWAR & HOGAN, AND URIAH HUNT. James Kay, Jun. & Co. Printers. 1829.No. 2024. Title of "Babington's Practical View" &c. deposited 7 Apr. 29 by Lawrence Johnson as proprietor -THE ATLANTIC SOUVENIR FOR MDCCCXXX. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY, CHESNUT STREET. 1830.No. 2083. Title of "The Atlantic Souvenir" &c Deposited 17 August 1829 by Carey, Lea & Carey as proprietorsELEMENTS OF PHYSICS, OR NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL AND MEDICAL, EXPLAINED INDEPENDENTLY OF TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS, AND CONTAINING NEW DISQUISITIONS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. BY NEIL ARNOTT, M. D., OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. FIRST AMERICAN FROM THE THIRD LONDON EDITION. WITH ADDITIONS, BY ISAAC HAYS, A. M. M. D., &c. PHILADELPHIA" CAREY, LEA & CAREY—CHESNUT STREET as pros 1829. Carey, Lea & Carey as Prop. 28. Jan '29,No. 1.996. title of "Elements of Physics," &c. deposited 28th Jan. '29 by Carey, Lea & Carey as Proprietors LCTHE APPRENTICES' DIALOGUES; WRITTEN BY THE MOTHER OF AN APPRENTICE. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION AM.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2103. Title of "The Apprentices' Dialogue"; &c - &c - Deposited by Paul Beck, Junior &c. &c - as props. 21. Oct. 1829. A BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE EVIDENCES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. BY ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER. Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, in the Theological Seminary, at Princeton, N.J. REVISED AND PREPARED BY THE AUTHOR, FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY S. UNION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET 1829.No. 2309. Title of "A Brief Outline of the Evidences of of the Christian Religion." &c. 1831. Jany. 3rd Deposited by Paul Beck Jr as Proprietor A POCKET DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE. CONTAINING, A HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF THE PERSONS AND PLACES MENTIONED IN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS; AND ALSO A Description of other objects, Natural, Artificial, Civil, Religious and Military; together with a copious reference to Texts of Scripture under each important word. PREPARED FOR THE AMERICAN S.S. UNION, AND ADAPTED TO GENERAL USE. BY ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, D.D. Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 126 CHESNUT STREET. 1830. No. 2,124 Title of "A Pocket Dictionary," &c. 1829 Dec. 3 Deposited by Paul Beck, (?) &c. &c as proprietor MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF JOSEPH ALLEINE Author of "An Alarm to the Unconverted;" INCLUDING A NARRATIVE WRITTEN BY HIS WIDOW, MRS. THEODOSIA ALLEINE. "By their fruits ye shall know them." PREPARED FOR THE AMERICAN S.S.UNION. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2.007. Title of "Memoirs of the Life of Joseph Alleine &c." deposited 18th February 1829 by Paul Beck, Junior Treasurer in trust for the A.S.S.U. as proprietorSIGHT TO THE BLIND AND SPEECH TO THE DUMB OR Wisdom and Eloquence to persons deficient in Understanding and Speech OR A DISSERTATION UPON THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE MIND—SHEWING THAT WISDOM AND ELOQUENCE DEPEND PRINCIPALLY UPON THE ART OF THINKING—POINTING OUT SOME OF THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THAT ART—AND PROVING THAT INFIDEDITY DEBILITATES— WHEREAS THE KNO[W]LEDGE AND BELIEF OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION STRENTHENS THE POWERS OF INTELLECT. ISAIAH, 35, 5, & 6. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing. BY ANDREW ANDERSON. WHITEHALL N. Y. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. K. AVERILL. 1829.Sight to the Blind &c. Filed 21st Jany. 1829.Das [Apofrnphische?] Neue Testament, Eine Sammlung Aller Evangelien, Episteln Und anderer Schriften, Welche in den ersten vier Jahrhunderten Jesu Christo, seinen Aposteln Und deren Gefahrten zugeschreiben wurden, und in dem eigentlichen Neuen Testament nicht enthalten sind. _____ Aus den ursprunglichen Manuscripten ubersekt und in einen Band zusammen getragen. _____ Nebst einem Anhang. _____ Lancaster [Gedrucst?] ben Johann Bar, 1830.No. 2104. Title of (In German) "Apocryphal New Testament" &c. 1829. Oct: 29. Deposited by John Bear as proprietor [*In L.C. title differs*]ADDRESSES DELIVERED ON VARIOUS PUBLIC OCCASIONS, JOHN D. GODMAN, M. D. Late Professor of Natural History to the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania;—Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in Rutgers Medical College;—one of the Anatomical Professors to the National Academy of Design, N. Y.; Member of the American Philosophical Society; Correspondent of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Berlin; Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, &c. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A BRIEF EXPLANATION OF THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF TIGHT LACING, UPON THE Organs and Functions of Respiration, Circulation, Digestion, &c. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY—CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2064. Title of "Addresses &c. Deposited 3. July 1829. by John D. Godman M. D. as Author LCFIRST LESSONS IN PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. CONTAINING SUCH PROBLEMS AS ARE ESSENTIALLY NECESSARY IN EXERCISING MOST OF THE INDUSTRIOUS PROFESSIONS. INTENDED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF L. GAULTIER. BY WALTER R. JOHNSON, PRINCIPAL OF THE HIGH SCHOOL OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: STEREOTYPED BY J. HARDING. 1829No. 2077. Title of "First Lessons' &c 1829 July 27. Deposited by Walter R. Johnson as Prop LIFE OF THE HONOURABLE WILLIAM TILGHMAN, LATE CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. COMPILED FROM THE EULOGIES OF TWO DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR, WHO DELIVERED THEM IN COMMEMORATION OF HIS VIRTUES. BY JOHN GOLDER, Esq. