>> Jason Reynolds: Good day, good day, good day. Good people, good people, good people. How are you, how are you, how are you, how are you? You're back for a another episode of the Write Right Rite, with me, Jason Reynolds. I hope you all are good. I hope you're well. I hope you're enjoying the summertime, the beautiful sunshine. You know what I'm missing this summer? I'm just going to tell you all the truth. The pool. I love to go swimming. I love the swimming pool. My favorite place, one of my favorite places is in the pool. And when I was a kid, we'd go to the pool, and it was always a trip, because there's a bunch of kids in the pool, and you never knew what you're going to see in the pool. Right? You jump in the pool, and there's like a band-aid or it's this or -- who knows, right? It's always something that shouldn't have been in the pool in the pool. And it made me think about you all. What I want you to do, is I want you to write -- just think about this idea. Right? Let's say you're in the pool -- and even if you can't swim, in this story, you can swim. So, you're in the pool, and you open your eyes, and you look down, and you see something at the bottom of the pool. What do you see? What is it? Right? And you've got to figure out what it is, why it's there, who put it there, why they put it there, who lost it, you know, who may have lost it if it's something -- what if it's a nugget of gold. Right? What if it's a diamond earring. What if it's a million dollar bill? I don't know if that's such a thing, but what if it's a million dollar bill. Or what if it's a piece of paper? What does the paper say? What if it's a little teeny bottle, and it's got a little teeny rice in it, and on that rice is written a word, and that word means something that you can't figure out. It's a mystery. Right? If you look down at the bottom of the pool -- imagine, you're in the pool. You look down. There's something at the bottom of the pool. You go and get it. What is it? Where's it from? Is it a mystery? Is it a treasure? You tell me all that, and I can't wait to see what you all come up with. I'll catch you all in the next one. You all be good to yourselves and tell your lifeguard, stop sleeping on his post, a serious job. Peace.