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY THOMAS TOWN, FOR THE AUTHOR. 1829.No. 2014 Title of "Life of the Honourable William Tilghman Esq. late Chief Justice &c Deposited 17. Mch 1829 by John Polder as Author THE HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA, FROM ITS DISCOVERY BY EUROPEANS TO THE Declaration of Independence IN 1776. BY THOMAS F. GORDON. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY LEA & CAREY. 1829.No. 1989 Title of "The History of Pennsylvania" Deposited 14 Jan. 1829, by Thomas F. Gordon as author REPORT OF THE TRIAL OF FRIENDS. AT STEUBENVILLE, OHIO, FROM THE 15TH TO THE 26TH OF OCTOBER 1828 Before the Hon. Jeremiah H. Hallock, Esq. President Judge of the 5th Judicial district of the state. BY MARCUS T.C. GOULD. STENOGRAPHER PHILADELPHIA JESPER HARDING, PRINTER. 1829No. 1993. Title of "Report of the Trial of Friends" &c deposited 17 Jan. '29 by Marcus T. C. Gould as proprietor A TEXT BOOK OF CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. ON THE BASIS OF DR. TURNER'S ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY; IN WHICH THE PRINCIPAL DISCOVERIES AND DOCTRINES OF THE SCIENCE ARE ARRANGED IN A NEW SYSTEMATIC ORDER. BY JACOB GREEN, M.D. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. Philadelphia: R.H. SMALL - CHESTNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2099. Title of "A Text Book" &c 1829. Oct. 13. Deposited by Robert W. Small as ProprietorELEMENTS OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, BY GEORGE GREGORY, M.D. WITH NOTES AND ADDITIONS, ADAPTED TO THE PRACTICE OF THE UNITED STATES, BY NATHANIEL POTTER, M.D. PROFESSOR OF THE PRACTICE OF PHYSIC IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, AND S. COLHOUN, M.D. "IN MORBIS, SIVE ACUTIS,SIVE CHRONICIS, VIGET OCCULTUM QUID, PER HUMANAS SPECULATIONES FERE INCOMPREHENSIBLE." - BAGLIVI. SECOND AMERICAN FROM THE THIRD LONDON EDITION, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS. IN TWO VOLUMES. PHILADELPHIA: TOWAR & HOGAN, 255, MARKET STREET. 1829. [*T & H. Props. 10 Jan : '29-*]No. 1.987. Title of "Elements of the Theory and Practice of Physics &c Deposited 10 Jan '29 by Towar Hogan as proprietorQuestions adapted to Grimshaw's History of France. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Published by Towar & Hogan, No. 255 Market Street. 1829. No. 2061. Title of "Questions &c." - Depos. 17. June 1829. by William Grimshaw as Author LCA Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, comprising A Concise Description of the Artices used in Medicine; their physical and chemical properties; the botanical characters of the medicinal plants; and the formula for the principal officinal preparations of the American, Parisian, London, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Pharmacopœix; with observations on the proper mode of combiningg and administering remedies. By H. M. Edwards, M.D. and P. Vavasseur, M.D. --------- Translated from the French, With numerous Additions and Corrections, and adapted to the practice of Medicine and the art of Pharmacy in the United States, By Joseph Togno, M.D. Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society and E. Durand, Member of the Philadelphia College of Pharmact. ---------------- "I am neither for the ancients, nor for the moderns, but shall be of every age and nation" Baglivi. -------- Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Carey -Chesnut Street. ----- 1829.No. 2086. Title of "Manual &c. &c" deposited 8th September '29 by Carey Lea & Carey as ProprR. R. Lansing Esq. Sir, We request to enter the above Title for Copyright, in our names as proprietors, and transmit a Certificate of the same to us with as little delay as practicable and much oblige. Your obedient Servts Webster [?] Albany, Jan. 10, 1829.A MANUAL OF BOTANY, FOR NORTH AMERICA; CONTAINING GENERIC AND SPECIFIC DESCRIPTIONS OF THE INDIGENOUS PLANTS AND COMMON CULTITAVED EXOTICS, GROWING NORTH OF THE GULT OF MEXICO BY PROF. AMOS EATON. "THAT EXISTENCE IS SURELY CONTEMPTIBLE, WHICH REGARDS ONLY THE GRATIFICATION OF INSTINCTIVE WANTS, AND THE PRESERVATION OF A BODY MADE TO PERISH." LINNEUS. FIFTH EDITION. REVISED, CORRECTED, AND MUCH EXTENDED.Prof Amos Eaton Manual Filed 12th. Jany 1829. LCTHE PYRAMIDAL BEE-HIVE: A Plain and Natural Method OF PRESERVING AND PERPETUATING THE POPULATION OF BEES, AND OF RECEIVING ANNUALLY, FROM EACH FAMILY, A BOX FULL OF WAX AND PURE HONEY, WITHOUT DISTURBING THE BEES, OR DESTROYING THE COUVAIN; AND THE ART OF RESTORING HIVES, (WHOSE POPULATIN HAS PERISHED) BY HATCHING THE EGGS, REMAINING IN THE CELLS, BY THE Heat of the Sun. ALSO, THE ART OF CONVERTING HONEY INTO WHITE, INODOROUS SUGAR, AND OF MAKING HYDROMEL, SIRUPS, &c. A WORK USEFUL TO FARMERS. BY P. DUCOUEDIC, PRESIDENT DU CANTON DU MAUNG, DEPARTMENT D'ILLE-ET-VILAIN Laetitiam, laudem, copiam, hine Sperate Coloni. ABRIDGED, AND TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, BY SILAS DINSMORE. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY. 1829.No. 2048. Title of "The Pyramidal Bee- Hive: &c - Deposited 24 May '29 by Silas Dinsmoor as prop. PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, COMPRISING MOST OF THE DISEASES NOT TREATED OF IN "DISEASES OF FEMALES," AND "DISEASES OF CHILDREN." BY WILLIAM P. DEWEES, M.D. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF MIDWIFERY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY; MEMBER OF THE PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL SOCIETY, &c. "We live in an age in which the fear of debility, causes a prodigal use of stimulants; and this too often, at the expense of the health, and the life of the patient." - Broussais, Phleg. Chron. Vol. II. p. 82. "Had I dared to bleed freely, and especially by means of leeches, the patient might have been saved; but I was afraid of debility. But, who is to blame!" -lb. p. 178. IN TWO VOLUMES. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY & LEA. 1830. No. 2131. Title of "A practice of physic," &c 1829. Dec. 22. Deposited by William P. Dewees M.D. as authorA PRINT MOUNTED ON CANVAS, AND SHIELDED BY A COMPOSITION WHICH Renders it Completely WATER PROOF, And Ornamented with a suitable Fringe or Edging, which is denominated A SUMMER HEARTH RUG. BY ROBERT DESILVER, Of the City of Philadelphia.No. 2016. Title of a "Prints &c." depos. 17. Mch 1829 by Robert DeSilver as author DAY'S PROFILE LIKENESS AND Family Register; Containing an accurate and highly-finished Profile Likeness of each Member of a Family. TOGETHER WITH THEIR BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, And other Biographical Remarks. BY AUGUSTUS DAY.No. 2084. Title of "Day's Profile Likeness" &c Deposited 19. Aug: 1829, by Augustus Day as Author A COURSE OF BOOK-KEEPING, ACCORDING TO THE METHOD OF SINGLE ENTRY; WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE BOOKS, AND DIRECTIONS FOR USING THEM. Very useful to young Book-keepers entering into business, or for Teachers in their Schools. &c. &c. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTRACTED FROM THE WORKS OF CHARLES HUTTON, L.L.D.F.R.S. And Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADAPTED TO THE CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES, BY A CITIZEN OF PHILADELPHIA. THIRD IMPROVED EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: Printed for Bennett & Walton, No. 31, Market-Street. Samuel Ellis, Printer. 1829.No. 2037. Title of [the] "A Course of Book Keeping" &c Deposited 24. April '29. by Bennett & Wattors as Proprietors A DESCRIPTION OF THE ETIQUETTE AT Washington City. EXHIBITING THE HABITS AND CUSTOMS THAT PREVAIL IN THE INTERCOURSE OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED AND FASHIONABLE SOCIETY AT THAT PLACE, DURING THE SESSION OF CONGRESS. BY E.COOLEY, M.D. PHILADELPHIA: Published by L.B. CLARKE, at No. 4, South Front Street, one door below the corner of Market Street. 1829. №. 2.120 Title of A description of the Etiquette &c. 1829 Nov. 28. Deposited by Lemuel B. Clarke as Proprietor.COMPONIMENTI POETICI D' UN ITALIANO PROFUGO IN AMERICA. EDITI. Per interesse di Giacomo Sega Laureato Dottore in ambe le leggi Nella J. R. Università di Pavia. MAESTRO DELLE LINGUE, ITALIANA, E SPAGNUOLA IN Questa Città, No. 98 South Fourth Street. FILADELFIA, Dai torchi di C. Alexander, No. 112 Chesnut. 1829.No. 2018. Title of "Camponimenti Poetici &c Un Italiano propigo in America deposited 21 Mch 29 by Giacomo Lega, as proprietorA REVIEW OF THE GENERAL AND PARTICULAR CAUSES WHICH HAVE PRODUCED THE LATE DISORDERS AND DIVISIONS WITHIN THE YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS. HELD IN PHILADELPHIA, With Introductory Remarks on the State of the Primitive Churches, their gradual Declension, and subsequent Advancement in Reformation, to the rise of the Society of Friends. BY JAMES COCKBURN. [*as Author 5th Feb. '29.*] No. 2003 Title of "A Review of the General and Particular Causes which have produced the late Disorders and Divisions within the Yearly Meeting of Friends &c Deposited 5th February 1829 by James Cockburn as Author.A CATECHISM OF NATURAL THEOLOGY. "EVERY HOUSE IS BUIL[DED] BY SOME MAN; T "BUT HE WHO BUILDETH ALL THINGS IS GOD." PORTLAND: SHIRLEY AND HYDE, [PUBLISHERS]. 1829.Shirley and Hyde July 29. 1829 LCMEMOIR OF JUDE CAIN, WHO DIED IN LIVERPOOL, FEB. 3, 1829. AGED Twelve Years. Revised by the Committee of Publication. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1830.No. 2133. Title of "Memoir of Jude Cain" &c 1829. Dec. 26. Deposited by Paul Beck Jun. &c as proprietor -THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, ABRIDGED AND SIMPLIFIED. BY JAMES BROWN. When a country so idolizes its old forms as to tremble at an appeal from their use, the avenues to improvement are closed; national reputation sickens; the expiring rattle is heard in the larynx of genius, and the cold sweat of death covers the public body - a republic must advance, or it must retrograde." - APPEAL. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. 1829.No. 2084. Title of "The American System of English Grammar" &c Deposited 8th Sep. '29. by James Brown as AuthorA NARATIVE OF THE Anti-Masonick Excitement, IN THE WESTERN PART OF NEW-YORK, DURING THE YEARS 1826, 7, 8, AND A PART OF .........1829......... [*✓*] BY HENRY BROWN, Esq. COUNSELLOR AT LAW Anti-Masonic Excitement Folio 18 April 1829THE SELF-TAUGHT PENMAN OR EVERY MAN HIS OWN WRITING MASTER M.S. BLOCHER Writing of all arts is that which is most useful to Society It is the soul of Commerce, the picture of the past the regulator of the future and the messenger of Thought PHILADELPHIA. Published by John Grigg No. 9 North Fourth Street for the Proprietor also Sold by Thomas Desilber No. 247 Market Street. [*Jefse Torrey Junior*} [*Jan. 5. on props.*][?] 1986 Title of "TheSelfTaughtPenman" [?] deposited 5th Jan. 1829. by Jepse Torrey Junior as ProprietorAN EASY GRAMMAR OF NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. WITH TEN ENGRAVINGS. BY DAVID BLAIR, A.M. AUTHOR OF THE CLASS BOOK, READING EXERCISES, &c. REVISED AND ENLARGED BY BENJAMIN HALLOWELL. PHILADELPHIA: KIMBER & SHARPLESS, 8, SOUTH FOURTH. Adam Waldie & Co. Printers. 1829.No. 2.010 Title of "An Easy Grammar" &c depos. 26. Feb. 29. by Kimber & Sharpless as Proprietors[*Bi*] [*Bible*] THE NEW TESTAMENT OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST; TRANSLATED OUT OF The Original Greek, AND WITH THE FORMER TRANSLATIONS DILIGENTLY COMPARED AND REVISED. THE TEXT OF THE COMMON TRANSLATION IS ARRANGED IN PARAGRAPHS, SUCH AS THE SENSE REQUIRES; THE DIVISIONS OF CHAPTERS AND VERSES BEING NOTED IN THE MARGIN, FOR REFERENCE. BY JAMES NOURSE, A. M. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY TH AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1829.No. 2023 Title of "The New Testament", &c deposited 4 Apl. '29. by James Nourse, A. M. as proprietor LCLIGHT ON MASONRY: A COLLECTION OF ALL THE MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS ON THE SUBJECT OF SPECULATIVE FREE MASONRY & EMBRACING THE REPORTS OF THE WESTERN COMMITTEES IN RELATION TO THE ABDUCTION OF WILLIAM MORGAN, PROCEEDING CONVENTIONS, ORATIONS, ESSAYS, &c. &c. WITH ALL THE DEGREES OF THE ORDER CONFERRED IN A MASTER'S LODGE, As written by Captain William Morgan; ALL THE DEGREES CONFERRED IN THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER AND THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF KNIGHTS TEMPLARS, WITH THE APPENDANT ORDERS, As published by the Convention of Seceding Masons, held at Le Roy, July 4 and 5, 1828. ALSO, A REVELATION OF All the Degrees conferred in the Lodge of Perfection, AND FIFTEEN DEGREES OF A STILL HIGHER ORDER, WITH SEVEN FRENCH DEGREES: MAKING FORTY-EIGHT DEGREES OF FREE MASONRY. With Notes and Critical Remarks, BY ELDER DAVID BERNARD, OF WARSAW, GENESEE CO. N. Y. Once an Intimate Secretary in the Lodge of Perfection; and Secretary of the Convention of Seceding Masons, held at Le Roy, July 4 and 5, 1828. "For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, and hid that shall not be known." "And what ye hear in the ear that preach ye upon the house tops." Jesus Christ. UTICA, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, PRINTER, GENESEE STREET. 1829.Light on Masonry Filed 13th April 1829 - THE LIFE OF WILLIAM PENN, THE SETTLER OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE FOUNDER OF PHILADELPHIA, AND ONE OF THE FIRST LAWGIVERS IN THE COLONIES, NOW UNITED STATES, IN 1682. CONTAINING ALSO, HIS CELEBRATED TREATY WITH THE INDIANS - HIS PURCHASE OF THEIR COUNTRY - VALUABLE ANECDOTES OF ADMIRAL PENN - ALSO OF KING CHARLES II, KING JAMES II, KING WILLIAM, AND QUEEN ANNE, IN WHOSE REIGNS WILLIAM PENN LIVED -CURIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES THAT LED HIM TO BECOME A QUAKER - WITH A VIEW OF THE ADMIRABLE TRAITS IN THE CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE CALLED FRIENDS OR QUAKERS, WHO HAVE DONE SO MUCH TO MELIORATE THE CONDITION OF SUFFERING HUMANITY. BY M.L. WEEMS, Author of the Life of Washington, &c.No. 2078. Title of "The Life of William Penn, &c" Deposited 27. July 1829, By Uriah Hunt as Proprietor LC THE LIFE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN; WITH MANY CHOICE ANECDOTES AND ADMIRABLE SAYINGS OF THIS GREAT MAN, NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED BY ANY OF HIS BIOGRAPHERS. BY M.L. WEEMS, AUTHOR OF THE LIFE OF WASHINGTON. _________________________________________________________________ "Sage Franklin next arose in cheerful mien, And smil'd, unruffled, o'er the solemn scene; High on his locks of age a wreath was brac'd. Palm of all arts that e'er a mortal grac'd' Beneath him lay the sceptre kinds had borne, And crowns and laurels from their temples torn." _______________________________________________________________ STEREOTYPED BY L. JOHNSON. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY URIAH HUNT, No. 147 MARKET STREET, AND MORETON & CO. LOUISVILLE, (KEN.) 1829.No. 2058 Title of The "Life of Benjamin Franklin" &c desposited 11. June 1829 by [?] as Proprietor LESSONS OF THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. DESIGNED FOR MORE ADVANCED BIBLE CLASSES. BY STEPHEN H. TYNG, A.M. Rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: PRINTED BY WILLIAM STAVELY. 1829. №. 2,123. Title of "Lessons on the Acts of the Apostles." 1829, Dec. 1. Deposited by Stephen H. Tyng A.M. as Author.ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY, INCLUDING THE RECENT DISCOVERIES AND DOCTRINES OF THE SCIENCE. BY EDWARD TURNER, M.D. F.R.S.E. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, AND LECTURER ON CHEMISTRY, EDINBURGH; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF GOTTINGEN; AND MEMBER, AND FORMERLY PRESIDENT, OR THE ROYAL MEDICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. Second American Edition, with Important Corrections. Philadelphia: JOHN GRIGG, NO. 9, NORTH FOURTH STREET, Printed by James Kay, Jan. & Co. 1829.No.2015 _____ Title of "Elements of Chemistry" &c _____ deposited 17. Mch 1829. by John Prigg as ProprietorTOKEAH; OR, THE WHITE ROSE. Knowest thou the land where the lemon trees bloom? Where the gold orange glows in the deep thicket's gloom? Where a wind ever soft, from the blue heaven blows, And the groves are of laurel and myrtle and rose? Knowest thou it? Thither! O, thither! My dearest and kindest with thee would I go. GOETHE. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY,—CHESNUT STREET. SOLD, IN NEW YORK, BY G. & C. CARVILL,—IN BOSTON, BY MUNROE & FRANCIS. 1829.№.1990. Title of "Tokeah" &c. deposited 14. Jan. 1829. by Carey, Lea & Carey as Proprietors. Postl, author THE YOUNG LADY'S PIECE-BOOK; OR, A SELECTION OF ELEGANT PIECES, In Verse and Prose, FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS. Designed particularly for the Private Instruction and Amusement of Young Ladies. BY E. THOMAS. "The mind, with useful knowledge stor'd, "Delight and pleasure will afford." SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY E. THOMAS. No. 412, N. Second Street. 1829. No. 2063. Title of "The Lady's Piece Book Deposited 2nd July 1829, by Elijah Thomas as Proprietor LCTHE STORMING OF QUEBEC, A POEM IN THREE CANTOS, AND MISCELLANEOUS PIECES. BY S. W. TAYLOR. Brief, brave and generous was his young career,-- His mourners were two hosts, his friends and foes; And fitly may the stranger lingering here Pray for his gallant spirit's bright repose; For he was Freedom's Champion--one of those The Few in number, who had not o'erstept The charter to chastise which she bestows On such as wield her weapons; - he had kept The whiteness of his soul, and thus men o'er him wept. CHILDE HAROLD, Canto 3, Stanza 57.No. 2073 Title of "The Storming of Quebec," &c 1829 July 20. Depos: by Saml. W. Taylor as Author LCTABLES OF CONTEMPORARY CHRONOLOGY, FROM THE CREATION, TO A. D. 1825. IN SEVEN PARTS. "Remember the days of old--consider the years of many generations." Portland: PUBLISHED BY SHIRLEY & HYDE. 1829. DISTRICT OF MAINE, TO WIT: DISTRICT CLERK'S OFFICE. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the first day of June, A. D. 1829, and in the fifty-third year of the Independence of the United States of America, Messrs. SHIRLEY & HYDE, of said District, have deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit: Tables of Contemporary Chronology, from the Creation, to A. D. 1825. In seven parts. "Remember the days of old--consider the years of many generations." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and also to an act, entitled, "An Act supplementary to an act, entitled An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned; and for extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." J. MUSSEY, Clerk of the District of Maine. A true copy as of record, Attest, J. MUSSEY, Clerk D. C. of Maine.STORIES FROM THE SCRIPTURES BY A GRANDMOTHER REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829No.1991. _____ Title of "Stories from the Scriptures." &c _____ deposited 16th Jan. 1829. by Paul Beck Jr. Tras. in trust for the A.S.S.U. LCThe COLUMBIAN STANDARD; or: CRITICAL PRONOUNCING SPELLING BOOK; BEING A NEW GUIDE ADAPTTED TO THE JUVENILE UNDERSTANDING: WHEREIN ARE EXHIBITED IN A CLEAR, PLAIN, AND COMPREHENSIVE MANNER, THE RUDIMENTS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. "Whosoever delights to join the society of eminent men, must improve himself in learning; (a good possession!) For Knowledge is to men more excellent than riches, And wisdom is better than fine gold" BY JAMES STERRET. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY D.CLARK, No. 118 N. FOURTH STREET. SOLD ALSO AT J. MICHENER'S, CORNER OF CALLOWHILL AND THIRD STREETS; AND BY S. HART AND SON, No. 65 s. THIRD STREET. 1829 stereotyped by L. JohnsonNo. 2051 Title of "The Columbian Standard" &c Deposited 30. May 1829. by James Sterrett as Author LCAN INQUIRY INTO THE NATURE AND TENDENCY OF SPECULATIVE FREE-MASONRY: WITH AN APPENDIX. TO WHICH IS ADDED, PLAIN TRUTH; A DIALOGUE; AND THE AUTHOR'S REASONS. BY JOHN G. STEARNS, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, PARIS, N.Y. FIFTH EDITION -- REVISED AND CORRECTED.Inquiry &c John G. Stearns Filed 5 Augt 1829 LCTHE PROBATE MANUAL CONTAINING FORMS ADAPTED TO THE PRACTICE OF PROBATE COURTS IN THE STATE OF MAINE. ALSO, THE LAWS ESTABLISHING PROBATE COURTS, REGULATING WILLS, THE DESCENT, DISTRUBUTION, DIVISION, AND SALE OF ESTATES. BY HORATIO SOUTHGATE. Register of Probate. PORTLAND: PRINTED BY THOMAS TODD. 1830.Horatio Southgate Esq Dec. 17. 1829 LCHELEN AND HER COUSIN. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. (AM.S..S.U.) AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 Chestnut Street. 1830.No. 2,128. Title of "Helen and her Cousin." &c 1829. Dec. 15. Deposited by Paul Beck, Junior, &c. &c. as Proprietor LCAN EPITOME OF THE PHYSIOLOGY, GENERAL ANATOMY, AND PATHOLOGY, OF BICHAT. BY THOMAS HENDERSON, M.D. PROFESSOR OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE IN THE COLUMBIAN COLLEGE, WASHINGTON CITY. PHILADELPHIA: CARY, LEA & CAREY --CHESNUT STREET, 1829No. 2013 Title of "An Epitome &c." deposited 14, March 1829 by Carey Lea & Carey as proprietors LC THE HISTORY OF GOERGE HICKS; BY A SUNDAY S. TEACHER "I had rather speak five words with my understanding, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. (AM.S.S.U.) AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. 1829. [vj4ffcea9AatURNa0oF8rMtv.tuiFlfethm]No. 2,100 _____ Title of "The History of George Hicks; &c_ _____ 1829. Oct. 15. Deposited by Paul Beck, Junior, &c as Proprietor _____ LCHISTORY OF THE SANDWICH ISLANDS: WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE AMERICAN MISSION ESTABLISHED THERE IN 1820. Revised by the Committee of Publication. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: No. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. 1829No 2098 Title of History of the Sandwich Islands: &c &c Deposited by Paul Beck &c &c as Proprietor 12. Oct. '29.HISTORY OF THE WALDENSES, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME. By the author of the lives of Wickiffe, Huse, Jerome, &c. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN S. S. UNION. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA NO. 148 CHESNUT STREET, 1829. No. 2005 Title of History of the Waldenses, &c deposited 11th February '29 by Paul Beck Junior Treas in trust for the A.S.S.U.A TREATISE ON PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. BY WILLIAM E. HORNER, M. D. ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, SURGEON AT THE INFIRMARY OF THE PHILADELPHIA ALMS HOUSE, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, &c. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY--CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2070 Title of "A Treatise" &c. - 1829. July 24. Deposited by Carey, Lea & Carey as Proprietors -EMMA MORTIMER, A Moral Tale. BY MRS. HUGHS, Author of "Aunt Mary's Tales," "Ornaments Discovered," Metamorphosis," &c. PHILADELPHIA: THO**AS T. ASH--CHESNUT STREET.№. 2,125. Title of "Emma Mortimer," &c. 1829. Dec. 5. Deposited by Thomas T. Ash, as proprietorTHE INFANTS' LESSON BOOK; CONTAINING A COMPLETE Course of Instruction. IN THREE PARTS. - "TRAIN UP A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO." - Philadelphia: STEREOTYPED AND PUBLISHED BY L. JOHNSON, No. 6, GEORGE STREET. - 1829.№. 2095 Title of "The Infants' Lesson Book," Deposited by Frederick W. Porter as proprietor 2nd. October 1829 29 Fredk. W. Porter as prop'r. 2 OctrAN INTRODUCTION TO THE GREEK LANGUAGE, WITH A KEY To facilitate the literal and free translation of the text, to point out the grammatical construction of sentences, to show the inversions of style, to supply ellipses, and to explain idiomatical expressions. Ce n'est point une simple routine, ou de vaines spéculations que je propose, c'est une pratique éprouvée, et une imitation raisonnée, de la maniére dont on apprend les langues vivantes.--DU MARSAIS. BY W. R. JOHNSON, PRINCIPAL OF THE HIGH SCHOOL OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: 1829No. 2074. Title of "An Intorduction" &c 1829 July 24. Deposited by Walter R. Johnson as [Propri] Author LCTHE POWER OF DECEPTION UNVEILED, AND The Man of Sin Revealed; IN AN ANALYSIS OF THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, AN ESSAY ON THE SYSTEM OF MAN. BY JOHN JONES. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein, shall be burnt up.--Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.--II Peter iii. 10, 13. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY R. H. SMALL. JESPER HARDING, PRINTER, 1829№. 2028. Title of the "Power of Deception Unveiled," &c. Deposited 11. April 1829. by Joseph Churchman as ProprietorTHE HISTORY OF EDWIN JUDD. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. AM.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.№. 2105. Title of "The History of Edwin Judd," &c. 1829. October 30 Deposited by Paul Beck Junior &c. &c № 2,105 30. Oct 29LAFAYETTE IN AMERICA IN 1824 AND 1825; OR, JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE TO THE UNITED STATES: BY A. LEVASSEUR; SECRETARY TO GENERAL LAFAYETTE DURING HIS JOURNEY. TRANSLATED BY JOHN D. GODMAN, M. D. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY AND LEA. 1829.No. 2,110 title of "Lafayette in America,"&c 1829. Nov. 6 Deposited by Carey and Lea as proprietors LC [*5*]THE ELEMENTS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR BY M. L. HOMMOND Professeur-Eremite in University of Pais. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, WITH NOTES, AND SUCH ILLUSTRATIONS AS WERE THOUGHT NECESSARY FOR THE AMERICAN PUPIL. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY AN INSTRUCTER PUBLISHED BY S. COLMAN : PORTLAND. G. GRIFFIN, PRINTER. BRUNSWICK. PROJECTORTHE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PULICATION. AM.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.№. 2039 Title of "The Life of George Washington" &c. &c. Deposited 30th April, 1829 by Paul Beck Junior Treasurer in trust for the American Sunday School Union –THE USURPER, AN HISTORICAL TRAGEDY, IN FIVE ACTS. BY JAMES McHENRY. AUTHOR OF "THE PLEASURES OF FRIENDSHIP," "THE WILDERNESS," "O'HALLORAN," &c. &c. PHILADELPHIA: JESPER HARDING, PRINTER. 1829 [*200*] [luc] [*200*]No. 2019 Title of "The Usurper," &c deposited 24. Mch '29 by Neal & Mackenzie as proprietors - LCMACKENZIE'S FIVE THOUSAND RECEIPTS IN ALL THE Useful and Domestic Arts: CONSTITUTING A COMPLETE PRACTICAL LIBRARY RELATIVE TO Agriculture, Bees, Bleaching, Brewing, Calico Printing, Carving at Table, Cements, Confectionary, Cookery, Crayons, Dairy, Diseases, Distillation, Dying, Enamelling, Engraving, Farriery, Food, Gardeding, Gilding, Glass, Health, Inks, &c. Jewellers' Pastes, Lithography, Medicines, Metallurgy, Oil Colours, Oils, Painting, Pastry, Perfumery, Pickling, Pottery, Preserving, Scouring, Silk, Silk worms, Silvering, Tanning, Trees of all kinds, Varnishing, Water Colours, Wines, &c. &c. &c. Fourth American, from the latest London Edition. WITH NUMEROUS AND IMPORTANT ADDITIONS GENERALLY; AND THE MEDICAL PART CAREFULLY REVISED AND ADAPTED TO THE CLIMATE OF THE U. STATES; AND ALSO A NEW AND MOST COPIOUS INDEX. BY AN AMERICAN PHYSICIAN. Philadelphia: PRINTED BY JAMES KAY, JUN. & CO. FOR JOHN-GRIGG; TOWAR AND HOGAN; CAREY, LEA AND CAREY; THOMAS DESILVER, JUN.; JAMES CRISSY; H. COWPERTHWAIT; U. HUNT; M'CARTY AND DAVIS.--New York: ELAM BLISS; W. B. GILLEY; COLLINS AND HANNAY; GALLAHER AND WHITE; EVERT DUYCKINCK; COLLINS AND CO.; C. S. FRANCIS; G. AND C. AND H. CARVILL; O. A. ROORBACH.--Boston: HILLIARD, GRAY, LITTLE, AND WILKINS; RICHARDSON AND LORD; MUNROE AND FRANCIS.--Baltimore: TOY AND LUCAS. STEREOTYPED BY L. JOHNSON. 1829.No. 2092. Title of "Mackenzie's, Five thousand Receipts &c - 1829. Sep. 25. Deposited by James Kay, Jun. & Co. as Proprietors LCA JOURNEY ROUND MY ROOM; FOLLOWED BY A NOCTURNAL EXPEDITION IN THE SAME REGIONS. BY COUNT XAVIER DE MAISTRE. FROM THE FRENCH, BY THE TRANSLATOR OF THE “RUSSIAN TALES" OF THE SAME AUTHOR. I pity the man who can travel from Dan to Beersheba, and cry, 'Tis all barren! Sentimental Journey. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA, & CAREY,—CHESNUT STREET. MIFFLIN & PARRY, PRINTERS. 1829. C. L. & C. as prop - 30. Jan '29 200No. 2.000. Title of "A Journey round my Room"; &c. deposited 30th. January 1829, by Carey, Lea & Carey as Proprietors LCTHE POLITICAL INSTRUCTOR, AND GUIDE TO KNOWLEDGE; BEING A COMPENDIUM OF POLITICAL INFORMATION. IN TEN PARTS. BY ALEXANDER MAITLAND, ESQ. OF THE COUNTY OF CHESTER. No. 2047. Title of " The Political Instructor" &c. deposited 23rd of May 29. by H. Maitlands as Author. -- [1829]THE Pennsylvania PRIMER: DESIGNED TO RENDER BOTH SIGHT AND SOUND SUBSERVIENT TO THE JUVENILE UNDERSTANDING CAREFULLY COMPILED, BY JAMES MARTIN, Practical Teacher of Children. PHILADELPHIA: MIFFLIN AND PARRY, PRINTERS. 1829.No. 2030 Title of "The Pennsylvania Primer": &c deposited 12 April 1829 by James Martin as AuthorMASONIC ASSASSINATION OF AKIROP, BY JOABERT, AND A LIKENESS OF CAPT. WILLIAM MORGAN. From original paintings by A. Cooley.The Masonic Assassination &c. Filed April 17th. 1829. LCA TREATISE ON THE SCROFULOUS DISEASE, BY C. G. HUFELAND, Physician to the King of Prussia, &c. Translated from the French of M. Bousquet BY CHARLES D. MEIGS, M. D. MEM. AM. PHIL. SOC. Philadelphia: Printed by James Kay, Jun. & Co. for as proprietor 9 Ap. '29 - 1829.No. 2025 Title of "A Treatise &c. deposited 9 Apl. 29 by James Kay, Junior & co. as Proprietors LCTHE LIFE OF PHILIP MELANCTHON. PREPARED FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION AM.S.S.U. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.No. 2114 Title of "The Life of Philip Melancthon" 1829. Nov. 11. Deposited by Paul Beck, Jr &c&c as Prop LCTHE CLUSTER OF SPIRITUAL SONGS, DIVINE HYMNS, AND SACRED POEMS, BEING CHIEFLY A COLLECTION. BY JESSE MERCER, Minister of the Gospel at Washington, Georgia. "Sing ye praises with understanding."--David. FIFTH EDITION, CORRECTED. PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR, BY J.J. WOODWARD, PHILADELPHIA. 1829 № 2066. Title of "The Cluster," &c. Deposited 9. July 1820, by Jesse Mercer as ProprietorMILTON'S FAMILIAR LETTERS. Translated from the Latin, with Notes, BY JOHN HALL. Philadelphia: PUBLISHED BY E. LITTELL, No. 136 Chesnut Street. [*In whole Name to be entered whether as Propr. or Author Eliakim Littell _ Propr.*]№. 2030. Title of "Milton's Familiar Letters" &c. Deposited 14. April 29. by Eliakim Littell as proprietorMISCELLANIES, MORAL AND INSTRUCTIVE, IN PROSE AND VERSE; COLLECTED FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS; FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS, AND IMPROVEMENT OF YOUNG PERSONS OF BOTH SEXES. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. 'Tis eduction forms the common mind; Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined.—POPE. FROM THE SECOND BURLINGTON EDITION. Philadelphia: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY EDMUND MORRIS. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1829.№ 2022. Title of "Miscellanies," &c. Deposited 28th Mch 29. by Edmund Morris as Proprietor.THE MORALS OF PLEASURE. Illustrated by Stories DESIGNED FOR YOUNG PERSONS. BY A LADY. Mêlez l'instruction avec le jeu; que la sagesse ne se montre que par intervalle, et avec un visage riant. FENELON. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY—CHESNUT STREET. 1829.№ 2062. Title of "The Morals of Pleasure" &c. Deposited 30. June 1829. by Carey Lea & Carey, as Proprietors.A SUMMARY OF BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES; COMPILED FOR THE USE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF FAMILIES. BY JOHN W. NEVIN, Late Assistant Teacher in the Theological Seminary of Princeton. IN TWO VOLUMES, VOL. I. EMBRACING NOTICES OF NATURAL HISTORY, WITH DOMESTIC AND POLITICAL ANTIQUITIES. Revised and Corrected by the Author for the American S. S. Union. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. PHILADELPHIA: NO. 146 CHESNUT STREET. 1829.№ 2080. Title of "A summary" &c Deposited 7. Aug.t 1829 by Paul Beck, Junior &c. as ProprietorA SUMMARY OF BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES, COMPILED FOR THE USE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF FAMILIES. BY JOHN W. NEVIN, Assistant Teacher in the Theological Seminary of Princeton. IN TWO VOLUMES.Biblical Antiquities George S. Wilson Filed July 25, 1829THE PEARL; OR, AFFECTION'S GIFT. A CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENT. PHILADELPHIA: THOMAS T. ASH-CHESTNUT STREET. 1829.№. 2085. Title of "The Pearl;" &c. 1829. Aug. 27. Deposited by Thomas T. Ash as ProprietorREPORTS OF CASES ADJUDGED IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA BY THOMAS SERGEANT, & WM. RAWLE, JUN. VOL. XVII. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY M'CARTY & DAVIS, as props 28. Nov. '29 No. 171, Market Street. 1829. No. 2,119. Title of "Reports of Cases" &c. 1829. Nov. 28. Deposited by McCarty & Davis as proprietors LCChronicles of Turkeytown; OR, THE WORKS OF JEREMY PETERS. FIRST SERIES CONTAINING THE HISTORY OF A DREADFUL CATASTROPHE, THE AMOURS OF DR, POST AND MRS. PEWEETLE, AND THE HISTORY OF A TATTERDEMALION, “A merrier man. Within the limits of becoming mirth I never spent an hour’s talk withal." Love's Labours Lost. PHILADELPHIA: R. H. SMALL, 1[0]5 CHESNUT STREET. 165 JESPER HARDING, PRINTER. 1829 No. 2,121. Title of "Chronicles of Turkeytown; &c." 1829. Nov. 30. Deposited by Robert H. Small as proprieTHE CANAL ENGINEER'S AND CONTRACTOR'S ASSISTANT, BEING AN EPITOME OF THE THEORY OF CANAL CUTTING; WITH RULES FOR GAUGING WATER, LOCATING CURVES, CALCULATING TABLES, &c. ILLUSTRATED BY PROPER EXAMPLES TOGETHER WITH A NEW AND EXTENSIVE Table of Excavation, ADAPTED TO THE DIMENSIONS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL; With Examples of its Use, suiting the Comprehension of all Persons employed thereon, and the Manner of applying the same for CANAL AND TOW-PATH EMBANKMENT. BY CHARLES POTTS. Philadelphia: WILLIAM BROWN, PRINTER. 1829.No. 1.909. Title of "The Canal engineer's and Contractor's Assistant. deposited 30th. Jun. 29. by Charles Potts as Author LCTHE PRACTICAL EXPOSITOR, AND SENTENTIOUS READER; OR ART CONFORMED TO NATURE IN ACQUIRING LANGUAGE, CONSISTING OF A COLLECTION OF THE HIGHER CLASS OF ENGLISH TERMS, EXEMPLIFIED IN SHORT SENTENCES, AND. RENDERED, OR TRANSLATED INTO FAMILIAR LANGUAGE, IN PARALLEL COLUMNS ; COMPRISING MAXIMS, MORAL REFLECTIONS, AND OBSERVATIONS UPON A VARIETY OF INTERESTING SUBJECTS ; WITH SKETCHES OFINFORMATION—PROFESSIONAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, SCIENTIFIC, &c. DESIGNED, MORE ESPECIALLY, FOR A CLASS BOOK ; TO BE READ, CONSTRUED, AND TRANSLATED IN SCHOOLS; BUT IS WELL ADAPTED T0 THE USE OF FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS. WITH AN APPENDIX, EXPLAINING AND EXEMPLIFYING MANY OF THE LATIN PHRASES WHICH OCCUR IN THE LAWS, AND IN ENGLISH COMPOSITION. BY A CITIZEN OF NEW-ENGLAND. "Language is the key of knowledge." "Education is the anchor of liberty, and supporter of our rights." Rich and useful sentiments early implanted in the mind, are like choice scions, ingrafted in the tender stock. GARDINER: PUBLISHED BY P. SHELDON. 1829.Mr Jonah Hook Proprietor. March 28. 1829 LCBIRTH, PARENTAGE, LIFE AND EXPERIENCE OF JEDIDIAH PREBLE 3D. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. "Come and hear; all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul." PORTLAND: PRINTED BY J. AND W. E. EDWARDS, 1830.Jedidiah Preble 3d Dec.8.1829 DISTRICT OF MAINE.--TO WIT: DISTRICT CLERK'S OFFICE BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the eighth day of December, A. D. 829, and in the fifty third year of the Independence of the United States of America, MR. JEDIDIAH PREBLE, 3d. of said District, has deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit: Birth, Parentage, Life and Experience. of Jedidiah Preble, 3d. Written by himself. " Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul." Portland: Printed by J. and W. E. Edwards, 1830. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, en- titled, " An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the timers therein mentioned;" and also to an act entitled " An Act supplementary to An Act, entitled An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the timers therein mentioned; and for extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." J. MUSSEY, Clerk of the District of Maine. A true copy as of record. Attest, J. MUSSEY; Clerk D. C. of Maine.THE PULMIST; OR, INTRODUCTION TO THE ART OF CURING AND PREVENTING THE CONSUMPTION OR CHRONIC PHTHISIS. A MEDICAL ESSAY, INCLUDING A NEW AND BETTER DISTINCTION OF ITS CAUSES, KINDS, REMEDIES, DIETS, AND OTHER PECULIARITIES. The Consumption is not an incurable disease; but its remedies are to be chiefly conveyed to the lungs by breathing or inhalation-110. BY PROF. RAFINESQUE, Ph. D. & PULMIST. PROFESSOR of Practical and Medical Botany, Natural and Civil History, &c, &c. AUTHOR of the Manual of Medical Botany of the United States, the Analysis of Nature, and 50 other works or pamphlets. MEMBER of the Medical Societies of Cincinnati and Lexington; the Philadelphia Society and Lyceum of New York; the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; the American Antiquity Society of Worcester and Nashville; the Kentucky Institute, &c.; and of several learned Societies of Europe, in Paris, Bruxelles, Vienna, Bonn, Florence, Naples, &c. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, By C. Alexander, 112 Chesnut street. 1829.No. [2.102] 2,101. Title of "The Pulmist." &c. 1829. Oct-: 20. Deposited By Constantine Samuel Ravinesque as Author - LCRATIO DISCIPLINAE, OR THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. PORTLAND: PUBLISHED BY SHIRLEY AND HYDE 1829.DISTRICT OF MAINE, TO WIT: DISTRICT CLERK'S OFFICE. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the tenth day of April, A. D. 1829, and in the fifty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Mr Thomas C. Upham, of said District has deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, the the words following, to wit: Ratio Disciplinae, or the Constitution of the Congregational Churches. Portland, published by Shirley & Hyde, 1829. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times there- in mentioned;" and also to an act, entitled "An Act supplementary to an act, entitled An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned; and for extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." J. MUSSEY, Clerk of the District of Maine. A true copy as of record, Attest, J. MUSSEY, Clerk D. C. of Maine.CONTENTS. xi 219. Of places of worship and dedication of the same, 220. Custom in respect to ministerial exchanges, 221. Days of fasting and prayer, and of thanksgiving, 222. Of private religious meetings, 223. Of the custom of renewing covenant, 224. Form of the renewal of covenant. PART SECOND. CONFESSION OF FAITH. CHAPTER I. Of the holy Scripture, II. Of God and of the Holy Trinity, III. Of God's Eternal Decree, IV. Of Creation, V. Of Providence, VI. Of the fall of man, of sin, and of the punishment thereof, VII. Of God's covenant with man, VIII. Of Christ the Mediator, IX. Of Free-Will, X. Of Effectual Calling, XI. Of Justification, XII. Of Adoption, XIII. Of Sanetification, XIV. Of Saving Faith, XV. Of Repentance unto life and salvation, XVI. Of Goods Works, XVII. Of the Perseverance of the Saints, XVIII. Of the Assurance of grace and salvation, XIX. Of the Law of God, XX. Of the Gospel and of the extent of the grace thereof, XXI. Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience, XXII. Of Religious Worship and of the Sabbath Day, XXIII. Of lawful oaths and vows, XXIV. Of the Civil Magistrate, XXV. Of Marriage, XXVI. Of the Church, XXVII. Of the Communion of Saints, XXVIII. Of the Sacraments, XXIX. Of Baptism, XXX. Of the Lord's Supper, XXXI. Of the state of man after death, and of the resurrection of the dead, XXXII. Of the Last Judgement. APPENDIX. ART: I. Congregational and Presbyterian Heads of Agreement, II. Saybrook Articles, III. Legal Rights of Churches and Parishes.CONSTITUTION OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. Part First. CHURCH ORDER AND GOVERNMENT, DEDUCED FROM PLATFORMS, THE ACTS OF ASSOCIATIONS, COUNCILS, AND SYNODS, THE WRITINGS OF THE CONGREGATIONAL FATHERS, AND USAGE. Mr Thomas C. Upham April 10.1829THE MEDICAL FORMULARY: BEING A COLLECTION OF PRESCRIPTIONS DERIVED FROM THE WRITINGS AND PRACTICE OF MANY OF THE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN APPENDIX, Containing the usual Dietetic Preparations and Antidotes for Poisons. THE WHOLE ACCOMPANIED WITH A FEW BRIEF PHARMACEUTIC AND MEDICAL OBSERVATIONS. BY BENJAMIN ELLIS, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. "Morbos autem, non eloquentia sed remediis curari." - Cels. De Med. Lib. I. SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY,-CHESNUT STREET. 1829. 28. Jan. '29. B.E M.D. [a?]No. 1998 Title of "The Medical Formulary" &c deposited 28th Jan. 29 by Benjamin Ellis, M.D. as AuthorTHE MEDICAL FORMULARY: BEING A COLLECTION OF PRESCRIPTIONS, DERIVED FROM THE WRITINGS AND PRACTICE OF MANY OF THE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN APPENDIX, Containing the usual Dietetic Preparations and Antidotes for Poisons. THE WHOLE ACCOMPANIED WITH A FEW BRIEF PHARMACEUTIC AND MEDICAL OBSERVATIONS. BY BENJAMIN ELIS, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. "Morbosautem, non eloquentia sed remediis curari." -Cels. De Med. Lib. I. PHILADELPHIA: CAREY, LEA & CAREY,—CHESNUT STREET, 1829.No. 1995. Title of "The Medical Formulary" &c Deposited 24. Jane 29. by Carey, Lea & Carey as Proprietors